Lead climbing

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A 'lead climber' on the bolted sport climbing route Gezurren Erresuma 8c (5.14b), in Spain. Ainhize Belar eskalatzen.jpg
A 'lead climber' on the bolted sport climbing route Gezurren Erresuma 8c  (5.14b), in Spain.

Lead climbing (or leading) is a technique in rock climbing where the 'lead climber' clips their rope to the climbing protection as they ascend a pitch of the climbing route, while their 'second' (or 'belayer') remains at the base of the route belaying the rope to protect the 'lead climber' in the event that they fall. The term is used to distinguish between the two roles, and the greater effort and increased risk, of the role of the 'lead climber'.


Leading a climb is in contrast with top roping a climb, where even though there is still a 'second' belaying the rope, the 'lead climber' faces little or no risk in the event of a fall and does not need to clip into any protection as the rope is already anchored to the top of the route (i.e. if they fall off, they just hang from the rope). Leading a climbing route is a core activity in rock climbing, and most first ascents and first free ascents are from leading.

Lead climbing can be performed as free climbing, in either a traditional climbing or a sport climbing format — leading a traditional climb is a much riskier and physically demanding exercise for the climber. Competition lead climbing is a sport climbing format that is part of the Olympic sport of competition climbing. Lead climbing can also be performed as aid climbing. The term is not generally applied to free solo climbing, as the free solo climber is already alone and thus there is no need to distinguish the role of 'leader' from the 'second'.


'Leader' (top) belayed by the 'second' (below) Vorstieg Zeichnung.jpg
'Leader' (top) belayed by the 'second' (below)

Leading a route requires a 'lead climbing pair'. When ascending a route, the 'lead climber' of the pair clips their rope into the climbing protection as they progress up a pitch on a given climbing route. If they are leading a traditional climbing route, the 'lead climber' must arrange and insert 'temporary climbing protection' as they climb. If they are leading a sport climbing route, the climbing protection is already installed via pre-drilled bolts, into which the 'lead climber' only needs to attach quickdraws. [1] [2] [3] Leading a traditional route is, therefore, a much riskier and physically demanding undertaking than leading a sport climbing route of the same grade. [4]

'Leader' (top) belaying the 'second' (below) Nachstieg Zeichnung.jpg
'Leader' (top) belaying the 'second' (below)

Aside from the specific additional risks of traditional climbing, every 'lead climber' faces the specific risk of falling twice the distance to their last point of climbing protection — i.e. if the 'lead climber' was 3-metres above their last point of protection, then in a fall, they will fall over 6-metres, thus the rope starts to brake 3-metres below their last point of protection. [4] This aspect makes leading a more physically demanding activity than top roping where the lead climber is immediately held by the top-rope upon falling. [1] [2]

Leading a climb also requires good communication between the 'lead climber' and the 'second' who is belaying. In particular, the 'lead climber' will want to avoid the 'second' holding the rope too tightly, which creates "rope drag" that acts as a downward force on the 'lead climber'. However, where the 'lead climber' feels that a fall is imminent, they will want the 'second' to quickly "take in" any slack in the rope to minimize the length of any fall. Once the 'lead climber' has reached the top of the route (or pitch on a multi-pitch climbing route), they will then create a fixed anchor and belay the 'second' from above as the 'second' climbs up, removing any temporary climbing protection that the 'leader' had inserted earlier; note that the 'second' is not themselves 'lead climbing' but are in effect, top roping (e.g. if they fall they will just hang from the rope). [1] [2]

First ascent

The act, and drive, to lead a climb is related to the definition of what is a first ascent (FA), or first free ascent (FFA) in the traditional and sport climbing formats. The grades assigned to traditional and sport climbing routes are based on the climber leading the route, and not top roping it. If a climber wants to test themselves at a specific technical grade or set a new grade milestone, then they must lead the route. [1] [2]

Before the arrival of sport climbing in the early-1980s, traditional climbers frowned upon FFAs where the 'lead climber' had practiced the route beforehand on a top rope (called headpointing), or worse still, practiced the crux moves from a hanging fixed rope (called hangdogging). The arrival of sport climbing led to the development of the redpoint as the accepted definition of an FFA, which includes the practices of headpointing and hangdogging. Where a 'lead climber' can complete a route first-time and without any prior knowledge, it is called an onsight (or a flash if they had prior knowledge) and this is still considered the most desirable form of ascent, and is separately recorded in grade milestones and climbing guidebooks. [5] [6]


Lead climber falling with a modest runout from their last point of climbing protection; the 'belayer' is not visible but has clearly locked the rope so the climber is fulcruming around their last point of protection. Falling lead climber.jpg
Lead climber falling with a modest runout from their last point of climbing protection; the 'belayer' is not visible but has clearly locked the rope so the climber is fulcruming around their last point of protection.

Aside from the specific risks involved in placing the temporary protection equipment while leading traditional climbing routes (i.e. and making sure that it won't fall out in the event of a fall), the 'lead climber' needs to manage several other general risks when they are leading a climbing route, such as: [1] [2] [4]


Creeks Giving - Climbing in Indian Creek, Utah - 3.jpg
Rock Climbing Orkney Islands.jpg
'Lead climbers' on traditional climbing routes carrying their climbing protection on their climbing harness whilst being belayed by their 'Second' who is standing below.

Regardless of the particular type of format that the 'lead climber' is undertaking (i.e. traditional, sport, or aid), they will require a harness attached to one end of a dynamic kernmantle rope (usually via a figure-eight knot). Their 'second'—who will be belaying—will use a mechanical belay device that is clipped into the climbing rope and which 'pays-out' the rope as needed as the 'lead climber' ascends the route, but which can immediately grip the rope tightly in the event that the 'lead climber' falls. [1] [2]

Where the 'lead climber' is following a traditional climbing format, they will need to carry an extensive range of protective equipment (often referred to as a 'climbing rack' and is usually worn around the waist being attached to the climbing harness) such as nuts, hexcentrics and tricams (known as "passive" protection), and/or spring-loaded camming devices (or "friends", and known as "active protection").

Where the 'lead climber' is following a sport climbing format, they only need to carry quickdraws (which they will also attach to their climbing harness) that they will clip into the pre-drilled bolts along the sport route. [1] [2] [9]

Some indoor climbing walls provide in-situ mechanical lead auto belay devices that enable the climber to lead the route but belayed by the device. The most common versions belay the lead climber from above and thus the lead climber is essentially top roping the route, and does not need to carry any climbing protection. [10] [11]

Multi-pitch leading

Longer climbing routes (e.g. as in big wall climbing), are usually led in series of multiple pitches of circa 35–50 metres (115–164 ft) in length. In multi-pitch leading, the two climbers can swap the roles of 'lead climber' and 'second' on successive pitches. The 'second' needs to be comfortable working from a hanging belay, and both need to be familiar with the process for swapping between roles safely and efficiently. [12] Given that average pitch length will be longer, and that the weather potentially poorer, both climbers need to communicate clearly, and know the climbing commands. [13]

On long but easier routes, the climbing pair may use simul climbing, whereby both climbers simultaneously ascend the route. The 'lead climber' acts like on a normal lead climb, however, the 'second' does not remain belaying in a static position, but instead also climbs, removing/unclipping the protection equipment of the 'lead climber'. Both climbers are tied to the rope at all times, and both make sure that there are several points of protection in situ between them. Simul climbing is performed on terrain both climbers are comfortable on, as any fall is serious; often the stronger climber goes second. [14]

Competition lead climbing

Janja Garnbret in the 2018 IFSC Climbing World Championships Climbing World Championships 2018 Lead Final Garnbret 04.jpg
Janja Garnbret in the 2018 IFSC Climbing World Championships

The development of the safer format of sport climbing in the early 1980s led to rapid development in the sport of competition lead climbing. [15] The first major international lead climbing competition was held in Italy at Sportroccia in 1985. [15] By the late 1990s, competitive lead climbing was joined by competition bouldering, and competition speed climbing in what was to become the annual IFSC Climbing World Cup and biennial IFSC Climbing World Championships. [15] Competition lead climbing first appeared in the 2020 Summer Olympics for men's and women's medal events; it was structured in a format consisting of a single "combined" event of lead, bouldering and speed climbing. [16] [17]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Traditional climbing</span> Type of rock climbing

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rock-climbing equipment</span> List of manmade gear

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Free climbing</span> Climbing without using aid climbing

Free climbing is a form of rock climbing in which the climber can only use climbing equipment for climbing protection but not as an artificial aid to help them in ascending the route. Free climbing, therefore, cannot use any of the tools that are used in aid climbing to help overcome the obstacles encountered while ascending a route. The development of free climbing was an important moment in the history of rock climbing, including the concept and definition of what determined a first free ascent of a route by a climber.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Solo climbing</span> Style of climbing performed alone

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Aid climbing</span> Type of rock climbing

Aid climbing is a form of rock climbing that uses mechanical devices and equipment, such as aiders, for upward momentum. Aid climbing is contrasted with free climbing, which only uses mechanical equipment for protection, but not to assist in upward momentum. Aid climbing can involve hammering in permanent pitons and bolts, into which the aiders are clipped, but there is also 'clean aid climbing' which avoids any hammering, and only uses removable placements.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sport climbing</span> Type of rock climbing

Sport climbing is a type of free climbing in rock climbing where the lead climber clips into pre-drilled permanent bolts for their protection while ascending a route. Sport climbing differs from the riskier traditional climbing where the lead climber has to insert temporary protection equipment while ascending.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Top rope climbing</span> Type of rock climbing

Top rope climbing is a form of rock climbing where the climber is securely attached to a climbing rope that runs through a fixed anchor at the top of the climbing route, and back down to the belayer at the base of the climb. A climber who falls will just hang from the rope at the point of the fall, and can then either resume their climb or have the belayer lower them down in a controlled manner to the base of the climb. Climbers on indoor climbing walls can use mechanical auto belay devices to top rope alone.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pitch (climbing)</span> Steep section of a climbing route requiring a rope

In climbing, a pitch is a section of a climbing route between two belay points, and is most commonly related to the task of lead climbing, but is also related to abseiling. Climbing on routes that require only one pitch is known as single-pitch climbing, and climbing on routes with more than one pitch is known as multi-pitch climbing.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rock climbing</span> Type of sport

Rock climbing is a climbing sports discipline that involves ascending routes consisting of natural rock in an outdoor environment, or on artificial resin climbing walls in a mostly indoor environment. Routes are chronicled in guidebooks, and on online databases, with the details of how to climb the route, and who made the first ascent and the coveted first free ascent. Climbers will try to ascend a route onsight, however, a climber can spend years projecting a route before they make a redpoint ascent.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Multi-pitch climbing</span> Type of climbing

Multi-pitch climbing is a type of climbing that typically takes place on routes that are more than a single rope length in height, and thus where the lead climber cannot complete the climb as a single pitch. Where the number of pitches exceeds 6–10, it can become big wall climbing, or where the pitches are in a mixed rock and ice mountain environment, it can become alpine climbing. Multi-pitch rock climbs can come in traditional, sport, and aid formats. Some have free soloed multi-pitch routes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Redpoint (climbing)</span> Type of free climbing

In rock climbing, redpointing means to free-climb a climbing route from the ground to the top while lead climbing, after having practiced the route or after having failed the first attempt. Climbers will try to redpoint a route after having failed to onsight it, or flash it. The first successful redpoint of a route, in the absence of any prior onsight or flash, is recorded as the first free ascent (FFA) of that route.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Beta (climbing)</span> Climbing term for route information

Beta is a climbing term that designates information about how to ascend a climbing route, and the specific climbing techniques required—and how to apply them—to overcome the key challenges encountered. Traditionally sourced in climbing guidebooks, online databases and apps now provide detailed climbing beta. The term is attributed to Texan climber Jack Mileski.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Competition climbing</span> Competitive rock climbing

Competition climbing is a form of regulated rock climbing competition held indoors on purpose-built artificial climbing walls. The three competition climbing disciplines are lead climbing, bouldering, and speed climbing. The result of multiple disciplines can be used in a "combined" format to determine an all-round winner. Competition climbing is sometimes called "sport climbing", which is the name given to pre-bolted lead climbing.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rope solo climbing</span> Type of solo climbing with protection

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Big wall climbing</span> Type of rock climbing

Big wall climbing is a form of rock climbing that takes place on long multi-pitch routes that normally require a full day, if not several days, to ascend. In addition, big wall routes are typically sustained and exposed, where the climbers remain suspended from the rock face, even sleeping hanging from the face, with limited options to sit down or escape unless they abseil back down the whole route, which is a complex and risky action. It is therefore a physically and mentally demanding form of climbing.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Auto belay</span> Mechanical belay device

An auto belay is a mechanical device used for belaying in indoor climbing walls, in both training and competition climbing formats. The device enables a climber to ascend indoor routes on a top rope but without the need for a human belaying partner. The device, which is permanently mounted in a fixed position at the top of the route, winds up a tape or steel wire to which the ascending climber is attached. When the ascending climber sits back, or falls, the auto belay automatically brakes and smoothly lowers the climber to the ground.


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  13. Ellison, Julie (16 November 2016). "Learn to Climb Trad: Leading and Following". Climbing .
  14. Oakley, Miranda (23 December 2022). "Advanced Climbing Techniques: Simul-Climbing and Short-Fixing". Climbing . Retrieved 3 March 2023.
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