Rare-cutter enzyme

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A rare-cutter enzyme is a restriction enzyme with a recognition sequence which occurs only rarely in a genome. An example is NotI, which cuts after the first GC of a 5'-GCGGCCGC-3' sequence; restriction enzymes with seven and eight base pair recognition sequences are often also called rare-cutter enzymes (six bp recognition sequences are much more common).

For example, rare-cutter enzymes with 7-nucleotide recognition sites cut once every 47 bp (16,384 bp), and those with 8-nucleotide recognition sites cut every 48 bp (65,536 bp) respectively. They are used in top-down mapping to cut a chromosome into chunks of these sizes on average.

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A restriction enzyme, restriction endonuclease, or restrictase is an enzyme that cleaves DNA into fragments at or near specific recognition sites within molecules known as restriction sites. Restriction enzymes are one class of the broader endonuclease group of enzymes. Restriction enzymes are commonly classified into five types, which differ in their structure and whether they cut their DNA substrate at their recognition site, or if the recognition and cleavage sites are separate from one another. To cut DNA, all restriction enzymes make two incisions, once through each sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA double helix.


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In molecular biology and bioinformatics, the consensus sequence is the calculated order of most frequent residues, either nucleotide or amino acid, found at each position in a sequence alignment. It represents the results of multiple sequence alignments in which related sequences are compared to each other and similar sequence motifs are calculated. Such information is important when considering sequence-dependent enzymes such as RNA polymerase.

Endonucleases are enzymes that cleave the phosphodiester bond within a polynucleotide chain. Some, such as deoxyribonuclease I, cut DNA relatively nonspecifically, while many, typically called restriction endonucleases or restriction enzymes, cleave only at very specific nucleotide sequences. Endonucleases differ from exonucleases, which cleave the ends of recognition sequences instead of the middle (endo) portion. Some enzymes known as "exo-endonucleases", however, are not limited to either nuclease function, displaying qualities that are both endo- and exo-like. Evidence suggests that endonuclease activity experiences a lag compared to exonuclease activity.

A restriction digest is a procedure used in molecular biology to prepare DNA for analysis or other processing. It is sometimes termed DNA fragmentation. Hartl and Jones describe it this way:

This enzymatic technique can be used for cleaving DNA molecules at specific sites, ensuring that all DNA fragments that contain a particular sequence at a particular location have the same size; furthermore, each fragment that contains the desired sequence has the sequence located at exactly the same position within the fragment. The cleavage method makes use of an important class of DNA-cleaving enzymes isolated primarily from bacteria. These enzymes are called restriction endonucleases or restriction enzymes, and they are able to cleave DNA molecules at the positions at which particular short sequences of bases are present.

Serial analysis of gene expression

Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) is a transcriptomic technique used by molecular biologists to produce a snapshot of the messenger RNA population in a sample of interest in the form of small tags that correspond to fragments of those transcripts. Several variants have been developed since, most notably a more robust version, LongSAGE, RL-SAGE and the most recent SuperSAGE. Many of these have improved the technique with the capture of longer tags, enabling more confident identification of a source gene.

Restriction sites, or restriction recognition sites, are located on a DNA molecule containing specific sequences of nucleotides, which are recognized by restriction enzymes. These are generally palindromic sequences, and a particular restriction enzyme may cut the sequence between two nucleotides within its recognition site, or somewhere nearby.

Palindromic sequence DNA or RNA sequence that matches its complement when read backwards

A palindromic sequence is a nucleic acid sequence in a double-stranded DNA or RNA molecule wherein reading in a certain direction on one strand matches the sequence reading in the opposite direction on the complementary strand. This definition of palindrome thus depends on complementary strands being palindromic of each other.

Isocaudomers are pairs of restriction enzymes that have slightly different recognition sequences, but upon cleavage of DNA, generate identical overhanging termini sequences. These sequences can be ligated to one another, but then form an asymmetrical sequence that cannot be cleaved by a restriction enzyme.


BamHI is a type II restriction endonuclease, having the capacity for recognizing short sequences of DNA and specifically cleaving them at a target site. This exhibit focuses on the structure-function relations of BamHI as described by Newman, et al. (1995). BamHI binds at the recognition sequence 5'-GGATCC-3', and cleaves these sequences just after the 5'-guanine on each strand. This cleavage results in sticky ends which are 4 bp long. In its unbound form, BamHI displays a central b sheet, which resides in between α-helices.