Lists of disasters

Last updated

Sinking of the RMS Titanic, 1912 Stower Titanic.jpg
Sinking of the RMS Titanic, 1912
Starvation in Bengal, 1943 Bengal famine 1943 photo.jpg
Starvation in Bengal, 1943
Tenerife airport disaster, 1977 Het verongelukte KLM-toestel De Rijn, Bestanddeelnr 929-1003 (cropped).jpg
Tenerife airport disaster, 1977
Bhopal Gas Tragedy, 1984 Union Carbide pesticide factory, Bhopal, India, 1985.jpg
Bhopal Gas Tragedy, 1984
Oil in Gulf of Mexico, 2010 Gulf-Oiled-Pelicans-June-3-2010.jpg
Oil in Gulf of Mexico, 2010
Tohoku Earthquake, 2011 SH-60B helicopter flies over Sendai.jpg
Tōhoku Earthquake, 2011
Grounding of Costa Concordia, 2012 Collision of Costa Concordia 27.jpg
Grounding of Costa Concordia, 2012
Moore Tornado, 2013 A neighborhood in Moore, Okla., lies in ruins May 21, 2013, after an EF5 tornado struck the area the day before 130521-Z-BB392-977.jpg
Moore Tornado, 2013

The following are lists of disasters.

Natural disasters

A natural disaster is the highly harmful impact on a society or community following a natural hazard event. These lists are lists of natural disasters:


Disasters caused by accidental human action

These are lists of disasters caused by accidental human action.




Disasters caused by deliberate human action

These are lists of disasters caused by deliberate human action or public endangerment or culpable negligence.

By location
