Mathematics of apportionment

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In mathematics and fair division, apportionment problems involve dividing (apportioning) a whole number of identical goods fairly across several parties with real-valued entitlements. The original, and best-known, example of an apportionment problem involves distributing seats in a legislature between different federal states or political parties. [1] However, apportionment methods can be applied to other situations as well, including bankruptcy problems, [2] inheritance law (e.g. dividing animals), [3] [4] manpower planning (e.g. demographic quotas), [5] and rounding percentages. [6]


Mathematically, an apportionment method is just a method of rounding real numbers to natural numbers. Despite the simplicity of this problem, every method of rounding suffers one or more paradoxes, as proven by the Balinski-Young theorem. The mathematical theory of apportionment identifies what properties can be expected from an apportionment method.

The mathematical theory of apportionment was studied as early as 1907 by the mathematician Agner Krarup Erlang.[ citation needed ] It was later developed to a great detail by the mathematician Michel Balinski and the economist Peyton Young. [7]



The inputs to an apportionment method are:


The output is a vector of integers with , called an apportionment of , where is the number of items allocated to agent i.

For each party , the real number is called the entitlement or seat quota for , and denotes the exact number of items that should be given to . In general, a "fair" apportionment is one in which each allocation is as close as possible to the quota .

An apportionment method may return a set of apportionment vectors (in other words: it is a multivalued function). This is required, since in some cases there is no fair way to distinguish between two possible solutions. For example, if (or any other odd number) and , then (50,51) and (51,50) are both equally reasonable solutions, and there is no mathematical way to choose one over the other. While such ties are extremely rare in practice, the theory must account for them (in practice, when an apportionment method returns multiple outputs, one of them may be chosen by some external priority rules, or by coin flipping, but this is beyond the scope of the mathematical apportionment theory).

An apportionment method is denoted by a multivalued function ; a particular -solution is a single-valued function which selects a single apportionment from .

A partial apportionment method is an apportionment method for specific fixed values of and ; it is a multivalued function that accepts only -vectors.


Sometimes, the input also contains a vector of integers representing minimum requirements - represents the smallest number of items that agent should receive, regardless of its entitlement. So there is an additional requirement on the output: for all .

When the agents are political parties, these numbers are usually 0, so this vector is omitted. But when the agents are states or districts, these numbers are often positive in order to ensure that all are represented. They can be the same for all agents (e.g. 1 for USA states, 2 for France districts), or different (e.g. in Canada or the European parliament).

Sometimes there is also a vector of maximum requirements, but this is less common.

Basic requirements

There are basic properties that should be satisfied by any reasonable apportionment method. They were given different names by different authors: the names on the left are from Pukelsheim; [8] :75 The names in parentheses on the right are from Balinsky and Young. [7]

Other considerations

The proportionality of apportionment can be measured by seats-to-votes ratio and Gallagher index. The proportionality of apportionment together with electoral thresholds impact political fragmentation and barrier to entry to the political competition. [10]

Common apportionment methods

There are many apportionment methods, and they can be classified into several approaches.

  1. Largest remainder methods start by computing the vector of quotas rounded down, that is, . If the sum of these rounded values is exactly , then this vector is returned as the unique apportionment. Typically, the sum is smaller than . In this case, the remaining items are allocated among the agents according to their remainders : the agent with the largest remainder receives one seat, then the agent with the second-largest remainder receives one seat, and so on, until all items are allocated. There are several variants of the LR method, depending on which quota is used:
    • The simple quota, also called the Hare quota, is . Using LR with the Hare quota leads to Hamilton's method.
    • The Hagenbach-Bischoff quota, also called the exact Droop quota, is . The quotas in this method are larger, so there are fewer remaining items. In theory, it is possible that the sum of rounded-down quotas would be which is larger than , but this rarely happens in practice.
  2. Divisor methods, instead of using a fixed multiplier in the quota (such as or ), choose the multiplier such that the sum of rounded quotas is exactly equal to , so there are no remaining items to allocate. Formally, Divisor methods differ by the method they use for rounding. A divisor method is parametrized by a divisor function which specifies, for each integer , a real number in the interval . It means that all numbers in should be rounded down to , and all numbers in should be rounded up to . The rounding function is denoted by , and returns an integer such that . The number itself can be rounded both up and down, so the rounding function is multi-valued. For example, Adams' method uses , which corresponds to rounding up; D'Hondt/Jefferson method uses , which corresponds to rounding down; and Webster/Sainte-Laguë method uses , which corresponds to rounding to the nearest integer. A divisor method can also be computed iteratively: initially, is set to 0 for all parties. Then, at each iteration, the next seat is allocated to a party which maximizes the ratio .
  3. Rank-index methods are parametrized by a function which is decreasing in . The apportionment is computed iteratively. Initially, set to 0 for all parties. Then, at each iteration, allocate the next seat to an agent which maximizes . Divisor methods are a special case of rank-index methods: a divisor method with divisor function is equivalent to a rank-index method with rank-index .
  4. Optimization-based methods aim to attain, for each instance, an allocation that is "as fair as possible" for this instance. An allocation is "fair" if for all agents i; in this case, we say that the "unfairness" of the allocation is 0. If this equality is violated, one can define a measure of "total unfairness", and try to minimize it. One can minimize the sum of unfairness levels, or the maximum unfairness level. Each optimization criterion leads to a different optimal apportionment rule.

Staying within the quota

The exact quota of agent is . A basic requirement from an apportionment method is that it allocates to each agent its quota if it is an integer; otherwise, it should allocate it an integer that is near the exact quota, that is, either its lower quota or its upper quota. [11] We say that an apportionment method -

Hamilton's largest-remainder method satisfies both lower quota and upper quota by construction. This does not hold for the divisor methods. [7] :Prop.6.2,6.3,6.4,6.5

Therefore, no divisor method satisfies both upper quota and lower quota for any number of agents. The uniqueness of Jefferson and Adams holds even in the much larger class of rank-index methods. [12]

This can be seen as a disadvantage of divisor methods, but it can also be considered a disadvantage of the quota criterion: [7] :129

"For example, to give D 26 instead of 25 seats in Table 10.1 would mean taking a seat from one of the smaller states A, B, or C. Such a transfer would penalize the per capita representation of the small state much more - in both absolute and relative terms - than state D is penalized by getting one less than its lower quota. Similar examples can be invented in which some state might reasonably get more than its upper quota. It can be argued that staying within the quota is not really compatible with the idea of proportionality at all, since it allows a much greater variance in the per capita representation of smaller states than it does for larger states."

In Monte-Carlo simulations, Webster's method satisfies both quotas with a very high probability. Moreover, Webster's method is the only division method that satisfies near quota: [7] :Thm.6.2 there are no agents such that moving a seat from to would bring both of them nearer to their quotas:


Jefferson's method can be modified to satisfy both quotas, yielding the Quota-Jefferson method. [11] Moreover, any divisor method can be modified to satisfy both quotas. [13] This yields the Quota-Webster method, Quota-Hill method, etc. This family of methods is often called the quatatone methods, [12] as they satisfy both quotas and house-monotonicity.

Minimizing pairwise inequality

One way to evaluate apportionment methods is by whether they minimize the amount of inequality between pairs of agents. Clearly, inequality should take into account the different entitlements: if then the agents are treated "equally" (w.r.t. to their entitlements); otherwise, if then agent is favored, and if then agent is favored. However, since there are 16 ways to rearrange the equality , there are correspondingly many ways by which inequality can be defined. [7] :100–102

This analysis was done by Huntington in the 1920s. [14] [15] [16] Some of the possibilities do not lead to a stable solution. For example, if we define inequality as , then there are instances in which, for any allocation, moving a seat from one agent to another might decrease their pairwise inequality. There is an example with 3 states with populations (737,534,329) and 16 seats. [7] :Prop.3.5

Bias towards large/small agents

The seat bias of an apportionment is the tendency of an apportionment method to systematically favor either large or small parties. Jefferson's method and Droop's method are heavily biased in favor of large states; Adams' method is biased in favor of small states; and the Webster and Huntington–Hill methods are effectively unbiased toward either large or small states.

Consistency properties

Consistency properties are properties that characterize an apportionment method, rather than a particular apportionment. Each consistency property compares the outcomes of a particular method on different inputs. Several such properties have been studied.

State-population monotonicity means that, if the entitlement of an agent increases, its apportionment should not decrease. The name comes from the setting where the agents are federal states, whose entitlements are determined by their population. A violation of this property is called the population paradox . There are several variants of this property. One variant - the pairwise PM - is satisfied exclusively by divisor methods. That is, an apportionment method is pairwise PM if-and-only-if it is a divisor method. [7] :Thm.4.3

When and , no partial apportionment method satisfies pairwise-PM, lower quota and upper quota. [7] :Thm.6.1 Combined with the previous statements, it implies that no divisor method satisfies both quotas.

House monotonicity means that, when the total number of seats increases, no agent loses a seat. The violation of this property is called the Alabama paradox . It was considered particularly important in the early days of the USA, when the congress size increased every ten years. House-monotonicity is weaker than pairwise-PM. All rank-index methods (hence all divisor methods) are house-monotone - this clearly follows from the iterative procedure. Besides the divisor methods, there are other house-monotone methods, and some of them also satisfy both quotas. For example, the Quota method of Balinsky and Young satisfies house-monotonicity and upper-quota by construction, and it can be proved that it also satisfies lower-quota. [11] It can be generalized: there is a general algorithm that yields all apportionment methods which are both house-monotone and satisfy both quotas. However, all these quota-based methods (Quota-Jefferson, Quota-Hill, etc.) may violate pairwise-PM: there are examples in which one agent gains in population but loses seats. [7] :Sec.7

Uniformity (also called coherence [17] ) means that, if we take some subset of the agents , and apply the same method to their combined allocation , then the result is the vector . All rank-index methods (hence all divisor methods) are uniform, since they assign seats to agents in a pre-determined method - determined by , and this order does not depend on the presence or absence of other agents. Moreover, every uniform method that is also anonymous and balanced must be a rank-index method. [7] :Thm.8.3

Every uniform method that is also anonymous, weakly-exact and concordant (= implies ) must be a divisor method. [7] :Thm.8.4 Moreover, among all anonymous methods: [12]

Encouraging coalitions

When the agents are political parties, they often split or merge. How such splitting/merging affects the apportionment will impact political fragmentation. Suppose a certain apportionment method gives two agents some seats respectively, and then these two agents form a coalition, and the method is re-activated.

Among the divisor methods: [7] :Thm.9.1,9.2,9.3

Since these are different methods, no divisor method gives every coalition of exactly seats. Moreover, this uniqueness can be extended to the much larger class of rank-index methods. [12]

A weaker property, called "coalitional-stability", is that every coalition of should receive between and seats; so a party can gain at most one seat by merging/splitting.

Moreover, every method satisfying both quotas is "almost coalitionally-stable" - it gives every coalition between and seats. [12]

Summary table

The following table summarizes uniqueness results for classes of apportionment methods. For example, the top-left cell states that Jefferson's method is the unique divisor method satisfying the lower quota rule.

Uniquely satisfies
Lower quotaUpper quotaNear QuotaHouse monotonicityUniformityPopulation MonotonicSplitproofMergeproof
Divisor rules JeffersonAdamsWebsterAnyAnyAnyJeffersonAdams
Rank-index rules JeffersonAdamsWebsterDivisor rulesAnyDivisor rulesJeffersonAdams
Quota rulesAnyAnyAnyNoneNoneNone
Quota-capped divisor rules YesYesYesYesNoneNone


See also

Further reading

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House monotonicity is a property of apportionment methods. These are methods for allocating seats in a parliament among federal states. The property says that, if the number of seats in the "house" increases, and the method is re-activated, then no state should have fewer seats than it previously had. A method that fails to satisfy house-monotonicity is said to have the Alabama paradox.

Seat bias is a property describing methods of apportionment. These are methods used to allocate seats in a parliament among federal states or among political parties. A method is biased if it systematically favors small parties over large parties, or vice versa. There are several mathematical measures of bias, which can disagree slightly, but all measures broadly agree that rules based on Droop's quota or Jefferson's method are strongly biased in favor of large parties, while rules based on Webster's method, Hill's method, or Hare's quota have low levels of bias, with the differences being sufficiently small that different definitions of bias produce different results.

Coherence, also called uniformity or consistency, is a criterion for evaluating rules for fair division. Coherence requires that the outcome of a fairness rule is fair not only for the overall problem, but also for each sub-problem. Every part of a fair division should be fair.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vote-ratio monotonicity</span> Property of apportionment methods

Vote-ratio, weight-ratio, or population-ratio monotonicity is a property of some apportionment methods. It says that if the entitlement for grows at a faster rate than , should not lose a seat to . More formally, if the ratio of votes or populations increases, then should not lose a seat while gains a seat. An apportionment method violating this rule may encounter population paradoxes.

Balance or balancedness is a property of apportionment methods, which are methods of allocating identical items between among agens, such as dividing seats in a parliament among political parties or federal states. The property says that, if two agents have exactly the same entitlements, then the number of items they receive should differ by at most one. So if two parties win the same number of votes, or two states have the same populations, then the number of seats they receive should differ by at most one.

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In apportionment theory, rank-index methods are a set of apportionment methods that generalize the divisor method. These have also been called Huntington methods, since they generalize an idea by Edward Vermilye Huntington.


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