Transom knot

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Transom knot
Category Lashing
Related Strangle knot, Constrictor knot, Square lashing
Releasing Jamming
Typical useLight-duty right-angle lashing
ABoK #385, #1182, #1255, #3372

The transom knot is a simple lashing knot used to secure two linear objects, such as spars, at right angles to each other.


Relation to other knots

While often described in relation to the constrictor knot, the underlying structure of the transom knot is the strangle knot. [1] [2] The introduction of a second, perpendicular spar into a loose strangle knot tied around another spar will illustrate this point. In relation to the upper spar, the crossings of the knot come to very closely resemble those of a constrictor knot.

Perhaps because of this Clifford Ashley described the transom knot as both "a modification of" [3] and "closely related to" [4] the constrictor knot. Despite these descriptions the transom knot is consistently illustrated in The Ashley Book of Knots as being based on a strangle knot.


Suggested for binding kite sticks by Ashley, [5] it is useful generally as a light-duty or temporary square lashing. To reinforce, a second transom knot can be made on the opposite side and at a right-angle to the first. [2] [5]

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The strangle knot starts with a round turn and the end is stuck under two parts. It may be used to tie up a roll.It can only be tied around a cylindrical shape. If required, a loop may be stuck instead of the end, which makes a slipped knot that is one of the best for tying up sacks and meal bags. With one or two additional turns the strangle knot makes an excellent temporary whipping for the end of a rope.

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Reef knot Type of knot

The reef knot, or square knot, is an ancient and simple binding knot used to secure a rope or line around an object. It is sometimes also referred to as a Hercules knot. The knot is formed by tying a left-handed overhand knot between two ends, instead of around one end, and then a right-handed overhand knot via the same procedure, or vice versa. A common mnemonic for this procedure is "right over left; left over right", which is often appended with the rhyming suffix "... makes a knot both tidy and tight". Two consecutive overhands tied as described above of the same handedness will make a granny knot. The working ends of the reef knot must emerge both at the top or both at the bottom, otherwise a thief knot results.

The reef knot or square knot consists of two half knots, one left and one right, one being tied on top of the other, and either being tied first...The reef knot is unique in that it may be tied and tightened with both ends. It is universally used for parcels, rolls and bundles. At sea it is always employed in reefing and furling sails and stopping clothes for drying. But under no circumstances should it ever be tied as a bend, for if tied with two ends of unequal size, or if one end is stiffer or smoother than the other, the knot is almost bound to spill. Except for its true purpose of binding it is a knot to be shunned.


  1. Budworth, Geoffrey (1985) [1983], The Knot Book, New York: Sterling Publishing, pp. 63–65
  2. 1 2 Warner, Charles (1992), A Fresh Approach to Knotting and Ropework, NSW, Australia, p. 83, ISBN   0-9592036-3-X
  3. Ashley, Clifford W. (1944), The Ashley Book of Knots, New York: Doubleday, p. 62
  4. Ashley, p. 215
  5. 1 2 Ashley, p. 225