The following is a list of Lepidoptera present in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. There are over 200 different species of moths in the state, but due to similarities many are often mistaken for other species.
Image | Scientific name | Common name(s) | Genus | Family [lower-alpha 1] | Described |
Abagrotis alternata [1] [2] | Greater red dart Mottled gray cutworm | Abagrotis | Noctuidae | 1865 | |
N/A | Abagrotis brunneipennis [2] [3] | Yankee dart | Abagrotis | Noctuidae | 1875 |
N/A | Abagrotis magnicupida [2] | One-dotted dart | Abagrotis | Noctuidae | 1998 |
N/A | Abagrotis nefascia [4] (Status: Special concern) | Coastal heathland cutworm | Abagrotis | Noctuidae | 1908 |
Achatia distincta [5] [6] | Distinct Quaker | Achatia | Noctuidae | 1813 | |
Acleris semipurpurana [7] | Oak leaftier Oak leaf tier | Acleris | Tortricidae | 1909 | |
N/A | Acleris variana [8] | Eastern blackheaded budworm | Acleris | Tortricidae | 1886 |
Acronicta afflicta [6] [9] | Afflicted dagger moth | Acronicta | Noctuidae | 1864 | |
Acronicta albarufa [4] [10] (Status: Threatened) | Barrens dagger moth | Acronicta | Noctuidae | 1874 | |
Acronicta haesitata [6] [11] | Hesitant dagger moth | Acronicta | Noctuidae | 1882 | |
Acronicta hasta [6] | Forked dagger moth Speared dagger moth Cherry dagger moth Dart dagger moth | Acronicta | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
Acronicta inclara [6] | Unclear dagger moth | Acronicta | Noctuidae | 1900 | |
Acronicta increta [6] | Raspberry bud dagger moth Raspberry bud moth Peach sword stripe night moth | Acronicta | Noctuidae | 1875 | |
Acronicta lithospila [6] | Streaked dagger moth | Acronicta | Noctuidae | 1874 | |
Acronicta modica [6] | Medium dagger moth | Acronicta | Noctuidae | 1856 | |
Aethalura intertexta [12] | Four-barred gray | Aethalura | Geometridae | 1860 | |
N/A | Aethes spartinana [13] | N/A | Aethes | Tortricidae | 1916 |
Agrotis ipsilon [6] | Dark sword-grass Black cutworm Greasy cutworm Floodplain cutworm Ipsilon dart | Agrotis | Noctuidae | 1766 | |
Alsophila pometaria [14] | Fall cankerworm | Alsophila | Geometridae | 1841 | |
Anavitrinella pampinaria [12] | Common gray | Anavitrinella | Geometridae | 1857 | |
Anisota stigma [15] [16] (Status: Rare) | Spiny oakworm moth | Anisota | Saturniidae | 1775 | |
Antepione thisoaria [17] | Variable antepione | Antepione | Geometridae | 1857 | |
N/A | Apamea inebriata [4] (Status: Special concern) | Drunk apamea moth | Apamea | Noctuidae | 1977 |
Apamea sordens [6] | Rustic shoulder-knot Bordered apamea | Apamea | Noctuidae | 1766 | |
N/A | Apodrepanulatrix liberaria [4] (Status: Endangered) | New Jersey tea inchworm | Apodrepanulatrix | Geometridae | 1860 |
Apantesis nais [17] | Nais tiger moth | Apantesis | Erebidae | 1773 | |
Arta statalis [18] [19] | Posturing arta moth | Arta | Pyralidae | 1875 | |
Athetis tarda [6] | Slowpoke moth | Athetis | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
N/A | Autographa precationis [6] | Common looper moth | Autographa | Noctuidae | 1852 |
Baileya ophthalmica [6] | Eyed baileya | Baileya | Nolidae | 1852 | |
N/A | Besma endropiaria [12] | Straw besma | Besma | Geometridae | 1867 |
Besma quercivoraria [12] | Oak besma | Besma | Geometridae | 1857 | |
Bleptina caradrinalis [17] | Bent-winged owlet Variable snout moth | Bleptina | Erebidae | 1852 | |
N/A | Cabnia myronella [20] | N/A | Cabnia [lower-alpha 2] | Pyralidae | 1904 |
Callopistria cordata [6] | Silver-spotted fern moth | Callopistria | Noctuidae | 1825 | |
Callopistria mollissima [6] | Pink-shaded fern moth | Callopistria | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
Caripeta piniata [12] | Northern pine looper | Caripeta | Geometridae | 1870 | |
Catocala angusi [21] (Status: Rare) | 'Angus' underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1876 [lower-alpha 3] | |
Catocala crataegi [21] | Hawthorn underwing Chokeberry underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1876 | |
Catocala dejecta [21] (Status: Rare) | Dejected underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1880 | |
Catocala flebilis [21] (Status: Possibly rare) | Mourning underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1872 | |
Catocala herodias [21] [22] (Status: Special concern) | Herodias underwing Gerhard's underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1876 | |
Catocala lacrymosa [21] (Status: Rare) | Tearful underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1852 | |
Catocala miranda [21] (Status: Rare) | Miranda underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1881 | |
Catocala obscura [21] [23] | Obscure underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1873 | |
N/A | Catocala pretiosa [4] (Status: Endangered) | Precious underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1876 |
Catocala serena [21] | Serene underwing | Catocala | Erebidae | 1864 | |
N/A | Chaetaglaea cerata [4] (Status: Special concern) | Waxed sallow | Chaetaglaea | Noctuidae | 1943 |
Chloroclystis rectangulata [17] | Green pug | Pasiphila | Geometridae | 1758 | |
Chytolita morbidalis [17] | Morbid owlet moth Morbid owlet | Chytolita | Erebidae | 1854 | |
Chytonix palliatricula [6] | Cloaked marvel moth | Chytonix | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
N/A | Cicinnus melsheimeri [4] (Status: Threatened) | Melsheimer's sack bearer | Cicinnus | Mimallonidae [24] | 1841 [24] |
N/A | Cingilia catenaria [4] (Status: Special concern) | Chain-dotted geometer Chain dot geometer Chainspotted geometer Chain-spotted geometer | Cingilia [lower-alpha 2] | Geometridae | 1773 |
Cisthene packardii [17] | Packard's lichen moth | Cisthene | Erebidae | 1863 | |
Cladara limitaria [17] | Mottled gray carpet moth | Cladara | Geometridae | 1860 | |
N/A | Coleophora astericola [25] | N/A | Coleophora | Coleophoridae | 1920 |
Colocasia propinquilinea [6] | Closebanded yellowhorn | Colocasia | Noctuidae | 1873 | |
Condica vecors [6] | Dusky groundling | Condica | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
Cosmia calami [26] | American dun-bar moth | Cosmia [lower-alpha 4] | Noctuidae | 1876 | |
N/A | Crocigrapha normani [6] | N/A | Crocigrapha [lower-alpha 2] | Noctuidae | 1874 |
Cyclophora pendulinaria [17] | Sweetfern geometer moth Pearly-grey wave | Cyclophora | Geometridae | 1857 | |
Cycnia inopinatus [4] (Status: Threatened) | Unexpected cycnia | Cycnia | Erebidae | 1882 | |
Cycnia oregonensis [17] | N/A | Cycnia | Erebidae | 1873 | |
Darapsa pholus [17] | Azalea sphinx | Darapsa | Sphingidae | 1779 | |
Dargida rubripennis [4] (Status: Threatened) | The pink streak | Dargida | Noctuidae | 1870 | |
Deidamia inscriptum [17] | Lettered sphinx | Deidamia [lower-alpha 2] | Sphingidae | 1839 | |
Dolba hyloeus | Pawpaw sphinx | Dolba [lower-alpha 2] | Sphingidae | 1773 | |
N/A | Drasteria grandirena [17] | Figure-seven moth Great kidney | Drasteria | Erebidae | 1809 |
Drepana arcuata [12] | Arched hooktip Masked birch caterpillar | Drepana | Drepanidae | 1855 | |
Eacles imperialis [4] (Status: Threatened) | Imperial moth | Eacles | Saturniidae | 1773 | |
N/A | Egira alternans [6] | Alternate woodling | Egira | Noctuidae | 1857 |
Elaphria festivoides [6] | Festive midget | Elaphria | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
Elaphria versicolor [6] | Variegated midget | Elaphria | Noctuidae | 1875 | |
N/A | Euchlaena irraria [12] | Least-marked euchlaena | Euchlaena | Geometridae | 1916 |
Euchlaena madusaria [4] (Status: Special concern) | Scrub euchlaena moth | Euchlaena | Geometridae | 1860 | |
Eufidonia convergaria [12] | Pine powder moth Converged powder moth | Eufidonia | Geometridae | 1860 | |
N/A | Eufidonia notataria [12] | Powder moth | Eufidonia | Geometridae | 1860 |
N/A | Eulithis explanata [17] | White eulithis | Eulithis | Geometridae | 1862 |
N/A | Euplexia benesimilis [6] | American angle shades | Euplexia | Noctuidae | 1922 |
Eutrapela clemetaria [17] | Curve-toothed geometer moth Purplish-brown looper | Eutrapela [lower-alpha 2] | Geometridae | 1797 | |
N/A | Feltia manifesta [6] | N/A | Feltia | Noctuidae | 1875 |
Apantesis figurata [17] | Figured tiger moth | Apantesis | Erebidae | 1773 | |
Apantesis phyllira [4] (Status: Endangered) | Phyllira tiger moth | Apantesis | Erebidae | 1773 | |
Heliomata cycladata [12] | Common spring moth | Heliomata | Geometridae | 1866 | |
Hemaris diffinis [27] | Snowberry clearwing | Hemaris | Sphingidae | 1836 | |
Hemaris gracilis [4] (Status: Special concern) | Slender clearwing Graceful clearwing | Hemaris | Sphingidae | 1865 | |
Hemaris thysbe [27] | Hummingbird clearwing | Hemaris | Sphingidae | 1775 | |
Hemileuca maia [4] (Status: Special concern) | Buck moth | Hemileuca | Saturniidae | 1773 | |
Heterocampa guttivitta [17] | Saddled prominent moth | Heterocampa | Notodontidae | 1855 | |
Heterocampa umbrata [17] | White-blotched heterocampa | Heterocampa | Notodontidae | 1855 | |
N/A | Heterocampa varia [4] (Status: Threatened) | Sandplain heterocampa Alpine mouse-ear White-marked heterocampa | Heterocampa | Notodontidae | 1855 |
Homorthodes lindseyi [6] | Southern scurfy Quaker moth | Homorthodes | Noctuidae | 1922 | |
Hypagyrtis esther [12] | Esther moth | Hypagyrtis | Geometridae | 1928 | |
Hypagyrtis unipunctata [12] | One-spotted variant White spot | Hypagyrtis | Geometridae | 1809 | |
N/A | Hypenodes fractilinea [17] | Broken-line hypenodes | Hypenodes | Erebidae | 1908 |
Hyperaeschra georgica [17] | Georgian prominent | Hyperaeschra | Notodontidae | 1855 | |
N/A | Hyperstrotia villificans [12] | White-lined graylet moth | Hyperstrotia | Erebidae | 1918 |
Hyphantria cunea [28] | Fall webworm | Hyphantria | Erebidae | 1773 | |
N/A | Hypomecis buchholzaria [4] (Status: Endangered) | Blue spiderwort moth Buchholz's gray | Hypomecis | Geometridae | 1937 |
N/A | Hyppa xylinoides [6] | Common hyppa Cranberry cutworm | Hyppa | Noctuidae | 1852 |
Idia aemula [17] | Common idia Powdered snout Waved tabby | Idia | Erebidae | 1813 | |
Idia americalis [17] | American idia American snout | Idia | Erebidae | 1854 | |
N/A | Idia julia [17] | Julia’s Idia | Idia | Erebidae | 1894 |
Idia rotundalis [17] | Chocolate idia | Idia | Erebidae | 1866 | |
N/A | Iridopsis vellivolata [12] | Large purplish gray | Iridopsis | Geometridae | 1881 |
Itame pustularia [12] | Lesser maple spanworm | Speranza | Geometridae | 1857 | |
N/A | Lacinipolia anguina [6] | Snaky arches | Lacinipolia | Noctuidae | 1881 |
Lacinipolia renigera [6] | Kidney-spotted minor Bristly cutworm | Lacinipolia | Noctuidae | 1829 | |
Ledaea perditalis [17] | Buttonbush owlet | Ledaea | Erebidae | 1859 | |
N/A | Leucania linita [6] | Linen wainscot moth | Leucania | Noctuidae | 1852 |
Leucania ursula [6] | Ursula wainscot | Leucania | Noctuidae | 1936 | |
N/A | Lithophane viridipallens [4] (Status: Special concern) | Pale green pinion moth | Lithophane | Noctuidae | 1877 |
Lomographa vestaliata [12] | White spring moth | Lomographa | Geometridae | 1857 | |
N/A | Lycia rachelae [4] (Status: Endangered) | Twilight moth | Lycia | Geometridae | 1896 |
Lycia ypsilon [4] (Status: Threatened) | Woolly gray | Lycia | Geometridae | 1885 | |
Lymantria dispar dispar [29] | Gypsy moth | Lymantria | Erebidae | 1758 [lower-alpha 5] | |
N/A | Macaria bisignata [12] | Redheaded inchworm | Macaria | Geometridae | 1866 |
N/A | Macaria granitata [12] | Granite moth | Macaria | Geometridae | 1857 |
Macaria minorata [12] | Minor angle moth | Macaria | Geometridae | 1873 | |
N/A | Macaria pinistrobata [12] | White pine angle | Macaria | Geometridae | 1972 |
Macaria transitaria [12] | Blurry chocolate angle | Macaria | Geometridae | 1861 | |
Macrurocampa marthesia [17] | Mottled prominent | Macrurocampa | Notodontidae | 1780 | |
Malacosoma americanum [14] [17] | Eastern tent caterpillar | Malacosoma | Lasiocampidae | 1793 | |
Meganola minuscula [17] | Confused meganola | Meganola | Nolidae | 1872 | |
N/A | Metarranthis apiciaria [4] (Status: Endangered) | Barrens metarranthis | Metarranthis | Geometridae | 1876 |
Metarranthis obfirmaria [12] | Yellow-washed metarranthis | Metarranthis | Geometridae | 1823 | |
N/A | Metarranthis pilosaria [4] (Status: Special concern) | Coastal bog metarranthi Slender groundsel moth | Metarranthis | Geometridae | 1876 |
Morrisonia confusa [6] | Confused woodgrain | Morrisonia | Noctuidae | 1831 | |
Morrisonia latex [6] | Fluid arches | Morrisonia | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
Nadata gibbosa [17] | Rough prominent White-dotted prominent Tawny prominent | Nadata | Notodontidae | 1797 | |
Nemoria bistriaria [17] | Red-fringed emerald Two-striped emerald | Nemoria | Geometridae | 1818 | |
N/A | Neoligia semicana [4] (Status: Special concern) | Northern brocade moth | Neoligia | Noctuidae | 1865 |
Noctua pronuba [6] | Large yellow underwing | Noctua | Noctuidae | 1758 | |
Nola clethrae [17] | Sweet pepperbush nola moth | Nola | Nolidae | 1899 | |
Nola pustulata [17] | Sharp-blotched nola | Nola | Nolidae | 1865 | |
Oligia strigilis [6] | Marbled minor | Oligia | Noctuidae | 1758 | |
Operophtera brumata [30] | Winter moth | Operophtera | Geometridae | 1758 | |
N/A | Orthodes cynica [6] | Cynical Quaker | Orthodes | Noctuidae | 1852 |
N/A | Orthodes detracta [6] | Disparaged arches | Orthodes | Noctuidae | 1857 |
Paleacrita vernata [14] | Spring cankerworm | Paleacrita | Geometridae | 1795 | |
Palthis angulalis [17] | Dark-spotted palthis | Palthis | Erebidae | 1796 | |
Pangrapta decoralis [17] | Decorated owlet | Pangrapta | Erebidae | 1818 | |
Panopoda rufimargo [17] | Red-lined panopoda | Panopoda | Erebidae | 1818 | |
N/A | Papaipema appassionata [4] (Status: Threatened) | Pitcher plant borer | Papaipema | Noctuidae | 1876 |
N/A | Papaipema sp. 2 near pterisii [4] (Status: Special concern) | Ostrich fern borer [lower-alpha 6] | Papaipema | Noctuidae | Unknown |
N/A | Papaipema stenocelis [4] (Status: Threatened) | Chain fern borer | Papaipema | Noctuidae | 1907 |
N/A | Papaipema sulphurata [4] (Status: Threatened) | Water-willow stem borer | Papaipema | Noctuidae | 1926 |
Peridea angulosa [17] | Angulose prominent | Peridea | Notodontidae | 1797 | |
Pero ancetaria [12] | Hübner's pero | Pero | Geometridae | 1806 | |
N/A | Petrophora subaequaria [12] | Northern petrophora | Petrophora | Geometridae | 1860 |
Phaeoura quernaria [12] | Oak beauty | Phaeoura | Geometridae | 1797 | |
Phalaenostola larentioides [17] | Black-banded owlet | Phalaenostola | Erebidae | 1873 | |
N/A | Photedes inops [4] (Status: Special concern) | Spartina borer moth | Photedes | Noctuidae | 1881 |
Plagodis alcoolaria [12] | Hollow-spotted plagodis | Plagodis | Geometridae | 1857 | |
N/A | Probole alienaria [12] | Alien probole | Probole | Geometridae | 1855 |
Protitame virginalis [12] | Virgin moth | Protitame | Geometridae | 1900 | |
N/A | Protoboarmia porcelaria [12] | Porcelain gray Dash-lined looper | Protoboarmia | Geometridae | 1857 |
Protorthodes oviduca [6] | Ruddy Quaker moth | Protorthodes | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
N/A | Psectraglaea carnosa [4] (Status: Special concern) | Pink sallow | Psectraglaea [lower-alpha 2] | Noctuidae | 1877 |
Ptichodis bistrigata [4] (Status: Threatened) | Southern ptichodis moth | Ptichodis | Erebidae | 1818 | |
Raphia frater [6] | N/A | Raphia | Noctuidae | 1864 | |
Rhodoecia aurantiago [6] [4] (Status: Special concern) | Orange sallow moth Aureolaria seed borer | Rhodoecia [lower-alpha 2] | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
Schizura unicornis [17] | Unicorn caterpillar moth Unicorn prominent Variegated prominent | Schizura | Notodontidae | 1797 | |
N/A | Spargaloma sexpunctata [17] | Six-spotted gray | Spargaloma [lower-alpha 2] | Erebidae | 1873 |
N/A | Speranza argillacearia [12] | Mousy angle moth | Speranza | Geometridae | 1874 |
N/A | Speranza exonerata [4] (Status: Special concern) | Barrens itame | Speranza | Geometridae | 2008 |
Spilosoma congrua [17] | Agreeable tiger moth | Spilosoma | Erebidae | 1855 | |
N/A | Spilosoma virginica [17] | Virginia tiger moth [lower-alpha 7] | Spilosoma | Erebidae | 1798 |
N/A | Spiramater lutra [6] | Otter spiramater | Spiramater [lower-alpha 2] | Noctuidae | 1852 |
N/A | Stenoporpia polygrammaria [4] (Status: Threatened) | Faded gray Faded gray geometer | Stenoporpia | Geometridae | 1876 |
N/A | Sympistis riparia [4] (Status: Special concern) | Dune sympistis | Sympistis | Noctuidae | Unknown |
Tetanolita mynesalis [17] | Smoky tetanolita | Tetanolita | Erebidae | 1859 | |
Tetracis cachexiata [17] | White slant-line White slaut | Tetracis | Geometridae | 1858 | |
Ulolonche culea [6] | Sheathed Quaker | Ulolonche | Noctuidae | 1852 | |
N/A | Ulolonche modesta [6] | Modest Quaker | Ulolonche | Noctuidae | 1874 |
Virbia opella [17] | Tawny holomelina | Virbia | Erebidae | 1863 | |
N/A | Zale helata [17] | Brown-spotted zale | Zale | Noctuidae | 1943 |
Zale lunifera [4] (Status: Special concern) | Bold-based zale Pine barrens zale | Zale | Noctuidae | 1818 | |
N/A | Zale metatoides [17] | Washed-out zale Jack pine false looper | Zale | Noctuidae | 1943 |
Zale minerea [17] | Colorful zale Large false looper Mahogany similar-wing | Zale | Erebidae | 1852 | |
N/A | Zale obliqua [17] | Oblique zale | Zale | Noctuidae | 1852 |
Zale undularis [17] | Black zale | Zale | Noctuidae | 1773 | |
Zanclognatha marcidilinea [17] | Yellowish zanclognatha | Zanclognatha | Erebidae | 1859 | |
N/A | Zanclognatha martha [4] (Status: Special concern) | Pine barrens zanclognatha Martha's zanclognatha | Zanclognatha | Erebidae | 1928 |
Image | Scientific name | Common name(s) | Genus | Family [lower-alpha 8] | Described |
Achalarus lyciades [32] | Hoary edge | Achalarus | Hesperiidae | 1832 | |
N/A | Callophrys hesseli [4] (Status: Special concern) | Hessel's hairstreak | Callophrys | Lycaenidae | 1950 |
N/A | Callophrys lanoraieensis [4] (Status: Threatened) | Bog elfin | Callophrys | Lycaenidae | 1934 |
Callophrys irus [4] (Status: Special concern) | Frosted elfin | Callophrys | Lycaenidae | 1824 | |
N/A | Erora laeta [4] (Status: Threatened) | Early hairstreak | Erora | Lycaenidae | 1862 |
Erynnis persius persius [4] (Status: Endangered) | Persius duskywing | Erynnis | Hesperiidae | 1863 | |
Euphyes dion [4] (Status: Threatened) | Dion skipper Alabama skipper | Euphyes | Hesperiidae | 1879 | |
Pieris oleracea | Mustard white | Pieris | Pieridae | 1829 |
Lepidoptera is an order of insects that includes butterflies and moths. About 180,000 species of the Lepidoptera are described, in 126 families and 46 superfamilies, 10 percent of the total described species of living organisms. It is one of the most widespread and widely recognizable insect orders in the world. The Lepidoptera show many variations of the basic body structure that have evolved to gain advantages in lifestyle and distribution. Recent estimates suggest the order may have more species than earlier thought, and is among the four most speciose orders, along with the Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera.
The Noctuidae, commonly known as owlet moths, cutworms or armyworms, are the most controversial family in the superfamily Noctuoidea because many of the clades are constantly changing, along with the other families of the Noctuoidea. It was considered the largest family in Lepidoptera for a long time, but after regrouping Lymantriinae, Catocalinae and Calpinae within the family Erebidae, the latter holds this title now. Currently, Noctuidae is the second largest family in Noctuoidea, with about 1,089 genera and 11,772 species. However, this classification is still contingent, as more changes continue to appear between Noctuidae and Erebidae.
The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) is a state agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, situated in the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. It is best known for its parks and parkways. The DCR's mission is "To protect, promote and enhance our common wealth of natural, cultural and recreational resources for the well-being of all." The agency is the largest landowner in Massachusetts.
Middlesex Fells Reservation, often referred to simply as the Fells, is a public recreation area covering more than 2,200 acres (890 ha) in Malden, Medford, Melrose, Stoneham, and Winchester, Massachusetts. The state park surrounds two inactive reservoirs, Spot Pond and the Fells Reservoir, and the three active reservoirs that are part of the water supply system for the town of Winchester. Spot Pond and the Fells Reservoir are part of the Wachusett water system, one of six primary water systems that feed metropolitan Boston's waterworks. The park is managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and is part of the Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston.
Manuel F. Correllus State Forest is a Massachusetts state forest located on Martha's Vineyard. The forest borders Martha's Vineyard Airport on three sides and is chiefly in the towns of West Tisbury and Edgartown. The forest is managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
The Middlesex Fells Reservoirs Historic District is a historic district roughly bounded by Pond St., Woodland Rd., I-93, and MA 28 in Stoneham and Medford, Massachusetts. It encompasses a portion of the Middlesex Fells Reservation, a state park managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). The principal features of the district are three reservoirs and their associated gate houses and pumping stations, which were developed by the Metropolitan District Commission starting in the late 19th century. The district was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1990.
Crocigrapha is a genus of moths of the family Noctuidae. It contains one species, Crocigrapha normani, commonly called Norman's quaker. It is found primarily in eastern North America, although it has been reported as far west as Alberta and Colorado.
The Mystic River Reservation is a publicly owned nature preserve with recreational features located along the Mystic River in the towns of Winchester, Arlington, Medford, Somerville, Everett, and Chelsea in eastern Massachusetts. The reserve is part of the nearly 76-square-mile (200 km2) Mystic River watershed. It is managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.
The Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston is a system of reservations, parks, parkways and roads under the control of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) in and around Boston that has been in existence for over a century. The title is used by the DCR to describe the areas collectively: "As a whole, the Metropolitan Park System is currently eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places", as outlined on the department's website. The DCR maintains a separate Urban Parks and Recreation division to oversee the system, one of five such divisions within the department—DCR's Bureau of State Parks and Recreation manages the remainder of Massachusetts state parks. Direct design and maintenance functions for the parkways and roads within the system are provided by the DCR Bureau of Engineering.
Stony Brook Reservation is a woodland park in Boston and Dedham, Massachusetts, a unit of the Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston, part of the state park system of Massachusetts. It was established in 1894 as one of the five original reservations created by the Metropolitan Park Commission. The park is served by the Stony Brook Reservation Parkways, a road system that was entered into the National Register of Historic Places in 2006.
Wilson Mountain Reservation is a state-owned, public recreation area and protected woodland park in Dedham, Massachusetts, managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. It features hiking trails, open space and a summit view of the Boston skyline, and is an important wildlife preserve. At 215 acres (87 ha), it is the largest remaining open space in Dedham. The reservation is part of the Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston.
Abagrotis placida, the red cutworm, is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in North America.
Abagrotis kirkwoodi is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in North America.
Abagrotis mexicana is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in Central America and North America.
Abagrotis apposita is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in North America.
Abagrotis pulchrata is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in North America.
Abagrotis denticulata is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in North America.
Abagrotis baueri is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in North America.
Abagrotis bimarginalis is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in Central America and North America.
Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary is a wildlife sanctuary in Norfolk, Massachusetts. It is among a network of sanctuaries with the Massachusetts Audubon Society. The 104-acre sanctuary is adjacent to the 140-acre Bristol Blake State Reservation. Both areas are managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). A 1 mile (1.6 km) trail starts around by encircling Stony Pond and ends by a waterfall at the site of a former mill. The trail is wheelchair accessible and includes a 525-foot long boardwalk, installed in 2017, that allows visitors to view birds, wildlife, and the wetland habitat over Teal Marsh and Kingfisher Pond. Wildlife found there includes turtles, ducks, geese, great blue herons, and muskrats. The sanctuary also has natural history exhibits, programming space, a gift shop, nature play area, a picnic area, and a butterfly garden.
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