Opinion polling for the 2001 United Kingdom general election

Last updated


In the run up to the general election of 2001, several polling organisations carried out opinion polling in regards to voting intention in Great Britain (i.e. the UK excluding Northern Ireland, which is usually excluded from such voting intention surveys). Results of such polls are displayed below.

The election took place on 7 June 2001. The previous general election was held on 1 May 1997, and had seen Labour return to power with a landslide victory after 18 years, led by Tony Blair. Such was the scale of Labour's victory that it was widely accepted - even within the Conservative Party - that the next election would produce another Labour victory, with the best realistic target for other parties being to reduce the Labour majority (recognised by Cecil Parkinson on Election Night 1997 when he stated on the BBC's broadcast that it "was a two term Labour government").

The parliamentary term of 1997-2001 had seen the opinion polls led by the Labour Party, mostly with a lead in excess of 10 points, over the Conservatives (who had replaced John Major with William Hague as their new leader), apart from a brief spell in the autumn of 2000 when fuel protests threatened to bring Britain to a standstill. However, the blockades which had caused the protests were quickly resolved and Labour support recovered to the extent that Blair felt able to call an election for 3 May 2001, although the recent foot and mouth crisis meant that the election was delayed for five weeks until 7 June.

Another rare success for the Conservatives during this parliamentary term came in June 1999, when it enjoyed the largest share of the votes in the European parliament elections, with William Hague vowing to keep the pound as Britain's currency, whereas Tony Blair was refusing to rule out eventually adopting the Euro.

In the event, the election produced a low turnout (with many voters perhaps feeling that another Labour victory was inevitable) and Labour won a second successive landslide, with the British political scene remaining almost completely unchanged with only a few seats changing hands.

All polling data is from Ipsos MORI, UK polling Report and BBC News. [1] [2] [3]

Exit polls

Two exit polls conducted by MORI for ITV and NOP for BBC was published at the end of voting at 10 pm, predicting the number of seats for each party. [4] [5]

PartiesMORI for ITVNOP for BBC
Labour Party 417Decrease2.svg 2408Decrease2.svg 11
Conservative Party 154Decrease2.svg 11177Increase2.svg 12
Liberal Democrats 58Increase2.svg 1244Decrease2.svg 2
Others30Increase2.svg 130Increase2.svg 1

Graphical summary

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Liberal Democrats Opinion polls United Kingdom 2001.svg
  Liberal Democrats

National poll results


Lab Con Lib Dem OthersLead
7 Jun 2001 general election [6] 40.7%31.7%18.3%9.3%9%
6 JunGallupThe Daily Telegraph2,39947%30%18%?17%
5–6 JunMORIThe Times1,90645%30%18%?15%
2–4 JunICMThe Guardian1,00943%32%19%6%11%
2–3 JunICMEvening Standard1,38147%30%18%?17%
3 JunRasmussenThe Independent?44%33%16%?11%
31 May2 JunMORIThe Sunday Telegraph1,07050%27%17%?23%
31 May1 JunICMThe Observer1,00546%34%15%?12%
31 May1 JunNOPThe Sunday Times1,10547%30%16%?17%
30 May1 JunICMChannel 41,00743%31%19%?12%
29 MayMORIThe Times1,01348%30%16%?18%
28–29 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,46247%31%16%?16%
26–28 MayICMThe Guardian1,00047%28%17%8%19%
27 MayRasmussenThe Independent?44%32%17%?12%
24–25 MayNOPThe Sunday Times?49%30%14%?19%
21–23 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00048%32%15%?16%
22 MayMORITimes1,06652%27%16%?25%
22 MayRasmussenThe Independent?44%32%16%?12%
19–21 MayICMThe Guardian1,00045%32%17%7%13%
20 MayGallupBES?55%25%14%?30%
17–18 MayNOPThe Sunday Times1,10749%30%14%?19%
15 MayMORIThe Times1,01954%28%12%6%26%
14–15 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00448%32%13%7%16%
13–14 MayICMThe Guardian1,00446%31%16%7%15%
14 MayGallupBES?53%32%11%?21%
10–14 MayMORIThe Economist1,84654%26%14%6%28%
14 May Parliament dissolved and official campaign period begins [7]
11–13 MayICMEvening Standard1,43748%32%14%6%16%
13 MayRasmussenThe Independent1,00446%32%13%9%14%
10–12 MayMORIThe Sunday Telegraph1,03051%31%13%5%20%
10–11 MayICMThe Observer1,01148%32%15%5%16%
10–11 MayNOPThe Sunday Times1,00349%32%13%6%17%
2–8 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00049%32%13%6%17%
8 MayMORIThe Times1,04654%30%13%?24%
4–7 MayNOPDaily Express1,00051%31%13%6%20%
1–6 MayNOPChannel 41,60049%34%11%?15%
26 Apr2 MayNOPChannel 4~200051%29%13%5%22%
30 Apr1 MayMORIThe Sun1,00850%32%13%5%18%
19–24 AprMORIThe Times1,93550%30%13%7%20%
20–22 AprICMThe Guardian1,00547%33%14%6%14%
10–12 AprMORIDaily Mail1,00353%29%12%6%24%
4–10 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00953%27%15%5%26%
30 Mar4 AprNOPChannel 41,57552%30%12%6%22%
30–31 MarMORIThe Sunday Telegraph1,03448%32%15%5%16%
29–30 MarICMThe Guardian1,00049%34%13%4%15%
22–27 MarMORIThe Times1,94550%31%14%5%19%
16–18 MarICMThe Guardian1,42644%35%16%6%9%
15–16 MarNOPThe Sunday Times1,42651%31%13%5%20%
17 Feb13 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01655%29%12%3%26%
15–20 FebMORIThe Times1,90050%30%14%5%20%
16–18 FebICMThe Guardian1,00047%32%15%7%15%
31 Jan7 FebGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00150%29%17%4%21%
25–26 JanMORIMail on Sunday1,00749%31%14%6%18%
18–22 JanMORIThe Times2,08350%31%14%5%19%
19–21 JanICMThe Guardian1,00444%34%16%6%10%
10–16 JanGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00651%31%13%6%20%
11–13 JanMORIThe Sunday Telegraph1,00752%31%11%6%21%
11–12 JanNOPThe Sunday Times1,23248%33%14%5%15%
4–6 JanMORIMail on Sunday1,00546%35%14%5%11%


Lab Con Lib Dem OthersLead
21 Dec Falkirk West by-election [8]
13–15 DecMORINews of the World1,00347%32%16%5%15%
6–13 DecGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01147%32%14%7%15%
7–12 DecMORIThe Times1,98446%34%14%6%12%
1–3 DecICMThe Guardian1,00344%34%16%6%10%
23–28 NovMORIThe Times1,97248%33%13%6%15%
24–25 NovMORIMail on Sunday1,00647%34%13%6%13%
23 NovBy-elections in Glasgow Anniesland, Preston and West Bromwich West [9] [10] [11]
1–7 NovGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01045%34%14%6%11%
3–5 NovICMThe Guardian1,00140%34%20%7%6%
2–3 NovMORIMail on Sunday1,00242%34%17%7%8%
19–23 OctMORIThe Times2,01045%32%17%6%13%
13–16 OctICMThe Guardian1,00140%35%19%6%5%
11–13 OctNOPThe Sunday Times1,17142%35%17%6%7%
10 OctMORICarlton TV1,01440%38%19%3%2%
28–30 SepICMNews of the World1,02538%37%20%6%1%
28–30 SepMORIThe Sun1,00643%36%16%5%7%
28–29 SepNOPSunday Express1,00243%37%13%7%6%
SepNOPLabour Party1,000????11%
21–26 SepMORIThe Times1,84337%35%21%7%2%
21 Sep South Antrim by-election [12]
20–26 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00239%36%20%5%3%
21–23 SepNOPChannel 41,00232%40%22%6%8%
21–22 SepMORIMail on Sunday1,01435%39%21%5%4%
14–19 SepMORISchroder Salomon Smith Barney1,86436%36%21%7%Tie
13–19 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00635%40%16%9%5%
15–17 SepICMThe Guardian1,05534%38%22%7%4%
14–16 SepNOPThe Sunday Times1,00237%37%21%5%Tie
14–15 SepMORINews of the World1,00636%38%18%8%2%
6–12 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00645%32%16%6%13%
6–12 SepMORIN/A2,00445%30%17%8%15%
7–14 SepProtests over the rising cost of fuel occur across the United Kingdom [13]
31 Aug6 SepMORIN/A1,81848%32%13%5%16%
17–21 AugMORIThe Times1,91651%29%15%5%22%
17–18 AugMORINews of the World1,00451%32%12%5%19%
11–13 AugICMThe Guardian1,05044%34%17%8%10%
2–7 AugGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00547%32%14%7%15%
20–24 JulMORIThe Times2,01949%33%12%616%
20–22 JulMORIMail on Sunday1,01151%32%11%6%19%
14–15 JulICMThe Guardian1,05642%35%17%6%7%
12–14 JulMORIMail on Sunday1,00347%32%15%6%15%
5–11 JulGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01645%35%14%7%10%
29–30 JunMORIMail on Sunday1,00446%32%17%5%14%
22–27 JunMORIThe Times1,91547%33%13%7%14%
22 Jun Tottenham by-election [14]
23–26 JunICMThe Guardian1,06143%32%17%8%11%
22–23 JunMORINews of the World1,00247%34%14%5%13%
8–9 JunMORIMail on Sunday1,00841%38%16%5%3%
31 May6 JunGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00749%30%15%6%19%
18–23 MayMORIThe Times1,89148%32%15%5%16%
17–19 MayMORIDaily Mail1,00346%33%14%7%13%
13–15 MayICMThe Guardian1,00341%34%18%7%7%
3–9 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00947%31%14%7%16%
6–7 MayICMConservative Party1,00043%35%15%7%8%
4 May Local elections in England and Romsey by-election [15] [16]
13–18 AprMORIThe Times1,86051%27%15%7%24%
14–15 AprICMThe Guardian1,20345%32%15%8%13%
5–11 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00750%32%12%6%18%
23–28 MarMORIThe Times1,72850%29%14%7%21%
17–19 MarICMThe Guardian1,20744%32%16%8%12%
1–7 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01851%31%11%6%20%
17–22 FebMORIThe Times1,93850%29%15%6%21%
11–13 FebICMThe Guardian1,20544%29%18%9%15%
2–6 FebGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,02449%28%15%8%21%
3 Feb Ceredigion by-election [17]
25–27 JanMORIDaily Mail1,00749%29%15%7%20%
20–25 JanMORIThe Times2,01550%30%15%5%20%
14–17 JanICMThe Guardian1,15547%30%17%6%17%
5–12 JanGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00553%30%12%5%23%


Lab Con Lib Dem OthersLead
10–14 DecMORIThe Times1,96754%28%13%5%26%
10–12 DecICMThe Guardian1,20148%29%17%6%19%
25 Nov1 DecGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01153%27%15%5%26%
Kensington & Chelsea by-election [18]
19–22 NovMORIThe Times1,93555%25%14%6%30%
12–14 NovICMThe Guardian1,11944%34%15%7%10%
8–10 NovMORIDaily Mail1,00350%32%12%7%18%
27 Oct2 NovGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00252%28%14%6%24%
22–26 OctICMThe Guardian1,08445%32%17%6%13%
22–25 OctMORIThe Times1,96556%28%11%5%28%
13–14 OctMORIThe Sun1,00352%31%13%7%21%
23–29 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01252%29%13%7%23%
24–27 SepMORIThe Times1,82352%25%17%6%27%
23 SepBy-elections in Hamilton South and Wigan [19] [20]
17–19 SepICMThe Guardian1,20245%32%16%6%13%
9–11 SepMORIMail on Sunday1,00249%32%13%6%17%
25 Aug1 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00052%27%13%7%25%
20–23 AugMORIThe Times1,86249%27%17%7%22%
13–15 AugICMThe Guardian1,20448%30%16%6%18%
9 Aug Charles Kennedy is elected leader of the Liberal Democrats [21]
28 Jul4 AugGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00851%30%12%7%21%
23–26 JulMORIThe Times2,1351%28%14%7%23%
22 Jul Eddisbury by-election [22]
9–11 JulICMThe Guardian1,20048%31%16%5%17%
18–21 JunMORIThe Times2,02851%28%13%8%23%
10 Jun European Parliament election and Leeds Central by-election [23] [24]
4–5 JunICMThe Guardian1,20546%29%19%7%17%
26 May1 JunGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00052%24%16%8%28%
21–24 MayMORIThe Times2,04652%28%14%6%24%
7–8 MayICMThe Guardian1,20551%28%16%6%23%
6 May Local Elections in England and Wales, Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly elections [25] [26] [27]
30 Apr1 MayMORIMail on Sunday1,00850%30%14%6%20%
21–28 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00652%29%13%7%23%
23–26 AprMORIThe Times1,96656%25%13%6%31%
16–17 AprICMThe Guardian1,20552%29%16%4%23%
30 Mar7 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01454%27%13%7%27%
19–22 MarMORIThe Times1,90754%27%13%6%27%
5–7 MarICMThe Guardian1,21752%29%16%4%23%
26 Feb4 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00252%30%11%6%22%
19–22 FebMORIThe Times1,90751%30%14%6%21%
5–7 FebICMThe Guardian1,21149%28%16%6%21%
28 Jan3 FebGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,06953%29%13%5%24%
22–25 JanMORIThe Times1,93056%24%14%6%32%
6–12 JanNOPEvening Standard1,60057%25%12%6%32%
4–6 JanGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01752%29%13%5%23%
30 Dec3 JanICMThe Guardian1,20950%30%15%5%20%


Lab Con Lib Dem OthersLead
9–15 DecNOPEvening Standard1,60055%27%12%7%28%
11–14 DecMORIThe Times1,86454%27%12%6%27%
4–7 DecICMThe Guardian1,12349%29%16%6%20%
16 Nov2 DecGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,02155%29%11%5%26%
20–23 NovMORIThe Times1,88353%29%13%5%24%
4–6 NovICMThe Guardian1,21051%27%17%5%24%
29 Oct4 NovGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,03654%28%14%5%26%
23–26 OctMORIThe Times1,77553%26%16%5%27%
1–4 OctICMThe Guardian1,12051%29%15%5%22%
24–30 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,02857%23%15%5%34%
18–21 SepMORIThe Times1,78956%24%15%5%32%
4–6 SepICMThe Guardian1,17848%29%17%6%19%
26 Aug3 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00554%28%12%6%26%
21–24 AugMORIThe Times1,88652%28%14%6%24%
7–9 AugICMThe Guardian1,20347%31%17%4%16%
30 Jul5 AugGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00353%28%13%5%25%
17–21 JulMORIThe Times1,79653%28%14%5%25%
3–4 JulICMThe Guardian1,20352%27%17%4%25%
25 Jun1 JulGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,00652%28%14%6%24%
25–30 JunMORIThe Times1,76056%27%13%4%29%
24–26 JunMORIThe Sun1,00051%28%15%6%23%
25 JunElection to the Northern Ireland Assembly [28]
5–6 JunICMThe Guardian1,20151%29%16%4%22%
28 May3 JunGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01154%28%12%6%26%
21–24 MayMORIThe Times1,83255%26%14%5%29%
22 May Good Friday Agreement Referendum [29]
15–19 MayICMThe Guardian1,10150%29%16%5%21%
7 May Local elections in England and the Greater London Authority referendum [30]
23–29 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,05054%25%16%4%29%
24–27 AprMORIThe Times1,92655%27%14%4%28%
24–26 AprMORIThe Sun80454%30%13%3%24%
20–22 AprICMThe Observer1,00052%29%16%3%23%
3–5 AprICMThe Guardian1,21248%31%16%6%17%
26 Mar1 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph98554%26%16%4%28%
20–23 MarMORIThe Times1,87953%28%14%5%25%
6–8 MarICMThe Guardian1,20046%33%17%5%13%
26 Feb4 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph99951%29%14%6%22%
20–23 FebMORIThe Times1,79252%28%15%5%24%
6–8 FebICMThe Guardian1,20047%31%18%4%16%
28 Jan4 FebGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,04154%29%11%5%25%
23–26 JanMORIThe Times1,87054%28%14%4%26%
9–11 JanICMThe Guardian1,20048%30%17%5%18%
5–7 JanGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01456%26%12%5%30%


Lab Con Lib Dem OthersLead
12–15 DecMORIThe Times2,12255%26%15%4%29%
5–6 DecICMThe Guardian1,20050%29%17%4%21%
27 Nov3 DecGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01157%21%17%5%36%
21–24 NovMORIThe Times1,87956%24%16%4%32%
20 NovBy-elections in Beckenham and Winchester [31] [32]
13–14 NovMORIThe Sun60356%30%11%3%26%
7–8 NovICMThe Guardian1,20052%30%14%4%22%
6 Nov Paisley South by-election [33]
30 Oct4 NovGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,02163%23%11%4%40%
24–27 OctMORIThe Times1,77260%24%12%4%36%
6 OctICMThe Guardian1,21159%23%13%4%36%
25 Sep1 OctGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,01460%22%14%4%38%
26–29 SepMORIThe Times1,91659%25%13%3%34%
18 Sep Welsh devolution referendum [34]
11 Sep Scottish devolution referendum [35] [36]
4–8 SepICMThe Guardian1,20660%24%10%6%36%
27 Aug3 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,02358%26%12%5%32%
21–25 AugMORIThe Times1,75854%28%15%3%26%
31 Jul6 AugGallupThe Daily Telegraph1,20358%25%12%4%33%
31 Jul Uxbridge by-election [37]
25–28 JulMORIThe Times1,90157%23%15%5%34%
27–28 JunICMThe Guardian1,20061%23%12%4%38%
20–23 JunMORIThe Times1,85258%24%15%3%34%
19 Jun William Hague is elected leader of the Conservative Party [38]
29 May4 JunGallupThe Daily Telegraph99659%23%13%5%36%
21 May Local elections in Northern Ireland [39]
1 May Local elections in England [40]
1 May 1997 general election [41] 43.2%30.7%16.8%9.3%12.5%

Nations polling

Northern Ireland

Data from BBC News [42]

UUP SDLP SF DUP Alliance Lead
7 Jun 2001 2001 general election [43] 26.8%21%21.7%22.5%3.6%4.3%
21 Sep 2000 South Antrim by-election [12]
10–15 Jun 2001Ulster Marketing SurveyBelfast Telegraph1,03125%25%16%14%5%Tie
25 Jun 1998Election to the Northern Ireland Assembly [28]
22 May 1998 Good Friday Agreement Referendum [29]
21 May 1997 Local elections held [39]
1 May 1997 1997 general election [44] 32.7%24.1%16.1%13.6%8%8.6%


Data from BBC News [45]

Lab SNP Con Lib Dem SSP Lead
7 Jun 2001 2001 general election [46] 43.3%20.1%15.6%16.3%3.1%23.2%
4–5 Jun 2001ICMThe Scotsman1,01343%24%14%14%4%19%
24–28 May 2001System ThreeThe Herald1,04847%26%13%11%3%21%
18–21 May 2001System ThreeThe Herald3,01950%25%12%9%3%25%
12–13 May 2001ICMThe Scotsman1,00044%25%16%12%19%
26 Apr2 May 2001System ThreeThe Herald1,02847%27%12%9%20%
22–28 Mar 2001System ThreeThe Herald1,00952%25%12%8%27%
8–9 Mar 2001ICMNews of the World1,00046%22%18%11%24%
22 Feb4 Mar 2001System ThreeThe Herald95545%29%16%9%16%
14–15 Feb 2001ICMScotland on Sunday1,00342%22%16%10%20%
15–31 Jan 2001System ThreeThe Herald1,01446%28%13%11%18%
4–9 Jan 2001System ThreeThe Herald1,02546%28%13%9%18%
21 Dec 2000 Falkirk West by-election [8]
23–28 Nov 2000System ThreeThe Herald1,02248%24%16%9%24%
23 Nov Glasgow Anniesland by-election [9]
22–31 Oct 2000System ThreeThe Herald1,00148%27%13%10%21%
21 Oct 2000 Henry McLeish is elected leader of Scottish Labour and First Minister [47]
21–26 Sep 2000System ThreeThe Herald1,02033%33%15%17%Tie
21 Sep 2000 John Swinney is elected leader of the Scottish National Party [48]
18–20 Sep 2000ICMThe Scotsman1,00036%27%22%13%9%
18–20 Sep 2000System ThreeThe Herald1,02745%28%15%9%17%
27 Jul5 Aug 2000System ThreeThe Herald95146%26%15%9%20%
22–28 Jun 2000System ThreeThe Herald1,01539%31%17%11%8%
25–31 May 2000System ThreeThe Herald96848%24%14%10%24%
27 Apr2 May 2000System ThreeThe Herald99944%26%17%9%18%
23–28 Mar 2000System ThreeThe Herald99140%29%16%11%11%
24–29 Feb 2000System ThreeThe Herald1,03045%27%15%10%18%
27 Jan2 Feb 2000System ThreeThe Herald1,00849%24%14%11%25%
6–13 Jan 2000System ThreeThe Herald97850%27%12%9%23%
23 Sep 1999 Hamilton South by-election [19]
6 May 1999 Local elections held and Scottish Parliament election [49] [26]
6 Nov 1997 Paisley South by-election [33]
11 Sep 1997 Scottish devolution referendum [35] [36]
1 May 1997 1997 general election [50] 45.6%22.1%17.5%13%N/A23.5%


Data from BBC News [51]

Lab Con Lib Dem PC Lead
7 Jun 2001 2001 general election [46] 48.6%21%13.8%14.3%27.6%
Mar 2001NOPHarlech Television1,00352%22%10%14%30%
26–31 Oct 2000NOPHarlech Television1,00045%25%13%15%20%
29 Jun7 Jul 2000NOPHarlech Television1,00051%25%9%13%26%
23–28 Feb 2000BeaufortBBC Wales1,00050%20%12%16%30%
9 Feb 2000 Rhodri Morgan is elected leader of Welsh Labour and as First Secretary [52]
3 Feb 2000 Ceredigion by-election [17]
13–18 Jan 2000NOPHarlech Television1,00256%21%8%13%35%
6 May 1999 Local elections held and Welsh Assembly election [53] [27]
20 Feb 1999 Alun Michael is elected leader of Welsh Labour [54]
23–28 Feb 1999BeaufortBBC Wales1,01554%20%9%16%34%
Feb 1999NOPHarlech Television?58%20%9%12%38%
12–18 Feb 1999BeaufortBBC Wales1,00262%15%8%14%47%
19 Sep 1998 Ron Davies is elected leader of Welsh Labour [55]
10–15 Sep 1998NOPHarlech Television1,50058%11%8%21%37%
4–9 Jul 1998BeaufortBBC Wales1,00062%16%8%13%46%
18 Sep 1997 Welsh devolution referendum [34]
1 May 1997 1997 general election [50] 54.7%19.6%12.3%9.9%35.1%

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sheffield Hallam (UK Parliament constituency)</span> Parliamentary constituency in the United Kingdom, 1885 onwards

Sheffield Hallam is a constituency represented in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament since 2019 by Olivia Blake of the Labour Party.

The 1997 Winchester by-election was a by-election to the UK House of Commons in the constituency of Winchester, Hampshire. Winchester was initially declared to have been won by Mark Oaten with a majority of two votes at the general election on 1 May 1997, but following a legal challenge, a new election was allowed by the High Court. The by-election, held on 20 November, was won by Oaten with a majority of 21,556.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Surrey Heath (UK Parliament constituency)</span> Parliamentary constituency in the United Kingdom, 1997 onwards

Surrey Heath is a constituency represented in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament since 2024 by Al Pinkerton, a Liberal Democrat. The Home counties suburban constituency is in the London commuter belt, on the outskirts of Greater London. Surrey Heath is in the north west of Surrey and borders the counties of Berkshire and Hampshire.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2010 United Kingdom general election</span>

The 2010 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday 6 May 2010, to elect Members of Parliament to the House of Commons. The election took place in 650 constituencies across the United Kingdom under the first-past-the-post system. This was the first election held after the age of candidacy was reduced from 21 to 18. The election resulted in a large swing to the opposition Conservative Party led by David Cameron similar to that seen in 1979, the last time a Conservative opposition had ousted a Labour government. The governing Labour Party led by Prime Minister Gordon Brown lost the 66-seat majority it had previously enjoyed, but no party achieved the 326 seats needed for a majority. The Conservatives won the most votes and seats, but still fell 20 seats short. This resulted in a hung parliament where no party was able to command a majority in the House of Commons. This was only the second general election since the Second World War to return a hung parliament, the first being the February 1974 election. This election marked the start of Conservative government for the next 14 years until the July 2024 Election.

Welsh Labour, formerly known as the Labour Party in Wales, is an autonomous section of the United Kingdom Labour Party in Wales and the largest party in modern Welsh politics. Welsh Labour and its forebears have won a plurality of the Welsh vote at every UK general election since 1922, every Assembly and Senedd election since 1999, and all elections to the European Parliament in the period 1979–2004 and in 2014. Welsh Labour holds 27 of the 32 Welsh seats in the UK Parliament, 30 of the 60 seats in the Welsh Senedd and 576 of the 1,264 councillors in principal local authorities including overall control of 10 of the 22 principal local authorities.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2009 European Parliament election in the United Kingdom</span> European Parliament elections in the United Kingdom

The 2009 European Parliament election was the United Kingdom's component of the 2009 European Parliament election, the voting for which was held on Thursday 4 June 2009. The election was held concurrently with the 2009 local elections in England. In total, 72 Members of the European Parliament were elected from the United Kingdom using proportional representation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Alun Cairns</span> British Conservative politician

Alun Hugh Cairns is a Welsh Conservative politician who served as the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Vale of Glamorgan from 2010 to 2024. He served as Secretary of State for Wales from 2016 to 2019.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Janet Davies (politician)</span> Welsh politician

Janet Marion Davies is a Plaid Cymru Welsh politician. She was the National Assembly for Wales Member for South Wales West from 1999 to 2007, retiring at the 2007 election.

This article lists the British National Party's election results in the UK parliamentary, Scottish parliamentary and Welsh Assembly elections, as well as in the European Parliament elections and at a local level.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2014 European Parliament election in the United Kingdom</span> Election

The 2014 European Parliament election was the United Kingdom's component of the 2014 European Parliament election, held on Thursday 22 May 2014, coinciding with the 2014 local elections in England and Northern Ireland. In total, 73 Members of the European Parliament were elected from the United Kingdom using proportional representation. England, Scotland and Wales use a closed-list party list system of PR, while Northern Ireland used the single transferable vote (STV).

Prior to the 1997 general election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intentions. Results of such polls are displayed in this list.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2015 United Kingdom general election</span>

The 2015 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday, 7 May 2015 to elect 650 members of Parliament (MPs) to the House of Commons. The Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister David Cameron, won an unexpected majority victory of ten seats; they had been leading a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats. It was the last general election to be held before the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU) in June 2016.

Opinion polling for the 2019 general election was carried out by various organisations to gauge voting intentions. Results of such polls are displayed in this list. Most of the pollsters listed are members of the British Polling Council (BPC) and abide by its disclosure rules. Opinion polling about attitudes to the leaders of various political parties can be found in a separate article.

In the run up to the 1992 general election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intention in the United Kingdom. Results of such polls are displayed in this article. The date range for these opinion polls are from the election to 8 April.

In the run-up to the 2021 Senedd election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intentions. Results of such polls are displayed in this list. Most of the pollsters listed are members of the British Polling Council (BPC) and abide by its disclosure rules.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2019 Brecon and Radnorshire by-election</span> UK parliamentary by-election

A by-election was held in the UK Parliament constituency of Brecon and Radnorshire on 1 August 2019 after Chris Davies, who had held the seat for the Conservatives since the 2015 general election, was unseated by a recall petition. The by-election was won by Jane Dodds of the Liberal Democrats.

Opinion polling for the 2024 United Kingdom general election was carried out by various organisations to gauge voting intention. Most of the polling companies listed are members of the British Polling Council (BPC) and abide by its disclosure rules. The opinion polls listed range from the previous election on 12 December 2019 to the election on Thursday, 4 July 2024.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2019 United Kingdom general election in Wales</span> United Kingdom general election held in Wales

The 2019 United Kingdom general election was held on 12 December 2019 to elect all 650 members of the House of Commons, including the 40 Welsh seats.

A by-election was held in the United Kingdom Parliament constituency of Chesham and Amersham on 17 June 2021, following the death of the sitting member, Dame Cheryl Gillan, on 4 April 2021. Gillan had served as MP for the constituency since 1992. The by-election was the third to the 58th Parliament, which was elected in 2019.


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