Year Title Developer Publisher Setting Platform Subgenre Series/Notes COO 2000 (JP) 7: The Cavalry of Molmorth Namco Namco Fantasy PS2 Tactical RPG Real-time JP 2000 (JP) Anima Star Fantasy DC JP 2000 (JP/NA) 2001 (PAL) Breath of Fire IV Capcom Capcom Fantasy PS1 JRPG [ 1] Breath of Fire JP 2000 (JP) Castle Fantasia 2: Seima Taisen Studio E-Go! Studio E-Go! Fantasy DC (Port) Tactical RPG Castle Fantasia JP 2000 (JP) Chō Aniki: Otoko no Tamafuda Masaya Bandai Modern WS Card-based Cho Aniki JP 2000 (NA) Crystalis Nintendo Nintendo Fantasy GBC (Remake) Action RPG Crystalis JP 2000 (NA) Custom Robo V2 Noise Nintendo Robotics N64 Action RPG Custom Robo JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA/EU) Dark Cloud Level-5 SCE Fantasy PS2 Action RPG City-building Dark Cloud JP 2000 (JP) deSPIRIA Atlus Atlus Fantasy DC Action RPG JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA) Digimon World 2 Bandai Bandai Sci-Fi Fantasy PS1 Monster raising Digimon JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA) Dragon Warrior III Dragon Quest III Chunsoft Enix Fantasy GBC (Remake) JRPG [ 2] Dragon Quest JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA) Dragon Warrior VII Dragon Quest VII Heartbeat ArtePiazza Enix Fantasy PS1 JRPG [ 2] Dragon Quest JP 2000 (JP) Eldorado Gate, Vol 1 Capcom Capcom Fantasy DC JRPG Eldorado Gate JP 2000 (JP) Eldorado Gate, Vol 2 Capcom Capcom Fantasy DC JRPG Eldorado Gate JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA/EU) Ephemeral Fantasia Konami Konami Fantasy PS2 JRPG JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA) Eternal Eyes Sunsoft Fantasy PS1 JP 2000 (JP/NA/EU) Eternal Ring From Agetec Fantasy PS2 Action RPG JP 2000 (JP/NA) 2001 (PAL) Evergrace From Agetec Fantasy PS2 Action RPG JP 2000 (JP) Final Fantasy Square Square Fantasy WSC (Port) JRPG [ 3] Final Fantasy JP 2000 (JP/NA) 2001 (EU/AU) Final Fantasy IX Square Square Infogrames Fantasy PS1 JRPG Final Fantasy JP 2000 (JP) Fushigi no Dungeon: Fūrai no Siren 2: Oni Shūrai! Siren-jō! Chunsoft Chunsoft Fantasy N64 Roguelike Mystery Dungeon : Shiren the Wanderer JP 2000 (JP) Gaia Master Fantasy DC JP 2000 (JP/NA) 2001 (EU) Grandia II Game Arts Sega Enix Ubisoft Fantasy DC JRPG Grandia JP 2000 (JP) Grandia: Parallel Trippers Game Arts Hudson Soft Fantasy GBC JRPG Grandia JP 2000 (JP) Karkurenbo Battle Monster Tactics Spiral Nintendo Fantasy GBC Tactical RPG JP 2000 (JP) Kikou Seiki Unitron Yumekobo SNK Playmore Robotics NEO Turn-based, dungeon crawl Sequel to Biomotor Unitron JP 2000 (JP) L.O.L.: Lack of Love Love-de-Lic ASCII Entertainment Fantasy DC Adventure/Life simulation [ 4] JP 2000 (JP) Langrisser Millennium: The Last Century ラングリッサーミレニアムWS THE LAST CENTURYMasaya NCS Fantasy WS (Port) Tactical RPG Langrisser JP 2000 (JP) Medarot 3: Kabuto Version Natsume Co., Ltd. Imagineer Science Fiction GBC Action RPG Medabots JP Medarot 3: Kuwagata Version 2000 (JP) Ore no Shikabane o Koete Yuke 俺の屍を越えてゆけ Alfa System MARS Contrail SCE Fantasy PS1 (Rerel) JP 2000 (JP/NA) Orphen: Scion of Sorcery Shade Activision Fantasy PS2 Action RPG Adaptation of Sorcerous Stabber Orphen JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA/PAL) Paper Mario Intelligent Nintendo Fantasy N64 Action RPG Mario Brothers ; Paper Mario JP 2000 (JP/NA) Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Atlus Atlus Fantasy PS1 JRPG Megami Tensei : Persona ; Persona 2 JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA/EU) Phantasy Star Online Sonic Team Sega Fantasy DC, GCN, WIN, XBOX Action RPG Phantasy Star JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA/EU) Pokémon Crystal Game Freak Nintendo Fantasy GBC (Remake) Monster raising Pokémon JP 2000 (JP) Popolocrois Monogatari II SCE SCE Fantasy PS1 Tactical RPG PoPoLoCrois JP 2000 (EU) Realms of Adventure Umax Sunrise MSX2 [ 5] NL 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA) Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice Neverland ESP Conspiracy Crave Swing! Fantasy DC Action RPG Based on Record of Lodoss War JP 2000 (JP) Rune Jade Fantasy DC JP 2000 (JP) Sakura Taisen Sega Sega Red Ent. Steampunk DC (Port) Tactical RPG [ 6] Sakura Wars JP 2000 (JP) Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou koto Nakare Sega Sega Red Ent. Steampunk DC (Port) Tactical RPG Sakura Wars JP 2000 (JP) SD Gundam G Generation-F SDガンダム ジージェネレーション・エフ Bandai Bandai Sci-Fi PS1 Tactical RPG Based on Super Deformed Gundam JP 2000 (JP) SD Gundam G Generation: Gather Beat SDガンダム Gジェネレーション ギャザービート Bandai Bandai Sci-Fi WS Tactical RPG Based on Super Deformed Gundam JP 2000 (JP) Seireiki Rayblade 聖霊機ライブレード Winkysoft Winkysoft Sci-Fi DC PS1 Tactical RPG JP 2000 (WW) Siege of Avalon Digital Tome Take 2 Globalstar Blackstar Fantasy WIN Action RPG US 2000 (NA) Silver Spiral House Infogrames Fantasy DC (Port) WRPG Silver NA/FR 2000 (JP/NA) 2001 (EU) Skies of Arcadia Overworks Sega Fantasy DC JRPG Skies of Arcadia JP 2000 (JP) Sorcerian: Apprentice of Seven Star Magic Victor Fantasy DC (Remake) Action RPG Dragon Slayer : Sorcerian JP 2000 (JP) Summon Night Flight-Plan Banpresto Steampunk PS1 Tactical RPG Summon Night JP 2000 (NA) 2001 (EU) Summoner Volition THQ Fantasy PS2 Action RPG Summoner NA 2000 (JP) Sunrise Eiyuutan R サンライズ英雄譚R Sunrise Fantasy PS2 Sunrise Eiyuutan JP 2000 (JP) Super Hero Sakusen: Diedal's Ambition Banpresto Banpresto Sci-Fi PS1 JRPG Super Hero Sakusen JP 2000 (JP) Super Robot Wars Alpha Banpresto Banpresto Sci-Fi PS1 Tactical RPG Super Robot Wars JP 2000 (JP) Super Robot Wars Compact 2 Banpresto Banpresto Sci-Fi WS Tactical RPG Super Robot Wars JP 2000 (JP) 2001 (NA) Tales of Eternia Telenet Japan Wolf Team Namco Ubisoft Fantasy PS1 Action RPG Tales JP 2000 (JP) Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon Wolf Team Namco Fantasy GBC JRPG Tales JP 2000 (??) Time Stalkers Climax Sega Fantasy DC JRPG/Monster raising Spin-off of Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole JP 2000 (JP) Tricolore Crise Victor Victor Fantasy DC JP 2000 (JP/NA/EU) Vagrant Story Square Square Fantasy PS1 JRPG Set in Ivalice JP 2000 (NA) 2001 (EU) Warriors of Might and Magic The 3DO Company The 3DO Company Fantasy WIN Action RPG Might and Magic US 2000 (TW) Xuan-Yuan Sword 3: The Scar of the Sky DOMO Studio Softstar Entertainment Fantasy WIN Action RPG Xuan-Yuan Sword TW 2001 (JP) Abarenbou Princess 暴れん坊プリンセス Alfa System Kadokawa Shoten ESP Fantasy PS2 JP 2001 (NA/EU) Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage H2O THQ Fantasy N64 NA 2001 (JP) Alchemist Marie & Elie Gust Fantasy WSC (Remake or port) JRPG Atelier ; compilation of Marie and Elie JP 2001 (JP) Atelier Lilie: The Alchemist of Salburg 3 Gust JRPG Fantasy PS2 Atelier JP 2001 (NA/EU) 2002 (JP) Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Snowblind Vivendi Fantasy PS2 Action RPG Baldur's Gate ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2001 (NA) Battle Hunter Success A1 Games Sci-Fi PS1 Tactical RPG [ 7] Card battle JP 2001 (JP) Blue Wing Blitz Square Square Modern Fantasy WSC Tactical RPG JP 2001 (JP/NA/EU) Breath of Fire Capcom Capcom Fantasy GBA (Port) JRPG [ 1] Breath of Fire JP 2001 (JP) 2002 (NA/EU) Breath of Fire II Fantasy GBA (Port) JRPG [ 1] Breath of Fire JP 2001 (JP) Castle Fantasia 2: Seima Taisen Studio E-Go! Studio E-Go! Fantasy DC (Port) Tactical RPG Eroge Castle Fantasia JP 2001 (JP) D+Vine Luv Princess Princess Fantasy DC JP 2001 (NA/PAL) Darkstone Delphine Take-Two EA Fantasy PS1 (Port) Action RPG (Diablo style) FR 2001 (JP/NA) 2002 (EU) Dokapon: Monster Hunter Asmik Asmik AIA Ubisoft Fantasy GBA Monster raising JP 2001 (JP) Dragon Quest IV Heartbeat ArtePiazza Square Enix Fantasy PS1 (Remake) JRPG [ 2] Dragon Quest JP 2001 (JP/NA) Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey TOSE Enix Fantasy GBC Monster raising Dragon Quest Monsters , Dragon Quest JP 2001 (JP/NA) Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure TOSE Enix Fantasy GBC Monster raising Dragon Quest Monsters , Dragon Quest JP 2001 (NA) 2002 (PAL) Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern Ubi Ubisoft Fantasy DC Adventure/RPG hybrid Adaptation of Dragonriders of Pern UK 2001 (JP) Eithéa アイシアTamTam Atlus Fantasy PS1 Tactical RPG JP 2001 (JP) El Dorado Gate vol 3 , vol 4 , vol 5 , vol 6 & vol 7 Capcom Capcom Fantasy DC JRPG El Dorado Gate JP 2001 (JP) Enterbrain Collection: Simulation RPG Tsukūru Enterbrain ASCII N/A PS1 Tactical RPG RPG Maker JP 2001 (JP) Exodus Guilty Neos Abel Abel Fantasy DC JP 2001 (JP) Final Fantasy II Square Square Fantasy WSC (Remake) JRPG [ 3] Final Fantasy JP 2001 (NA) Final Fantasy Chronicles TOSE Square EA Fantasy PS1 (Remake) JRPG Compilation of Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger JP 2001 (JP) Genso Suikogaiden Volume 2: Duel at the Crystal Valley Konami Konami Fantasy PS1 Suikoden JP 2001 (JP) Global Folktale Idea Factory Idea Factory Fantasy PS2 Tactical RPG [ 8] Real-time JP 2001 (JP/NA) 2002 (EU) Golden Sun 黄金の太陽 Camelot Nintendo Fantasy GBA JRPG Golden Sun JP 2001 (JP) Growlanser II: The Sense of Justice グローランサーII CareerSoft Atlus Fantasy PS2 Tactical RPG Growlanser JP 2001 (JP) Growlanser III: The Dual Darkness グローランサーIII CareerSoft Atlus Fantasy PS2 Tactical RPG Growlanser JP 2001 (JP/NA) Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth MaxFive Atlus Fantasy PS1 Tactical RPG JP 2001 (JP) Innocent Tears Global A Modern Fantasy DC Tactical RPG [ 6] [ 9] JP 2001 (JP/NA) 2002 (EU) Jade Cocoon 2 Genki Genki Ubisoft Fantasy PS2 Monster raising Jade Cocoon JP 2001 (JP) 2002 (NA) King's Field IV King's Field: The Ancient City in NA From Agetec Fantasy PS2 Action RPG King's Field JP 2001 (JP) 2002 (NA/EU) Legaia 2: Duel Saga Prokion SCEI Eidos Fantasy PS2 JRPG Legend of Legaia JP 2001 (JP/NA/EU) Lufia: The Legend Returns Estpolis Denki: Yomigaeru Densetsu エストポリス伝記 よみがえる伝説 Neverland Taito Natsume Inc. Ubisoft Fantasy GBC JRPG Lufia JP 2001 (JP) 2002 (NA) Lunar Legend Japan Art Media Ubisoft Fantasy GBA (Remake) JRPG Lunar JP 2001 (NA) 2002 (JP) Magi Nation Interactive Imagination Epoch Fantasy GBC Monster raising Based on Magi-Nation Duel JP 2001 (CA) Mango Plumo Quebec Amerique QA International Edutainment Windows, Macintosh CA 2001 (JP) Medarot Navi Natsume Co., Ltd. Imagineer Robotics GBA Action RPG Medabots JP 2001 (JP/NA/EU) Mega Man Battle Network Capcom Capcom Sci-Fi GBA Action RPG Mega Man Battle Network JP 2001 (JP) 2002 (NA/PAL) Mega Man Battle Network 2 Capcom Capcom Sci-Fi GBA Action RPG Mega Man Battle Network JP 2001 (JP) Metal Walker Sci-Fi GBC Monster raising JP 2001 (TW) New Legend of Sword and Fairy Softstar Softstar Fantasy WIN Turn-based Remake of The Legend of Sword and Fairy (video game) for DOS TW 2001 (JP) Nishikaze no Kyoushikyouku Softmax Softmax Fantasy DC JP 2001 (JP/NA) Okage: Shadow King Zener Works SCE Fantasy PS2 JP 2001 (JP) Oni Zero: Fukkatsu ONI零 〜復活〜 Pandora Box Pandora Box Fantasy PS1 JP 2000 (JP/EU) 2001 (NA) Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice Neverland ESP Conspiracy Crave Swing! Fantasy DC Action-RPG Based on Record of Lodoss War JP 2001 (JP) Romancing SaGa Square Square Fantasy WSC (Port) JRPG [ 10] SaGa JP 2001 (JP) Sakura Taisen 3: Pari wa Moeteiru ka Red Overworks Sega Steampunk DC Tactical RPG Sakura Wars JP 2001 (JP) SD Gundam G Generation-F.I.F SDガンダム ジージェネレーション エフイフ Bandai Bandai Sci-Fi PS1 Tactical RPG Based on Super Deformed Gundam . JP 2001 (JP) SD Gundam G Generation: Gather Beat 2 SDガンダム Gジェネレーション ギャザビート2 Bandai Bandai Sci-Fi WS Tactical RPG Based on Super Deformed Gundam . JP 2001 (JP) Segagaga セガガガ Sega Sega Parody DC JRPG JP 2001 (JP/NA) 2002 (PAL) Shadow Hearts シャドウハーツ Sacnoth Aruze Midway Fantasy PS2 JRPG Shadow Hearts JP 2001 (JP) Star Ocean: Blue Sphere tri-Ace Enix Sci-Fi GBC JRPG Star Ocean JP 2001 (??) Summon Night 2 Flight-Plan Banpresto Steampunk GBC Tactical RPG Summon Night JP 2001 (JP) Super Robot Wars Advance Banpresto Banpresto Sci-Fi GBA Tactical RPG Super Robot Wars JP 2001 (JP) Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden Banpresto Banpresto Sci-Fi PS1 Tactical RPG Super Robot Wars JP 2001 (JP) Super Tokusatsu Taisen 2001 Japan Art Media Banpresto Sci-Fi PS1 Tactical RPG JP 2001 (JP) 2002 (NA) Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis Quest Atlus Fantasy GBA Tactical RPG Ogre Battle JP 2001 (JP) Tear Ring Saga: Yutona Eiyū Senki ティアリングサーガ ユトナ英雄戦記 Tirnanog Enterbrain Sc-Fi PS1 Tactical RPG Tear Ring Saga JP 2001 (JP) Tsugunai: Atonement Cattle Call Atlus Fantasy PS2 JP 2001 (JP) Volfoss Namco Namco Fantasy Surreal PS1 Tactical RPG JP 2001 (JP/NA) 2002 (EU) Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land Racjin Atlus , Ubisoft Fantasy PS2 WRPG Wizardry JP 2001 (JP) 2002 (NA/PAL) Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars Konami Sunrise Konami Fantasy GBA Tactical RPG JP 2000 (NA) Avernum Spiderweb Spiderweb Fantasy MAC WIN Tactical RPG Avernum NA 2000 (NA) Avernum 2 Spiderweb Spiderweb Fantasy MAC WIN Tactical RPG Avernum NA 2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate Graphsim Graphsim Fantasy MAC (Port) WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn BioWare Black Isle Interplay Fantasy WIN WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn – Collector's Edition BioWare Black Isle Interplay Fantasy WIN (Limit) WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate Double Pack BioWare Interplay Fantasy WIN (Comp) WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga BioWare Interplay Fantasy WIN (Comp) WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2000 (NA) Blizzard Anthology Blizzard Blizzard Fantasy WIN (Comp) Action RPG Roguelike Compilation of Diablo , StarCraft and WarCraft II NA 2000 (NA) Card of Destiny Digianime Digianime Fantasy Cards of Destiny JP 2000 (JP) Castle Fantasia 2: Seima Taisen Studio E-Go! Studio E-Go! Fantasy WIN Tactical RPG Eroge Castle Fantasia JP 2000 (NA) 2003 (UK) Deus Ex Ion Storm Eidos Sci-Fi WIN FPS/RPG Deus Ex NA 2000 (NA) Deus Ex Ion Storm Aspyr Sci-Fi MAC (Port) FPS/RPG Deus Ex NA 2000 (NA) Diablo Gift Pack Blizzard Blizzard Fantasy WIN (Comp) Action RPG Roguelike Diablo ; Comp. of I and II NA 2000 (NA) 2003 (EU) Diablo II Blizzard Blizzard North Blizzard Fantasy MAC WIN Action RPG Roguelike Diablo NA 2000 (NA/UK) Diablo II: Exclusive Gift Set Blizzard Blizzard Fantasy WIN (Limit) Action RPG Roguelike Diablo NA 2000 (NA) Diablo II: Collector's Edition Blizzard Blizzard Fantasy MAC (Limit) WIN (Limit) Action RPG Roguelike Diablo NA 2000 (NA) Final Fantasy VIII Square Eidos Sci-Fi Fantasy WIN (Port) JRPG Final Fantasy JP 2001 (NA) Final Fantasy X Square Square Fantasy PS2 JRPG Final Fantasy JP 2000 (NA) Icewind Dale Black Isle Interplay Fantasy WIN WRPG Icewind Dale ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2000 (INT) Jagged Alliance 2 Sir-Tech Titan Modern LIN (Port) Tactical RPG Jagged Alliance NA 2000 (NA) Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business Sir-Tech Interplay Modern WIN Tactical RPG Jagged Alliance NA 2000 (JP) Legend of Heroes IV, The: A Tear of Vermillion The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion 英雄伝説IV「朱紅い雫」 Nihon Falcom Nihon Falcom Fantasy WIN (Port) Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes JP 1999 (RU) 2000 (EU/NA) Legend of the North: Konung Konung: Legends of the North 1C Strategy First Fantasy WIN RTS /RPG hybrid RU 2000 (NA/EU) Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer New World 3DO Buka Fantasy WIN WRPG Might and Magic NA 2000 (NA) Nox Westwood EA Fantasy WIN Action RPG NA 2000 (??) RPG Maker 2000 Enterbrain ASCII N/A WIN RPG construction tool RPG Maker JP 2000 (JP) Sakura Taisen Red Overworks Sega Steampunk WIN (Port) Tactical RPG [ 6] Sakura Wars JP 2000 (JP) Sorcerian Original Nihon Falcom Nihon Falcom Fantasy WIN (Remake) Action RPG Dragon Slayer : Sorcerian JP 2000 (NA) System Shock 2 Irrational Looking Glass EA Sci-Fi WIN (Rerel) FPS/RPG System Shock NA 2000 (NA) Ultima World Edition Origin EA Fantasy WIN (Comp) WRPG Ultima : Compilation of IX and UO NA 2000 (NA) Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption Nihilistic Activision Historical Modern Fantasy WIN WRPG Based on White Wolf's World of Darkness NA 2000 (NA) Wizards & Warriors Heuristic Park Activision Fantasy WIN WRPG NA 2001 (NA/AU) Anachronox Ion Storm Eidos Infogrames Cyberpunk WIN JRPG NA 2001 (NA/UK) Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Troika Sierra Steampunk WIN WRPG NA 2001 (NA/EU) Art of Magic: Magic & Mayhem, The Climax Charybdis Virgin Bethesda Fantasy WIN Tactical RPG [ 6] Real-time Magic & Mayhem NA 2001 (NA) Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast BioWare Graphic Simulations Fantasy MAC (Port) WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2001 (NA/EU) Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn BioWare Black Isle MacPlay Fantasy MAC (Port) WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2001 (NA) Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal BioWare Black Isle Fantasy WIN WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2001 (UK) 2002 (AU) Diablo Blizzard North Blizzard Fantasy WIN (Rerel) Action RPG Roguelike Diablo NA 2001 (NA) Diablo: Battle Chest Blizzard Blizzard Fantasy MAC (Comp) WIN (Comp) Action RPG Roguelike Diablo ; Compilation of I , II and IILOD NA 2001 (NA) 2003 (EU) Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Blizzard Blizzard North Blizzard Fantasy MAC WIN Action RPG Roguelike Diablo ; expansion to II NA 2001 (UK) The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard Bethesda Sold Out Fantasy WIN (Rerel) Action-adventure/RPG hybrid The Elder Scrolls NA 2001 (NA) Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel Micro Forté 14° East Interplay Post-apocalyptic WIN Tactical RPG [ 11] [ 12] [ 13] Fallout NA 2001 (JP) 2002 (NA) Forever Kingdom FromSoftware Fantasy PS2 Action RPG Prequel to Evergrace JP 2001 (NA) Gamefest: Forgotten Realms Classics SSI Interplay Fantasy DOS (Comp) WIN (Comp) WRPG Dungeons & Dragons franchise ; Comp. of 13 Forgotten Realms games NA 2001 (INT) Geneforge Spiderweb Spiderweb Fantasy MAC Tactical RPG Geneforge NA 2001 (DE/NA) Gothic Piranha Bytes Egmont Xicat Shoebox Fantasy WIN Action RPG Gothic DE 2001 (NA) Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter Black Isle Interplay Fantasy WIN WRPG Icewind Dale ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2001 (NA) Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter – Trials of the Luremaster Black Isle Interplay Fantasy WIN WRPG Icewind Dale ; Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2001 (DE) Planescape: Torment – Memorial Box Black Isle Virgin Fantasy WIN (Limit) WRPG Infinity Engine ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA 2001 (JP) Medarot 4: Kabuto Version Natsume Co., Ltd. Imagineer Science Fiction GBC Action RPG Medabots JP Medarot 4: Kuwagata Version 2001 (JP) Medarot 5: Susutake-mura no Tenkōsei: Kabuto Version Natsume Co., Ltd. Imagineer Science Fiction GBC Action RPG Medabots JP Medarot 5: Susutake-mura no Tenkōsei: Kuwagata Version 2001 (NA/EU) Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor Stormfront Ubisoft Fantasy WIN Action RPG Pool of Radiance NA 2001 (NA/UK) Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor - Collector's Edition Stormfront Ubisoft Fantasy WIN (Limit) Action RPG Pool of Radiance NA 2001 (JP) Simulation RPG Tsukūru 95 Value! Enterbrain Enterbrain N/A WIN Tactical RPG RPG Maker JP 2001 (JP) Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou koto Nakare Red Overworks Sega Steampunk WIN (Port) Tactical RPG Sakura Wars JP 2001 (JP) ShadowFlare Denyusha Emurasoft Fantasy WIN Action RPG JP 2001 (NA/UK) Summoner Volition THQ Fantasy WIN (Port) MAC (Port) Action RPG Summoner NA 2001 (EU) Technomage Sunflowers Sunflowers Fantasy PS1, WIN Action RPG DE 2001 (JP) Tir-nan-og: The Forbidden Tower ティル・ナ・ノーグ<ダーナの末裔> SystemSoft Fantasy WIN (Remake) Tactical RPG Tir-nan-og JP 2001 (NA) Wizardry 8 Sir-Tech Sir-Tech Fantasy Sci-Fi WIN WRPG Wizardry NA 2001 (JP) 2018 (WW) Zwei: The Arges Adventure Nihon Falcom Fantasy PS2, PSP, WIN Action RPG JP