Timeline of Indian innovation

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Timeline of Indian innovation encompasses key events in the history of technology in the subcontinent historically referred to as India and the modern Indian state.


The entries in this timeline fall into the following categories: architecture, astronomy, cartography, metallurgy, logic, mathematics, metrology, mineralogy, automobile engineering, information technology, communications, space and polar technology.

This timeline examines scientific and medical discoveries, products and technologies introduced by various peoples of India. Inventions are regarded as technological firsts developed in India, and as such does not include foreign technologies which India acquired through contact.

7000 BCE

5000 BCE

3100 BCE

2800 BC

2500 BCE

2400 BCE

700 BCE

600 BCE

500 BCE

300 BCE

200 BCE













IVF fertilization- Done for the first time by dr subhash mukhopadhyay in kolkata using primitive technology


See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ancient Indian architecture</span> Architecture of India from the Bronze Age to the 9th century CE

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  1. kSuNa, Sanskrit Lexicon, Monier-Williams Dictionary (1872)
  2. phenaka, Spoken Sanskrit, University of Koeln, Germany
  3. Rahman, History of Indian Science, Technology and Culture at Google Books, Oxford University Press, ISBN   978-0195646528, page 145
  4. "Tamil Nadu Medicinal plants board" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on July 21, 2011.
  5. "Forestry :: Nursery Technologies". agritech.tnau.ac.in.
  6. Khushwant Singh, Hymns of Guru Nanak, Orient Longman, ISBN   978-8125011613