List of former municipalities in Quebec

Last updated

The Province of Quebec currently has 1,128 local municipalities including 233 cities, 655 municipalities and 42 villages, 131 parishes and 42 townships. In addition, there are 662 communities that previously held some form of urban municipality status. These include 176 former cities or towns, 190 regular municipalities, 121 villages, 133 parishes and 41 townships. These communities no longer exist as independent urban municipalities due to amalgamation, annexation or dissolution.


In the context of this list, "annexed" means that the former municipality disappeared after being annexed by an existing municipality or following the creation of a new municipality formed under the bases and with the institutions of an existing municipality. Meanwhile, "merged" means that the former municipality was merged with one or multiple municipalities to form a new municipality. Usually, unlike annexed municipalities, none of the merged municipalities is considered to be the legitimate successor of the new municipality. In both cases, some of these former municipalities still have a special status within the current municipalities that they are part of. For example, like a borough, district or neighbourhood.


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Andréville Village February 11, 1987Merged with Saint-André354 Saint-André [1] (Now named Saint-André-de-Kamouraska)
Cabano City May 10, 2010Merged with Notre-Dame-du-Lac3,199 Cabano-Notre-Dame-du-Lac [2] (Now named Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac)
FleuriaultMunicipality January 7, 1989Annexed545 Saint-Gabriel [1] (Now named Saint-Gabriel-de-Rimouski)
Le Bic Municipality September 16, 2009Annexed2,946 Rimouski [2]
Les BoulesMunicipality July 4, 2002Merged with Métis-sur-Mer402 Métis-sur-Mer [2]
LucevilleVillage August 29, 2001Merged with Sainte-Luce1,421 Sainte-Luce-Luceville [2] (Now named Sainte-Luce)
Mont-LebelMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed334 Rimouski [2]
NazarethVillage September 16, 1967Annexed1,965 Rimouski [1]
Notre-Dame-du-Lac City May 10, 2010Merged with Cabano2,060 Cabano-Notre-Dame-du-Lac [2] (Now named Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac)
Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-CœurParish September 16, 1967Annexed2,384 Rimouski [1]
Petit-MataneMunicipality September 26, 2001Annexed1,360 Matane [2]
Pointe-au-Père CitySainte-Anne-de-la-Pointe-au-Père (1882–1988)January 1, 2002Annexed4,171 Rimouski [2]
Rimouski-EstVillage January 1, 2002Annexed2,058 Rimouski [2]
Saint-Benoît-Joseph-LabreParish January 16, 1991Annexed2,191 Amqui [2]
Saint-EdmondMunicipality December 17, 1997Merged with Lac-au-Saumon239 Lac-au-Saumon [2]
Saint-ÉleuthèreMunicipalityPohénégamook (1903-1923)November 3, 1973Merged with:

1,592 Pohénégamook [1]
Saint-François-XavierParish April 22, 1892Dissolved860 Saint-Modeste and Viger (Now named Saint-Épiphane) [3]
Saint-Georges-de-CacounaParishKakonna (1855-1969)March 22, 2006Merged with Saint-Georges-de-Cacouna674 Cacouna [2]
Saint-Georges-de-CacounaVillageSaint-Georges-de-Kakouna (1869-1969)March 22, 2006Merged with Saint-Georges-de-Cacouna1,098 Cacouna [2]
Saint-Germain-de-RimouskiParish December 16, 1967Annexed297 Rimouski [1]
Saint-Guy Municipality July 31, 2024Merged with Lac-des-Aigles76 Lac-des-Aigles [1]
Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur-de-CausapscalParish December 31, 1997Annexed731 Causapscal [2]
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Municipality June 13, 2001Annexed759 Mont-Joli [2]
Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-l'Isle-VerteMunicipality February 9, 2000Merged with L'Isle-Verte596 L'Isle-Verte [2]
Saint-Jérôme-de-MataneParishMatane (1855–1969)September 26, 2001Annexed1,165 Matane [2]
Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rivière-BleueParish June 14, 1975Merged with Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rivière-Bleue691 Rivière-Bleue [1]
Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rivière-BleueVillage June 14, 1975Merged with Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rivière-Bleue1,429 Rivière-Bleue [1]
Saint-Louis-de-KamouraskaParishKamouraska (1855-1969)April 1, 1987Merged with Kamouraska358 Kamouraska [1]
Saint-Luc-de-MataneMunicipalityTessier (1880–1904) , Saint-Luc (1904–1997)September 26, 2001Annexed899 Matane [2]
Saint-Mathias-de-CabanoParish July 19, 1969Annexed668 Cabano [1] (Now part of Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac)
Saint-NilMunicipality December 18, 1982Merged with Saint-René-de-Matane0 Saint-René-de-Matane [1]
Saint-Patrice-de-la-Rivière-du-LoupParishRivière-du-Loup (1855–1969)December 30, 1998Annexed3,080 Rivière-du-Loup [2]
Saint-Paulin-DalibaireParish November 27, 1982Annexed0 Les Méchins [1]
Saint-Pierre-d’EstcourtParish November 3, 1973Merged with:

1,104 Pohénégamook [1]
Saint-Pierre-du-LacParish December 20, 1986Merged with Val-Brillant443 Val-Brillant [1]
Saint-Thomas-de-CherbourgParish November 27, 1982Annexed0 Les Méchins [1]
Saint-Ulric-de-MataneParishSaint-Ulric (1869-1969)January 12, 2000Merged with Saint-Ulric945 Rivière-Blanche [2] (Now named Saint-Ulric)
Sainte-BlandineParish January 1, 2002Annexed2,218 Rimouski [2]
Sainte-Cécile-du-BicParish January 29, 1972Annexed1,226 Bic [1] (Now part of Rimouski)
Sainte-Marie-de-SayabecParish December 24, 1982Merged with Sayabec452 Sayabec [1]
Sainte-Odile-sur-RimouskiParish January 1, 2002Annexed1,463 Rimouski [2]
SullyMunicipalityEscourt (1915-1919), Saint-David-d’Escourt (1919-1966)November 3, 1973Merged with:

1,263 Pohénégamook [1]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Arvida City January 1, 1975Annexed18,448 Jonquière [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
BagotvilleParishBagotville-Partie-Nord-Ouest-du-Township-de-Bagot (1859-1954)January 1, 1976Merged with:

3,420 La Baie [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
BagotvilleTown January 1, 1976Merged with:

6,041 La Baie [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
Chicoutimi City February 18, 2002Merged with:
-La Baie

60,008 Saguenay [2]
Chicoutimi-NordCitySainte-Anne-de-Chicoutimi (1893–1954)January 1, 1976Annexed14,086 Chicoutimi [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
DelisleMunicipality February 21, 2001Annexed4,256 Alma [2]
DolbeauCity December 17, 1997Merged with Mistassini8,310 Dolbeau-Mistassini [2]
Grande-BaieMunicipality January 1, 1976Merged with:

1,112 La Baie [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
Isle-MaligneTown July 6, 1962Annexed2,070 Alma [1]
Jeanne-d’ArcMunicipalitySaint-Henri-de-Taillon (1916–1918)February 19, 1932Annexed169 Sainte-Monique [4]
Jonquière CitySaint-Dominique-de-Jonquière (1904-1912)February 18, 2002Merged with:
-La Baie

54,842 Saguenay [2]
KénogamiCity January 1, 1975Annexed10,970 Jonquière [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
La Baie City February 18, 2002Merged with:

19,940 Saguenay [2]
Lac-à-la-CroixMunicipality January 6, 1999Merged with Métabetchouan1,013 Métabetchouan-Lac-à-la-Croix [2]
Lac-KénogamiMunicipalityKénogami (1897-1986)February 18, 2002Merged with:
-La Baie

1,834 Saguenay [2]
Laterrière City February 18, 2002Merged with:
-La Baie

4,969 Saguenay [2]
MétabetchouanCity January 6, 1999Merged with Lac-à-la-Croix3,474 Métabetchouan-Lac-à-la-Croix [2]
MistassiniCity December 17, 1997Merged with Dolbeau6,904 Dolbeau-Mistassini [2]
NaudvilleTown July 6, 1962Annexed4,475 Alma [1]
Notre-Dame-d’HébertvilleVillage December 16, 1972Annexed1,506 Hébertville [1]
Notre-Dame-de-LaterrièreParish December 31, 1983Merged with Laterrière3,128 Laterrière [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
Port-AlfredTown January 1, 1976Merged with:

9,228 La Baie [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
RacineTown January 22, 1944Annexed172 Arvida [5] (Now part of Saguenay)
RiverbendTown July 6, 1962Annexed270 Alma [1]
Rivière-du-MoulinTown January 1, 1976Annexed4,393 Chicoutimi [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
Saguenay [a] Town December 19, 1975Annexed39 Chicoutimi [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
Saint-Alexis-de-la-Grande-BaieVillage June 20, 1953Annexed2,974 Port-Alfred [6] (Now part of Saguenay)
Saint-AmédéeMunicipality August 16, 1926Annexed889 Péribonka [7]
Saint-AndréMunicipality November 29, 1969Merged with Saint-André225 Saint-André-du-Lac-Saint-Jean [1]
Saint-AndréVillage November 29, 1969Merged with Saint-André457 Saint-André-du-Lac-Saint-Jean [1]
Saint-Cœur-de-Marie Village August 25, 1979Merged with Delisle1,249 Delisle [1] (Now part of Alma)
Saint-Dominique-de-JonquièreParish January 1, 1975Annexed4,596 Jonquière [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
Saint-Jean-EudesVillage August 15, 1970Annexed2,721 Arvida [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
Saint-Jean-Vianney Village July 9, 1977Annexed0 Shipshaw [1] (Now part of Saguenay)
Saint-JérômeParish June 21, 1975Merged with Saint-Jérôme1,092 Métabetchouan [1] (Now part of Métabetchouan-Lac-à-la-Croix)
Saint-JérômeVillage June 21, 1975Merged with Saint-Jérôme1,910 Métabetchouan [1] (Now part of Métabetchouan-Lac-à-la-Croix)
Saint-Joseph-d’AlmaMunicipality January 1, 1976Annexed2,334 Alma [1]
Saint-Louis-de-ChambordParishMétabetchouan (1931-1934)December 8, 1973Merged with Chambord748 Chambord [1]
Saint-MéthodeMunicipality June 12, 1996Annexed1,048 Saint-Félicien [2]
Saint-Michel-de-MistassiniMunicipality January 3, 1976Annexed1,348 Mistassini [1] (Now part of Dolbeau-Mistassini)
Saint-Thomas-d’AquinMunicipality September 25, 1971Merged with Lac-Bouchette679 Lac-Bouchette [1]
Sainte-CroixParish January 1, 1976Merged with Lac-à-la-Croix655 Lac-à-la-Croix [1] (Now part of Métabetchouan-Lac-à-la-Croix)
ShipshawMunicipality February 18, 2002Merged with:
-La Baie

2,878 Saguenay [2]
Tremblay Township February 18, 2002Merged with:
-La Baie

3,579 Saguenay [2]
Val-Jalbert Village January 1, 1971Annexed27 Saint-Louis-de-Chambord [1] (Now part of Chambord)


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Beauport City January 1, 2002Annexed72,813 Quebec City [2]
Beauport-OuestMunicipality January 7, 1967Annexed1,484 Beauport [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
BélairTownSaint-Gérard-Magella (1909-1965)December 29, 1973Merged with Val-Saint-Michel4,505 Val-Bélair [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
Cap-à-l'Aigle Village December 1, 1999Merged with:
-La Malbaie-Pointe-au-Pic

713 La Malbaie [2]
Cap-Rouge CitySaint-Félix-du-Cap-Rouge (1872–1983)January 1, 2002Annexed13,700 Quebec City [2]
Charlesbourg City January 1, 2002Annexed70,310 Quebec City [2]
Charlesbourg-EstMunicipalitySaint-Charles-de-Charlesbourg (1917–1927)January 1, 1976Annexed1,487 Charlesbourg [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
Charlesbourg-OuestMunicipality May 1, 1973Annexed1,745 Quebec City [1]
Château-d’EauTown February 20, 1965Annexed1,057 Loretteville [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
CourvilleTown January 1, 1976Annexed6,222 Beauport [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
DeschambaultMunicipality February 27, 2002Merged with Grondines1,263 Deschambault-Grondines [2]
DubergerTownLa Petite-Rivière (1902–1963)August 1, 1970Annexed8,489 Quebec City [1]
GiffardCity January 1, 1976Annexed13,135 Beauport [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
GrondinesMunicipality February 27, 2002Merged with Deschambault702 Deschambault-Grondines [2]
L’Ancienne-Lorette [b] Parish December 26, 1970Annexed5,113 Sainte-Foy [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
La Baleine Municipality August 23, 2000Merged with L'Île-aux-Coudres279 L'Isle-aux-Coudres [2]
La Malbaie [c] City February 15, 1995Merged with Pointe-au-Pic3,968 La Malabie-Pointe-au-Pic [2] (Now part of La Malbaie)
La Malbaie-Pointe-au-PicCity December 1, 1999Merged with:

4,918 La Malbaie [2]
Lac-Saint-Charles City January 1, 2002Annexed8,912 Quebec City [2]
Les ÉcureuilsMunicipalitySaint-Jean-Baptiste-des-Écureuils (1855–1949)January 21, 1967Annexed1,067 Donnacona [1]
Les SaulesTownSainte-Monique-des-Saules (1953–1960)January 1, 1970Annexed6,242 Quebec City [1]
Limoilou Town December 30, 1909Annexed1,006 Quebec City
Loretteville CitySaint-Ambroise (1904–1913)January 1, 2002Annexed13,737 Quebec City [2]
MontcalmTownQuebec (1855–1908)January 1, 1913Annexed3,899 Quebec City
MontmorencyTown January 1, 1976Annexed4,949 Beauport [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
NeufchâtelTownSaint-Ambroise (1855–1963)January 1, 1971Annexed6,618 Quebec City [1]
Notre-Dame-de-PortneufParish July 4, 2002Annexed1,659 Portneuf [2]
Notre-Dame-des-LaurentidesTown January 1, 1976Annexed5,080 Charlesbourg [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
OrsainvilleTown January 1, 1976Annexed12,520 Charlesbourg [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
Pointe-au-PicVillage February 15, 1995Merged with La Malbaie952 La Malabie-Pointe-au-Pic [2] (Now part of La Malbaie)
Pointe-aux-TremblesParish January 2, 1997Merged with Neuville2,248 Neuville [2]
Rivière-du-GouffreMunicipality January 3, 1996Annexed1,305 Baie-Saint-Paul [2]
Rivière-MalbaieMunicipality December 1, 1999Merged with:
-La Malbaie-Pointe-au-Pic

2,022 La Malbaie [2]
Saint-Basile-SudVillage March 1, 2000Merged with Saint-Basile1,684 Saint-Basile [2]
Saint-Bernard-de-l'Île-aux-Coudres Municipality January 5, 1994Merged with Saint-Louis-de-l'Isle-aux-Coudres651 L'Île-aux-Coudres [2]
Saint-Casimir-EstVillage July 25, 1981Merged with Saint-Casimir396 Saint-Casimir [1]
Saint-Charles-des-GrondinesParishGrondines (1855-1969)April 21, 1984Merged with Saint-Charles-des-Grondines328 Grondines [1] (Now part of Deschambault-Grondines)
Saint-Charles-des-Grondines Village April 21, 1984Merged with Saint-Charles-des-Grondines364 Grondines [1] (Now part of Deschambault-Grondines)
Saint-Émile City January 1, 2002Annexed10,940 Quebec City [2]
Saint-Étienne-de-la-MalbaieMunicipalitySaint-Étienne-de-Murray-Bay (1855–1957)August 14, 1965Annexed1,171 La Malbaie [1]
Saint-Fidèle MunicipalitySaint-Fidèle-de-Mont-Murray (1855-1997)December 1, 1999Merged with:
-La Malbaie-Pointe-au-Pic

946 La Malbaie [2]
Saint-Gabriel-OuestMunicipality October 5, 1985Annexed220 Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier [1]
Saint-Joseph-de-DeschambaultParishDeschambault (1855-1969)December 27, 1989Merged with Deschambault358 Deschambault [1] (Now part of Deschambault-Grondines)
Saint-Joseph-de-la-RiveVillage September 19, 2001Annexed204 Les Éboulements [2]
Saint-Louis-de-l'Isle-aux-CoudresParish January 5, 1994Merged with Saint-Bernard-de-l'Île-aux-Coudres450 L'Île-aux-Coudres [2]
Saint-MaloVillage April 14, 1908Annexed  Quebec City [8]
Saint-Michel-ArchangeMunicipality January 1, 1976Annexed4,069 Beauport [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
Saint-Sauveur-de-Québec VillageSaint-Roch (1855–1872), Saint-Sauveur (1872–1887)September 27, 1889Annexed12,846 Quebec City
Sainte-AgnèsParish December 1, 1999Merged with:
-La Malbaie-Pointe-au-Pic

675 La Malbaie [2]
Sainte-Foy City January 1, 2002Annexed72,547 Quebec City [2]
Sainte-Jeanne-de-Pont-RougeMunicipalitySainte-Jeanne-de-Neuville (1868-1957)January 3, 1996Merged with Pont-Rouge1,966 Pont-Rouge [2]
Sainte-Thérèse-de-LisieuxMunicipalityBeauport (1855–1945)January 1, 1976Annexed2,723 Beauport [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
Sillery CitySaint-Colomb-de-Sillery (1856–1947)January 1, 2002Annexed11,909 Quebec City [2]
Val-Bélair City January 1, 2002Annexed21,332 Quebec City [2]
Val-Saint-MichelTown December 29, 1973Merged with Bélair2,050 Val-Bélair [1] (Now part of Quebec City)
Vanier CityQuébec-Ouest (1916–1966)January 1, 2002Annexed11,054 Quebec City [2]
VilleneuveTownBeauport-Est (1921–1951)January 1, 1976Annexed4,062 Beauport [1] (Now part of Quebec City)


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Baie-de-Shawinigan Village September 2, 1998Annexed265 Shawinigan [2]
BelleauMunicipality April 21, 1984Merged with Saint-Alexis10 Saint-Alexis-des-Monts [1]
Cap-de-la-Madeleine City January 1, 2002Annexed32,534 Trois-Rivières [2]
Est-de-la-Paroisse-de-Sainte-FloreMunicipality May 10, 1930Annexed1,334 Grand-Mère [9] (Now part of Shawinigan)
FermontVillage March 30, 1939Annexed30 Saint-Maurice [10]
Grand-Mère City January 1, 2002Annexed13,179 Shawinigan [2]
Haute-MauricieMunicipality August 25, 1993Annexed2,574 La Tuque [2]
HunterstownTownship February 27, 1988Merged with:

219 Saint-Paulin [1]
La CrocheMunicipalityLangelier (1921–1999)March 26, 2003Annexed549 La Tuque [2]
La Pérade Village May 10, 1989Merged with Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade944 Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade [1]
La Visitation-de-ChamplainParish December 11, 1982Merged with Champlain1,014 Champlain [1]
La Visitation-de-la-Pointe-du-LacMunicipalityPointe-du-Lac (1955–1969)February 11, 1978Annexed1,385 Pointe-du-Lac [1] (Now part of Trois-Rivières)
Lac-à-la-Tortue ParishSaint-Théophile (1895–1981)January 1, 2002Annexed3,039 Shawinigan [2]
MontaubanVillage January 3, 1976Merged with Notre-Dame-des-Anges246 Notre-Dame-de-Montauban [1]
Notre-Dame-des-AngesVillage January 3, 1976Merged with Montauban790 Notre-Dame-de-Montauban [1]
Notre-Dame-des-Anges-de-MontaubanParish June 7, 1969Annexed240 Notre-Dame-des-Anges [1] (Now part of Notre-Dame-de-Montauban)
Parent Village March 26, 2003Annexed326 La Tuque [2]
Pointe-du-Lac Municipality January 1, 2002Annexed6,902 Trois-Rivières [2]
Saint-AlexisParish April 21, 1984Merged with Belleau2,478 Saint-Alexis-des-Monts [1]
Saint-Antoine-de-la-Rivière-du-LoupMunicipalityRivière-du-Loup-en-Haut (1855–1969)December 31, 1988Annexed4,505 Louiseville [1]
Saint-Georges VillageTurcotte (1915–1919)January 1, 2002Annexed3,854 Shawinigan [2]
Saint-Gérard-des-Laurentides Parish January 1, 2002Annexed2,176 Shawinigan [2]
Saint-Jean-des-Piles Parish January 1, 2002Annexed713 Shawinigan [2]
Saint-Joseph-de-MaskinongéParishMaskinongé (1855-1969)April 25, 2001Merged with Maskinongé1,151 Maskinongé [2]
Saint-Louis-de-France CitySaint-Louis (1904–1969)January 1, 2002Annexed7,246 Trois-Rivières [2]
Saint-Michel-des-ForgesMunicipality December 30, 1961Annexed1,789 Trois-Rivières [1]
Sainte-Anne-d’YamachicheParishYamachiche (1855-1969)December 26, 1987Merged with Yamachiche1,489 Yamachiche [1]
Sainte-FloreParish March 28, 1970Annexed1,800 Grand-Mère [1] (Now part of Shawinigan)
Sainte-Marthe-du-Cap CitySainte-Marthe-du-Cap-de-la-Madeleine (1916–1993)January 1, 2002Annexed6,162 Trois-Rivières [2]
Shawinigan-EstVillage February 13, 1925Annexed  Shawinigan Falls [11] (Now named Shawinigan)
Shawinigan-EstVillage August 31, 1957Annexed2,451 Shawinigan Falls [12] (Now named Shawinigan)
Shawinigan-Sud CityAlmaville (1912–1948)January 1, 2002Annexed11,544 Shawinigan [2]
Trois-Rivières-Ouest CityTrois-Rivières (1855–1963)January 1, 2002Annexed23,287 Trois-Rivières [2]
Tuque FallsVillage March 24, 1911Merged with La Tuque  La Tuque [13]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
AgnèsVillage March 14, 1907Merged with Mégantic288 Mégantic [14] (Now named Lac-Mégantic)
AscotMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed6,908 Sherbrooke [2]
BarfordTownship December 30, 1998Annexed656 Coaticook [2]
BarnstonTownship December 30, 1998Annexed1,500 Coaticook [2]
Beebe Plain Village February 15, 1995Merged with:
-Rock Island
-Stanstead Plain

975 Stanstead [2]
Bishopton VillageBishop's Crossing (1917-1932)October 11, 1995Merged with:

352 Dudswell [2]
Brome [d] Township January 2, 1971Merged with:

1,763 Lac-Brome [1]
BromptonTownship December 30, 1998Annexed2,157 Bromptonville [2] (Now part of Sherbrooke)
Brompton GoreMunicipality February 15, 1995Annexed422 Racine [2]
Bromptonville CityBrompton Falls (1902–1903)January 1, 2002Annexed5,571 Sherbrooke [2]
Clifton-Partie-EstTownshipClifton (1874-1969)December 24, 1997Merged with Saint-Isidore-d'Auckland374 Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton [2]
Compton-StationMunicipality December 8, 1999Annexed858 Compton [2]
Cookshire City July 24, 2002Merged with Eaton1,543 Cookshire-Eaton [2]
Deauville MunicipalityPetit-Lac-Magog (1917–1945)January 1, 2002Annexed2,895 Sherbrooke [2]
DittonTownshipDitton-et-Clinton (1876-1880)December 24, 1997Merged with La Patrie519 La Patrie [2]
EatonMunicipality July 24, 2002Merged with Cookshire2,766 Cookshire-Eaton [2]
Fleurimont CityAscot Nord (1937–1971)January 1, 2002Annexed16,521 Sherbrooke [2]
FontainebleauMunicipalitySaint-Raymond-de-Pennafort-de-Weedon (1915–1957)December 24, 1997Annexed137 Weedon [2]
FosterVillage January 2, 1971Merged with:

523 Lac-Brome [1]
Gayhurst-Partie-Sud-EstTownshipGayhurst (1905-1969)February 25, 1998Merged with:

187 Saint-Ludger [2]
Hatley-Partie-OuestTownshipHatley (1917-1969)September 27, 1995Merged with Hatley476 Hatley [2]
KnowltonVillage January 2, 1971Merged with:

1,486 Lac-Brome [1]
Lennoxville City January 1, 2002Annexed4,963 Sherbrooke [2]
MarbletonVillage October 11, 1995Merged with:

477 Dudswell [2]
Melbourne [e] Village December 29, 1999Annexed531 Richmond [2]
New RocklandVillage May 18, 1926Annexed81 Kingsbury [15]
OmervilleVillage October 9, 2002Annexed2,361 Magog [2]
Philipsburg Village February 3, 1999Annexed245 Saint-Armand [2]
RainvilleMunicipalityFarnham-Ouest (1855–1962)March 8, 2000Annexed1,855 Farnham [2]
RisboroughMunicipalityRisborough-et-Marlow (1900-1969), Risborough-et-Partie-de-Marlow (1969-1992)February 25, 1998Merged with:

942 Saint-Ludger [2]
Rock Forest City January 1, 2002Annexed18,667 Sherbrooke [2]
Rock Island City February 15, 1995Merged with:
-Beebe Plain
-Stanstead Plain

1,067 Stanstead [2]
Saint-Élie-d’OrfordMunicipality January 1, 2002Dissolved7,947 Sherbrooke, Saint-Denis-de-Brompton and Orford [2]
Saint-GérardVillageLac-Weedon (1886–1924)February 9, 2000Annexed514 Weedon [2]
Saint-Grégoire-de-GreenlayVillage December 29, 1999Annexed611 Windsor [2]
Saint-Isidore-d'AucklandMunicipalityAuckland (1870-1964)December 24, 1997Merged with Clifton-Partie-Est604 Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton [2]
Saint-Mathieu-de-DixvilleMunicipality September 27, 1995Merged with Dixville356 Dixville [2]
Sawyerville Village April 25, 2001Merged with Eaton832 Eaton [2] (Now part of Cookshire-Eaton)
Shefford-OuestVillage August 20, 1966Annexed406 Bromont [1]
ShiptonMunicipality March 17, 1999Annexed2,914 Danville [2]
Stanstead Plain Village February 15, 1995Merged with:
-Rock Island
-Beebe Plain

1,059 Stanstead [2]
StukelyMunicipalitySouth Stukely (1855-1969), Stukely-Sud (1969-1993)May 30, 2001Merged with Eastman444 Eastman [2]
SweetsburghVillage February 1, 1964Annexed958 Cowansville [1]
Trois-LacsMunicipalityLa Rochelle (1950–1961)December 8, 1999Annexed502 Asbestos [2] (Now named Val-des-Sources)
Weedon-Centre Village December 11, 1996Merged with Weedon1,195 Weedon [2]
Wottonville Village March 10, 1993Merged with Wotton627 Wotton [2]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Ahuntsic Village June 4, 1910Annexed366 Montreal [16]
Anjou CitySaint-Léonard-de-Port-Maurice (1916–1956)January 1, 2002Annexed38,015 Montréal [2]
Beaurivage-de-la-Longue-PointeVillage June 4, 1910Annexed873 Montreal [16]
BordeauxTownSaint-Joseph-de-Bordeaux (1898–1906)June 4, 1910Annexed491 Montreal [16]
Bout-de-l’IsleMunicipality March 28, 1964Annexed1,666 Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue [1]
Cartierville Town December 22, 1916Annexed905 Montreal [17]
Côte-de-LiesseParishLa Présentation-de-la-Sainte-Vierge (1895–1954)April 1, 1958Dissolved165 Dorval, Lachine (Now part of Montréal) and Saint-Laurent (Now part of Montréal) [18]
Côte-des-Neiges TownNotre-Dame-des-Neiges-Ouest (1889–1907)June 4, 1910Annexed401 Montreal [16]
Côte-Saint-LouisTown December 19, 1893Annexed2,972 Montreal [19]
L'Île-Bizard CitySaint-Raphaël-de-l’Île-Bizard (1955–1995)January 1, 2002Annexed13,861 Montréal [2]
Lachine City January 1, 2002Annexed40,222 Montréal [2]
LaSalle CityLachine (1855–1886) , Saints-Anges-de-Lachine (1886–1912)January 1, 2002Annexed73,983 Montréal [2]
Laval-de-MontréalTownPointe-aux-Trembles (1855–1916)January 1, 1925Annexed539 Pointe-aux-Trembles [20] (Now part of Montréal)
Longue-Pointe Town June 4, 1910Annexed2,519 Montreal [16]
LorimierVillageLa Côte-la-Visitation (1871–1895)May 29, 1909Annexed1,279 Montreal [21]
Maisonneuve CityHochelaga (1863–1883)February 9, 1918Annexed18,684 Montreal [22]
Montréal-Nord CityLa Visitation-du-Sault-au-Récollet (1855–1915)January 1, 2002Annexed83,600 Montréal [2]
Notre-DameMunicipalityMontréal (1855–1870)June 10, 1884Annexed11,405 Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Ouest [23] (Now part of Montréal)
Notre-Dame-de-Grâce TownNotre-Dame-de-Grâce-Ouest (1876–1906)June 4, 1910Annexed2,225 Montreal [16]
Notre-Dame-de-LiesseParish March 28, 1964Annexed1,164 Saint-Laurent [1] (Now part of Montréal)
Notre-Dame-des-NeigesTownCôte-des-Neiges (1863–1889)April 25, 1908Annexed1,156 Montreal [24]
Outremont City January 1, 2002Annexed22,933 Montréal [2]
Pierrefonds CitySainte-Geneviève (1855–1958)January 1, 2002Annexed54,963 Montréal [2]
Pointe-aux-Trembles CitySaint-Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Pointe-aux-Trembles (1905–1912)July 17, 1982Annexed36,270 Montreal [1]
Rivière-des-Prairies Town July 20, 1963Annexed10,054 Montréal [1]
RosemontVillagePetite-Côte (1895–1905)June 4, 1910Annexed315 Montreal [16]
Roxboro City January 1, 2002Annexed5,642 Montréal [2]
Saint-GabrielVillage January 1, 1887Annexed4,506 Montreal [25]
Saint-Henri City October 30, 1905Annexed21,192 Montreal [26]
Saint-Jean-BaptisteTown January 15, 1886Annexed5,874 Montreal [27]
Saint-Jean-de-DieuParish January 1, 1981Annexed2,826 Montreal [1]
Saint-Laurent City January 1, 2002Annexed77,391 Montréal [2]
Saint-Léonard CitySaint-Léonard-de-Port-Maurice (1886–1962)January 1, 2002Annexed69,604 Montréal [2]
Saint-LouisTownSaint-Louis-du-Mile-End (1878–1895)December 31, 1900Annexed3,537 Montreal [28]
Saint-Michel CitySaint-Michel-de-Laval (1912–1915)October 24, 1968Annexed71,446 Montréal [1]
Saint-PaulTownCôte-Saint-Paul (1875–1897)June 4, 1910Annexed1,496 Montreal [16]
Saint-Pierre CitySaint-Pierre-aux-Liens (1894–1908)January 1, 2000Annexed4,739 Lachine [2] (Now part of Montréal)
Sainte-Cunégonde-de-MontréalCitySainte-Cunégonde (1876–1890)December 4, 1905Annexed10,912 Montreal [29]
Sainte-GenevièveVillage June 18, 1935Annexed286 Sainte-Geneviève-de-Pierrefonds [30] (Now part of Montréal)
Sainte-Geneviève CitySainte-Geneviève-de-Pierrefonds (1904–1959)January 1, 2002Annexed3,278 Montréal [2]
SaraguayVillage April 25, 1964Annexed443 Montreal [1]
Sault-au-RécolletTown December 22, 1916Annexed1,311 Montreal [17]
SummerleaTown December 21, 1912Annexed161 Lachine [31] (Now part of Montréal)
Tétreaultville-de-MontréalVillage June 4, 1910Annexed  Montreal [16]
Verdun CityLa Rivière-Saint-Pierre (1875–1876)January 1, 2002Annexed60,564 Montréal [2]
Ville-Émard TownCôte-Saint-Paul (1878–1902) , Boulevard-Saint-Paul (1902–1908)June 4, 1910Annexed241 Montreal [16]
Villeray Village September 11, 1905Annexed509 Montreal [32]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
AldfieldTownship January 1, 1975Merged with:

546 La Pêche [1]
Aylmer CityLucerne (1975–1976)January 1, 2002Annexed36,085 Gatineau [2]
AylmerTown January 1, 1975Merged with:

7,198 Lucerne [1] (Now part of Gatineau)
Buckingham City January 1, 2002Annexed11,668 Gatineau [2]
CameronTownship March 22, 1980Merged with Bouchette234 Bouchette [1]
Chapeau Village December 30, 1998Merged with:

442 L'Isle-aux-Allumettes [2]
Deschênes Village January 1, 1975Merged with:

1,806 Lucerne [1] (Now part of Gatineau)
EardleyTownship January 1, 1975Merged with:

1,222 Pontiac [1]
Hull City January 1, 2002Annexed66,246 Gatineau [2]
L'Isle-aux-Allumettes-Partie-EstTownship December 30, 1998Merged with:

450 L'Isle-aux-Allumettes [2]
LyttonTownship September 19, 2001Merged with Montcerf252 Montcerf-Lytton [2]
Masham-NordTownshipMasham (1855-1969)January 1, 1975Merged with:

347 La Pêche [1]
Masson-Angers CityMasson (1980–1992)January 1, 2002Annexed9,799 Gatineau [2]
MontcerfMunicipality September 19, 2001Merged with Lytton474 Montcerf-Lytton [2]
NorthfieldMunicipality March 13, 2002Merged with:

521 Wright-Gracefield-Northfield [2] (Now named Gracefield)
OnslowTownship January 1, 1975Merged with:

217 Pontiac [1]
Onslow-Partie-SudTownshipOnslow (1876-1969)January 1, 1975Merged with:

592 Pontiac [1]
PerkinsMunicipalityTempleton-Nord (1908-1960)January 1, 1975Merged with:

1,461 Val-des-Monts [1]
Pointe-Gatineau Town January 1, 1975Annexed15,640 Gatineau [1]
Portland-OuestMunicipalityPortland (1906-1953)January 1, 1975Merged with:

409 Val-des-Monts [1]
Quyon Village January 1, 1975Merged with:

879 Pontiac [1]
Sainte-AngéliqueParish November 29, 2000Merged with Papineauville634 Papineauville [2]
Sainte-Cécile-de-MashamMunicipalityPartie-Sud-du-Canton-de-Masham (1913-1940)January 1, 1975Merged with:

2,111 La Pêche [1]
TempletonVillage January 1, 1975Annexed3,684 Gatineau [1]
Templeton-EstMunicipality January 1, 1975Annexed1,977 Gatineau [1]
Templeton-Est-Partie-EstMunicipality January 1, 1975Annexed253 Gatineau [1]
Templeton-OuestMunicipality January 1, 1975Annexed1,030 Gatineau [1]
TouraineCityHull (1889–1966)January 1, 1975Annexed9,643 Gatineau [1]
VinoyMunicipalitySuffolk (1920-1923)August 21, 1996Merged with Chénéville125 Chénéville [2]
WakefieldTownship January 1, 1975Merged with:

1,039 La Pêche [1]
Wakefield Village January 1, 1975Merged with:

325 La Pêche [1]
Wakefield-Partie-EstMunicipalityWakefield (1892-1969)January 1, 1975Merged with:

746 Val-des-Monts [1]
WrightTownship March 13, 2002Merged with:

1,137 Wright-Gracefield-Northfield [2] (Now named Gracefield)


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Amos-EstMunicipalityFiguery-et-Dalquier (1918-1950)January 17, 1987Annexed4,241 Amos [1]
Amos-OuestMunicipalityFiguery-et-Dalquier (1917–1949)February 9, 1974Annexed2,087 Amos [1]
Angliers Village January 1, 2018Merged with Laverlochère303 Laverlochère-Angliers [2]
ArntfieldMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed471 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
BarvilleTown February 11, 1978Merged with Fiedmont84 Fiedmont-et-Barraute [1] (Now part of Barraute)
BeaudryMunicipality February 9, 2000Annexed1,139 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
BellecombeMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed731 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
BourlamaqueTown October 12, 1968Annexed4,122 Val-d'Or [1]
CadillacCity January 1, 2002Annexed828 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
CléricyMunicipalitySaint-Joseph-de-Cléricy (1978–1998)January 1, 2002Annexed481 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
CloutierMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed351 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
ColombourgMunicipality March 6, 2002Annexed749 Macamic [2]
D'AlembertMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed920 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
DestorMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed391 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
DubuissonMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed1,686 Val-d'Or [2]
ÉvainMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed3,750 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
FiedmontMunicipalityFiedmont-et-Barraute (1918-1969)February 11, 1978Merged with Barville857 Fiedmont-et-Barraute [1] (Now part of Barraute)
Fiedmont-et-BarrauteMunicipality January 5, 1994Merged with Barraute1,023 Barraute [2]
La Morandière Municipality January 1, 2023Merged with Rochebaucourt205 La Morandière-Rochebaucourt [2]
Lac-DufaultMunicipality January 29, 1997Annexed978 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
Lac-LemoineMunicipality October 12, 1968Annexed1,983 Val-d'Or [1]
Laverlochère MunicipalitySaint-Isidore (1912-1977)January 1, 2018Merged with Angliers675 Laverlochère-Angliers [2]
LetangMunicipality March 26, 1988Annexed475 Témiscaming [1]
McWattersMunicipalityKinojévis (1979–1981)January 1, 2002Annexed1,815 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
MercierTown March 11, 1948Merged with Rouyn347 Rouyn [33] (Now part of Rouyn-Noranda)
Mont-BrunMunicipalitySaint-Norbert-de-Mont-Brun (1978–1997)January 1, 2002Annexed519 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
MontbeillardMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed728 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
NorandaCity July 5, 1986Merged with Rouyn8,767 Rouyn-Noranda [1]
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes-de-LorrainvilleParish February 16, 1994Merged with Lorrainville391 Lorrainville [2]
Notre-Dame-des-Quinze-du-Canton-GuiguesMunicipalityGuigues (1913)January 1, 1952Annexed495 Notre-Dame-du-Nord [34]
Rochebaucourt Municipality January 1, 2023Merged with La Morandière146 La Morandière-Rochebaucourt [2]
RolletMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed356 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
RouynCity July 5, 1986Merged with Noranda17,224 Rouyn-Noranda [1]
Saint-Félix-de-Dalquier Municipality January 1, 2025Annexed1,026 Amos [2]
Saint-Guillaume-de-GranadaMunicipality December 13, 1995Annexed2,573 Rouyn-Noranda [2]
SullivanMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed3,529 Val-d'Or [2]
Val-SennevilleMunicipalityPascalis (1940–1980)January 1, 2002Annexed2,479 Val-d'Or [2]
VassanMunicipality January 1, 2002Annexed988 Val-d'Or [2]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
BergeronnesTownship December 29, 1999Merged with Grandes-Bergeronnes212 Les Bergeronnes [2]
De Grasse City September 8, 1984Annexed278 Moisie [1] (Now part of Sept-Îles)
Gagnon City May 31, 1991Dissolved4 [2]
GallixMunicipality February 12, 2003Annexed671 Sept-Îles [2]
Grandes-Bergeronnes Village December 29, 1999Merged with Bergeronnes601 Les Bergeronnes [2]
HauteriveCity January 1, 1983Annexed13,995 Baie-Comeau [1]
Les Sept-Cantons-Unis-du-SaguenayUnited Townships January 1, 1989Dissolved0 [1]
LetellierTownship January 1, 1989Dissolved86 [1]
Moisie City February 12, 2003Annexed930 Sept-Îles [2]
Rivière-PentecôteMunicipality February 19, 2003Annexed622 Port-Cartier [2]
Rivière-PigouMunicipality October 29, 1983Merged with Moisie43 Moisie [1] (Now part of Sept-Îles)
Sacré-Coeur-de-JésusParishTadoussac (1863-1927)June 30, 1973Merged with Sacré-Coeur-de-Jésus-Village562 Sacré-Coeur [1]
Sacré-Coeur-de-Jésus-VillageMunicipality June 30, 1973Merged with Sacré-Coeur-de-Jésus1,252 Sacré-Coeur [1]
Saint-Luc-de-LavalMunicipality January 5, 1980Annexed2,539 Forestville [1]
Saint-Paul-du-NordMunicipalitySaint-Paul-de-Mille-Vaches (1898-1931)May 28, 1997Merged with Sault-au-Mouton767 Saint-Paul-du-Nord-Sault-au-Mouton [2] (Now named Longue-Rive)
Sault-au-Mouton Village May 28, 1997Merged with Saint-Paul-du-Nord643 Saint-Paul-du-Nord-Sault-au-Mouton [2] (Now named Longue-Rive)
Tadoussac [f] Parish April 9, 1949Dissolved176 [35]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Baie-de-Gaspé-NordTownship January 1, 1971Annexed488 Gaspé [1]
Baie-de-Gaspé-SudMunicipality January 1, 1971Annexed1,013 Gaspé [1]
BarachoisMunicipalitySaint-Pierre-de-la-Malbaie-Numéro-Un (1876-1953)January 1, 1971Merged with:

571 Percé [1]
BassinMunicipalityHavre-Aubert (1875-1959)January 1, 1972Merged with Havre-Aubert1,797 Île-du-Havre-Aubert [1] (Now part of Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine)
BridgevilleMunicipality January 1, 1971Merged with:

1,018 Percé [1]
Cap-aux-Meules Village January 1, 2002Merged with:

1,659 Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine [2]
Cap-d’EspoirMunicipalityAnse-du-Cap (1868-1935)January 1, 1971Merged with:

1,649 Percé [1]
CapucinsMunicipalityRomieux (1914–1953)March 15, 2000Annexed280 Cap-Chat [2]
CarletonCity October 4, 2000Merged with Saint-Omer2,886 Carleton-Saint-Omer [2] (Now named Carleton-sur-Mer)
Carleton-sur-Mer [g] Municipality August 26, 1972Merged with Carleton1,384 Carleton [1] (Now part of Carleton-sur-Mer)
DouglasTownship January 1, 1971Annexed898 Gaspé [1]
FatimaMunicipality January 1, 2002Merged with:

2,686 Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine [2]
Grande-CascapédiaMunicipality June 2, 1999Merged with Saint-Jules261 Cascapédia [2] (Now named Cascapédia–Saint-Jules)
Grande-EntréeMunicipality January 1, 2002Merged with:

660 Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine [2]
Grande-GrèveMunicipalityCap-des-Rosiers (1870–1944)January 1, 1971Annexed846 Gaspé [1]
Grande-Rivière-OuestMunicipalityPetite-Rivière-Ouest (1932)September 21, 1974Merged with:

1,410 Grande-Rivière [1]
HaldimandMunicipalityPartie-Ouest-du-Canton-de-Douglas (1879–1953)January 1, 1971Annexed706 Gaspé [1]
Havre-Aubert MunicipalityHavre-Aubert-Est (1951-1964)January 1, 1972Merged with Bassin1,133 Île-du-Havre-Aubert [1] (Now part of Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine)
Havre-aux-Maisons Municipality January 1, 2002Merged with:

2,057 Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine [2]
L’Anse-aux-GriffonsMunicipality January 1, 1971Annexed1,254 Gaspé [1]
L'Étang-du-Nord Municipality January 1, 2002Merged with:

2,944 Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine [2]
L'Île-d'Entrée Village June 14, 2000Annexed175 L’Île-du-Havre-Aubert [2] (Now part of Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine)
L’Île-du-Havre-AubertMunicipality January 1, 2002Merged with:

2,275 Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine [2]
Newport Municipality June 27, 2001Merged with:
-Pabos Mills

2,029 Pabos [2] (Now named Chandler)
Pabos MillsMunicipality June 27, 2001Merged with:

1,578 Pabos [2] (Now named Chandler)
Paspébiac-OuestMunicipality August 20, 1997Annexed709 Paspébiac [2]
Petit-PabosMunicipality September 21, 1974Merged with:

682 Grande-Rivière [1]
Port-DanielMunicipality January 17, 2001Merged with Sainte-Germaine-de-l'Anse-aux-Gascons1,755 Port-Daniel-Gascons [2]
Port-Daniel-Partie-EstTownship April 18, 1990Merged with Port-Daniel-Partie-Ouest900 Port-Daniel [1] (Now part of Port-Daniel–Gascons)
Port-Daniel-Partie-OuestTownship April 18, 1990Merged with Port-Daniel-Partie-Est1,096 Port-Daniel [1] (Now part of Port-Daniel–Gascons)
Rivière-au-RenardMunicipalityFox (1855–1933)January 1, 1971Annexed2,888 Gaspé [1]
Saint-Alban-du-Cap-des-RosiersMunicipality January 1, 1971Annexed842 Gaspé [1]
Saint-François-de-PabosMunicipality June 27, 2001Merged with:
-Pabos Mills

708 Pabos [2] (Now named Chandler)
Saint-JulesMunicipality June 2, 1999Merged with Grande-Cascapédia412 Cascapédia [2] (Now named Cascapédia-Saint-Jules)
Saint-MajoriqueMunicipalitySydenham-Sud (1921–1966)January 1, 1971Annexed1,006 Gaspé [1]
Saint-MauriceParish January 1, 1971Annexed2,338 Gaspé [1]
Saint-Norbert-du-Cap-ChatParish October 19, 1968Merged with Cap-Chat1,830 Cap-Chat [1]
Saint-Omer Parish October 4, 2000Merged with Carleton1,381 Carleton-Saint-Omer [2] (Now named Carleton-sur-Mer)
Saint-Pierre-de-la-Malbaie-Numéro-DeuxMunicipality January 1, 1971Merged with:

1,082 Percé [1]
Sainte-Germaine-de-l'Anse-aux-GasconsMunicipality January 17, 2001Merged with Port-Daniel1,281 Port-Daniel–Gascons [2]
TourelleMunicipalitySaint-Joachim-de-Tourelle (1923-1984)February 2, 2000Merged with Sainte-Anne-des-Monts1,566 Sainte-Anne-des-Monts-Tourelle [2] (Now named Sainte-Anne-des-Monts)
YorkMunicipality January 1, 1971Annexed993 Gaspé [1]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
AmianteVillage January 1, 1929Annexed386 Thetford Mines
Aubert-GallionMunicipalitySaint-Georges (1856–1969)September 26, 2001Annexed2,209 Saint-Georges [2]
Beauceville-EstTown March 14, 1973Annexed2,192 Beauceville [1]
Beaulac Village March 15, 2000Merged with Garthby397 Beaulac-Garthby [2]
BernièresMunicipalitySaint-Nicolas-Sud (1912-1968)September 21, 1994Merged with Saint-Nicolas6,831 Bernières-Saint-Nicolas [2] (Now part of Lévis)
BienvilleVillage February 8, 1924Annexed1,462 Lauzon (Now part of Lévis)
Black LakeCityLac-Noir (1906–1908)October 17, 2001Annexed4,408 Thetford Mines [2]
BucklandTownship January 1, 1888Dissolved541
Charny CityNotre-Dame-du-Perpétuel-Secours-de-Charny (1903–1924)January 1, 2002Annexed10,507 Lévis [2]
Courcelles Municipality January 1, 2024Merged with Saint-Évariste-de-Forsyth814 Courcelles-Saint-Évariste [2]
East Broughton StationVillage January 5, 1994Annexed1,191 East Broughton [2]
FrancoeurVillage April 6, 1974Merged with Saint-Apollinaire1,186 Saint-Apollinaire [1]
GarthbyTownship March 15, 2000Merged with Beaulac399 Beaulac-Garthby [2]
L’Enfant-JésusParish March 22, 1989Merged with Vallée-Jonction813 Vallée-Jonction [1]
L'Islet-sur-Mer Municipality January 1, 2000Merged with:

1,786 L'Islet-sur-Mer-Saint-Eugène-l'Islet [2] (Now named L'Islet)
LauzonCity September 1, 1989Merged with Lévis13,620 Lévis-Lauzon [1] (Now named Lévis)
Leeds-Partie-EstTownshipPartie-Est-du-Township-de-Leeds (1882–1969)October 12, 1974Annexed681 Saint-Pierre-de-Broughton [1]
LinièreVillage April 13, 1994Merged with Saint-Côme-de-Kennebec1,143 Saint-Côme-de-Linière [2] (Now named Saint-Côme-Linière)
Louis-JolietteMunicipality October 1, 1977Merged with Sainte-Claire548 Sainte-Claire [1]
NelsonTownship January 19, 1985Annexed226 Sainte-Agathe [1] (Now part of Sainte-Agathe-de-Lotbinière)
Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours-de-l’IsletParishIslet (1855-1969)November 29, 1989Merged with L’Islet-sur-Mer1,137 L’Islet-sur-Mer [1] (Now part of L'Islet)
Notre-Dame-de-la-VictoireParish February 1, 1917Annexed1,251 Lévis [36]
Pintendre MunicipalitySaint-Louis-de-Pintendre (1901–1986)January 1, 2002Annexed6,209 Lévis [2]
PontbriandMunicipalitySaint-Antoine-de-Pontbriand (1910–1987)October 17, 2001Annexed858 Thetford Mines [2]
Rivière-BlancheMunicipality December 14, 1994Annexed978 Thetford Mines [2]
Rivière-BoyerMunicipality October 9, 1976Annexed867 Saint-Henri [1]
RobertsonvilleVillage October 17, 2001Annexed1,829 Thetford Mines [2]
Sacré-Coeur-de-Marie-Partie-Sud MunicipalitySacré-Coeur-de-Marie (1910-1969)February 14, 2001Merged with Saint-Méthode-de-Frontenac668 Adstock [2]
Saint-Agapit-de-BeaurivageParish April 14, 1979Merged with Saint-Agapitville1,076 Saint-Agapit [1]
Saint-AgapitvilleVillage April 14, 1979Merged with Saint-Agapit-de-Beaurivage1,672 Saint-Agapit [1]
Saint-Cajetan-d'ArmaghParishArmagh (1861-1890)December 22, 1993Merged with Armagh814 Armagh [2]
Saint-CharlesVillage December 22, 1993Merged with Saint-Charles-Borromée979 Saint-Charles-de-Bellechasse [2]
Saint-Charles-BorroméeParish December 22, 1993Merged with Saint-Charles1,184 Saint-Charles-de-Bellechasse [2]
Saint-Côme-de-KennebecParish April 13, 1994Merged with Linière1,958 Saint-Côme-de-Linière [2] (Now named Saint-Côme-Linière)
Saint-David-de-l’AuberivièreCity August 1, 1990Annexed5,769 Lévis-Lauzon [1] (Now named Lévis)
Saint-Elzéar-de-BeauceMunicipalitySaint-Elzéar-de-Linière (1855-1969)November 30, 1994Merged with Saint-Elzéar602 Saint-Elzéar [2]
Saint-Éphrem-de-TringVillage December 24, 1997Merged with Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce1,248 Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce [2]
Saint-Étienne-de-Lauzon MunicipalitySaint-Étienne (1957–1984)January 1, 2002Annexed8,897 Lévis [2]
Saint-Eugène ParishSaint-Eugène-de-l'Islet (1869-1969)January 1, 2000Merged with:

1,158 L'Islet-sur-Mer-Saint-Eugène-l'Islet [2] (Now named L'Islet)
Saint-Évariste-de-Forsyth MunicipalityForsyth (1855-1870)January 1, 2024Merged with Courcelles511 Courcelles-Saint-Évariste [2]
Saint-François-de-BeauceMunicipalitySaint-François (1855–1957)February 25, 1998Annexed1,357 Beauceville [2]
Saint-François-OuestMunicipality February 25, 1998Annexed1,263 Beauceville [2]
Saint-Gédéon ParishMarlow (1900–1911)February 12, 2003Annexed553 Saint-Gédéon-de-Beauce [2]
Saint-Georges-EstParish September 26, 2001Annexed3,555 Saint-Georges [2]
Saint-Georges-OuestCity May 23, 1990Annexed6,352 Saint-Georges [1]
Saint-Henri-de-LauzonParishSaint-Henri (1855-1969)November 1, 1975Merged with Saint-Henri1,225 Saint-Henri [1]
Saint-HonoréParish April 19, 2000Merged with Shenley691 Saint-Honoré-de-Shenley [2]
Saint-Jean-Chrysostome City January 1, 2002Annexed17,089 Lévis [2]
Saint-Joseph-de-la-Pointe-de-Lévy ParishPointe-Lévi (1855–1969)January 1, 2002Annexed913 Lévis [2]
Saint-Louis-de-LotbinièreParishLotbinière (1855-1969)January 1, 1979Merged with Lotbinière699 Lotbinière [1]
Saint-Méthode-de-FrontenacMunicipalityAdstock (1888-1894), Saint-Méthode-d'Adstock (1894-1945)February 14, 2001Merged with Sacré-Coeur-de-Marie-Partie-Sud1,613 Adstock [2]
Saint-NicolasCity September 21, 1994Merged with Bernières7,600 Bernières-Saint-Nicolas [2] (Now part of Lévis)
Saint-Nicolas CityBernières-Saint-Nicolas (1994–1996)January 1, 2002Annexed16,645 Lévis [2]
Saint-Rédempteur City January 1, 2002Annexed6,349 Lévis [2]
Saint-Romuald CitySaint-Romuald-d’Etchemin (1855–1982)January 1, 2002Annexed10,825 Lévis [2]
Saint-TelesphoreParish December 18, 1965Merged with Saint-Romuald-d’Etchemin385 Saint-Romuald-d’Etchemin [1] (Now part of Lévis)
Saint-Théophile-de-BeauceParish June 28, 1975Merged with Saint-Théophile659 Saint-Théophile [1]
Saint-ThomasParish April 2, 1966Merged with Montmagny4,565 Montmagny [1]
Saint-Victor-de-TringMunicipality December 31, 1996Merged with Saint-Victor1,183 Saint-Victor [2]
Sainte-AgatheParish February 3, 1999Merged with Sainte-Agathe561 Sainte-Agathe-de-Lotbinière [2]
Sainte-Agathe Village February 3, 1999Merged with Sainte-Agathe675 Sainte-Agathe-de-Lotbinière [2]
Sainte-Anne-du-Lac Village October 24, 2001Annexed63 Adstock [2]
Sainte-EmmélieParishSainte-Emmélie-de-Lotbinière (1863-1969)January 26, 2000Merged with Leclercville322 Leclercville [2]
Sainte-Germaine-du-Lac-EtcheminParish October 10, 2001Merged with Lac-Etchemin1,565 Lac-Etchemin [2]
Sainte-Hélène-de-Breakeyville Parish January 1, 2002Annexed3,639 Lévis [2]
Shenley Township April 19, 2000Merged with Saint-Honoré1,009 Saint-Honoré-de-Shenley [2]
Taschereau-FortierMunicipality March 29, 1995Merged with Scott903 Scott [2]
Thetford-Partie-SudTownshipSud-du-Canton-de-Thetford (1885–1969)October 17, 2001Annexed3,030 Thetford Mines [2]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Auteuil TownSainte-Rose-de-Lima (1855-1950), Sainte-Rose-Est (1950-1961)August 6, 1965Merged with:

2,603 Laval [1]
Chomedey City August 6, 1965Merged with:

30,445 Laval [1]
Duvernay CitySaint-Vincent-de-Paul (1855-1957)August 6, 1965Merged with:

10,939 Laval [1]
Fabreville TownSainte-Rose (1914-1957)August 6, 1965Merged with:

5,213 Laval [1]
L'Abord-à-PlouffeTown April 1, 1961Merged with:

8,099 Chomedey [1] (Now part of Laval)
Laval-des-Rapides City August 6, 1965Merged with:

19,227 Laval [1]
Laval-Ouest CityPlage-Laval (1930-1951)August 6, 1965Merged with:

5,440 Laval [1]
Laval-sur-le-Lac Town August 6, 1965Merged with:

620 Laval [1]
Pont-Viau City August 6, 1965Merged with:

16,077 Laval [1]
RenaudTownSaint-Martin (1855-1959)April 1, 1961Merged with:

2,138 Chomedey [1] (Now part of Laval)
Saint-François TownSaint-François-de-Sales-Isle-Jésus (1855-1958)August 6, 1965Merged with:

5,122 Laval [1]
Saint-Martin City April 1, 1961Merged with:

6,440 Chomedey [1] (Now part of Laval)
Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Town August 6, 1965Merged with:

11,214 Laval [1]
Sainte-Dorothée Town August 6, 1965Merged with:

5,297 Laval [1]
Sainte-Rose City August 6, 1965Merged with:

7,571 Laval [1]
Ville-des-Îles-Laval Town August 6, 1965Merged with:

823 Laval [1]
Vimont TownSaint-Elzéar-de-Laval (1904-1956), Saint-Elzéar (1956-1962)August 6, 1965Merged with:

4,150 Laval [1]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Joliette-SudMunicipalitySaint-Charles-Borromée-Sud (1957)November 12, 1966Annexed974 Joliette [1]
La Plaine CitySaint-Joachim (1922–1969)June 27, 2001Annexed14,413 Terrebonne [2]
Lac-ParéParish November 13, 1991Merged with Chertsey193 Chertsey [2]
Lachenaie CitySaint-Charles-de-Lachenaie (1861–1972)June 27, 2001Annexed18,489 Terrebonne [2]
Lanoraie-d'AutrayMunicipality December 6, 2000Merged with Saint-Joseph-de-Lanoraie1,904 Lanoraie [2]
LaurentidesCitySaint-Lin (1857-1883)March 1, 2000Merged with Saint-Lin2,703 Saint-Lin-Laurentides [2]
Le Gardeur CitySaint-Paul-l’Ermite (1857–1978)June 1, 2002Annexed17,668 Repentigny [2]
Masson-et-LavioletteMunicipality March 3, 1979Merged with Saint-Michel-des-Saints97 Saint-Michel-des-Saints [1]
Sacré-Coeur-de-Crabtree MunicipalitySacré-Coeur-de-Jésus (1921–1991)October 23, 1996Annexed1,143 Crabtree [2]
Saint-Antoine-de-LavaltrieParish May 16, 2001Merged with Lavaltrie4,385 Lavaltrie [2]
Saint-Gérard-Majella Parish July 1, 2000Annexed4,207 L'Assomption [2]
Saint-Joseph-de-LanoraieParish December 6, 2000Merged with Lanoraie-d'Autray1,855 Lanoraie [2]
Saint-LinMunicipalitySaint-Lin-de-Lachenaye (1855-1969)March 1, 2000Merged with Laurentides9,336 Saint-Lin-Laurentides [2]
Saint-Louis-de-TerrebonneParishTerrebonne (1855–1969)June 8, 1985Annexed14,172 Terrebonne [1]
Saint-ViateurParish January 7, 1998Merged with Saint-Cuthbert201 Saint-Cuthbert [2]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
AyersvilleVillage April 30, 1966Merged with Lachute2,957 Lachute [1]
Beaux-RivagesMunicipalityEst-du-Canton-de-Campbell (1912-1953), Lac-des-Écorces (1953-1984)October 10, 2002Merged with:

1,192 Beaux-Rivages-Lac-des-Écorces-Val-Barrette [2] (Now named Lac-des-Écorces)
Bel-AirVillage January 1, 1913Annexed  Saint-Eustache [37]
BellefeuilleCitySaint-Jérôme (1855–1966)January 1, 2002Annexed14,066 Saint-Jérôme [2]
Bellerive-sur-le-LacMunicipalityLoranger (1920-1921), Lacaille (1921-1931), Bellerive (1931-1962)October 30, 1971Merged with:

118 Lac-Nominingue [1] (Now named Nominingue)
BrownsburgVillage October 6, 1999Merged with Chatham2,583 Brownsburg-Chatham [2]
BrunetMunicipalityCampbell (1900–1953)May 29, 1971Annexed1,520 Mont-Laurier [1]
Calumet Village April 24, 2002Merged with Grenville554 Grenville-sur-la-Rouge [2]
Carillon Village December 29, 1999Merged with:

258 Saint-André-Carillon [2] (Now named Saint-André-d'Argenteuil)
ChathamTownship October 6, 1999Merged with Brownsburg4,100 Brownsburg-Chatham [2]
DécarieTownship December 30, 1976Merged with Sainte-Anne-du-Lac416 Sainte-Anne-du-Lac [1]
Des RuisseauxMunicipalityRobertson-et-Pope (1898–1975)January 8, 2003Annexed5,401 Mont-Laurier [2]
Grenville [h] Township2,109April 24, 2002Merged with Calumet  Grenville-sur-la-Rouge [2]
JolyTownship January 27, 1973Merged with Labelle442 Labelle [1]
L’Annonciation Village December 18, 2002Merged with:

1,984 Rivière-Rouge [2]
Lac-Carré VillageSaint-Faustin-Station (1922-1947)January 3, 1996Merged with Saint-Faustin801 Saint-Faustin-Lac-Carré [2] (Now named Mont-Blanc)
LafontaineCity January 1, 2002Annexed9,477 Saint-Jérôme [2]
LesageMunicipality January 20, 1973Merged with:

1,190 Shawbridge [1] (Now named Prévost)
LorangerTownship October 30, 1971Merged with:

332 Lac-Nominingue [1] (Now named Nominingue)
MarchandMunicipality December 18, 2002Merged with:

1,420 Rivière-Rouge [2]
Mont-GabrielCity November 21, 1981Merged with Mont-Rolland25 Mont-Rolland [1] (Now part of Sainte-Adèle)
Mont-RollandVillage August 27, 1997Annexed2,882 Sainte-Adèle [2]
New GlasgowVillage May 3, 2000Annexed157 Sainte-Sophie [1]
Oka-sur-le-LacCity August 12, 1982Annexed0 Oka [1]
Rapide-de-l’OriginalVillage May 25, 1915Annexed  Mont-Laurier [38]
Saint-André-EstVillage December 29, 1999Merged with:

1,471 Saint-André-Carillon [2] (Now named Saint-André-d'Argenteuil)
Saint-AntoineCitySaint-Antoine-des-Laurentides (1949–1967)January 1, 2002Annexed11,488 Saint-Jérôme [2]
Saint-Antoine-des-LaurentidesParishSaint-Jérôme (1855-1966)January 1, 1971Merged with:

934 Sainte-Scholastique [1] (Now named Mirabel)
Saint-AugustinVillage January 1, 1971Merged with:

478 Sainte-Scholastique [1] (Now named Mirabel)
Saint-AugustinParish January 1, 1971Merged with:

1,325 Sainte-Scholastique [1] (Now named Mirabel)
Saint-BenoîtVillage January 1, 1971Merged with:

550 Sainte-Scholastique [1] (Now named Mirabel)
Saint-CanutParish January 1, 1971Merged with:

1,248 Sainte-Scholastique [1] (Now named Mirabel)
Saint-FaustinMunicipalitySaint-Faustin-Sud (1957-1960)January 3, 1996Merged with Lac-Carré1,410 Saint-Faustin-Lac-Carré [2] (Now named Mont-Blanc)
Saint-Hermas Parish January 1, 1971Merged with:

1,060 Sainte-Scholastique [1] (Now named Mirabel)
Saint-Janvier-de-BlainvilleParish January 1, 1971Merged with:

2,477 Sainte-Scholastique [1] (Now named Mirabel)
Saint-Janvier-de-LacroixMunicipality January 1, 1971Merged with:

1,198 Sainte-Scholastique [1] (Now named Mirabel)
Saint-Jérusalem-d’ArgenteuilParish January 1, 1971Dissolved2,546 Lachute and Sainte-Scholastique (Now named Mirabel) [1]
Saint-JoviteCity November 22, 2000Merged with:

4,609 Mont-Tremblant [2]
Saint-JoviteParishDeSalaberry-et-Grandison (1881-1960)November 22, 2000Merged with:

1,708 Mont-Tremblant [2]
Saint-Sauveur-des-MontsVillage September 11, 2002Merged with Saint-Sauveur3,316 Saint-Sauveur [2]
Sainte-Agathe-NordMunicipalitySainte-Agathe (1863–1991)February 27, 2002Annexed1,571 Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts [2]
Sainte-Agathe-SudVillage January 1, 1999Annexed2,209 Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts [2]
Sainte-MoniqueParish January 1, 1971Merged with:

1,223 Sainte-Scholastique [1] (Now named Mirabel)
Sainte-VéroniqueVillageTurgeon (1904-1984)December 18, 2002Merged with:

1,050 Rivière-Rouge [2]
Val-Barrette Village October 10, 2002Merged with:

612 Beaux-Rivages-Lac-des-Écorces-Val-Barrette [2] (Now named Lac-des-Écorces)


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
Châteauguay-CentreTownSaint-Joachim-de-Châteauguay (1855–1960)November 3, 1975Annexed17,942 Châteauguay [1]
Châteauguay HeightsTown September 7, 1968Annexed1,238 Châteauguay [1]
Como-EstVillage June 7, 1969Merged with:
-Hudson Heights

1,025 Hudson [1]
Coteau-LandingVillage May 18, 1994Merged with Coteau-Station1,552 Coteaux [2] (Now named Les Coteaux)
Coteau-StationVillage May 18, 1994Merged with Coteau-Landing1,061 Coteaux [2] (Now named Les Coteaux)
DorionCity March 16, 1994Merged with Vaudreuil5,920 Vaudreuil-Dorion [2]
DouvilleTown January 1, 1976Annexed3,267 Saint-Hyacinthe [1]
Fort-ChamblyTownChambly (1848-1952)September 18, 1965Merged with Chambly1,987 Chambly [1]
Grande-Île Municipality April 24, 2002Annexed4,559 Salaberry-de-Valleyfield [2]
Greenfield Park City January 1, 2002Annexed16,978 Longueuil [2]
Hudson HeightsVillageComo (1877-1921), Hudson (1921-1926)June 7, 1969Merged with:

1,543 Hudson [1]
Iberville CityChristieville (1846-1859)January 24, 2001Merged with:

9,635 Saint-Jean-Iberville [2] (Now named Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
Jacques-Cartier City August 16, 1969Annexed52,527 Longueuil [1]
L'Acadie MunicipalitySainte-Marguerite-de-Blairfindie (1870-1956)January 24, 2001Merged with:

5,474 Saint-Jean-Iberville [2] (Now named Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
L'Ange-GardienVillageCanrobert (1870-1956)December 31, 1997Merged with Saint-Ange-Gardien599 Ange-Gardien [2]
La ProvidenceTown January 1, 1976Annexed4,709 Saint-Hyacinthe [1]
Laflèche CityMackayville (1947–1959)October 30, 1971Annexed13,433 Saint-Hubert [1] (Now part of Longueuil)
LeMoyne City January 1, 2002Annexed4,855 Longueuil [2]
Maple Grove City January 1, 2002Annexed2,628 Beauharnois [2]
MelochevilleVillageLac-Saint-Louis (1919–1953)January 1, 2002Annexed2,449 Beauharnois [2]
MiltonTownship January 1, 1864Dissolved2,790 Saint-Valérien-de-Milton and Sainte-Cécile-de-Milton [39]
Montréal-Sud Town January 28, 1961Annexed5,319 Longueuil [1]
Notre-Dame MunicipalityLaprairie (1855–1952)March 25, 1978Annexed2,729 Brossard [1]
Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Municipality March 15, 2000Annexed1,516 Richelieu [2]
Notre-Dame-de-Saint-HyacintheParishSaint-Hyacinthe (1855–1969)December 27, 2001Annexed866 Saint-Hyacinthe [2]
Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel Parish September 13, 2001Merged with Lacolle940 Lacolle [2]
Nouveau-SalaberryMunicipality October 21, 1944Annexed1,043 Salaberry-de-Valleyfield [40]
Pointe-du-MoulinTown April 14, 1984Annexed249 Notre-Dame-de-l'Île-Perrot [1]
Préville Town May 3, 1969Annexed1,299 Saint-Lambert [1]
Saint-André-d'ActonParish January 26, 2000Annexed2,487 Acton Vale [2]
Saint-Ange-GardienParish December 31, 1997Merged with L'Ange-Gardien1,312 Ange-Gardien [2]
Saint-Antoine-Abbé-Partie-Nord-EstParishSaint-Antoine-Abbé (1860-1969)March 3, 1973Merged with Franklin313 Franklin [1]
Saint-Antoine-de-PadoueParishSaint-Antoine (1855–1890)November 6, 1982Annexed585 Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu [1]
Saint-AthanaseParish January 24, 2001Merged with:

6,546 Saint-Jean-Iberville [2] (Now named Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
Saint-CharlesParish March 22, 1995Merged with Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu1,231 Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu [2]
Saint-ClémentParish February 21, 1957Annexed765 Beauharnois [41]
Saint-DenisParish December 24, 1997Merged with Saint-Denis1,147 Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu [2]
Saint-DenisVillage December 24, 1997Merged with Saint-Denis994 Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu [2]
Saint-Éphrem-d'UptonParish February 25, 1998Merged with Upton858 Upton [2]
Saint-François-Xavier-de-VerchèresParishVerchères (1855-1969)September 18, 1971Merged with Verchères1,110 Verchères [1]
Saint-Grégoire-le-GrandParish December 21, 1994Merged with Mont-Saint-Grégoire2,138 Mont-Saint-Grégoire [2]
Saint-Hilaire-sur-RichelieuTownSaint-Hilaire (1912-1963)March 12, 1966Merged with Mont-Saint-Hilaire2,911 Mont-Saint-Hilaire [1]
Saint-Hubert City January 1, 2002Annexed75,912 Longueuil [2]
Saint-Hyacinthe-le-ConfesseurParish December 27, 2001Annexed1,126 Saint-Hyacinthe [2]
Saint-Ignace-du-Coteau-du-LacParish February 6, 1982Merged with Coteau-du-Lac1,934 Coteau-du-Lac [1]
Saint-Jean-Chrysostome ParishRusseltown (1855-1858)September 29, 1999Merged with Saint-Chrysostome1,737 Saint-Chrysostome [2]
Saint-Jean-l’ÉvangélisteParish April 25, 1970Annexed2,801 Saint-Jean [1] (Now part of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
Saint-JosephTown January 1, 1976Annexed4,945 Saint-Hyacinthe [1]
Saint-Joseph-de-SoulangesParish March 9, 1985Merged with Les Cèdres2,349 Les Cèdres [1]
Saint-Luc City January 24, 2001Merged with:

18,371 Saint-Jean-Iberville [2] (Now named Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
Saint-Malachie-d'OrmstownParishOrmstown (1855-1958)January 26, 2000Merged with Ormstown2,096 Ormstown [2]
Saint-Michel-d'YamaskaParish December 19, 2001Merged with:

1,017 Yamaska [2]
Saint-Michel-de-RougemontParish January 26, 2000Merged with Rougemont1,463 Rougemont [2]
Saint-Michel-de-VaudreuilVillage July 10, 1963Merged with Vaudreuil897 Vaudreuil [1] (Now part of Vaudreuil-Dorion)
Saint-Paul-de-ChâteauguayMunicipality September 8, 1999Annexed1,362 Sainte-Martine [2]
Saint-Pierre-de-SorelParishSorel (1861–1870)January 29, 1992Annexed5,467 Sorel [2] (Now part of Sorel-Tracy)
Saint-Thomas-d'AquinParish December 27, 2001Annexed4,196 Saint-Hyacinthe [2]
Saint-Timothée City April 24, 2002Annexed8,299 Salaberry-de-Valleyfield [2]
Sainte-Anne-de-VarennesParishVarennes (1855-1969)August 26, 1972Merged with Varennes2,882 Varennes [1]
Sainte-CécileParish July 22, 1967Annexed869 Salaberry-de-Valleyfield [1]
Sainte-CécileVillage July 25, 1931Annexed457 Salaberry-de-Valleyfield [42]
Sainte-HélèneParish July 9, 1977Merged with Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot806 Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot [1]
Sainte-Madeleine-de-RigaudParish November 29, 1995Merged with Rigaud3,267 Rigaud [2]
Sainte-Marie-de-MonnoirParish June 14, 2000Annexed2,126 Marieville [2]
Sainte-Rosalie City December 27, 2001Annexed4,153 Saint-Hyacinthe [2]
Sainte-RosalieParish December 27, 2001Annexed1,571 Saint-Hyacinthe [2]
SorelCityWilliam-Henry (1848-1860)March 15, 2000Merged with Tracy23,248 Sorel-Tracy [2]
TracyCitySaint-Joseph (1875-1954)March 15, 2000Merged with Sorel12,773 Sorel-Tracy [2]
VaudreuilCity March 16, 1994Merged with Dorion11,187 Vaudreuil-Dorion [2]
Yamaska-Est Village December 19, 2001Merged with:

250 Yamaska [2]


former name
Population at
time of disappearance
Became part of:
ArthabaskaCity June 23, 1993Merged with:

7,584 Victoriaville-Arthabaska [2] (Now named Victoriaville)
BaievilleVillage March 26, 1983Merged with:

390 Baie-du-Febvre [1]
BécancourtVillage October 17, 1965Merged with:
-La Rochelle

320 Bécancour [1]
Bernierville Village November 29, 2000Annexed1,871 Saint-Ferdinand [2]
ChénierMunicipality December 12, 1981Merged with Tingwick1,085 Tingwick [1]
Chester-NordMunicipality November 30, 1994Merged with Saint-Norbert-d'Arthabaska239 Saint-Norbert-d'Arthabaska [2]
Chester-OuestTownship December 18, 1982Merged with Chesterville528 Chesterville [1]
DeschaillonsVillage May 23, 1990Merged with Deschaillons-sur-Saint-Laurent304 Deschaillons-sur-Saint-Laurent [1]
Drummondville-OuestVillageSaint-Félix (1941–1943)November 12, 1966Annexed2,057 Drummondville [1]
Drummondville-SudCitySaint-Simon-de-Drummond (1937–1959)December 26, 1981Annexed9,420 Drummondville [1]
Gentilly Village October 17, 1965Merged with:
-La Rochelle

677 Bécancour [1]
GranthamMunicipalityGrantham-Ouest (1936–1991)December 22, 1993Annexed7,709 Drummondville [2]
Halifax-NordTownship December 17, 1997Merged with Sainte-Sophie345 Sainte-Sophie-d'Halifax [2]
HortonTownship March 1, 1858Annexed85 Bulstrode (Now named Saint-Valère)
La RochelleVillage October 17, 1965Merged with:

673 Bécancour [1]
LavalVillage October 17, 1965Merged with:
-La Rochelle

484 Bécancour [1]
Les Becquets Village February 22, 1986Merged with Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets525 Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets [1]
Nicolet-SudMunicipality December 27, 2000Annexed367 Nicolet [2]
Norbertville Village October 21, 2009Annexed266 Saint-Norbert-d'Arthabaska [2]
Notre-Dame-de-PierrevilleParish June 13, 2001Merged with:

813 Pierreville [2]
PontgravéVillage January 1, 1908Annexed  Chénier [43] (Now part of Tingwick)
Saint-Antoine-de-la-Baie-du-FebvreParish March 26, 1983Merged with:

640 Baie-du-Febvre [1]
Saint-Charles-de-DrummondMunicipalityWendover-et-Simpson (1864–1988)July 7, 2004Annexed5,798 Drummondville [2]
Saint-Edouard-de-GentillyParish October 17, 1965Merged with:
-La Rochelle

1,428 Bécancour [1]
Saint-Grégoire-le-Grand Parish October 17, 1965Merged with:
-La Rochelle

1,187 Bécancour [1]
Saint-Jacques-de-HortonMunicipality March 26, 1997Merged with:

225 Sainte-Clotilde-de-Horton [2]
Saint-Jean-BaptisteMunicipalityGrantham (1864–1942)June 25, 1955Annexed4,805 Drummondville [44]
Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-NicoletParish December 27, 2000Annexed3,076 Nicolet [2]
Saint-Jean-DeschaillonsParish July 13, 1901Annexed2,300 Deschaillons [45] (Now part of Deschaillons-sur-Saint-Laurent)
Saint-Joseph-de-BlandfordParish December 31, 1997Merged with Manseau446 Manseau [2]
Saint-Joseph-de-GranthamTown February 12, 1955Annexed6,576 Drummondville [46]
Saint-Joseph-de-la-Baie-du-FebvreParish March 26, 1983Merged with:

359 Baie-du-Febvre [1]
Saint-LéonardParish April 13, 1994Merged with Saint-Léonard-d'Aston1,223 Saint-Léonard-d'Aston [2]
Saint-Nicéphore CityWickham (1867–1944)July 7, 2004Annexed9,966 Drummondville [2]
Saint-Raphaël-Partie-SudParishSaint-Raphaël (1916-1969)March 26, 1997Merged with Aston-Jonction219 Aston-Jonction [2]
Saint-Thomas-de-PierrevilleParish June 13, 2001Merged with:

705 Pierreville [2]
Sainte-Anastasie-de-NelsonParish September 18, 1976Merged with Lyster1,178 Lyster [1]
Sainte-Angèle-de-Laval Parish October 17, 1965Merged with:
-La Rochelle

805 Bécancour [1]
Sainte-Anne-du-Sault Municipality March 9, 2016Annexed1,268 Daveluyville [2]
Sainte-Gertrude Parish October 17, 1965Merged with:
-La Rochelle

1,091 Bécancour [1]
Sainte-JulieMunicipalitySainte-Julie-de-Somerset (1855-1858), Somerset-Nord (1858-1950)November 26, 1997Merged with Laurierville671 Laurierville [2]
Sainte-MarieVillage December 23, 1976Merged with Sainte-Marie-de-Blandford181 Sainte-Marie-de-Blandford [1]
Sainte-Philomène-de-FortiervilleParish June 3, 1998Merged with Fortierville286 Fortierville [2]
Sainte-SophieMunicipality December 17, 1997Merged with Halifax-Nord317 Sainte-Sophie-d'Halifax [2]
Sainte-Victoire-d'ArthabaskaParish June 23, 1993Merged with:

7,313 Victoriaville-Arthabaska [2] (Now named Victoriaville)
Très-Précieux-Sang-de-Notre-Seigneur Parish October 17, 1965Merged with:
-La Rochelle

482 Bécancour [1]
VianneyMunicipalitySud-Ouest-du-Canton-d’Halifax-Sud (1913–1981)November 29, 2000Annexed183 Saint-Ferdinand [2]
VillersVillage October 17, 1965Merged with:
-La Rochelle

362 Bécancour [1]

  1. Not to be confused with the current city of Saguenay
  2. Not to be confused with the current city of L'Ancienne-Lorette
  3. Not to be confused with the current city of La Malbaie
  4. Not to be confused with the current municipality of Brome
  5. Not to be confused with the current township of Melbourne
  6. Not to be confused with the current municipality of Tadoussac
  7. Not to be confused with the current city of Carleton-sur-Mer
  8. Not to be confused with the current municipality of Grenville

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 "Modifications aux Municipalités Depuis le 1er Janvier 1991" (PDF). Commission de Toponymie. March 3, 2022. Retrieved August 25, 2022.
  3. Gazette officielle de Québec, 30 avril 1892, pages 1098–1099 ; Gazette officielle de Québec, 30 avril 1892, page 1100.
  4. Statuts de la province de Québec, 22 George V, 1931–1932, chapitre 17, pages 103–105.
  5. Gazette officielle de Québec, 22 janvier 1944, numéro 3, volume 76, pages 325–326.
  6. Gazette officielle de Québec, 20 juin 1953, tome 85, numéro 25, page 2059.
  7. Gazette officielle de Québec, 21 août 1926, pages 2684–2685.
  8. Statuts de la province de Québec, 8 Edward VII, 1908, chapitre 83, pages 248–253.
  9. Gazette officielle de Québec, 10 mai 1930, page 1699.
  10. Statuts de la province de Québec, 3 George VI, 1939, chapitre 10, page 79.
  11. Gazette officielle de Québec, 24 avril 1926, page 1523.
  12. Gazette officielle de Québec, 31 août 1957, tome 89, numéro 35, page 3046.
  13. Statuts de la province de Québec, 1 George V, 2e session, 1911, chapitre 69, pages 200–204.
  14. Statuts de la province de Québec, 7, Edward VII, 1907, chapitre 77, pages 304–309.
  15. Gazette officielle de Québec, 26 juin 1926, pages 2245–2246.
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Statuts de la province de Québec, 1 George V, 1910, chapitre 48, pages 101–138.
  17. 1 2 Statuts de la province de Québec, 7 George V, 1916, chapitre 60, pages 197–210.
  18. Statuts de la province de Québec, 6–7 Elizabeth II, 1957–58, chapitre 58, pages 223–229.
  19. Statuts de la province de Québec, 52 Victoria 1889, chapitre LXXIX, pages 153–248.
  20. Commission Métropolitaine de Montréal, 25 novembre 1924, pages 444–445
  21. Statuts de la province de Québec, 9 Edward VII, 1909, chapitre 81, pages 198–222.
  22. Statuts de la province de Québec, 8 George V, 1918, chapitre 84, pages 197–228.
  23. Statuts de la province de Québec, 47 Victoria, 1884, chapitre XXXV, pages 94–95.
  24. Statuts de la province de Québec, 8 Edward VII, 1908, chapitre 85, pages 255–262.
  25. Statuts de la province de Québec, 49–50 Victoria, 1886, chapitre LIII, pages 145–147.
  26. Livre des règlements de la cité de Montréal, règlement 342, pages 356–359.
  27. Statuts de la province de Québec, 47 Victoria, 1884, chapitre LXXXIX, pages 244–260. Scrutin du 15 janvier 1886.
  28. Statuts de la province de Québec, 9 Edward VII, 1909, chapitre 88, pages 268–270.
  29. Livre des règlements de la cité de Montréal, règlement 350, pages 362–366.
  30. Gazette officielle de Québec, 22 juin 1935, page 2675.
  31. Statuts de la province de Québec, 3 George V, 1912, chapitre 57, pages 159–164.
  32. Livre des règlements de la cité de Montréal, règlement 334, pages 331–332 « Règlement à l’effet d’annexer la Municipalité du Village de Villeray à la Cité de Montréal » « Adopté le 11 septembre 1905. »
  33. Statuts de la province de Québec, 12 George VI, 1948, chapitre 63, pages 255–271.
  34. Gazette officielle de Québec, 29 décembre 1951, tome 83, numéro 52, pages 3506–3507.
  35. Gazette officielle de Québec, 9 avril 1949, tome 81, numéro 14, pages 969–970.
  36. Statuts de la province de Québec, 7 George V, 1916, chapitre 85, pages 307–309.
  37. Gazette officielle de Québec, 28 décembre 1912, page 2730.
  38. Gazette officielle de Québec, 10 juillet 1915, page 1723.
  39. Statuts de la province du Canada, 27 Victoria, 1863, chapitre IX, pages 60–66.
  40. Gazette officielle de Québec, 21 octobre 1944, numéro 42, volume 76, pages 2243–2244.
  41. Statuts de la province de Québec, 5–6 Elizabeth II, 1956–1957, chapitre 90, pages 389–398.
  42. Gazette officielle de Québec, 25 juillet 1931, page 2649.
  43. Gazette officielle de Québec, 30 novembre 1907, pages 1606–1607.
  44. Gazette officielle de Québec, 25 juin 1955, tome 87, numéro 25, pages 1979–1980.
  45. Gazette officielle de Québec, 27 juillet 1901, page 1608.
  46. Gazette officielle de Québec, 12 février 1955, tome 87, numéro 6, pages 645–646.