List of role-playing video games: 2000 to 2001

Last updated

This is a comprehensive index of commercial role-playing video games, sorted chronologically by year. Information regarding date of release, developer, publisher, operating system, subgenre and notability is provided where available. The table can be sorted by clicking on the small boxes next to the column headings. This list does not include MUDs or MMORPGs. It does include roguelikes, action RPGs and tactical RPGs.



Video game platforms
3DS Nintendo 3DS
AMI Amiga
Arcade Arcade video game
C64 Commodore 64
CROSS Cross-platform
DC Dreamcast
DROI Android
DS Nintendo DS
FM7 FM-7
FMT FM Towns
GB Game Boy
GBA Game Boy Advance
GBC Game Boy Color
GCN GameCube
GEN Genesis / Mega Drive
LIN Linux
MOBI Mobile phone
N64 Nintendo 64
NEO Neo Geo
NES Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom
OSX macOS / OS X
PC60 PC-6000 series
PC88 PC-8800 series
PC98 PC-9800 series
PCE TurboGrafx-16 / PC Engine
PS1 PlayStation / PSone
PS2 PlayStation 2
PS3 PlayStation 3
PS4 PlayStation 4
PSN PlayStation Network
PSP PlayStation Portable
PSV PlayStation Vita
OSX macOS / OS X
SAT Sega Saturn
SCD Mega-CD / Sega CD
SMS Master System
SNES Super NES / Super Famicom
ST Atari ST
VC Virtual Console (Wii)
VITA PlayStation Vita
X68K X68000
Wii Wii
WiiU Wii U
WIN Microsoft Windows
X360 Xbox 360
XOne Xbox One
ZX ZX Spectrum
Types of releases
RereleaseThe game was re-released on the same platform with no or only minor changes.
PortThe game first appeared on a different platform and a port was made. The game is like the original, with few or no differences.
RemakeThe game is an enhanced remake of an original, released on the same or different platform, with changes to graphics, sound and/or gameplay.
CompilationA compilation, anthology or collection of several titles, usually (but not always) belonging to the same series.
LimitedA special release (often called "Limited" or "Collector's Edition") with bonus collector's material. Often provided to people who pre-order a game.
Genre notes
Action RPG Action role-playing game FPS/RPG First-person shooter / RPG hybrid (role-playing shooter)
Tactical RPG Tactical role-playing game RTS/RPG Real-time strategy / RPG hybrid (real-time strategy RPG)
Roguelike Roguelike CRPG/WRPG Computer-style role-playing game
Eroge Japanese game featuring erotic content JRPG Japanese-style role-playing game
MMORPG Massively multiplayer online role-playing game Dungeon crawl Dungeon crawl
MUD MUD Monster raising Pet-raising simulation
Turn-based Turn-based game Card battle Collectible card game
Real-time Real-time game Blobber First-person party-based RPG
Sandbox Open world RPG


Year Title Developer Publisher Setting Platform Subgenre Series/Notes COO
2000 (JP) 7: The Cavalry of Molmorth Namco Namco FantasyPS2Tactical RPG
2000 (JP) Anima Star FantasyDCJP
2000 (JP/NA)
2001 (PAL)
Breath of Fire IV Capcom Capcom FantasyPS1JRPG [1] Breath of Fire JP
2000 (JP) Castle Fantasia 2: Seima Taisen Studio E-Go! Studio E-Go! FantasyDC (Port)Tactical RPG Castle Fantasia JP
2000 (JP) Chō Aniki: Otoko no Tamafuda Masaya Bandai ModernWSCard-based Cho Aniki JP
2000 (NA) Crystalis Nintendo Nintendo FantasyGBC (Remake)Action RPG Crystalis JP
2000 (NA) Custom Robo V2 Noise Nintendo RoboticsN64Action RPG Custom Robo JP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA/EU)
Dark Cloud Level-5 SCE FantasyPS2Action RPG
Dark Cloud JP
2000 (JP) deSPIRIA Atlus Atlus FantasyDCAction RPGJP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA)
Digimon World 2 Bandai Bandai Sci-Fi
PS1Monster raising Digimon JP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA)
Dragon Warrior III
Dragon Quest III
Chunsoft Enix FantasyGBC (Remake)JRPG [2] Dragon Quest JP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA)
Dragon Warrior VII
Dragon Quest VII
Enix FantasyPS1JRPG [2] Dragon Quest JP
2000 (JP) Eldorado Gate, Vol 1 Capcom Capcom FantasyDCJRPG Eldorado Gate JP
2000 (JP) Eldorado Gate, Vol 2 Capcom Capcom FantasyDCJRPG Eldorado Gate JP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA/EU)
Ephemeral Fantasia Konami Konami FantasyPS2JRPGJP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA)
Eternal Eyes Sunsoft FantasyPS1JP
2000 (JP/NA/EU) Eternal Ring From Agetec FantasyPS2Action RPGJP
2000 (JP/NA)
2001 (PAL)
Evergrace From Agetec FantasyPS2Action RPGJP
2000 (JP) Final Fantasy Square Square FantasyWSC (Port)JRPG [3] Final Fantasy JP
2000 (JP/NA)
2001 (EU/AU)
Final Fantasy IX Square Square
FantasyPS1JRPG Final Fantasy JP
2000 (JP) Fushigi no Dungeon: Fūrai no Siren 2: Oni Shūrai! Siren-jō! Chunsoft Chunsoft FantasyN64Roguelike Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the WandererJP
2000 (JP) Gaia Master FantasyDCJP
2000 (JP/NA)
2001 (EU)
Grandia II Game Arts Sega
FantasyDCJRPG Grandia JP
2000 (JP) Grandia: Parallel Trippers Game Arts Hudson Soft FantasyGBCJRPG Grandia JP
2000 (JP) Karkurenbo Battle Monster Tactics Spiral Nintendo FantasyGBCTactical RPGJP
2000 (JP) Kikou Seiki Unitron Yumekobo SNK Playmore RoboticsNEOTurn-based, dungeon crawlSequel to Biomotor Unitron JP
2000 (JP) L.O.L.: Lack of Love Love-de-Lic ASCII Entertainment FantasyDCAdventure/Life simulation [4] JP
2000 (JP) Langrisser Millennium: The Last Century
Masaya NCS FantasyWS (Port)Tactical RPG Langrisser JP
2000 (JP) Medarot 3: Kabuto Version Natsume Co., Ltd. Imagineer Science FictionGBCAction RPG Medabots JP
Medarot 3: Kuwagata Version
2000 (JP) Ore no Shikabane o Koete Yuke
Alfa System
SCE FantasyPS1 (Rerel)JP
2000 (JP/NA) Orphen: Scion of Sorcery Shade Activision FantasyPS2Action RPGAdaptation of Sorcerous Stabber Orphen JP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA/PAL)
Paper Mario Intelligent Nintendo FantasyN64Action RPG Mario Brothers; Paper Mario JP
2000 (JP/NA) Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Atlus Atlus FantasyPS1JRPG Megami Tensei: Persona; Persona 2 JP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA/EU)
Phantasy Star Online Sonic Team Sega FantasyDC, GCN, WIN, XBOXAction RPG Phantasy Star JP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA/EU)
Pokémon Crystal Game Freak Nintendo FantasyGBC (Remake)Monster raising Pokémon JP
2000 (JP) Popolocrois Monogatari II SCE SCE FantasyPS1Tactical RPG PoPoLoCrois JP
2000 (EU) Realms of Adventure Umax Sunrise MSX2 [5] NL
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA)
Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice Neverland ESP
FantasyDCAction RPGBased on Record of Lodoss War JP
2000 (JP) Rune Jade FantasyDCJP
2000 (JP) Sakura Taisen Sega Sega
Red Ent.
SteampunkDC (Port)Tactical RPG [6] Sakura Wars JP
2000 (JP) Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou koto Nakare Sega Sega
Red Ent.
SteampunkDC (Port)Tactical RPG Sakura Wars JP
2000 (JP) SD Gundam G Generation-F
SDガンダム ジージェネレーション・エフ
Bandai Bandai Sci-FiPS1Tactical RPGBased on Super Deformed Gundam JP
2000 (JP) SD Gundam G Generation: Gather Beat
SDガンダム Gジェネレーション ギャザービート
Bandai Bandai Sci-FiWSTactical RPGBased on Super Deformed Gundam JP
2000 (JP) Seireiki Rayblade
Winkysoft Winkysoft Sci-FiDC
Tactical RPGJP
2000 (WW) Siege of Avalon Digital Tome Take 2
FantasyWINAction RPGUS
2000 (NA) Silver Spiral House Infogrames FantasyDC (Port)WRPG Silver NA/FR
2000 (JP/NA)
2001 (EU)
Skies of Arcadia Overworks Sega FantasyDCJRPG Skies of Arcadia JP
2000 (JP) Sorcerian: Apprentice of Seven Star Magic Victor FantasyDC (Remake)Action RPG Dragon Slayer: Sorcerian JP
2000 (JP) Summon Night Flight-Plan Banpresto SteampunkPS1Tactical RPG Summon Night JP
2000 (NA)
2001 (EU)
Summoner Volition THQ FantasyPS2Action RPG Summoner NA
2000 (JP) Sunrise Eiyuutan R
Sunrise FantasyPS2 Sunrise Eiyuutan JP
2000 (JP) Super Hero Sakusen: Diedal's Ambition Banpresto Banpresto Sci-FiPS1JRPG Super Hero Sakusen JP
2000 (JP) Super Robot Wars Alpha Banpresto Banpresto Sci-FiPS1Tactical RPG Super Robot Wars JP
2000 (JP) Super Robot Wars Compact 2 Banpresto Banpresto Sci-FiWSTactical RPG Super Robot Wars JP
2000 (JP)
2001 (NA)
Tales of Eternia Telenet Japan
Wolf Team
FantasyPS1Action RPG Tales JP
2000 (JP) Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon Wolf Team Namco FantasyGBCJRPG Tales JP
2000 (??) Time Stalkers Climax Sega FantasyDCJRPG/Monster raisingSpin-off of Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole JP
2000 (JP) Tricolore Crise Victor Victor FantasyDCJP
2000 (JP/NA/EU) Vagrant Story Square Square FantasyPS1JRPGSet in Ivalice JP
2000 (NA)
2001 (EU)
Warriors of Might and Magic The 3DO Company The 3DO Company FantasyWINAction RPG Might and Magic US
2000 (TW) Xuan-Yuan Sword 3: The Scar of the Sky DOMO Studio Softstar Entertainment FantasyWINAction RPG Xuan-Yuan Sword TW
2001 (JP) Abarenbou Princess
Alfa System Kadokawa Shoten
2001 (NA/EU) Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage H2O THQ FantasyN64NA
2001 (JP) Alchemist Marie & Elie Gust FantasyWSC (Remake or port)JRPG Atelier; compilation of Marie and ElieJP
2001 (JP) Atelier Lilie: The Alchemist of Salburg 3 Gust JRPGFantasyPS2 Atelier JP
2001 (NA/EU)
2002 (JP)
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Snowblind Vivendi FantasyPS2Action RPG Baldur's Gate ; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2001 (NA) Battle Hunter Success A1 Games Sci-FiPS1Tactical RPG [7]
Card battle
2001 (JP) Blue Wing Blitz Square Square Modern
2001 (JP/NA/EU) Breath of Fire Capcom Capcom FantasyGBA (Port)JRPG [1] Breath of Fire JP
2001 (JP)
2002 (NA/EU)
Breath of Fire II FantasyGBA (Port)JRPG [1] Breath of Fire JP
2001 (JP) Castle Fantasia 2: Seima Taisen Studio E-Go! Studio E-Go! FantasyDC (Port)Tactical RPG
Castle Fantasia JP
2001 (JP)D+Vine Luv Princess Princess FantasyDCJP
2001 (NA/PAL) Darkstone Delphine Take-Two
FantasyPS1 (Port)Action RPG
(Diablo style)
2001 (JP/NA)
2002 (EU)
Dokapon: Monster Hunter Asmik Asmik
FantasyGBAMonster raisingJP
2001 (JP) Dragon Quest IV Heartbeat
Square Enix FantasyPS1 (Remake)JRPG [2] Dragon Quest JP
2001 (JP/NA) Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey TOSE Enix FantasyGBCMonster raising Dragon Quest Monsters, Dragon Quest JP
2001 (JP/NA) Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure TOSE Enix FantasyGBCMonster raising Dragon Quest Monsters, Dragon Quest JP
2001 (NA)
2002 (PAL)
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern Ubi Ubisoft FantasyDCAdventure/RPG hybridAdaptation of Dragonriders of Pern UK
2001 (JP) Eithéa
TamTam Atlus FantasyPS1Tactical RPGJP
2001 (JP) El Dorado Gate vol 3 , vol 4 , vol 5 , vol 6 & vol 7 Capcom Capcom FantasyDCJRPG El Dorado Gate JP
2001 (JP) Enterbrain Collection: Simulation RPG Tsukūru Enterbrain ASCII N/APS1Tactical RPG RPG Maker JP
2001 (JP) Exodus Guilty Neos Abel Abel FantasyDCJP
2001 (JP) Final Fantasy II Square Square FantasyWSC (Remake)JRPG [3] Final Fantasy JP
2001 (NA) Final Fantasy Chronicles TOSE Square EA FantasyPS1 (Remake)JRPGCompilation of Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger JP
2001 (JP) Genso Suikogaiden Volume 2: Duel at the Crystal Valley Konami Konami FantasyPS1 Suikoden JP
2001 (JP) Global Folktale Idea Factory Idea Factory FantasyPS2Tactical RPG [8]
2001 (JP/NA)
2002 (EU)
Golden Sun
Camelot Nintendo FantasyGBAJRPG Golden Sun JP
2001 (JP) Growlanser II: The Sense of Justice
CareerSoft Atlus FantasyPS2Tactical RPG Growlanser JP
2001 (JP) Growlanser III: The Dual Darkness
CareerSoft Atlus FantasyPS2Tactical RPG Growlanser JP
2001 (JP/NA) Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth MaxFive Atlus FantasyPS1Tactical RPGJP
2001 (JP) Innocent Tears Global A Modern
DCTactical RPG [6] [9] JP
2001 (JP/NA)
2002 (EU)
Jade Cocoon 2 Genki Genki
FantasyPS2Monster raising Jade Cocoon JP
2001 (JP)
2002 (NA)
King's Field IV
King's Field: The Ancient City in NA
From Agetec FantasyPS2Action RPG King's Field JP
2001 (JP)
2002 (NA/EU)
Legaia 2: Duel Saga Prokion SCEI
FantasyPS2JRPG Legend of Legaia JP
2001 (JP/NA/EU) Lufia: The Legend Returns
Estpolis Denki: Yomigaeru Densetsu
エストポリス伝記 よみがえる伝説
Neverland Taito
Natsume Inc.
FantasyGBCJRPG Lufia JP
2001 (JP)
2002 (NA)
Lunar Legend Japan Art Media Ubisoft FantasyGBA (Remake)JRPG Lunar JP
2001 (NA)
2002 (JP)
Magi Nation Interactive Imagination Epoch FantasyGBCMonster raisingBased on Magi-Nation Duel JP
2001 (CA) Mango Plumo Quebec AmeriqueQA InternationalEdutainmentWindows, MacintoshCA
2001 (JP) Medarot Navi Natsume Co., Ltd. Imagineer RoboticsGBAAction RPG Medabots JP
2001 (JP/NA/EU) Mega Man Battle Network Capcom Capcom Sci-FiGBAAction RPG Mega Man Battle Network JP
2001 (JP)
2002 (NA/PAL)
Mega Man Battle Network 2 Capcom Capcom Sci-FiGBAAction RPG Mega Man Battle Network JP
2001 (JP) Metal Walker Sci-FiGBCMonster raisingJP
2001 (TW) New Legend of Sword and Fairy Softstar Softstar FantasyWINTurn-basedRemake of The Legend of Sword and Fairy (video game) for DOSTW
2001 (JP) Nishikaze no Kyoushikyouku Softmax Softmax FantasyDCJP
2001 (JP/NA) Okage: Shadow King Zener Works SCE FantasyPS2JP
2001 (JP) Oni Zero: Fukkatsu
ONI零 〜復活〜
Pandora Box Pandora Box FantasyPS1JP
2000 (JP/EU)
2001 (NA)
Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice Neverland ESP
FantasyDCAction-RPGBased on Record of Lodoss War JP
2001 (JP) Romancing SaGa Square Square FantasyWSC (Port)JRPG [10] SaGa JP
2001 (JP) Sakura Taisen 3: Pari wa Moeteiru ka Red
Sega SteampunkDCTactical RPG Sakura Wars JP
2001 (JP) SD Gundam G Generation-F.I.F
SDガンダム ジージェネレーション エフイフ
Bandai Bandai Sci-FiPS1Tactical RPGBased on Super Deformed Gundam .JP
2001 (JP) SD Gundam G Generation: Gather Beat 2
SDガンダム Gジェネレーション ギャザビート2
Bandai Bandai Sci-FiWSTactical RPGBased on Super Deformed Gundam .JP
2001 (JP) Segagaga
Sega Sega ParodyDCJRPGJP
2001 (JP/NA)
2002 (PAL)
Shadow Hearts
Sacnoth Aruze
FantasyPS2JRPG Shadow Hearts JP
2001 (JP) Star Ocean: Blue Sphere tri-Ace Enix Sci-FiGBCJRPG Star Ocean JP
2001 (??) Summon Night 2 Flight-Plan Banpresto SteampunkGBCTactical RPG Summon Night JP
2001 (JP) Super Robot Wars Advance Banpresto Banpresto Sci-FiGBATactical RPG Super Robot Wars JP
2001 (JP) Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden Banpresto Banpresto Sci-FiPS1Tactical RPG Super Robot Wars JP
2001 (JP) Super Tokusatsu Taisen 2001 Japan Art Media Banpresto Sci-FiPS1Tactical RPGJP
2001 (JP)
2002 (NA)
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis Quest Atlus FantasyGBATactical RPG Ogre Battle JP
2001 (JP) Tear Ring Saga: Yutona Eiyū Senki
ティアリングサーガ ユトナ英雄戦記
Tirnanog Enterbrain Sc-FiPS1Tactical RPG Tear Ring Saga JP
2001 (JP) Tsugunai: Atonement Cattle Call Atlus FantasyPS2JP
2001 (JP) Volfoss Namco Namco Fantasy
PS1Tactical RPGJP
2001 (JP/NA)
2002 (EU)
Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land Racjin Atlus, Ubisoft FantasyPS2WRPG Wizardry JP
2001 (JP)
2002 (NA/PAL)
Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars Konami
Konami FantasyGBATactical RPGJP
2000 (NA) Avernum Spiderweb Spiderweb FantasyMAC
Tactical RPG Avernum NA
2000 (NA) Avernum 2 Spiderweb Spiderweb FantasyMAC
Tactical RPG Avernum NA
2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate Graphsim Graphsim FantasyMAC (Port)WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn BioWare
Black Isle
Interplay FantasyWINWRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn – Collector's Edition BioWare
Black Isle
Interplay FantasyWIN (Limit)WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate Double Pack BioWare Interplay FantasyWIN (Comp)WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2000 (NA) Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga BioWare Interplay FantasyWIN (Comp)WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2000 (NA) Blizzard Anthology Blizzard Blizzard FantasyWIN (Comp)Action RPG
Compilation of Diablo , StarCraft and WarCraft IINA
2000 (NA) Card of Destiny Digianime Digianime Fantasy Cards of Destiny JP
2000 (JP) Castle Fantasia 2: Seima Taisen Studio E-Go! Studio E-Go! FantasyWINTactical RPG
Castle Fantasia JP
2000 (NA)
2003 (UK)
Deus Ex Ion Storm Eidos Sci-FiWINFPS/RPG Deus Ex NA
2000 (NA) Deus Ex Ion Storm Aspyr Sci-FiMAC (Port)FPS/RPG Deus Ex NA
2000 (NA) Diablo Gift Pack Blizzard Blizzard FantasyWIN (Comp)Action RPG
Diablo ; Comp. of I and II NA
2000 (NA)
2003 (EU)
Diablo II Blizzard
Blizzard North
Blizzard FantasyMAC
Action RPG
Diablo NA
2000 (NA/UK) Diablo II: Exclusive Gift Set Blizzard Blizzard FantasyWIN (Limit)Action RPG
Diablo NA
2000 (NA) Diablo II: Collector's Edition Blizzard Blizzard FantasyMAC (Limit)
WIN (Limit)
Action RPG
Diablo NA
2000 (NA) Final Fantasy VIII Square Eidos Sci-Fi
WIN (Port)JRPG Final Fantasy JP
2001 (NA) Final Fantasy X Square Square FantasyPS2JRPG Final Fantasy JP
2000 (NA) Icewind Dale Black Isle Interplay FantasyWINWRPG Icewind Dale ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2000 (INT) Jagged Alliance 2 Sir-Tech Titan ModernLIN (Port)Tactical RPG Jagged Alliance NA
2000 (NA) Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business Sir-Tech Interplay ModernWINTactical RPG Jagged Alliance NA
2000 (JP) Legend of Heroes IV, The: A Tear of Vermillion
The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion
Nihon Falcom Nihon Falcom FantasyWIN (Port) Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes JP
1999 (RU)
2000 (EU/NA)
Legend of the North: Konung
Konung: Legends of the North
1C Strategy First FantasyWIN RTS/RPG hybridRU
2000 (NA/EU) Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer New World 3DO
FantasyWINWRPG Might and Magic NA
2000 (NA) Nox Westwood EA FantasyWINAction RPGNA
2000 (??) RPG Maker 2000 Enterbrain ASCII N/AWINRPG construction tool RPG Maker JP
2000 (JP) Sakura Taisen Red
Sega SteampunkWIN (Port)Tactical RPG [6] Sakura Wars JP
2000 (JP) Sorcerian Original Nihon Falcom Nihon Falcom FantasyWIN (Remake)Action RPG Dragon Slayer : Sorcerian JP
2000 (NA) System Shock 2 Irrational
Looking Glass
EA Sci-FiWIN (Rerel)FPS/RPG System Shock NA
2000 (NA) Ultima World Edition Origin EA FantasyWIN (Comp)WRPG Ultima : Compilation of IX and UO NA
2000 (NA) Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption Nihilistic Activision Historical
WINWRPGBased on White Wolf's World of Darkness NA
2000 (NA) Wizards & Warriors Heuristic Park Activision FantasyWINWRPGNA
2001 (NA/AU) Anachronox Ion Storm Eidos
2001 (NA/UK) Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Troika Sierra SteampunkWINWRPGNA
2001 (NA/EU) Art of Magic: Magic & Mayhem, The Climax
FantasyWINTactical RPG [6]
Magic & Mayhem NA
2001 (NA) Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast BioWare Graphic Simulations FantasyMAC (Port)WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2001 (NA/EU) Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn BioWare
Black Isle
MacPlay FantasyMAC (Port)WRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2001 (NA) Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal BioWare Black Isle FantasyWINWRPG Baldur's Gate ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2001 (UK)
2002 (AU)
Diablo Blizzard North Blizzard FantasyWIN (Rerel)Action RPG
Diablo NA
2001 (NA) Diablo: Battle Chest Blizzard Blizzard FantasyMAC (Comp)
WIN (Comp)
Action RPG
Diablo; Compilation of I , II and IILOD NA
2001 (NA)
2003 (EU)
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Blizzard
Blizzard North
Blizzard FantasyMAC
Action RPG
Diablo; expansion to II NA
2001 (UK) The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard Bethesda Sold Out FantasyWIN (Rerel)Action-adventure/RPG hybrid The Elder Scrolls NA
2001 (NA) Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel Micro Forté
14° East
Interplay Post-apocalypticWINTactical RPG [11] [12] [13] Fallout NA
2001 (JP)
2002 (NA)
Forever Kingdom FromSoftware
FantasyPS2Action RPGPrequel to Evergrace JP
2001 (NA) Gamefest: Forgotten Realms Classics SSI Interplay FantasyDOS (Comp)
WIN (Comp)
WRPG Dungeons & Dragons franchise; Comp. of 13 Forgotten Realms gamesNA
2001 (INT) Geneforge Spiderweb Spiderweb FantasyMACTactical RPG Geneforge NA
2001 (DE/NA) Gothic Piranha Bytes Egmont
FantasyWINAction RPG Gothic DE
2001 (NA) Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter Black Isle Interplay FantasyWINWRPG Icewind Dale ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2001 (NA) Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter – Trials of the Luremaster Black Isle Interplay FantasyWINWRPG Icewind Dale ; Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2001 (DE) Planescape: Torment – Memorial Box Black Isle Virgin FantasyWIN (Limit)WRPG Infinity Engine; Dungeons & Dragons franchise NA
2001 (JP) Medarot 4: Kabuto Version Natsume Co., Ltd. Imagineer Science FictionGBCAction RPG Medabots JP
Medarot 4: Kuwagata Version
2001 (JP) Medarot 5: Susutake-mura no Tenkōsei: Kabuto Version Natsume Co., Ltd. Imagineer Science FictionGBCAction RPG Medabots JP
Medarot 5: Susutake-mura no Tenkōsei: Kuwagata Version
2001 (NA/EU) Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor Stormfront Ubisoft FantasyWINAction RPG Pool of Radiance NA
2001 (NA/UK) Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor - Collector's Edition Stormfront Ubisoft FantasyWIN (Limit)Action RPG Pool of Radiance NA
2001 (JP) Simulation RPG Tsukūru 95 Value! Enterbrain Enterbrain N/AWINTactical RPG RPG Maker JP
2001 (JP) Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou koto Nakare Red
Sega SteampunkWIN (Port)Tactical RPG Sakura Wars JP
2001 (JP) ShadowFlare DenyushaEmurasoftFantasyWINAction RPGJP
2001 (NA/UK) Summoner Volition THQ FantasyWIN (Port)
MAC (Port)
Action RPG Summoner NA
2001 (EU) Technomage Sunflowers Sunflowers FantasyPS1, WINAction RPGDE
2001 (JP) Tir-nan-og: The Forbidden Tower
SystemSoft FantasyWIN (Remake)Tactical RPG Tir-nan-og JP
2001 (NA) Wizardry 8 Sir-Tech Sir-Tech Fantasy
2001 (JP)
2018 (WW)
Zwei: The Arges Adventure Nihon Falcom
FantasyPS2, PSP, WINAction RPGJP


  1. 1 2 3 David DeRienzo. "Hardcore Gaming 101: Breath of Fire series" . Retrieved June 13, 2009.
  2. 1 2 3 Kurt Kalata. "Hardcore Gaming 101: Dragon Quest series" . Retrieved June 13, 2009.
  3. 1 2 Pat R. "Hardcore Gaming 101: Final Fantasy series" . Retrieved June 14, 2009.
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  9. "Innocent Tears". RPGamer. Archived from the original on 2008-06-24. Retrieved 2008-07-14.
  10. Rorshacma. "Hardcore Gaming 101: Sa•Ga series" . Retrieved June 14, 2009.
  11. Paik, Eric (2006-08-24). "The History of Fallout". GameBanshee. Archived from the original on 2007-10-17. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  12. "Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel - Retroview". RPGamer. Archived from the original on 2008-04-24. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  13. "Silent Storm: Review @ FI". RPGDot. 2004-01-28. Archived from the original on 2007-12-18. Retrieved 2007-11-26.