List of political disinformation website campaigns in the United States

Last updated

The following is a list of websites, separated by owner, that have both been considered by journalists and researchers as distributing false news - or otherwise participating in disinformation - and have been designated by journalists and researchers as likely being linked to political actors in the United States. This list also includes pink-slime websites, which have been described by journalists and researchers as having deceptive behavior [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] and promoting misinformation, [6] [7] disinformation [8] [9] [10] [11] or propaganda. [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]



American Action News

The following websites are connected to Dan Backer, a lawyer based in Washington, D.C. who is noted in a 2017 BuzzFeed News investigation to use these websites to raise donations for several PACs or other organizations that he is connected to: Great America PAC, Great America Alliance, Conservative Action Fund, and Stop Hillary PAC. [17]

American Action Newsamericanactionnews.comActive"Based in the same office as a hub of closely-tied Republican super PACs". [18] [18] [17] [19]
American Defense [19]
American UpdateAmericanUpdate.comActive [17] [19]
GOP [17] [19] [17] [17]
Trump Train [17] [19]

Aurora Media / Intermarkets

Intermarkets is a digital advertising firm that has received funding from the Republican National Committee. [20] In addition to the following lists below, other sites that have partnered with Intermarkets include the Drudge Report (until 2019), [21] [22] the personal websites of Ann Coulter [23] [22] and Michelle Malkin, [22] Ace of Spades HQ, [22] the Smith & Wesson Forum, [22] Creators Syndicate, [22] and Rasmussen Reports. [24]

The Political InsiderThePoliticalInsider.comActivePer PolitiFact.

Per its website "About" page, owned by Aurora Media, which is closely associated with Intermarkets, a digital marketing firm that has received funding from the Republican National Committee.

Credits BuzzFeed as an inspiration for significantly increasing its web traffic.

[25] [20] [26] [27] [21] [28]
TellMeNowtellmenow.comDefunctOwned by Aurora Media, which is closely associated with Intermarkets, a digital marketing firm that has received funding from the Republican National Committee. Spread 9/11 conspiracy theories and the FEMA camps conspiracy theory. [26] [29] [30] [20]
TellMeNowtmn.todayDefunctOwned by Intermarkets, a digital marketing firm that has received funding from the Republican National Committee. Falsely claimed that Pope Benedict XVI forbade Catholics from voting for Hillary Clinton. [20] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35]

Media Research Center

CNSNews cnsnews.comIdentified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as a major distributor of climate change denialism. [36] [22]
Media Research Center mrctv.orgIdentified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as a major distributor of climate change denialism. Spread false claim about crime at the Mexico-United States border during the Biden administration. [36] [37] [22] [21]
NewsBusters newsbusters.orgIdentified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as a major distributor of climate change denialism. Accused by the Global Disinformation Index of spreading misogynistic disinformation. Described by the Washington Post as being "in the business of positioning many mainstream media outlets as fundamentally untrustworthy, making it of use to those wishing to promote alternative narratives." [38] Spread false claim about Ted Kennedy undermining Ronald Reagan's foreign policy on the Soviet Union. [36] [39] [38] [40] [22]


As of October 2022, at least 9 websites [41] posing as local news outlets were created by Courier, an outlet "created and funded by the Democratic-aligned digital organization ACRONYM," [42] which in turn is funded by Reid Hoffman and Laurene Powell Jobs. [42] Courier has been accused by journalists of deceptive behavior and not following standard journalistic practices, due in part to a lack of transparency on its funding and political goals. [43] [44] [45] [46] One of its sites published an article that was very similar to a press release from Max Rose. [47] In 2020, Americans for Public Trust, a watchdog group affiliated with Adam Laxalt, filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, alleging that Courier needed to register as a political committee due to its ties with ACRONYM. [48] The complaint was dismissed in 2022. [49]

Courier couriernewsroom.comActiveUS [41] [18]
Copper Couriercoppercourier.comActiveArizona [41]
The Dogwoodvadogwood.comActiveVirginia [41]
The Keystonekeystonenewsroom.comActivePennsylvania [41]
Up North Newsupnorthnewswi.comActiveWisconsin [41]
Cardinal & Pinecardinalpine.comActiveNorth Carolina [41] [18]
Iowa Starting Lineiowastartingline.comActiveIowa [41]
The Gandergandernewsroom.comActiveMichigan [41]
Floricuatheamericanonews.comFlorida [41]
The Nevadan (El Nevadense)Nevada [50] [51]
Granite PostNew Hampshire [50]
Good Info News Wiregoodinfo.newsActive [52]

The Epoch Times

America Dailyamericadaily.comIn 2021, The Atlantic called America Daily a "doppelgänger site" of The Epoch Times. [53] [54]
The BL (The Beauty of Life)Bldaily.comDefunctChinese-language edition of the BL. [55]
The BL (The Beauty of Life)Bles.comSpanish-language edition of the BL. [55]
The BL (The Beauty of Life)TheBL.comDefunctShared many high-level executives and editorial staff members with the Epoch Times. Spread the Clinton body count conspiracy theory, George Soros conspiracy theories, the QAnon conspiracy theory, and vaccine misinformation. Accused by fact-checkers and researchers of using stock photos from Unsplash and faces created by generative adversarial networks to create fake social media profiles, as well as to automatically publish posts. Further accused by Facebook of coordinated inauthentic behavior, resulting in its ban in 2019. [54] [56] [57] [58] [59] [55] [60] [53] [61] [62]
Đại Kỷ Nguyêndkn.tvActiveVietnamese-language edition of the BL. [55]
The Epoch Times theepochtimes.comActiveBetween 2012 and 2016, New Tang Dynasty Television received funding from a principal at Renaissance Technologies, which was led by Robert Mercer, a major donor to Donald Trump. Collaborated with Steve Bannon on projects, including a documentary. Hired a strategist for the Republican Party in 2018 to market itself to conservative politicians and figures. Accused by Global Disinformation Index of promoting misogynistic disinformation and disinformation related to the 2020 United States presidential election. Spread conspiracy theories about COVID-19. [63] [64] [54] [39] [65] [66] [67] [68]
The Epoch Times epochtimes.deActiveGerman-language edition of the Epoch Times. [69]
The Epoch Times epochtimes.frActiveFrench-language edition of the Epoch Times. [69]
The Epoch Times theepochtimes.grGreek-language edition of the Epoch Times. Accused by ProPublica of promoting climate change disinformation. [70]
genuinenewspaper.comgenuinenewspaper.comActiveRedirect URL for the Epoch Times. [54]
The Liontheliontimes.comDefunctDescribed by Snopes as "a complete clone of The BL". [60]
Tierra Puratierrapura.orgActiveAccused by the Global Disinformation Index of spreading anti-vaccine disinformation. Noted by EU Disinfo Lab to spread QAnon conspiracy theory. [71] [72]
truthandtradition.newstruthandtradition.newsActiveRedirect URL for the Epoch Times. [54]
Vision Times visiontimes.comActiveIn 2021, The Atlantic called Vision Times a "doppelgänger site" of The Epoch Times. [53]

Liberty Alliance/Liftable

100 Percent Fed Up100percentfedup.comActiveHosted a fundraiser setup by Brian Kolfage. Collaborated with the Oakland County Republican Party to rally for the Trump Wall. Repeatedly spread false claims that were debunked by fact-checkers and researchers. Spread unsubstantiated allegations from Daily Mail that climate data was manipulated by NOAA. [61] [73] [33] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83]
allenbwest.comallenbwest.comPersonal website of Allen West. Accused by the ADL of inciting violence against Barack Obama. [84] [33] [85]
Allen West Republicallenwestrepublic.comAssociated with the name of Allen West. Accused by the ADL of inciting violence against Barack Obama. [84] [33]
Big League Politics bigleaguepolitics.comActiveAccused by the Global Disinformation Index of spreading misogynistic disinformation, anti-vaccine disinformation, climate change disinformation, anti-LGBTQIA+ disinformation, and COVID-19 disinformation. Owned by Liberty Alliance. Rented out email list to Devin Nunes, Steve Scalise, and Ted Cruz. As of 2019, the website founders work as public relations contacts for We Build the Wall. Accused by the Center for Countering Digital Hate of promoting racism. Spread false claims of fraud in the 2020 United States presidential election, including George Soros conspiracy theories. Noted by the New York Times to promote conspiracy theories and provide favorable news coverage to Paul Nehlen. Published false claim about migrants at the United States southern border. [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [73] [92] [93] [94] [95]
Clash DailyClashDaily.comPer PolitiFact. [25] [85]
Comically Incorrectcomicallyincorrect.comOwned by Liberty Alliance. Accused by Rantt of "[promoting] pro-Trump propaganda." [19] [19]
Conservative [33] [85]
Conservative Firing Lineconservativefiringline.comOwned by Liberty Alliance. Accused by Rantt of "[promoting] pro-Trump propaganda." [19] In late July 2019, falsely accused Antifa of planning a "border siege" in El Paso, Texas. [96] The article was published four days prior to the 2019 El Paso Walmart shooting. [19] [96] [31] [32] [33] [97]
Conservative Tribuneconservativetribune.comOwned by the family of Floyd Brown. Repeatedly published false or unproven claims. Accused by the ADL of inciting violence against Barack Obama. [84] [33] [98] [99] [100] [101]
Constitutionconstitution.comOwned by Liberty Alliance. Accused by Rantt of "[promoting] pro-Trump propaganda." [19] [19]
Daily SurgeDailySurge.comPer PolitiFact.

Cited story from World News Daily Report.

[25] [102] [83]
Daily VineDaily-vine.comDefunctPer

Same writers as Freedom Daily.

[103] [104]
Eagle Risingeaglerising.comDefunctOwned by Liberty Alliance. [105] [106]
Freedom DailyFreedomDaily.comDefunctOwned by Brian Kolfage.

Part of "Liberty Alliance, a Christian online media empire that hosts and serves advertising on the websites of the far-right’s loudest and most partisan voices."

Shut down in February 2018 after lawsuit that the site falsely identified driver of car that killed and injured protestors at the Unite the Right rally.

[25] [106] [73] [107]
Freedom [19] [83]
Freedom [108] [85]
Girls Just Wanna Have Gunsgirlsjustwannahaveguns.comOwned by Liberty Alliance. Accused by Rantt of "[promoting] pro-Trump propaganda." [19] [19] [31] [32] [33] [83]
Joe for Americajoeforamerica.comRan by Joe the Plumber. Owned by Liberty Alliance. The site was accused by Rantt of "[promoting] pro-Trump propaganda." [19] Published or shared false claims, including one originally published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. [19] [109] [110] [33] [111] [112] [113]
Liberty Alliance LibertyAlliance.comDefunctPer PolitiFact.

Formerly ran by Brandon Vallorani, the former CEO of Liberty Alliance who worked with Brian Kolfage on managing his websites.

[25] [114] [115] [116]
Patriot Updatepatriotupdate.comDescribed by Salon as one of several "right-wing media outlets that commonly sling debunked conspiracy theories or connect invisible dots that are barely credible". [117] [117] [85]
Right Wing Newsrightwingnews.comSame owner as Freedom Daily. [73] [107] [106]
Right Wing Newsrightwing.newsSame owner as Freedom Daily. [73]
Right Wing NewsRWNofficial.comPer [73] [103] [118] [119]
The Point / Tea Party News Networktpnn.comAdvised by Dan Backer. Accused by the ADL of inciting violence against Barack Obama. Spread Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories. Owned by Todd Cefaratti. Scottie Nell Hughes worked for the site as a news director. Accused by The Daily Beast of "shady business practices that blurred the line between the company’s nonprofit political wing and its for-profit news wing—as well as increased reliance on fight porn." [120] [84] [121] [122] [120] [123]
The Western Journal westernjournal.comActiveOwned by the family of Floyd Brown.

Published anti-immigrant stories about the Central American migrant caravans. Blacklisted by Google News due to what a Google representative described as "deceptive behavior" on part of the Western Journal. At least 50 domains owned by the Brown family have been used to promote the site. Closely linked to a PAC by Herman Cain.

Western Journalism westernjournalism.comPredecessor to The Western Journal. Promoted Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories. Purchased by Liftable, which had also purchased Conservative Tribune and Liberty Alliance. Sites owned by Liftable have been accused by the ADL of inciting violence against Barack Obama. Promoted by politicians on social media such as Joe Arpaio in exchange for ad revenue. Received significantly less social media views after receiving multiple flags from fact-checking organizations. [124] [125] [84]
VeteranAFDefunctSame owner as Freedom Daily. [107]
victoriajackson.comvictoriajackson.comOfficial website of Victoria Jackson. Owned by Liberty Alliance. The site was accused by Rantt of "[promoting] pro-Trump propaganda." [19] [19]
The Victoria Jackson Showvictoriajacksonshow.comOwned by Liberty Alliance, whose websites have been accused by Rantt of "[promoting] pro-Trump propaganda." [19] Web series of Victoria Jackson. [117] [126]
US HeraldUSHerald.comPer PolitiFact. [25] [127] [83]

Local Report

By October 2022, at least 51 websites posing as local news outlets in U.S. swing states were created by Local Report. Based on the masthead, these sites are connected to The American Independent, which is owned by David Brock. [128] [129]

American Independent americanindependent.comAmerican Independent - US [41]
American Independent Foundationamericanindependentfoundation.comAmerican Independent - US [41]
Arizona Independentarizonaindependent.comAmerican Independent - Arizona [41]
Wisconsin Independentwisconsinindependent.comAmerican Independent - Wisconsin [41]
Michigan Independentmichiganindependent.comAmerican Independent - Michigan [41]
Ohio Independentohioindependent.comAmerican Independent - Ohio [41]
Peachtree Gazettepeachtreegazette.comLocal Report - Georgia [128] [129]
Pennsylvania Independentpennsylvaniaindependent.comAmerican Independent - Pennsylvania [41]
Amoskeag Timesamoskeagtimes.comLocal Report - New Hampshire [41]
Augusta-Richmond Heraldaugustarichmondherald.comLocal Report - Georgia [41]
Bucks County Standardbuckscountystandard.comLocal Report - Pennsylvania [41]
Central Pennsylvania Timessouthcentraltimes.comLocal Report - Pennsylvania [41]
Central Pennsylvania Timescentralpatimes.comLocal Report - Pennsylvania [41]
Cobb Newscobbnewsga.comLocal Report - Georgia [41]
Everett Timeseveretttimes.comLocal Report - New Hampshire [41]
Grand Rapids Newsgrandrapidsminews.comLocal Report - Michigan [41]
Henderson Timeshendersontimes.orgLocal Report - Nevada [41]
La Crosse Leaderlacrosseleader.orgLocal Report - Wisconsin [41]
Lehigh Valley Newslehighnews.orgLocal Report - Pennsylvania [41]
Macomb Digestmacombdigest.comLocal Report - Michigan [41]
Mecklenburg Heraldmecklenburgherald.comLocal Report - North Carolina [41]
Mesa Timesmesatimes.orgLocal Report - Arizona [41]
Mile High Sentinelmilehighsentinel.comLocal Report - Colorado [41]
Milwaukee Metro Timesmilwaukeemetrotimes.comLocal Report - Wisconsin [41]
Northern Clark County Heraldnorthernclarkcountyherald.comLocal Report - Nevada [41]
Northern Wisconsin Timesnorthernwitimes.comLocal Report - Wisconsin [41]
Northwest Lake Timesnwlaketimes.comLocal Report - Pennsylvania [41]
Northwest Lake Timesflagshipcitynews.comLocal Report - Pennsylvania [41]
Oakland Timesoaklandtimes.orgLocal Report - Michigan [41]
OTP Tribuneotptribune.comLocal Report - Georgia [41]
Pima Timespimatimes.comLocal Report - Arizona [41]
Rock Valley Timesrockvalleytimes.comLocal Report - Wisconsin [41]
Rockingham Journalrockinghamjournal.comLocal Report - New Hampshire [41]
Savannah Sun Timessavannahsuntimes.comLocal Report - Georgia [41]
Seacoast Standardseacoaststandard.orgLocal Report - New Hampshire [41]
Southern Colorado Timessoutherncoloradotimes.comLocal Report - Colorado [41]
Summerlin Reportersummerlinreporter.comLocal Report - Nevada [41]
The Colombus Newscolonews.orgLocal Report - Georgia [41]
The Commonwealth Community Reportvacommunityreport.comLocal Report - Virginia [41]
The Delaware Valley Sundelawarevalleysun.comLocal Report - Pennsylvania [41]
The Macon Reportmaconreport.comLocal Report - Georgia [41]
The Mid-Michigan Standardmidmichiganstd.comLocal Report - Michigan [41]
The Northeast Heraldnortheastherald.orgLocal Report - Pennsylvania [41]
The Piedmont Tribunepiedmonttribune.comLocal Report - North Carolina [41]
The Southeastern Timessoutheasterntimes.orgLocal Report - Wisconsin [41]
The Tri-City Recordtri-cityrecord.orgLocal Report - Michigan [41]
The Valley Gazettevalleygazette.orgLocal Report - Arizona [41]
The Washoe Gazettewashoegazette.comLocal Report - Nevada [41]
The Wayne Heraldwayneherald.orgLocal Report - Michigan [41]
The Wayne Heraldwaynecountyherald.comLocal Report - Michigan [41]
Three Rivers Gazettethreeriversgazette.comLocal Report - Pennsylvania [41]
Triangle Newstrianglenews.orgLocal Report - North Carolina [41]
Two Rivers Newstworiversnews.orgLocal Report - Michigan [41]
Upper Peninsula Timesupperpeninsulatimes.comLocal Report - Michigan [41]
Wisconsin Lake Timeswisconsinlaketimes.comLocal Report - Wisconsin [41]
Wisconsin Lake Timescentralwisconsintimes.comLocal Report - Wisconsin [41]
Yuma Standardyumastandard.comLocal Report - Arizona [41]
American Journal Newsamericanjournalnews.comActive"Partly backed by [a] Democratic PAC" associated with David Brock. [130] [130] [131] [132]

Metric Media

As of October 2021, at least 1,200 websites posing as local news outlets were owned by Metric Media, run by Brian Timpone. [133] [134] As of 2020, Metric Media also owns the Mount Vernon News, and had owned the Kern Valley Sun between 2020 and 2023. [135] [136]

AL Business Dailyalbusinessdaily.comAlabama [41] [133]
Auburn Timesauburntimes.comAlabama [41] [133]
Baldwin Timesbaldwintimes.comAlabama [41] [133]
Catholic Tribune – Pennsylvaniapacatholictribune.comPennsylvania [137]
Decatur Timesdecaturtimes.comAlabama [41] [133]
EC Alabama Newsecalabamanews.comAlabama [41] [133]
Gadsden Todaygadsdentoday.comAlabama [41] [133]
Huntsville Leaderhuntsvilleleader.comAlabama [41] [133]
Jefferson Reporterjeffersonreporter.comAlabama [41] [133]
Metro Lex Newsmetrolexnews.comKentucky [133]
Mobile Courantmobilecourant.comAlabama [41] [133]
NE Alabama Newsnealabamanews.comAlabama [41] [133]
North Birmingham Timesnorthbirminghamtimes.comAlabama [41] [133]
NW Alabama Newsnwalabamanews.comAlabama [41] [133]
Oakland Recordoaklandrecord.comCalifornia [133] [134]
Oakland City Wireoaklandcitywire.comCalifornia [138]
River Region Timesriverregiontimes.comAlabama [41] [133]
San Diego Recordsandiegorecord.comCalifornia [41] [133] [134]
San Diego City Wiresandiegocitywire.comCalifornia [138]
Shoals Todayshoalstoday.comAlabama [41] [133]
South Alabama Timessouthalabamatimes.comAlabama [41] [133]
South Birmingham Timessouthbirminghamtimes.comAlabama [41] [133]
Tuscaloosa Leadertuscaloosaleader.comAlabama [41] [133]
WC Alabama Newswcalabamanews.comAlabama [41] [133]
Wiregrass Timeswiregrasstimes.comAlabama [41] [133]
Yellowhammer Timesyellowhammertimes.comAlabama [41] [133]
Interior Alaska Newsinterioralaskanews.comAlaska [41] [133]
Last Frontier Newslastfrontiernews.comAlaska [41] [133]
Mat-Su Timesmatsutimes.comAlaska [41] [133]
North Alaska Newsnorthalaskanews.comAlaska [41] [133]
SC Alaska Newsscalaskanews.comAlaska [41] [133]
SE Alaska Newssealaskanews.comAlaska [41] [133]
SW Alaska Newsswalaskanews.comAlaska [41] [133]
AK Business Dailyakbusinessdaily.comAlaska [41] [133]
Angola Business Dailyangolabusinessdaily.comAngola [41] [133]
Arizona Catholic Tribuneazcatholictribune.comArizona [41] [133]
Coconino Newscoconinonews.comArizona [41] [133]
East Arizona Newseastarizonanews.comArizona [41] [133]
Grand Canyon Timesgrandcanyontimes.comArizona [41] [133]
Mohave Todaymohavetoday.comArizona [41] [133]
NE Valley Timesnevalleytimes.comArizona [41] [133]
NW Valley Timesnwvalleytimes.comArizona [41] [133]
North Pima Newsnorthpimanews.comArizona [41] [133]
PHX Reporterphxreporter.comArizona [41] [133]
Pinal Todaypinaltoday.comArizona [41] [133]
SE Arizona Newssearizonanews.comArizona [41] [133]
SE Valley Timessevalleytimes.comArizona [41] [133]
SW Arizona Newsswarizonanews.comArizona [41] [133]
SW Valley Timesswvalleytimes.comArizona [41] [133]
South Pima Newssouthpimanews.comArizona [41] [133]
Tucson Standardtucsonstandard.comArizona [41] [133]
Yavapai Newsyavapainews.comArizona [41] [133]
AZ Business Dailyazbusinessdaily.comArizona [41] [133]
Benton Timesbentontimes.comArkansas [41] [133]
East Little Rock Timeseastlittlerocktimes.comArkansas [41] [133]
Fayetteville Standardfayettevillestandard.comArkansas [41] [133]
Fort Smith Timesfortsmithtimes.comArkansas [41] [133]
Hot Springs Timeshotspringstimes.comArkansas [41] [133]
Jonesboro Timesjonesborotimes.comArkansas [41] [133]
Lowe Delta Newslowedeltanews.comArkansas [41] [133]
NC Arkansas Newsncarkansasnews.comArkansas [41] [133]
NW Arkansas Newsnwarkansasnews.comArkansas [41] [133]
Natural State Business Newsnaturalstatebusinessnews.comArkansas [41]
Natural State Newsnaturalstatenews.comArkansas [41] [133]
North Little Rock Timesnorthlittlerocktimes.comArkansas [41] [133]
Pulaski Timespulaskitimes.comArkansas [41] [133]
SW Arkansas Timesswarkansastimes.comArkansas [41] [133]
Upper Delta Newsupperdeltanews.comArkansas [41] [133]
AR Business Dailyarbusinessdaily.comArkansas [41] [133]
Natural State Business Newsarbiztoday.comArkansas [41]
The Desert Magthedesertmag.comCalifornia [41]
Antelope Valley Todayantelopevalleytoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Central Alameda Newscentralalamedanews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Central OC Timescentraloctimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Chico Timeschicotimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Coachella Todaycoachellatoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
East Alameda Newseastalamedanews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
East Contra Costa Newseastcontracostanews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
East SBV Timeseastsbvtimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
East SFV Todayeastsfvtoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
East San Diego Newseastsandiegonews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
East Sierra Newseastsierranews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
East Ventura Newseastventuranews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Fresno Leaderfresnoleader.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Gold Country Todaygoldcountrytoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Golden State Todaygoldenstatetoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Imperial CA Newsimperialcanews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Kern County Timeskerncountytimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Kings County Timeskingscountytimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
LA Harbor Newslaharbornews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
LAX Leaderlaxleader.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Lake Tahoe Sunlaketahoesun.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Marin Leadermarinleader.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Merced Timesmercedtimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Monterey Timesmontereytimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
NE Cali Newsnecalinews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
NE Sacramento Newsnesacramentonews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
NW LA Timesnwlatimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
NW Riverside Newsnwriversidenews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
North Coast California Newsnorthcoastcanews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
North Inland Newsnorthinlandnews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
North OC Timesnorthoctimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
North SFV Todaynorthsfvtoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
North SGV Newsnorthsgvnews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
North Sacramento Todaynorthsactoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Pomona Valley Newspomonavalleynews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Redding Todayreddingtoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Redwood Empire Newsredwoodempirenews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
SE LA Timesselatimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
SFV Todaysfvtoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
SGV Standardsgvstandard.comCalifornia [41] [133]
SLO Reportersloreporter.comCalifornia [41] [133]
SW Riverside Newsswriversidenews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Sacramento Standardsacramentostandard.comCalifornia [41] [133]
San Francisco Sunsanfranciscosun.comCalifornia [41]
San Francisco Sunsanfransun.comCalifornia [41] [133]
San Joaquin Timessanjoaquintimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
San Jose Standardsanjosestandard.comCalifornia [41] [133]
San Mateo Sunsanmateosun.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Santa Clara Todaysantaclaratoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Santa Cruz Standardsantacruzstandard.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Solano Sunsolanosun.comCalifornia [41] [133]
South Alameda Newssouthalamedanews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
South Bay Leadersouthbayleader.comCalifornia [41] [133]
South Bay SD Newssouthbaysdnews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
South OC Timessouthoctimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
South SF Bay Newssouthsfbaynews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
South SFV Todaysouthsfvtoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
South SGV Newssouthsgvnews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
South Sacramento Todaysouthsactoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Stanislaus Newsstanislausnews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Tulare Timestularetimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Verdugos Newsverdugosnews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Victor Valley Timesvictorvalleytimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
West Contra Costa Newswestcontracostanews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
West El Dorado Newswesteldoradonews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
West LA Timeswestlatimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
West OC Timeswestoctimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
West SBV Timeswestsbvtimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
West SFV Todaywestsfvtoday.comCalifornia [41] [133]
West SGV Newswestsgvnews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
West Ventura Newswestventuranews.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Wine Country Timeswinecountrytimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Yuba-Sutter Timesyubasuttertimes.comCalifornia [41] [133]
CA Business Dailycabusinessdaily.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Coachella Valley Timescoachellavalleytimes.comCalifornia [41]
Northern California Recordnorcalrecord.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Southern California Recordsocalrecord.comCalifornia [41] [133]
Toronto Business Dailytorontobusinessdaily.comCanada [41] [133]
Adams County Timesadamscountytimes.comColorado [41] [133]
Boulder Leaderboulderleader.comColorado [41] [133]
Centennial State Newscentennialstatenews.comColorado [41] [133]
Central Colorado Newscentralcoloradonews.comColorado [41] [133]
Denver City Wiredenvercitywire.comColorado [41] [133]
East Arapahoe Newseastarapahoenews.comColorado [41] [133]
Grand Junction Timesgrandjunctiontimes.comColorado [41] [133]
Larimer Newslarimernews.comColorado [41] [133]
NE Colorado Newsnecoloradonews.comColorado [41] [133]
North Jefferson County Newsnorthjeffconews.comColorado [41] [133]
SE Colorado Newssecoloradonews.comColorado [41] [133]
SE Denver Newssedenvernews.comColorado [41] [133]
SW Colorado Newsswcoloradonews.comColorado [41] [133]
South Jefferson County Newssouthjeffconews.comColorado [41] [133]
Springs Timesspringstimes.comColorado [41] [133]
West Arapahoe Newswestarapahoenews.comColorado [41] [133]
CO Business Dailycobusinessdaily.comColorado [41] [133]
Bridgeport Timesbridgeporttimes.comConnecticut [41] [133]
Constitution State Newsconstitutionstatenews.comConnecticut [41] [133]
Hartford Reporterhartfordreporter.comConnecticut [41] [133]
Housatonic Valley Newshousatonicvalleynews.comConnecticut [41] [133]
Litchfield Hills Todaylitchfieldhillstoday.comConnecticut [41] [133]
NE Connecticut Newsneconnnews.comConnecticut [41] [133]
NW Connecticut Newsnwconnnews.comConnecticut [41] [133]
Naugatuck Timesnaugatucktimes.comConnecticut [41] [133]
SC Connecticut Newsscconnnews.comConnecticut [41] [133]
SE Connecticut Newsseconnnews.comConnecticut [41] [133]
SW Connecticut Newsswconnnews.comConnecticut [41] [133]
CT Business Dailyctbusinessdaily.comConnecticut [41] [133]
First State Timesfirststatetimes.comDelaware [41] [133]
Kent County Todaykentcountytoday.comDelaware [41] [133]
North New Castle Newsnorthnewcastlenews.comDelaware [41] [133]
South New Castle Newssouthnewcastlenews.comDelaware [41] [133]
Sussex Reviewsussexreview.comDelaware [41] [133]
DE Business Dailydebusinessdaily.comDelaware [41] [133]
Florida Catholic Tribuneflcatholictribune.comFlorida [41] [133]
Brevard Sunbrevardsun.comFlorida [41] [133]
Central Broward Newscentralbrowardnews.comFlorida [41] [133]
Clay County Timesclaycotimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
Duval Timesduvaltimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
East Hillsborough Newseasthillsboroughnews.comFlorida [41] [133]
East Panhandle Newseastpanhandlenews.comFlorida [41] [133]
East Volusia Newseastvolusianews.comFlorida [41] [133]
Emerald Coast Timesemeraldcoasttimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
Hernando Reporterhernandoreporter.comFlorida [41] [133]
Key West Reporterkeywestreporter.comFlorida [41] [133]
Lee Todayleetoday.comFlorida [41] [133]
Manatee Reviewmanateereview.comFlorida [41] [133]
Miami Courantmiamicourant.comFlorida [41] [133]
NC Florida Newsncfloridanews.comFlorida [41] [133]
NE Florida Newsnefloridanews.comFlorida [41] [133]
Naples Standardnaplesstandard.comFlorida [41] [133]
Nature Coast Timesnaturecoasttimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
North Broward Newsnorthbrowardnews.comFlorida [41] [133]
North Lake Timesnorthlaketimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
North Miami-Dade Newsnorthmianews.comFlorida [41] [133]
North Orlando Newsnorthorlandonews.comFlorida [41] [133]
North Palm Beach Todaynorthpalmbeachtoday.comFlorida [41] [133]
North Panhandle Newsnorthpanhandlenews.comFlorida [41] [133]
North Pinellas Newsnorthpinellasnews.comFlorida [41] [133]
Ocala Standardocalastandard.comFlorida [41] [133]
Okeechobee Timesokeechobeetimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
Orlando Standardorlandostandard.comFlorida [41] [133]
Palm Coast Timespalmcoasttimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
Panama City Reporterpanamacityreporter.comFlorida [41] [133]
Pasco Reporterpascoreporter.comFlorida [41] [133]
Pensacola Timespensacolatimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
Pinellas Timespinellastimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
Polk Timespolktimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
Sarasota Reviewsarasotareview.comFlorida [41] [133]
South Broward Newssouthbrowardnews.comFlorida [41] [133]
South Lake Todaysouthlaketoday.comFlorida [41] [133]
South Miami-Dade Newssouthmianews.comFlorida [41] [133]
South Orlando Newssouthorlandonews.comFlorida [41] [133]
South Palm Beach Todaysouthpalmbeachtoday.comFlorida [41] [133]
South Pinellas Timessouthpinellastimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
St. Pete Standardstpetestandard.comFlorida [41] [133]
Sumter Timessumtertimes.comFlorida [41] [133]
Sun Shine Sentinelsunshinesentinel.comFlorida [41] [133]
Tallahassee Suntallahasseesun.comFlorida [41] [133]
Tampa Republictamparepublic.comFlorida [41] [133]
Treasure Coast Suntreasurecoastsun.comFlorida [41] [133]
West Florida Newswestflnews.comFlorida [41] [133]
West Hillsborough Newswesthillsboroughnews.comFlorida [41] [133]
West Volusia Newswestvolusianews.comFlorida [41] [133]
FL Business Dailyflbusinessdaily.comFlorida [41] [133]
Florida Recordflarecord.comFlorida [41] [133]
ATL Standardatlstandard.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Albany Standardalbanystandard.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Athens Reporterathensreporter.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Central Georgia Newscentralgeorgianews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Coastal GA Newscoastalganews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Cobb Reportercobbreporter.comGeorgia [41] [133]
DeKalb GA Newsdekalbganews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
East Central Georgia Newsecgeorgianews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Georgia Mountain Newsgeorgiamountainnews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Macon Timesmacontimes.comGeorgia [41] [133]
NC Georgia Newsncgeorgianews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
NE Atlanta Newsneatlantanews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
NW Atlanta Newsnwatlantanews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
NW Georgia Newsnwgeorgianews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
North Fulton Todaynorthfultontoday.comGeorgia [41] [133]
North Gwinnett Newsnorthgwinnettnews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Peach Tree Timespeachtreetimes.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Rome Reporterromereporter.comGeorgia [41] [133]
SE Atlanta Newsseatlantanews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
SE Georgia Newssegeorgianews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
SW Georgia Newsswgeorgianews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Savannah Standardsavannahstandard.comGeorgia [41] [133]
South Atlanta Newssouthatlantanews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
South Fulton Todaysouthfultontoday.comGeorgia [41] [133]
South Georgia Timessouthgeorgiatimes.comGeorgia [41] [133]
South Gwinnett Newssouthgwinnettnews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
WC Georgia Newswcgeorgianews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Warner Robins Todaywarnerrobinstoday.comGeorgia [41] [133]
West Atlanta Newswestatlantanews.comGeorgia [41] [133]
GA Business Dailygabusinessdaily.comGeorgia [41] [133]
Globe Bannerglobebanner.comGlobal [41]
Guatemala Business Dailyguatemalabusinessdaily.comGuatemala [41] [133]
Aloha State Newsalohastatenews.comHawaii [41] [133]
Big Island Timesohanatimes.comHawaii [41]
Big Island Timesbigislandtimes.comHawaii [41] [133]
Honolulu Reporterhonolulureporter.comHawaii [41] [133]
Kauai Sunkauaisun.comHawaii [41] [133]
Maui Reportermauireporter.comHawaii [41] [133]
HI Business Dailyhibusinessdaily.comHawaii [41] [133]
Salem Newswiresalemnewswire.comIllinois [41] [133]
West Loop Todaywestlooptoday.comIllinois [41] [133]
Carbondale Reportercarbondalereporter.comIllinois [41] [133]
Chambana Sunchambanasun.comIllinois [41] [133]
Chicago City Wirechicagocitywire.comIllinois [41] [133] [130]
DeKalb Timesdekalbtimes.comIllinois [41] [133]
DuPage Policy Journaldupagepolicyjournal.comIllinois [41] [133]
East Central Reportereastcentralreporter.comIllinois [41] [133]
Galesburg Reportergalesburgreporter.comIllinois [41] [133]
Grundy Reportergrundyreporter.comIllinois [41] [133]
Illinois Valley Timesillinoisvalleytimes.comIllinois [41] [133]
Kane County Reporterkanecountyreporter.comIllinois [41] [133]
Kankakee Timeskankakeetimes.comIllinois [41] [133]
Kendall County Timeskendallcountytimes.comIllinois [41] [133]
Lake County Gazettelakecountygazette.comIllinois [41] [133]
Macon Reportermaconreporter.comIllinois [41] [133]
McClean County Timesmcleancountytimes.comIllinois [41] [133]
McHenry Timesmchenrytimes.comIllinois [41] [133]
Metro East Sunmetroeastsun.comIllinois [41] [133]
NW Illinois Newsnwillinoisnews.comIllinois [41] [133]
North Cook Newsnorthcooknews.comIllinois [41] [133]
North Egypt Newsnorthegyptnews.comIllinois [41] [133]
Peoria Standardpeoriastandard.comIllinois [41] [133]
Prairie State Wireprairiestatewire.comIllinois [41] [133]
Quincy Reporterquincyreporter.comIllinois [41] [133]
Rock Island Todayrockislandtoday.comIllinois [41] [133]
Rockford Sunrockfordsun.comIllinois [41] [133]
SE Illinois Newsseillinoisnews.comIllinois [41] [133]
SIL Newssilnews.comIllinois [41] [133]
SW Illinois Newsswillinoisnews.comIllinois [41] [133]
Sangamon Sunsangamonsun.comIllinois [41] [133]
South Central Reportersouthcentralreporter.comIllinois [41] [133]
South Cook Newssouthcooknews.comIllinois [41] [133]
West Central Reporterwestcentralreporter.comIllinois [41] [133]
West Cook Newswestcooknews.comIllinois [41] [133]
Will County Gazettewillcountygazette.comIllinois [41] [133]
Suburban Marqueesuburbanmarquee.comIllinois [41]
IL Business Dailyilbusinessdaily.comIllinois [41] [133]
Cook County Recordcookcountyrecord.comIllinois [41] [133]
Madison Record madisonrecord.comIllinois [41] [133] [139]
Anderson Reporterandersonreporter.comIndiana [41] [133]
Bloomington Leaderbloomingtonleader.comIndiana [41] [133]
Columbus Standardcolumbusstandard.comIndiana [41] [133]
EC Indiana Newsecindiananews.comIndiana [41] [133]
East Indy Newseastindynews.comIndiana [41] [133]
Elkhart Timeselkharttimes.comIndiana [41] [133]
Ft Wayne Timesftwaynetimes.comIndiana [41] [133]
Hoosier State Todayhoosierstatetoday.comIndiana [41] [133]
Indy Standardindystandard.comIndiana [41] [133]
Kentuckiana Timeskentuckianatimes.comIndiana [41] [133]
Kokomo Standardkokomostandard.comIndiana [41] [133]
Lafayette Timeslafayettetimes.comIndiana [41] [133]
Muncie Reportermunciereporter.comIndiana [41] [133]
NC Indiana Newsncindiananews.comIndiana [41] [133]
NE Indiana Newsneindiananews.comIndiana [41] [133]
North Indy Newsnorthindynews.comIndiana [41] [133]
SE Indiana Newsseindiananews.comIndiana [41] [133]
SW Indiana Newsswindiananews.comIndiana [41] [133]
South Bend Timessouthbendtimes.comIndiana [41] [133]
South Indy Newssouthindynews.comIndiana [41] [133]
Southern Indiana Todaysouthernindianatoday.comIndiana [41] [133]
The Region Newstheregionnews.comIndiana [41] [133]
Vincennes Todayvincennestoday.comIndiana [133]
WC Indiana Newswcindiananews.comIndiana [41] [133]
West Indy Newswestindynews.comIndiana [41] [133]
Indiana Business Dailyindianabusinessdaily.comIndiana [41] [133]
Ames Todayamestoday.comIowa [41] [133]
Cedar Rapids Todaycedarrapidstoday.comIowa [41] [133]
Central Iowa Timescentraliowatimes.comIowa [41] [133]
Des Moines Sundesmoinessun.comIowa [41] [133]
Dubuque Timesdubuquetimes.comIowa [41] [133]
East Central Iowa Newseciowanews.comIowa [41] [133]
Hawkeye Reporterhawkeyereporter.comIowa [41] [133]
Iowa City Todayiowacitytoday.comIowa [41] [133]
NE Iowa Newsneiowanews.comIowa [41] [133]
NW Iowa Newsnwiowanews.comIowa [41] [133]
North DSM Newsnorthdsmnews.comIowa [41] [133]
North Iowa Reporternorthiowareporter.comIowa [41] [133]
River Bend Timesriverbendtimes.comIowa [41] [133]
SE Iowa Newsseiowanews.comIowa [41] [133]
SW Iowa Timesswiowatimes.comIowa [41] [133]
Sioux City Timessiouxcitytimes.comIowa [41] [133]
South DSM Newssouthdsmnews.comIowa [41] [133]
South Iowa Newssouthiowanews.comIowa [41] [133]
WC Iowa Newswciowanews.comIowa [41] [133]
Waterloo Timeswaterlootimes.comIowa [41] [133]
West DSM Newswestdsmnews.comIowa [41] [133]
IA Business Dailyiabusinessdaily.comIowa [41] [133]
Kansas Catholic Tribunekscatholictribune.comKansas [41]
Linn County Guidelinncountyguide.comKansas [41] [133]
EC Kansas Newseckansasnews.comKansas [41] [133]
East Wichita Timeseastwichitatimes.comKansas [41] [133]
Hutch Todayhutchtoday.comKansas [41] [133]
Joco Todayjocotoday.comKansas [41] [133]
Lawrence Reporterlawrencereporter.comKansas [41] [133]
Little Apple Timeslittleappletimes.comKansas [41] [133]
NC Kansas Newsnckansasnews.comKansas [41] [133]
NE Kansas Newsnekansasnews.comKansas [41] [133]
NW Kansas Newsnwkansasnews.comKansas [41] [133]
North Wichita Newsnorthwichitanews.comKansas [41] [133]
SC Kansas Newssckansasnews.comKansas [41] [133]
SE Kansas Newssekansasnews.comKansas [41] [133]
SW Kansas Newsswkansasnews.comKansas [41] [133]
South Wichita Newssouthwichitanews.comKansas [41] [133]
Sunflower State Newssunflowerstatenews.comKansas [41] [133]
Topeka Suntopekasun.comKansas [41] [133]
Wichita Standardwichitastandard.comKansas [41] [133]
Wyandotte Timeswyandottetimes.comKansas [41] [133]
KS Business Dailyksbusinessdaily.comKansas [41] [133]
Bluegrass Timesbluegrasstimes.comKentucky [41] [133]
Bowling Green Todaybowlinggreentoday.comKentucky [41] [133]
East Kentucky Timeseastkentuckytimes.comKentucky [41] [133]
East Louisville Newseastlouisvillenews.comKentucky [41] [133]
East Pennyroyal Newseastpennyroyalnews.comKentucky [41] [133]
Elizabethtown Timeselizabethtowntimes.comKentucky [41] [133]
Hopkinsville Timeshopkinsvilletimes.comKentucky [41] [133]
Jackson Purchase Newsjacksonpurchasenews.comKentucky [41] [133]
Louisville City Wirelouisvillecitywire.comKentucky [41] [133]
NC Kentucky Newsnckentuckynews.comKentucky [41] [133]
NE Kentucky Newsnekentuckynews.comKentucky [41] [133]
NW Kentucky Newsnwkentuckynews.comKentucky [41] [133]
North Bluegrass Newsnorthbluegrassnews.comKentucky [41] [133]
North Kentucky Newsnorthkentuckynews.comKentucky [41] [133]
SE Bluegrass Newssebluegrassnews.comKentucky [41] [133]
SE Kentucky Newssekentuckynews.comKentucky [41] [133]
SW Bluegrass Newsswbluegrassnews.comKentucky [41] [133]
West Pennyroyal Newswestpennyroyalnews.comKentucky [41] [133]
KY Business Dailykybusinessdaily.comKentucky [41] [133]
Baton Rouge Reporterbatonrougereporter.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Central Louisiana Newscentrallouisiananews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Florida Parish Newsfloridaparishnews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Houma-Thibodaux Newshoumathibodauxnews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Lafayette Reporterlafayettereporter.comLouisiana [41] [133]
NE Louisiana Newsnelouisiananews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
NW Louisiana Newsnwlouisiananews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Nola Reporternolareporter.comLouisiana [41] [133]
North Acadiana Newsnorthacadiananews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
North Shore Louisiana Newsnorthshorelanews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Pelican State Newspelicanstatenews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
River Parish Newsriverparishnews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
SW Louisiana Newsswlouisiananews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Shreveport Reportershreveportreporter.comLouisiana [41] [133]
South Louisiana Newssouthlouisiananews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Westbank Louisiana Newswestbanklanews.comLouisiana [41] [133]
LA Business Dailylabusinessdaily.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Louisiana Recordlouisianarecord.comLouisiana [41] [133]
Aroostook Newsaroostooknews.comMaine [41] [133]
Down East Timesdowneasttimes.comMaine [41] [133]
Lewiston Timeslewistontimes.comMaine [41] [133]
Maine Highlands Newsmainehighlandsnews.comMaine [41] [133]
Maine Lakes Newsmainelakesnews.comMaine [41] [133]
Mid Coast Todaymidcoasttoday.comMaine [41] [133]
Pine State Newspinestatenews.comMaine [41] [133]
Portland Maine Newsportlandmainenews.comMaine [41] [133]
River Valley Todayrivervalleytoday.comMaine [41] [133]
South Maine Newssouthmainenews.comMaine [41] [133]
Maine Business Dailymainebusinessdaily.comMaine [41] [133]
Anne Arundel Todayannearundeltoday.comMaryland [41] [133]
Baltimore City Wirebaltimorecitywire.comMaryland [41] [133]
Harford Newsharfordnews.comMaryland [41] [133]
Howard County Newshowardconews.comMaryland [41] [133]
Maryland State Wiremdstatewire.comMaryland [41] [133]
Montgomery Newsmontgomerymdnews.comMaryland [41] [133]
North Baltimore Journalnorthbaltimorejournal.comMaryland [41] [133]
MD Business Dailymdbusinessdaily.comMaryland [41] [133]
Bay State Newsbaystatenews.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Bean Town Timesbeantowntimes.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Bristol Reporterbristolreporter.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Cape Cod Ledgercapecodledger.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Merrimack Valley Newsmerrimackvalleynews.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Metro West Timesmetrowesttimes.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Mid Massachusetts Newsmidmassnews.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
NC Massachusetts Newsncmassnews.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Norfolk Reporternorfolkreporter.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
North Boston Newsnorthbostonnews.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Plymouth Reporterplymouthreporter.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Springfield City Wirespringfieldcitywire.comMassachusetts [41]
Springfield Recordspringfieldrecord.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
West Massachusetts Newswestmassnews.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
MA Business Dailymabusinessdaily.comMassachusetts [41] [133]
Mexico Business Dailymexicobusinessdaily.comMexico [41] [133]
Michigan Catholic Tribunemicatholictribune.comMichigan [41] [133]
Lansing Reporterlansingreporter.comMichigan [41] [133]
Ann Arbor Timesannarbortimes.comMichigan [41] [133]
Battle Creek Timesbattlecreektimes.comMichigan [41] [133]
Detroit City Wiredetroitcitywire.comMichigan [41] [133]
Down River Todaydownrivertoday.comMichigan [41] [133]
East Michigan Newseastmichigannews.comMichigan [41] [133]
Eastern Wayne Todayeasternwaynetoday.comMichigan [41] [133]
Genesee Newsgeneseenews.comMichigan [41] [133]
Grand Rapids Reportergrandrapidsreporter.comMichigan [41] [133]
Great Lakes Wiregreatlakeswire.comMichigan [41] [133]
Holland Reporterhollandreporter.comMichigan [41] [133]
Kalamazoo Timeskalamazootimes.comMichigan [41] [133]
Lansing Sunlansingsun.comMichigan [41] [133]
Livingston Todaylivingstontoday.comMichigan [41] [133]
MI Capitol Newsmicapitolnews.comMichigan [41] [133]
Macomb Todaymacombtoday.comMichigan [41] [133]
Monroe Reviewmonroereview.comMichigan [41] [133]
Muskegon Sunmuskegonsun.comMichigan [41] [133]
North Kent Newsnorthkentnews.comMichigan [41] [133]
North Michigan Newsnorthmichigannews.comMichigan [41] [133]
Northwest Wayne Newsnwwaynenews.comMichigan [41] [133]
Novi Timesnovitimes.comMichigan [41] [133]
Pontiac Timespontiactimes.comMichigan [41] [133]
SE Grand Rapidssegrandrapids.comMichigan [41] [133]
SE Oakland Newsseoaklandnews.comMichigan [41] [133]
Shelby Reviewshelbyreview.comMichigan [41] [133]
Shiawassee Timesshiawasseetimes.comMichigan [41] [133]
South Kent Newssouthkentnews.comMichigan [41] [133]
South Michigan Newssouthmichigannews.comMichigan [41] [133]
St. Clair Todaystclairtoday.comMichigan [41] [133]
St. Joe-Benton Harbor Newsstjoebentonharbor.comMichigan [41] [133]
Sturgis-Coldwater Newssturgiscoldwaternews.comMichigan [41] [133]
The Warren Sunwarrensun.comMichigan [41] [133]
Thumb Reporterthumbreporter.comMichigan [41] [133]
Tri-City Suntricitysun.comMichigan [41] [133]
UP Gazetteupgazette.comMichigan [41] [133]
Waterford Todaywaterfordtoday.comMichigan [41] [133]
West Central Michigan Newswcmichigannews.comMichigan [41] [133]
Western Wayne Todaywesternwaynetoday.comMichigan [41] [133]
MI Business Dailymibusinessdaily.comMichigan [41] [133]
Minnesota Catholic Tribunemncatholictribune.comMinnesota [41] [133]
Anoka Timesanokatimes.comMinnesota [41] [133]
Dakota Timesdakotatimes.comMinnesota [41] [133]
East Twin Citieseasttwincities.comMinnesota [41] [133]
Minneapolis Reviewminneapolisreview.comMinnesota [41] [133]
Minnesota State Wireminnesotastatewire.comMinnesota [41] [133]
NC Minnesota Newsncminnesotanews.comMinnesota [41] [133]
NW Minnesota Newsnwminnesotanews.comMinnesota [41] [133]
NW Twin Citiesnwtwincities.comMinnesota [41] [133]
North Hennepin Newsnorthhennepinnews.comMinnesota [41] [133]
North Ramsey Newsnorthramseynews.comMinnesota [41] [133]
SC Minnesota Newsscminnesotanews.comMinnesota [41] [133]
SE Minnesota Newsseminnesotanews.comMinnesota [41] [133]
SE Twin Citiessetwincities.comMinnesota [41] [133]
SW Minnesota Todayswminnesotatoday.comMinnesota [41] [133]
South Hennepin Newssouthhennepinnews.comMinnesota [41] [133]
St. Cloud Sunstcloudsun.comMinnesota [41] [133]
St. Paul Reporterstpaulreporter.comMinnesota [41] [133]
WC Minnesota Newswcminnesotanews.comMinnesota [41] [133]
West Twin Citieswesttwincities.comMinnesota [41] [133]
MN Business Dailymnbusinessdaily.comMinnesota [41] [133]
EC Mississippi Newsecmissnews.comMississippi [41] [133]
GTR Timesgtrtimes.comMississippi [41] [133]
Hinds Todayhindstoday.comMississippi [41] [133]
Magnolia State Newsmagnoliastatenews.comMississippi [41] [133]
Mississippi Gulf Newsmsgulfnews.comMississippi [41] [133]
NC Mississippi Newsncmissnews.comMississippi [41] [133]
NE Mississippi Newsnemissnews.comMississippi [41] [133]
NW Mississippi Newsnwmissnews.comMississippi [41] [133]
Oxford Reporteroxfordreporter.comMississippi [41] [133]
Pine Belt Timespinebelttimes.comMississippi [41] [133]
SC Mississippi Newsscmissnews.comMississippi [41] [133]
SW Mississippi Newsswmissnews.comMississippi [41] [133]
WC Mississippi Newswcmissnews.comMississippi [41] [133]
MS Business Dailymsbusinessdaily.comMississippi [41] [133]
Branson Timesbransontimes.comMissouri [41] [133]
Cape Newscapemonews.comMissouri [41] [133]
Central Missouri Newscentralmissourinews.comMissouri [41] [133]
Central STL Newscentralstlnews.comMissouri [41] [133]
Clay Reporterclayreporter.comMissouri [41] [133]
Columbia Newscolumbiamonews.comMissouri [41] [133]
Jefferson City Newsjeffcitynews.comMissouri [41] [133]
Jefferson County Timesjeffcotimes.comMissouri [41] [133]
KC Reporterkcreporter.comMissouri [41] [133]
NE Kansas City Newsnekansascitynews.comMissouri [41] [133]
NE Missouri Newsnemissourinews.comMissouri [41] [133]
NW Missouri Timesnwmissouritimes.comMissouri [41] [133]
North STL Newsnorthstlnews.comMissouri [41] [133]
Platte Newsplattenews.comMissouri [41] [133]
SC Missouri Newsscmissourinews.comMissouri [41] [133]
SE Kansas City Newssekansascitynews.comMissouri [41] [133]
SE Missouri Newssemissourinews.comMissouri [41] [133]
SW Missouri Newsswmissourinews.comMissouri [41] [133]
Show-Me State Timesshowmestatetimes.comMissouri [41] [133]
South KC Newssouthkcnews.comMissouri [41] [133]
South STL Newssouthstlnews.comMissouri [41] [133]
Springfield Standardspringfieldstandard.comMissouri [41] [133]
St. Charles Timesstcharlestimes.comMissouri [41] [133]
St. Louis Reporterstlouisreporter.comMissouri [41] [133]
WC Missouri Newswcmissourinews.comMissouri [41] [133]
West STL Newsweststlnews.comMissouri [41] [133]
West STL Newsstlwestnews.comMissouri [41] [133]
MO Business Dailymobusinessdaily.comMissouri [41] [133]
St. Louis Recordstlrecord.comMissouri [41] [133]
Big Sky Timesbigskytimes.comMontana [41] [133]
Central Montana Timescentralmontanatimes.comMontana [41] [133]
Glacier Country Newsglaciercountrynews.comMontana [41] [133]
Northeast Montana Newsnemontananews.comMontana [41] [133]
Northwest Montana Newsnwmontananews.comMontana [41] [133]
SE Montana Newssemontananews.comMontana [41] [133]
Southwest Montana Newsswmontanatimes.comMontana [41] [133]
Yellowstone Timesyellowstonetimes.comMontana [41] [133]
MT Business Dailymtbusinessdaily.comMontana [41] [133]
Cornhusker State Newscornhuskerstatenews.comNebraska [41] [133]
EC Nebraska Newsecnebraskanews.comNebraska [41] [133]
NE Nebraska Newsnenebraskanews.comNebraska [41] [133]
Nebraska Panhandle Newsnepanhandlenews.comNebraska [41] [133]
North Omaha Timesnorthomahatimes.comNebraska [41] [133]
Omaha Recordomahacitywire.comNebraska [41]
Omaha Recordomaharecord.comNebraska [41] [133]
SC Nebraska Newsscnebraskanews.comNebraska [41] [133]
SE Nebraska Newssenebraskanews.comNebraska [41] [133]
Sandhills Todaysandhillstoday.comNebraska [41] [133]
South Omaha Timessouthomahatimes.comNebraska [41] [133]
Nebraska Business Dailynebraskabusinessdaily.comNebraska [41] [133]
Eagle Valley Timeseaglevalleytimes.comNevada [41] [133]
Las Vegas Recordlasvegasrecord.comNevada [41] [133]
NW Clark Newsnwclarknews.comNevada [41] [133]
North Nevada Newsnorthnevadanews.comNevada [41] [133]
North Vegas Timesnorthvegastimes.comNevada [41] [133]
Reno Reporterrenoreporter.comNevada [41] [133]
SE Vegas Newssevegasnews.comNevada [41] [133]
SW Vegas Newsswvegasnews.comNevada [41] [133]
Silver State Timessilverstatetimes.comNevada [41] [133]
Washoe Newswashoenews.comNevada [41] [133]
NV Business Dailynvbusinessdaily.comNevada [41] [133]
Concord Ledgerconcordledger.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
Dartmouth Timesdartmouthtimes.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
Granite State Timesgranitestatetimes.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
Hillsborough Sunhillsboroughsun.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
Lake Region Newslakeregionnews.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
North Country Reporternorthcountryreporter.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
Rockingham Timesrockinghamtimes.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
SW New Hampshire Newsswnewhampshirenews.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
Strafford Newsstraffordnews.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
NH Business Dailynhbusinessdaily.comNew Hampshire [41] [133]
Atlantic County Timesatlanticcotimes.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Burlington Reviewburlingtonreview.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Garden State Timesgardenstatetimes.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Gloucester Todaygloucestertoday.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Hudson Todayhudsontoday.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Mercer Timesmercertimes.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Monmouth Timesmonmouthtimes.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Morris Leadermorrisleader.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
NE Bergen Newsnebergennews.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
NW Bergen Newsnwbergennews.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
NW Jersey Newsnwjerseynews.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Newark Reporternewarkreporter.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
North Essex Newsnorthessexnews.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
North Middlesex Timesnorthmiddlesextimes.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Ocean County Leaderoceancountyleader.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Passaic Newspassiacnews.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Somerset Timessomersettimes.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
South Bergen Newssouthbergennews.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
South Jersey Sunsouthjerseysun.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
South Middlesex Timessouthmiddlesextimes.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
Union County Reviewunioncountyreview.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
West Essex Newswestessexnews.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
NJ Business Dailynjbusinessdaily.comNew Jersey [41] [133]
ABQ Timesabqtimes.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
East New Mexico Newseastnewmexiconews.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
Enchantment State Newsenchantmentstatenews.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
NE New Mexico Sunnenewmexiconews.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
NW Minnesota Newsnwnewmexiconews.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
New Mexico Sunnewmexicosun.comNew Mexico [41]
SW New Mexico Newsswnewmexiconews.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
Sandoval Newssandovalnews.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
Santa Fe Standardsantafestandard.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
South ABQ Newssouthabqnews.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
WC New Mexico Newswcnewmexiconews.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
NM Business Dailynmbusinessdaily.comNew Mexico [41] [133]
Buffalo Ledgerbuffaloledger.comNew York [41] [133]
Capital District Timescapitaldistricttimes.comNew York [41] [133]
East Hudson Valley Newseasthudvalleynews.comNew York [41] [133]
Empire State Todayempirestatetoday.comNew York [41] [133]
Finger Lakes Todayfingerlakestoday.comNew York [41] [133]
Mohawk Valley Timesmohawkvalleytimes.comNew York [41] [133]
Monroe NY Newsmonroenynews.comNew York [41] [133]
NE New York Todaynenewyorktoday.comNew York [41] [133]
NYC Gazettenycgazette.comNew York [41] [133]
Nassau Standardnassaustandard.comNew York [41] [133]
Niagara Leaderniagaraleader.comNew York [41] [133]
North Country Leadernorthcountryleader.comNew York [41] [133]
Oneida Timesoneidatimes.comNew York [41] [133]
Rochester Reporterrochesterreporter.comNew York [41] [133]
Rockland Reporterrocklandreporter.comNew York [41] [133]
SC New York Newsscnewyorknews.comNew York [41] [133]
Saratoga Standardsaratogastandard.comNew York [41] [133]
Staten Island Reporterstatenislandreporter.comNew York [41] [133]
Suffolk Reportersuffolkreporter.comNew York [41] [133]
Syracuse Sunsyracusesun.comNew York [41] [133]
West Hudson Valley Newswesthudvalleynews.comNew York [41] [133]
West NY Newswestnynews.comNew York [41] [133]
Westchester Reporterwestchesterreporter.comNew York [41] [133]
NY Business Dailynybusinessdaily.comNew York [41] [133]
Asheville Reporterashevillereporter.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Burlington Reporterburlingtonreporter.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Cabarrus Todaycabarrustoday.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Chapel Hill Reviewchapelhillreview.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Durham Reporterdurhamreporter.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
EC North Carolina Newsecnorthcarolinanews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
East Lake Norman Newseastlakenormannews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
East Wake Timeseastwaketimes.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Fayetteville Todayfayettevilletoday.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Foothills Reviewfoothillsreview.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Gastonia Timesgastoniatimes.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Greensboro Reportergreensbororeporter.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Greenville Reportergreenvillereporter.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Hickory Sunhickorysun.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
High Country Timeshighcountrytimes.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
IBX Newsibxnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Johnston Reporterjohnstonreporter.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
NC NC Newsncncnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
NC Union Newsncunionnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
NE Piedmont Newsnepiedmontnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Nantahal Newsnantahalanews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
North Charlotte Todaynorthcharlottetoday.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
North Guilford Newsnorthguilfordnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
North Iredell Newsnorthiredellnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
North Mecklenburg Newsnorthmecklenburgnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
North Raleigh Todaynorthraleightoday.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
North Triangle Newsnorthtrianglenews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
North Wake Newsnorthwakenews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Old North Newsoldnorthnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Onslow Newsonslownews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Outer Banks Timesouterbankstimes.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Pinehurst Todaypinehursttoday.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Randolph County Newsrandolphcountynews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Rocky Mount Todayrockymounttoday.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Rowan Newsrowannews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
SE North Carolina Newssenorthcarolinanews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
South Asheville Newssouthashevillenews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
South Charlotte Todaysouthcharlottetoday.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
South Guilford Newssouthguilfordnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
South Mecklenburg Newssouthmecklenburgnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
South North Carolina Newssouthncnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
South Raleigh Newssouthraleighnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
South Triangle Newssouthtrianglenews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
South Winston-Salem Newssouthwinstonsalemnews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
West Lake Norman Newswestlakenormannews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
West Wake Newswestwakenews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Winston-Salem Timeswinstonsalemtimes.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Yadkin Valley Newsyadkinvalleynews.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
NC Business Dailyncbusinessdaily.comNorth Carolina [41] [133]
Central ND Newscentralndnews.comNorth Dakota [41] [133]
Fargo Standardfargostandard.comNorth Dakota [41] [133]
ND North Newsndnorthnews.comNorth Dakota [41] [133]
NE North Dakota Newsnenorthdakotanews.comNorth Dakota [41] [133]
Peace Garden Newspeacegardennews.comNorth Dakota [41] [133]
Western ND Newswesternndnews.comNorth Dakota [41] [133]
ND Business Dailyndbusinessdaily.comNorth Dakota [41] [133]
Akron Reporterakronreporter.comOhio [41] [133]
Buckeye Reporterbuckeyereporter.comOhio [41] [133]
Butler County Todaybutlercountytoday.comOhio [41] [133]
Canton Reportercantonreporter.comOhio [41] [133]
Central Ohio Todaycentralohiotoday.comOhio [41] [133]
Cincy Reportercincyreporter.comOhio [41] [133]
Clermont Timesclermonttimes.comOhio [41] [133]
Cleveland Reporterclevelandreporter.comOhio [41] [133]
Dayton Reporterdaytonreporter.comOhio [41] [133]
Delaware County Reviewdelcoreview.comOhio [41] [133]
EC Ohio Newsecohionews.comOhio [41] [133]
East Cleveland Newseastclevelandnews.comOhio [41] [133]
East Stark Newseaststarknews.comOhio [41] [133]
Fairfield Reporterfairfieldreporter.comOhio [41] [133]
Findlay Timesfindlaytimes.comOhio [41] [133]
Greene County Timesgreenecotimes.comOhio [41] [133]
Lake County Timeslakecountytimes.comOhio [41] [133]
Licking Todaylickingtoday.comOhio [41] [133]
Lima Reporterlimareporter.comOhio [41] [133]
Lorain Timesloraintimes.comOhio [41] [133]
Mansfield Timesmansfieldtimes.comOhio [41] [133]
Marion-Morrow Timesmarionmorrowtimes.comOhio [41] [133]
Medina Todaymedinatoday.comOhio [41] [133]
NE Franklin Newsnefranklinnews.comOhio [41] [133]
NE Ohio Timesneohiotimes.comOhio [41] [133]
NW Franklin Newsnwfranklinnews.comOhio [41] [133]
NW Ohio Timesnwohiotimes.comOhio [41] [133]
North Cincy Newsnorthcincynews.comOhio [41] [133]
North Columbus Newsnorthcolumbusnews.comOhio [41] [133]
North Dayton Newsnorthdaytonnews.comOhio [41] [133]
North Summit Newsnorthsummitnews.comOhio [41] [133]
Portage Timesportagetimes.comOhio [41] [133]
SE Ohio Timesseohiotimes.comOhio [41] [133]
South Columbus Newssouthcolumbusnews.comOhio [41] [133]
South Cuyahoga Newssouthcuyahoganews.comOhio [41] [133]
South Dayton Newssouthdaytonnews.comOhio [41] [133]
South Franklin Newssouthfranklinnews.comOhio [41] [133]
South Ohio Newssouthohionews.comOhio [41] [133]
South Summit Newssouthsummitnews.comOhio [41] [133]
Toledo Reportertoledoreporter.comOhio [41] [133]
Tri County Newstriconews.comOhio [41] [133]
Trumball Newstrumballnews.comOhio [41] [133]
Tuscarawas Newstuscarawasnews.comOhio [41] [133]
Vacationland Timesvacationlandtimes.comOhio [41] [133]
Warren-Clinton Newswarrenclintonnews.comOhio [41] [133]
Wayne County Todaywaynecountytoday.comOhio [41] [133]
West Cleveland Newswestclevelandnews.comOhio [41] [133]
West Hamilton Newswesthamiltonnews.comOhio [41] [133]
West Lucas Newswestlucasnews.comOhio [41] [133]
West Stark Newsweststarknews.comOhio [41] [133]
Youngstown Timesyoungstowntimes.comOhio [41] [133]
OH Business Dailyohbusinessdaily.comOhio [41] [133]
EC Oklahoma Newsecoklahomanews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
East OKC Newseastokcnews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
NC Oklahoma Newsncoklahomanews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
NE Oklahoma Newsneoklahomanews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
NW Oklahoma Newsnwoklahomanews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
North OKC Newsnorthokcnews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
North Tulsa Todaynorthtulsatoday.comOklahoma [41] [133]
OKC Standardokcstandard.comOklahoma [41] [133]
SC Oklahoma Newsscoklahomanews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
SE Oklahoma Newsseoklahomanews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
SW Oklahoma Newsswoklahomanews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
Sooner State Newssoonerstatenews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
South OKC Newssouthokcnews.comOklahoma [41] [133]
South Tulsa Standardsouthtulsatoday.comOklahoma [41] [133]
Tulsa Standardtulsastandard.comOklahoma [41] [133]
OK Business Dailyokbusinessdaily.comOklahoma [41] [133]
Beaver State Newsbeaverstatenews.comOregon [41] [133]
Central Oregon Timescentraloregontimes.comOregon [41] [133]
East Oregon Newseastoregonnews.comOregon [41] [133]
East PDX Todayeastpdxtoday.comOregon [41] [133]
Lane County Newslaneconews.comOregon [41] [133]
Mid Coast Timesmidcoasttimes.comOregon [41] [133]
Mid Valley Reportermidvalleyreporter.comOregon [41] [133]
North Coast Todaynorthcoasttoday.comOregon [41] [133]
Portland Courantportlandcourant.comOregon [41] [133]
South Coast Timessouthcoasttimes.comOregon [41] [133]
South Oregon Newssouthoregonnews.comOregon [41] [133]
West PDX Todaywestpdxtoday.comOregon [41] [133]
OR Business Dailyorbusinessdaily.comOregon [41] [133]
Blockshopperblockshopper.comOrganisation [41] [133]
Franklin Archerfranklinarcher.comOrganisation [41] [133]
Freedom Media Networkfreedommedianetwork.comOrganisation [41] [133]
Metro Business Networkmetrobusinessnetwork.comOrganisation [41] [133]
LGISlgis.coOrganisation [41] [133]
Metric Media Newsmetricmedianews.comOrganisation [41] [133]
DirecTechdirectech.coOrganisation [41]
The Record, Inc.therecordinc.comOrganisation [41] [133]
Altoona Timesaltoonatimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Beaver County Newsbeaverconews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Berks County Newsberksconews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Butler County Newsbutlerconews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Cambria Timescambriatimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Central Bucks Todaycentralbuckstoday.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Central Chester Todaycentralchestertoday.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Central PA Newscentralpanews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Coal Region Newscoalregionnews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Crawford Timescrawfordtimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Cumberland Valley Newscumberlandvalleynews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Dauphin Newsdauphinnews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
East Montgomery Timeseastmonttimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Erie County Timeseriecotimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Happy Valley Timeshappyvalleytimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Keystone Todaykeystonetoday.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Laurel Highlands Todaylaurelhighlandstoday.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Lawrence Timeslawrencetimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Lebanon Newslebanonpanews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Lehigh Timeslehightimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Lower Bucks Todaylowerbuckstoday.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Luzerne Timesluzernetimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Lycoming Newslycomingnews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Monroe County Newsmonroeconews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
North Allegheny Newsnorthalleghenynews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
North Central PA Timesncpatimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
North Chester Todaynorthchestertoday.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
North Delco Newsnorthdelconews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
North Lancaster Newsnorthlancasternews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
North Pocono Newsnorthpocononews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Northern Tier Newsnortherntiernews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Northhampton Newsnorthhamptonnews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Northwest PA Newsnwpanews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Philly Leaderphillyleader.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Pittsburgh Reviewpittreview.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Scranton Reporterscrantonreporter.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Shenango Valley Newsshenangovalleynews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
South Central PA Newsscpanews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
South Chester Todaysouthchestertoday.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
South Delco Newssouthdelconews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
South Lancaster Newssouthlancasternews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Southeast Allegheny Newssealleghenynews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Southwest Allegheny Newsswalleghenynews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Southwest PA Newsswpanews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Upper Bucks Todayupperbuckstoday.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
West Central PA Newswcpanews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
West Montgomery Timeswestmonttimes.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Westmoreland Reviewwestmorelandreview.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
York County Newsyorkconews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Keystone Business Newskeystonebusinessnews.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Pennsylvania Recordpennrecord.comPennsylvania [41] [133]
Manila Business Dailymanilabusinessdaily.comPhilippines [41] [133]
Kent County Timeskentcotimes.comRhode Island [41] [133]
Ocean State Todayoceanstatetoday.comRhode Island [41] [133]
Providence Reporterprovidencereporter.comRhode Island [41] [133]
South County Timessouthcotimes.comRhode Island [41] [133]
RI Business Dailyribusinessdaily.comRhode Island [41] [133]
Aiken Timesaikentimes.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Berkeley Leaderberkeleyleader.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Charleston Reportercharlestonreporter.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Columbia Standardcolumbiastandard.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Dorchester Todaydorchestertoday.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Greenville Leadergreenvilleleader.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Hilton Head Reporterhiltonheadreporter.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Lower West SC Newslowerwestscnews.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Myrtle Beach Leadermyrtlebeachleader.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
NC South Carolina Timesncsctimes.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Palmetto State Newspalmettostatenews.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Pee Dee Newspeedeenews.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
SC Midland Newsscmidlandnews.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Spartanburg Reporterspartanburgreporter.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Upper West SC Newsupperwestscnews.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Upstate SC Newsupstatescnews.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Palmetto Business Dailypalmettobusinessdaily.comSouth Carolina [41] [133]
Central South Dakota Newscentralsdnews.comSouth Dakota [41] [133]
Northeast South Dakota Newsnesdnews.comSouth Dakota [41] [133]
Rushmore State Newsrushmorestatenews.comSouth Dakota [41] [133]
Sioux Empire Todaysiouxempiretoday.comSouth Dakota [41] [133]
Southeast South Dakota Newssesdnews.comSouth Dakota [41] [133]
Western SD Newswesternsdnews.comSouth Dakota [41] [133]
SD Business Dailysdbusinessdaily.comSouth Dakota [41] [133]
Clarksville Timesclarksvilletimes.comTennessee [41] [133]
Hamilton Reporterhamiltonreporter.comTennessee [41] [133]
Johnson City Timesjohnsoncitytimes.comTennessee [41] [133]
Kingsport Reporterkingsportreporter.comTennessee [41] [133]
Knox Timesknoxtimes.comTennessee [41] [133]
Memphis Standardmemphisstandard.comTennessee [41] [133]
Morristown Timesmorristowntimes.comTennessee [41] [133]
NC Tennessee Newsnctennnews.comTennessee [41] [133]
NE Nashville Newsnenashvillenews.comTennessee [41] [133]
NW Tennessee Newsnwtennnews.comTennessee [41] [133]
Nashville Standardnashvillestandard.comTennessee [41] [133]
North Knoxville Newsnorthknoxnews.comTennessee [41] [133]
Rutherford Timesrutherfordtimes.comTennessee [41] [133]
SC Tennessee Newssctennnews.comTennessee [41] [133]
SE Tennessee Newssetennnews.comTennessee [41] [133]
SW Tennessee Newsswtennnews.comTennessee [41] [133]
Shelby Reportershelbyreporter.comTennessee [41] [133]
Smoky Mountain Todaysmokymountaintoday.comTennessee [41] [133]
South Cumberland Newssouthcumberlandnews.comTennessee [41] [133]
South Knoxville Newssouthknoxnews.comTennessee [41] [133]
Upper Cumberland Timesuppercumberlandtimes.comTennessee [41] [133]
Volunteer State Newsvolunteerstatenews.comTennessee [41] [133]
WIlliamson Newswilliamsonnews.comTennessee [41] [133]
TN Business Dailytnbusinessdaily.comTennessee [41] [133]
Midland Timesmidlandtimes.comTexas [41] [133]
Abilene Timesabilenetimes.comTexas [41] [133]
Amarillo Gazetteamarillogazette.comTexas [41] [133]
Austin Newsaustintxnews.comTexas [41] [133]
Central TX Newscentraltxnews.comTexas [41] [133]
Centroplex Newscentroplexnews.comTexas [41] [133]
Collin Timescollintimes.comTexas [41] [133]
Concho Valley Newsconchovalleynews.comTexas [41] [133]
Corpus Christi Suncorpuschristisun.comTexas [41] [133]
Dallas City Wiredallascitywire.comTexas [41] [133]
EC Texas Newsectexasnews.comTexas [41] [133]
East DFW Newseastdfwnews.comTexas [41] [133]
East Houston Newseasthoustonnews.comTexas [41] [133]
East RGV Newseastrgvnews.comTexas [41] [133]
El Paso Standardelpasostandard.comTexas [41] [133]
Far West Texas Newsfarwesttxnews.comTexas [41] [133]
Forest Country Newsforestcountrynews.comTexas [41] [133]
Ft Worth Timesftworthtimes.comTexas [41] [133]
Grayson Timesgraysontimes.comTexas [41] [133]
Hill Country Chroniclehillcountrychronicle.comTexas [41] [133]
Houston Dailyhoustondaily.comTexas [41]
Houston Republichoustonrepublic.comTexas [41] [133]
Laredo Timeslaredotimes.comTexas [41] [133]
Lonestar Standardlonestarstandard.comTexas [41] [133]
Longview Timeslongviewtimes.comTexas [41] [133]
Lubbock Timeslubbocktimes.comTexas [41] [133]
Mid City Timesmidcitytimes.comTexas [41] [133]
NE Dallas Newsnedallasnews.comTexas [41] [133]
NE Tarrant Newsnetarrantnews.comTexas [41] [133]
NW Houston Newsnwhoustonnews.comTexas [41] [133]
Nortex Timesnortextimes.comTexas [41] [133]
North Austin Newsnorthaustinnews.comTexas [41] [133]
North Coastal Newsnorthcoastalnews.comTexas [41] [133]
North Houston Newsnorthhoustonnews.comTexas [41] [133]
North San Antonio Newsnorthsanantonionews.comTexas [41] [133]
North TX Newsnorthtxnews.comTexas [41] [133]
Panhandle Timespanhandletimes.comTexas [41] [133]
Petroplex Newspetroplexnews.comTexas [41] [133]
SC Texas Newssctexasnews.comTexas [41] [133]
SE Dallas Newssedallasnews.comTexas [41] [133]
SE Houston Newssehoustonnews.comTexas [41] [133]
SE Texas Newssetexastimes.comTexas [41] [133]
SW Dallas Newsswdallasnews.comTexas [41] [133]
SW Houston Newsswhoustonnews.comTexas [41] [133]
San Antonio Corridor Newssacorridornews.comTexas [41] [133]
San Antonio Standardsanantoniostandard.comTexas [41] [133]
South Brazoria Newssouthbrazorianews.comTexas [41] [133]
South DFW Newssouthdfwnews.comTexas [41] [133]
South Galveston Newssouthgalvestonnews.comTexas [41] [133]
South San Antonio Newssouthsanantonionews.comTexas [41] [133]
Texas Business Coalitiontexasbusinesscoalition.comTexas [41] [133]
Texas Realty Newstxrealtynews.comTexas [41]
Tyler Reportertylerreporter.comTexas [41] [133]
Upper East Texas Newsuppereasttx.comTexas [41] [133]
WC Texas Newswctexasnews.comTexas [41] [133]
Waco Reporterwacoreporter.comTexas [41] [133]
West DFW Newswestdfwnews.comTexas [41] [133]
West Houston Newswesthoustonnews.comTexas [41] [133]
West RGV Newswestrgvnews.comTexas [41] [133]
West Texas Newswesttxnews.comTexas [41] [133]
Winter Garden Todaywintergardentoday.comTexas [41] [133]
TX Business Dailytxbusinessdaily.comTexas [41] [133]
SE Texas Recordsetexasrecord.comTexas [41] [133] [139]
Texas Recovery Alliancetexasrecoveryalliance.comTexas [41]
Austin Journalaustinjournal.comTexas [41]
CRT Centralcrtcentral.comUS [41]
Commerce Newswirecommercenewswire.comUS [41]
DOJ Newswiredojnewswire.comUS [41]
DOL Newswiredoenewswire.comUS [41]
DOL Newswiredolnewswire.comUS [41]
EPA Newswireepanewswire.comUS [41]
Homeland Newswirehomelandnewswire.comUS [41]
Interior Newswireinteriornewswire.comUS [41]
States Newswirestatenewswire.comUS [41]
USDA Newswireusdanewswire.comUS [41]
USDOT Newswireusdotnewswire.comUS [41]
American Catholic Tribuneamericancatholictribune.comUS [41] [133]
Catholic Mass Livecatholicmasslive.comUS [41] [133]
Current Science Dailycurrentsciencedaily.comUS [41] [133]
Patient Dailypatientdaily.comUS [41] [133]
American Pharmacy Newsamericanpharmacynews.comUS [41] [133]
American Security Newsamericansecuritynews.comUS [41] [133]
Crop Protection Newscropprotectionnews.comUS [41]
EP Newswireepnewswire.comUS [41]
FDA Health Newsfdahealthnews.comUS [41] [133]
FDA Reporterfdareporter.comUS [41] [133]
HR Daily Wirehrdailywire.comUS [41] [133]
Higher Education Tribunehighereducationtribune.comUS [41] [133]
Mega Dealer Newsmegadealernews.comUS [41] [133]
Power News Wirepowernewswire.comUS [41]
Property Insurance Wirepropertyinsurancewire.comUS [41] [133]
TI News Dailytinewsdaily.comUS [41]
Tobacco Newswiretobacconewswire.comUS [41] [133]
Wealth Management Wirewealthmanagementwire.comUS [41] [133]
Campaigns Dailycampaignsdaily.comUS [41]
Education Daily Wireeducationdailywire.comUS [41] [133]
Farm Insurance Newsfarminsurancenews.comUS [41] [133]
Flexible Work Newsflexibleworknews.comUS [41]
Hotels Togetherhotelstogether.comUS [41]
Insurance Rate Reporterinsuranceratereporter.comUS [41] [133]
Kinutekinute.comUS [41]
Koinesúnēkoinesune.comUS [41]
Prep News Wireprepnewswire.comUS [41]
Sentriessentries.netUS [41]
The Currentthecurrent.usUS [41]
The Neighborhood Guardiantheneighborhoodguardian.comUS [41]
Vote Newswirevotenewswire.comUS [41]
Workplace Recovery Allianceworkplacerecoveryalliance.comUS [41]
Legal Newslinelegalnewsline.comUS [41] [133]
Beehive State Newsbeehivestatenews.comUtah [41] [133]
Central Utah Newscentralutahnews.comUtah [41] [133]
Davis Timesdavistimes.comUtah [41] [133]
East SLC Newseastslcnews.comUtah [41] [133]
North Utah Newsnorthutahnews.comUtah [41] [133]
SLC Timesslctimes.comUtah [41] [133]
South Utah Newssouthutahnews.comUtah [41] [133]
Utah Valley Timesutahvalleytimes.comUtah [41] [133]
Wastach Newswastachnews.comUtah [41] [133]
Weber Timeswebertimes.comUtah [41] [133]
West SLC Newswestslcnews.comUtah [41] [133]
Utah Business Dailyutbusinessdaily.comUtah [41] [133]
Burlington Standardburlingtonstandard.comVermont [41] [133]
Green Mountain Timesgreenmountaintimes.comVermont [41] [133]
NC Vermont Newsncvermontnews.comVermont [41] [133]
NE Vermont Newsnevermontnews.comVermont [41] [133]
SC Vermont Newsscvermontnews.comVermont [41] [133]
South Vermont Newssouthvermontnews.comVermont [41] [133]
VT Business Dailyvtbusinessdaily.comVermont [41] [133]
Central Nova Newscentralnovanews.comVirginia [41] [133]
Central Shenandoah Newscentralshenandoahnews.comVirginia [41] [133]
Central Virginia Timescentralvatimes.comVirginia [41] [133]
EC Virginia Newsecvirginianews.comVirginia [41] [133]
Eastern Shore Timeseasternshoretimes.comVirginia [41] [133]
Fredericksburg Leaderfredericksburgleader.comVirginia [41] [133]
Gateway Reportergatewayreporter.comVirginia [41] [133]
Henrico Timeshenricotimes.comVirginia [41] [133]
Lynchburg Reporterlynchburgreporter.comVirginia [41] [133]
New River Valley Timesnewrivervalleytimes.comVirginia [41] [133]
North Fairfax Newsnorthfairfaxnews.comVirginia [41] [133]
North Richmond Todaynorthrichmondtoday.comVirginia [41] [133]
North Shenandoah Newsnorthshenandoahnews.comVirginia [41] [133]
North Tidewater Newsnorthtidewaternews.comVirginia [41] [133]
Northern Neck Timesnorthernnecktimes.comVirginia [41] [133]
Old Dominion Newsolddominionnews.comVirginia [41] [133]
Prince William Reporterprincewilliamreporter.comVirginia [41] [133]
Richmond Leaderrichmondleader.comVirginia [41] [133]
Roanoke Sunroanokesun.comVirginia [41] [133]
SC Virginia Newsscvanews.comVirginia [41] [133]
SW Virginia Newsswvirginianews.comVirginia [41] [133]
Shenandoah Valley Newsshenandoahvalleynews.comVirginia [41] [133]
South Fairfax Newssouthfairfaxnews.comVirginia [41] [133]
South Tidewater Newssouthtidewaternews.comVirginia [41] [133]
Southside VA Newssouthsidevanews.comVirginia [41] [133]
West Nova Newswestnovanews.comVirginia [41] [133]
Williamsburg Sunwilliamsburgsun.comVirginia [41] [133]
VA Business Dailyvabusinessdaily.comVirginia [41] [133]
East King Newseastkingnews.comWashington [41] [133]
Evergreen Reporterevergreenreporter.comWashington [41] [133]
Kitsap Reviewkitsapreview.comWashington [41] [133]
Moses Lake Todaymoseslaketoday.comWashington [41] [133]
NE Washington Newsnewashingtonnews.comWashington [41] [133]
NW Washington Newsnwwashingtonnews.comWashington [41] [133]
North King Newsnorthkingnews.comWashington [41] [133]
North Snohomish Newsnorthsnohomishnews.comWashington [41] [133]
Olympic Timesolympictimes.comWashington [41] [133]
Pierce Todaypiercetoday.comWashington [41] [133]
SE Washington Newssewashingtonnews.comWashington [41] [133]
Seattle City Wireseattlecitywire.comWashington [41] [133]
South King Newssouthkingnews.comWashington [41] [133]
South Snohomish Newssouthsnohomishnews.comWashington [41] [133]
South Sound Timessouthsoundtimes.comWashington [41] [133]
Spokane County Timesspokanecotimes.comWashington [41] [133]
Spokane Standardspokanestandard.comWashington [41] [133]
Tri Cities Reportertricitiesreporter.comWashington [41] [133]
Vancouver Reportervancouverreporter.comWashington [41] [133]
Washington Isle Newswaislenews.comWashington [41] [133]
Wenatchee Timeswenatcheetimes.comWashington [41] [133]
Yakima Timesyakimatimes.comWashington [41] [133]
WA Business Dailywabusinessdaily.comWashington [41] [133]
DC Business Dailydcbusinessdaily.comWashington DC [41] [133]
Allegheny Highlands Todayalleghenyhighlandstoday.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
Bluestone Newsbluestonenews.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
Charleston Leadercharlestonleader.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
East Panhandle Timeseastpanhandletimes.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
Huntington Timeshuntingtontimes.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
Mountain State Timesmountainstatetimes.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
NC West Virginia Newsncwvnews.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
North Panhandle Timesnorthpanhandletimes.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
Ohio Valley Timesohiovalleytimes.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
Southern West Virginia Newssouthernwvnews.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
WV Heartland Newswvheartlandnews.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
WV Business Dailywvbusinessdaily.comWest Virginia [41] [133]
West Virginia Record wvrecord.comWest Virginia [41] [133] [139]
Wisconsin Catholic Tribunewicatholictribune.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Central Wisconsin Newscentralwisconsinnews.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Chippewa Valley Timeschippewavalleytimes.comWisconsin [41] [133]
EC Wisconsin Newsecwisconsinnews.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Fon du Lac Newsfondulacnews.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Fox Cities Newsfoxcitiesnews.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Green Bay Reportergreenbayreporter.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Kenosha Reporterkenoshareporter.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Madison Reportermadisonreporter.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Milwaukee City Wiremkecitywire.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Milwaukee North Newsmkenorth.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Milwaukee South Newsmkesouth.comWisconsin [41] [133]
NC Wisconsin Newsncwisconsinnews.comWisconsin [41] [133]
NE Wisconsin Newsnewisconsinnews.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Northwoods Reporternorthwoodsreporter.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Ozaukee County Newsozaukeetimes.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Racine Sunracinesun.comWisconsin [41] [133]
SC Wisconsin Newsscwisconsinnews.comWisconsin [41] [133]
SW Wisconsin Newsswwisconsinnews.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Southern Wisconsin Timessowisconsintimes.comWisconsin [41] [133]
The Sconithesconi.comWisconsin [41] [133]
WC Wisconsin Newswcwisconsinnews.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Washington County Timeswashingtoncotimes.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Waukesha County Timeswaukeshatimes.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Whitewater Timeswhitewatertimes.comWisconsin [41] [133]
WI Business Dailywibusinessdaily.comWisconsin [41] [133]
Central Wyoming Newscentralwynews.comWyoming [41] [133]
Equality State Newsequalitystatenews.comWyoming [41] [133]
NE Wyoming Newsnewyomingnews.comWyoming [41] [133]
NW Wyoming Newsnwwyomingnews.comWyoming [41] [133]
SE Wyoming Newssewyomingnews.comWyoming [41] [133]
SW Wyoming Newsswwyomingnews.comWyoming [41] [133]
WY Business Dailywybusinessdaily.comWyoming [41] [133]
Maghreb Newswiremaghrebnewswire.comcontinent: Africa [41] [133]
Gulf News Journalgulfnewsjournal.comcontinent: Asia [41] [133]
CISTRAN Financecistranfinance.comcontinent: Eurasia & Afroasia [41]
Balkan Businesswirebalkanbusinesswire.comcontinent: Europe [41] [133]
Latin Business Dailylatinbusinessdaily.comcontinent: Latin America [41] [133]
Local Labslocallabs.comCorporate sites [133]
Advantage InformaticsAdvantageinformatics.comCorporate sites [133]
Content ServicesContentservices.coCorporate sites [133]
Save Your Home Nowsaveyourhomenow.orgIllinois [133]
Urban Reformurbanreform.orgNational [133]
Surprise Journalsurprisejournal.comArizona [133]
Calaveras Guidecalaverasguide.comCalifornia [133]
Nucla Guidenuclaguide.comColorado [133]
Apopka Timesapopkatimes.comFlorida [133]
Baldwin Park Todaybaldwinparktoday.comFlorida [133]
College Park Todaycollegeparktoday.comFlorida [133]
Doctor Phillips Todaydoctorphillipstoday.comFlorida [133]
Goldenrod Newsgoldenrodnews.comFlorida [133]
Gotha Todaygothatoday.comFlorida [133]
Hunter's Creek Newshunterscreeknews.comFlorida [133]
Indiantown Guideindiantownguide.comFlorida [133]
Lake Buena Vista Newslakebuenavistanews.comFlorida [133]
Lake Butler Newslakebutlernews.comFlorida [133]
Lake Hart Newslakehartnews.comFlorida [133]
Lake Nona Todaylakenonatoday.comFlorida [133]
Maitland Todaymaitlandtoday.comFlorida [133]
Ocoee Todayocoeetoday.comFlorida [133]
Perry Guideperryguide.comFlorida [133]
Port St. Joe Guideportstjoeguide.comFlorida [133]
Wadeview Park Newswadeviewparknews.comFlorida [133]
Windermere Todaywindermeretoday.comFlorida [133]
Cornell-Ransom Guidecornellransomguide.comIllinois [133]
Crete Reviewcretereview.comIllinois [133]
Egyptian Reviewegyptianreview.comIllinois [133]
La Harpe Guidelaharpeguide.comIllinois [133]
Lynwood Timeslynwoodtimes.comIllinois [133]
Madison County Guidemadisoncountyguide.comIllinois [133]
Metro East Todaymetroeasttoday.comIllinois [133]
Westfield Reporterwestfieldreporter.comIllinois [133]
Hancock Guidehancockguide.comIndiana [133]
Monon Todaymonontoday.comIndiana [133]
Adair Madison Newsadairmadisonnews.comIowa [133]
Ankeny Guideankenyguide.comIowa [133]
Boone County Guideboonecountyguide.comIowa [133]
Boyer Valley Newsboyervalleynews.comIowa [133]
Buchanan County Newsbuchanancountynews.comIowa [133]
Carroll County Guidecarrollcoguide.comIowa [133]
Cedar Falls Guidecedarfallsguide.comIowa [133]
Clarke Union Newsclarkeunionnews.comIowa [133]
Clinton Reviewclintonreview.comIowa [133]
Clive Newsclivenews.comIowa [133]
Crawford County Timescrawfordcountytimes.comIowa [133]
Delaware County Guidedelawarecoguide.comIowa [133]
Des Moines Guidedesmoinesguide.comIowa [133]
Dewitt Reviewdewittreview.comIowa [133]
Dubuque County Guidedubuquecoguide.comIowa [133]
Elk Horn Guideelkhornguide.comIowa [133]
English Valley GuideEnglishvalleyguide.comIowa [133]
Fairfield Reviewfairfieldreview.comIowa [133]
Floyd Valley Guidefloydvalleyguide.comIowa [133]
Greene County Guidegreenecountyguide.comIowa [133]
Grimes Journalgrimesjournal.comIowa [133]
Grundy Guidegrundyguide.comIowa [133]
Guthrie County Guideguthriecountyguide.comIowa [133]
Humboldt Reviewhumboldtreview.comIowa [133]
Ida Sac Guideidasacguide.comIowa [133]
Indianola Guideindianolaguide.comIowa [133]
Iowa Regional Guideiowaregionalguide.comIowa [133]
Jackson County Guidejacksoncoguide.comIowa [133]
Jasper County Guidejaspercountyguide.comIowa [133]
Johnston Timesjohnstontimes.comIowa [133]
Jones County Newsjonescountynews.comIowa [133]
Mahaska Guidemahaskaguide.comIowa [133]
Marion County Guidemarioncountyguide.comIowa [133]
Marshall Guidemarshallguide.comIowa [133]
Mills Fremont Newsmillsfremontnews.comIowa [133]
Montgomery Adams Newsmontgomeryadamsnews.comIowa [133]
Mt. Pleasant Guidemtpleasantguide.comIowa [133]
Norwalk Timesnorwalktimes.comIowa [133]
Ottumwa Guideottumwaguide.comIowa [133]
Page Taylor Newspagetaylornews.comIowa [133]
Poweshiek Guidepoweshiekguide.comIowa [133]
Ringgold Decatur Newsringgolddecaturnews.comIowa [133]
Shelby County Timesshelbycountytimes.comIowa [133]
Tama Guidetamaguide.comIowa [133]
Urbandale Timesurbandaletimes.comIowa [133]
Warren County Newswarrencountynews.comIowa [133]
Washington County Guidewashingtoncoguide.comIowa [133]
Waterloo Reviewwaterlooreview.comIowa [133]
Waukee Timeswaukeetimes.comIowa [133]
West Des Moines Guidewestdesmoinesguide.comIowa [133]
Wilton Reviewwiltonreview.comIowa [133]
Wright County Guidewrightcountyguide.comIowa [133]
Ashland Reviewashlandreview.comKansas [133]
Galva Guidegalvaguide.comKansas [133]
Glen Elder Guideglenelderguide.comKansas [133]
Holyrood Guideholyroodguide.comKansas [133]
Miltonvale Guidemiltonvaleguide.comKansas [133]
Moundridge Guidemoundridgeguide.comKansas [133]
Wamego Guidewamegoguide.comKansas [133]
Wilson Guidewilsonguide.comKansas [133]
Gray Guidegrayguide.comMaine [133]
Oxford Todayoxfordmetoday.comMaine [133]
Unity Guideunitymaineguide.comMaine [133]
Baraga Guidebaragaguide.comMichigan [133]
Branch Guidebranchguide.comMichigan [133]
Green Hills Reportergreenhillsreporter.comMichigan [133]
Munising Guidemunisingguide.comMichigan [133]
Ontonagon Guideontonagonguide.comMichigan [133]
Mabel Todaymabeltoday.comMinnesota [133]
Alma Standardalmastandard.comMissouri [133]
BPS Guidebpsmoguide.comMissouri [133]
Peculiar Guidepeculiarguide.comMissouri [133]
Steelville Guidesteelvilleguide.comMissouri [133]
SW Missouri Guideswmissouriguide.comMissouri [133]
Aurora Guideauroraneguide.comNebraska [133]
Blue Hill Guidebluehillguide.comNebraska [133]
Falls City Guidefallscityguide.comNebraska [133]
SW Nebraska Guideswnebraskaguide.comNebraska [133]
Moapa Valley Guidemoapavalleyguide.comNevada [133]
Saco River Guidesacoriverguide.comNew Hampshire [133]
Hancock NY Guidehancocknyguide.comNew York [133]
Margaretville Guidemargaretvilleguide.comNew York [133]
Middleburgh Guidemiddleburghguide.comNew York [133]
Tri County Todaytricountytoday.comNew York [133]
Columbus Grove Guidecolumbusgroveguide.comOhio [133]
Germantown Reviewgermantownreview.comOhio [133]
Leipsic Guideleipsicguide.comOhio [133]
Beggs Guidebeggsguide.comOklahoma [133]
Bixby Guidebixbyguide.comOklahoma [133]
Canadian Valley Guidecanadianvalleyguide.comOklahoma [133]
Jay Guidejayokguide.comOklahoma [133]
Valliant Todayvallianttoday.comOklahoma [133]
Nehalem Guidenehalemguide.comOregon [133]
Bentleyville Guidebentleyvilleguide.comPennsylvania [133]
Palmerton Guidepalmertonguide.comPennsylvania [133]
Bison Guidebisonguide.comSouth Dakota [133]
Coldspring Guidecoldspringguide.comTexas [133]
Coleman County Guidecolemancountyguide.comTexas [133]
Colorado Valley Guidecoloradovalleyguide.comTexas [133]
Dallas County Reviewdallascountyreview.comTexas [133]
Dallas Expressdallasexpress.comTexas

Not to be confused with the Dallas Express, a Black-owned 19th-20th century newspaper in the United States.

Five Area Guidefiveareaguide.comTexas [133]
Ganado Guideganadoguide.comTexas [133]
Industry Guideindustrytxguide.comTexas [133]
Jackson Reporterjacksonreporter.comTexas [133]
Mt. Enterprise Todaymtenterprisetoday.comTexas [133]
North Texas Reviewnorthtexasreview.comTexas [133]
Poka Lambro Guidepokalambroguide.comTexas [133]
Riviera Guiderivieratxguide.comTexas [133]
Spur Guidespurguide.comTexas [133]
Waskom Reviewwaskomreview.comTexas [133]
Ellensburg Guideellensburgguide.comWashington [133]
Selah Guideselahguide.comWashington [133]
Yelm Guideyelmguide.comWashington [133]
BlockShopperblockshopper.comPrecursor to Journatic. [140] [8] [141] [140]
Journaticjournatic.comOriginal name for LocalLabs/Locality Labs. [140] [8]

National Republican Congressional Committee

During the 2014 United States elections, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) created over 20 webpages for criticizing Democratic politicians who were running for Congress. These websites are in the form of news websites, include a disclaimer stating NRCC sponsorship at the bottom of the page, and "are tailored to the district each Democrat is running in". [142] [143]

Augusta Updateelectionupdate2014.comDefunct [142] [144]
Aurora Updateelectionupdate2014.comDefunct [142] [143]
Buffalo Updateelectionupdate2014.comDefunct [145]
Central Valley Updateelectionupdate2014.comDefunct [142] [144] [146]
Des Moines Updateelectionupdate2014.comDefunct [143]
Hudson Valley Updateelectionupdate2014.comDefunct [145]
Southern Illinois Updateelectionupdate2014.comDefunct [142]
Tucson Updateelectionupdate2014.comDefunctIn an article that criticizes Ron Barber, quotes the Arizona Daily Star, which in turn quotes an accusation against Barber by the NRCC itself. Accused by Salon of "talking-point laundering". [143] [143]

Roger Stone and associates

Central Florida Postcentralfloridapost.comRebranded by Jacob Engels, a Roger Stone associate, and used by Engels "to pursue his various feuds across Florida politics". [147]

Related to a network of Facebook pages removed in 2020 for coordinated inauthentic behavior.

[147] [148] [149]
Florida PatriotsRelated to a network of Facebook pages removed in 2020 for coordinated inauthentic behavior. [149]
Florida Political Newsfloridapoliticalnews.comRelated to a network of Facebook pages removed in 2020 for coordinated inauthentic behavior. [149]
Florida Voter GuideRelated to a network of Facebook pages removed in 2020 for coordinated inauthentic behavior. [149]
South Florida ReviewRelated to a network of Facebook pages removed in 2020 for coordinated inauthentic behavior. [149]
Stone Cold Truthstonecoldtruth.comOwned by Roger Stone. Published false claims and an anti-refugee image that was manipulated.

Related to a network of Facebook pages removed in 2020 for coordinated inauthentic behavior.

[149] [150] [151] [152]

Ron DeSantis and associates

The Florida Standardtheflstandard.comDefunctFormed by donors of Ron DeSantis "who wanted to start a right-of-center publication to push back against what they saw as unfair legacy media coverage of the governor." Described by Semafor as "[offering] an unfiltered platform for [DeSantis'] message...[returning] the favor of his attention with flattering coverage and headlines". [153] Worked closely with DeSantis' office and political campaign. One of the few outlets that DeSantis had allowed for interviews. Described by Politico as DeSantis' "own press corps" and part of a "media ecosystem [that] has become a pipeline that feeds conservative culture war talking points and DeSantisland scoops to larger conservative outlets and, occasionally, even the mainstream press." [154] The editor-in-chief and CEO had previously worked for PragerU. Posted a Twitter poll about Nikki Haley's background, which was widely criticized as racist. Published false claim about COVID-19 vaccinations. Coordinated with DeSantis' communication director Taryn Fenske to submit a public records request for documents from Andrew H. Warren, who was suspended by DeSantis. [153] [154] [155] [156] [157]
Florida's Voiceflvoicenews.comActiveDescribed by Semafor as "[offering] an unfiltered platform for [Ron DeSantis'] message...[returning] the favor of his attention with flattering coverage and headlines". [153] Funded by Alfie Oakes, which is described by Mother Jones as an attempt "to reshape local politics" in Florida. [158] Founded by Brendon Leslie, who participated in the January 6th Capitol attacks and has been accused by The Intercept of "[drawing] no contradiction between reporting on Republican political candidates and also campaigning for them." [159] [153] [158] [160] [159]

Saber Communications and Digital Communications

Saber Communications and Digital Communications are two companies owned by political marketers with ties to Ron Paul and Rand Paul. As of July 2023, at least three websites in this network use AdStyle, which uses ads with fictitious celebrity endorsements. The registered agent of Digital Communications legally represented former President Donald Trump with respect to the January 6th congressional committee. [161]

DC Swamp Tales [161]
Liberal Hack Watch [161]
DC Dirt Sheet [161]

Star News Digital Media

As of October 2022, at least 11 websites [41] posing as local news outlets were created by Star News Digital Media, which was co-founded by Tea Party-affiliated activists Michael Patrick Leahy, Steve Gill, and Christina Botteri. [162] [163]

American Daily [162]
Arizona Sun Timesarizonasuntimes.comArizona [41]
Battleground State [164]
Dakota [162]
Florida Capital Starfloridacapitalstar.comFlorida [41]
Georgia Star Newsgeorgiastarnews.comGeorgia [41]
Minnesota Northern [162]
Mosun [162]
New England [162]
Pennsylvania Daily Starpennsylvaniadailystar.comPennsylvania [41]
Tennessee Star tennesseestar.comTennessee [41] [162] [163]
Connecticut Startheconnecticutstar.comConnecticut [41]
Michigan Starthemichiganstar.comMichigan [41]
Minnesota Suntheminnesotasun.comMinnesota [41] [163] [162]
Ohio Startheohiostar.comOhio [41] [163] [162]
Virginia Starthevirginiastar.comVirginia [41]
Wisconsin Daily Starwisconsindailystar.comWisconsin [41]

Star Spangled Media

The Main Street Sentinelmainstsentinel.comDefunctOwned by Real Voices Media, which was funded by "a Democratic strategist". [165] [166] [165] [167] [168]
The Morning Mirrorthemorningmirror.comActiveSupported by a law firm headed by Marc Elias. Accused by Columbia Journalism Review of "posing as a local news aggregator" and "fueling the pollution of local information ecosystems", noting its ties to a Democratic super-PAC, Forward Majority; its lacking of a masthead; low article output; publishing of articles without bylines; minimal audience and social media engagement; and attempts to be granted a news media exemption by state campaign finance regulators. [168] [169] [168]

Steve Bannon and associates

America's Voice Newsamericasvoicenews.comPredecessor to Real America's Voice. [170]
Breitbart News breitbart.comActiveIdentified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as a major distributor of climate change denialism. As of 2017, the FBI was reportedly investigating whether Breitbart and other sites had colluded with actors affiliated with Russia to create bots to spread articles that would benefit Donald Trump. Cited a fake news article from and a satirical article from Snopes as factual. Alex Marlow, the editor-in-chief, stated to CNN that Breitbart had fully supported Roy Moore against sexual abuse allegations, even though Marlow had believed that the allegations were credible, due to a desire to protect Donald Trump. The Atlantic described this conversation as an admission of dishonest media coverage on the part of Breitbart. Likewise, a report by Data & Society notes that Breitbart "has both economic and ideological goals it aims to promote with its coverage," and "often deliberately [manipulates] information to fit into a specific worldview." [171] Accused by the Global Disinformation Index of promoting disinformation about climate change, the LGBTQ community, and the 2020 US presidential election. Senior executives from Star News Digital Media and 1819 News have worked with Breitbart. [172] [173] [174] [175] [176] [36] [32] [171] [177] [178] [91] [179] [67] [180] [181]
G News gnews.orgFormed by collaboration between Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon. Spread misinformation about COVID-19 and disinformation about Hunter Biden during the 2020 United States presidential election. [182] [183] [184]
Populist Presspopulistpress.comImitates the Drudge Report. [185] [186]
Real America's Voice americasvoice.newsSpread false claims about COVID-19 deaths and vaccines. Promoted QAnon conspiracy theory and false allegations of fraud during the 2020 United States presidential election. A former producer stated that their leadership described the site as a "Trump propaganda network". [170] On January 5, 2021, Steve Bannon stated on his show that "All hell is going to break loose tomorrow." [170] [170] [187] [188] [189]

Trans-Regional Web Initiative

The Trans-Regional Web Initiative is a collection of websites by the United States Special Operations Command that was first started in 1999 during the Kosovo War and is targeted at audiences outside of the United States. The websites are described by USA Today as "key to [SOCOM's] propaganda efforts" with respect to counterterrorism. [190] According to Graphika, the sites were part of several campaigns that, between 2012 and 2022, "consistently advanced narratives promoting the interests of the United States and its allies while opposing countries including Russia, China, and Iran." [191] Social media pages and accounts related to the websites were suspended in 2022 by Twitter and Meta for coordinated inauthentic behavior. [191]

al-shorfa.comal-shorfa.comPart of Trans-Regional Web Initiative before 2016. [191]
almashareq.comalmashareq.comConcluded by Graphika to be a revised version of, "with high confidence". [191] Sponsored by the United States Central Command. [191]
Balkan Information ExchangeCreated by the Rendon Group. [190] [191]
Central News Onlinecentralasiaonline.comPart of Trans-Regional Web Initiative before 2016. Sponsored by the United States Central Command. [190] [191]
diyaruna.comdiyaruna.comSponsored by the United States Central Command. [191] [190] [191]
Mawtani [190] [191]
Pakistan [191]
Salaam by the United States Central Command. [191]
Southeast Europe Times setimes.comSuccessor to Balkan Information Exchange. Run by General Dynamics Information Technology. [190]
SES [190]


1819 News 1819news.comFounded by the Alabama Policy Institute. Described by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism as part of "a new and often less visible terrain for right-wing misinformation campaigns, 'culture war' posturing, and doxxing efforts." [192] [192]
209 Times209times.comFounded by Motecuzoma Patrick Sanchez, who ran in the primary for the 2020 Stockton, California, mayoral election, and, as of 2024, leads a citizens' board for Stockton, California. Described by the Columbia Journalism Review as a "misinformation machine, trading on the relatively high levels of trust in local press outlets to spread lies and prey on voters' racial biases". [193] Described by multiple journalists as repeatedly making false allegations about Michael Tubbs, which partially contributed to his loss in the 2020 mayoral election. Posted pictures of a mayoral candidate from a gay dating app that implied that the app was associated with human trafficking, an accusation characterized by the candidate as "homophobic". [194] In These Times notes that the outlet "rose in part to fill a hole left by the shrinking of the Stockton Record—a local newspaper, now owned by media giant Gannett, that years ago had 85 people in the newsroom and by 2019 employed just 11." [195] In 2023, Stockton Councilman Brando Villapudua filed a temporary restraining order against Sanchez alleging that Sanchez had threatened him into supporting the removal of other councilmembers. The Record noted that "Campaign finance documents show Villapudua paid $3,500 to Tecuani, LLC, Sanchez’s political consulting firm, for services during his 2022 campaign that landed Villapudua the Stockton City Council District 5 seat by a landslide 70.56% of votes." Councilwoman Michele Padilla also stated that Sanchez had worked with her for while running for city council. The Stockton Unified School District’s board president, AngelAnn Flores, stated to The Record that she suspected her expense receipts of being leaked to the 209 Times. In June 2024, a civil grand jury for San Joaquin County found that 209 Times had "harassed and threatened" Stockton City Hall employees; "consistently attempted to undermine the local democratic process by misleading the Stockton electorate and attempting to affect election results through unethical influence", "[affecting] every level of city government"; and were "enabled" by some members of the city council, in part by potentially violating the Brown Act. [196] [193] [194] [195] [197] [198] [199] [200] [201] [202] [203] [204] [196]
2ndVote2ndvote.comFounded and funded by David Black, husband of Diane Black. Supported by Tony Perkins. Spread unconfirmed claim that Macy's had stopped funding Planned Parenthood. Falsely framed the AARP as a supporter of abortion rights. Has an asset manager and index provider, 2nd Vote Funds, that created several ETFs for conservative causes. One of its ETFs, 2nd Vote Life Neutral Plus ETF, had a stated purpose of not investing in companies that support abortion, but also invested in companies that were neutral on abortion. The fund was described by a financial analyst as "political theatre". [205] As of 2022, Andrew Puzder worked with 2ndVote as the executive chairman and noted in an email pitch to John Schroder that Kimberly Yee had invested public money with the company. [33] [206] [207] [208] [209] [205] [210]
Alabama Political Reporteralreporter.comFounded in 2011. Noted by NPR and Floodlight to "have consistently cheered Alabama Power through overwhelmingly positive news stories." [211] Paid by consulting firm Matrix LLC, who includes Alabama Power as a client. Republished a press release from Alabama Power verbatim, and in at least one case, a story about the company was not published due to "intense and unusual scrutiny from editors." [211] In 2014, published political attacks against Terry Dunn, then a member of the Alabama Public Service Commission, after he had vowed to hold public hearings on electricity rates set by Alabama Power. He lost re-election later that year. [211]
Alabama Todayaltoday.comPaid by consulting firm Matrix LLC, who includes Alabama Power as a client. The publisher is reportedly a romantic partner of the former CEO of Matrix. Noted by NPR and Floodlight to "have consistently cheered Alabama Power through overwhelmingly positive news stories." [211] [211]
Alpha Newsalphanewsmn.comFounded by Alex Kharam, the executive director for the Minnesota Freedom Club, "a political group that supports conservative candidates and was founded by and largely bankrolled by Republican donor Robert Cummins". [212] (The Minnesota Freedom Club also has a political action committee.) As of 2015, did not have press credentials to report at the Minnesota State Capitol. Minnesota Public Radio noted that "some stories carry no bylines, are scarce on quotes, often aggregate facts and information from other news outlets, and tout non-scientific Facebook polls". [212] As of 2015, no information about donors, editorial process, or members of the board of directors is included on the website. Promoted on social media upon launch by a Tea Party group, the Minnesota Tea Party Alliance, and many early stories were ideologically aligned with the group. The mailing address, as of 2015, is a UPS mailbox in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Publishes stories from other media organizations without providing credit. Its terms of service disclaims responsibility for any content on its site. Described by the Connors Institute as an "organization that has a history of low-quality journalism that is often inaccurate, biased, and misleading". [213] Published COVID-19 misinformation. Received a $11,500 donation in 2022 from the Minneapolis Foundation, a community foundation. Anti-police brutality activists alleged that the grant funded "The Fall of Minneapolis", a documentary produced by the site that blamed George Floyd for his own death. The Connors Institute stated that the film's claims "[fell] short". [213] The film was based on a book by a staff member, Liz Collins, who is married to Bob Kroll. A lawyer for the site pushed for quickly releasing arrest footage of Nicole Mitchell. [212] [213] [214] [215] [216] [217] [218] [219] [220] [221]
American Greatnessamgreatness.comAccused by the Global Disinformation Index of spreading anti-LGBTQIA+ disinformation, anti-Ukrainian disinformation, anti-democratic disinformation, climate change disinformation, and misogynistic disinformation. Spread false claims about the January 6th Capitol attacks and COVID-19. Edited and published by Christopher Buskirk, who also founded the Rockbridge Network, described by the New York Times as a collective of wealthy donors to the Republican Party, and who had also been an advisor for a Super PAC that supported Blake Masters. Accused by the Center for Countering Digital Hate of promoting racism and false claims about the 2020 United States presidential election. [177] [222] [178] [86] [89] [223] [65] [224] [225] [226] [92] [93]
The American Heraldamerican-herald.comSetup by super PAC tied to Donald Trump. [227]
American Ledgeramerican-ledger.comSetup by Democratic Party super PAC. [18] [227] [228]
Arizona Monitorarizonamonitor.comPromoted by Kelli Ward. [162] [229] [230]
The California Republicancarepublican.comRun by Devin Nunes' political campaign. [231]
The Capitolist thecapitolist.comFounded by a former aide of Rick Scott, Brian Burgess. Paid by consulting firm Matrix LLC, who includes Florida Power & Light as a client. Ran a story mocking The Miami Herald upon suggestion by Florida Power & Light CEO Eric Silagy to Matrix. Sponsored by Sachs Media, a consulting company. Burgess had asked Matrix for permission to publish a story advocating for solar energy that was originally requested by Sachs Media. Several Matrix executives had approved the story because they felt it would give the impression of editorial independence and that it would not harm Florida Power & Light. [211] [232]
The Colorado Heraldthecoloradoherald.comSpread COVID vaccine misinformation.

Created by a former leader for Moms for Liberty (a group declared as extremist by the Southern Poverty Law Center) who has denied the results of the 2020 US presidential election.

[233] [234] [235] [236] [237]
The Daily Caller dailycaller.comFounded by Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel. Described by Data & Society as part of "an extensive, hyper-partisan right-wing network of news websites and blogs" that "peddled heavily in misinformation, rumors, conspiracy theories, and attacks on the mainstream media." [171] Accused by Global Disinformation Index of promoting anti-LGBTQ+ disinformation and climate change disinformation. Spread conspiracy theory involving George Soros and false allegations of fraud during the 2016 United States presidential election. Spread false claim about Sadiq Khan. Rented an email list to Donald Trump's 2016 United States presidential campaign. [171] [177] [88] [223] [33] [238] [75] [239] [240]
Danger & Playdangerandplay.comOwned by Mike Cernovich. Published false claim that Cleveland police gave a stand-down order to its officers during the 2016 Republican National Convention. Claimed that a 1997 video of Marina Abramovic's "spirit cooking" performance art constituted "occult symbolism" to "openly taunt the public", and that it proved that Clinton's inner circle was part of a sex cult. [241] [242] [241]
Dariche Newsdarichenews.comRelated to social media pages and accounts that were suspended in 2022 for coordinated inauthentic behavior. [191]
The Federalist thefederalist.comReportedly funded by Dick Uhlein, a major donor for Donald Trump and other right-wing political candidates. In 2022, the Global Disinformation Index described the Federalist as having a high risk of disinformation due to "bias", "sensational language" and "the use of language that demeans, belittles or otherwise targets individuals, groups or institutions". [243] Alongside Ken Paxton and The Daily Wire, filed a lawsuit in 2023 against the United States Department of State, partially as a result of this assessment by the GDI, alleging censorship of right-wing media and revenue loss. Also accused by the Global Disinformation Index of spreading misogynistic disinformation, anti-democratic disinformation, anti-LGBTQ+ disinformation, climate change disinformation, anti-vaccine disinformation, and disinformation about COVID-19 mitigation policies. Published an article attacking critical race theory by Ian Prior, a political operative for the Republican Party who had published similar articles for Metric Media. Popular Information suggested that "Prior and other clients [of Metric Media] can use the network to launder partisan attacks as 'news.'" [244] Repeatedly attacked critics and perceived enemies of Donald Trump, which The New York Times noted that some media scholars described as "entertainment disinformation." [245] Accused by the Center for Countering Digital Hate of promoting racism. Accused by researchers of catalyzing an infodemic "superspreader" event by mischaracterizing a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report as falsely claiming that masks are ineffective in mitigating COVID-19. [246] Made false claim about proposed COVID-19 vaccination policy. [243] [39] [247] [177] [178] [87] [91] [244] [248] [245] [246] [249] [250] [92]
Florida Politics floridapolitics.comPaid by consulting firm Matrix LLC, who includes Florida Power & Light as a client. Paid $43,000 by Florida Power & Light in 2021 for advertising. A former reporter alleges he was directed by the publisher Peter Schorsch to "write favorably about industries that advertised" [211] on the site. Other reporters accuse Schorsch of "[distorting] coverage at the behest of corporate interests and political campaigns." [251] For example, one reporter alleged that Schorsch had directed him to write an article "deflecting blame for water pollution away from the sugar industry", [251] based on "industry talking points" [251] provided by Schorsch. Noted by NPR and Floodlight to "[invite] candidates to pay for content about campaign activities like endorsements or fundraising", but "does not label the content as advertisements." [251] Articles about Tampa Electric "cite no outside voices, contextual assessments or critical perspectives." [251] The power company pays $20,000 per year on advertising and their lobbyist is described by Schorsch as a friend. [211] [251]
The Free Telegraphfreetelegraph.comSetup by the Republican Governors Association. [229] [252] [253] [18]
Granite Grokgranitegrok.comActiveCreated in March 2006. Three editors, including co-founder Skip Murphy, were also Tea Party activists and had worked as state leaders for Ted Cruz's 2016 presidential campaign.

Designated as an anti-government hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2023. Strongly opposed a mosque in Manchester, New Hampshire in a post by co-founder Doug Lambert that Bloomberg News described as "inflammatory" [254] and an "outburst". [254] Lambert was criticized for using an anti-gay slur against Raymond Buckley in 2009. As of 2008, Lambert had also been part of the Budget Committee in Gilford, New Hampshire, including during his tenture on the site. Murphy had also been part of the same committee as of 2009. Murphy and Lambert had also lobbied against a civil union bill in the New Hampshire state legislature in 2007. In 2024, Bethany Scaer, a writer for Granite Grok, and her husband Stephen Scaer, the Republican nominee for New Hampshire Senate District 13 in 2024, filed a lawsuit against the city of Nashua, New Hampshire over the city's rejection of their requests to fly flags perceived as anti-transgender and promoting Christian nationalism. The Scaers have protested against trans-inclusive policies, including for high school sports teams. Published COVID-19 misinformation and false claims about fraud during the 2020 United States presidential election. A blogger on the site who has posted these claims, Ken Eyring, is, as of 2022, a member of David Scanlan's Commission on Voter Confidence. Spread Springfield pet-eating hoax, and then claimed to be parodying the hoax when pressed by NewsGuard.

[254] [255] [256] [257] [258] [259] [260] [261] [262] [263] [264] [265] [266] [267] [268]
HealthNewsNJ.comHealthNewsNJ.comSetup by Senator Bob Menendez. [269] [270]
Intelligencerintelligencer.todayActiveNot to be confused with Intelligencer , the news site of New York magazine. Editorial board members include George Papadopoulos, Simona Mangiante, Igor Lopatonok, Vera Tomilova, Olga Ravasi (who as of 2024 leads the Serbian American Voters Alliance political action committee), Leah Hoopes (who participated in the Trump fake electors plot), Greg Stenstrom (who was a litigant in a court case that challenged the 2020 United States presidential election), Tyler Nixon (personal attorney of Roger Stone), Anna Soroka (adviser of Leonid Pasechnik). Noted by The Guardian to spread vaccine misinformation, false allegations of fraud in the 2020 United States presidential election, and "debunked conspiracy theories about the war in Ukraine". [271] [271]
Lew Rockwelllewrockwell.comWebsite of Lew Rockwell. Accused by Global Disinformation Index of promoting anti-vaccine disinformation. Spread conspiracy theory that a reporter was murdered for criticizing the Mueller special counsel investigation. [32] [87] [272]
Live Action liveaction.orgActiveAccused by Planned Parenthood of "deceptively [editing] videotapes and [making] claims that are flat-out false." [273] Published unproven stories about abortion. Described by Mother Jones as "a powerful engine of disinformation about ectopic pregnancies and dangerous miscarriages, issuing misleading assurances that treatment of these conditions will continue" after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. [274] Published false claim that abortion is never medically necessary. Falsely claimed that 28 deaths were associated with mifepristone. Also accused by Mother Jones of "[sowing] distrust in hormonal birth control" in favor of menstrual cycle-tracking methods. [275] Noted by Snopes to use weeks from egg fertilization to date pregnancy, as opposed to the first day of the last menstrual period, which is typically used by the medical community. Accused of doing so in order to "[sow] confusion... [making] people think the embryo or fetus is more developed at a given number of weeks of pregnancy than it really is." [276] Banned from Pinterest in 2019 for spreading health misinformation. Later that year, founder Lila Rose participated in a White House summit with Donald Trump that alleged unfair treatment of conservatives by tech companies. Purchased Facebook ads promoting "unproven, potentially dangerous intervention" that claims to reverse a medication abortion. [277] As of February 2024, at least five state legislatures in the United States are considering laws that would require viewing of one of Live Action's videos in schools. Noted by NewsGuard as an example of a site that has repeatedly published misinformation despite having the domain .org, which is typically seen as an indicator of reliability. [61] [278] [273] [279] [274] [280] [281] [282] [283] [284] [275] [285] [276] [277] [286] [287] [288] [289]
Loomered loomered.comActiveWebsite of Laura Loomer. According to NewsGuard, the site is "unreliable because it severely violates basic journalistic standards." [290] Spread false claim that Tom Wolf converted to Islam. [290] [291]
I Love My Freedomilovemyfreedom.orgNoted by Slate to have stories with "misleading framings", and further criticized for having its "entire business ... premised on the insight that partisan self-victimization and fear of immigrants and elites will lead to clicks, and therefore cash". According to the Huffington Post, the site has spread "flagrant scams and snake oil"; gathered "Americans' contact information through a covert email harvesting scheme involving a web of pro-Trump Facebook pages"; shared links to impostor news websites; and formed fundraising partnerships with political campaigns for Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, the Republican National Committee, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, Elise Stefanik, Nikki Haley, David Joyce, Karl Rove, and Tom Emmer. [31] [33] [32] [292] [293]
Independent Journal Review ijr.comFounded by Alex Skatell, former digital director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and Phil Musser, former executive director of the Republican Governors Association. Described by researchers as "a conspiracy-oriented site seeking mainstream credibility". [31] [31] [32]
Keep America Great!KAGfeed.comPer [103]
LifeZette lifezette.comFounded by Laura Ingraham. Accused by Global Disinformation Index of promoting anti-democratic disinformation. Spread Clinton body count conspiracy theory, as well as a conspiracy theory involving George Soros and false allegations of voter fraud during the 2016 United States presidential election. Falsely claimed that the Ukrainian government donated to the Clinton Foundation, more than any other country. Cited by Donald Trump in an attempt to discredit the Steele dossier. Falsely claimed that Emmanuel Macron proposed refugee status in France for American liberals. [247] [108] [294] [295] [296] [101] [297] [298] [299]
Maine Examinermaineexaminer.comSetup by the Maine Republican Party. [162] [229] [230] [300]
The Missouri Downloadmissouridownload.comSetup by the Missouri Democratic Party. [270]
Montana Daily Gazettemontanadailygazette.comDefunctAccused of imitating the logo and name of The Billings Gazette.

Involved with figures in the Montana Republican Party.

Spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation.

Published false claim about transgender activist, who successfully sued the site owner for libel.

Spread a series of false claims about a credit union, who filed a complaint for the articles to be removed.

Co-sponsored a rally in support of the January 6th Capitol attack.

[301] [302] [303] [304] [305] [306] [307] [308]
North Carolina Examinerncexaminer.comPromoted by a non-profit, Piedmont Rising, which is funded by the Sixteen Thirty Fund and owned by a former director of the House Democratic caucus of North Carolina. [18] [309] [310] [311]
NevadaSenateupdates.comNevadaSenateupdates.comSetup by Senator Dean Heller. [269] [270]
Newsmax newsmax.comIts newsletter falsely links vaccines and autism. Spread false claims of fraud during the 2020 US presidential election. In particular, falsely accused an employee of Dominion Voting Systems of rigging its voting machines. Also falsely accused a Palestinian social media influencer of being a crisis actor. Spread false claim about death toll during January 6th Capitol attacks. Spread unproven cures for COVID-19; conspiracy theories about chemtrails and the assassination of John F. Kennedy and climate change denialism. [312] [313] [314] [315] [316] [243] [36] [317]
Occupy Democrats occupydemocrats.comFormerly collaborated with Addicting Info via a content sharing agreement. Accused by Alternet of plagiarism from established progressive news sites and journalists. Noted by BuzzFeed News to use domain hopping by publishing its content on multiple domains ( and C-SPAN owns the trademark for "Washington Journal" and successfully reclaimed the domain as of 2018. Spread false claims that have been debunked by fact-checkers. Owns a political action committee. [32] [318] [33] [108] [319] [320] [321] [322]
One America News Network oann.comSpread climate change denialism, false claims about the origin of COVID-19, and false claims of fraud during the 2020 US presidential election. The news director encouraged producers to read stories from The Gateway Pundit , The Blaze and The Epoch Times for inspiration. The Global Disinformation Index described OANN as having a high risk of disinformation due to "publishing no information regarding its policies to ensure accuracy (fact-checking, etc.) or attribute authorship, or about its ownership structure, which is a risk-factor for conflicts of interest and/or editorial interference." [312] [243] [323] [324]
The Patriot PostPatriotPost.usFalsely claimed that three New Jersey state senators were arrested for child prostitution.

Fabricated an endorsement quote on its website from Harvard Political Review. Robin Smith contributed to the site.

[325] [326]
Populist Presspopulist.pressSpread false claims about Dominion Voting Systems and the 2020 US Presidential Election. [327]
PragerU prageru.comSpread false claims about fraud during the 2022 US midterm elections, and falsely framed Black Lives Matter as a "Marxist movement". [328] Promotes climate change denialism, including through videos approved by the Florida Department of Education. A report by Data & Society describes PragerU as one of several conservative outlets that "[prey] on the practice of scriptural inference to legitimize their messaging", (defining scriptural inference as the practice by American Christian conservatives of "[consuming] many news sources but then [juxtaposing] what they read, see, and hear with documents including presidential speeches and the Constitution") and "regularly host guests who produce sensationalized content, thereby amplifying messages verging on radicalization". [329] [330] [328] [331] [329] [332]
The Republican Standard"Run by Virginia Republican operatives with ties to [Ed] Gillespie ... and to a firm that has been paid by the [ Republican Governors Association]." [252] [229] [252] [18]
seattletimes.nwsource.comseattletimes.nwsource.comImpostor site of the Seattle Times setup by the FBI with the intention to catch a bomb threat suspect via CIPAV spyware.

Used the same domain as the Seattle Times.

[333] [334] [335]
The Shad Olson Showshadolsonshow.comSpread false claim about origin of COVID-19. The site owner, Shad Olson, was temporarily suspended from his job as a news anchor for KOTA-TV after giving a speech at a rally for the Tea Party protests. He also founded the South Dakota Tea Party Alliance in 2010 and worked for Neal Tapio and Gordon Howie. In 2024, Olson was arrested for domestic violence. [312] [336] [337] [338] [339] [340]
Sunshine State Newssunshinestatenews.comFounded in 2010. One of its bloggers was the only media person who was allowed in a 2011 private dinner between then-Florida governor Rick Scott and three Florida state Republican lawmakers, after Scott had wanted his office to choose which reporters could attend. Paid by consulting firm Matrix LLC, who includes Florida Power & Light as a client. The site closed in 2019, after Scott was elected as a Senator. [211] [341] [342]
theteaparty.nettheteaparty.netFalsely claimed that Hillary Clinton fraudulently won the popular vote during the 2016 US Presidential Elections.

Shared false claim about Assault Weapons Ban of 2013. Owned by an Arizona-based PAC, Stop This Insanity, Inc., which was incorporated by Todd Cefaratti.

Organized a "'Day of Resistance' gunapalooza". [343]

Organized a meeting with the Tea Party Caucus in 2013 that was closed to journalists. As of 2013, Niger Innis was the site's chief strategist.

Involved in the IRS targeting controversy. Was represented by Dan Backer.

Accused by other Tea Party activists of harvesting data.

[344] [345] [346] [347] [348] [343] [349]
Texas Scorecardtexasscorecard.comActiveFormerly owned by Empower Texans, a political action committee. Funded and chaired by Tim Dunn, who is also an officer for Pipeline Media, which is connected to Metric Media. Described by journalists as a "propaganda mill" [350] and a "propaganda arm" of right-wing political activists in Texas and of Empower Texas in particular. [350] [351] Columbia Journalism Review cited them as an example of "blurring the lines between journalism and advocacy due to things like transparency about their connections to partisan funders or dark-money groups, adopting the look and feel of local news outlets while disguising their partisanship, and heavy use of microtargeted digital advertising to reach persuadable voters with partisan messaging during election cycles". [166] Noted by Texas Monthly to "publish articles that are generally critical of candidates [Tim Dunn] opposes." [352] Supports anti-LGBTQ bills in the Texas Legislature. Approved for press credentials in 2019 by the Texas Senate, led by Dan Patrick, who received at least $850,000 from the Empower Texans PAC. When the press credential application for the Texas House of Representatives was denied due to the site's "close association" with the PAC, the site responded by filing a lawsuit, which was dismissed. [353] Some Texas state lawmakers were concerned that granting press access for the site, which ranks politicians' votes according to conservative policies, could be used against them in primary challenges funded by the Empower Texans PAC. Accused by queer and transgender college students of being part of a pressure campaign against Texas A&M University to end gender-affirming care, which the university suspended in August 2024. Published an article that framed an all-ages drag show as being "for children". [354] Published an article falsely alleging fraud during the 2020 United States presidential election. Involved in the hiring controversy of Kathleen McElroy. [350] [166] [355] [356] [353] [357] [358] [359] [352] [41] [351] [354] [360] [361]
TruthFeedtruthfeed.comLikely part of the same network as Keep America Great!.

On the same IP address as a personal website of Katrina Pierson. A writer of the site is associated with the National Policy Institute.

Promoted by the Internet Research Agency.

[103] [362] [363] [364] [365] [33] [366]
TruthFeedTruthfeednews.comAlternative domain for TruthFeed. [364]
Yellowhammer News yellowhammernews.comFounded in 2011 and co-owned by Tim Howe and John Ross, former directors of the Alabama Republican Party. Paid by an Alabama Power contractor via a consulting firm Matrix LLC. Noted by NPR and Floodlight to "have consistently cheered Alabama Power through overwhelmingly positive news stories." [211] In 2013, published political attacks against Terry Dunn, then a member of the Alabama Public Service Commission, after he had vowed to hold public hearings on electricity rates set by Alabama Power. He lost re-election the following year. In 2018, received over $185,000 from political action committees and political campaigns. [211] [367] [368]

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The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) is an international alliance of news media, social media and technology corporations which claim to be working to identify and combat purported disinformation about national elections, the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19 vaccines. TNI was founded by Jessica Cecil, a leadership figure at the BBC who also serves as the initiative's director.


  1. "Reality Check Commentary: Tips for Avoiding Pink Slime "News"". NewsGuard . 2024-06-12. Archived from the original on 2024-06-12. Retrieved 2024-10-25. These sites — funded by both left-wing and right-wing partisans without disclosing their political orientation and also now by Russian disinformation operatives — masquerade as reliable local news sites, even taking names designed to make readers think they must be long-established trusted sources.
  2. Lepird, Christine Sowa; Ng, Lynnette Hui Xian; Carley, Kathleen M. (2024-09-06). "Non-credibility scores: Relative ranking of news sites shared on social media to identify new pink slime sites". First Monday. doi: 10.5210/fm.v29i9.13544 . ISSN   1396-0466. Pink slime organizations, like Metric Media, that control vast swaths of pink slime sites do not appear to have foreign ties, but they are currently financed by political candidates and political action committees with the hope of swaying election results. Alex Stamos, Director of the Stanford Internet Observatory, iterated that these domestic actors with questionable, undisclosed funding sources are a serious threat to an election's integrity and outcome.
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  5. Anderson-Davis, Stuart (2024-02-23). ""Pink Slime Journalism" and a history of media manipulation in America". Columbia Journalism Review . Archived from the original on 2024-10-08. Retrieved 2024-10-25. These sites are familiar yet misleading – masquerading as the digital equivalent of traditional, well-trusted, locally-based newspapers, but actually promoting political, ideological, and commercial interests in strategically-significant locations. From boosting political candidates to providing positive publicity for under-fire corporations, pink slime publications seek to exploit audience assumptions about the type of content published by a "news" organization; in particular, the expectation that journalism (and local journalism, in particular) is motivated by public interest and newsworthiness, not commercial deals or hidden political agendas.
  6. Lepird, Christine Sowa; Ng, Lynnette Hui Xian; Carley, Kathleen M. (2024-09-06). "Non-credibility scores: Relative ranking of news sites shared on social media to identify new pink slime sites". First Monday. doi: 10.5210/fm.v29i9.13544 . ISSN   1396-0466. Pink slime refers to a combination of algorithmic and manual journalism, mostly as news focused on a specific geographic area. Many of these news sites are algorithmically generated, boasting similar content, layouts, and origins, and their volume and spread are of concern for political misinformation is spread through these sites.
  7. Darr, Joshua P. (May 2023). "How Sticky Is Pink Slime? Assessing the Credibility of Deceptive Local Media". The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 707 (1): 109–124. doi:10.1177/00027162231214696. ISSN   0002-7162. The ongoing decline of local news not only deprives communities of important information, but also provides an opening for misinformation through so-called pink slime journalism: local media that poses as a news outlet and exploits the low cost of automating content to deceive readers.
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