List of clasps to the Naval General Service Medal (1847)

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The Naval General Service Medal (NGSM) was a campaign medal approved in 1847, for issue to officers and men of the Royal Navy.


The Admiralty retroactively awarded the Naval General Service Medal for various naval actions that occurred during the period 1793–1840, a period that included the French Revolutionary Wars, the Napoleonic Wars, and the Anglo–American War of 1812. When the Admiralty issued a medal, it bore one or more clasps on the ribbon, representing the specific battles or actions in which the recipient served. In all, the Admiralty authorised 231 clasps, though in ten cases all potential claimants had died prior to the authorisation of the medal, with the result that those clasps were never issued. [1] The clasps covered a variety of actions, from boat service to single-ship actions, to larger naval engagements, including major fleet actions such as the Battle of Trafalgar.

In all, 20,933 medals were awarded, 15,577 with a single clasp. [1] [2]

Some discrepancies between the dates of the medals and actual actions are due to the Royal Navy's practice of dating, in which the day officially began at noon. Until 11 October 1805 (when the Admiralty ordered that "the calendar or civil day is to be made use of, beginning at midnight") ships' logs were kept in nautical time and written up at midday, so that a day's entry consisted of the proceedings for the afternoon of the day before and morning of that day. [3] So, for example, an action that took place on the morning of 10 April, would be logged as occurring on 9 April.

The following is a list of all 231 clasps for this medal. [4]


French Revolutionary Wars (1793–1802)

ClaspDate of actionActionClasps
Nymphe 18 June 17931793, 19 June Capture of the French frigate Cleopatre.4 War of the First Coalition
Crescent 20 Octr. 17931793, 20 October Capture of the French frigate Reunion.12War of the First Coalition
Zebra 17 March 17941794, 20 MarchThe storming and capture of the bastion of Fort Royal, Martinique.2War of the First Coalition
Carysfort 29 May 17941794, 28 May The recapture of HMS Castor.0War of the First Coalition
1 June 17941794, 1 JuneAction against a French fleet in the battle of the Glorious First of June.540War of the First Coalition
Romney 17 June 17941794, 17 JuneCapture of the Sibylle.2War of the First Coalition
Blanche 4 Jany. 17951795, 5 JanuaryCapture of the French frigate Pique.5War of the First Coalition
Lively, 13 March 17951795, 13 MarchCapture of the French corvette Tourterelle north of Ushant.3War of the First Coalition
14 March 17951795, 14 MarchAction against a French fleet in the Battle of Genoa.95War of the First Coalition
Astraea 10 April 17951795, 10 April Capture of the French frigate Gloire.2War of the First Coalition
Thetis 17 May 17951795, 16 MayAction against four French ships; and the capture of the Raison and Prévoyante off Cape Henry, Virginia.2War of the First Coalition
Hussar 17 May 17951795, 16 May1
Mosquito 9 June 17951795, 24 MayCapture of the French privateer National Razor off Cuba.0War of the First Coalition
17 June 17951795, 17 June"Cornwallis's Retreat", or the First Battle of Groix.41War of the First Coalition
23rd June 17951795, 23 JuneAction against a French fleet at the Battle of Groix.177War of the First Coalition
Dido 24 June 17951795, 24 June Action against the French frigates Minerve and Artémise , and the capture of Minerve1War of the First Coalition
Lowestoffe 24 June 17951795, 24 June6
Spider 25 Augt. 17951795, 25 AugustEngagement with the French brigs Suffisante and Victorieuse and capture of one of them.1War of the First Coalition
Port Spergui1796, 17 March Destroying the batteries at Port Spergui, the corvette Etourdie, four brigs, two sloops, and a lugger.4War of the First Coalition
Indefatigable 20 Apl. 17961796, 21 AprilCapture of the Virginie.6War of the First Coalition
Unicorn 8 June 17961796, 8 June Action against three French frigates; Tribune, Tamise, and Légėre, and capture of the two former.4War of the First Coalition
Sta. Margaritta 8 June 17961796, 8 June3
Southampton 9 June 17961796, 9 JuneCapture of the French corvette Utile.4War of the First Coalition
Dryad 13 June 17961796, 13 JuneCapture of the French frigate Proserpine.5War of the First Coalition
Terpsichore 13 Octr. 17961796, 13 October Capture of the Spanish frigate Mahonesa.3 Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)
Lapwing 3 Decr. 17961796, 27 NovemberCapture of the French corvette Décius, and destruction of the French brig Vaillante 2War of the First Coalition
Minerve 19 Decr. 17961796, 19 DecemberCapture of the Spanish frigate Santa Sabina.4War of the First Coalition
Blanche 19 Dec. 17961796, 19 December2
Indefatigable 13 Jany. 17971797, 13 January Destruction of the French ship Droits de l'Homme. 8 Expédition d'Irlande
Amazon 13 Jany. 17971797, 13 January6
St Vincent1797, 14 FebruaryAction against a Spanish fleet at the Battle of Cape St Vincent.348 Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)
San Fiorenzo 8 March 17971797, 9 MarchCapture of the Résistance and the corvette Constance.8 Battle of Fishguard
Nymphe 8 March 17971797, 9 March4
Camperdown1797, 11 OctoberAction against a Dutch fleet in the Battle of Camperdown.298War of the First Coalition
Phoebe 21 Decr. 17971797, 21 DecemberCapture of the Néréide.5War of the First Coalition
Mars 21 April 17981798, 21 AprilCapture of the Hercule.26War of the First Coalition
Isle St. Marcou1798, 7 MayDefence of a British garrison against a French attack at the Battle of the Îles Saint-Marcouf.3War of the First Coalition
Lion 15 July 17981798, 15 July Action against four Spanish frigates, and the capture of the Santa Dorotea.23 Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)
Nile1798, 1 AugustAction against a French fleet at the Battle of the Nile.326 Mediterranean campaign of 1798
Espoir 7 Augt. 17981798, 6 AugustCapture of the Genoese pirate Liguria.1Mediterranean campaign of 1798
12 October 17981798, 12 OctoberAction against a French squadron in the Battle of Tory Island, and the capture of the 74 Hoche, and two frigates.74 Irish Rebellion of 1798
Fisgard 20 Octr. 17981798, 20 OctoberCapture of the Immortalité.9 Battle of Tory Island
Sibylle 28 Feby. 17991799, 1 MarchCapture of the Forte.12French Revolutionary Wars
Telegraph 18 March 17991799, 18 MarchCapture of the French privateer Hirondelle.0War of the Second Coalition
Acre1799, 20 MayThe defence of Acre; and other services during the siege.41 French Campaign in Egypt and Syria
Schiermonnikoog 12 Augt. 17991799, 11/13 AugustAttack on Schiermonnikoog, and the recapture of the brig HMS Crash.9War of the Second Coalition
Arrow 13 Sept. 17991799, 13 SeptemberCapture of the Dutch ship Draak and the brig Gier.2War of the Second Coalition
Wolverine 13 Sept. 17991799, 13 September0
Surprise with Hermione1799, 25 OctoberThe boarding and recapture of HMS Hermione.7War of the Second Coalition
Speedy 6 Novr. 17991799, 6 NovemberAction against ten Spanish gun-boats and two schooners, and the successful defence of a convoy.3War of the Second Coalition
Courier 22 Novr. 17991799, 23 NovemberCapture of the French privateer cutter Guerrier.3War of the Second Coalition
Viper 26 Decr. 17991799, 26 DecemberCapture of the French privateer-brig Furet.1War of the Second Coalition
Harpy 5 Feb. 18001800, 5 FebruaryCapture of the French frigate Pallas.3War of the Second Coalition
Fairy 5 Feby. 18001800, 5 February3
Loire 5 Feby 18001800, 5 February1
Peterel 21 March 18001800, 21 MarchCapture of the Ligurienne.2War of the Second Coalition
Penelope 30 March 18001800, 30 March Capture of the French ship Guillaume Tell.11War of the Second Coalition
Vinciego 30 March 18001800, 30 March2
Capture of the Désirée1800, 8 JulyThe capture of the Désirée, and other vessels.21 Raid on Dunkirk (1800)
Seine 20 Augt. 18001800, 20 AugustCapture of the Vengeance.7War of the Second Coalition
Phoebe 19 Feby. 18011801, 19 FebruaryCapture of the Africaine.6War of the Second Coalition
Egypt1801, 8 March to 2 September Battle of Abukir (1801), Battle of Alexandria (1801), & Siege of Alexandria (1801); see also: French campaign in Egypt and Syria 618War of the Second Coalition
Copenhagen 18011801, 2 AprilAction against a Danish-Norwegian fleet at the Battle of Copenhagen.555 War of the Second Coalition
Speedy 6 May 18011801, 6 May Capture of the Spanish xebec-frigate Gamo.7War of the Second Coalition
Gut of Gibraltar 12 July 18011801, 12 JulyAction against French and Spanish squadrons in the Battle of Algeciras Bay, and the destruction of two Spanish ships, and capture of St. Antonio.142War of the Second Coalition
Sylph 28 Septr. 18011801, 28 SeptemberAction against the Artémise.2War of the Second Coalition
Pasley 28 Octr. 18011801, 28 OctoberCapture of the Spanish polacca-privateer Virgine de Rosario.4War of the Third Coalition

Napoleonic Wars (1803–15)

ClaspDate of actionActionClasps
Scorpion 31 March 18041804, 31 MarchCapture of Dutch vessels in Vlie Roads.4Napoleonic Wars
Beaver 31 March 18041804, 31 March0
Centurion 18 Sept. 18041804, 18 SeptemberAction against the French ship Marengo, and frigates Atalante and Semillante in the Battle of Vizagapatam.9Napoleonic Wars
Arrow 3 Feby. 18051805, 4 FebruaryProtecting a convoy of British merchant ships when attacked by the French frigates Hortense and Incorruptible.8Napoleonic Wars
Acheron 3 Feby. 18051805, 4 February1
San Fiorenzo 14 Feby. 18051805, 13 FebruaryCapture of the Psyché.12Napoleonic Wars
Phoenix 10 Augt. 18051805, 10 AugustCapture of the French frigate Didon.25Napoleonic Wars
Trafalgar1805, 21 OctoberDefeat of a Franco-Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar.1710 Trafalgar Campaign
4 Novr. 18051805, 4 NovemberCapture of four French ships-of-the-line in the Battle of Cape Ortegal.296 Trafalgar Campaign
St. Domingo1806, 6 FebruaryAction against a French squadron in the Battle of San Domingo.396Napoleonic Wars
Amazon 13 March 18061806, 13 March Capture of the French ships Marengo and Belle Poule.29 Linois's expedition to the Indian Ocean
London 13 March 18061806, 13 March27
Pique 26 March 18061806, 26 MarchCapture of the French brigs Phaeton and Voltigeur.8 West Indies Campaign 1804–1810
Sirius 17 April 18061806, 17 AprilAction against a French flotilla off Civitavecchia, and the capture of the French ship Bergère.10Napoleonic Wars
Blanche 19 July 18061806, 19 JulyCapture of the French frigate Guerrière.22Napoleonic Wars
Arethusa 23 Augt. 18061806, 23 August Capture of the Spanish frigate Pomone.6Napoleonic Wars
Anson 23 Augt. 18061806, 23 August6
Curacoa 1 Jany. 18071807, 1 January Capture of Curaçao.65Napoleonic Wars
Pickle 3 Jany. 18071807, 3 JanuaryCapture of the French privateer-cutter Favorite.2Napoleonic Wars
Hydra 6 Augt. 18071807, 7 AugustAttack on batteries at Begur, and the capture of the vessels Eugene and Caroline.11Peninsular War
Comus 15 Augt. 18071807, 15 AugustCapture of the Danish frigate Frederiksværn.10 English Wars
Louisa 28 Octr. 18071807, 29 OctoberAction against the French privateer Marsouin.1Napoleonic Wars
Carrier 4 Novr. 18071807, 14 NovemberCapture of the French privateer-cutter Actif.1Napoleonic Wars
Ann 24 Novr. 18071807, 24 NovemberCapture of the Spanish privateer-lugger Vensejo, and the action against ten gunboats, and the surrender of two.0Napoleonic Wars
Sappho 2 March 18081808, 2 MarchCapture of Danish brig Admiral Yawl.4Napoleonic Wars
San Fiorenzo 8 March 18081808, 8 MarchCapture of the Piémontaise.16Napoleonic Wars
Emerald 13 March 18081808, 13 MarchThe destruction of batteries and vessels of war at Viveiro.10Napoleonic Wars
Childers 14 March 18081808, 14 MarchAction against the Danish brig Lougen.4Napoleonic Wars
Nassau 22 March 18081808, 22 MarchDestruction of the Danish ship-of-the-line Prins Christian Frederik in the Battle of Zealand Point.31 Gunboat War
Stately 22 March 18081808, 22 March31
Off Rota 4 April 18081808, 4 April Action against Spanish gun-boats and convoy, and the destruction of several vessels.19 Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)
Grasshopper 24 April 18081808, 24 AprilAction and destruction of Spanish armed vessels and gun-boats at Faro.7Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)
Rapid 24 April 18081808, 24 April1
Redwing 7 May 18081808, 7 MayAction against a Spanish convoy of seven gun-boats and armed vessels, and 12 merchant ships.7Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)
Virginie 19 May 18081808, 19 MayCapture of the Dutch frigate Guelderland off Cape Finisterre.21Gunboat War
Redwing 31 May 18081808, 1 JuneA battery and a mistico destroyed, and two feluccas taken at Tarifa.5Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)
Seahorse Wh. Badere Zaffere1808, 5/6 JulyCapture of the Turkish frigate Badere Zaffere.32Napoleonic Wars
Comet 11 Augt. 18081808, 11 AugustAction against three French brigs, and the capture of one, Sylph, off Ushant.3Napoleonic Wars
Centaur 26 Augt. 18081808, 26 AugustAction against a Russian fleet, and the capture of the 74-gun ship Vsevolod.41 Anglo-Russian War (1807-1812)
Implacable 26 Augt. 18081808, 26 August41
Cruizer 1 Novr. 18081808, 1 NovemberAction against a Danish flotilla off Gothenburg, and capture of a brig of war.4 Gunboat War
Amethyst Wh. Thétis.1808, 10 November Capture of the French frigate Thétis.31Napoleonic Wars
Off the Pearl Rock 13 Decr. 18081808, 12/13 DecemberAction against batteries, and capture of a corvette off the Pearl Rock, Guadeloupe.14Napoleonic Wars
Onyx 1 Jany. 18091809, 1 JanuaryCapture of Dutch corvette Manly in the North Sea.5Napoleonic Wars
Confiance 14 Jany. 18091809, 14 January Capture of Cayenne.8West Indies Campaign 1804–1810
Martinique1809, 24 February Capture of Martinique.486West Indies Campaign 1804–1810
Horatio 10 Feby. 18091809, 10 February Capture of the French frigate Junon.13Napoleonic Wars
Superieure 10 Feby. 18091809, 10 February1
Amethyst 5 April 18091809, 5 April Capture of the French frigate Niémen.26Napoleonic Wars
Basque Roads 18091809, 11/12 AprilDestruction of French ships in the Battle of the Basque Roads.529Napoleonic Wars
Recruit 17 June 18091809, 17 AprilCapture of the D'Hautpoul.5 Troude's expedition to the Caribbean
Pompee 17 June 18091809, 17 April21
Castor 17 June 18091809, 17 April5
Cyane 25 and 27 June 18091809, 26/27 June 1809Action against the French frigate Cérès, and the capture of eighteen gun-boats, and the destruction of four.5Napoleonic Wars
L'Espoir 25–27 June 18091809, 26/27 June 18095
Bonne Citoyenne Wh. Furieuse1809, 6 JulyCapture of the French frigate Furieuse.12Napoleonic Wars
Diana 11 Sept. 18091809, 11 SeptemberCapture of the Dutch brig Zephyr off Sulawesi.5Napoleonic Wars
Anse la Barque 18 Decr. 18091809, 18 DecemberThe storming of the batteries at Anse à la Barque, Guadeloupe, and the capture of the French frigates Loire and Seine.40 Roquebert's expedition to the Caribbean
Cherokee 10 Jany. 18101810, 11 JanuaryCapture of the French privateer-lugger Aimable Nelly off Dieppe.4Napoleonic Wars
Scorpion 12 Jany. 18101810, 12 JanuaryCapture of the Oreste.5Napoleonic Wars
Guadaloupe1810, 4 February Capture of Guadaloupe 483Napoleonic Wars
Thistle 10 Feby. 18101810, 10 FebruaryCapture of the Dutch corvette Havik.0Napoleonic Wars
Surly 24 April 18101810, 20 AprilCutting out of the French privateer cutter Alcide from the Pirou River, Normandy.1Napoleonic Wars
Firm 24 April 18101810, 20 April1
Sylvia 26 April 18101810, 26 AprilCapture of the Dutch brig Echo in the Sunda Strait.1Napoleonic Wars
Spartan 3 May 18101810, 3 MayAction against the French frigate Cérès and consorts; and the capture of the brig Sparvière, in the bay of Naples.30Napoleonic Wars
Royalist May and June 18101810, 23 FebruaryCapture of six armed vessels.3Napoleonic Wars
Amanthea 25 July 18101810, 25 JulyAction against gun-boats; and the capture and destruction of a number of transports at Amantea, Southern Italy.23Napoleonic Wars
Banda Neira 1810, 9 AugustCapture of the Banda Islands.68Napoleonic Wars
Staunch 18 Sept. 18101810, 18 September Action against a French squadron and the capture of the Vénus and the re-capture of HMS Ceylon.2 Mauritius campaign of 1809–1811
Otter 18 Sept. 18101810, 18 September8
Boadicea 18 Sept. 18101810, 18 September15
Briseis 14 Octr. 18101810, 14 OctoberCapture of the French privateer Sans-Souci in the North Sea.2Napoleonic Wars
Lissa1811, 13 MarchAction against French and Venetian vessels in the Battle of Lissa.124 Adriatic campaign of 1807-1814
Anholt 27 March 18111811, 27 MarchDefence against a Danish attack by a British garrison at Anholt Island.40 Gunboat War
Arrow 6 April 18111811, 6 AprilAction against chasse-marées and batteries.0Napoleonic Wars
Off Tamatave 20 May 18111811, 20 May Action against French frigates, and the capture of Renommée and Néréide.79Mauritius campaign of 1809–1811
Hawke 18 Augt. 18111811, 18 AugustCapture of the 16-gun brig Heron and a convoy off Îles Saint-Marcouf.6Napoleonic Wars
Java1811, July/18 September Capture of Java.665Napoleonic Wars
Skylark 11 Novr. 18111811, 10 NovemberAction against the Boulogne flotilla, and the capture of a gun-brig.4Napoleonic Wars
Locust 11 Novr. 18111811, 10 November2
Pelagosa 29 Novr. 18111811, 29 November Capture of two French frigates.64Napoleonic Wars
Victorious Wh. Rivoli1812, 22 February Capture of the French ship Rivoli 67 Adriatic campaign of 1807–1814
Weasel 22 Feby. 18121812, 22 February6
Rosario 27 March 18121812, 27 AprilCapture of two brigs of war.7Napoleonic Wars
Griffon 27 March 18121812, 27 April3
Northumberland 22 May 18121812, 22 May Destruction of two French frigates and a brig off Groix.63Napoleonic Wars
Growler 22 May 18121812, 22 May1
Malaga 29 May 18121812, 22 April Capture of the French privateers Brave and Napoleon at Malaga.17Napoleonic Wars
Off Mardoe 6 July 18121812, 6 JulyDestruction of two Danish frigates and two brigs at the Battle of Lyngør.47 Gunboat War
Sealark 21 July 18121812, 21 JulyCapture of the French privater-lugger Ville de Caen in the English Channel.4Napoleonic Wars
Royalist 29 Decr. 18121812, 29 DecemberCapture of the French privateer La Ruse.3Napoleonic Wars
Weasel 22 April 18131813, 22 AprilDestruction of six gun-boats.5Napoleonic Wars
St. Sebastian1813, 8 September Siege of San Sebastián.293 Peninsular War
Thunder 9 Octr. 18131813, 9 OctoberCapture of the French privateer-lugger Neptune in the English Channel.7Napoleonic Wars
Glückstadt 5 Jany. 18141814, 5 JanuaryCapture of the fortress of Glückstadt.42 War of the Sixth Coalition
Venerable 16 Jany. 18141814, 16/20 JanuaryCapture of the French frigates Alcmène and Iphigénie off the Canary Isles.42Napoleonic Wars
Cyane 16 Jany. 18141814, 16/20 January7
Eurotas 25 Feby. 18141814, 25 FebruaryCapture of the Clorinde.32Napoleonic Wars
Hebrus Wh. L'Etoile1814, 27 MarchCapture of the Étoile.40Napoleonic Wars
Gaieta 24 July 18151815, 8 AugustAttack and reduction of Gaeta, Italy.88 Neapolitan War

War of 1812 (1812–15)

ClaspDate of actionActionClasps
Shannon Wh. Chesapeake 1813, 1 June Capture of the American frigate Chesapeake off Boston.42
Pelican 14 Augt. 18131813, 14 AugustCapture of the American brig Argus in the Irish Sea.4
Phoebe 28 March 18141814, 18 March Capture of American frigate Essex and the sloop Essex Junior off Valparaíso.31
Cherub 28 March 18141814, 28 March7
The Potomac 17 Augt. 18141814, 29 August Capture of Alexandria, Virginia, and destruction of shipping on the Potomac River.108
Endymion Wh. President1815, 15 January Capture of USS President off New York Harbor.58

Later wars (1816, 1827, & 1840)

ClaspDate of actionActionClasps
Algiers1816, 27 AugustAnglo-Dutch bombardment of Algiers.1328 Barbary Slave Trade
Navarino1827, 20 OctoberJoint British, French, and Russian action against a Turkish fleet at the Battle of Navarino.1142 Greek War of Independence
Syria1840, 4 NovemberCapture of Acre by Austrian, British and Turkish forces, and operations connected with it on the coast of Syria.6978 Syrian War

Boat service clasps

The boat service clasps commemorate a number of actions performed by boats' crews in cutting out, and in some instances actually recovering, British vessels lost to the enemy, or capturing enemy vessels. [5] These clasps were approved for those occasions where an officer or senior rating received promotion as a direct consequence. [6]

French Revolutionary Wars (1793–1802)

ClaspDate of actionClasps issuedAwarded toAction
15 Mar. Boat Service 17931793, 15 March1 Syren Attack on fortifications at Willemstadt.
17 Mar. Boat Service 17941794, 17 March29 Asia   Assurance   Aurora   Avenger   Beaulieu   Blonde   Boyne   Dromedary   Experiment   Irresistible   Nautilus   Quebec   Rattlesnake   Roebuck   Rose   Santa Margarita   Seaflower   Spiteful   Tormentor   Ulysses   Vengeance   Venom   Vesuvius   Veteran   Winchelsea   Woolwich   Zebra Boarding and capturing the French frigate Bienvenue, and other vessels in Fort Royal Bay.
29 May Boat Service 17971797, 29 May3 Lively   Minerve Cutting out of Mutine.
9 June Boat Service 17991799, 9 June4 Success Capture of a Spanish polacre.
20 Dec. Boat Service 17991799, 21 December3 Queen Charlotte Recapture of the cutter Lady Nelson, which had been taken by two privateers.
29 July Boat Service 18001800, 29 July4 Amethyst   Impetueux   Viper Capture of the gun-brig Cerbère from the harbour at Port-Louis, Morbihan.
29 Aug. Boat Service 18001800, 29 August26 Amelia   Amethyst   Brilliant   Courageux   Cynthia   Impetueux   London   Renown   Stag Cutting out of the French privateer Guêpe in Vigo Bay.
27 Oct. Boat Service 18001800, 27 October5 Phaeton Cutting out of the Spanish polacre San Josef at Fuengirola.
21 July Boat Service 18011801, 21 July9 Beaulieu   Doris   Uranie   Ville de Paris Cutting out of the French naval corvette Chevrette in Camaret Bay. [7]

Napoleonic Wars (1803–15)

ClaspDate of actionClasps issuedAwarded toAction
27 June Boat Service 18031803, 27 June5 Loire Cutting out of the French brig Venteux .
4 Nov. Boat Service 18031803, 4 November1 Blanche Cutting out of a French schooner at Santo Domingo.
4 Feb. Boat Service 18041804, 4 February10 Centaur Cutting out of Curieux at Fort Royal.
4 June Boat Service 18051805, 4 June10 Loire Capture of the French privateer Confiance in Muros Bay, Spain.
16 July Boat Service 18061806, 16 July51 Achille   Centaur   Indefatigable   Iris   Monarch   Polyphemus   Prince of Wales   Revenge Cutting out of the French 16-gun brig-corvette César from the Gironde estuary.
2 Jan. Boat Service 18071807, 2 January2 Cerberus Capture of a French schooner and sloop at Martinique.
21 Jan. Boat Service 18071807, 21 January9 Galatea Capture of Lynx off the coast of Venezuela.
19 Apl. Boat Service 18071807, 19 April1 Richmond Capture of the Spanish privateer lugger Galliard north of Peniche. [8]
13 Feb. Boat Service 18081808, 13 February3 Confiance Capture of a French gun-boat off the Tagus. [9]
10 July Boat Service 18081808, 10 July8 Porcupine Capture of a large 6-gun polacre at Port d'Anzo.
11 Aug. Boat Service 18081808, 11 August12 Edgar Capture of Danish 16-gun brig-sloop Fama and 12-gun cutter Salorman at Nyborg, Denmark.
28 Nov. Boat Service 18081808, 28 November2 Heureux Attack on shore batteries, and the capture of schooner and a brig at Baie-Mahault, Guadeloupe.
7 July Boat Service 18091809, 7 July33 Bellerophon   Implacable   Melpomene   Prometheus Capture and destruction of 7 Russian gun-boats and 12 storeships at Hango Head, Baltic Sea.
14 July Boat Service 18091809, 14 July8 Scout Storming of a battery at Carry-le-Rouet, west of Marseille.
25 July Boat Service 18091809, 25 July35 Fawn Action with a cutter and the capture of the schooner Guadaloupe.
25 July Boat Service 18091809, 25 July35 Cerberus   Minotaur   Princess Carolina   Prometheus Attack on four Russian gunboats and a brig off Aspö Head, near Fredrikshamn, Finland.
27 July Boat Service 18091809, 27 July10 Briseis   Ephira   Aimable   Musquito   Pincher Taking and destroying a battery at Cuxhaven.
29 July Boat Service 18091809, 29 July11 Acorn   Bustard   Excellent Capture of six Italian gun-boats and ten trabaccolos at Duino, Trieste.
28 Aug. Boat Service 18091809, 28 August14 Amphion Destruction of a shore battery and five trabaccolos, and the capture of two large and four smaller gun-boats and two trabaccolos at Cortelazzo, west of Venice.
1 Nov. Boat Service 18091809, 1 November117 Apollo   Cumberland   Philomel   Scout   Tigre   Topaze   Tuscan   Volontaire Attack on a French convoy in the Bay of Rosas and capture of eleven vessels.
13 Dec. Boat Service 18091809, 13 December10 Achates   Attentive   Bacchus   Pultusk   Thetis Cutting out of the French 16-gun brig Nisus at Deshaies, Guadaloupe.
13 Feb. Boat Service 18101810, 13 February17 Armide   Christian VII   Seine Attack on French gun-boats, with several destroyed and one captured, at the Basque Roads.
1 May Boat Service 18101810, 1 May18 Nereide Storming of two batteries and capture of the French schooner Estafette at Jacolet, Mauritius.
28 June Boat Service 18101810, 28 June24 Amphion   Active   Cerberus Attack on convoy of twenty-five vessels at Grao, five ships captured, the rest destroyed.
27 Sept. Boat Service 18101810, 27 September34 Armide   Caledonia   Valiant Destruction of a battery and a brig, and the capture of two brigs at Pointe de Che, Basque Roads. [10]
4 Nov. Boat Service 18101810, 4 November2 Blossom Capture of the French lateen xebec privateer Caesar off Cape Sicié, west of Toulon. [11]
23 Nov. Boat Service 18101810, 23 November66 Devastation   Thunder   Aetna   with a number of mortar vessels, and boats of the Cadiz FleetAttack and destruction of French shipping at Port St. Mary, Bay of Cádiz. [12]
24 Dec. Boat Service 18101810, 24 December6 Diana Destruction of the French 40-gun frigate L'Elize at La Hogue. [13]
4 May Boat Service 18111811, 4 May10 Alceste   Belle Poule Destruction of French 14-gun brig at Parenza. [14]
30 July Boat Service 18111811, 30 July4 Minden Storming of Fort Marrack, west of Batavia, Java.
2 Aug. Boat Service 18111811, 2 August10 Alert   Exertion   Princess Augusta   Quebec   Raven   Redbreast Capture of four Danish gun-brigs in the River Jahde.
20 Sept. Boat Service 18111811, 20 September8 Victory Capture of Danish gun-boats.
4 Dec. Boat Service 18111811, 4 December18 Sultan Capture of a French settee, and the brig Le Languedocienne off Bastia.
4 Apl. Boat Service 18121812, 4 April4 Maidstone Capture of the French privateer xebec Martinet in the Mediterranean.
1 Sept. Boat Service 18121812, 1 September24 Bacchante   Weazel Capture of two merchant vessels off Rovigno, and a number of others, including the French xebec Tisiphone, and two gun-boats.
17 Sept. Boat Service 18121812, 17 September11 Eagle Capture of 17 gun-boats, and destruction of six, at Cape Maestro, Ancona.
29 Sept. Boat Service 18121812, 29 September26 Aboukir   Ranger   and gun-boatsAttack on Mittau, Riga, and capture of officers and men of the enemy.
6 Jany. Boat Service 18131813, 6 January21 Bacchante Capture of five gun-brigs off Otranto.
21 Mar. Boat Service 18131813, 21 March6 Blazer   Brev Drageren Capture of the Danish gun-boats Jonge-Troutman and Liebe off Brunsbüttel.
2 May Boat Service 18131813, 2 May49 Redwing   Repulse   Undaunted   Volontaire Battery destroyed, and six vessels captured at Morgion.
24 May Boat Service 18141814, 24 May11 Elizabeth Capture of the L'Aigle off Corfu.

War of 1812 (1812–15)

ClaspDate of actionClasps issuedAwarded toAction
28 Apl. Boat Service 18131813, 28 April2 [15] Orpheus Destruction of the American "letter of marque" Wampoe off Block Island.
Apl. & May Boat Service 18131813, April & May57 [16] Dolphin   Dragon   Fantome   Highflyer   Maidstone   Marlborough   Mohawk   Racer   Statira Attacks on Frenchtown and Havre de Grace, Maryland, and destruction of the fort and cannon foundry.
8 Apl. Boat Service 18141814, 8 April24 [17] Boxer   Endymion   Hogue   Maidstone Destruction of twenty-seven American vessels, including three privateers, at Pettipague Point, about 15 miles up Connecticut River.
3 & 6 Sept. Boat Service 18141814, 3 & 6 September1 [18] Capture of the USS Tigress and USS Scorpion in the Nottawasaga River, Lake Huron.
14 Dec. Boat Service 18141814, 14 December205 [18] Alceste   Armide   Bedford   Belle Poule   Cydnus   Diomede   Gorgon   Meteor   Norge   Ramillies   Royal Oak   Seahorse   Sophie   Tonnant   Trave Capture of five U.S. gun-boats and a sloop in the Battle of Lake Borgne.


  1. 1 2 Hayward, Birch & Bishop 2006, p. 46.
  2. Douglas-Morris (1982), p. L.
  3. Hinks, Arthur R. (2002). "Nautical time and civil date". Archives and Collections Society . Retrieved 15 April 2011.
  4. "No. 20939". The London Gazette . 26 January 1849. pp. 236–247.
  5. Steward, W. Augustus (1915). War Medals and their History. London: Stanley Paul & Co. pp. 305–306. Retrieved 16 April 2011.
  6. Hayward, Birch & Bishop (2006), p. 118.
  7. "Cutting out the "Chevrette"". Royal Navy History. Archived from the original on 30 September 2011.
  8. "Capture of the "Galliard"". Royal Navy History. Archived from the original on 30 September 2011.
  9. "Capture of a Gunboat". Royal Navy History. Archived from the original on 30 September 2011.
  10. "Storming Batteries in Basque Roads". Royal Navy History. Archived from the original on 30 September 2011.
  11. "Capture of the "Caesar"". Royal Navy History. Archived from the original on 30 September 2011.
  12. "Attack on Shipping at Port St. Mary". Royal Navy History. Archived from the original on 30 September 2011.
  13. "Destruction of the frigate L'Elize". Royal Navy History. Archived from the original on 30 September 2011.
  14. "Destruction of a Brig at Parenza". Royal Navy History. Archived from the original on 30 September 2011.
  15. Douglas-Morris 1982, p. 250.
  16. Douglas-Morris 1982, p. 251.
  17. Douglas-Morris 1982, p. 265.
  18. 1 2 Douglas-Morris (1982), p. 268.
