List of kanji by concept

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This Kanji index method groups together kanji that describe things that deal with the same concept, for example kanji for numbers or kanji for directions.


Kanji with multiple meanings may appear more than once.

Listed in alphabetical order.

Physical Attributes and Properties

Colours ()

black; blue; crimson; / brown; dark blue; gold; green; grey; indigo; orange; pink; red; scarlet; silver; vermilion; violet; white; yellow; brightly coloured.

Form and Shape ()

angle; arc; ball; border, frame; boundary; circle; circular; concave; convex; corner; curve; design, pattern; diagonal; / edge or border; end, tip; 姿 figure; huge; large; line; line, row; line up; long; minute; narrow; pattern; perimeter; / ring, surround; short; side; small; / sphere; tall; wide; width

Miscellaneous properties

clean; / cold; concentrated; 湿 damp; deep; delicate; dilute or thin; dirty; / dry; fat or thick; fine; firm or solid; glossy; heavy; hard; / hot; light (weight); liquid; moist; shallow; sharp; slender; soft; sticky; strong; thick; / warm; weak.

Directions () and Spatial Relationships

Centre; East; North; South; 西 West;
back; between; bottom; distant; down; front; in; inside; interior; left; middle; near; out; outside; rear; right; toward; up; vast.


to come; to depart or to leave; to encircle; / to fall; to go or to perform; to go to; to pass or go beyond; to raise; to return; to reverse; to transport; to travel; to visit;

Numbers ()

0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 100; 1,000; 10,000; 100,000,000; 1,000,000,000,000.

Calculations ()

to add; to consume; to decrease, to subtract; / to divide; to double, times; to halve, split in two; / to increase; to multiply; to reduce, shrink.

Counters ()

counter for animals; counter for animals, birds and rabbits; counter for animals, large; counter for animals, small or insects; counter for articles; counter for bonds or tickets; counter for books; counter for bread, loaves; counter for cupfuls; counter for cylindrical things; counter for flat things; counter for flowers or wheels; counter for footwear, pairs; / counter for houses; counter for machines and vehicles; counter for people; counter for ships; counter for tatami mats; counter for stable structures; miscellaneous counter.

Counting () & Sequence ()

numerical order; first; second; third; ordinal marker.
both; digit; each; every; few; the following; half; many; next; pair; sequence.

Units of Measurement ()

Units of Area: two-mat area (around 3.3 m²); 30 tsubo (99 m2).
Units of Length: Japanese foot (around 30 cm); 1/10 Japanese foot (around 3 cm); (around 0.3 mm); league (around 3.9 km).
Units of Volume: ladle (around 18 ml); (around 1.8 L); (around 18 L); (around 180 L).
Units of Weight: (around 3.75 grams); (around 600 g)

Time ()

after; ahead, previous; antiquity; before; begin; early; end; era; eternity; former; formerly; interval of time; late; long ago; moment, occasion; new now; / number of times; / old; previous time; recent; time, about; time period; a while; young;

Days of the Week ()

Sunday; Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday

Divisions of the Day

clock; daytime; early evening; / evening; hour; minute; morning; night; noon; rising sun; second; / sunrise; sunset.

Divisions of the Year

calendar; day; day of week; month; period of 10 days; week; year;

Seasons ( / )

season, period; Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter



comet; eclipse; heaven, sky; moon; star; sun; universe; void, sky.

Natural Substances

Gas () air; nitrogen; oxygen; steam or vapour.
Liquid () acid or vinegar; fat or resin; oil; water.
Solid () ash; cinnabar; coal; copper; crystal; earth; ground; ice; iron; jewel; lead; metal or gold; mud; ore; pearl or jewel; pig iron; salt; / sand; silver; steel; stone; sulphur; timber or material; tin; zinc.


clear or fine weather; climate; cloud; cloudy; cold; fog; haze; frost; hail; heat; lightning; mist; natural disaster; 𠆭 overcast; rain; rainbow; snow; storm; thunder; wind.
Other Natural Phenomena / blaze or flame; / / dark; dew; earthquake; electricity; fire; flood; fumes or smoke; / light; magnet; shadow; tide; wave; whirlpool;

Land () and Topography

/ boulder or rock; cave; cliff; countryside; desert; ditch; embankment; fertile soil; / / field; foot of mountain; gorge; headland; / / hill; / / mountain or peak; mountain pass; mountain stream or valley; pasture; ravine; rice paddy; slope; valley.
Coastal Geography: bay or gulf; / beach; / cape or promontory; high seas, offshore; island; lagoon; ocean; rapids or shallows; reef; sea; seashore; shore.
Limnology: creek; lake; levee; marsh; pond; river; stream; swamp; water spring; waterfall.

Animals ()

See also Food and Drink

Amphibians frog; / salamander.
Birds () chicken; crane; / crow; dove, pigeon; duck; eagle; egret or heron; hawk; oriole, nightingale, warbler; owl; quail; seagull; sparrow; swallow.
Fish (); et al. amberjack; bullhead ; carp; catfish; cod; crucian carp; eel; / flounder; goby; herring; horse mackerel / scad ; mackerel; minnow; octopus; sea bass ; sea bream; salmon; shark; shellfish; sole ; sardine; stone loach; trout.
Insects (/); et al. ant; bee; beetle; butterfly; / cicada; dragonfly; firefly; mantis; mosquito; moth; silkworm; worm/grub/maggot.
Mammals badger; bat; bear; cat; cow; 鹿 deer; / dog; dolphin; elephant; fox; horse; leopard; lion; livestock; monkey; mouse or rat; otter; orangutan; rabbit; rhinoceros; / pig; / 𠁥 sheep; tanuki ; tiger; weasel; whale; wolf.
Reptiles (蜥蜴) alligator or crocodile; / dragon ; snake; / turtle.
Parts of Animals claw; fang, tusk; feather; fur; horn; tail; wing.

Plants () and Trees ()

See also Food and Drink

bamboo; brier; cedar; cherry; chrysanthemum; cinnamon tree; the cultivation of plants; flax or hemp; flower; forest; grass; grove; horse chestnut; mulberry; peach; pear; persimmon; pine; plum; rice plant; sakura ; wood; vine; willow; wisteria.
Bacteria and Fungi () algae or seaweed; mold; mushroom.
Parts of Plants branch; bud; leaf; petal; root; seedling; stem; tree trunk.

People ()


person (usually with qualifier); people; / / I or me; oneself; oneself; self, ego you; child; child; juvenile; gang or junior;
Male () he; boy, sonny; son, boy; man; old man;
Female () young lady; woman; old woman;

Roles and status

master or husband; husband or man; wife; wife or lady; king; emperor or sovereign; Mikado or emperor; princess; princess; princess, queen; empress; earl, count; lord, marquis; noble rank; man or gentleman; honorable person; honorable man or Han person; boy, high-status man; great man; gentleman; courtesy title; leader; person in charge; supervisor; expert; intermediary; 使 messenger; doctor; friend; colleague; fellow, comrade; guest, customer; guest, VIP; neighbour; servant, fellow; underling; hermit

Family ( / )

name; father; mother; parent; wife, bride; daughter; younger brother; younger sister; older brother; older sister; grandfather; grandmother; ancestor; grandchild; aunt, uncle; aunt, uncle; nephew; niece; 婿 son-in-law, bridegroom; descendants; relatives; marry; matrimony; legitimate wife/family; widow

Groups ()

country; company; faction, group; association, assemble; flock, crowd

Body ()


flesh; blood; vein; muscles; bone; marrow; joint; / / skin; wrinkle; gland

Head () and Neck ()

brain; hair; face; beard; forehead; ear; eye; eyeball; eyebrow; pupil; nose; jaw; mouth; lips; tooth; tongue; cheek; chin; throat; throat;

Torso and organs

torso; back; backbone; backbone; backbone; rib; chest; stomach; stomach; navel; waist; entrails; intestines; heart; lung; liver; pancreas; kidney; gall bladder; anus; vagina

Limbs ()

arm; shoulder; armpit; elbow; hand; fist; finger; nail; palm; buttocks; thighs; leg; leg, foot; knee; ankle; heel

Bodily Functions

birth; give birth; breath; dream 便 faeces; foetus; / pregnant; saliva; / / sleep; sperm; suckle; sweat; / tear; 尿 urine;

Health ()

cancer; corpse; cure; death; diarrhea; / disease; doctor or medicine; drug epidemic; / heal; illness; life; medicine; pain; pill; pox; rest; scar; sick; strength; tired; ulcer; weight loss; wound;


stand up; run; sit; jump; walk; swim; stop

Emotions and Senses ()

Emotions ()

/ adoration or reverence; affection or benevolence; anger; anxiety, annoyance; apprehension; bewilderment; / confusion; comfort; contempt; / delight, joy; desire; disconcerting; dislike; doubt or suspicion; / dread; ecstasy; / / envy, jealousy; / / fear; fun; grief; happy; hate; indignation; jubilation; laughter; like; loneliness; longing, yearning; / love; / melancholy; mood; / ; pride; / regret; remorse; / resentment; / respect; sadness or pity; / shame; surprise; violent excitement; violent rage; worry; / yearning.


to Hear (); listen; sound; quiet;
to See (); blind;
to Smell (); aroma, strong fragrance; bad smell; fragrance; fragrant; pleasant smell; pungent;
to Taste (); bitter; sour; spicy; sweet;
to Feel ();

Judgment ()

bad; correct; / good; reason; / to think.

Food () and Drink ()

See also Animals and Plants

alcoholic drink; barley or wheat; bean; cereal; chestnut; cooked rice, meal; confectionery; dairy products; ear of grain; egg; flour; / fruit; grain; honey; juice, soup; meat; milk; noodles; potato; pickle; rice; rice cake; sake; sugar; sushi ; tea; vegetable; vinegar.

Cooking ()

to bake; to boil, roast; bowl of food; to brew; chopsticks; to fry; to serve alcohol; to steam.

Artificial Structures and Products

Cities ()

capital; capital city; metropolis; city district; town; villa; village; ward.

Buildings () and Structures

base or fort; beam or column; build; building; castle; corridor; courtyard or garden; / door; dormitory; dwelling / roof or shop; / / fence or low wall; fireplace or hearth; garden; gate; / harbour or port; home; house; imposing building; 宿 inn; lawn; monument; 殿 palace; park; pavilion; pedestal; pillar; podium; prison; public building; ridgepole; room; shelf; shop; shrine; station; storage room; storehouse; / temple; / tower; wall; warehouse; well; window; wooden structure.

Roads ()

bridge; crossroads; fork in the road; path or road; router or way; street.

Vehicles () and Machines ()

axle; to board or load; boat; contraption; oceangoing ship; power; to ride; / ship; sides of a boat.

Clothing () and Textiles ()

attire; belt; brocade; collar; 綿 cotton; cuff or hem; fibre; footwear; garment; hat; leather; to sew; shoes; silk; sleeve; to spin or weave; thread; towel; to wear; to weave.

Miscellaneous Manufactured Items

article; axe; bag; basin or tray; basket; bed; / bell; board or disk; board or plate; bottle or jar; / bowl; box; casting; chain; chair; coffin; cord; chopsticks; cup; curtain; desk; dish or plate; fan; fish hook; hinge or pivot; kettle; key; kiln or stove; lacquer; lamp; lid; lock; millstone or mortar; mirror; needle; net; paint; / paper; pillow; pipe; plug or stopper; plumb or spindle; porcelain; pot; pottery; rod; / rope; sail; sickle; skewer; straw bag or sack; string; table; tank; tatami mat; tile; tin can; tool; tray or small table; umbrella; vessel.

Human activities


art; picture, painting; picture; music; musical composition; song; song, noh chant; song; harmony; cithare, harp; flute; drum; clap, beat (music); tune, melody; poetry; recite poetry; haiku; drama, play; festival; school; study, school; student; private school; faculty; teach; study, research; study, research; know; graduate; Confucianism

Language () and Communication

say; speak; voice; tell; discuss; ask; question; answer; recite; read; write; book; text; map, diagram; writing, brush; character; word; words; phrase; written record; publish; document, journal; obituary; message; inform; explain; topic; express; transmit; discourse; lecture; proclaim

Money () and Commerce ()

gold; banknote; yen; currency; wealth; rich; buy; purchase; sell; business, industry; / 貿 trade; marketing; wholesale; pay; cowry (ancient Chinese currency); goods or property; treasure or wealth; product; manufacture; / price; expensive; / cheap; capital; fee or wages; fee; expense; management; employment; work; work, earn; / salary; recompense; bond or debt; savings; / tax; installment or levy; / bribe; gamble

Religion () and the Supernatural World

altar of sacrifice; Buddha; Buddhist nun; Buddhist monk or priest; Buddhist temple; dark or hidden; demon; doctrine or teaching; dragon; evil spirit or oni ; exorcism or purity; goblin or yōkai ; god or [kami]; immortal or sage; phantom; pray; religious sect; sacred; sacrifice; shaman; Shinto shrine ; shrine; sin or taboo; soul; spirit; temple; temple visit; virtue; Yang principle ; Yin principle ; Zen.

Signs of the Zodiac

The four trines of the Chinese-Japanese horoscope:
A. 01. 鼠 (子) Rat – 05. 龍 (辰) Dragon – 09. 猴 (申) Monkey;
B. 02. 牛 (丑) Ox – 06. 蛇 (巳) Snake – 10. 雞 / 鷄 (酉) Rooster;
C. 03. 虎 (寅) Tiger – 07. 馬 (午) Horse – 11. 狗 (戌) Dog;
D. 04. 兔 (卯) Rabbit – 08. 羊 (未) Goat – 12. 豬 (亥) China: Pig Japan: Boar
Note that in Japan the new sign of zodiac starts on January 1, while in China it starts, according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, at the new moon that falls between January 21 and February 20, so that persons born in January or February may have two different signs in the two countries.

War ()

military; / battle; enemy; attack; slash; attack or punish; kill; / attack; beat, assault; beat, attack; cut with a sword; shoot at; raid; conquer; battle formation, camp; barracks;

Soldier ()

Samurai; Ninja or Shinobi; spy; commander; sergeant; military officer; troops; corps; squad, corps;


sword or katana; halberd; spear; sword; shield; armour; bow; arrow; gun; gun or cannon; bomb; bullet; warship;

See also

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