Politics of Bhutan

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The Government of Bhutan has been a constitutional monarchy since 18 July 2008. The King of Bhutan is the head of state. The executive power is exercised by the Lhengye Zhungtshog, or council of ministers, headed by the Prime Minister. Legislative power is vested in the bicameral Parliament, both the upper house, National Council, and the lower house, National Assembly. A royal edict issued on April 22, 2007 lifted the previous ban on political parties in anticipation of the National Assembly elections in the following year. [1] In 2008, Bhutan adopted its first modern Constitution, codifying the institutions of government and the legal framework for a democratic multi-party system.


The Economist Intelligence Unit rated Bhutan a " hybrid regime " in 2022. [2] [ needs update ]


Bhutanese external relations and foreign policies were put under British control following the 1910 Treaty of Punakha. However, due to the policy of self-imposed isolationism, the effect of the treaty was limited to an extent. [3] After Indian independence in 1949, Bhutan and India agreed to a ten-article, perpetual treaty which effectively continued the relationship, but with India replacing the United Kingdom. India agreed not to interfere in Bhutan's internal relations, while Bhutan agreed "to be guided by the advice of the Government of India in regard to its external relations" (Article 2). The treaty also established free trade and full extradition between the two countries. [4]

In February 2007, the Indo-Bhutan Friendship Treaty was substantially revised with all references to phrases such as "will be guided" deleted, thus eliminating the last lingering doubts about the sovereign and independent status of Bhutan. [5]

Branches of government

The Constitution of Bhutan provides for a government consisting of three main branches – executive, legislative, and judicial – plus the de facto apolitical Dratshang Lhentshog (Monastic Affairs Commission) of the Drukpa Kagyu state religion. The secular and religious branches of government are unified in the person of the Druk Gyalpo (King of Bhutan). [6]

The trichotomy of secular government is not absolute. There are many independent commissions, agencies, and institutions that operate outside this general framework, such as the Royal Monetary Authority and Election Commission. There are also agencies whose members are drawn from more than one branch of government, such as the Judicial Commission. In addition, there are several ministries within the cabinet executive branch, such as the Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, which in turn delegate powers to subsidiary departments according to legislation by the legislative branch. [6] The legislative branch itself oversees devolved local governments. [7]

Executive branch

Main office-holders
King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck 9 December 2006
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgye People's Democratic Party 10 January 2024

Bhutan's head of state is the Druk Gyalpo ("Dragon King"). Although his title is hereditary, he must retire by age 65, and he can be removed by a two-thirds majority vote by the parliament followed by a national referendum, which must pass by a simple majority in all twenty districts of the country. [6] Prior to 2008, a similar abdication process existed under which the unicameral National Assembly, or Tshogdu could force the king to abdicate.

The Je Khenpo is the highest religious official of Bhutan and head of the Dratshang Lhentshog (Monastic Affairs Commission). [6] He is typically viewed as the closest and most powerful advisor to the King of Bhutan. The 70th and present Je Khenpo is Jigme Chhoeda.

Bhutan's head of government is its Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is nominated by the party that wins the most seats in the National Assembly and heads the executive cabinet, called the Lhengye Zhungtshog (Council of Ministers).

In 1998, the monarch's executive powers were transferred to the Council of Ministers, or Lhengye Zhungtshog (cabinet). At the time, candidates for the Council of Ministers were elected by the National Assembly for a fixed five-year term and had to be a part of the legislative assembly. The cabinet was headed by the Prime Minister, who was the head of government. The post of Prime Minister rotated each year between the five candidates who secured the highest number of votes. The 2005 draft Constitution of Bhutan included provision for a two-party democratic system that was unveiled after four years of preparation. [8] Previously, the candidates to the cabinet Council of Ministers (Lhengye Zhungtshog) were nominated by the monarch, elected by the National Assembly. The members served fixed, five-year terms. There was also a Royal Advisory Council (Lodoi Tsokde), members nominated by the monarch.

Legislative branch

Ugyen Wangchuk with his councilors at Punakha, Bhutan (1905) Sir Ugyen Wangchuck and his councillors at Punakha, Bhutan, 1905.jpg
Ugyen Wangchuk with his councilors at Punakha, Bhutan (1905)

Bhutan elects its legislative branch through universal suffrage under the Constitution of 2008. The Bhutanese parliament is bicameral, consisting of a National Council (upper house) and a National Assembly (lower house).

Prior to 2008, the legislative branch was the unicameral Tshogdu. The Tshogdu had 150 members, 106 members elected at various dates for a three-year term in single-seat constituencies, 34 appointed members and 10 representatives of the monastic body. Suffrage in Bhutan at that time was unique in that each family unit, rather than individual, had one vote.

Political parties and elections

In Bhutan, political parties, elections, and referendums are overseen by the Election Commission, an independent government regulatory agency. [6] [9]

Candidates for most elections and appointments in Bhutan must be non-partisan; however, political parties may slate candidates for seats in the National Assembly. The party that wins the most seats nominates the Prime Minister. [6] The first Prime Minister, Jigme Thinley, was a member of the Bhutan Peace and Prosperity Party. The second Prime Minister, Tshering Tobgay, heads the People's Democratic Party. The current Prime Minister, Dr. Lotay Tshering, heads the Druk Nyamrup Tshongpa.

Political pressure groups include the Buddhist clergy; ethnic Nepalese organizations leading militant anti-government campaign; Indian merchant community and the exiled United Front for Democracy.

Judicial branch

Bhutan's legal system is based on codes established by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 17th century and influenced by Anglo-Indian common law. Under the Constitution of 2008, the Judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court, the High Court, and twenty Dzongkhag Courts. For thirteen dungkhag jurisdictions in six Dzongkhags, Dungkhag Courts are the courts of first instance. In all jurisdictions outside dungkhags, the Dzongkhag Courts are the civil and criminal courts of first instance. The High Court is the first court of appeal, and the Supreme Court is the court of final appeal. The Supreme Court also has original jurisdiction over Constitutional questions and matters of national importance referred by the King. Judges of the Supreme and High courts are appointed by the King. [6]

Before 2008 in the Bhutanese judicial system, the monarch was the final court of appeal (the "Supreme Court of Appeal"), and local government officials adjudicated minor crimes. [10] The Royal High Court of Bhutan was the highest court in the country and had original jurisdiction over the twenty districts of the nation. Judicial appointments were made by the monarch, and could be recalled by him at any time.

The criminal justice system is based on trial before a panel of judges, and therefore resembles more the Napoleonic than the British or American adversarial systems. The prosecutor, a government employee, seeks to obtain an acknowledgement of culpability from the accused. If this happens quickly, the sentencing may be lenient. If culpability is obvious but the accused refuses to admit to it, the sentence may be correspondingly severe. Judges may dismiss the case for lack of proof at any time. Recent legislation defines required proof of guilt more closely, providing increased protection against trivial or mistaken charges. Minor criminal offences may be tried by the dzongkhag Drangpon (District Judge).

Bhutan has not accepted compulsory International Court of Justice jurisdiction.

Administrative divisions

Bhutan is divided in 20 districts ( dzongkhag , singular and plural); Bumthang, Chukha, Dagana, Gasa, Ha, Lhuntse, Mongar, Paro, Pemagatshel, Punakha, Samdrup Jongkhar, Samtse, Sarpang, Thimphu, Trashirang, Trashiyangtse, Trongsa, Tsirang, Wangdue Phodrang, and Zhemgang.

International organization participation


See also

Further reading

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Districts of Bhutan</span> Administrative and judicial district of Bhutan

The Kingdom of Bhutan is divided into 20 districts. Bhutan is located between the Tibet Autonomous Region of China and India on the eastern slopes of the Himalayas in South Asia.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Elections in Bhutan</span>

Elections in Bhutan are conducted at national (Parliamentary) and local levels. Suffrage is universal for citizens 18 and over, and under applicable election laws. In national elections, also known as the general elections, political party participation is mainly restricted to the lower house of Parliament, and by extension, to the executive nominated by its majority

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Royal Court of Justice</span> Supreme court of Bhutan

The Bhutanese Royal Court of Justice is the government body which oversees the judicial system of Bhutan. Senior Judges of the courts are appointed by the monarch. Bhutan's legal system is influenced by English common law. The Royal Court of Justice is based in the capital Thimphu.

Law enforcement in Bhutan is the collective purview of several divisions of Bhutan's Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs. Namely, the Ministry's Bureau of Law and Order, Department of Immigration, and Department of Local Governance are responsible for law enforcement in Bhutan. The Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs is itself a part of the Bhutanese Lhengye Zhungtshog, or Council of Ministers. Generally, law enforcement in Bhutan is the responsibility of executive agencies. As a means of enforcement, police and immigration authorities prosecute cases in the judicial system through the Attorney General of Bhutan.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dungkhag</span> Sub-district of a dzongkhag (district) of Bhutan

A dungkhag is a sub-district of a dzongkhag (district) of Bhutan. The head of a dungkhag is a Dungpa. As of 2007, nine of the twenty dzongkhags had from one to three dungkhags, with sixteen dungkhags in total.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Succession to the Bhutanese throne</span>

The line of succession to the throne of Bhutan is based on the constitution of Bhutan. Currently the line of succession is according to male-preference cognatic primogeniture with males preceding females who are in the same degree of kinship. If the heir apparent has reached the age of majority of 21, the monarch would step down at age 65. If the heir apparent and the nearest people in the line of succession are deemed unsuitable, it is up to the monarch to decide who will be the next heir. If the monarch violates the constitution, they must abdicate.

The development of Bhutanese democracy has been marked by the active encouragement and participation of reigning Bhutanese monarchs since the 1950s, beginning with legal reforms such as the abolition of slavery, and culminating in the enactment of Bhutan's Constitution. The first democratic elections in Bhutan began in 2007, and all levels of government had been democratically elected by 2011. These elections included Bhutan's first ever partisan National Assembly election. Democratization in Bhutan has been marred somewhat by the intervening large-scale expulsion and flight of Bhutanese refugees during the 1990s; the subject remains somewhat taboo in Bhutanese politics. Bhutan was ranked 13th most electoral democratic country in Asia according to V-Dem Democracy indices in 2023 with a score of 0.535 out of 1.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">National Council (Bhutan)</span>

The National Council is the upper house of Bhutan's bicameral Parliament, which also comprises the Druk Gyalpo and the National Assembly.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">National Assembly (Bhutan)</span> Lower house of the Parliament of Bhutan

The National Assembly is the elected lower house of Bhutan's bicameral Parliament which also comprises the Druk Gyalpo and the National Council.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Outline of Bhutan</span> Country in South Asia

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Bhutan:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Parliament of Bhutan</span> Legislature of the Kingdom of Bhutan

The Parliament of Bhutan consists of the King of Bhutan together with a bicameral parliament. This bicameral parliament is made up of an upper house, the National Council and a lower house, the National Assembly. The current parliamentary framework replaced the unicameral Tshogdu in 2007, with the first members taking seats in 2008.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Judicial system of Bhutan</span>

The judicial system of Bhutan is the purview of the Royal Court of Justice, the judicial branch of the government of Bhutan under the Constitution of 2008. The judicial system comprises the Judicial Commission, the courts, the police, the penal code, and regulations on jabmi (attorneys).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Law of Bhutan</span>

The law of Bhutan derives mainly from legislation and treaties. Prior to the enactment of the Constitution, laws were enacted by fiat of the King of Bhutan. The law of Bhutan originates in the semi-theocratic Tsa Yig legal code, and was heavily influenced through the twentieth century by English common law. As Bhutan democratizes, its government has examined many countries' legal systems and modeled its reforms after their laws.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">King of Bhutan</span> Head of state of the Kingdom of Bhutan

The Druk Gyalpo is the head of state of the Kingdom of Bhutan. In the Dzongkha language, Bhutan is known as Drukyul which translates as "The Land of the Thunder Dragon". Thus, while kings of Bhutan are known as Druk Gyalpo, the Bhutanese people call themselves the Drukpa, meaning "people of Druk (Bhutan)".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Constitution of Bhutan</span> Supreme law of Bhutan

The Constitution of Kingdom of Bhutan was enacted 18 July 2008 by the Royal Government of Bhutan. The Constitution was thoroughly planned by several government officers and agencies over a period of almost seven years amid increasing democratic reforms in Bhutan. The current Constitution is based on Buddhist philosophy, international Conventions on Human Rights, comparative analysis of 20 other modern constitutions, public opinion, and existing laws, authorities, and precedents. According to Princess Sonam Wangchuck, the constitutional committee was particularly influenced by the Constitution of South Africa because of its strong protection of human rights.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dungkhag Court</span>

The Dungkhag Court is the court of first instance of the Royal Court of Justice in 6 of the 20 Dzongkhags of Bhutan which have Dungkhag administrative divisions; in the remaining 14 Dzongkhags, the Dzongkhag Court is the court of first instance. There are a total of 13 Dungkhags (sub-districts) in the 6 Dzongkhags (districts) that contain them. Like the members of the Dzongkhag Court, the judges of the Dungkhag Court are not appointed by the Druk Gyalpo under the 2008 Constitution.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dzongkhag Court</span>

The Dzongkhag Court exists in each of Bhutan's 20 Dzongkhags, and is the court of first instance of the Royal Court of Justice in 14 of the 20 Dzongkhags of Bhutan. In the remaining 6 Dzongkhags there exists a further subdivision, Dungkhag, which is the basic level of judicial administration in those jurisdictions. The Chief Justice and Drangpons of the Dzongkhag Courts. Unlike the judges of the Supreme Court and High Court, they are not appointed by the Druk Gyalpo under the 2008 Constitution.

The Bhutanese Ministry of Home Affairs is the government ministry within the Lhengye Zhungtshog which oversees law and order; the civil administration; immigration services; the issuance of citizenship documents, and other related documents; the delivery of services by local governments; and the preservation, promotion, development, and protection of the culture and heritage of Bhutan. It is headed by the Home Minister, who sits on the Lhengye Zhungtshog and is led by the prime minister. The Ministry currently operates from Tashichho Dzong.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan was enacted on September 11, 2009, by parliament of Bhutan in order to further implement its program of decentralization and devolution of power and authority. It is the most recent reform of the law on Bhutan's administrative divisions: Dzongkhags, Dungkhags, Gewogs, Chiwogs, and Thromdes (municipalities). The Local Government Act of Bhutan has been slightly amended in 2014.


  1. Sengupta, Somini (2007-04-24). "Line Up and Pick a Dragon: Bhutan Learns to Vote". New York Times . Retrieved 2007-04-24.
  2. Democracy Index 2023: Age of Conflict (PDF). Economist Intelligence Unit (Report). 2024. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2024-06-09. Retrieved 2024-07-22.
  3. Varvaloucas, Emma. "Bhutan on the Brink". Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Retrieved 2018-10-07.
  4. Eur (2002). "Indo-Bhutan Treaty". Regional Studies of the World: Far East and Australasia 2003 (34th ed.). Psychology Press. p. 201. ISBN   1-85743-133-2.
  5. Amrit Baruah (2007-03-07). "Bhutan no longer to be guided by India on foreign affairs". AFPA News online. The Hindu. Archived from the original on 2011-07-07. Retrieved 2011-03-16.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "The Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan" (PDF). Government of Bhutan. 2008-07-18. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-06. Retrieved 2011-03-02.
  7. "Local Government Act of Bhutan 2009" (PDF). Government of Bhutan. 2009-09-11. Retrieved 2017-08-16.
  8. "Constitution of Bhutan (draft)" (PDF). Government of Bhutan. 2005. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-22. Retrieved 2011-03-16.
  9. "Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan 2008" (PDF). Government of Bhutan. 2008-07-28. Retrieved 2017-08-16.
  10. PD-icon.svg This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain .Robert L. Worden (September 1991). Andrea Matles Savada (ed.). Bhutan: A Country Study. Federal Research Division. Legal System.