In South Korea, gender inequality is derived from deeply rooted patriarchal ideologies with specifically defined gender-roles. [1] [2] [3] While it remains especially prevalent in South Korea's economy and politics, gender inequality has decreased in healthcare and education. [2]
Due to the various methods of calculating and measuring gender inequality, South Korea's gender inequality rankings vary across different reports. While the 2017 UNDP Gender Inequality Index ranks South Korea 10th out of 160 countries, the World Economic Forum ranks South Korea 118th out of 144 countries in its 2017 Global Gender Gap Report. [4] [2] In their 2013 study, Branisa et al. explain that indices like the Global Gender Gap Index tend to be "outcome-focused", which means they focus on gender inequalities in agency and in well-being. [5]
Indices like the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) focus on the origins of gender inequalities, such as laws and norms. [5] South Korea is one of three OECD countries that did not receive a perfect SIGI score. [5] While the SIGI did not give South Korea an overall ranking, the country was reported to have very low levels of discriminatory family code, low levels of restricted civil liberties, and medium levels of restricted resources and assets. [6]
In 2010, 93% of South Koreans surveyed believed women should have equal rights to men, and among them, 71% believe more changes are needed before that goal is achieved. [7]
Subindex | Rank (out of 144 countries) | Score (0 = imparity, 1 = parity) | Average score |
Economic Participation and Opportunity | 127 | 0.555 | 0.582 |
Educational Attainment | 101 | 0.973 | 0.954 |
Health and Survival | 1 | 0.980 | 0.958 |
Political Empowerment | 79 | 0.179 | 0.239 |
The 2017 report notes that all subindices (health and survival, education, economic participation and equality, and political empowerment) show improvement compared to 2006 (the date of the first publication of this yearly report). [2] In comparison to other countries, South Korea scores highest on Health and Survival (84th), then Political Empowerment (90th), then Educational Attainment (105th), and ranks the lowest on Economic Participation and Equality (121st). [2]
Indicators | South Korea's female to male ratio | Average female to male ratio |
Wage equality for similar work | 0.551 | 0.613 |
Estimated earned income | 0.476 | 0.499 |
Legislators, senior officials and managers | 0.108 | 0.356 |
Enrollment in tertiary education | 0.791 | 0.931 |
Women in parliament | 0.200 | 0.298 |
Women in ministerial positions | 0.285 | 0.255 |
Years with female head of state (last 50) | 0.104 | 0.190 |
Korea ranks 114th in college enrollment, with 111 percent for men and 85 percent for women. There is a strange conclusion that 111 out of 100 Korean men go to college. Taking a leave of absence without leaving school is also treated as a university education period, because it is common to take a leave of absence during the military period, which increases the education period. Women can take a leave of absence even if they are not in the military, so there is a slight gap from the reality (74% male and 75% female).[ citation needed ]
![]() | It has been suggested that this section be split out into another articletitled Gender inequality in Korea . (Discuss) (December 2023) |
Gender inequality in South Korea is largely rooted in the country's Confucian ideals and has been perpetuated and deepened by historical practices and events, such as Japanese forced sex slavery and Park Geun-Hye's scandal. [8] [9] However, contemporary South Korea has made great strides in attempting to reduce gender inequality through legislation and policymaking.
Confucianism is a socio-political philosophy and belief system that has had a long-standing influence on South Korean society. It was first brought to Korea in the fourth century and Neo-Confucianism was chosen as the national ideology during the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910). [10]
Confucianism is an ideology that emphasises the importance of a social hierarchy in order to create a balanced and harmonious society. This hierarchy is illustrated through the Five Relationships, a key teaching in Confucianism that describes the main basic relationships between people as follows; ruler and ruled, father and son, husband and wife, elder brother and younger brother and friend and friend. [11]
The roles in each relationship were also prescribed individual duties which, for husband and wife, involved the husband acting as the bread-winner for the family while the wife was to stay at home, raise the children and maintain the household. The Three Bonds are an extension of these relationships that later appeared in Confucian literature and emphasise the hierarchical nature of the relationships as follows; the ruler over the ruled, the father over the son and the husband over the wife. This core Confucian principle emphasises a woman's role as subservient to her husband. [12]
Another key teaching in Confucian literature that directly influences the subjugation of women are the Three Obediences and the Four Virtues, guidelines that describe how a woman should behave in society. The Three Obediences require that women "obey the father before the marriage, obey the husband after marriage, and obey the first son after the death of the husband" while The Four Virtues require "(sexual) morality, proper speech, modest manner, and diligent work". [13]
The Joseon dynasty saw a particular shift in gender roles as society transitioned from Buddhist to Confucian ideals. This resulted in the systems of marriage and kinship becoming patrilineal rather than matrilineal. [14] As a husband's role was deemed superior to that of the wife, men not only had control over inheritance matters, but "the right to grant a divorce was limited to the state and the husbands themselves". [15] Husbands were able to grant a divorce base on the Seven Sins for women or chilgeojiak (칠거지악); "disobeying one's parents-in-law, failure to produce a male heir, adultery, excessive jealousy towards other women in the household, serious disease, stealing, and talking excessively". [15]
During World War II, thousands of young Korean women (Japanese citizens at that time) were forcibly recruited to work as prostitutes or "comfort women" by contracts with Korean brothels to serve for the Japanese Imperial Army. [16] [17] [18]
Kim Hak Sun stated an officer harmed and threatened her by saying that she would be killed if she did not obey him. She was then brutally raped. Together with other 4 young Korean women, she had to be a "hygienic tool used by Japanese soldiers to satisfy their sexual desire." [19] In the comfort station, the victims aged between 17 and 22 had to deal with about 7 to 8 Japanese soldiers a day in small rooms that were separated from one another by cloth. Lee Yong-soo was sixteen when she was forced to become a comfort woman. [20] She recalls that on average, she was forced into sexual relations with four to five men a day and did not have any rest even when she was menstruating. [2] She also says that she "suffered electrical torture, was beaten and was cut by a soldier's knife." [21] She learned to submit, not wanting to be shocked or beaten again. [22] Kim Bok-dong at age 14~15 in 1941, and her mother were lied to by Japanese authorities; Kim Bok-dong was told that she was to support the war efforts by working in a military clothing factory and would return in three years. If not, her family would be considered traitors. The Japanese authorities demanded that her mother, who could not read, sign a document. Her mother conceded to the demand, believing that her daughter would work in a factory in Japan. [23] Instead, she was put into militarized sexual slavery in Japanese occupied territories for eight years, including Guangdong, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Kim Bok-dong was raped every day, especially from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. Many Koreans view these as atrocities and raise money for charities including many celebrities [24]
After the democratization of Korea, the number of feminist movements greatly increased. [25] [26] The Korean government began to address gender equality issues in the late 20th century with the following legislative acts: [27]
In 2005, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family was established and the patrilineal family register (hoju) was abolished. [25] [30] While gender equality in policymaking and governance has improved over the last few decades, gender equality in labor markets and the division of labor has remained stagnant. [31] [30]
Although women gained the rights to vote and run for election in 1948, women have historically been underrepresented in South Korean politics. [32] [33] [34] When Park Geun-hye became South Korea's first female president in 2012, many viewed her election as a victory for gender equality in South Korea. [9] [35] Four years later, her scandal and impeachment nullified any progress made by her election and left many convinced that women are not fit to lead their country. [9] Many experts were also skeptical about watching Park Geun-hye as a female politician, saying she used her gender as an opportunity to influence conservative politics, and attempted to involve gender issues into seemingly unrelated political debates. [36]
The professional inequality in South Korea is atypically high among developed countries. [2] [4] This type of inequality can be seen in statistics concerning South Korea's wage gap, employment rates, occupational segregation, and parental leave.
In their 2001 article about gender differences in earnings among South Korean workers in 1988, Monk-Turner and Turner report that "all else equal, men earn from 33.6 percent to 46.9 percent more than women with comparable skills." [38] In 2017, the OECD placed Korea in the last position of all OECD countries for gender pay gap, a position that has not improved since the OECD first published this ranking in 2000. [39] [40] The gender pay gap in Korea is 34.6%, while the OECD average is 13.1%. [41]
The gap has improved by 7% since 2000, though the rate of improvement has been slower than in other OECD countries. [40] The Korean gender pay gap has been called "the worst... among the industrialized countries." [42] Korea also ranked the lowest for the eighth year in a row on the Glass Ceiling Index published by The Economist in 2020. [43] The Glass Ceiling Index was determined by the country's performance on ten indicators such as wage gap, labor force participation, representation in senior jobs, paid maternity leave, etc. [44]
Women tend to occupy low-paying, non-regular jobs and are less likely to be promoted to higher managerial positions in the workplace; however, employment opportunities for women in South Korea have steadily increased in the past few decades. [45] Before the Korean War, the employment rate of women was less than 30%. [46] In their 2018 Economic Survey for Korea, the OECD recorded the female employment rate to be around 56.1%, which is below the average (59.3%) for all OECD countries. [45] The male employment rate is 75.9%, which is slightly higher than the OECD average (74.7%). [45]
In their 2013 paper, Patterson and Walcutt found that gender inequality in the workplace stems from "a lack of legal enforcement, a weak punishment system, a tacit acceptance of the status quo by women, organizational cultural issues stemming from the traditional Korean mind-set that allow gender discrimination and a general lack of knowledge about EO [equal opportunity] regulations by many companies." [47]
In addition to the societal and familial expectations of women to be primary caregivers, the OECD report explains that "women tend to withdraw from the labour force once they have children, in part due to shortages of high quality early childhood education and care institutions." [45] [48] During the 1970s and 1980s, women left the workforce at a very "early stage in family formation." [48] Currently, they are leaving the workforce later, usually right before or during their pregnancy. [48] May notes that this trend could be due to women's growing financial independence. [48]
According to the World Economic Forum, South Korea is placed at number 124 out of 149 countries in the world in regards of economic participation and opportunity for women. [49] Women are often faced with questions regarding their marriage status, or whether they are planning to have children when applying for a job, and are even prompted with suggestions that jobs in "male dominated" fields aren't appropriate for them. [49]
Despite the rising employment rate for women, the labor force in Korea is still highly segregated by gender, marked by full-time employment gender share and industrial differences. [50] [51] In 2017, women in Korea made up 39.5% of the full-time employment population, in contrast to the 62.7% gender share in part-time employment. [50] The relatively high part-time employment rate for women can partly be attributed to traditional Confucian ideals of gender roles in Korea, in which women are expected to take on the responsibility of family duties and childcare. [51] Part-time employment allows for reconciliation of professional and family life, especially for women, as explained in a 2002 OECD Employment Outlook analysis. [52]
In addition to differences in full- and part-time employment rates, gender inequality in Korea also manifests itself through industrial segregation. [51] In a 1994 article, Monk-Turner and Turner observed that "farming and production absorbed 66.3 percent of all women workers," and "another 29 percent of all women work as clerical, sales, or service workers." [51] In 2017, according to statistics from the International Labour Organization, agricultural sector employment had shrunk to around 5% for both men and women; 82.1% of women workers were concentrated in the service sector, with 11.5% in manufacturing and 1.4% in construction, in contrast to men with 61.9% in services, 20.8% in manufacturing, and 11.2% in construction. [53]
In two decades, aside from the national trend of sectoral-shift away from agriculture for both men and women, the female working population remains highly clustered in certain industries, while the same pattern does not seem to apply for men. Furthermore, in the 2018 OECD Economic Survey for Korea, it was observed that within the entrepreneurial sphere, "female entrepreneurs are concentrated in basic livelihood sectors, such as health and social welfare, accommodations and restaurants, other personal services and educational services, reflecting in part their more limited access to financing and their educational background." [54]
Although South Korea offers 12 weeks for maternity leave and the longest paid paternity leave among all the OECD countries at 51 weeks, taking the leave is highly unpopular and unofficially discouraged within Korean companies, which forces women out of the workplace following the birth of a child. [31] [55] [42] [56] As a result, working parents – especially mothers – receive relatively little support for child rearing. [45] Public funding for parental leaves as well as the development of childcare programs have slowly gained ground in South Korea, where childcare and its economic sector had predominately been private. [57]
Confucian family values support traditional sex roles, with men expected to do "male-type" work and women expected to do "women-type" work. [58] [59] [8] [27] Since males are expected to be the major breadwinners in families, there is a strong cultural tendency to define females' roles as that of a wife, mother, and housekeeper. [1] [55] [31] In 1998, a Korean Women's Development Institute survey found that majority of South Korean women did all of the housework in their homes. [59]
As a consequence of household inequalities, South Korean women are marrying later and having fewer children. [58] A 2007 report by Center for Strategic and International Studies notes these trends are "in many ways the worst of both worlds. Korea now has a lower fertility rate than any developed country and one of the lowest rates of female labor-force participation — 60% for women aged 25 to 54 versus 75% in the USA and 76% in the EU." [58] The percentage of Korean women who say it is "necessary" to have children declined from 90% in 1991 to 58% in 2000. [58]
The fertility rate continued to decline to a record low of 0.78 children per South Korean woman in 2022, down from a rate of 0.81 children per woman in 2021. This is the lowest rate of any country in the OECD, the average fertility rate of which was 1.59 in 2020. That year, South Korea had been the only member to have a rate less than 1—a declining population. [60] In 1970, the average age of first marriage for females was 23; by 2005 it was almost 28. [58] The report shows that traditional Korean family and workplace cultures must change in order to prevent serious economic and societal problems due to extremely low fertility rates. [58]
From the 20th century to the modern era, access to tertiary education for women has risen but remains comparably lower than a number of developed countries, particularly those that have a higher proportion of educated women than men. [61] The prevalence of a male-dominated working force, and the stringent parental supervision of children's education made women who pursued tertiary education to view further education as a tool for training children rather than pursuing a career. [46] Although 74.9% of South Korea women (between the ages of 25 and 34) have completed tertiary education - a percentage that is much higher than the OECD average (50.7%) - the employment rate of women with tertiary education is the lowest in the OECD. [62] [63]
Within primary and secondary education, greater female participation in STEM fields is being promoted. [64] Tertiary institutions are being pushed to admit more women. [64]
Conventional ideals of femininity are constructed through a gender imbalance between men and women, which exhibits itself in everyday life. One example of this is women being expected to perform aegyo (애교) by friends and colleagues. Aegyo is the performance of child-like actions characterised by facial expressions, gestures, and voice tone in order to appear "cute". While this behaviour can be performed by both men and women, it is generally the women who are asked to do aegyo. [65]
In one particular article it was mentioned that women are often expected to perform aegyo in the workplace to "lighten the mood". It was further noted that females using aegyo at work are perceived as more pleasant. [65] The need for women to appear cute and delicate in order to be regarded as pleasant is an illustration of how gender inequality manifests itself in daily life.
These daily inequalities and standards of femininity placed on women in South Korea are being challenged by the "escape the corset" movement. The norm for women is generally to have long hair, wear make-up and dress well, while the expectations for men are less rigid. This ideal is so prevalent in society that some women find it necessary to grow out their hair in order to attend job interviews. The escape the corset movement responds to this by encouraging women to boycott clothing and beauty industries. This has led to the cosmetic surgery sector losing money. To further fight these daily inequalities, a lot of women are also against the idea of marriage as in South Korea they would often be expected to abandon their careers to raise a child. [66]
The conversation of gender inequality is becoming increasingly prevalent in South Korean media partly due to the double standards male and female celebrities have to face regarding their body image. [67] While some stars have spoken up on the matter, female celebrities tend to face much harsher backlash for doing so than their male counterparts.
In the South Korean media, female K-pop artists and actors often face harsh criticism for speaking about gender inequality. For example, Irene of the girl group Red Velvet commented on the book Kim Ji-young, born 1982 , a feminist novel talking about the daily gender inequalities experienced by women in South Korea. As a result, she experienced a huge backlash from male fans who expressed their anger and disappointment by burning merchandise. The book had sparked much controversy upon release as the Gangnam Station murder had occurred only a few months earlier. While male idols, such as RM of BTS, also read and commented on the book they did not receive as much backlash as female idols. The book was later turned into a film and this too received much hate from the public. [68]
Gong Hyo-jin, a K-drama actress that appeared in When the Camellia Blooms , is also vocal about gender inequality in Korea. She chooses stronger female characters to play in her dramas and works with female directors who share her views. Her actions are met with backlash such as petitions to forbid her films from being screened. There are several other celebrities that have similar situations such as Bae Suzy, Moon Ga-young and Joy from Red Velvet. [69]
Recently, to fight gender inequality in media representation, more K-dramas have started to include strong female characters such as Strong woman Do Bong Soon or Search: WWW . This is a big change from the typical "candy girl" image that has been seen so many times in K-dramas such as Boys Over Flowers . The "candy girl" trope tells the story of a rich man who falls in love with a poor yet optimistic girl. [70]
Disparities between male and female gender roles are prevalent in the K-pop industry and have been highlighted following the hallyu wave of the late 2000s. The commodification of idols' bodies and practices surrounding idol-fan culture have allowed for the sexualisation of idols, disproportionately reflecting on women's beauty standards. [71] Female idols' bodies have been subjected to scrutiny and objectification from both fans and professionals within the industry. Female idols are regarded as properties of the national collective while male idols are portrayed as the "hard male musculature [that] symbolises Korean global might". [71] This issue has only worsened with the popularisation of digital media such as YouTube and Twitter and the availability of idol content. With a particular emphasis on female idols, success is increasingly reliant on the public approval of one's appearance. [67]
With 20% of young South Korean women having undergone plastic surgery in 2020, [72] standards projected onto female idols fall into a greater cultural practice of inequality and a historical inequity between gendered roles within society. A further reflection of these standards has been projected by expectations of weight conformity imposed upon female idols and the "50kg rule". Famous female idols such as singer IU and members of girl group f(x) have openly discussed the drastic measures taken to lose weight, an expectation seen as imperative for all female idols to follow. f(x) member Luna claimed that her lowest weight was 40 kg, and that she achieved an 8 kg weight loss in just a week after drinking only three litres of tea a day. [73]
Although extreme diets are considered the norm for all K-pop idols, recent media attention has been drawn to the fixation of female idol weight loss, particularly after a Korean drama star commented that "if a woman weighs over 50kg, she must be nuts". A 2016 national survey revealed that 72% of girls under 18 in South Korea compared to 36% of boys felt that they needed to lose weight. [74] A similar study conducted by Dr Yuli Kim found that 1 in 3 South Korean women are predicted to have an eating disorder. [75] Currently, the phenomenon of sharing extreme diet tips by Pro-ana (Pro-anorexia) groups has been cited as a social problem. [76]
Gender-based violence is a result of the manifestation of unequal power relations between women and men. [77] Gender-based crimes rely on inequalities of gender and further force women into a subordinate position. [78] Violence against women is a global problem, and one that continues to pervade South Korean contemporary society. For example, women are statistically more likely to become a victim of intimate partner violence and dating violence in South Korea. In 2019, Korea Women’s Hot Line’s analysis of crimes reported by the media shows at least one woman was killed or nearly killed by her male partner every 1.8 days. [79]
The Gangnam Station murder occurred in 2016 when a man murdered a woman he had never met before, claiming it was out of a general hatred for women. [80]
Social issues in China are wide-ranging, and are a combined result of Chinese economic reforms set in place in the late 1970s, the nation's political and cultural history, and an immense population. Due to the significant number of social problems that have existed throughout the country, China's government has faced difficulty in trying to remedy the issues. Many of these issues are exposed by the Chinese media, while subjects that may contain politically sensitive issues may be censored. Some academics hold that China's fragile social balance, combined with a bubble economy makes China a very unstable country, while others argue China's societal trends have created a balance to sustain itself.
Filipinos in South Korea have a history dating back to the establishment of South Korea. Many live in Seoul, where they gather in the Hyehwa-dong and Dongsung-dong areas of Jongno-gu.
Gender inequality is the social phenomenon in which people are not treated equally on the basis of gender. This inequality can be caused by gender discrimination or sexism. The treatment may arise from distinctions regarding biology, psychology, or cultural norms prevalent in the society. Some of these distinctions are empirically grounded, while others appear to be social constructs. While current policies around the world cause inequality among individuals, it is women who are most affected. Gender inequality weakens women in many areas such as health, education, and business life. Studies show the different experiences of genders across many domains including education, life expectancy, personality, interests, family life, careers, and political affiliation. Gender inequality is experienced differently across different cultures.
Women in South Korea have experienced significant improvements for social changes in recent years, compared to previous times, when Confucianism was deeply imbued in the culture. The economy of South Korea has tremendously improved due to urbanisation, industrialisation, military authoritarianism, democratic reform, and social liberalisation since the late 1960s. Gender roles and gender identities have been modified in response to modernity. More than half of South Korean women are employed. In a 2018 OECD economy survey, it was 56.1%. It is lower than OECD average. More than 25% of married women are employed as full-time workers.
Women in Uganda have substantial economic and social responsibilities throughout Uganda's many traditional societies. Ugandan women come from a range of economic and educational backgrounds. Despite economic and social progress throughout the country, domestic violence and sexual assault remain prevalent issues in Uganda. Illiteracy is directly correlated to increased level of domestic violence. This is mainly because household members can not make proper decisions that directly affect their future plans. Government reports suggest rising levels of domestic violence toward women that are directly attributable to poverty.
Sex differences in education are a type of sex discrimination in the education system affecting both men and women during and after their educational experiences. Men are more likely to be literate on a global average, although higher literacy scores for women are prevalent in many countries. Women are more likely to achieve a tertiary education degree compared to men of the same age. Men tended to receive more education than women in the past, but the gender gap in education has reversed in recent decades in most Western countries and many non-Western countries.
Gender inequality in India refers to health, education, economic and political inequalities between men and women in India. Various international gender inequality indices rank India differently on each of these factors, as well as on a composite basis, and these indices are controversial.
In 2021, China ranked 48th out of 191 countries on the United Nations Development Programme's Gender Inequality Index (GII). Among the GII components, China's maternal mortality ratio was 32 out of 100,000 live births. In education 58.7 percent of women age 25 and older had completed secondary education, while the counterpart statistic for men was 71.9 percent. Women's labour power participation rate was 63.9 percent, and women held 23.6 percent of seats in the National People's Congress. In 2019, China ranked 39 out of the 162 countries surveyed during the year.
Gender inequality in the United States has been diminishing throughout its history and significant advancements towards equality have been made beginning mostly in the early 1900s. However, despite this progress, gender inequality in the United States continues to persist in many forms, including the disparity in women's political representation and participation, occupational segregation, and the unequal distribution of household labor. The alleviation of gender inequality has been the goal of several major pieces of legislation since 1920 and continues to the present day. As of 2021, the World Economic Forum ranks the United States 30th in terms of gender equality out of 149 countries.
The gender pay gap or gender wage gap is the average difference between the remuneration for men and women who are employed. Women are generally found to be paid less than men. There are two distinct measurements of the pay gap: non-adjusted versus adjusted pay gap. The latter typically takes into account differences in hours worked, occupations chosen, education and job experience. In other words, the adjusted values represent how much women and men make for the same work, while the non-adjusted values represent how much the average man and woman make in total. In the United States, for example, the non-adjusted average woman's annual salary is 79–83% of the average man's salary, compared to 95–99% for the adjusted average salary. The reasons for the gap link to legal, social and economic factors. These include having children, parental leave, gender discrimination and gender norms. Additionally, the consequences of the gender pay gap surpass individual grievances, leading to reduced economic output, lower pensions for women, and fewer learning opportunities.
The Czech Republic provides a wide variety of civil rights to female citizens and Czech women have a long history of actively participating in Czech society. However, women in the Czech Republic continue to experience gender discrimination, particularly in the workforce and political arena.
Gender inequality in Mexico refers to disparate freedoms in health, education, and economic and political abilities between men and women in Mexico. It has been diminishing throughout history, but continues to persist in many forms including the disparity in women's political representation and participation, the gender pay gap, and high rates of domestic violence and femicide. As of 2022, the World Economic Forum ranks Mexico 31st in terms of gender equality out of 146 countries. Structural gender inequality is relatively homogeneous between the Mexican states as there are very few regional differences in the inequalities present.
Measures of gender equality or inequality are statistical tools employed to quantify the concept of gender equality.
Feminism in South Korea is the origin and history of feminism or women's rights in South Korea.
Gender equality is the notion that each gender should receive equal treatment in all aspects of life, and that one should not be discriminated based on their sex. Gender equality is a human right, which is recognised under the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Even in the modern era, gender inequality remains an issue in Japan. In 2015, the country had a per-capita income of US$38,883, ranking 22nd of the 188 countries, and No. 18 in the Human Development Index. In the 2019 Gender Inequality Index report, it was ranked 17th out of the participating 162 countries, ahead of Germany, the UK and the US, performing especially well on the reproductive health and higher education attainment indices. Despite this, gender inequality still exists in Japan due to the persistence of gender norms in Japanese society rooted in traditional religious values and government reforms. Gender-based inequality manifests in various aspects from the family, or ie, to political representation, to education, playing particular roles in employment opportunities and income, and occurs largely as a result of defined roles in traditional and modern Japanese society. Inequality also lies within divorce of heterosexual couples and the marriage of same sex couples due to both a lack of protective divorce laws and the presence of restrictive marriage laws. In consequence to these traditional gender roles, self-rated health surveys show variances in reported poor health, population decline, reinforced gendered education and social expectations, and inequalities in the LGBTQ+ community.
The unemployment rate in the Republic of Korea as of December 2021 is 3.7 percent. Since its rapid globalization and democratization, the unemployment rate has been comparatively low compared to most OECD countries. This remains the case as of 2021. Being Asia’s fourth-largest economy, the country's booming exports have helped to maintain the unemployment rate very low by the standards of developed countries. There are several measurement differences between the standard of measurement set by the International Labour Organisation and the official measurement of unemployment in the Republic of Korea, set by Statistics Korea, that contribute to an inflated unemployment rate when compared to other countries that abide more strictly by the standard set by the International Labour Organisation.
According to data from 2010, low-income earners make up 37.8% of South Korea's labour force. Conversely, the highest income earners make up 1.4% of the labour force.
Gender parity is a statistical measure used to describe ratios between men and women, or boys and girls, in a given population. Gender parity may refer to the proportionate representation of men and women in a given group, also referred to as sex ratio, or it may mean the ratio between any quantifiable indicator among men against the same indicator among women.
Gender inequality in North Korea affects North Korean society, as it does all others. It has roots in traditional Korean society where women are mainly confined to the home. However, with the increasing global awareness of women's issues, the demand for comprehensive and reliable information on women and their concerns has also increased.
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