Member | Party | District | Years | Electoral history |
Ernest R. Ackerman | Republican | 5th | 1919 – 1931 | Elected in 1918. Died. |
Hugh J. Addonizio | Democratic | 11th | 1949 – 1962 | Elected in 1948. Resigned to become Mayor of Newark |
John Adler | Democratic | 3rd | 2009 – 2011 | Elected in 2008. Lost re-election to Runyan |
Garnett B. Adrain | Democratic | 3rd | 1857 – 1861 | Elected in 1856. Retired. |
Henry C. Allen | Republican | 6th | 1905 – 1907 | Elected in 1904. Retired. |
Rob Andrews | Democratic | 1st | 1990 – 2014 | Elected to finish Florio's term. Resigned due to House Ethics investigation. |
Stewart H. Appleby | Republican | 3rd | 1925 – 1927 | Elected to finish his father's term. Retired. |
Theodore F. Appleby | Republican | 3rd | 1921 – 1923 | Elected in 1920. Lost re-election to Geran. |
James C. Auchincloss | Republican | 3rd | 1943 – 1965 | Elected in 1942. Retired. |
Oscar L. Auf Der Heide | Democratic | 11th | 1925 – 1933 | Elected in 1924. Redistricted to the 14th district . |
14th | 1933 – 1935 | Redistricted from the 11th district and re-elected in 1932. Retired. |
John Bancker Aycrigg | Whig | At-large | 1837 – 1839 | Elected in 1836. Re-elected, but the House declined to seat him. [a] |
1841 – 1843 | Elected in 1840. Retired. |
Isaac Bacharach | Republican | 2nd | 1915 – 1937 | Elected in 1914. Lost re-election to Wene. |
Ezra Baker | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1815 – 1817 | Elected in 1814. Retired. |
Jacob T. Baker | Democratic | 2nd | 1913 – 1915 | Elected in 1912. Lost re-election to Bacharach. |
Ephraim Bateman | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1815 – 1823 | Elected in 1814. Retired. |
John Beatty | Pro-Administration | At-large | 1793 – 1795 | Elected in 1792. Lost re-election to Thomson. |
Charles D. Beckwith | Republican | 5th | 1889 – 1891 | Elected in 1888. Lost re-election to Cadmus. |
Benjamin Bennet | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1815 – 1819 | Elected in 1814. Lost re-election to B. Smith. |
Allan Benny | Democratic | 9th | 1903 – 1905 | Elected in 1902. Lost re-election to Van Winkle. |
Christopher A. Bergen | Republican | 1st | 1889 – 1893 | Elected in 1888. Lost renomination to Loudenslager. |
Thomas Bines | Democratic-Republican | 3rd | 1814 – 1815 | Elected to finish Hufty's term. Retired. |
William F. Birch | Republican | 5th | 1918 – 1919 | Elected to finish Capstick's term. Retired. |
John T. Bird | Democratic | 3rd | 1869 – 1873 | Elected in 1868. Retired. |
James Bishop | Opposition | 3rd | 1855 – 1857 | Elected in 1854. Lost re-election to Adrain. |
John L. Blake | Republican | 6th | 1879 – 1881 | Elected in 1878. Retired. |
Joseph Bloomfield | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1817 – 1821 | Elected in 1816. Retired. |
Elias Boudinot | Pro-Administration | At-large | 1789 – 1795 | Elected in 1789. Retired. |
Adam Boyd | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1803 – 1805 | Elected in 1803. Retired. |
1808 – 1813 | Elected to finish Darby's term. Retired. |
Robert G. Bremner | Democratic | 7th | 1913 – 1914 | Elected in 1912. Died. |
John H. Brewer | Republican | 2nd | 1881 – 1885 | Elected in 1880. Retired. |
Lewis A. Brigham | Republican | 7th | 1879 – 1881 | Elected in 1878. Lost re-election to Hardenbergh. |
George H. Brown | Whig | 4th | 1851 – 1853 | Elected in 1850. Retired. |
Charles Browne | Democratic | 4th | 1923 – 1925 | Elected in 1922. Lost re-election to Eaton. |
William J. Browning | Republican | 1st | 1911 – 1920 | Elected to finish Loudenslager's term. Died. |
James Buchanan | Republican | 2nd | 1885 – 1893 | Elected in 1884. Retired. |
Cornelius A. Cadmus | Democratic | 5th | 1891 – 1895 | Elected in 1890. Retired. |
Lambert Cadwalader | Pro-Administration | At-large | 1789 – 1791 | Elected in 1789. Lost re-election to Kitchell. |
1793 – 1795 | Elected in 1792. Lost re-election to I. Smith. |
William T. Cahill | Republican | 1st | 1959 – 1967 | Elected in 1958. Redistricted to the 6th district . |
6th | 1967 – 1970 | Redistricted from the 1st district and re-elected in 1966. Resigned when elected governor. |
Gordon Canfield | Republican | 8th | 1941 – 1961 | Elected in 1940. Retired. |
John Henry Capstick | Republican | 5th | 1915 – 1918 | Elected in 1914. Died. |
Clifford P. Case | Republican | 6th | 1945 – 1953 | Elected in 1944. Resigned to become president of the Fund for the Republic. |
George Cassedy | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1821 – 1825 | Elected in 1820. Switched parties. |
Jacksonian | 1825 – 1827 | Re-elected in 1824 as a Jacksonian. Lost re-election to Pierson. |
Peter A. Cavicchia | Republican | 9th | 1931 – 1933 | Elected in 1930. Redistricted to the 11th district . |
11th | 1933 – 1937 | Redistricted from the 9th district and re-elected in 1932. Lost re-election to O'Neill. |
William Chetwood | Whig | At-large | 1836 – 1837 | Elected to finish Dickerson's term. Retired. |
Abraham Clark | Pro-Administration | At-large | 1791 – 1794 | Elected in 1791. Died. |
Alvah A. Clark | Democratic | 4th | 1877 – 1881 | Elected in 1876. Retired. |
Amos Clark Jr. | Republican | 3rd | 1873 – 1875 | Elected in 1872. Lost re-election to Ross. |
Isaiah D. Clawson | Opposition | 1st | 1855 – 1857 | Elected in 1854. Switched parties. |
Republican | 1857 – 1859 | Re-elected in 1856 as a Republican. Retired. |
Orestes Cleveland | Democratic | 5th | 1869 – 1871 | Elected in 1868. Lost re-election to Halsey. |
George T. Cobb | Democratic | 4th | 1861 – 1863 | Elected in 1860. Retired. |
Bonnie Watson Coleman | Democratic | 12th | 2015 – present | Elected in 2014. Incumbent. |
Lewis Condict | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1811 – 1813 | Elected in 1810. Redistricted to the 1st district . |
1st | 1813 – 1815 | Redistricted from the at-large district and re-elected in 1813. Redistricted to the at-large district . |
At-large | 1815 – 1817 | Redistricted from the 1st district and re-elected in 1814. Retired. |
1821 – 1825 | Elected to finish Linn's term. Switched parties. |
Anti-Jacksonian | 1825 – 1833 | Re-elected in 1824 as an Anti-Jacksonian. Retired. |
John Condit | Democratic-Republican | 1st | 1799 – 1801 | Elected in 1798. Redistricted to the at-large district . |
At-large | 1801 – 1803 | Redistricted from the 1st district and re-elected in 1800. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |
1819 – 1819 | Elected in 1818. Resigned to become assistant collector of the Port of New York. |
Silas Condit | Anti-Jacksonian | At-large | 1831 – 1833 | Elected in 1830. Retired. |
Richard M. Cooper | Anti-Jacksonian | At-large | 1829 – 1833 | Elected in 1828. Retired. |
William R. Cooper | Democratic | At-large | 1839 – 1841 | Elected in 1838. Retired. |
Johnston Cornish | Democratic | 4th | 1893 – 1895 | Elected in 1892. Lost re-election to Pitney. |
James A. Courter | Republican | 13th | 1979 – 1983 | Elected in 1978. Redistricted to the 12th district . |
12th | 1983 – 1991 | Redistricted from the 13th district and re-elected in 1982. Retired. |
James Cox | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1809 – 1810 | Elected in 1808. Died. |
William Coxe Jr. | Federalist | At-large | 1813 – 1815 | Elected in 1813. Retired. |
Augustus W. Cutler | Democratic | 5th | 1875 – 1879 | Elected in 1874. Retired. |
William D. Daly | Democratic | 7th | 1899 – 1900 | Elected in 1898. Died. |
Dominick V. Daniels | Democratic | 14th | 1959 – 1977 | Elected in 1958. Retired. |
Ezra Darby | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1805 – 1808 | Elected in 1804. Died. |
Franklin Davenport | Federalist | 5th | 1799 – 1801 | Elected in 1798. Redistricted to the at-large district and lost re-election. |
Jonathan Dayton | Federalist | At-large | 1791 – 1799 | Elected in 1791. Redistricted to the 3rd district and retired to run for U.S. Senator. |
Vincent J. Dellay | Republican | 14th | 1957 – 1958 | Elected in 1956. Switched parties. |
Democratic | 1958 – 1959 | Switched parties and lost Democratic nomination to Daniels. |
Philemon Dickerson | Jacksonian | At-large | 1833 – 1836 | Elected in 1832. Resigned to become governor. |
Democratic | 1839 – 1841 | Elected in 1838. Lost re-election to Aycrigg. |
Samuel A. Dobbins | Republican | 2nd | 1873 – 1877 | Elected in 1872. Retired. |
Jeff Van Drew | Democratic | 2nd | 2019 – 2020 | Elected in 2018. Switched parties. |
Republican [1] | 2020 – present | Swithced parties and Re-elected in 2020 as a Republican. |
Dow H. Drukker | Republican | 7th | 1914 – 1919 | Elected to finish Bremner's term. Retired. |
John T. Dunn | Democratic | 8th | 1893 – 1895 | Elected in 1892. Lost re-election to C. Fowler. |
Bernard J. Dwyer | Democratic | 15th | 1981 – 1983 | Elected in 1980. Redistricted to the 6th district . |
6th | 1983 – 1993 | Redistricted from the 15th district and re-elected in 1982. Retired. |
Florence P. Dwyer | Republican | 6th | 1957 – 1967 | Elected in 1956. Redistricted to the 12th district . |
12th | 1967 – 1973 | Redistricted from the 6th district and re-elected in 1966. Retired. |
John J. Eagan | Democratic | 11th | 1913 – 1921 | Elected in 1912. Lost re-election to Olpp. |
1923 – 1925 | Elected in 1922. Lost renomination to der Heide. |
Charles A. Eaton | Republican | 4th | 1925 – 1933 | Elected in 1924. Redistricted to the 5th district . |
5th | 1933 – 1953 | Redistricted from the 4th district and re-elected in 1932. Retired. |
Joseph E. Edsall | Democratic | 4th | 1845 – 1847 | Elected in 1844. Redistricted to the 3rd district . |
3rd | 1847 – 1849 | Redistricted from the 4th district and re-elected in 1846. Retired. |
Ebenezer Elmer | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1801 – 1807 | Elected in 1800. Lost re-election to Newbold. |
Lucius Q.C. Elmer | Democratic | 1st | 1843 – 1845 | Elected in 1842. Lost re-election to Hampton. |
Thomas D. English | Democratic | 6th | 1891 – 1895 | Elected in 1890. Lost re-election to R. Parker |
Isaac G. Farlee | Democratic | 3rd | 1843 – 1845 | Elected in 1842. Lost re-election to Runk. |
Millicent H. Fenwick | Republican | 5th | 1975 – 1983 | Elected in 1974. Redistricted to the 12th district and retired to run for U.S. Senator. |
Michael A. Ferguson | Republican | 7th | 2001 – 2009 | Elected in 2000. Retired. |
Thomas M. Ferrell | Democratic | 1st | 1883 – 1885 | Elected in 1882. Lost re-election to Hires. |
William H.F. Fiedler | Democratic | 6th | 1883 – 1885 | Elected in 1882. Lost re-election to H. Lehlbach. |
George B. Fielder | Democratic | 7th | 1893 – 1895 | Elected in 1892. Retired. |
De Witt C. Flanagan | Democratic | 4th | 1902 – 1903 | Elected to finish Salmon's term. Retired. |
James J. Florio | Democratic | 1st | 1975 – 1990 | Elected in 1974. Resigned when elected governor. |
Samuel C. Forker | Democratic | 2nd | 1871 – 1873 | Elected in 1870. Lost re-election to Dobbins. |
Edwin B. Forsythe | Republican | 6th | 1970 – 1983 | Elected to finish Cahill's term. Redistricted to the 13th district . |
13th | 1983 – 1984 | Redistricted from the 6th district and re-elected in 1982. Died. |
Franklin W. Fort | Republican | 9th | 1925 – 1931 | Elected in 1924. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |
Charles N. Fowler | Republican | 8th | 1895 – 1903 | Elected in 1894. Redistricted to the 5th district . |
5th | 1903 – 1911 | Redistricted from the 8th district and re-elected in 1902. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |
Samuel Fowler | Jacksonian | At-large | 1833 – 1837 | Elected in 1832. Retired. |
Samuel Fowler | Democratic | 4th | 1889 – 1893 | Elected in 1888. Retired. |
Robert D. Franks | Republican | 7th | 1993 – 2001 | Elected in 1992. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |
Peter Frelinghuysen Jr. | Republican | 5th | 1953 – 1975 | Elected in 1952. Retired. |
Rodney Frelinghuysen | Republican | 11th | 1995 – 2019 | Elected in 1994. Retired. |
Cornelius E. Gallagher | Democratic | 13th | 1959 – 1973 | Elected in 1958. Lost renomination to Meyner. |
Dean A. Gallo | Republican | 11th | 1985 – 1994 | Elected in 1984. Died. |
John J. Gardner | Republican | 2nd | 1893 – 1913 | Elected in 1892. Lost re-election to J. Baker. |
Scott Garrett | Republican | 5th | 2003 – 2017 | Elected in 2002. Lost re-election to Gottheimer. |
Daniel Garrison | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1823 – 1825 | Elected in 1822. Switched parties. |
Jacksonian | 1825 – 1827 | Re-elected in 1824 as a Jacksonian. Lost re-election to H. Thompson. |
Jacob A. Geissenhainer | Democratic | 3rd | 1889 – 1895 | Elected in 1888. Lost re-election to B. Howell. |
Elmer H. Geran | Democratic | 3rd | 1923 – 1925 | Elected in 1922. Lost re-election to T. Appleby. |
Milton W. Glenn | Republican | 2nd | 1957 – 1965 | Elected to finish Hand's term. Lost re-election to McGrath. |
Josh Gottheimer | Democratic | 5th | 2017 – present | Elected in 2016. Incumbent. |
Edward W. Gray | Republican | 6th | 1915 – 1919 | Elected in 1914. Lost re-election to McGlennon. |
Robert S. Green | Democratic | 3rd | 1885 – 1887 | Elected in 1884. Retired to run for governor and resigned when elected. |
Dudley S. Gregory | Whig | 5th | 1847 – 1849 | Elected in 1846. Retired. |
Frank J. Guarini Jr. | Democratic | 14th | 1979 – 1993 | Elected in 1978. Redistricted to the 13th district and retired. |
Charles Haight | Democratic | 2nd | 1867 – 1871 | Elected in 1866. Retired. |
George A. Halsey | Republican | 5th | 1867 – 1869 | Elected in 1866. Lost re-election to Cleveland. |
1871 – 1873 | Elected in 1870. Retired. |
William Halstead | Whig | At-large | 1837 – 1839 | Elected in 1836. Re-elected, but the House declined to seat him. [a] |
1841 – 1843 | Elected in 1840. Retired. |
James A. Hamill | Democratic | 10th | 1907 – 1913 | Elected in 1906. Redistricted to the 12th district . |
12th | 1913 – 1921 | Redistricted from the 10th district and re-elected in 1912. Retired. |
Robert Hamilton | Democratic | 4th | 1873 – 1877 | Elected in 1872. Retired. |
James G. Hampton | Whig | 1st | 1845 – 1849 | Elected in 1844. Retired. |
Thomas M. Hand | Republican | 2nd | 1945 – 1956 | Elected in 1944. Died. |
Augustus A. Hardenbergh | Democratic | 7th | 1875 – 1879 | Elected in 1874. Retired. |
1881 – 1883 | Elected in 1880. Retired. |
Henry S. Harris | Democratic | 4th | 1881 – 1883 | Elected in 1880. Lost re-election to Howey. |
Archibald C. Hart | Democratic | 6th | 1912 – 1913 | Elected to finish Hughes's term. Lost renomination to Martin. |
6th | 1913 – 1917 | Elected to finish Martin's term. Retired. |
Edward J. Hart | Democratic | 14th | 1935 – 1955 | Elected in 1934. Retired. |
Fred A. Hartley Jr. | Republican | 8th | 1929 – 1933 | Elected in 1928. Redistricted to the 10th district . |
10th | 1933 – 1949 | Redistricted from the 8th district and re-elected in 1932. Retired. |
Andrew K. Hay | Whig | 1st | 1849 – 1851 | Elected in 1848. Retired. |
John W. Hazelton | Republican | 1st | 1871 – 1875 | Elected in 1870. Lost re-election to C. Sinnickson. |
William Helms | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1801 – 1811 | Elected in 1800. Retired. |
Henry Helstoski | Democratic | 9th | 1965 – 1977 | Elected in 1964. Lost re-election to Hollenbeck. |
Thomas Henderson | Federalist | At-large | 1795 – 1797 | Elected in 1794. Lost re-election to Schureman. |
John Hill | Republican | 4th | 1867 – 1873 | Elected in 1866. Retired. |
5th | 1881 – 1883 | Elected in 1880. Retired. |
George Hires | Republican | 1st | 1885 – 1889 | Elected in 1884. Retired. |
Harold G. Hoffman | Republican | 3rd | 1927 – 1931 | Elected in 1926. Retired to become Motor Vehicle Commissioner of New Jersey. |
George Holcombe | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1821 – 1825 | Elected in 1820. Switched parties. |
Jacksonian | 1825 – 1828 | Re-elected in 1824 as a Jacksonian. Died. |
Harold C. Hollenbeck | Republican | 9th | 1977 – 1983 | Elected in 1976. Lost re-election to Torricelli. |
Rush D. Holt Jr. | Democratic | 12th | 1999 – 2015 | Elected in 1998. Retired. |
James J. Howard | Democratic | 3rd | 1965 – 1988 | Elected in 1964. Died. |
Benjamin F. Howell | Republican | 3rd | 1895 – 1911 | Elected in 1894. Lost re-election to Scully. |
Charles R. Howell | Democratic | 4th | 1949 – 1955 | Elected in 1948. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |
Benjamin F. Howey | Republican | 4th | 1883 – 1885 | Elected in 1882. Retired. |
Jacob Hufty | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1809 – 1813 | Elected in 1808. Redistricted to the 3rd district . |
Federalist | 3rd | 1813 – 1814 | Redistricted from the at-large district and re-elected in 1813. Died. |
Thomas H. Hughes | Anti-Jacksonian | At-large | 1829 – 1833 | Elected in 1828. Retired. |
William Hughes | Democratic | 6th | 1903 – 1905 | Elected in 1902. Lost re-election to Allen. |
1907 – 1912 | Elected in 1906. Resigned after appointment as judge of Court of Common Pleas of Passaic County. |
William J. Hughes | Democratic | 2nd | 1975 – 1995 | {Elected in 1974. Retired. |
John E. Hunt | Republican | 1st | 1967 – 1975 | Elected in 1966. Lost re-election to Florio. |
Elijah C. Hutchinson | Republican | 4th | 1915 – 1923 | Elected in 1914. Lost re-election to Browne. |
John Huyler | Democratic | 4th | 1857 – 1859 | Elected in 1856. Lost re-election to Riggs as a Lecompton Democrat. |
James H. Imlay | Federalist | At-large | 1797 – 1799 | Elected in 1797. Redistricted to the 4th district . |
4th | 1799 – 1801 | Redistricted from the at-large district and re-elected in 1798. Retired. |
Walter S. Jeffries | Republican | 2nd | 1939 – 1941 | Elected in 1938. Lost re-election to Wene. |
Charles S. Joelson | Democratic | 8th | 1961 – 1969 | Elected in 1960. Resigned to become judge of Superior Court of New Jersey. |
Phineas Jones | Republican | 6th | 1881 – 1883 | Elected in 1880. Retired. |
John Kean | Republican | 3rd | 1883 – 1885 | Elected in 1882. Lost re-election to Green. |
1887 – 1889 | Elected in 1886. Lost re-election to Geissenhainer. |
Robert W. Kean | Republican | 12th | 1939 – 1959 | Elected in 1938. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |
Thomas Kean Jr. | Republican | 7th | 2023 – present | Elected in 2022. Incumbent. |
Edward A. Kenney | Democratic | 9th | 1933 – 1938 | Elected in 1932. Died. |
Joseph Kille | Democratic | At-large | 1839 – 1841 | Elected in 1838. Retired. |
Andy Kim | Democratic | 3rd | 2019 – 2024 | Elected in 2018. Resigned when appointed U.S. senator. |
James G. King | Whig | 5th | 1849 – 1851 | Elected in 1848. Retired. |
Eugene F. Kinkead | Democratic | 9th | 1909 – 1913 | Elected in 1908. Redistricted to the 8th district . |
8th | 1913 – 1915 | Redistricted from the 9th district and re-elected in 1912. Retired and resigned to become Sheriff of Hudson County |
Charles Kinsey | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1817 – 1819 | Elected in 1816. Lost re-election to Condit. |
1820 – 1821 | Elected to finish Condit's term. Retired. |
Littleton Kirkpatrick | Democratic | 4th | 1843 – 1845 | Elected in 1842. Retired. |
Aaron Kitchell | Pro-Administration | At-large | 1791 – 1793 | Elected in 1791. Lost re-election to Cadwalader. |
1795 – 1795 | Elected to finish Clark's term. Switched parties prior to start of full term. |
Federalist | 1795 – 1797 | Elected in 1794 as a Federalist. Lost re-election to Imlay. |
Democratic-Republican | 2nd | 1799 – 1801 | Elected in 1798. Retired. |
Herbert Klein | Democratic | 8th | 1993 – 1995 | Elected in 1992. Lost re-election.Lost re-election to Martini. |
Paul J. Krebs | Democratic | 12th | 1965 – 1967 | Elected in 1964. Retired. |
John Lambert | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1805 – 1809 | Elected in 1804. Retired. |
Leonard Lance | Republican | 7th | 2009 – 2019 | Elected in 2008. Lost re-election to Malinowski. |
William M. Lanning | Republican | 4th | 1903 – 1904 | Elected in 1902. Resigned on appointment as district judge of 3rd circuit. |
Eugene W. Leake | Democratic | 9th | 1907 – 1909 | Elected in 1906. Retired. |
Thomas Lee | Jacksonian | At-large | 1833 – 1837 | Elected in 1832. Retired. |
Joseph A. LeFante | Democratic | 14th | 1977 – 1978 | Elected in 1976. Retired and resigned early. |
Frederick R. Lehlbach | Republican | 10th | 1915 – 1933 | Elected in 1914. Redistricted to the 12th district . |
12th | 1933 – 1937 | Redistricted from the 10th district and re-elected in 1932. Lost re-election to Towey. |
Herman Lehlbach | Republican | 6th | 1885 – 1891 | Elected in 1884. Retired. |
Samuel Lilly | Democratic | 3rd | 1853 – 1855 | Elected in 1852. Retired. |
James Linn | Democratic-Republican | 3rd | 1799 – 1801 | Elected in 1798. Retired. |
John Linn | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1817 – 1821 | Elected in 1816. Died. |
Frank LoBiondo | Republican | 2nd | 1995 – 2019 | Elected in 1994. Retired. |
Henry C. Loudenslager | Republican | 1st | 1893 – 1911 | Elected in 1892. Died. |
Tom MacArthur | Republican | 3rd | 2015 – 2019 | Elected in 2014. Lost re-election to Kim. |
Andrew Maguire | Democratic | 7th | 1975 – 1981 | Elected in 1974. Lost re-election to Roukema. |
Tom Malinowski | Democratic | 7th | 2019 – 2023 | Elected in 2018. Lost re-election to Kean Jr. |
Joseph J. Maraziti | Republican | 13th | 1973 – 1975 | Elected in 1972. Lost re-election to Meyner. |
Lewis J. Martin | Democratic | 6th | 1913 – 1913 | Elected in 1912. Died. |
William J. Martini | Republican | 8th | 1995 – 1997 | Elected in 1994. Lost re-election to Pascrell. |
Frank A. Mathews Jr. | Republican | 4th | 1945 – 1949 | Elected to finish Powers's term. Retired. |
James Matlack | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1821 – 1825 | Elected in 1820. Retired. |
George C. Maxwell | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1811 – 1813 | Elected in 1810. Retired. |
John P. B. Maxwell | Whig | At-large | 1837 – 1839 | Elected in 1836. Re-elected, but the House declined to seat him. [a] |
1841 – 1843 | Elected in 1840. Retired. |
William McAdoo | Democratic | 7th | 1883 – 1891 | Elected in 1882. Lost renomination to McDonald. |
Walter I. McCoy | Democratic | 8th | 1911 – 1913 | Elected in 1910. Redistricted to the 9th district . |
9th | 1913 – 1914 | Redistricted from the 8th district and re-elected in 1912. Resigned on appointment as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. |
Allan L. McDermott | Democratic | 7th | 1900 – 1903 | Elected to finish Daly's term. Redistricted to the 10th district . |
10th | 1903 – 1907 | Redistricted from the 7th district and re-elected in 1902. Retired. |
Edward F. McDonald | Democratic | 7th | 1891 – 1892 | Elected in 1890. Died. |
Thomas McEwan Jr. | Republican | 7th | 1895 – 1899 | Elected in 1894. Retired. |
Cornelius A. McGlennon | Democratic | 8th | 1919 – 1921 | Elected in 1918. Lost re-election to Taylor. |
Thomas C. McGrath Jr. | Democratic | 2nd | 1965 – 1967 | Elected in 1964. Lost re-election to Sandman. |
LaMonica McIver | Democratic | 10th | 2024 – present | Elected to finish Payne, Jr.'s term. Incumbent. |
Donald H. McLean | Republican | 6th | 1933 – 1945 | Elected in 1932. Retired. |
Frank J. McNulty | Democratic | 8th | 1923 – 1925 | Elected in 1922. Lost re-election to Taylor. |
Bob Menendez | Democratic | 13th | 1993 – 2006 | Elected in 1992. Resigned when appointed U.S. senator. |
Rob Menendez | Democratic | 8th | 2023 – present | Elected in 2022. Incumbent. |
Helen S. Meyner | Democratic | 13th | 1975 – 1979 | Elected in 1974. Lost re-election to Courter. |
George Middleton | Democratic | 2nd | 1863 – 1865 | Elected in 1862. Lost re-election to Newell. |
Daniel F. Minahan | Democratic | 9th | 1919 – 1921 | Elected in 1918. Lost re-election to R. Parker. |
1923 – 1925 | Elected in 1922. Lost re-election to Fort. |
Joseph G. Minish | Democratic | 11th | 1963 – 1985 | Elected in 1962. Lost re-election to Gallo. |
Paul J. Moore | Democratic | 8th | 1927 – 1929 | Elected in 1926. Lost re-election to Hartley. |
William Moore | Republican | 1st | 1867 – 1871 | Elected in 1866. Lost renomination to Hazelton. |
James Morgan | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1811 – 1813 | Elected in 1810. Redistricted to the 2nd district and lost re-election to Schureman and Stockton. |
James Mott | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1801 – 1805 | Elected in 1800. Retired. |
Thomas Newbold | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1807 – 1813 | Elected in 1806. Retired. |
William A. Newell | Whig | 2nd | 1847 – 1851 | Elected in 1846. Retired. |
Republican | 1865 – 1867 | Elected in 1864. Lost re-election to Haight. |
John T. Nixon | Republican | 1st | 1859 – 1863 | Elected in 1858. Retired. |
Donald Norcross | Democratic | 1st | 2014 – present | Elected to finish Andrews's term. Incumbent. |
Mary T. Norton | Democratic | 12th | 1925 – 1933 | Elected in 1924. Redistricted to the 13th district . |
13th | 1933 – 1951 | Redistricted from the 12th district and re-elected in 1932. Retired. |
Charles F. X. O'Brien | Democratic | 12th | 1921 – 1925 | Elected in 1920. Retired to become registrar of records of Hudson County. |
Edward L. O'Neill | Democratic | 11th | 1937 – 1939 | Elected in 1936. Lost re-election to Vreeland. |
Archibald E. Olpp | Republican | 11th | 1921 – 1923 | Elected in 1920. Lost re-election to Eagan. |
Frank C. Osmers Jr. | Republican | 9th | 1939 – 1943 | Elected in 1938. Retired to become a second lieutenant in the 77th Infantry Division. |
1951 – 1965 | Elected to finish Towe's term. Lost re-election to Helstoski. |
Frank Pallone | Democratic | 3rd | 1988 – 1993 | Elected to finish Howard's term. Redistricted to the 6th district . |
6th | 1993 – present | Redistricted from the 3rd district and re-elected in 1992. Incumbent. |
Michael J. Pappas | Republican | 12th | 1997 – 1999 | Elected in 1996. Lost re-election to Holt. |
James Parker | Jacksonian | At-large | 1833 – 1837 | Elected in 1832. Retired. |
Richard W. Parker | Republican | 6th | 1895 – 1903 | Elected in 1894. Redistricted to the 7th district . |
7th | 1903 – 1911 | Redistricted from the 6th district and re-elected in 1902. Lost re-election to Townsend. |
9th | 1914 – 1919 | Elected to finish McCoy's term. Lost re-election to Minahan. |
1921 – 1923 | Elected in 1920. Lost re-election to Minahan. |
Bill Pascrell | Democratic | 8th | 1997 – 2013 | Elected in 1996. Redistricted to the 9th district . |
9th | 2013 – 2024 | Redistricted from the 8th district and re-elected in 2012. Died. |
Edward J. Patten | Democratic | 15th | 1963 – 1981 | Elected in 1962. Retired. |
Francis F. Patterson Jr. | Republican | 1st | 1920 – 1927 | Elected to finish Browning's term. Lost renomination to Wolverton. |
Donald M. Payne | Democratic | 10th | 1989 – 2012 | Elected in 1988. Died. |
Donald Payne Jr. | Democratic | 10th | 2012 – 2024 | Elected to finish his father's term. Died. |
Thomas B. Peddie | Republican | 6th | 1877 – 1879 | Elected in 1876. Retired. |
Alexander C. M. Pennington | Whig | 5th | 1853 – 1855 | Elected in 1852. Switched parties. |
Opposition | 1855 – 1857 | Re-elected in 1854 as an Opposition Party candidate. Retired. |
William Pennington | Republican | 5th | 1859 – 1861 | Elected in 1858. Lost re-election to Perry. |
Randolph Perkins | Republican | 6th | 1921 – 1933 | Elected in 1920. Redistricted to the 7th district . |
7th | 1933 – 1936 | Redistricted from the 6th district and re-elected in 1932. Died. |
Nehemiah Perry | Democratic | 5th | 1861 – 1865 | Elected in 1860. Retired. |
William W. Phelps | Republican | 5th | 1873 – 1875 | Elected in 1872. Lost re-election to Cutler. |
1883 – 1889 | Elected in 1882. Retired. |
James N. Pidcock | Democratic | 4th | 1885 – 1889 | Elected in 1884. Retired. |
Isaac Pierson | Anti-Jacksonian | At-large | 1827 – 1831 | Elected in 1826. Lost re-election to S. Condit. |
Mahlon Pitney | Republican | 4th | 1895 – 1899 | Elected in 1894. Re-elected, but resigned on election to New Jersey State Senate. |
D. Lane Powers | Republican | 4th | 1933 – 1945 | Elected in 1932. Resigned to become a member of the Public Utilities Commission of New Jersey |
Le Gage Pratt | Democratic | 8th | 1907 – 1909 | Elected in 1906. Lost re-election to Wiley. |
Rodman M. Price | Democratic | 5th | 1851 – 1853 | Elected in 1850. Lost re-election to A. Pennington. |
John H. Pugh | Republican | 2nd | 1877 – 1879 | Elected in 1876. Lost re-election to H.B. Smith. |
Amos H. Radcliffe | Republican | 7th | 1919 – 1923 | Elected in 1918. Lost renomination to Seger. |
John R. Ramsey | Republican | 6th | 1917 – 1921 | Elected in 1916. Lost renomination to Perkins. |
James F. Randolph | Anti-Jacksonian | At-large | 1828 – 1833 | Elected to finish Holcombe's term. Retired. |
Joseph F. Randolph | Whig | At-large | 1837 – 1843 | Elected in 1836. Retired. |
Jetur R. Riggs | Democratic | 4th | 1859 – 1861 | Elected in 1858. Retired. |
Matthew J. Rinaldo | Republican | 12th | 1973 – 1983 | Elected in 1972. Redistricted to the 7th district . |
7th | 1983 – 1993 | Redistricted from the 12th district and Re-elected in 1982. Retired. |
George R. Robbins | Opposition | 2nd | 1855 – 1857 | Elected in 1854. Switched parties. |
Republican | 1857 – 1859 | Re-elected in 1856 as a Republican. Retired. |
George M. Robeson | Republican | 1st | 1879 – 1883 | Elected in 1878. Lost re-election to Ferrell. |
Peter W. Rodino Jr. | Democratic | 10th | 1949 – 1989 | Elected in 1948. Retired. |
Robert A. Roe | Democratic | 8th | 1969 – 1993 | Elected to finish Joelson's term. Retired. |
Andrew J. Rogers | Democratic | 4th | 1863 – 1867 | Elected in 1862. Lost re-election to Hill. |
Miles Ross | Democratic | 3rd | 1875 – 1883 | Elected in 1874. Lost re-election to J. Kean. |
Steve Rothman | Democratic | 9th | 1997 – 2013 | Elected in 1996. Lost renomination to Pascrell. |
Marge Roukema | Republican | 7th | 1981 – 1983 | Elected in 1980. Redistricted to the 5th district . |
5th | 1983 – 2003 | Redistricted from 7th district and re-elected in 1982. Retired. |
John Runk | Whig | 3rd | 1845 – 1847 | Elected in 1844. Lost re-election to Edsall. |
Jon Runyan | Republican | 3rd | 2011 – 2015 | Elected in 2010. Retired. |
Daniel B. Ryall | Democratic | At-large | 1839 – 1841 | Elected in 1838. Retired. |
Joshua S. Salmon | Democratic | 4th | 1899 – 1902 | Elected to finish Pitney's term. Died. |
Charles W. Sandman Jr. | Republican | 2nd | 1967 – 1975 | Elected in 1966. Lost re-election to W.J. Hughes. |
Jim Saxton | Republican | 13th | 1984 – 1993 | Elected to finish Forsythe's term. Redistricted to the 3rd district . |
3rd | 1993 – 2009 | Redistricted from the 13th district and re-elected in 1992. Retired. |
Ferdinand Schureman Schenck | Jacksonian | At-large | 1833 – 1837 | Elected in 1832. Retired. |
James Schureman | Pro-Administration | At-large | 1789 – 1791 | Elected in 1789. Lost re-election to Dayton. |
Federalist | 1797 – 1799 | Elected in 1797. Redistricted to the 5th district and lost re-election to Davenport. |
2nd | 1813 – 1815 | Elected in 1813. Retired. |
Isaac W. Scudder | Republican | 7th | 1873 – 1875 | Elected in 1872. Retired. |
John A. Scudder | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1810 – 1811 | Elected to finish Cox's term. Retired. |
Thomas J. Scully | Democratic | 3rd | 1911 – 1921 | Elected in 1910. Retired. |
George N. Seger | Republican | 7th | 1923 – 1933 | Elected in 1922. Redistricted to the 8th district . |
8th | 1933 – 1940 | Redistricted from the 7th district and re-elected in 1932. Died. |
Mikie Sherrill | Democratic | 11th | 2019 – present | Elected in 2018. Incumbent. |
William N. Shinn | Jacksonian | At-large | 1833 – 1837 | Elected in 1832. Retired. |
Alfred D. Sieminski | Democratic | 13th | 1951 – 1959 | Elected in 1950. Lost renomination to Gallagher. |
Clement H. Sinnickson | Republican | 1st | 1875 – 1879 | Elected in 1874. Retired. |
Thomas Sinnickson | Pro-Administration | At-large | 1789 – 1791 | Elected in 1789. Lost re-election to A. Clark. |
Federalist | 1797 – 1799 | Elected in 1797. Redistricted to the 5th district but unknown if then retired or lost. |
Thomas Sinnickson | Anti-Jacksonian | At-large | 1828 – 1829 | Elected to finish Thompson's term. Retired. |
Albio Sires | Democratic | 13th | 2006 – 2013 | Elected to finish Menendez's term. Redistricted to the 8th district . |
8th | 2013 – 2023 | Redistricted from the 13th district and re-elected in 2012. Retired. |
Charles Sitgreaves | Democratic | 3rd | 1865 – 1869 | Elected in 1864. Retired. |
Charles Skelton | Democratic | 2nd | 1851 – 1855 | Elected in 1850. Retired. |
James Sloan | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1803 – 1809 | Elected in 1803. Retired. |
Bernard Smith | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1819 – 1821 | Elected in 1818. Retired. |
Chris Smith | Republican | 4th | 1981 – present | Elected in 1980. Incumbent. |
Hezekiah B. Smith | Democratic | 2nd | 1879 – 1881 | Elected in 1878. Lost re-election to Brewer. |
Isaac Smith | Federalist | At-large | 1795 – 1797 | Elected in 1794. Retired. |
Henry Southard | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1801 – 1811 | Elected in 1800. Retired. |
1815 – 1821 | Elected in 1814. Retired. |
Isaac Southard | Anti-Jacksonian | At-large | 1831 – 1833 | Elected in 1830. Lost re-election to Schenck. |
John F. Starr | Republican | 1st | 1863 – 1867 | Elected in 1862. Retired. |
William G. Steele | Democratic | 3rd | 1861 – 1865 | Elected in 1860. Retired. |
James F. Stewart | Republican | 5th | 1895 – 1903 | Elected in 1894. Lost re-election to C. Fowler. |
Percy H. Stewart | Democratic | 5th | 1931 – 1933 | Elected to finish Ackerman's term. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |
Richard Stockton | Federalist | 2nd | 1813 – 1815 | Elected in 1813. Retired. |
Charles C. Stratton | Whig | At-large | 1837 – 1839 | Elected in 1836. Re-elected, but the House declined to seat him. [a] |
1841 – 1843 | Elected in 1840. Retired. |
John L. N. Stratton | Republican | 2nd | 1859 – 1863 | Elected in 1858. Retired. |
Nathan T. Stratton | Democratic | 1st | 1851 – 1855 | Elected in 1850. Retired. |
Frank L. Sundstrom | Republican | 11th | 1943 – 1949 | Elected in 1942. Lost re-election to Addonizio. |
William H. Sutphin | Democratic | 3rd | 1931 – 1943 | Elected in 1930. Lost re-election to Auchincloss. |
Samuel Swan | Democratic-Republican | At-large | 1821 – 1825 | Elected in 1820. Switched parties. |
Anti-Jacksonian | 1825 – 1831 | Re-elected in 1824 as an Anti-Jacksonian. Retired. |
George Sykes | Democratic | 2nd | 1843 – 1845 | Elected in 1842. Retired. |
1845 – 1847 | Elected to finish Wright's term. Retired. |
Herbert W. Taylor | Republican | 8th | 1921 – 1923 | Elected in 1920. Lost renomination to Warren P. Coon. |
1925 – 1927 | Elected in 1924. Lost re-election to P. Moore. |
Frederick H. Teese | Democratic | 6th | 1875 – 1877 | Elected in 1874. Renominated but declined. |
J. Parnell Thomas | Republican | 7th | 1937 – 1950 | Elected in 1936 Resigned upon being convicted of fraud. |
Frank Thompson Jr. | Democratic | 4th | 1955 – 1980 | Elected in 1954. Lost re-election to C. Smith and resigned early. |
Hedge Thompson | Anti-Jacksonian | At-large | 1827 – 1828 | Elected in 1826. Died. |
Mark Thomson | Federalist | At-large | 1795 – 1799 | Elected in 1794. Redistricted to the 2nd district and lost re-election to Kitchell. |
Robert G. Torricelli | Democratic | 9th | 1983 – 1997 | Elected in 1982. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |
Harry Lancaster Towe | Republican | 9th | 1943 – 1951 | Elected in 1942. Resigned to become Assistant Attorney General of New Jersey for Bergen County. |
Frank William Towey Jr. | Democratic | 12th | 1937 – 1939 | Elected in 1936. Lost re-election to R. Kean. |
Edward W. Townsend | Democratic | 7th | 1911 – 1913 | Elected in 1910. Redistricted to the 10th district . |
10th | 1913 – 1915 | Redistricted from the 7th district and re-elected in 1912. Lost re-election to F. Lehlbach. |
Ebenezer Tucker | Anti-Jacksonian | At-large | 1825 – 1829 | Elected in 1824. Retired. |
T. James Tumulty | Democratic | 14th | 1955 – 1957 | Elected in 1954. Lost re-election to Dellay. |
William E. Tuttle Jr. | Democratic | 5th | 1911 – 1915 | Elected in 1910. Lost re-election to Capstick. |
George Vail | Democratic | 4th | 1853 – 1857 | Elected in 1852. Retired. |
John Van Dyke | Whig | 4th | 1847 – 1851 | Elected in 1846. Retired. |
Marshall Van Winkle | Republican | 9th | 1905 – 1907 | Elected in 1904. Retired. |
Charles H. Voorhis | Republican | 5th | 1879 – 1881 | Elected in 1878. Retired. |
Albert L. Vreeland | Republican | 11th | 1939 – 1943 | Elected in 1938. Retired to serve in the military. |
Peter D. Vroom | Democratic | At-large | 1839 – 1841 | Elected in 1838. Lost re-election to Yorke. |
George M. Wallhauser | Republican | 12th | 1959 – 1965 | Elected in 1958. Retired. |
Allan B. Walsh | Democratic | 4th | 1913 – 1915 | Elected in 1912. Lost re-election to Hutchinson. |
Marcus Lawrence Ward | Republican | 6th | 1873 – 1875 | Elected in 1872. Lost re-election to Teese. |
Thomas Ward | Democratic-Republican | 1st | 1813 – 1815 | Elected in 1813. Redistricted to the at-large district . |
At-large | 1815 – 1817 | Redistricted from the 1st district and re-elected in 1814. Retired. |
Elmer H. Wene | Democratic | 2nd | 1937 – 1939 | Elected in 1936. Lost re-election to Jeffries. |
1941 – 1945 | Elected in 1940. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |
William B. Widnall | Republican | 7th | 1950 – 1974 | Elected to finish Thomas's term. Lost re-election and resigned early. |
Isaac Wildrick | Democratic | 3rd | 1849 – 1853 | Elected in 1848. Rrtired. |
William H. Wiley | Republican | 8th | 1903 – 1907 | Elected in 1902. Lost re-election to Pratt. |
1909 – 1911 | Elected in 1908. Lost re-election to McCoy. |
Harrison A. Williams Jr. | Democratic | 6th | 1953 – 1957 | Elected to finish Case's term. Lost re-election to F. Dwyer. |
Charles A. Wolverton | Republican | 1st | 1927 – 1959 | Elected in 1926. Retired. |
Ira W. Wood | Republican | 4th | 1904 – 1913 | Elected to finish Lanning's term. Retired. |
Jacob R. Wortendyke | Democratic | 5th | 1857 – 1859 | Elected in 1856. Lost re-election to W. Pennington. |
Edwin R. V. Wright | Democratic | 5th | 1865 – 1867 | Elected in 1864. Retired. |
Samuel G. Wright | Whig | 2nd | 1845 – 1845 | Elected in 1844. Died. |
William Wright | Whig | 5th | 1843 – 1847 | Elected in 1842. Retired to run for governor. |
Thomas J. Yorke | Whig | At-large | 1837 – 1839 | Elected in 1836. Re-elected, but the House declined to seat him. [a] |
1841 – 1843 | Elected in 1840. Retired. |
Dick Zimmer | Republican | 12th | 1991 – 1997 | Elected in 1990. Retired to run for U.S. senator. |