List of historical tropical cyclone names

Last updated

Tropical cyclones are named for historical reasons and so as to avoid confusion when communicating with the public, as more than one tropical cyclone can exist at a time. Names are drawn in order from predetermined lists. They are usually assigned to tropical cyclones with one-, three-, or ten-minute windspeeds of at least 65 km/h (40 mph). However, standards vary from basin to basin, with some tropical depressions named in the western Pacific whilst tropical cyclones have to have gale-force winds occurring more than halfway around the center within the Australian and southern Pacific regions.


The official practice of naming tropical cyclones started in 1945 within the western Pacific. Naming continued through the next few years, and in 1950, names also started to be assigned to tropical storms forming in the northern Atlantic Ocean. In the Atlantic, names were originally taken from the World War II version of the phonetic alphabet, but this was changed in 1953 to use lists of women's names which were created yearly. Around this time naming of tropical cyclones also began within the southern and central parts of the Pacific. However naming did not begin in the eastern Pacific until 1969, with the original naming lists designed to be used year after year in sequence. In 1960, naming also began in the southwestern Indian Ocean, and in 1963 the Philippine Meteorological Service started assigning names to tropical cyclones that moved into or formed in their area of responsibility. Later in 1963, warning centers within the Australian region also commenced naming tropical cyclones. In 2004, the India Meteorological Department began naming cyclones that formed in the northern Indian Ocean, and in 2011, the Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center started using a naming list to name tropical cyclones over the southern Atlantic Ocean.

North Atlantic

By 1950, tropical cyclones that were judged by the US Weather Bureau to have intensified into a tropical storm started to be assigned names. [1] [2] Storms were originally named in alphabetical order using the World War II version of the Phonetic Alphabet. [1] By 1952 a new phonetic alphabet had been developed and this led to confusion as some parties wanted to use the newer phonetic alphabet. [1] In 1953, to alleviate any confusion, forecasters decided to use a set of 23 feminine names. [1] [2] After the 1953 Atlantic hurricane season, public reception to the idea seemed favorable, so the same list was adopted for the next year with one change: Gilda for Gail. [1] However, after storms like Carol and Hazel got a lot of publicity during the 1954 season, forecasters agreed to develop a new set of names for 1955. [1] However, before this could happen, a tropical storm was declared significant on January 2, 1955, and was named as Alice. [1] The new set of names were developed and used in 1955 beginning with Brenda continuing through the alphabet to Zelda. [1] For each season before 1960, a new set of names was developed. [1] In 1960 forecasters decided to begin rotating names in a regular sequence and thus four alphabetical lists were established to be repeated every four years. [3] The sets followed the example of the western Pacific typhoon naming lists and excluded names beginning with the letters Q, U, X, Y and Z. [3] These four lists were used until 1972 when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) replaced them with 9 lists designed to be used from 1972. [3] Also in 1972, subtropical cyclones began receiving names from a separate naming list using the NATO phonetic alphabet. The policy at that time indicated that if a subtropical storm transitioned into a fully tropical system it would receive a second name from the main list, as seen with Hurricane Fran in 1973, which was initially referred to as Subtropical Storm Bravo. This practice was later discontinued after the 1973 season, with subtropical storms receiving numbers rather than names. [4] In 1977, NOAA made the decision to relinquish control over the name selection by allowing a regional committee of the World Meteorological Organization to select the new sets of names, which would contain male names and some Spanish and French names, in order to reflect all the cultures and languages within the Atlantic Ocean. [2] [3] The World Meteorological Organization decided that the new lists of hurricane name would start to be used in 1979. [2] [3] Since 1979 the same lists have been used, but with names of significant tropical cyclones removed from the lists and replaced with new names. [2] In 2002, subtropical cyclones started to be assigned names from the main list of names set up for that year. In 2005 and 2020, as all the names pre-selected for the season were exhausted, the contingency plan of using letters from the Greek alphabet as names had to be used. [5] The original WMO policy of naming storms with Greek letters stated that if a storm was destructive enough to warrant retirement of the name, the Greek letter would be used again, but the name, with the year after it, would be included in the list of retired names; for example, "Alpha (2005)" would be listed under retired names, but Alpha could still be used again in later seasons. However, following the devastation wrought by hurricanes Eta and Iota in 2020, the former policy was rejected, and it was decided that Eta and Iota would be permanently retired, and that the Greek alphabet would be discontinued and replaced with an auxiliary name list, [6] which has not yet been used.

Names used between 1950 and 1964

1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964
Able Able Able Alice Alice Alice Anna Audrey Alma Arlene Abby Anna Alma Arlene Abby
Baker BakerBaker Barbara BarbaraBrenda Betsy BerthaBeckyBeulah Brenda BetsyBeckyBeulahBrenda
Charlie Charlie Charlie Carol Carol Connie CarlaCarrieCleo Cindy Cleo Carla Celia Cindy Cleo
Dog DogDogDollyDolly Diane DoraDebbieDaisy Debra Donna Debbie Daisy Debra Dora
Easy EasyEasyEdna Edna EdithEthelEsther Ella Edith Ethel Esther Ella Edith Ethel
FoxFox Fox Florence FlorenceFlora Flossy FriedaFifiFloraFlorenceFrances Flora Florence
GeorgeGeorgeGailGildaGladys Greta Gerda Gracie Gerda Ginny Gladys
How How Hazel Hazel Hilda Helene Hannah Hattie Helena Hilda
ItemItemIrene Ione IlsaIreneInga Isbell
JigJig Janet JaniceJudithJenny
King Katie
References: [1] [3]

Names used between 1965 and 1979

1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
Anna Alma Arlene Abby Anna Alma Arlene Alpha Alice Alma Amy Anna Anita Amelia Ana
Betsy Becky Beulah BrendaBlanche Becky Beth Agnes AlfaBeckyBlanche Belle Babe Bess Bob
CarolCeliaChloe Candy Camille Celia ChloeBetty
Brenda Carmen Caroline CandiceClara Cora Claudette
Debbie Dorothy Doria Dolly Debbie Dorothy Doria Carrie Christine DollyDoris Dottie Dorothy Debra David
ElenaEllaEdithEdnaEve Ella Edith Dawn Delia Elaine Eloise Emmy Evelyn Ella Elena
Faith FernFrances Francelia Felice Fern CharlieEllen Fifi FayeFrancesFriedaFlossie Frederic
GretaGinger Gladys Gerda Greta Ginger Delta Fran
Gertrude Gladys Gloria Greta Gloria
HallieHeidiHollyHeidi Gilda HallieHollyHope Henri
Inez Inga Irene Irma
LoisLaurie Laura
References: [3] [7]

Names used between 1980 and 1994

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
Allen Arlene Alberto Alicia ArthurAnaAndrew Arlene Alberto Allison ArthurAna Andrew Arlene Alberto
Bonnie Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bob Bonnie Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bob Bonnie Bret Beryl
CharleyCindy Chris ChantalCesarClaudette Charley Cindy Chris Chantal CesarClaudetteCharley Cindy Chris
Danielle Dennis Debby Dean Diana Danny Danielle Dennis Debby Dean Diana Danny Danielle Dennis Debby
EarlEmilyErnestoEdouard Elena Earl Emily ErnestoErinEdouardErikaEarl Emily Ernesto
FrancesFloydFranFabianFrances Floyd Florence FelixFran Fabian FrancesFloyd Florence
GeorgesGertGustav Gloria Gilbert Gabrielle Gustav Grace Gert Gordon
Hermine HarveyHortenseHenriHelene Hugo HortenseHarvey
IvanIrene Isidore IsabelIsaacIrisIsidore
Jeanne Jose Josephine Juan Joan Jerry Josephine
Karl Katrina Klaus Kate Keith Karen Klaus
Lili Lili
References: [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Names used between 1995 and 2008

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Allison Arthur AnaAlexArlene Alberto Allison Arthur Ana Alex Arlene Alpha Alberto Andrea Arthur
Barry Bertha Bill Bonnie Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bill Bonnie Bret Beta Beryl Barry Bertha
Chantal Cesar Claudette Charley CindyChris Chantal Cristobal Claudette Charley Cindy Gamma Chris Chantal Cristobal
Dean Dolly Danny Danielle Dennis Debby Dean DollyDanny Danielle Dennis Delta Debby Dean Dolly
Erin Edouard Erika Earl EmilyErnesto Erin Edouard Erika Earl Emily Epsilon Ernesto Erin Edouard
Felix Fran Fabian Frances Floyd Florence Felix Fay Fabian Frances Franklin Zeta Florence Felix Fay
Gabrielle GustavGrace Georges Gert Gordon Gabrielle Gustav Grace Gaston Gert Gordon Gabrielle Gustav
Humberto Hortense Hermine Harvey Helene Humberto Hanna Henri Hermine Harvey Helene Humberto Hanna
Iris IsidoreIvan Irene Isaac Iris Isidore Isabel Ivan Irene Isaac Ingrid Ike
Jerry Josephine Jeanne Jose Joyce Jerry Josephine Juan Jeanne Jose JerryJosephine
KarenKyleKarl Katrina Keith Karen Kyle Kate Karl Katrina Karen Kyle
Luis Lili Lisa Lenny Leslie Lorenzo Lili Larry LisaLee Lorenzo Laura
Marilyn Marco Mitch Michael Michelle Mindy Matthew Maria Melissa Marco
NoelNicoleNadineNoel Nicholas Nicole Nate Noel Nana
Opal Olga Odette Otto Ophelia Olga Omar
PabloPeterPhilippe Paloma
Roxanne Rita
Sebastien Stan
Tanya Tammy
References: [5] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]

Names used between 2009 and 2022

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Ana Alex Arlene Alberto Andrea Arthur Ana Alex Arlene Alberto Andrea Arthur Alpha Ana Alex
Bill Bonnie Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bill Bonnie Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Beta Bill Bonnie
Claudette Colin CindyChrisChantalCristobalClaudette Colin Cindy ChrisChantal Cristobal Gamma Claudette Colin
Danny Danielle Don Debby DorianDolly Danny DanielleDonDebby Dorian Dolly Delta Danny Danielle
Erika Earl Emily Ernesto ErinEdouard Erika Earl Emily ErnestoErinEdouard Epsilon Elsa Earl
Fred FionaFranklinFlorence Fernand Fay Fred Fiona Franklin Florence Fernand Fay Zeta Fred Fiona
Grace GastonGertGordonGabrielle Gonzalo GraceGaston Gert Gordon GabrielleGonzalo Eta Grace Gaston
Henri Hermine Harvey HeleneHumbertoHannaHenri Hermine Harvey Helene Humberto Hanna Theta Henri Hermine
Ida Igor Irene Isaac Ingrid IdaIan Irma Isaac Imelda Isaias Iota Ida Ian
Julia JoseJoyceJerry Joaquin Julia Jose JoyceJerryJosephineJulian Julia
Karl Katia KirkKaren Kate Karl Katia Kirk Karen KyleKateKarl
Lisa Lee Leslie LorenzoLisaLee Leslie Lorenzo Laura Larry Lisa
Matthew Maria MichaelMelissa Matthew Maria Michael Melissa Marco Mindy Martin
Nicole Nate Nadine Nicole Nate Nadine Nestor Nana Nicholas Nicole
Otto Ophelia Oscar Otto Ophelia Oscar Olga OmarOdette
Paula PhilippePatty Philippe Pablo Paulette Peter
Richard Rina Rafael RinaRebekahReneRose
Shary Sean Sandy Sebastien Sally Sam
Tomas Tony Teddy Teresa
Wilfred Wanda
[24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]

Names used between 2023 and 2024

2023 2024
Arlene Alberto
Bret Beryl
Cindy Chris
Don Debby
Emily Ernesto
Franklin Francine
Harold Helene
Idalia Isaac
Katia Kirk
Lee Leslie
Margot Milton
Nigel Nadine
Ophelia Oscar
Philippe Patty
Rina Rafael
Sean Sara
References: [32]

Eastern North Pacific

Within the Eastern Pacific basin between the western coasts of the Americas and 140°W the naming of tropical cyclones started in 1960, with four lists of female names initially designed to be used consecutively before being repeated. [33] [34] In 1965 after two lists of names had been used, it was decided to return to the top of the second list and start recycling the sets of names on an annual basis. [34] [35] In 1977, after protests by various women's rights groups, NOAA made the decision to relinquish control over the name selection by allowing a regional committee of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to select new sets of names. [3] The WMO selected six lists of names which contained male names and rotated every six years. [3] They also decided that the new lists of hurricane name would start to be used in 1978 which was a year earlier than the Atlantic. [36] Since 1978 the same lists of names have been used, with names of significant tropical cyclones removed from the lists and replaced with new names. [34] As in the Atlantic basin should the names preselected for the season be exhausted, the contingency plan of using Greek letters for names would be used. [34] [37] However unlike in the Atlantic basin the contingency plan has never had to be used, although in 1985 to avoid using the contingency plan, the letters X, Y, and Z were added to the lists. [37] Since the contingency plan had to be used in the North Atlantic during 2005 there have been a few attempts to get rid of the Greek names as they are seen to be inconsistent with the standard naming convention used for tropical cyclones and are generally unknown and confusing to the public. In wake of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season with Hurricane Iota and Hurricane Eta the World Meteorological Organization decided to stop using the Greek letter naming system in the Eastern Pacific as well despite never being used in the basin, it was replaced with a new supplemental naming system different from the Atlantic's list. [6]

Names used between 1960 and 1974

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
AnnetteIvaValerieEmilyNatalieVictoriaAdeleAgathaAnnetteAvaAdeleAgathaAnnette Ava Aletta
BonnyJoanneWillaFlorenceOdessaWallieBlancaBridgetBonnyBerniceBlanca Bridget BonnyBerniceBlanca
CelesteKathleenAvaGlendaPrudenceAvaConnieCarlottaCelesteClaudiaConnieCarlotta Celeste ClaudiaConnie
DianaLizaBerniceHazelRoslynBerniceDoloresDeniseDianaDoreenDoloresDeniseDianaDoreen Dolores
Simone Hazel JoyceJewelJoanneJenniferJoyceJewel Joanne JenniferJoyce
Tara KirstenKatrinaKathleenKristenKatrinaKathleenKatherineKirsten
LorraineLily Liza Lorraine Lily LizaLillianLorraine
Nanette Naomi Norma NanetteNorma
OliviaOrlaOrlene Olivia Orlene
Priscilla Pauline PatriciaPriscillaPatricia
References: [35] [ citation needed ]

Names used between 1975 and 1989

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
CarlottaCelesteClaudiaCarlottaCarlosCeliaCalvinCarlottaCosmeCristinaCarlosCeliaCalvinCarlotta Cosme
DeniseDiana Doreen DanielDoloresDarbyDoraDanielDaliliaDouglasDoloresDarbyDoraDaniel Dalilia
EleanorEstelleEmilyEmiliaEnriqueEstelleEugeneEmiliaErickElidaEnrique Estelle Eugene EmiliaErick
FranceneFernandaFlorence Fico FefaFrankFernandaFabioFlossieFaustoFefaFrankFernandaFabioFlossie
GeorgetteGwenGlendaGilmaGuillermoGeorgetteGregGilma Gil GenevieveGuillermoGeorgetteGregGilmaGil
IlsaIvaIvaIgnacioIsisIrwinIva Ismael IselleIgnacioIsisIrwinIvaIsmael
Katrina Kathleen KristyKayKnutKristyKikoKennaKevinKayKnutKristy Kiko
Lily Liza LaneLester Lidia LaneLorenaLowellLindaLesterLidiaLaneLorena
Monica Madeline MiriamMadelineMaxMiriamManuelMarieMartyMadelineMax Miriam Manuel
NanetteNaomi Norman Newton Norma NormanNarda Norbert NoraNewtonNormaNarda
Olivia Olivia Otis Olivia Octave Odile OlafOrleneOtisOctave
PriscillaPaul Paul PriscillaPoloPauline Paine PilarPriscilla
RosaRosaRaymondRachelRick Roslyn Ramon Raymond
Tara Tico Terry
Winnie Waldo
References: [34] [ citation needed ]

Names used between 1990 and 2003

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
AlmaAndres Agatha MadelineAdrianAlettaAdolph Alma Andres Agatha Adrian Aletta Adolph AlmaAndres
BorisBlancaBlasNewtonBeatrizBudBarbara Boris BlancaBlasBeatrizBudBarbaraBorisBlanca
CristinaCarlosCeliaOrlene Calvin CarlottaCosme Cristina CarlosCeliaCalvin Carlotta CosmeCristina Carlos
DouglasDelores Darby PaineDoraDanielDalila Douglas DoloresDarby Dora DanielDalilaDouglasDolores
ElidaEnriqueEstelleRoslynEugene Emilia ErickElidaEnriqueEstelleEugeneEmiliaErickElidaEnrique
Fausto Fefa FrankSeymour Fernanda FabioFlossie Fausto FeliciaFrankFernandaFabioFlossieFaustoFelicia
GenevieveGuillermoGeorgetteTinaGreg Gilma GilGenevieve Guillermo Georgette Greg GilmaGilGenevieveGuillermo
HernanHildaHoward Virgil Hilary Hector Henriette Hernan HildaHowardHilaryHectorHenrietteHernanHilda
Iselle Ignacio Isis Winifred IrwinIleana Ismael Ignacio Isis IrwinIleanaIvoIselle Ignacio
JulioJimenaJavierXavierJova John JulietteJimenaJavierJohn Juliette Julio Jimena
KennaKevinKayYolandaKennethKristyKevinKayKristyKiko Kenna Kevin
LowellLinda Lester Zeke Lidia Lane Linda Lester LaneLorenaLowellLinda
MarieMartyMaxMiriamMarty Madeline MiriamManuel Marty
NorbertNoraNormaNorman Nora Norman NardaNora
OdileOlivia Olaf OliviaOctave Olaf
PoloPaul Pauline PaulPatricia
Rachel Rosa Rick Rosa
References: [13] [14] [38] [ citation needed ] [15] [16] [17] [18]

Names used between 2004 and 2018

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Agatha Adrian AlettaAlvin Alma Andres Agatha Adrian AlettaAlvin Amanda AndresAgathaAdrianAletta
BlasBeatrizBud Barbara BorisBlancaBlas Beatriz Bud Barbara Boris Blanca Blas Beatriz Bud
CeliaCalvinCarlottaCosmeCristinaCarlos Celia Calvin Carlotta Cosme Cristina Carlos CeliaCalvin Carlotta
Darby Dora Daniel Dalila DouglasDoloresDarby Dora DanielDalilaDouglas Dolores Darby DoraDaniel
EstelleEugene Emilia ErickElidaEnriqueEstelleEugeneEmilia Erick ElidaEnriqueEstelleEugeneEmilia
FrankFernandaFabio Flossie Fausto Felicia Frank FernandaFabio Flossie FaustoFeliciaFrankFernandaFabio
GeorgetteGregGilmaGilGenevieveGuillermo Georgette GregGilmaGil Genevieve GuillermoGeorgetteGregGilma
Howard HilaryHector Henriette HernanHilda Hilary HectorHenrietteHernanHildaHowardHilary Hector
IsisIrwinIleanaIvoIselleIgnacioIrwinIleanaIvo Iselle IgnacioIvetteIrwin Ileana
Javier Jova John Juliette Julio Jimena Jova JohnJulietteJulioJimenaJavierJovaJohn
Kay Kenneth Kristy Kiko KarinaKevinKennethKristyKikoKarinaKevinKayKennethKristy
LesterLidia Lane Lowell LindaLaneLorenaLowell Linda Lester Lidia Lane
MaxMiriamMarieMartyMiriam Manuel Marie Marty Madeline Max Miriam
Norma Norman Norbert Nora Norman Narda Norbert Nora Newton NormaNorman
Otis Olivia Odile OlafOliviaOctave Odile OlafOrleneOtis Olivia
Paul Polo Patricia Paul PriscillaPolo Patricia PainePilarPaul
Rosa Rick Rosa Raymond RachelRickRoslynRamon Rosa
SergioSoniaSimon Sandra Seymour Selma Sergio
Trudy TinaTara
Vance Vicente
References: [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [39]

Names used between 2019 and 2024

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Alvin Amanda Andres Agatha AdrianAletta
BarbaraBorisBlanca Blas BeatrizBud
Dalila Douglas Dolores Darby Dora Daniel
ErickElida Enrique EstelleEugeneEmilia
Gil Genevieve GuillermoGeorgetteGregGilma
Henriette Hernan HildaHoward Hilary Hector
JulietteJulioJimenaJavier Jova John
KikoKarinaKevin Kay KennethKristy
Lorena LowellLinda Lester Lidia Lane
MarioMarieMartyMadeline Max
Narda Norbert Nora Newton Norma
OctaveOdalys Olaf Orlene Otis
PriscillaPolo Pamela PainePilar
Raymond Rick Roslyn Ramon
References: [40]

Central North Pacific (Date Line to 140°W)

In 1950 a tropical cyclone that affected Hawaii was named Able, after a tropical cyclone had not affected Hawaii for a number of years. [41] [42] The system was also named Salome by the Air Weather Service Office in Guam, before it became widely known as Hurricane Hiki. [41] [42] [43] Typhoon Olive of 1952 developed within the Central Pacific, but was not named until it had crossed the International Dateline and moved into the Western Pacific basin. [41] [44] During 1957, three other tropical cyclones developed in the Central Pacific and were named Kanoa, Della and Nina, by the Hawaiian military meteorological offices. [44] It was subsequently decided that future tropical cyclones, would be named by borrowing names from the Western Pacific naming lists. [44] Hawaiian names were reinstated for the lists during 1979, with 5 sets of names drafted using only the 12 letters of the Hawaiian alphabet, with the intent being to use the sets of names on an annual rotation basis. [35] [45] However, after no storms had developed in this region between 1979 and 1981, the annual lists were scrapped and replaced with four sets of names and designed to be used consecutively. [35] Ahead of the 2007 hurricane season, the Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC) introduced a revised set of Hawaiian names for the Central Pacific, after they had worked with the University of Hawaii Hawaiian studies department to ensure the correct meaning and appropriate historical and cultural use of the names. [46]

Hiki (1950) Kanoa (1957)Della (1957) Nina (1957) Cora (1958)Clara (1959) Dot (1959) Patsy (1959)Wanda (1959)Sarah (1967)
Dot (1970)June (1972)Ruby (1972)Olive (1974)Kate (1976)Susan (1978)Akoni (1982)Ema (1982)Hana (1982) Iwa (1982)
Keli (1984)Lala (1984)Moke (1984)Nele (1985)Oka (1987)Peke (1987) Uleki (1988) Wila (1988)Aka (1990) Ekeka (1992)
Hali (1992) Iniki (1992) Keoni (1993)Li (1994)Mele (1994)Nona (1994) Oliwa (1997) Paka (1997) Upana (2000)Wene (2000)
Alika (2002)Ele (2002)Huko (2002) Ioke (2006) Kika (2008)Lana (2009)Maka (2009) Neki (2009) Omeka (2010) Pewa (2013)
Unala (2013)Wali (2014) Ana (2014) Ela (2015) Halola (2015) Iune (2015)Kilo (2015)Loke (2015)Malia (2015)Niala (2015)
Oho (2015) Pali (2016) Ulika (2016) Walaka (2018) Akoni (2019)Ema (2019) Hone (2024)
References: [24] [25] [28] [29] [30] [35]

Western North Pacific

In the Western North Pacific Ocean, there are two sets of names generally used. The first are the international names assigned to a tropical cyclone by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) or the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC). The second set of names are local names assigned to a tropical cyclone by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration. This system often ends up with a tropical cyclone being assigned two names, should a tropical storm threaten the Philippines.

On January 1, 2000, the Japan Meteorological Agency, as the official Regional Specialized Meteorological Center, took over the naming of tropical cyclones in this basin. The names selected by the World Meteorological Organization's Typhoon Committee were from a pool of names submitted by the various countries that make up the Typhoon Committee.

Names used between 1945 and 1959

1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
BettyCharlotteBernedaLanaDellaElsieHope Dinah JudyFlossieWildaThelmaShirleyPhyllisSallyNora
ConnieDollyCarolMabelElaineFlossieIrisEmmaKit Grace AnitaVeraTrixRitaTildaOpal
DorisElinorDonnaNadineFayeGraceJoanFredaLolaHelenBillie Wanda VirginiaSusanVioletPatsy
OpalIngridFaithPearlHesterIdaLouiseHarrietNina June DotBabsAgnesViolaAnita Sarah
PeggyJanieGwenRoseIrma Jane Marge IvyOpheliaKathyEllenCharlotteBessWinnie Billie Thelma
EdnaLillyHelenaAnnabellJudithKeziaNoraJeannePhyllis Lorna FranDinahCarmenAliceClara Vera
EvaMaggieInezBerthaKittyLucretiaOraKarenRita Marie Georgia Emma DellaBetty Dot Wanda
FrancesPriscilla Kathleen DoloresMadelineNancy Ruth Mary Tess OlgaIrisGildaFayeDorisFranBabs
GraceQueridaLauraEuniceNellyOssiaSarahNonaViolaPamelaJoanHarrietGloriaElsie Georgia Charlotte
RuthAlmaMildredFloOmeliaPetieThelma Olive WinnieRubyKateIvyHesterFlossieHopeDinah
SusanBettyNanetteGertrudePatriciaRubyVeraPolly Alice SallyLouiseJeanIrmaGrace Iris Emma
TessDianneOliveHazelRenaAnitaWandaRoseBettyTildaMargeKarenJudyHelen Joan Freda
HelenPauline Ione AllynBillie Amy ShirleyCoraNoraLucilleKit Ida Kate Gilda
UrsulaRosalindJackieBettyClaraBabs Trix DorisOpalMaryLolaJuneLouiseHarriet
Ida AliceKitCamillaDelilahVaePatsyNadineMamieKathy
Louise FloraPatDellaPamela
Jean Hester
References: [47]

Names used between 1960 and 1974

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
JeanSusanGeorgiaPollyViolaRuth Irma SallyKimRitaOlgaThelmaLolaAnitaAmy
Lucille ViolaIrisShirleyAliceThelma Kit VioletMaryTessRubyWandaNinaClaraCarla
Mary WinnieJoanTrixBettyVeraLolaWildaNadine Viola SallyAmy Ora DotDinah
OliveBettyLouiseWendyDorisAmyNinaBilliePollyAliceVioletCarla Rita FranFreda
PollyCoraMargeAgnesElsieBabeOraClaraRoseBettyWildaDinahSusanGeorgia Gilda
RoseDorisNoraBessFlossieCarlaPhyllisDotShirley Cora AnitaEmmaTessHopeHarriet
ShirleyElsie Opal CarmenGraceDinahRitaEllenTrixDorisBillieFredaViolaIrisIvy
Wendy HelenSarahFayeJuneGildaViolaHopeAgnesGraceEllenIvyBettyLouiseLucy
AgnesIdaThelmaGloria Kathy HarrietWinnieIrisBessHelenFranJeanCora Marge Mary
BessJuneVeraHesterLornaIvyAliceJoanCarmenIdaGeorgiaKimDoris Nora Nadine
CarmenKathy Wanda IrmaMarieJeanBettyKate Della JuneHopeLucyElsieOpalOlive
DellaLorna Amy JudyNancyKim Cora LouiseElaineKathyIrisMaryFlossiePatsyPolly
ElaineMarieBabeKitOlgaLucyDorisMargeFayeLorna Joan NadineGraceRuthRose
Faye Nancy CarlaLolaPamelaMaryElsieNoraGloriaMarie Kate Olive Helen SarahShirley
GloriaOlgaDinahMamie Ruby NadineFlossieOpalHesterLouisePollyIdaThelmaTrix
HesterPamelaEmmaNina Sally OliveGracePatsyIrmaMarge Rose JuneVeraVirginia
IrmaRuby Freda OraTildaPollyHelenRuthJudyNoraShirleyKathyWendy
JudySallyGildaPhyllisVioletRose Ida SarahKitOpalTrixLornaAgnes
KitTilda Harriet Rita Wilda ShirleyJuneThelmaLola Patsy VirginiaMarie Bess
Lola Violet IvySusanAnitaTrixKathyVeraMamieRuthWendyNancyCarmen
NinaAnita Karen ClaraWendyMarieAmyOraBessPamelaElaine
Ophelia BillieLucy Dot AgnesNancyBabeCarmenRubyFaye
DotNadineFran Carmen PamelaDinahElaineThereseHester
IrisFayeGilda Hester Kit
References: [47]

Names used between 1975 and 1989

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
LolaKathyPatsyNadine Alice CarmenFredaMamieSarahVernonElsieJudyOrchid Roy Winona
MamieLornaRuthOliveBessDomGerald Nelson TipWynneFabianKenPercySusanAndy
Nina MarieSarahPollyCecilEllenHollyOdessa Vera AlexGayLolaRuthThad Brenda
OraNancyThelmaRoseDotForrestIkePat Wayne Betty Hal MacSperryVanessa Cecil
Phyllis Olga VeraShirleyEllisGeorgiaJuneRuby Abby Cary Irma Nancy Thelma Warren Dot
Rita Pamela WandaTrixFayeHerbert Kelly SkipBenDinahJeffOwenVernonAgnesEllis
SusanRubyAmyVirginiaGordonIdaLynnTessCarmenEdKit Peggy WynneBillFaye
TessSally Babe Wendy Hope Joe MauryValDomFredaLeeRoger Alex Clara Gordon
ViolaThereseCarlaAgnesIrving Kim NinaWinona Ellen Gerald Mamie Sarah Betty DoyleHope
WinnieVioletDinahBonnieJudyLexOgden Andy Forrest Holly Nelson Tip Cary ElsieIrving
AliceWildaEmmaCarmenKenMargePhyllis Bess Georgia Ike Odessa Vera Dinah Fabian Judy
BettyAnitaFredaDellaLolaNorrisRoy Cecil Herbert June Pat Wayne EdGayKen
Cora Billie GildaElaineMac Orchid SusanDotIdaKellyRuby Abby FredaHalLola
DorisClaraHarrietFayeNancyPercy Thad EllisJoeLynnSkipBen Gerald IrmaMac
ElsieDotIvyGloriaOwenRuthVanessa Faye Kim MauryTessCarmenHollyJeffNancy
Grace Fran KimIrmaRogerThelma Agnes HopeMargeOgdenWinonaEllenJuneLeePeggy
HelenGeorgiaLucyJudySarahVernonBill Irving NorrisPhyllisAndyForrest Kelly MamieRoger
IdaHopeMaryKit Tip Wynne Clara Judy OrchidRoyBrendaGeorgia Lynn Nelson Sarah
JuneIrisLolaVeraAlexDoyle Ken PercySusan Cecil HerbertMauryOdessaTip
JoanMamieWayne Betty ElsieLolaRuthThad Dot Ida Nina PatVera
KateNinaAbbyCaryFabianMacSperry Vanessa EllisJoeOgden Ruby Wayne
LouiseOraBenDinahGay Nancy Thelma Warren FayeKimPhyllis Skip Angela
MargePhyllisEdHazenOwen Agnes GordonLex Tess Brian
Nora Rita Irma PamelaBillHopeMargeValColleen
OpalTessJeffRogerClaraIrvingNorris Dan
ViolaKitDoyle Elsie
Winnie Lee Forrest
References: [47]

Names used between 1990 and 2004

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
KorynSharonAxelIrmaOwenChuckAnnHannahNicholeHildaDamreyCimaronTapahYanyan Sudal
LewisTimBobbieJackPageDeannaBart Isa OttoIrisLongwangChebi Mitag Kujira Nida
MarianVanessaChuck Koryn RussEliCamJimmyPennyJacob Kirogi Durian HagibisChan-homOmais
NathanWaltDeannaLewisSharonFayeDanKellyRexKate Kai-tak Utor Noguri Linfa Conson
Ofelia Yunya Eli MarianTimGaryEveLeviStellaLeoTembinTrami Rammasun Nangka Chanthu
Percy Zeke FayeNathanVanessaHelenFrankieMarieTodd Maggie BolavenKong-rey Chataan Soudelor Dianmu
Robyn Amy Gary Ofelia WaltIrvingGloriaNestor Vicki NeilChanchuYutu Halong Imbudo Mindulle
Steve Brendan Helen Percy YunyaJanis Herb OpalWaldo Olga Jelawat Toraji Nakri Koni Tingting
Tasha Caitlin Irving Robyn Zeke Kent IanPeterYanniPaulEwiniarMan-yi Fengshen Morakot Kompasu
VernonDoug Janis SteveAmyLoisJoyRosie Zeb Rachel Bilis Usagi Kalmaegi Etau Namtheun
Winona Ellie Kent TashaBrendanMarkKirkScottAlex Sam Kaemi Pabuk Fung-wongVamcoMalou
Yancy FredLoisVernonCaitlinNinaLisaTina Babs Tanya Prapiroon Wutip Kammuri Krovanh Meranti
Zola Gladys MarkWinona Doug Oscar MartyVictorChipVirgilMariaSepatPhanfone Dujuan Rananim
Abe HarryNina Yancy ElliePollyNiki Winnie Dawn Wendy Saomai Fitow Vongfong Maemi Malakas
BeckyIvy Omar Zola Fred RyanOrsonYuleElvis York Bopha Danas Rusa Choi-wanMegi
CecilJoelPollyAbeGladysSibylPiper Zita Faith ZiaWukong Nari Sinlaku Koppu Chaba
Dot Kinna RyanBeckyHarryTedRickAmberGilAnnSonamuVipaHagupitKetsana Aere
Ed Luke SibylCecilIvyVal Sally Bing Bart ShanshanFranciscoChangmiParma Songda
Flo Mireille TedDotJoelWardTomCassCamYagiLekimaMekkhalaMelorSarika
Gene NatValEdKinnaYvetteVioletDavidDan Xangsane Krosa Higos Nepartak Haima
Hattie Orchid Ward Flo LukeZackWillieEllaEveBebincaHaiyanBavi Lupit Meari
IraPatYvetteGeneMelissa Angela YatesFritzFrankie Rumbia PodulMaysak Ma-on
JeanaRuthZackHattieNatBrianZaneGingerGloriaSoulik Lingling Haishen Tokage
KyleSethAngelaIraOrchidColleenAbelHankKajiki Pongsona Nock-ten
Lola Thelma BrianJeanaPatDanBeth Ivan Faxai Muifa
Mike VerneColleen Kyle RuthCarlo Joan Vamei Merbok
NellWildaDan Lola SethDale Keith Nanmadol
Owen Yuri Elsie Manny TeresaErnie Linda Talas
Page Zelda Forrest NellVerne Fern MortNoru
Russ Gay Wilda Greg
References: [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [47]

Names used between 2005 and 2014

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Kulap Chanchu Kong-rey Neoguri Kujira Omais Aere PakharSonamu Lingling
RokeJelawatYutu Rammasun Chan-hom Conson Songda SanvuShanshanKajiki
Sonca Ewiniar Toraji Matmo Linfa Chanthu Sarika MawarYagiFaxai
Nesat Bilis Man-yi Halong NangkaDianmuHaima Guchol LeepiPeipah
Haitang Kaemi UsagiNakri Soudelor Mindulle Meari Talim Bebinca Tapah
Nalgae Prapiroon Pabuk Fengshen MolaveLionrock Ma-on Doksuri Rumbia Mitag
Banyan Maria Wutip Kalmaegi Goni Kompasu Tokage Khanun Soulik Hagibis
Washi Saomai Sepat Fung-wong Morakot Namtheun Nock-ten Vicente Cimaron Neoguri
Matsa Bopha Fitow Kammuri Etau Malou Muifa Saola Jebi Rammasun
Sanvu Wukong DanasPhanfoneVamcoMerantiMerbok Damrey Mangkhut Matmo
MawarSonamu Nari Vongfong Krovanh Fanapi Nanmadol Haikui Utor Halong
Guchol Shanshan Wipha Nuri DujuanMalakas Talas Kirogi Trami Nakri
Talim Yagi Francisco Sinlaku Mujigae Megi Noru Kai-tak Kong-reyFengshen
Nabi Xangsane Lekima Hagupit Koppu Chaba Kulap Tembin Yutu Kalmaegi
KhanunBebinca Krosa Jangmi Choi-wan Roke Bolaven Toraji Fung-wong
Vicente RumbiaHaiyan Mekkhala Ketsana Sonca Sanba Man-yi Kammuri
SaolaSoulikPodul Higos Parma Nesat Jelawat Usagi Phanfone
Damrey Cimaron LinglingBavi Melor HaitangEwiniarPabuk Vongfong
Longwang Chebi Kajiki Maysak Nepartak Nalgae Maliksi Wutip Nuri
Kirogi Durian Faxai HaishenLupitBanyanGaemiSepatSinlaku
Kai-tak Utor PeipahNoul Mirinae Washi Prapiroon Fitow Hagupit
TembinTramiTapah Dolphin Nida MariaDanas Jangmi
Bolaven Mitag Son-Tinh Nari
Hagibis Bopha Wipha
Wukong Francisco
References: [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]

Names used between 2015 and 2024

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Mekkhala Nepartak Muifa Bolaven Pabuk Vongfong Dujuan MalakasSanvu Ewiniar
HigosLupit Merbok Sanba Wutip Nuri Surigae Megi Mawar Maliksi
Bavi Mirinae Nanmadol Jelawat Sepat Sinlaku Choi-wan Chaba Guchol Gaemi
Maysak Nida Talas Ewiniar Mun Hagupit Koguma Aere Talim Prapiroon
HaishenOmais Noru Maliksi Danas JangmiChampiSongda Doksuri Maria
Noul ConsonKulapGaemiNari Mekkhala In-fa Trases Khanun Son-Tinh
Dolphin ChanthuRoke Prapiroon Wipha Higos Cempaka Mulan Lan Ampil
Kujira Dianmu Sonca Maria Francisco Bavi NepartakMeari Saola Wukong
Chan-hom Mindulle Nesat Son-Tinh Lekima Maysak Lupit Ma-on DamreyJongdari
Linfa Lionrock Haitang Ampil Krosa Haishen MirinaeTokage Haikui Shanshan
Nangka KompasuNalgaeWukongBailu Noul Nida Hinnamnor Kirogi Yagi
Soudelor NamtheunBanyan Jongdari PodulDolphinOmais Muifa Yun-yeung Leepi
MolaveMalou Hato Shanshan Lingling Kujira Conson Merbok Koinu Bebinca
Goni Meranti Pakhar Yagi KajikiChan-hom Chanthu Nanmadol Bolaven Pulasan
Atsani Rai SanvuLeepi Faxai Linfa Dianmu Talas Sanba Soulik
Etau Malakas Mawar Bebinca Peipah Nangka Mindulle Noru JelawatCimaron
Vamco Megi Guchol Rumbia Tapah Saudel Lionrock KulapJebi
Krovanh Chaba Talim Soulik Mitag Molave Kompasu Roke Krathon
Dujuan Aere Doksuri Cimaron Hagibis Goni NamtheunSoncaBarijat
Mujigae Songda Khanun Jebi NeoguriAtsaniMalouNesat Trami
Choi-wan Sarika Lan Mangkhut Bualoi EtauNyatohHaitang Kong-rey
Koppu Haima Saola Barijat Matmo Vamco Rai Nalgae Yinxing
ChampiMeari Damrey Trami Halong Krovanh Banyan Toraji
In-faMa-on Haikui Kong-rey Nakri Yamaneko Man-yi
Melor Tokage Kirogi Yutu FengshenPakhar Usagi
Nock-ten Kai-tak Toraji Kalmaegi Pabuk
Tembin Man-yiFung-wong
Usagi Kammuri
References: [30] [31]


Since 1963, the PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration) and its predecessor, the Philippine Weather Bureau, have assigned their own names to typhoons that pass through its area of responsibility. [48] Unlike the World Meteorological Organization's standard of assigning names to tropical cyclones when they reach wind-speeds of 65 km/h (40 mph), PAGASA assigns a name to a tropical depression when they either form or move into their area of responsibility. [48] [49] Four sets of tropical cyclone names are rotated annually with typhoon names stricken from the list should they do more than 1 billion pesos worth of damage to the Philippines and/or cause 300 or more deaths. [50] [51] Should the list of names for a given year prove insufficient, names are taken from an auxiliary list. [50]

Names used between 1963 and 1974

1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
KaringKonsing Welpring KuringKlaringKaringKonsingKuringKlaringKaring Uring Konsing KuringKlaring
DidingDading Yoning DalingDelingDidingDidangDalingDelingDidingWarlingDidangDalingDeling
EtangEdeng Aring ElangEmangEtangEdengElangEmangEtangYayangEdengElangEmang
GeningGloringBasiangGoringGadingGeningGloringGoringGadingGeningAding Gloring GoringGading
LudingLusing Enang LumingLolengLudingLusingLumingLolengLudingDadangLusing Luming Loleng
NenengNitangHobingNarsingNormingNenengNitangNarsingNormingNeneng Goying NitangNarsingNorming
OniangOsang Ining OpengOyangOniangOsangOpengOyangOniangHobingOsangOpengOyang
PepangParing Liling PiningPitangPepangParingPiningPitangPepangIningParingPasing
SisangSeniangNaningSalingSeningSisangSeniangSaling Sening Seniang Susang
TriningOringTasingTitangTriningToyang Titang ToyangTering
YeyengYolingYayang Yoling Yaning
References: [52]

Names used between 1975 and 1987

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
Bebeng BiringBiningBisingBebengBiringBining Bising Bebeng BiringBiningBisingBebeng
KaringKonsingKuringKlaringKaringKonsingKuringKlaring Katring Konsing Kuring Klaring Katring
DidingDidangDalingDelingDidingDitangDalingDeling Diding Ditang Daling DelingDiding
GeningGloringGoringGadingGeningGloringGoringGadingGeningGloringGoring Gading Gening
HermingHuaningHulingHelingHermingHuaningHulingHeling Herming HuaningHulingHeling Herming
IsingIsangIbiangIliang Ising IsangIbiang Iliang Ising Isang Ibiang Iliang Ising
LudingLusingLumingLolengLudingLusingLumingLolengLudingLusing Luming Loleng Luding
MamengMaring Miling MidingMamengMaringMilingMidingMameng Maring Miling Miding Mameng
Neneng Nitang NarsingNormingNeneng Nitang Narsing Norming Neneng Nitang Narsing Norming Neneng
OniangOsangOpengOyangOniang Osang Openg OyangOniangOsangOpengOyang Oniang
PepangParingPiningPasingPepangParing Pining PasingPepangParingPiningPasing Pepang
Rosing Reming RubingRupingRosingReming Rubing RupingRosing Reming RubingRupingRosing
SisangSeniangSalingSusangSisangSeniangSaling Susang SisangSeniang Saling Susang Sisang
ToyangTasingTeringTriningToyangTasing Tering TriningToyangTasingTeringTrining
UndangUndingUdingUringUndangUnsingUdingUring Undang UnsingUding
WelpringWaldingWeling Warling WelpringWalding Weling WarlingWelpringWeling
AringAningAding Aring Anding AningAdingAringAning
Kayang Kading KrisingKayangKadiangKrising
DelangDorang Dinang Dadang
References: [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58]

Names used between 1988 and 2000

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Asiang AtringAkang [53] AuringAsiangAtringWaldingAkang Ritang AuringAsiangAtringAkangAuringAsiang
Biring Bining Bising [59] BebengBiringBiningYeyengBising Susang BebengBiringBiningBisingBebengBiring
Konsing Kuring [60] Klaring [61] KaringKonsingKuringAndingKlaringTeringKaringKonsingKuringKlaringKaringKonsing
DitangDalingDeling Diding DitangDalingBinangDelingUdingDidingDitangDalingDelingDiding Ditang
EdengElang [62] EmangEtangEdengElangKadiangEmangWelingEtangEdengElangEmangEtangEdeng
Gloring Goring [53] Gading Gening Gloring Goring DinangGadingYaning Gening GloringGoringGadingGeningGloring
HuaningHulingHeling [63] HelmingHuaningHulingEpangHelingAningHelming Huaning HulingHelingHelmingHuaning
IsangIbiang Iliang [63] Ising IsangIbiangGundangIliangBidangIsingIsang Ibiang Iliang Ising Isang
LusingLumingLoleng [63] Luding Lusing LumingHusingLolengKatringLudingLusing Luming Loleng Luding Lusing
MaringMiling [54] MidingMamengMaringMilingIndangMidingDelangMameng Maring MilingMiding Mameng Maring
NingningNarsing Norming [61] Neneng NingningNarsingLuringNormingEsangNanengNingning Narsing Norming NanengNingning
Osang Openg [53] Oyang OniangOsangOpengMonangOyangGardingOniangOsang Openg Oniang Osang
ParingPining Pasing Pepang ParingPiningNaningPasingPepangParingPiningPepangParing
Reming Rubing [53] Ruping Rosing RemingRubingOning Rosing Reming Rubing ReningReming
Seniang Saling Susang Sendang Seniang SalingPuringSendangSeniangSendangSeniang
Toyang Tasing [53] Tering Trining Tasing TriningToyangTrining Toyang
Unsang UnsingUding Uring UnsingUlpiangUlpiang
Welpring WaldingWarlingWelpring
Yoning YeyengYayang
References: [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]

Names used between 2001 and 2014

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
AuringAgaton Amang Niña AmboNinaAuringAgatonAmangAmboAuringAgatonAmangAmboAuringNando Agaton
Barok Basyang Batibot Onyok ButchoyOfelBisingBasyangBebengButchoyBising Basyang Bebeng Butchoy Bising Odette Basyang
CrisingCaloy Chedeng Pogi Cosme PabloCrising Caloy Chedeng Cosme Crising CaloyChedengCarinaCrising Paolo Caloy
DarnaDagulDodongQuiel Dindo QuintaDanteDomengDodong Dindo Dante DomengDodongDindoDante Quedan Domeng
EmongEspada Egay RoskasEntengRollyEmong Ester Egay EntengEmongEsterEgay Enteng EmongRamilEster
Feria Florita FalconSikat Frank Siony Feria Florita Falcon Frank Feria FloritaFalcon Ferdie Fabian Santi Florita
Gorio Gloria Gilas Tisoy Gener Tonyo Gorio Glenda Goring Gener Gorio Glenda Goring Gener Gorio Tino Glenda
HuaningHambalos Harurot Ursula Helen Unding Huaning Henry Hanna Helen HuaningHenryHanna Helen Huaning Urduja Henry
Isang Inday InengViringIgmeVioleta Isang IndayIneng Igme Isang Inday Ineng Igme Isang Vinta Inday
JolinaJuan Juaning Weng Julian Winnie Jolina Juan Juaning Julian Jolina Juan Juaning Julian Jolina Wilma Jose
Kiko Kaka Kabayan Yoyoy Karen Yoyong KikoKatringKabayan Karen Kiko Katring Kabayan Karen Kiko Yolanda Karding
Labuyo Lagalag LakayZigzagLawinZosimoLabuyo Luis LandoLawinLabuyoLando Lawin Labuyo Zoraida Luis
Maring Milenyo Manang Marce Maring Milenyo Mina Marce Maring Mina Marce Maring Mario
NanangNenengNandoNeneng Nina NandoNonoyNina Neneng
OndoyOndoyOmpong Ofel Ondoy Onyok Ofel Ompong
PablingPepeng Paeng Pablo Pepeng Pedring Pablo Paeng
QuedanQuedan Queenie Quinta Quedan Quiel QuintaQueenie
Reming RollyRamilRamon Ruby
Seniang Siony Santi Sendong Seniang
Ulysses Urduja
References: [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]

Names used between 2015 and 2024

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Amang AmboAuring Agaton Amang Ambo Auring Agaton Amang Aghon
Betty Butchoy Bising Basyang Betty Butchoy Bising Basyang Betty Butchoy
Chedeng Carina CrisingCaloyChedengCarinaCrising Caloy Chedeng Carina
Dodong Dindo DanteDomengDodong Dindo Dante Domeng Dodong Dindo
Egay Enteng Emong EsterEgayEntengEmongEster Egay Enteng
Falcon Ferdie FabianFlorita Falcon Ferdie Fabian Florita Falcon Ferdie
Goring Gener Gorio Gardo GoringGenerGorioGardo Goring Gener
Hanna Helen Huaning Henry Hanna Helen Huaning Henry Hanna Helen
Ineng Igme Isang Inday Ineng Igme Isang Inday Ineng Igme
Jenny Julian Jolina JosieJenny Julian Jolina Josie Jenny Julian
Kabayan Karen KikoKardingKabayan Kristine Kiko Karding Kabayan Kristine
Lando Lawin LannieLuis Liwayway Leon Lannie Luis Leon
MarilynMarce Maring Maymay MarilynMarce Maring Maymay Marce
Nona Nina NandoNeneng Nimfa Nika NandoNeneng Nika
OnyokOdette Ompong Onyok Ofel Odette Obet Ofel
Paolo Paeng Perla Pepito Paeng Pepito
Quedan Queenie Quiel Quinta QueenieQuerubin
Ramil Rosita Ramon Rolly Rosal Romina
Salome SamuelSarahSiony
TinoTomas Tisoy Tonyo
Urduja Usman Ursula Ulysses
Vinta Vicky
References: [30] [31]

North Indian Ocean

At its 27th annual session in February and March 2000, the WMO/ESCAP Panel on North Indian Tropical Cyclones discussed the contents of a report, it had commissioned on the naming of tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. [64] It agreed in principle with the report's recommendation that there was a need for tropical cyclones to be named in its region, however, the representatives of India expressed concern at naming tropical cyclones, because of the regional, cultural and linguistic diversity of the Member countries in the Panel. [64] [65] [66] As a result, the panel agreed that the subject would be considered further at the next session and asked its eight members to provide its rapporteur with at least 10 names as well as their meanings, in accordance with the various criteria that the rapporteur had proposed before the end of the year. [64] At the following session, the rapporteur reported to the panel that seven of the eight members had submitted a list of names to him and presented these to the panel, which reviewed them and felt that they would not be appealing to either the media or the public. [65] [67] As a result, the panel requested that the members should provide the rapporteur with a fresh set of names by June 2001, which should be appealing to both the public and the media. [65] [67] Over the next few months, there was a poor response to this request from members of the panel and at the 29th session of the panel, the rapporteur noted that it wasn't possible to complete the project, without the full cooperation of members. [65] [68] In response to the rapporteur's comments, the panel decided to urge all of its members to submit their proposed names to the rapporteur and ask for a named person who could be contacted to talk about the proposed naming scheme. [65] [68] Over the next year, seven of the eight members submitted their proposed names to the rapporteur, however, at its 30th session, the panel decided that the naming list could not be implemented during the 2003 Season, as India hadn't submitted its names. [69] As a result, the panel urged India to cooperate and submit a list of names for the panel's consideration, while other members were asked to submit the pronunciation of the names that they had suggested. [69]

At the 31st session of the panel, the rapporteur revealed that the proposed list of names was ready for use by panel members, however, India had still not submitted its list of names despite a promise to cooperate from the Director General of the India Meteorological Department (IMD). [65] As a result, the rapporteur recommended that the panel endorsed the proposed list of names and started to use it on an experimental basis, during the 2004 season after India had submitted its names. [65] The rapporteur also recommended that the IMD's Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre in New Delhi, would be responsible for naming the tropical cyclones, once the system had become a cyclonic storm with 3-minute sustained winds of at least 34 knots (63 km/h; 39 mph). [65] It was also suggested that each name should only be used once and that the list of names should be replaced for the 2010 season and every 10 years afterwards. [65] In response the Indian representatives decided to seek approval from the WMO's permanent representative of India for Indian names to be included in the naming scheme and for it to be implemented during the season on an experimental basis. [65] The work on the proposed naming list was completed in May 2004, after India submitted its names and was available to be used by the IMD from September 2004, before the first system was named Onil on October 1, 2004. [70] At its 33rd session, the panel noted that there had been keen media interest in the naming scheme and decided to ask the IMD to continue naming tropical cyclones, before it reviewed it at its following session. [70] Over the next few years, the IMD continued to name tropical cyclones when they had become a cyclonic storm with 3-minute sustained winds of at least 34 knots (63 km/h; 39 mph), before the panel noted at their 45th session in 2018 that the majority of names had been used and that only six remained. [66] [71] As a result of five countries joining the panel since the original list of names was created, the panel decided that a new list of names would be prepared and presented to the panel. [66] [71] Over the next 18 months, each of the member countries submitted a list of names before the final list of names was approved and publicly released by the Panel on April 28, 2020. [66] [72] The first name to be assigned from this fresh list of names was Nisarga, which was named by the IMD when it became a cyclonic storm on June 2, 2020. [73]

Names used between 2004 and 2018

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Onil Hibaru Mala Akash Nargis Bijli Laila Keila Murjan Mahasen-Viyaru NanaukAshobaa Roanu Maarutha Sagar
Agni PyarrMukda Gonu Rashmi Aila Bandu Thane Nilam Phailin Hudhud Komen Kyant Mora Mekunu
BaazOgni Yemyin Khai-Muk Phyan Phet Helen Nilofar Chapala Nada Ockhi Daye
Fanoos Sidr Nisha Ward Giri Lehar Megh Vardah Luban
Jal Madi Titli
References: [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]

Names used between 2019 and 2024

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Fani Amphan Tauktae Asani Mocha Remal
Vayu Nisarga Yaas Sitrang Biparjoy Asna
Hikaa Gati Gulab Mandous Tej Dana
Kyarr Nivar Shaheen Hamoon Fengal
Maha Burevi Jawad Midhili
Bulbul Michaung

South-West Indian Ocean

In January 1960, a formal naming scheme was introduced for the South-West Indian Ocean between Africa and 80°E, by the Mauritius and Madagascan Weather Services with the first cyclone being named Alix. [74] [75] [76] Over the next few years the names were selected in various ways including by the meteorological services of the region for several years at a time, before it was turned over to the WMO's South West Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclone Committee at the start of the 2000–01 season. [77]

Names used between January 1960 and July 1975

1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1962–63 1963–64 1964–65 1965–66 1966–67 1967–68 1968–69 1969–70 1970–71 1971–72 1972–73 1973–74
References: [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92]

Names used between August 1974 and July 1989

1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89
CamilleClotildeClarenceCelimeneCelineClaudetteChristelleClarisseeCleraCabotoCelestinaCosta Clotilda CalideraCalasanjy
DeborahDanaeDomitileDulcineeDoraDanitzaDianaDamiaDadafy Domoina DitraDelifininaDaodoDoazaDona
FernandeFrederiqueFifiFleurFatouFloreFlorineFridaFelyFanjaFeliksaFilomena Filao Firinga
HeloiseHeliotropeHerveaHuberteHelios Hyacinthe HelyetteHeberteHajaHelisaonina Honorinina HelyHanitra
KikiKoliaKlaraKarla Kamisy KrisostomaKrisy
References: [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108]

Names used between August 1989 and June 2004

1989–90 1990–91 1991–92 1992–93 1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04
Alibera AlisonAlexandraAvionaAlexinaAlbertineAgnielleAntoinetteAnacelleAldaAstrideAndoAndreAtangAbaimba
Baomavo Bella BrynaBabieBettinaBentha Bonita BellamineBeltaneBirendaBabiolaBinduBakoBouraBeni
CezeraCynthiaCelestaColinaCeciliaChristelleCorynaChantelleCindyChikita Connie Charly Cyprien CrystalCela
DetyDebraDaviliaDessiliaDaisyDorinaDoloresseDaniellaDonalineDavinaDamienneDera Dina Delfina Darius
EdisoanaElmaElizabethaEdwinaEdmeaElicecaEdwigeElvinaElsieEvrina Eline EvaristeEddyEbula Elita
GregoaraGritelleGerdaGracia Geralda GailGuylianne Gretelle GemmaGloriaGuillaumeGerry Gafilo
HantaHeatherHutelle Hollanda HeidaHansellaHelinda Hudah Hary HapeHelma
JourdanneJulitaJostaJennaJosieJery Japhet Juba
KonitaKelvinaKylieKarlette Kesiny Kalunde
MariolaMarlene Manou
References: [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123]

Names used between July 2004 and June 2016

2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
ArolaAlvinAnitaArielAsmaAnjaAbeleAlengaAnais Amara AdjaliAnnabelle
BentoBoloetse Bondo BongweBernardBongani Bingiza BenildeBoldwin Bejisa BansiBohale
ChamboCarinaClovisCelinaCindaCleoCheronoChandaClaudiaColin Chedza Corentin
Ernest EliaEnokElnusEricEdzaniEthelEmangEdilsonEuniceEmeraude
Felapi Favio Fame Fanele Fami Funso FellengFobaneFundi Fantala
Gerard Gamede GulaGaelGelane Giovanna GinoGuitoGlenda
HennieHumba Hondo Hina Hubert Hilwa Haruna Hellen Haliba
Isang Indlala Ivan IzildaImani Irina ImeldaIvanoeIkola
JulietJaya Jokwe JadeJoëlJoniJamalaJoalane
References: [124] [125] [126] [127] [128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] [134] [135]

Names used between July 2016 and March 2025

2016–17 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 2023–24 2024–25
Abela Ava AlcideAmbaliAlicia Ana Ashley Alvaro Ancha
Bransby Berguitta Bouchra Belna Bongoyo Batsirai Balita Belal Bheki
CarlosCebileCilidaCalvinia Chalane Cliff Cheneso Candice Chido
Dineo Dumazile DesmondDianeDanilo Dumako DinganiDjoungouDikeledi
Enawo Eliakim EketsangEsami Eloise Emnati EnalaEleanorElvis
Fernando Fakir FunaniFranciscoFarajiFezileFabienFilipoFaida
GelenaGabekile Guambe Gombe Gamane Garance
Haleh Herold HabanaHalimaHidayaHonde
Idai IrondroIman Issa IalyIvone
Kenneth Karim
References: [136] [137] [138] [139] [140] [141]

Australian Region

Ahead of the 1963-64 season, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology announced that a national scheme to name tropical cyclones had been introduced. [142] [143] Each of the Tropical Cyclone Warning Centers (TCWCs) in Perth, Darwin and Brisbane were allocated a separate list of fourteen female names, that started with every third letter, while the letters Q, X, Y and Z were not used. [142] The names were designed to be used in public bulletins, allocated in alphabetical order by the warning centre concerned and on the first indication that a tropical cyclone had developed within their individual area of responsibility. [142] It was also decided that should a tropical cyclone would retain its original name, should it move into another TCWC's area of responsibility. [142] The first name was assigned to Tropical Cyclone Bessie by TCWC Perth on January 6, 1964, before TCWC Brisbane named Tropical Cyclone Audrey later that month. [144] Over the next two years, these naming lists were used by the individual warning centres, before a fresh list of 90 female names was introduced ahead of the 1965-66. [144] [145] [146] Female names were used exclusively until the current convention of alternating male and female names commenced in 1975. [147] Naming lists were introduced for the Papuan National Weather Service and Indonesian Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika. [148] In 2008, the lists used by the three TCWC centres were combined to form a single list of names. [149] Names that cause significant damage within the Australian region are retired with new names selected at the bi-annual meeting of the World Meteorological Organization's RA V Tropical Cyclone Committee. [148]

Names used between July 1963 and June 1973

1963–64 1964–65 1965–66 1966–67 1967–68 1968–69 1969–70 1970–71 1971–72 1972–73
References: [150] [151] [152] [153] [154] [155] [144]

Names used between July 1973 and June 1983

1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83
InesVeraMarciaShirleyRayWallyHarryNancyTom Peter ViolaRuthAliceEddieBessiGrahamJane
CecilyZoe Tracy BeverleyVanessaWatoreaKeithLeoGwenIvanBrianDorisEdnaOlgaDaphneBernieLena
DeidreJessieRobynClaraBethLindaMiles Alby StanDeanSinaMabelAbigailClaudiaNaomi
References: [156] [157] [158] [159] [160] [161]

Names used between July 1983 and June 1993

1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90 1990–91 1991–92 1992–93
PearlBobbyFrankPierreOpheliaTiffanyIrmaFredericDelilahFelicityWalter Joy Harriet Nina
EstherChloe Nigel KirstyHectorVictorJasonCharlieKirrilySamIvorDaphneNevilleOliver
FritzFerdinandOdetteLindsayVernonAlisonElise Herbie LeonTinaBessiKelvinJanePolly
TimJimGertieSandy Winifred ManuKayMarciaGregElmaRoger
Vivienne Kathy IsobelMargotAivuMarianAdel
WillyLance Orson Fifi
References: [156] [162] [163] [164] [165] [166] [167] [168] [169] [170]

Names used between July 1993 and June 2003

1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03
NaomiTheodoreAnnetteDarylJacobLindsayPanchoSidZelia Rona IlsaTessi Sam AbigailAlexFiona
OscarSharon Bobby EmmaIsobelMelanieGillianSelwynAlison Vance John VaughanTerriWalterBessiGraham
PearlTimVioletFrankDennisNicholasIta Katrina BillyElaineKirrilyPaulWinsomeAlistairBernieHarriet
QuentonVivenneWarrenGertieKirstyOphelia Justin TiffanyThelmaFredericLeon Rosita VincentErrol Chris Craig
SadieWillyChloeBarryEthelFergusRhonda Les Cathy Gwenda MarciaWylvaUpiaClaudia Erica
AgnesHubert Olivia PhilHarold Victor OlindaHamishSteveDes Inigo
References: [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] [125] [126] [127] [171] [172] [173] [174] [175]

Names used between July 2003 and June 2013

2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13
JanaPhoebeBertieIsobelLeeAnika Laurence AnggrekFinaMitchell
DebbieRaymond Clare Nelson Guba Billy Magda Tasha Grant Narelle
KenSallyDarylOdetteMelanieCharlotteNevilleVince Heidi Oswald
LindaTimJim George Helen DominicOlgaZeliaIggyPeta
Fritz Harvey Kate JacobNicholasElliePaulAnthony Jasmine Rusty
Monty Vivienne Emma KaraOpheliaFreddyRobynBiancaKojiSandra
Evan Ingrid Larry PierrePanchoGabrielleSeanYasi Lua Tim
NickyWillyFloydRosie Hamish CarlosVictoria
Fay Adeline Glenda DurgaIlsaDianneZane
Oscar Monica Kirrily
References: [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] [125] [126] [127] [128] [129] [130] [131] [132]

Names used between July 2013 and June 2023

2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23
Alessia BakungStanYvette Cempaka Owen Blake Imogen PaddyDarian
Christine Lam UriahBlancheHildaPenny Damien Kimi Ruby Freddy
Dylan Marcia CalebIrvingRileyEstherLucas Seth Gabrielle
EdnaNathan Debbie Joyce Savannah FerdinandMarian Tiffany Herman
Fletcher Olwyn Ernie Kelvin Trevor Gretel Niran Vernon Ilsa
Gillian QuangFrancesLinda Veronica Harold Seroja Anika
Hadi Raquel Greg Marcus WallaceManggaOdetteBilly
Ita Nora Lili Charlotte
JackFlamboyan Ann
References: [133] [134] [135] [136] [137] [138] [139] [140] [141]

Names used between July 2023 and February 2025

2023–24 2024–25
Jasper Robyn
Kirrily Taliah
Megan Zelia

South Pacific

Tropical Cyclones started to be named within the South Pacific, by the New Caledonia Meteorological Office during the 1958–59 season. [176] [177] The Fiji Office of the New Zealand Meteorological Service subsequently started to also name cyclones during the 1969–70 season with Alice being the first name to be used. [176]

Names used between 1958 and 1970

1958–591959–601960–611961–621962–631963–641964–651965–661966–671967–681968–69 1969–70
References: [177] [178] [179]

Names used between July 1970 and June 1985

1970–71 1971–72 1972–73 1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85
NoraUrsula Bebe LottieValCharlotteKimSteveFayOfaDiolaGyanJotiRewaAtuDrena
OdileVivienneColletteMonicaAlisonDavidLaurieTessaGordonPeniArthurHettieKinaSabaBeti Eric
LenaHenriettaTinaJanErnieMeliWallyTahmar Oscar William
References: [180] [181] [182]

Names used between July 1985 and June 2000

1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90 1990–91 1991–92 1992–93 1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–00
ImaOsea Uma Anne EsetaJudyNancy Sina Tia Esau Joni Rewa VaniaYasiCyril Hina LusiUrsulaCoraIris
JunePatsyVeli Bola FiliHinano [nb 1] Ofa Val Fran Kina SarahWilliamZaka Drena Ian Martin VeliDaniJo
Keli Raja WiniCillaGinaKerryPeni Wasa-Arthur LinTomasAtuEvanJuneNuteWesEllaKim
Lusi Sally YaliDoviHarryLiliRae Betsy GeneMickUshaBetiFreda Keli Osea Yali Frank Leo
Martin Tusi ZumanIvyMeenaCliffHettieNisha Gavin PamZumanGitaMona
Namu DamanInnisOli Ron Alan HaliNeil
Prema Susan Bart
References: [118] [119] [167] [168] [169] [170] [171] [172] [173] [174] [175] [180] [182]

Names used between July 2000 and June 2014

2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15
Oma Trina YolandeDovi Heta Judy Olaf Tam Xavier Daman HettieMickRene Vania Cyril Evan Ian Niko
Paula Vicky Zoe Eseta Ivy Kerry Percy Urmil YaniElisaInnisNishaSarah Wilma DaphneFredaJuneOla
Rita Waka Ami FiliLolaRae Vaianu Zita Funa Joni Oli Tomas Yasi GarryKofi Pam
Sose Beni GinaMeenaSheilaWati Arthur Gene Ken Pat Ului ZakaHaley Lusi Reuben
Cilla Nancy Becky Lin AtuMikeSolo
Cliff Bune
References: [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] [125] [126] [127] [128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] [134]

Names used between July 2015 and February 2025

2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 2023–24 2024–25
TuniBartFehiLiuaRita Yasa Cody Hale Lola Pita
Ula Cook Gita Mona Sarai ZazuDoviIreneMal Rae
Victor Donna Hola Neil Tino Ana Eva Judy NatSeru
Winston EllaIrisOmaUesiBinaFili Kevin Osai
References: [135] [136] [137] [138] [139] [140] [141]

South Atlantic

During March 2004, a tropical cyclone developed within the Southern Atlantic, about 1,010 km (630 mi) to the east-southeast of Florianópolis in southern Brazil. [183] As the system was threatening the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, a newspaper used the headline "Furacão Catarina," which was presumed to mean "furacão (hurricane) threatening (Santa) Catarina (the state)". [183] However, when the international press started monitoring the system, it was assumed that "Furacão Catarina" meant "Hurricane Catarina" and that it had been formally named in the usual way. [183] On March 12, 2010, Brazilian public and private weather services decided to name a tropical storm "Anita" in order to avoid confusion in future references. [184] A naming list was subsequently set up by the Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center with various names taken from that list between 2011 and the present day. [130] [134] [185]

Catarina (2004) Anita (2010) Arani (2011) Bapo (2015) Cari (2015) Deni (2016) Eçaí (2016) Guará (2017) Iba (2019) Jaguar (2019)
Kurumí (2020) Mani (2020) Oquira (2020) Potira (2021) Raoni (2021) Ubá (2021) Yakecan (2022) Akará (2024) Biguá (2024)
References: [130] [134] [135] [136] [137] [138] [139] [183] [184]

See also


  1. The name Hinano was assigned by the Tahiti Meteorological Service. [168]


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