Class 1 Class 1 U.S. senators belong to the electoral cycle that has recently been contested in 2006, 2012, 2018, and 2024. The next election will be in 2030. | C | Class 3 Class 3 U.S. senators belong to the electoral cycle that has recently been contested in 2004, 2010, 2016, and 2022. The next election will be in 2028. |
# | Senator | Party | Dates in office | Electoral history | T | T | Electoral history | Dates in office | Party | Senator | # |
Vacant | May 29, 1848 – Jun 8, 1848 | Wisconsin elected its senators 10 days after statehood. | 1 | 30th | 1 | Wisconsin elected its senators 10 days after statehood. | May 29, 1848 – Jun 8, 1848 | Vacant |
1 | Henry Dodge | Democratic | Jun 8, 1848 – Mar 3, 1857 | Elected in 1848. | Elected in 1848. | Jun 8, 1848 – Mar 3, 1855 | Democratic | Isaac P. Walker | 1 |
31st | 2 | Re-elected in 1849.Retired. |
Re-elected in 1851.Retired. | 2 | 32nd |
33rd |
34th | 3 | Elected in 1855. Retired. | Mar 4, 1855 – Mar 3, 1861 | Republican | Charles Durkee | 2 |
2 | James R. Doolittle | Republican | Mar 4, 1857 – Mar 3, 1869 | Elected in 1857. | 3 | 35th |
36th |
37th | 4 | Elected in 1861. | Mar 4, 1861 – Mar 3, 1879 | Republican | Timothy O. Howe | 3 |
Re-elected in 1863. Retired. | 4 | 38th |
39th |
40th | 5 | Re-elected in 1867. |
3 | Matthew H. Carpenter | Republican | Mar 4, 1869 – Mar 3, 1875 | Elected in 1869.Lost re-election. | 5 | 41st |
42nd |
43rd | 6 | Re-elected in 1872.Lost re-election. |
4 | Angus Cameron | Republican | Mar 4, 1875 – Mar 3, 1881 | Elected in 1875.Retired. | 6 | 44th |
45th |
46th | 7 | Elected in 1879.Died. | Mar 4, 1879 – Feb 24, 1881 | Republican | Matthew H. Carpenter | 4 |
| Feb 24, 1881 – Mar 14, 1881 | Vacant |
5 | Philetus Sawyer | Republican | Mar 4, 1881 – Mar 3, 1893 | Elected in 1881. | 7 | 47th |
Elected to finish Carpenter's term.Retired. | Mar 14, 1881 – Mar 3, 1885 | Republican | Angus Cameron | 5 |
48th |
49th | 8 | Elected in 1885.Lost re-election. | Mar 4, 1885 – Mar 3, 1891 | Republican | John Coit Spooner | 6 |
Re-elected in 1887.Retired. | 8 | 50th |
51st |
52nd | 9 | Elected in 1891.Lost renomination. | Mar 4, 1891 – Mar 3, 1897 | Democratic | William F. Vilas | 7 |
6 | John L. Mitchell | Democratic | Mar 4, 1893 – Mar 3, 1899 | Elected in 1893.Retired. | 9 | 53rd |
54th |
55th | 10 | Elected in 1897. [1] | Mar 4, 1897 – Apr 30, 1907 | Republican | John Coit Spooner | 8 |
7 | Joseph V. Quarles | Republican | Mar 4, 1899 – Mar 3, 1905 | Elected in 1899.Retired. | 10 | 56th |
57th |
58th | 11 | Re-elected in 1903. [2] Resigned. |
8 | Robert M. La Follette | Republican | Jan 4, 1906 – Jun 18, 1925 | Elected in 1905.Did not assume office until Jan 4, 1906 after resigning as Governor of Wisconsin. | 11 | 59th |
60th |
| Apr 30, 1907 – May 17, 1907 | Vacant |
Elected to finish Spooner's term. | May 17, 1907 – Mar 3, 1915 | Republican | Isaac Stephenson | 9 |
61st | 12 | Re-elected in 1909.Retired. |
Re-elected in 1911. | 12 | 62nd |
63rd |
64th | 13 | Elected in 1914.Died. | Mar 4, 1915 – Oct 21, 1917 | Democratic | Paul O. Husting | 10 |
Re-elected in 1916. | 13 | 65th |
| Oct 21, 1917 – Apr 18, 1918 | Vacant |
Elected in 1918 to finish Husting's term. | Apr 18, 1918 – Mar 3, 1927 | Republican | Irvine Lenroot | 11 |
66th |
67th | 14 | Re-elected in 1920.Lost renomination. |
Re-elected in 1922.Died. | 14 | 68th |
69th |
Vacant | Jun 18, 1925 – Sep 30, 1925 | |
9 | Robert M. La Follette Jr. | Republican | Sep 30, 1925 – Jan 3, 1947 | Elected to finish his father's term |
70th | 15 | Elected in 1926.Lost renomination. | Mar 4, 1927 – Mar 3, 1933 | Republican | John J. Blaine | 12 |
Re-elected in 1928. | 15 | 71st |
72nd |
73rd | 16 | Elected in 1932.Lost re-election. | Mar 4, 1933 – Jan 3, 1939 | Democratic | F. Ryan Duffy | 13 |
Progressive | Re-elected in 1934. | 16 | 74th |
75th |
76th | 17 | Elected in 1938. | Jan 3, 1939 – Jan 3, 1963 | Republican | Alexander Wiley | 14 |
Re-elected in 1940.Lost nomination as a Republican. | 17 | 77th |
78th |
79th | 18 | Re-elected in 1944. |
10 | Joseph McCarthy | Republican | Jan 3, 1947 – May 2, 1957 | Elected in 1946. | 18 | 80th |
81st |
82nd | 19 | Re-elected in 1950. |
Re-elected in 1952.Died. | 19 | 83rd |
84th |
85th | 20 | Re-elected in 1956.Lost re-election. |
Vacant | May 2, 1957 – Aug 27, 1957 | |
11 | William Proxmire | Democratic | Aug 28, 1957 – Jan 3, 1989 | Elected to finish McCarthy's term |
Re-elected in 1958. | 20 | 86th |
87th |
88th | 21 | Elected in 1962. | Jan 3, 1963 – Jan 3, 1981 | Democratic | Gaylord Nelson | 15 |
Re-elected in 1964. | 21 | 89th |
90th |
91st | 22 | Re-elected in 1968. |
Re-elected in 1970. | 22 | 92nd |
93rd |
94th | 23 | Re-elected in 1974.Lost re-election. |
Re-elected in 1976. | 23 | 95th |
96th |
97th | 24 | Elected in 1980. | Jan 3, 1981 – Jan 3, 1993 | Republican | Bob Kasten | 16 |
Re-elected in 1982.Retired. | 24 | 98th |
99th |
100th | 25 | Re-elected in 1986.Lost re-election. |
12 | Herb Kohl | Democratic | Jan 3, 1989 – Jan 3, 2013 | Elected in 1988. | 25 | 101st |
102nd |
103rd | 26 | Elected in 1992. | Jan 3, 1993 – Jan 3, 2011 | Democratic | Russ Feingold | 17 |
Re-elected in 1994. | 26 | 104th |
105th |
106th | 27 | Re-elected in 1998. |
Re-elected in 2000. | 27 | 107th |
108th |
109th | 28 | Re-elected in 2004.Lost re-election. |
Re-elected in 2006.Retired. | 28 | 110th |
111th |
112th | 29 | Elected in 2010. | Jan 3, 2011 – present | Republican | Ron Johnson | 18 |
13 | Tammy Baldwin | Democratic | Jan 3, 2013 – present | Elected in 2012. | 29 | 113th |
114th |
115th | 30 | Re-elected in 2016. |
Re-elected in 2018. | 30 | 116th |
117th |
118th | 31 | Re-elected in 2022. |
Re-elected in 2024. | 31 | 119th |
120th |
121st | 32 | To be determined in the 2028 election. |
To be determined in the 2030 election. | 32 | 122nd |
# | Senator | Party | Years in office | Electoral history | T | C | T | Electoral history | Years in office | Party | Senator | # |
Class 1 | Class 3 |