List of law life peerages

Last updated

Peerages and baronetcies of Britain and Ireland
Dukes Dukedoms
Marquesses Marquessates
Earls Earldoms
Viscounts Viscountcies
Barons Baronies
En, Sc, GB, Ir, UK (Law, Life:
1958–1979, 1979–1997, 1997–2010, 2010–2024, 2024–present)
Baronets Baronetcies

This is a list of life peerages in the peerage of the United Kingdom created under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876. On 1 October 2009, the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876 was repealed by Schedule 18 to the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 [1] [2] owing to the creation of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. As a result, the power to create law life peers lapsed, although the validity of life peerages created thereunder remains intact.



Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
16 October 1876 Colin Blackburn Baron Blackburnof Killearn in the County of Stirling 8 January 1896
17 October 1876 Edward GordonBaron Gordon of Drumearnof Drumearn in the County of Stirling 21 August 1879

‡ former MP


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
28 April 1880 William WatsonBaron Watsonof Thankerton in the County of Lanark 14 September 1899
23 June 1882 John FitzGeraldBaron FitzGeraldof Kilmarnock in the County of Dublin 16 October 1889
25 January 1887 Edward MacnaghtenBaron Macnaghtenof Runkerry in the County of Antrim 17 February 1913
5 December 1889 Michael MorrisBaron Morrisof Spiddal in the County of Galway 8 September 1901

‡ former MP


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
28 January 1891 James Hannen Baron Hannenof Burdock in the County of Sussex 29 March 1894
23 September 1893 Charles Bowen Baron Bowenof Colwood in the County of Sussex 10 April 1894
7 May 1894 Charles RussellBaron Russell of Killowenof Killowen in the County of Down 10 August 1900
13 August 1894 Horace DaveyBaron Daveyof Fernhurst in the County of Sussex 20 February 1907
14 November 1899 James Robertson, Lord Robertson ‡§Baron Robertsonof Forteviot in the County of Perth 2 February 1909

‡ former MP
§ former Senator of the College of Justice


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
10 May 1900 Nathaniel Lindley Baron Lindleyof East Carleton in the County of Norfolk 9 December 1921
19 December 1905 John AtkinsonBaron Atkinsonof Glenwilliam in the County of Limerick 13 March 1932
6 March 1907 Richard Collins Baron Collinsof Kensington in the County of London 3 January 1911
22 February 1909 Thomas ShawBaron Shawof Dunfermline in the County of Fife 28 June 1937

‡ former MP


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
7 October 1910 William RobsonBaron Robsonof Jesmond in the County of Northumberland 11 September 1918
1 October 1912 John Fletcher MoultonBaron Moultonof Bank in the County of Southampton 9 March 1921
4 March 1913 Robert Parker Baron Parker of Waddingtonof Waddington in the County of York 12 July 1918
20 October 1913 John Hamilton Baron Sumnerof Ibstone in the County of Buckingham 24 May 1934

‡ former MP


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
1 June 1921 Edward CarsonBaron Carsonof Duncairn in the County of Antrim 22 October 1935
12 October 1923 Robert Younger Baron Blanesburghof Alloa in the County of Clackmannan 17 August 1946
6 February 1928 James Atkin Baron Atkinof Aberdovey in the County of Merioneth 25 June 1944
11 February 1929 Thomas Tomlin Baron Tomlinof Ash in the County of Kent 13 August 1935
1 May 1929 William Watson [3] Baron Thankertonof Thankerton in the County of Lanark 13 June 1948
18 November 1929 Frank Russell [4] Baron Russell of Killowenof Killowen in the County of Down 20 December 1946

‡ former MP


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
3 February 1930 Hugh Macmillan Baron Macmillanof Aberfeldy in the County of Perth 5 September 1952
11 April 1932 Robert Wright Baron Wrightof Durley in the County of Wiltshire 27 June 1964
7 October 1935 Frederic Maugham Baron Maughamof Hartfield in the County of Sussex 23 March 1958
14 October 1935 Adair Roche Baron Rocheof Chadlington in the County of Oxford 22 December 1956
5 January 1938 Mark Romer Baron Romerof New Romney in the County of Kent 19 August 1944
28 March 1938 Samuel Porter Baron Porterof Longfield in the County of Tyrone 13 February 1956


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
18 April 1944 Gavin Simonds Baron Simondsof Sparsholt in the County of Southampton 28 June 1971
19 July 1944 Rayner Goddard Baron Goddardof Aldbourne in the County of Wiltshire 29 May 1971
9 January 1946 Augustus Uthwatt Baron Uthwattof Lathbury in the County of Buckingham 24 April 1949
5 February 1946 Herbert du Parcq Baron du Parcqof Grouville in the Island of Jersey 27 April 1949
6 January 1947 Wilfrid Normand, Lord Normand ‡§Baron Normandof Aberdour in the County of Fife 5 October 1962
18 April 1947 Fergus Morton Baron Morton of Henrytonof Henryton in the County of Ayr 18 July 1973
23 April 1947 John MacDermott Baron MacDermottof Belmont in the City of Belfast 13 July 1979
6 October 1948 James ReidBaron Reidof Drem in the County of East Lothian 29 March 1975
1 June 1949 Cyril Radcliffe Baron Radcliffeof Werneth in the County Palatine of Lancaster 1 April 1977

‡ former MP
§ former Senator of the College of Justice


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
29 September 1950 James Tucker Baron Tuckerof Great Bookham in the County of Surrey 17 November 1975
23 April 1951 Cyril Asquith [5] Baron Asquith of Bishopstoneof Bishopstone in the County of Sussex 24 August 1954
12 November 1951 Lionel Cohen Baron Cohenof Walmer in the County of Kent 9 May 1973
4 November 1953 James Keith, Lord Keith §Baron Keith of Avonholmof St. Bernard's in the City of Edinburgh 29 June 1964
4 October 1954 Donald SomervellBaron Somervell of Harrowof Ewelme in the County of Oxford 18 November 1960
24 April 1957 Alfred Denning Baron Denningof Whitchurch in the County of Southampton 5 March 1999
6 April 1959 David Jenkins Baron Jenkinsof Ashley Gardens in the City of Westminster 21 July 1969

‡ former MP
§ former Senator of the College of Justice


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
7 January 1960 John Morris Baron Morris of Borth-y-Gestof Borth-y-Gest in the County of Caernarvon 9 June 1979
1 October 1960 Charles Hodson Baron Hodsonof Rotherfield Greys in the County of Oxford 11 March 1984
20 January 1961 Christopher Guest, Lord Guest §Baron Guestof Graden in the County of Berwick 25 September 1984
11 October 1961 Patrick Devlin Baron Devlinof West Wick in the County of Wilts 9 August 1992
19 April 1962 Edward Pearce Baron Pearceof Sweethaws in the County of Sussex 26 November 1990
26 November 1963 Gerald Upjohn Baron Upjohnof Little Tey in the County of Essex 27 January 1971
11 January 1964 Terence DonovanBaron Donovanof Winchester in the County of Southampton 12 December 1971
1 October 1964 Richard Wilberforce Baron Wilberforceof the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull 15 February 2003
18 February 1965 Colin Pearson Baron Pearsonof Minnedosa in Canada
and of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
31 January 1980
30 September 1968 Kenneth Diplock Baron Diplockof Wansford in the County of Huntingdon and Peterborough 14 October 1985

‡ former MP
§ former Senator of the College of Justice


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
12 March 1971 Geoffrey Cross Baron Cross of Chelseaof the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 4 August 1989
4 October 1971 James Shaw, Lord Kilbrandon §Baron Kilbrandonof Kilbrandon in the County of Argyll 10 September 1989
10 January 1972 Cyril Salmon Baron Salmonof Sandwich in the County of Kent 7 November 1991
1 October 1974 Edmund Davies Baron Edmund-Daviesof Aberpennar in the County of Mid Glamorgan 26 December 1992
13 January 1975 Ian Fraser, Lord Fraser §Baron Fraser of Tullybeltonof Bankfoot in the County of Perth 17 February 1989
30 September 1975 Charles Ritchie Russell [6] Baron Russell of Killowenof Killowen in the County of Down 23 June 1986
10 January 1977 Henry Keith, Lord Keith [7] §Baron Keith of Kinkelof Strathtummel in the District of Perth and Kinross 21 June 2002
30 September 1977 Leslie Scarman Baron Scarmanof Quatt in the County of Salop 8 December 2004
28 September 1979 Geoffrey Lane Baron Laneof St. Ippollitts in the County of Hertfordshire 22 August 2005

§ former Senator of the College of Justice


Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
15 April 1980 Eustace Roskill Baron Roskillof Newtown in the County of Hampshire 4 October 1996
29 September 1980 Nigel Bridge Baron Bridge of Harwichof Harwich in the County of Essex 20 November 2007
24 September 1981 Henry Brandon Baron Brandon of Oakbrookof Hammersmith in Greater London 24 March 1999
12 March 1982 John Brightman Baron Brightmanof Ibthorpe in the County of Hampshire 6 February 2006
30 September 1982 Sydney Templeman Baron Templemanof White Lackington in the County of Somerset 4 June 2014
23 May 1985 Hugh Griffiths [8] Baron Griffithsof Govilon in the County of Gwent 30 May 2015
30 January 1986 Desmond Ackner Baron Acknerof Sutton in the County of West Sussex 21 March 2006
31 January 1986 Peter Oliver Baron Oliver of Aylmertonof Aylmerton in the County of Norfolk 17 October 2007
9 February 1986 Robert Goff Baron Goff of Chieveleyof Chieveley in the Royal County of Berkshire 14 August 2016
9 February 1988 Charles Jauncey, Lord Jauncey §Baron Jauncey of Tullichettleof Comrie in the District of Perth and Kinross 18 July 2007

§ former Senator of the College of Justice


  Living but left the House of Lords
Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of retirement
(if applicable)
Date of extinction
(if applicable)
1 October 1991 Nick Browne-Wilkinson Baron Browne-Wilkinsonof Camden in the London Borough of Camden 1 March 2016 [9] 25 July 2018
10 January 1992 Michael Mustill Baron Mustillof Pateley Bridge in the County of North Yorkshire 24 April 2015
11 March 1992 Gordon Slynn Baron Slynn of Hadleyof Eggington in the County of Bedfordshire 7 April 2009
1 October 1992 Harry Woolf [a] Baron Woolfof Barnes in the London Borough of Richmond
1 October 1993 Tony Lloyd [b] Baron Lloyd of Berwickof Ludlay in the County of East Sussex 27 March 2015 [9] 8 December 2024
11 January 1994 Michael Nolan Baron Nolanof Brasted in the County of Kent 22 January 2007
3 October 1994 Donald Nicholls [c] Baron Nicholls of Birkenheadof Stoke D'Abernon in the County of Surrey 3 April 2017 [9] 25 September 2019
11 January 1995 Johan Steyn [b] Baron Steynof Swafield in the County of Norfolk 28 November 2017
21 February 1995 Lennie Hoffmann [c] Baron Hoffmannof Chedworth in the County of Gloucestershire
1 October 1996 James Clyde, Lord Clyde §Baron Clydeof Briglands in Perth and Kinross 6 March 2009
6 January 1997 Brian Hutton [b] Baron Huttonof Bresagh in the County of Down 23 April 2018 [9] 14 July 2020
28 July 1997 Mark Saville [d] Baron Saville of Newdigateof Newdigate in the County of Surrey 20 June 2024 [9]
1 October 1998 John Hobhouse Baron Hobhouse of Woodboroughof Woodborough in the County of Wiltshire 15 March 2004
1 October 1998 Peter Millett Baron Millettof St Marylebone in the City of Westminster 4 May 2017 [9] 27 May 2021
12 January 1999 Nick Phillips [e] Baron Phillips of Worth Matraversof Belsize Park in the London Borough of Camden

§ former Senator of the College of Justice


  Living but left the House of Lords
Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of retirement
(if applicable)
Date of extinction
(if applicable)
17 July 2000 Richard Scott [b] Baron Scott of Foscoteof Foscote in the County of Buckinghamshire 21 December 2016 [9]
1 October 2002 Robert Walker [d] Baron Walker of Gestingthorpeof Gestingthorpe in the County of Essex 17 March 2021 [9] 16 November 2023
12 January 2004 Brenda Hale [f] Baroness Hale of Richmondof Easby in the County of North Yorkshire
12 January 2004 Robert Carswell [b] Baron Carswellof Killeen in the County of Down 29 October 2019 [9] 4 May 2023
13 January 2004 Simon Brown [d] Baron Brown of Eaton-under-Heywoodof Eaton-under-Heywood in the County of Shropshire 19 June 2023 [9] 7 July 2023
3 October 2005 Jonathan Mance [g] Baron Manceof Frognal in the London Borough of Camden
11 January 2007 David Neuberger [e] Baron Neuberger of Abbotsburyof Abbotsbury in the County of Dorset
21 April 2009 Lawrence Collins [d] Baron Collins of Mapesburyof Hampstead Town in the London Borough of Camden
29 June 2009 Brian Kerr Baron Kerr of Tonaghmoreof Tonaghmore in the County of Down 1 December 2020

Law life peers subsequently created hereditary peers

Law LordLife PeerageDateHereditary PeerageDateNotes
Michael MorrisBaron Morris5 December 1889 Baron Killanin 15 June 1900Extant
Thomas ShawBaron Shaw20 February 1909 Baron Craigmyle 7 March 1929Extant
John Hamilton Baron Sumner20 Oct 1913Viscount Sumner31 January 1927Extinct at his death 1930
Frederic Maugham Baron Maugham7 October 1935 Viscount Maugham 22 September 1939Extinct at death of 2nd Viscount 1981
Gavin Simonds Baron Simonds18 Apr 1944Baron Simonds24 Jun 1952Extinct at his death 1971
Viscount Simonds18 Oct 1954
Cyril Radcliffe Baron Radcliffe1 June 1949Viscount Radcliffe11 Jul 1962Extinct at his death 1977

‡ former MP

Other peers who served as Law Lords

Hereditary peers

Law LordTitleCreatedBecame Law LordNote
George CaveViscount Cave14 November 191815 January 1919Extinct at his death 1928
Geoffrey Lawrence Baron Oaksey 13 January 194715 April 1947Extant
Wilfrid Greene Baron Greene16 July 19411 June 1949Extinct at his death 1952
Raymond Evershed Baron Evershed20 January 195619 April 1962Extinct at his death 1966
Reginald Manningham-BullerBaron Dilhorne17 July 19629 June 1969Extant
Viscount Dilhorne 7 December 1964

‡ former MP

Peers created under the Life Peerages Act 1958

NameTitleTerritorial qualificationCreatedBecame Law LordDate of extinction
(if applicable)
Jack SimonBaron Simon of Glaisdaleof Glaisdale in the North Riding of the County of York 5 February 197119 April 19717 May 2006
James Mackay Baron Mackay of Clashfernof Eddrachillis in the District of Sutherland 6 July 19791 October 1985
David Hope Baron Hope of Craigheadof Bamff in the District of Perth and Kinross28 February 19951 October 1996
Robin Cooke Baron Cooke of Thorndonof Wellington in New Zealand,
and of Cambridge in the county of Cambridgeshire
3 April 19968 May 199630 August 2006
Tom Bingham Baron Bingham of Cornhillof Boughrood in the County of Powys 4 June 19966 June 200011 September 2010
Alan Rodger Baron Rodger of Earlsferryof Earlsferry in the District of North East Fife29 April 19921 October 200126 June 2011

‡ former MP

List of Lords of Appeal in Ordinary

This is a complete list of people who have been appointed a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary under the terms of the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876. On 1 October 2009, the Lords Appeal in Ordinary became the first Justices of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

Those appointees who were not already members of the House of Lords were created life peers; for their titles see above. Initially it was intended that peers created in this way would only sit in the House of Lords while serving their term as judges, but in 1887 (on the retirement of Lord Blackburn) the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1887 provided that former judges would retain their seats for life. Under the terms of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, which transferred the judicial functions of the House of Lords to the new Supreme Court, previous Law Lords who were transferred to the Supreme Court do not have the right to speak and vote in the House until they leave office. [10] [11]

NameServed fromServed untilReasonPrevious judicial officeNotes
Lord Blackburn 16 October 18766 January 1887RetiredPuisne Justice, Queen's Bench Division
Lord Gordon of Drumearn 17 October 187621 August 1879Died in officeNone
Lord Watson 28 April 188014 September 1899Died in officeNone
Lord FitzGerald 23 June 188216 October 1889Died in officePuisne Justice, Queen's Bench Division, Ireland
Lord Macnaghten 25 January 18871910RetiredNone
Lord Morris 5 December 188910 May 1900Retired Lord Chief Justice of Ireland
Lord Hannen 28 January 189115 August 1893Retired President of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division
Lord Bowen 23 September 189310 April 1894Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Russell of Killowen 7 May 18942 July 1894Appointed Lord Chief Justice of England None
Lord Davey 13 August 189420 February 1907Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Robertson 14 November 18992 February 1909Died in office Lord President of the Court of Session
Lord Lindley 10 May 19002 December 1905Retired Master of the Rolls
Lord Atkinson 19051928RetiredNone
Lord Collins 19071910Retired Master of the Rolls
Lord Shaw 19091929RetiredNone
Lord Robson 19101912RetiredNone
Lord Moulton 19121921Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Parker of Waddington 19131918Died in officeJustice, Chancery Division, High Court of Justice
Lord Sumner 19131930Retired Lord Justice of Appeal Created Viscount Sumner in 1927
Lord Dunedin 19131932Retired Lord President of the Court of Session Created Viscount Dunedin in 1926
Viscount Cave 19181922Appointed Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain None
Lord Carson 19211929RetiredNone
Lord Blanesburgh 19231937Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Atkin 19281944Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Tomlin 19291935Died in officeJustice, Chancery Division, High Court of Justice
Lord Russell of Killowen 19291946Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Thankerton 19291948Died in officeNone
Lord Macmillan 19301939Appointed Minister of Information None
Lord Wright 19321935Appointed Master of the Rolls Justice, King's Bench Division, High Court of Justice
Lord Maugham 19351938Appointed Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Roche 19351938Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Wright 19371947Retiredpreviously served 1932–1935
Lord Romer 19381944Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Porter 19381954RetiredJustice, King's Bench Division, High Court of Justice
Viscount Maugham 19391941Retiredpreviously served 1935–1938
Lord Macmillan 19411947Retired Lords of Appeal in Ordinary Previously served 1930–1939
Lord Simonds 19441951Appointed Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain Puisne Justice, Chancery Division
Lord Goddard 19441946Appointed Lord Chief Justice of England Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Uthwatt 19461949Died in office
Lord du Parcq 19461949Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord MacDermott 19471951Appointed Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland Puisne Justice, High Court, Northern Ireland
Lord Normand 19471953Retired Lord President of the Court of Session
Lord Oaksey 19471957Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Morton of Henryton 19471959Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Reid 19481975Died in officeNoneSenior Law Lord 1959–1975
Lord Greene 19491950Retired Master of the Rolls
Lord Radcliffe 19491964RetiredNoneCreated Viscount Radcliffe in 1962
Lord Tucker 19501961Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Asquith of Bishopstone 19511954Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Cohen 19511960Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Keith of Avonholm 19531961Retired Senator of the College of Justice
Lord Somervell of Harrow 19541960Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Viscount Simonds 19541962RetiredPreviously served 1944–1951
Lord Denning 19571962Appointed Master of the Rolls Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Jenkins 19591963Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest 19601973Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Hodson 19601971Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Guest 19611971Retired Senator of the College of Justice
Lord Devlin 19611964Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Pearce 19621969Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Evershed 19621965Retired Master of the Rolls
Lord Upjohn 19631971Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Donovan 19631971Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Wilberforce 19641982RetiredPuisne Justice, Chancery Division Senior Law Lord 1975–1982
Lord Pearson 19651974Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Diplock 19681985Died in office Lord Justice of Appeal Senior Law Lord 1982–1984
Viscount Dilhorne 19691980Retired Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
Lord Cross of Chelsea 19711975Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Simon of Glaisdale 19711977Retired President of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division
Lord Kilbrandon 19711977Retired Senator of the College of Justice
Lord Salmon 19721980Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Edmund-Davies 19741981Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Fraser of Tullybelton 19751985Retired Senator of the College of Justice Senior Law Lord 1984–1985
Lord Russell of Killowen 19751982Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Keith of Kinkel 19771996Retired Senator of the College of Justice Senior Law Lord 1986–1996
Lord Scarman 19771986Retired Lord Justice of Appeal Senior Law Lord 1985–1986
Lord Lane 19791980Appointed Lord Chief Justice of England Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Roskill 19801986Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Bridge of Harwich 19801992Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Brandon of Oakbrook 19811991Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Brightman 19821986Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Templeman 19821994Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Griffiths 19851993Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Mackay of Clashfern 19851987Appointed Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain Senator of the College of Justice
Lord Ackner 19861992Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Goff of Chieveley 19861998Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
  • Second Senior Law Lord 1994–1996
  • Senior Law Lord 1996–1998
Lord Oliver of Aylmerton 19861992Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle 19881996Retired Senator of the College of Justice
Lord Lowry 19881994Retired Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland
Lord Browne-Wilkinson 19912000Retired Vice-Chancellor Senior Law Lord 1998–2000
Lord Mustill 19921997Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Slynn of Hadley 19922002RetiredJudge, European Court of Justice Second Senior Law Lord 2000–2002
Lord Woolf 19921996Appointed Master of the Rolls Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Lloyd of Berwick 19931999Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Nolan 19941998Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead 19942007Retired Vice-Chancellor
Lord Steyn 19952005Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Hoffmann 199520 April 2009Retired Lord Justice of Appeal Second Senior Law Lord 2007–2009
Lord Cooke of Thorndon 19962001RetiredPresident of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand
Lord Hope of Craighead 199631 August 2009Became Deputy President of the Supreme Court Lord President of the Court of Session Second Senior Law Lord 2009
Lord Clyde 19962001Retired Senator of the College of Justice
Lord Hutton 19972004Retired Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland
Lord Saville of Newdigate 199731 August 2009Became Justice of the Supreme Court Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Hobhouse of Woodborough 19982004Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Millett 19982004Retired Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers 19992000Appointed Master of the Rolls Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Bingham of Cornhill 20002008Retired Lord Chief Justice of England Senior Law Lord 2000–2008
Lord Scott of Foscote 200031 August 2009Retired Vice-Chancellor
Lord Rodger of Earlsferry 200131 August 2009Became Justice of the Supreme Court Lord President of the Court of Session
Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe 200231 August 2009Became Justice of the Supreme Court Lord Justice of Appeal
Lady Hale of Richmond 200431 August 2009Became Justice of the Supreme Court Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Carswell 200428 June 2009Retired Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland
Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood 200431 August 2009Became Justice of the Supreme Court Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Mance 200531 August 2009Became Justice of the Supreme Court Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury 200731 August 2009Appointed Master of the Rolls Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers 200831 August 2009Became President of the Supreme Court
  • Previously served 1999–2000
  • Senior Law Lord 2008–2009
Lord Collins of Mapesbury 21 April 200931 August 2009Became Justice of the Supreme Court Lord Justice of Appeal
Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore 29 June 200931 August 2009Became Justice of the Supreme Court Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland

See also



