Opinion polling for the 1997 United Kingdom general election

Last updated


Prior to the 1997 general election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intentions. Results of such polls are displayed in this list.

The date range for these opinion polls is from the previous general election to the election on 1 May 1997.

Most opinion polls do not cover Northern Ireland, since its 18 seats were not contested by the political parties standing for election in the rest of the United Kingdom.

Graphical summary

By the end of 1992 Labour had established a lead over the Conservatives which lasted until the 1997 election.

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Liberal Democrats Opinion polls United Kingdom 1997.svg
  Liberal Democrats



end date
Pollster/Client Con Lab Lib Dem Lead
1 May 1997 general election 30.7%43.2%16.8%12.5%
30 AprICM/Guardian33%43%18%10%
30 AprGallup/Telegraph33%46%16%13%
30 AprMORI/Evening Standard29%47%19%18%
29 AprGallup/Telegraph31%51%13%20%
29 AprHarris/Independent31%48%15%17%
29 AprMORI/Times27%51%15%24%
29 AprNOP/Reuters28%50%14%22%
28 AprGallup/Channel 431%49%14%18%
28 AprGallup/Telegraph29%51%13%22%
27 AprGallup/Telegraph30%49%14%19%
26 AprGallup/Sunday Telegraph31%48%13%17%
25 AprGallup/Telegraph32%48%14%16%
25 AprICM/Observer32%47%16%15%
25 AprNOP/Sunday Times29%47%16%18%
24 AprGallup/Telegraph32%48%12%16%
24 AprMORI/Independent on Sunday29%53%12%24%
23 AprGallup/Telegraph30%50%12%20%
22 AprGallup/Channel 431%50%13%19%
22 AprGallup/Telegraph30%51%12%21%
22 AprMORI/Times27%48%17%21%
21 AprGallup/Telegraph32%48%12%16%
21 AprICM/Guardian37%42%14%5%
20 AprGallup/Telegraph32%48%13%16%
20 AprHarris/Independent30%48%15%18%
19 AprGallup/Sunday Telegraph31%50%13%19%
18 AprGallup/Telegraph32%50%13%18%
18 AprICM/Observer31%48%15%17%
18 AprNOP/Sunday Times29%47%17%18%
17 AprGallup/Telegraph31%50%12%19%
16 AprGallup/Telegraph31%50%11%19%
15 AprGallup/Telegraph30%51%12%21%
15 AprMORI/Times32%49%13%17%
14 AprGallup/Telegraph32%49%14%17%
14 AprHarris/Independent31%49%13%18%
14 AprICM/Guardian31%45%19%14%
14 AprMORI/Evening Standard29%50%15%21%
13 AprGallup/Telegraph30%50%14%20%
12 AprGallup/Sunday Telegraph31%50%13%19%
12 AprGallup/Telegraph32%49%14%17%
11 AprGallup/Telegraph32%52%11%20%
11 AprICM/Observer32%48%15%16%
11 AprNOP/Sunday Times28%49%16%21%
10 AprGallup/Telegraph30%52%11%22%
9 AprGallup/Telegraph29%53%12%24%
8 AprGallup/Telegraph32%51%11%19%
8 AprMORI/Times34%49%12%15%
7 AprGallup/Telegraph33%53%10%20%
7 AprHarris/Independent28%54%12%26%
7 AprICM/Guardian34%46%15%12%
6 AprGallup/Telegraph30%55%10%25%
4 AprICM/Observer30%50%14%20%
4 AprMORI/Independent on Sunday30%55%9%25%
4 AprNOP/Reuters29%52%11%23%
4 AprNOP/Sunday Times26%53%12%27%
3 AprGallup/Channel 430%54%11%24%
3 AprHarris/Central News29%55%11%26%
1 AprMORI/Times28%55%11%27%
31 MarHarris/Independent28%52%14%24%
31 MarICM/Guardian32%46%17%14%
28 MarGallup/Telegraph31%52%11%21%
24 MarHarris/Independent28%56%10%28%
24 MarMORI/Times29%50%14%21%
21 MarGallup/Sunday Telegraph27%56%11%29%
17 MarGallup/Telegraph28.5%56.5%9.5%28%
17 MarHarris/Independent27%58%10%31%
14 MarNOP/Reuters29%54%11%25%
13 MarNOP/Sunday Times26%54%13%28%
10 MarHarris/Independent26%53%14%27%
9 MarORB/Ladbrokes26%56%12%30%
4 MarGallup/Telegraph28%54%12.5%26%
3 MarHarris/Independent30%55%10%25%
2 MarICM/Guardian30%48%16%18%
24 FebMORI/Times31%52%11%21%
21 FebNOP/Reuters29%51%14%22%
13 FebNOP/Sunday Times30%49%13%19%
4 FebGallup/Telegraph34%49%12%15%
2 FebICM/Guardian32%48%15%16%
28 JanMORI/Times30%55%11%25%
16 JanNOP/Sunday Times31%54%12%23%
15 JanGallup/Telegraph32.5%50.5%10.5%18%
5 JanICM/Guardian31%48%16%17%
5 JanORB/Ladbrokes30%53%12%23%


end date
Pollster/Client Con Lab Lib Dem Lead
14 DecICM/Observer30%50%14%20%
9 DecMORI/Times30%51%13%21%
2 DecGallup/Telegraph22%59%12%37%
1 DecICM/Guardian31%50%15%19%
29 NovMORI/Euro30%52%13%22%
14 NovNOP/Sunday Times26%56%13%30%
11 NovMORI/Times33%50%12%17%
5 NovGallup/Telegraph28%55%11%17%
2 NovICM/Guardian34%47%15%13%
1 NovMORI/Mail on Sunday30%54%12%24%
28 OctMORI/Times28%56%12%18%
21 OctMORI27%54%12%17%
17 OctNOP/Sunday Times33%47%14%24%
14 OctMORI30%53%12%23%
7 OctMORI29%54%13%25%
5 OctICM/Guardian31%49%16%18%
4 OctGallup/Telegraph24%57%15%33%
3 OctNOP/Sunday Times25%57%13%32%
1 OctGallup/Telegraph27.5%52%15%24.5%
24 SepGallup/Telegraph27%54%13.5%27%
23 SepMORI/Times29%52%14%23%
19 SepNOP/Sunday Times31%50%14%19%
9 SepMORI28%56%12%28%
7 SepICM/Guardian32%47%16%15%
3 SepGallup/Telegraph25.5%58.5%11%33%
25 AugMORI/Times30%51%13%27%
15 AugNOP/Sunday Times28%54%14%26%
12 AugMORI30%52%13%22%
5 AugGallup/Telegraph25%59%11%34%
3 AugICM/Guardian33%45%19%12%
28 JulMORI/Times29%53%12%24%
25 JulNOP/Sunday Times29%51%16%22%
6 JulICM/Guardian30%45%21%15%
1 JulGallup/Telegraph26%54.5%14.5%28.5%
1 JulMORI32%52%12%20%
24 JunMORI/Times31%52%12%21%
20 JunNOP/Sunday Times27%55%15%28%
10 JunMORI27%56%13%29%
6 JunICM/Guardian30%46%19%16%
3 JunGallup/Telegraph22.5%57%16%34.5%
2 JunICM/Guardian30%46%19%16%
30 May 1996 Northern Ireland Forum election [1]
26 MayMORI/Times27%54%15%27%
16 MayNOP/Sunday Times27%52%17%25%
13 MayMORI27%56%13%29%
6 MayGallup/Telegraph24.5%55.5%15.5%31%
5 MayICM/Guardian28%45%21%17%
3 MayICM/Sunday Express26%52%15%26%
2 May 1996 local elections [2]
27 AprMORI/Sun29%54%13%25%
25 AprNOP/Sunday Times28%52%16%24%
22 AprMORI/Times28%54%14%26%
13 AprICM/Guardian29%50%17%21%
1 AprGallup/Telegraph26%55.5%15.5%29.5%
25 MarMORI/Times28%57%13%29%
14 MarNOP/Sunday Times27%55%14%28%
11 MarMORI29%55%13%26%
4 MarGallup/Telegraph23%57.5%16%34.5%
4 MarICM/Guardian31%45%20%14%
26 FebMORI/Times26%57%14%31%
16 FebNOP/Sunday Times25%54%16%29%
12 FebMORI26%57%14%31%
5 FebGallup/Telegraph28%54.5%14.5%26.5%
4 FebICM/Guardian31%47%19%16%
29 JanMORI28%54%15%26%
22 JanMORI/Times29%55%13%26%
19 JanNOP/Sunday Times25%54%18%25%
17 JanNOP33%47%14%14%
8 JanGallup/Telegraph21%60.5%14.5%39.5%
6 JanICM/Guardian26%48%22%22%
3 JanNOP/Sunday Times29%52%13%23%


end date
Pollster/Client Con Lab Lib Dem Lead
15 DecNOP/Sunday Times25%55%16%30%
14 DecICM/Observer30%50%14%20%
9 DecICM/Guardian26%48%22%22%
4 DecGallup/Telegraph23%62%12%39%
4 DecMORI/Times28%55%13%27%
1 DecNOP/Sunday Times25%57%15%32%
20 NovMORI/Times26%56%14%30%
17 NovNOP/Sunday Times27%56%13%29%
5 NovICM/Guardian31%48%16%17%
30 OctGallup/Telegraph21.5%61%14.5%39.5%
23 OctMORI/Times27%56%13%29%
20 OctNOP/Sunday Times23%59%15%36%
7 OctICM/Guardian30%47%19%17%
2 OctGallup/Telegraph25.5%55.5%14%30%
25 SepMORI/Times28%51%16%23%
15 SepNOP/Sunday Times27%53%17%26%
9 SepICM/Guardian31%48%17%17%
4 SepGallup/Telegraph26.5%54.5%14%28%
28 AugMORI/Times25%56%15%31%
18 AugNOP/Sunday Times24%57%15%33%
5 AugICM/Guardian31%48%17%17%
31 JulGallup/Telegraph22.5%57.5%14.5%35%
31 JulICM/Express24%58%14%34%
24 JulMORI/Times26%59%12%33%
21 JulMORI/LWT30%52%13%22%
21 JulNOP/Sunday Times26%55%14%29%
8 JulICM/Guardian32%47%17%15%
4 Jul John Major is re-elected leader of the Conservative Party [3]
3 JulGallup/Telegraph25.5%57%13%31.5%
3 JulMORI/European33%52%10%19%
27 JunMORI/Economist31%55%11%24%
26 JunMORI/Times29%56%13%27%
24 JunMORI/Mail on Sunday32%54%11%22%
10 JunICM/Guardian24%53%19%29%
5 JunGallup/Telegraph20%59.5%14.5%39.5%
22 MayMORI/Times22%58%16%36%
13 MayICM/Guardian29%48%19%19%
8 MayGallup/Telegraph23%55.5%16.5%32.5%
4 May 1995 local elections [4]
24 AprMORI/Times26%56%15%30%
8 AprICM/Guardian26%51%18%25%
6 Apr 1995 Scottish local elections [5]
3 AprGallup/Telegraph23%57.5%15%34.5%
24 MarMORI/Sunday Times25%59%12%34%
20 MarMORI/Times25%57%13%32%
11 MarICM/Guardian27%52%17%25%
27 FebGallup/Telegraph20.5%60.5%15%40%
20 FebMORI/Times24%58%14%34%
11 FebICM/Guardian31%49%17%18%
30 JanGallup/Telegraph23.5%59.5%13%36%
23 JanMORI/Times27%56%14%29%
14 JanICM/Guardian30%48%18%18%
13 JanHarris/Sunday Times25%60%12%35%
9 JanGallup/Telegraph18.5%62%14%43.5%


end date
Pollster/Client Con Lab Lib Dem Lead
19 DecMORI/Times22%61%13%39%
9 DecICM/Observer26%53%17%27%
5 DecGallup/Telegraph21.5%61%13.5%39.5%
3 DecICM/Guardian31%49%17%18%
21 NovMORI/Times24%55%17%31%
5 NovICM/Guardian31%49%16%18%
31 OctGallup/Telegraph21.5%56.5%17%35%
24 OctMORI/Times25%57%14%32%
8 OctICM/Guardian32%49%15%17%
3 OctGallup/Telegraph25.5%54%16.5%28.5%
27 SepGallup/Telegraph21%57.5%15.5%36.5%
26 SepMORI/Economist25%52%18%27%
26 SepMORI/Times25%54%17%29%
16 SepNOP/Independent28%50%17%22%
10 SepICM/Guardian33%45%18%12%
5 SepGallup/Telegraph22%56.5%17%34.5%
26 AugNOP/Independent on Sunday26%54%16%28%
22 AugMORI/Times23%56%18%33%
6 AugICM/Guardian28%49%19%21%
1 AugGallup/Telegraph23%56.5%14.5%33.5%
21 Jul Tony Blair becomes leader of the Labour Party [6]
18 JulMORI/Times23%51%21%28%
9 JulICM/Guardian31%44%21%13%
4 JulGallup/Telegraph26.5%51%17.5%24.5%
20 JunMORI/Times24%52%20%28%
10 JunICM/Sunday Express26.5%45.5%19%19%
9 June 1994 European Parliament election [7]
6 JunMORI/Times23%50%22%27%
4 JunICM/Daily Express27%45%22%19%
31 MayMORI/GMB22%46%22%24%
30 MayGallup/ Telegraph21%54%21.5%33%
23 MayMORI/Times27%46%23%19%
21 MayICM/Guardian30%44%20%14%
17 MayICM/Express26%48%23%22%
14 MayMORI/Sunday Times26%49%20%23%
9 MayGallup/Telegraph24.5%45.5%25%20.5%
7 MayICM/Guardian29%44%24%17%
5 May 1994 local elections [8]
25 AprMORI/Times26%47%23%21%
20 AprNOP/Independent26%48%21%22%
9 AprICM/Guardian30%42%22%12%
4 AprGallup/Telegraph26.5%51.5%17.5%25%
1 AprMORI/Evening Standard28%46%22%18%
31 MarNOP/Independent on Sunday26%50%20%24%
28 MarMORI/Times27%49%20%22%
12 MarICM/Guardian29%44%22%15%
28 FebGallup/Telegraph25%48.5%21%23.5%
28 FebMORI/Times28%47%21%19%
12 FebICM/Guardian30%44%21%14%
31 JanGallup/Telegraph26%45.5%23%19.5%
27 JanAudience Selection/Sunday Mirror28%41%24%13%
24 JanMORI/Times28%48%20%20%
11 JanGallup/Telegraph25.5%46.5%20.5%21%
11 JanMORI/Sun30%46%20%16%
8 JanICM/Guardian31%43%21%12%


end date
Pollster/Client Con Lab Lib Dem Lead
14 DecICM/Observer26%48%23%22%
13 DecMORI/Times29%47%20%18%
6 DecGallup/Telegraph27%48.5%20%21.5%
4 DecICM/Guardian31%42%23%11%
22 NovMORI/Times29%47%22%18%
13 NovNOP/Sunday Times27%47%21%20%
6 NovICM/Guardian34%38%24%4%
1 NovGallup/Telegraph24%46.5%25.5%22.5%
25 OctMORI/Times29%45%23%16%
9 OctICM/Guardian36%39%20%3%
9 OctICM/Sunday Express30%40%26%10%
27 SepGallup/Telegraph23%44.5%27%21.5%
24 SepICM/Sunday Express27%41%26%14%
21 SepGallup/Telegraph23.5%44%26.5%20.5%
20 SepMORI/Times29%43%25%14%
11 SepICM/Guardian29%40%26%11%
6 SepGallup/Telegraph25.5%46.5%23%21%
23 AugMORI/Times28%42%25%14%
7 AugICM/Guardian30%36%27%6%
1 AugGallup/Telegraph23%44.5%27%21.5%
30 JulMORI/Sunday Times27%41%28%14%
26 JulMORI/Times27%44%25%17%
23 JulMORI/Sunday Times34%44%18%10%
5 JulGallup/Telegraph24.5%43%26.5%18.5%
3 JulICM/Guardian32%37%25%5%
28 JunMORI/Times28%46%23%18%
12 JunMORI/Sunday Times29%44%22%15%
11 JunNOP/Independent on Sunday27%42%26%15%
5 JunICM/Guardian31%38%26%7%
31 MayGallup/Telegraph25%49%23%24%
24 MayMORI/Times28%44%24%16%
19 May 1993 Northern Ireland local elections
8 MayICM/Guardian32%38%24%6%
6 May 1993 local elections [9]
3 MayGallup/Telegraph30%47%17.5%17%
26 AprMORI/Times32%46%20%14%
10 AprICM/Guardian34%39%21%5%
1 AprGallup/Telegraph30.5%49%15.5%18.5%
29 MarMORI/Times32%47%17%15%
6 MarICM/Guardian36%41%18%5%
1 MarGallup/Telegraph32%49%14%17%
22 FebMORI/Times34%46%16%12%
6 FebICM/Guardian37%39%18%2%
1 FebGallup/Telegraph33.5%46%15.5%12.5%
26 JanMORI/CCC38%44%13%8%
21 JanMORI/Sunday Times37%45%14%8%
11 JanGallup/Telegraph33.5%45.5%14.5%12%
9 JanICM/Guardian39%37%18%2%


end date
Pollster/Client Con Lab Lib Dem Lead
15 DecMORI/Sunday Times34%47%16%13%
5 DecICM/Guardian36%41%18%5%
1 DecMORI/Sunday Times34%47%15%13%
30 NovGallup/Telegraph29%52%14%23%
20 NovICM/Express33%49%14%16%
12 NovHarris/Observer32%51%14%19%
8 NovHarris/World in Action30%53%13%23%
7 NovICM/Guardian36%40%19%4%
2 NovGallup/Telegraph32.5%50%13%17.5%
30 OctNOP/Independent on Sunday34%47%14%13%
27 OctMORI/Sunday Times35%45%15%10%
19 OctGallup29%51%14%22%
12 OctGallup36%45%14%9%
10 OctICM/Guardian38%38%19%Tie
29 SepMORI/Sunday Times37%43%16%6%
28 SepGallup/Telegraph37%44%15%7%
21 SepGallup/Telegraph37%42%17%5%
19 SepMORI/Sunday Times39%43%15%4%
18 SepNOP/Independent on Sunday39%41%16%3%
17 SepHarris/Observer36%44%16%8%
16 Sep Black Wednesday [10]
7 SepGallup43%41%12%2%
5 SepICM/Guardian39%35%19%4%
2 SepMORI/Sunday Times41%44%13%3%
21 AugMORI/Times38%44%14%6%
14 AugNOP/Independent on Sunday43%39%14%4%
8 AugICM/Guardian41%36%17%5%
3 AugGallup40.5%45%12%4.5%
28 JulMORI/Sunday Times39%43%15%4%
18 Jul John Smith becomes leader of the Labour Party [11]
16 JulHarris/Observer44%38%15%6%
6 JulGallup42%38%16%4%
4 JulICM/Guardian45%36%15%9%
23 JunMORI/Sunday Times42%39%16%3%
18 JunHarris/Observer46%36%15%10%
6 JunICM/Guardian45%36%16%9%
1 JunGallup45%37%17%8%
26 MayMORI/Sunday Times43%38%16%5%
17 MayAudience Selection45%37%13%8%
14 MayHarris/Observer46%37%13%9%
9 MayICM/Guardian45%34%17%11%
8 May 1992 local elections [12]
4 MayGallup42%39%17%3%
28 AprMORI/Sunday Times43%38%16%5%
16 AprHarris/Observer44%36%17%8%
12 AprGallup39%38%19%1%
11 AprAudience Selection42%36%18%6%
9 Apr 1992 general election 41.9%34.4%17.8%7.5%

Polling in the nations and regions


All poll data from BBC News. [13]

Lab SNP Con Lib Dem Lead
1992 election 9 Apr 199239.0%21.5%25.6%13.1%13.4%
System 3 The Herald 20-24 Mar 19971,00652%20%17%9%32%
System 3 The Herald 27-30 Mar 19971,00353%26%12%9%27%
ICM The Scotsman 29-31 Mar 19971,00047%22%20%9%25%
NOPScot S Times2 Apr 199784449%25%18%6%24%
System 3 The Herald 5-6 Apr 19971,08151%23%14%10%28%
ICM The Scotsman 11-13 Apr 19971,00042%23%19%15%19%
System 3 The Herald 12-14 Apr 19971,00052%24%13%9%28%
NOPScot S Times17 Apr 199795047%28%15%8%19%
ICM The Scotsman 18-20 Apr 19971,00047%21%18%11%26%
System 3 The Herald 19-20 Apr 19971,08047%21%18%11%26%
NOPScot S Times24 Apr 19971,00049%24%14%12%25%
ICM The Scotsman 25-27 Apr 19971,00046%21%18%13%25%
System 3 The Herald 26-27 Apr 19971,08450%26%14%9%25%
1997 election 1 May 199745.6%22.1%17.5%13.0%23.5%

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The 2010 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday 6 May 2010, to elect Members of Parliament to the House of Commons. The election took place in 650 constituencies across the United Kingdom under the first-past-the-post system. The election resulted in a large swing to the opposition Conservative Party led by David Cameron similar to that seen in 1979, the last time a Conservative opposition had ousted a Labour government. The governing Labour Party led by the prime minister Gordon Brown lost the 66-seat majority it had previously enjoyed, but no party achieved the 326 seats needed for a majority. The Conservatives won the most votes and seats, but still fell 20 seats short. This resulted in a hung parliament where no party was able to command a majority in the House of Commons. This was only the second general election since the Second World War to return a hung parliament, the first being the February 1974 election. This election marked the start of Conservative government for the next 14 years.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shy Tory factor</span> Phenomenon observed in opinion polling

"Shy Tory factor" is a name given by British opinion polling companies to a phenomenon first observed by psephologists in the early 1990s. They observed that the share of the electoral vote won by the Conservative Party was significantly higher than the equivalent share in opinion polls. The accepted explanation was that so-called "shy Tories" were voting Conservative after telling pollsters they would not. The general elections held in 1992 and 2015 are examples where it has allegedly affected the overall results, but has also been discussed in other elections where the Conservatives did unexpectedly well. It has also been applied to the success of the Republican Party in the United States or the continued electoral victories of the People's Action Party in Singapore.

The 1994 Labour Party leadership election was held on 21 July 1994 following the death of the incumbent leader, John Smith, on 12 May. Tony Blair won the leadership and became Prime Minister after winning the 1997 general election.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shadow Secretary of State for Transport</span>

The shadow secretary of state for transport is a political post in the United Kingdom. It has been consistently held by a member of the Official Opposition Shadow Cabinet since May 1979. The shadow secretary helps hold the transport secretary and junior ministers to account and is the lead spokesperson on transport matters for their party. Should the relevant party take office, the shadow secretary would be a likely candidate to become the transport secretary.

The shadow cabinet minister for international development is the lead spokesperson for the United Kingdom's Official Opposition on issues related to international aid, most notably to the Third World. The shadow cabinet minister holds the minister of state for development and Africa to account in Parliament. The role previously had no counterpart in the Government between 2020 and 2022 after the Department for International Development (DFID) and the role of international development secretary was abolished by the second Johnson government in 2020. The position was renamed from shadow secretary of state for international development in November 2021 and placed under the shadow foreign secretary.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shadow Cabinet of Tony Blair</span> Shadow Cabinet of the United Kingdom from 1994 to 1997

Tony Blair was Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition from his election as Leader on 21 July 1994 until he became Prime Minister on 2 May 1997. Blair became leader upon the death of John Smith.

Electoral Calculus is a political consultancy and pollster, known for its political forecasting website that attempts to predict future United Kingdom general election results. It uses MRP to combine national factors and local demographics.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2014 European Parliament election in the United Kingdom</span> Election

The 2014 European Parliament election was the United Kingdom's component of the 2014 European Parliament election, held on Thursday 22 May 2014, coinciding with the 2014 local elections in England and Northern Ireland. In total, 73 Members of the European Parliament were elected from the United Kingdom using proportional representation. England, Scotland and Wales use a closed-list party list system of PR, while Northern Ireland used the single transferable vote (STV).

In the run up to the general election of 2001, several polling organisations carried out opinion polling in regards to voting intention in Great Britain. Results of such polls are displayed below.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of the socialist movement in the United Kingdom</span>

Socialism in the United Kingdom is thought to stretch back to the 19th century from roots arising in the English Civil War. Notions of socialism in Great Britain have taken many different forms from the utopian philanthropism of Robert Owen through to the reformist electoral project enshrined in the Labour Party that was founded in 1900 and nationalised a fifth of the British economy in the late 1940s.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2015 United Kingdom general election</span>

The 2015 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday 7 May 2015 to elect 650 Members of Parliament (MPs) to the House of Commons. It was the first of three general elections to be held under the rules of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 and was the last general election to be held before the United Kingdom voted to end its membership of the European Union (EU) in June 2016. Local elections took place in most areas of England on the same day and is to date the most recent general election to coincide with local elections. The governing Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister David Cameron, won an unexpected victory; opinion polls and political commentators had predicted that the results of the election would cause a second consecutive hung parliament whose composition would be similar to the previous Parliament, which was in effect from the previous national election in 2010. However, opinion polls underestimated the Conservatives, as they won 330 of the 650 seats and 36.9 per cent of the votes, giving them a majority of ten seats.

Prior to the 2019 United Kingdom general election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intentions. Results of such polls are displayed in this list. Most of the pollsters listed are members of the British Polling Council (BPC) and abide by its disclosure rules. Opinion polling about attitudes to the leaders of various political parties can be found in a separate article.

In the run up to the 1992 general election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intention in the United Kingdom. Results of such polls are displayed in this article. The date range for these opinion polls are from the election to 8 April.

Opinion polling for the 2024 United Kingdom general election was carried out by various organisations to gauge voting intention. Most of the polling companies listed are members of the British Polling Council (BPC) and abide by its disclosure rules. The dates for these opinion polls range from the previous election on 12 December 2019 to the eve of the 2024 election. The date of the election was Thursday, 4 July 2024.


  1. Sharrock, David (1 June 1996). "Poll gives a good result all round". The Guardian . p. 8.
  2. Macintyre, Donald; Timmins, Nicholas (3 May 1996). "This time it was merely a rout". The Independent . p. 1.
  3. White, Michael (5 July 1995). "Jubilant Major tightens grip as cabinet shuffle tilts to the right". The Guardian . p. 1.
  4. Macintyre, Donald; Rentoul, John. "Tories massacred at local polls". The Independent . p. 1.
  5. Arlidge, John; Rentoul, John (7 April 1995). "Tories wiped out in Scottish poll". The Independent . p. 1.
  6. Sergeant, John (21 July 1994). "Tony Blair elected Labour Party leader, 1994". BBC News . Retrieved 21 July 2021.
  7. Macintyre, Donald; Goodwin, Stephen (13 June 1994). "Britain turns to Labour". The Independent . p. 1.
  8. Macintyre, Donald; Whitfield, Martin (6 May 1994). "Lib Dems storm the town halls". The Independent . p. 1.
  9. Wynn Davies, Patricia; Crequer, Ngaio (7 May 1993). "Voters rebuff Major in county council polls". The Independent . p. 1.
  10. Inman, Phillip; correspondent, economics (13 September 2012). "Black Wednesday 20 years on: how the day unfolded". The Guardian. ISSN   0261-3077 . Retrieved 26 May 2024.{{cite news}}: |last2= has generic name (help)
  11. Macintyre, Donald; Castle, Stephen (19 July 1992). "John Smith sweeps in with reforming zeal". The Independent on Sunday . p. 1.
  12. Timmins, Nicholas; Ian, McKinnon (8 May 1992). "Labour hammered at polls". The Independent . p. 1.
  13. "Scottish Voting Intention". Politics '97. BBC News. Archived from the original on 9 February 1999.