Mathematics of paper folding

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Map folding for a 2x2 grid of squares: there are eight different ways to fold such a map along its creases MapFoldings-2x2.png
Map folding for a 2×2 grid of squares: there are eight different ways to fold such a map along its creases

The discipline of origami or paper folding has received a considerable amount of mathematical study. Fields of interest include a given paper model's flat-foldability (whether the model can be flattened without damaging it), and the use of paper folds to solve mathematical equations up to the third order. [1]


Computational origami is a recent branch of computer science that is concerned with studying algorithms that solve paper-folding problems. The field of computational origami has also grown significantly since its inception in the 1990s with Robert Lang's TreeMaker algorithm to assist in the precise folding of bases. [2] Computational origami results either address origami design or origami foldability. [3] In origami design problems, the goal is to design an object that can be folded out of paper given a specific target configuration. In origami foldability problems, the goal is to fold something using the creases of an initial configuration. Results in origami design problems have been more accessible than in origami foldability problems. [3]


In 1893, Indian civil servant T. Sundara Row published Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding which used paper folding to demonstrate proofs of geometrical constructions. This work was inspired by the use of origami in the kindergarten system. Row demonstrated an approximate trisection of angles and implied construction of a cube root was impossible. [4]

In 1922, Harry Houdini published "Houdini's Paper Magic," which described origami techniques that drew informally from mathematical approaches that were later formalized. [5]

The Beloch fold Group1-Origami The Beloch Fold.png
The Beloch fold

In 1936 Margharita P. Beloch showed that use of the 'Beloch fold', later used in the sixth of the Huzita–Hatori axioms, allowed the general cubic equation to be solved using origami. [1]

In 1949, R C Yeates' book "Geometric Methods" described three allowed constructions corresponding to the first, second, and fifth of the Huzita–Hatori axioms. [6] [7]

The Yoshizawa–Randlett system of instruction by diagram was introduced in 1961. [8]

Crease pattern for a Miura fold. The parallelograms of this example have 84deg and 96deg angles. Miura-Ori CP.svg
Crease pattern for a Miura fold. The parallelograms of this example have 84° and 96° angles.

In 1980 a construction was reported which enabled an angle to be trisected. Trisections are impossible under Euclidean rules. [9]

Also in 1980, Kōryō Miura and Masamori Sakamaki demonstrated a novel map-folding technique whereby the folds are made in a prescribed parallelogram pattern, which allows the map to be expandable without any right-angle folds in the conventional manner. Their pattern allows the fold lines to be interdependent, and hence the map can be unpacked in one motion by pulling on its opposite ends, and likewise folded by pushing the two ends together. No unduly complicated series of movements are required, and folded Miura-ori can be packed into a very compact shape. [10] In 1985 Miura reported a method of packaging and deployment of large membranes in outer space, [11] and as early as 2012 this technique had been applied to solar panels on spacecraft. [12] [13]

A diagram showing the first and last step of how origami can double the cube Group1-Origami Doubling the Cube .png
A diagram showing the first and last step of how origami can double the cube

In 1986, Messer reported a construction by which one could double the cube, which is impossible with Euclidean constructions. [14]

The first complete statement of the seven axioms of origami by French folder and mathematician Jacques Justin was written in 1986, but were overlooked until the first six were rediscovered by Humiaki Huzita in 1989. [15] The first International Meeting of Origami Science and Technology (now known as the International Conference on Origami in Science, Math, and Education) was held in 1989 in Ferrara, Italy. At this meeting, a construction was given by Scimemi for the regular heptagon. [16]

Around 1990, Robert J. Lang and others first attempted to write computer code that would solve origami problems. [17]

Mountain-valley counting Maekawas Theorem.svg
Mountain-valley counting

In 1996, Marshall Bern and Barry Hayes showed that the problem of assigning a crease pattern of mountain and valley folds in order to produce a flat origami structure starting from a flat sheet of paper is NP-complete. [18]

In 1999, a theorem due to Haga provided constructions used to divide the side of a square into rational fractions. [19] [20]

In late 2001 and early 2002, Britney Gallivan proved the minimum length of paper necessary to fold it in half a certain number of times and folded a 4,000-foot-long (1,200 m) piece of toilet paper twelve times. [21] [22]

In 2002, Sarah-Marie Belcastro and Tom Hull brought to the theoretical origami the language of affine transformations, with an extension from 2 to 3 in only the case of single-vertex construction. [23]

In 2002, Alperin solved Alhazen's problem of spherical optics. [24] In the same paper, Alperin showed a construction for a regular heptagon. [24] In 2004, was proven algorithmically the fold pattern for a regular heptagon. [25] Bisections and trisections were used by Alperin in 2005 for the same construction. [26]

In 2003, Jeremy Gibbons, a researcher from the University of Oxford, described a style of functional programming in terms of origami. He coined this paradigm as "origami programming." He characterizes fold and unfolds as natural patterns of computation over recursive datatypes that can be framed in the context of origami. [27]

In 2005, principles and concepts from mathematical and computational origami were applied to solve Countdown, a game popularized in British television in which competitors used a list of source numbers to build an arithmetic expression as close to the target number as possible. [28]

In 2009, Alperin and Lang extended the theoretical origami to rational equations of arbitrary degree, with the concept of manifold creases. [29] [30] This work was a formal extension of Lang's unpublished 2004 demonstration of angle quintisection. [30] [31]

Pure origami

Flat folding

Two-colorability Lang rule one.png
Angles around a vertex Lang rule three.png
Angles around a vertex

The construction of origami models is sometimes shown as crease patterns. The major question about such crease patterns is whether a given crease pattern can be folded to a flat model, and if so, how to fold them; this is an NP-complete problem. [32] Related problems when the creases are orthogonal are called map folding problems. There are three mathematical rules for producing flat-foldable origami crease patterns: [33]

  1. Maekawa's theorem: at any vertex the number of valley and mountain folds always differ by two.
    It follows from this that every vertex has an even number of creases, and therefore also the regions between the creases can be colored with two colors.
  2. Kawasaki's theorem or Kawasaki-Justin theorem: at any vertex, the sum of all the odd angles (see image) adds up to 180 degrees, as do the even.
  3. A sheet can never penetrate a fold.

Paper exhibits zero Gaussian curvature at all points on its surface, and only folds naturally along lines of zero curvature. Curved surfaces that can't be flattened can be produced using a non-folded crease in the paper, as is easily done with wet paper or a fingernail.

Assigning a crease pattern mountain and valley folds in order to produce a flat model has been proven by Marshall Bern and Barry Hayes to be NP-complete. [18] Further references and technical results are discussed in Part II of Geometric Folding Algorithms . [34]

Huzita–Justin axioms

Some classical construction problems of geometry — namely trisecting an arbitrary angle or doubling the cube — are proven to be unsolvable using compass and straightedge, but can be solved using only a few paper folds. [35] Paper fold strips can be constructed to solve equations up to degree 4. The Huzita–Justin axioms or Huzita–Hatori axioms are an important contribution to this field of study. These describe what can be constructed using a sequence of creases with at most two point or line alignments at once. Complete methods for solving all equations up to degree 4 by applying methods satisfying these axioms are discussed in detail in Geometric Origami . [36]


As a result of origami study through the application of geometric principles, methods such as Haga's theorem have allowed paperfolders to accurately fold the side of a square into thirds, fifths, sevenths, and ninths. Other theorems and methods have allowed paperfolders to get other shapes from a square, such as equilateral triangles, pentagons, hexagons, and special rectangles such as the golden rectangle and the silver rectangle. Methods for folding most regular polygons up to and including the regular 19-gon have been developed. [36] A regular n-gon can be constructed by paper folding if and only if n is a product of distinct Pierpont primes, powers of two, and powers of three.

Haga's theorems

BQ is always rational if AP is. Haga theorem 1.svg
BQ is always rational if AP is.

The side of a square can be divided at an arbitrary rational fraction in a variety of ways. Haga's theorems say that a particular set of constructions can be used for such divisions. [19] [20] Surprisingly few folds are necessary to generate large odd fractions. For instance 15 can be generated with three folds; first halve a side, then use Haga's theorem twice to produce first 23 and then 15.

The accompanying diagram shows Haga's first theorem:

The function changing the length AP to QC is self inverse. Let x be AP then a number of other lengths are also rational functions of x. For example:

Haga's first theorem

A generalization of Haga's theorems

Haga's theorems are generalized as follows:

Therefore, BQ:CQ=k:1 implies AP:BP=k:2 for a positive real number k. [37]

Doubling the cube

Doubling the cube: PB/PA = cube root of 2 Delian origami.svg
Doubling the cube: PB/PA = cube root of 2

The classical problem of doubling the cube can be solved using origami. This construction is due to Peter Messer: [38] A square of paper is first creased into three equal strips as shown in the diagram. Then the bottom edge is positioned so the corner point P is on the top edge and the crease mark on the edge meets the other crease mark Q. The length PB will then be the cube root of 2 times the length of AP. [14]

The edge with the crease mark is considered a marked straightedge, something which is not allowed in compass and straightedge constructions. Using a marked straightedge in this way is called a neusis construction in geometry.

Trisecting an angle

Trisecting the angle CAB Origami Trisection of an angle.svg
Trisecting the angle CAB

Angle trisection is another of the classical problems that cannot be solved using a compass and unmarked ruler but can be solved using origami. [39] This construction, which was reported in 1980, is due to Hisashi Abe. [38] [9] The angle CAB is trisected by making two folds: PP', parallel to the base, and QQ', halfway in between. Then point P is folded over to lie on line AC and at the same time point A is made to lie on line QQ' at A'. The angle A'AB is one third of the original angle CAB. This is because PAQ, A'AQ and A'AR are three congruent triangles. Aligning the two points on the two lines is another neusis construction as in the solution to doubling the cube. [40] [9]

The problem of rigid origami, treating the folds as hinges joining two flat, rigid surfaces, such as sheet metal, has great practical importance. For example, the Miura map fold is a rigid fold that has been used to deploy large solar panel arrays for space satellites.

The napkin folding problem is the problem of whether a square or rectangle of paper can be folded so the perimeter of the flat figure is greater than that of the original square.

The placement of a point on a curved fold in the pattern may require the solution of elliptic integrals. Curved origami allows the paper to form developable surfaces that are not flat. [41] Wet-folding origami is a technique evolved by Yoshizawa that allows curved folds to create an even greater range of shapes of higher order complexity.

The maximum number of times an incompressible material can be folded has been derived. With each fold a certain amount of paper is lost to potential folding. The loss function for folding paper in half in a single direction was given to be , where L is the minimum length of the paper (or other material), t is the material's thickness, and n is the number of folds possible. [42] The distances L and t must be expressed in the same units, such as inches. This result was derived by Britney Gallivan, a high schooler from California, in December 2001. In January 2002, she folded a 4,000-foot-long (1,200 m) piece of toilet paper twelve times in the same direction, debunking a long-standing myth that paper cannot be folded in half more than eight times. [21] [22]

The fold-and-cut problem asks what shapes can be obtained by folding a piece of paper flat, and making a single straight complete cut. The solution, known as the fold-and-cut theorem, states that any shape with straight sides can be obtained.

A practical problem is how to fold a map so that it may be manipulated with minimal effort or movements. The Miura fold is a solution to the problem, and several others have been proposed. [43]

Computational origami

Computational origami is a branch of computer science that is concerned with studying algorithms for solving paper-folding problems. In the early 1990s, origamists participated in a series of origami contests called the Bug Wars in which artists attempted to out-compete their peers by adding complexity to their origami bugs. Most competitors in the contest belonged to the Origami Detectives, a group of acclaimed Japanese artists. [44] Robert Lang, a research-scientist from Stanford University and the California Institute of Technology, also participated in the contest. The contest helped initialize a collective interest in developing universal models and tools to aid in origami design and foldability. [44]


Paper-folding problems are classified as either origami design or origami foldability problems. There are predominantly three current categories of computational origami research: universality results, efficient decision algorithms, and computational intractability results. [45] A universality result defines the bounds of possibility given a particular model of folding. For example, a large enough piece of paper can be folded into any tree-shaped origami base, polygonal silhouette, and polyhedral surface. [46] When universality results are not attainable, efficient decision algorithms can be used to test whether an object is foldable in polynomial time. [45] Certain paper-folding problems do not have efficient algorithms. Computational intractability results show that there are no such polynomial-time algorithms that currently exist to solve certain folding problems. For example, it is NP-hard to evaluate whether a given crease pattern folds into any flat origami. [47]

In 2017, Erik Demaine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tomohiro Tachi of the University of Tokyo published a new universal algorithm that generates practical paper-folding patterns to produce any 3-D structure. The new algorithm built upon work that they presented in their paper in 1999 that first introduced a universal algorithm for folding origami shapes that guarantees a minimum number of seams. The algorithm will be included in Origamizer, a free software for generating origami crease patterns that was first released by Tachi in 2008. [48]

Software & tools

Animation of folds to make a Samurai helmet, also called a kabuto. (On a laptop computer, Julia and GLMakie generated the 66 second .mp4 video in 10 seconds.) Origami kabuto.gif
Animation of folds to make a Samurai helmet, also called a kabuto. (On a laptop computer, Julia and GLMakie generated the 66 second .mp4 video in 10 seconds.)

There are several software design tools that are used for origami design. Users specify the desired shape or functionality and the software tool constructs the fold pattern and/or 2D or 3D model of the result. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech, University of California Irvine, University of Tsukuba, and University of Tokyo have developed and posted publicly available tools in computational origami. TreeMaker, ReferenceFinder, OrigamiDraw, and Origamizer are among the tools that have been used in origami design. [50]

There are other software solutions associated with building computational origami models using non-paper materials such as Cadnano in DNA origami. [51]


Computational origami has contributed to applications in robotics, engineering, biotechnology & medicine, industrial design. [52] Applications for origami have also been developed in the study of programming languages and programming paradigms, particular in the setting of functional programming. [53]

Robert Lang participated in a project with researchers at EASi Engineering in Germany to develop automotive airbag folding designs. [54] In the mid-2000s, Lang worked with researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to develop a solution for the James Webb Space Telescope, particularly its large mirrors, to fit into a rocket using principles and algorithms from computational origami. [55]

In 2014, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering published a method for building self-folding machines and credited advances in computational origami for the project's success. Their origami-inspired robot was reported to fold itself in 4 minutes and walk away without human intervention, which demonstrated the potential for autonomous self-controlled assembly in robotics. [56]

Other applications include DNA origami and RNA origami, folding of manufacturing instruments, and surgery by tiny origami robots. [57]

Applications of computational origami have been featured by various production companies and commercials. Lang famously worked with Toyota Avalon to feature an animated origami sequence, Mitsubishi Endeavor to create a world entirely out of origami figures, and McDonald's to form numerous origami figures from cheeseburger wrappers. [58]

See also

Notes and references

  1. 1 2 Hull, Thomas C. (2011). "Solving cubics with creases: the work of Beloch and Lill" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 118 (4): 307–315. doi:10.4169/amer.math.monthly.118.04.307. MR   2800341. S2CID   2540978.
  2. "origami - History of origami | Britannica". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  3. 1 2 "Lecture: Recent Results in Computational Origami". Origami USA: We are the American national society devoted to origami, the art of paperfolding. Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  4. T. Sundara Row (1917). Beman, Wooster; Smith, David (eds.). Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding. The Open Court Publishing Company.
  5. Houdini, Harry. Houdini's Paper Magic.
  6. George Edward Martin (1997). Geometric constructions. Springer. p. 145. ISBN   978-0-387-98276-2.
  7. Robert Carl Yeates (1949). Geometric Tools. Louisiana State University.
  8. Nick Robinson (2004). The Origami Bible. Chrysalis Books. p. 18. ISBN   978-1-84340-105-6.
  9. 1 2 3 Hull, Tom (1997). "a comparison between straight edge and compass constructions and origami".
  10. Bain, Ian (1980), "The Miura-Ori map", New Scientist . Reproduced in British Origami, 1981, and online at the British Origami Society web site.
  11. Miura, K. (1985), Method of packaging and deployment of large membranes in space, Tech. Report 618, The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
  12. "2D Array". Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Archived from the original on 25 November 2005.
  13. Nishiyama, Yutaka (2012), "Miura folding: Applying origami to space exploration" (PDF), International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 79 (2): 269–279
  14. 1 2 Peter Messer (1986). "Problem 1054" (PDF). Crux Mathematicorum . 12 (10): 284–285 via Canadian Mathematical Society.
  15. Justin, Jacques, "Resolution par le pliage de l'equation du troisieme degre et applications geometriques", reprinted in Proceedings of the First International Meeting of Origami Science and Technology, H. Huzita ed. (1989), pp. 251–261.
  16. Benedetto Scimemi, Regular Heptagon by Folding, Proceedings of Origami, Science and Technology, ed. H. Huzita., Ferrara, Italy, 1990
  17. Newton, Liz (1 December 2009). "The power of origami". University of Cambridge. + plus magazine.
  18. 1 2 Bern, Marshall; Hayes, Barry (1996). "The complexity of flat origami". Proceedings of the Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (Atlanta, GA, 1996). ACM, New York. pp. 175–183. MR   1381938.
  19. 1 2 Hatori, Koshiro. "How to Divide the Side of Square Paper". Japan Origami Academic Society.
  20. 1 2 K. Haga, Origamics, Part 1, Nippon Hyoron Sha, 1999 (in Japanese)
  21. 1 2 Weisstein, Eric W. "Folding". MathWorld .
  22. 1 2 D'Agostino, Susan (2020). How to Free Your Inner Mathematician. Oxford University Press. p. 22. ISBN   9780198843597.
  23. Belcastro, Sarah-Marie; Hull, Thomas C. (2002). "Modelling the folding of paper into three dimensions using affine transformations". Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 348 (1–3): 273–282. doi: 10.1016/S0024-3795(01)00608-5 .
  24. 1 2 Alperin, Roger C. (2002). "Ch.12". In Hull, Thomas (ed.). Mathematical Origami: Another View of Alhazen's Optical Problem. pp. 83–93. doi:10.1201/b15735. ISBN   9780429064906.
  25. Robu, Judit; Ida, Tetsuo; Ţepeneu, Dorin; Takahashi, Hidekazu; Buchberger, Bruno (2006). "Computational Origami Construction of a Regular Heptagon with Automated Proof of Its Correctness". Automated Deduction in Geometry. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3763. pp. 19–33. doi:10.1007/11615798_2. ISBN   978-3-540-31332-8.
  26. Alperin, Roger C. (2005). "Trisections and Totally Real Origami". The American Mathematical Monthly. 112 (3): 200–211. arXiv: math/0408159 . doi:10.2307/30037438. JSTOR   30037438.
  27. Gibbons, Jeremy (2003). "Origami Programming" (PDF).
  28. Bird, Richard; Mu, Shin-Cheng (September 2005). "Countdown: A case study in origami programming". Journal of Functional Programming. 15 (5): 679–702. doi: 10.1017/S0956796805005642 (inactive 1 November 2024). ISSN   1469-7653. S2CID   46359986.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of November 2024 (link)
  29. Lang, Robert J.; Alperin, Roger C. (2009). "One-, Two-, and Multi-Fold Origami Axioms" (PDF). Origami 4. Origami4: Fourth International Meeting of Origami Science, Mathematics, and Education. pp. 383–406. doi:10.1201/b10653-38. ISBN   9780429106613.
  30. 1 2 Bertschinger, Thomas H.; Slote, Joseph; Spencer, Olivia Claire; Vinitsky, Samuel. The Mathematics of Origami (PDF). Carleton College.
  31. Lang, Robert J. (2004). "Angle Quintisection" (PDF). Retrieved 16 January 2021.
  32. Thomas C. Hull (2002). "The Combinatorics of Flat Folds: a Survey". The Proceedings of the Third International Meeting of Origami Science, Mathematics, and Education. AK Peters. arXiv: 1307.1065 . ISBN   978-1-56881-181-9.
  33. "Robert Lang folds way-new origami".
  34. Demaine, Erik D.; O'Rourke, Joseph (2007). Geometric folding algorithms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511735172. ISBN   978-0-521-85757-4. MR   2354878.
  35. Tom Hull. "Origami and Geometric Constructions".
  36. 1 2 Geretschläger, Robert (2008). Geometric Origami. UK: Arbelos. ISBN   978-0-9555477-1-3.
  37. Hiroshi Okumura (2014). "A Note on Haga's theorems in paper folding" (PDF). Forum Geometricorum . 14: 241–242.
  38. 1 2 Lang, Robert J (2008). "From Flapping Birds to Space Telescopes: The Modern Science of Origami" (PDF). Usenix Conference, Boston, MA.
  39. Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine : Dancso, Zsuzsanna (December 12, 2014). "Numberphile: How to Trisect an Angle with Origami". YouTube . Retrieved October 2, 2021.
  40. Michael J Winckler; Kathrin D Wold; Hans Georg Bock (2011). "Hands-on Geometry with Origami". Origami 5. CRC Press. p. 225. ISBN   978-1-56881-714-9.
  41. "Siggraph: "Curved Origami"". Archived from the original on 2017-05-08. Retrieved 2008-10-08.
  42. Korpal, Gaurish (25 November 2015). "Folding Paper in Half". At Right Angles. 4 (3). Teachers of India: 20–23.
  43. Hull, Thomas (2002). "In search of a practical map fold". Math Horizons. 9 (3): 22–24. doi:10.1080/10724117.2002.11975147. JSTOR   25678354. S2CID   126397750.
  44. 1 2 "The Origami Lab". The New Yorker. 2007-02-12. Retrieved 2022-05-09.
  45. 1 2 Demaine, Erik (2001). "Recent Results in Computational Origami" (PDF).
  46. Lang, Robert. "A Computational Algorithm for Origami Design" (PDF).
  47. Schneider, Jonathan (December 10, 2004). "Flat-Foldability of Origami Crease Patterns" (PDF).
  48. "Origami anything". MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 22 June 2017. Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  49. "Julia and Projective Geometric Algebra". Julia code animating kabuto is in example 3.4. 31 March 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: location (link)
  50. TASON. "Computational Origami" . Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  51. "Cadnano". cadnano. Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  52. Magazine, Smithsonian; Morrison, Jim. "How Origami Is Revolutionizing Industrial Design". Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  53. Gibbons, Jeremy (2003). "Origami Programming" (PDF).
  54. TASON. "Airbag Folding" . Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  55. "Webb and Origami - Webb Telescope/NASA". Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  56. Felton, S.; Tolley, M.; Demaine, E.; Rus, D.; Wood, R. (2014-08-08). "A method for building self-folding machines". Science. 345 (6197): 644–646. Bibcode:2014Sci...345..644F. doi:10.1126/science.1252610. ISSN   0036-8075. PMID   25104380. S2CID   18415193.
  57. Brewin, Bob (2004-05-10). "Computational Origami". Computerworld. Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  58. "The Origami Resolution". Damn Interesting. Retrieved 2022-05-08.

Further reading

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The fold-and-cut theorem states that any shape with straight sides can be cut from a single (idealized) sheet of paper by folding it flat and making a single straight complete cut. Such shapes include polygons, which may be concave, shapes with holes, and collections of such shapes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lill's method</span> Graphical method for the real roots of a polynomial

In mathematics, Lill's method is a visual method of finding the real roots of a univariate polynomial of any degree. It was developed by Austrian engineer Eduard Lill in 1867. A later paper by Lill dealt with the problem of complex roots.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Maekawa's theorem</span> Result about flat-foldable origami crease patterns

Maekawa's theorem is a theorem in the mathematics of paper folding named after Jun Maekawa. It relates to flat-foldable origami crease patterns and states that at every vertex, the numbers of valley and mountain folds always differ by two in either direction. The same result was also discovered by Jacques Justin and, even earlier, by S. Murata.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Yoshimura buckling</span> Pattern of buckling used in mechanical engineering

In mechanical engineering, Yoshimura buckling is a triangular mesh buckling pattern found in thin-walled cylinders under compression along the axis of the cylinder, producing a corrugated shape resembling the Schwarz lantern. The same pattern can be seen on the sleeves of Mona Lisa.

Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra is a monograph on the mathematics and computational geometry of mechanical linkages, paper folding, and polyhedral nets, by Erik Demaine and Joseph O'Rourke. It was published in 2007 by Cambridge University Press (ISBN 978-0-521-85757-4). A Japanese-language translation by Ryuhei Uehara was published in 2009 by the Modern Science Company (ISBN 978-4-7649-0377-7).

<i>Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding</i> 1893 book on making polygons with origami

Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding is a book on the mathematics of paper folding. It was written by Indian mathematician T. Sundara Row, first published in India in 1893, and later republished in many other editions. Its topics include paper constructions for regular polygons, symmetry, and algebraic curves. According to historian of mathematics Michael Friedman, it became "one of the main engines of the popularization of folding as a mathematical activity".

In the mathematics of paper folding, the big-little-big lemma is a necessary condition for a crease pattern with specified mountain folds and valley folds to be able to be folded flat. It differs from Kawasaki's theorem, which characterizes the flat-foldable crease patterns in which a mountain-valley assignment has not yet been made. Together with Maekawa's theorem on the total number of folds of each type, the big-little-big lemma is one of the two main conditions used to characterize the flat-foldability of mountain-valley assignments for crease patterns that meet the conditions of Kawasaki's theorem. Mathematical origami expert Tom Hull calls the big-little-big lemma "one of the most basic rules" for flat foldability of crease patterns.

Geometric Origami is a book on the mathematics of paper folding, focusing on the ability to simulate and extend classical straightedge and compass constructions using origami. It was written by Austrian mathematician Robert Geretschläger and published by Arbelos Publishing in 2008. The Basic Library List Committee of the Mathematical Association of America has suggested its inclusion in undergraduate mathematics libraries.