August 1920

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August 10, 1920: Release of Mamie Smith's record "Crazy Blues" opens the "Jazz Age" OkeH Records Advertising - Mamie Smith. January 1921.jpg
August 10, 1920: Release of Mamie Smith's record "Crazy Blues" opens the "Jazz Age"
August 26, 1920: National Women's Party leader Alice Paul marks proclamation of the 19th Amendment Suffragettes, Miss Paul raising suffrage ratification banner LCCN2016852154.jpg
August 26, 1920: National Women's Party leader Alice Paul marks proclamation of the 19th Amendment
August 20, 1920: 8MK, the first U.S. radio station, goes on the air 8MK (Detroit News Radiophone station) August 1920.jpg
August 20, 1920: 8MK, the first U.S. radio station, goes on the air
August 15, 1920: Poland's Army turns back the Soviet Russian invasion Bitwa warszawska - piechota polska.jpg
August 15, 1920: Poland's Army turns back the Soviet Russian invasion

August 1, 1920 (Sunday)

Gandhi Gandhi.jpg
Tilak Bal Gangadhar Tilak crop.jpg

August 2, 1920 (Monday)

Garvey in his attire in 1922 Marcus Garvey speaking at Liberty Hall, Harlem, 1920, captioned.png
Garvey in his attire in 1922
Mildred Harris Mildred Harris Who's Who on the Screen.jpg
Mildred Harris

August 3, 1920 (Tuesday)

August 4, 1920 (Wednesday)

August 5, 1920 (Thursday)

August 6, 1920 (Friday)

Lenin and the world's Communist leaders 2nd World Congress of the Comintern Lenin Zinoviev Bukharin Gorky.jpg
Lenin and the world's Communist leaders

August 7, 1920 (Saturday)

Lord Baden-Powell Baden-Powell USZ62-96893 (retouched and cropped).png
Lord Baden-Powell

August 8, 1920 (Sunday)

August 9, 1920 (Monday)

August 10, 1920 (Tuesday)

August 11, 1920 (Wednesday)

Latvia Flag of Latvia.svg
Soviet Russia Flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1918-1925).svg
Soviet Russia

August 12, 1920 (Thursday)

Venizelos after being shot O El. Benizelos meta ten enantion tou apopeira sto Parisi.jpg
Venizelos after being shot

August 13, 1920 (Friday)

August 14, 1920 (Saturday)

August 15, 1920 (Sunday)

Russia's furthest drive into Poland PBW August 1920.png
Russia's furthest drive into Poland

August 16, 1920 (Monday)

Ray Chapman Ray Chapman Baseball.jpg
Ray Chapman

August 17, 1920 (Tuesday)

August 18, 1920 (Wednesday)

Harry Burn Burnin1918.jpg
Harry Burn

August 19, 1920 (Thursday)

August 20, 1920 (Friday)

SS Superior City Superior City After Launching.jpg
SS Superior City

August 21, 1920 (Saturday)

August 22, 1920 (Sunday)

August 23, 1920 (Monday)

August 24, 1920 (Tuesday)

August 25, 1920 (Wednesday)

The Model M Pitney-Bowes Model M postage meter c. 1920.jpg
The Model M

August 26, 1920 (Thursday)

1970 commemorative U.S. stamp Stamp-US-1970-Woman-Suffrage.png
1970 commemorative U.S. stamp

August 27, 1920 (Friday)

August 28, 1920 (Saturday)

August 29, 1920 (Sunday)

August 30, 1920 (Monday)

August 31, 1920 (Tuesday)


  1. "Disquieting Indian Situation— Mr. Gandhi's Rhetoric", The Times (London), August 4, 1920, p9
  2. Stanley Wolpert, Gandhi's Passion: The Life and Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi (Oxford University Press, 2001) p108
  3. "India and the Turkish Peace Terms— Mr. Gandhi's Warning of Non-Cooperation", Manchester Guardian, June 26, 1920, p8
  4. "Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)",
  5. "Record of Current Events", The American Review of Reviews Volume 62 (September, 1920), pp248-252
  6. "State to Treat Cancer With Radium Oct. 15", New York Tribune, August 2, 1920, p2
  7. "J. Frank Hanly and 2 Friends Killed by Train— Dry Leader's Auto Hit at Dennison, O.", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 2, 1920, p1
  8. "15,000 Pledge 'Sacred Blood' To Free Africa— Marcus Garvey Proclaims World-Wide Movement to Redeem Native Land to People of His Race", New York Tribune, August 3, 1920, p7
  9. "Africa for Africans Is Negro Plan— Would Order Out White Nations Interested In Continent", Windsor (ON) Star, August 3, 1920, p1
  10. Back-to-Africa|"Marcus Garvey Presents His “Back to Africa” Program in New York This Day in 1920, by Fredrick Ngugi, Face to Face Africa, August 2, 2017
  11. "Italy's Withdrawal from Albania", The Guardian, August 6, 1920, p12
  12. "Giolitti Pulls Strings to Close Italian Unrest", Chicago Tribune, August 2, 1920, p7
  13. "Passenger Rate Boosts Aug. 20, Freight Aug. 25", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 3, 1920, p3
  14. "Lloyd and 19 Reds Convicted; to Prison— All Face 1 to 5 Year Terms for Sedition", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 3, 1920, p1
  15. "Declares Secession in Lower California", The New York Times, August 3, 1920, p15
  16. "Wife Starring Charlie Chaplin in 'Her Divorce'— She Charges Cruelty in Los Angeles Suit", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 3, 1920, p1
  17. "Plane's Fall Brings Death to Locklear", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 3, 1920, p1
  18. Eve Golden, Golden Images: 41 Essays on Silent Film Stars (McFarland, 2015) p83
  19. "Texas Mob Storms Jail And Hangs Negro In Yard", Baltimore Sun, August 3, 1920, p1
  20. "Center Hanging Oak", Famous Trees of Texas, Texas A & M University Forest Service
  21. "An Obsessive Quest to Make People See", Los Angeles Times, August 27, 2000, pA1
  22. "Mr. President, this is what lynching really is", Tampa Bay Times, October 23, 2019, pA6
  23. "President Is Better Than Before Illness— Physician Goes for Rest As He Presides Over Meeting of Cabinet", Louisville Courier-Journal, August 4, 1920, p1
  24. "President Has Warships Stop W. Union Cable— Won't Let Company Put Wire in U.S.", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 5, 1920, p1
  25. "British Cable Ship Held up by U.S. Vessels", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 7, 1920, p2
  26. "Brazil Concedes Cable Rights to American Firms", Tampa Tribune, June 25, 1922, p1
  27. "Huerta Secretaries Resign; May Take Diplomatic Posts', El Paso (TX) Times, August 6, 1920, p1
  28. "Wilson Names Dec. 21 for Honor to Pilgrims", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 5, 1920, p1
  29. "British Discuss King for Mesopotamia", San Francisco Examiner, August 5, 1920, p1
  30. "Slain Ambassador a Career Diplomat", by David Binder, The New York Times, February 15, 1979, p. A18
  31. "Allies Move to Protect Poland; Soviet Sends Another Evasive Note; Germany Refuses to Let Troops Pass", The New York Times, August 6, 1920, p1
  32. "Financial Meeting Called by League", The New York Times, August 6, 1920, p15
  33. "On conditions of entry into the Communist International", Thirteenth Session, August 6,
  34. "Devlin Defies Commons as It Puts Ireland in Chains— 'I Loathe You!' Cries Chief of Nationalists", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 7, 1920, p1
  35. "Military Courts to Replace Civil in Irish Crisis; Pending Bill to Give Army More Power", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 3, 1920, p3
  36. "Martial Law for Denver— 3 More Killed; Cancel Strike; Men Vote Today", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 7, 1920, p1
  37. "Chief Scout of the World— Wolf Cubs' Great Howl", The Times (London), August 9, 1920, p7
  38. "Commissioner's Corner", by Russell Smart, World Scout Jamboree 2019 newsletter
  39. "The Nazi Rise to Power and the Nature of the Nazi Regime", by Daniel Fraenkel, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, ed. by Dr. Robert Rozett (Routledge, 2013) p34
  40. "Socialists Behind New Pan-German Movement", Brooklyn Daily Eagle, August 3, 1920, p3
  41. "Lithuania O. K.'s Peace", Chicago Sunday Tribune, August 8, 1920, p1
  42. "See Tennessee 36th to Ratify U. S. Suffrage— Governor Calls Special Session for Tomorrow", Chicago Sunday Tribune, August 8, 1920, p4
  43. "Sixty Thousand Voice Approval as Democratic Leader Takes Stand for World League for Peace and Comity", Dayton (O.) Daily News, August 8, 1920, p1
  44. James M. Cox, Journey Through My Years (Simon & Schuster, 1946), reprinted by Mercer University Press, 2004, at page 265
  45. "Two All Metal Planes at Oakland; Nation Crossed", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 9, 1920, p3
  46. "Mail Via Auto, Frisco to N.Y., in Less than 5 Days", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 11, 1920, p1
  47. "British Make Mannix Land at Penzance— Leaves Baltic Under Technical Arrest", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 10, 1920, p3
  48. "The Strike Weapon to Enforce Peace— Labour's Emergency Conference", Manchester Guardian, August 10, 1920, p7
  49. "Allies Won't Send Army To Aid Poland", New York Tribune, August 10, 1920, p1
  50. "British King Gives Assent to Crimes Bill", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 10, 1920, p3
  51. "Villa Yields; 'Gives Up to Save Nation'", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 10, 1920, p1
  52. "Great War Dies as Turk Peace Pact Is Signed", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 11, 1920, p1
  53. "'Big 3' Carves Up Turkey in Secret Pact— Britain, France, Italy to Back Each Other", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 11, 1920, p1
  54. "International Treaties: Legal and Political Aspects", by T. S. Kahvé, Ararat Heritage Foundation, 2012
  55. William Howland Kenney, Recorded Music in American Life: The Phonograph and Popular Memory, 1890-1945 (Oxford University Press, 1999)
  56. "Is Mamie Smith's ‘Crazy Blues’ The First Blues Record?", by Richard Havens,
  57. "Six recordings chosen for NARAS Hall of Fame", by David Tobenkin, Hollywood Reporter, December 30, 1993
  58. "Colby Note States Policy— Proposes Joint Declaration for Preventing the Dismemberment of Russia— Won't Recognize Soviets", The New York Times, August 11, 1920, p1
  59. "Text of Secretary Colby's Note on Russia and Poland", The New York Times, August 11, 1920, p2
  60. "Expressmen Gain $30,000,000 Rise in Wage Award", The New York Times, August 11, 1920, p1
  61. "Wilson Requests Conference over Soft Coal Award", New York Tribune, August 11, 1920, p5
  62. "Russo-Lettish Peace Treaty Signed", Manchester Guardian, August 12, 1920, p12
  63. "Letvia and Russia Sign Peace Treaty, Riga Message Says", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 12, 1920, p1
  64. "History of Latvia 1918-1940", The Latvian Institute
  65. "Prisoner Dies After 43 Days' Hunger Strike", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 12, 1920, p2
  66. "British Seize Mayor of Cork and Ten Aides", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 13, 1920, p1
  67. "Mayor of Cork Is Taken to England", New York Tribune, August 18, 1920, p1
  68. "Ponzi Seized; Debts Placed at $7,000,000", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 13, 1920, p3
  69. "Two Assassins Attempt Life of Venizelos, Chicago Daily Tribune, August 13, 1920, p1
  70. "Poles Defeated; Reds 20 Miles from Warsaw", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 14, 1920, p1
  71. "'Entente Jr.' Hopes to End Balkan Rows", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 14, 1920, p2
  72. "The Rationale for The Little Entente, 1924", by Eduard Beneš:, Fordham University Modern History Sourcebooks series
  73. "Suffrage Wins in Tennessee Senate, 25 to 4", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 14, 1920, p5
  74. Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League website
  75. "King Reviews Olympic Stars in Opening Fete", Chicago Sunday Tribune, August 15, 1920, pS-1.
  76. "Mexico City Admits Uprising in Jalisco", The New York Times, August 15, 1920, p12
  77. "POLES SAVE CAPITAL; Chief Says Drive on South Menaces Main Russian Army", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 18, 1920, p1
  78. Jerzy Borzęcki, The Soviet-Polish Peace of 1921 and the Creation of Interwar Europe (Yale University Press, 2008) p95
  79. Edgar Vincent, 1st Viscount D'Abernon, The Eighteenth Decisive Battle of the World: Warsaw, 1920 (Hodder and Stoughton, 1931)
  80. "Hold Up Gov. Cox as Motor Speeder— Ohio Constables Try to Arrest Him, but He Order Chauffeur to Go Ahead— Republican Plot Charged", The New York Times, August 16, 1920, p1
  81. "Cox and Auto Party Halted As Speeders", New York Tribune, August 16, 1920, p1
  82. "Friend of America Head of Paraguay— Foreign Minister Gondra Inaugurated", Washington Sunday Star, August 15, 1920, p33
  83. 1 2 "Record of Current Events", The American Review of Reviews Volume 62 (October, 1920), pp360-363
  84. "Pitched Ball Kills Diamond Star"; Using Roughened Ball Results in Chapman's Fatal Injury, Says Mays", Pittsburg Press, August 17, 1920, p1
  85. "Pitched Ball Fractures Ray Chapman's Skull— Operation Performed to Save Life of Cleveland Shortstop, Who Is in Serious Condition". The Gazette Times . Pittsburgh. AP. August 17, 1920. p. 9.
  86. "Longshoremen End Coastwise Strike". The New York Times. August 18, 1920. p. 15.
  87. "Longshoremen Call Off Strike Begun Mar. 12". New York Tribune. August 18, 1920. p. 7.
  88. "Suffs Set Back in Two States". New York Herald . August 18, 1920. p. 1.
  89. "SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT ADOPTED BY HOUSE— Passed, 50 to 46, After Stormy Scenes", Nashville Tennessean, August 19, 1920, p1
  90. "Tennessee, In Role of Perfect 36, Gives Women the Ballot", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 19, 1920, p2
  91. "Silesian Mobs Attack France; 10 Silesians Die", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 19, 1920, p3
  92. "Upper Silesia Mob Fires on German Police", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 20, 1920, p3
  93. "Fatal violence in Upper Silesia, 1918-1922", by Tim Wilson, in Creating Nationality in Central Europe, 1880-1950: Modernity, violence and (be)longing in Upper Silesia, ed. by Tomasz Kamusella, et al. (Routledge, 2016) p67
  94. Robert Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-famine Oxford University Press, 1986) p49
  95. "WWJ, the world's first commercial radio station", The Detroit News website
  96. "WWJ", by William Zurenko and Julia Teran in Encyclopedia of Detroit online, Detroit Historical Society
  97. "29 Lives Lost When Ships Crash on Lake Superior", St. Louis Globe-Democrat, August 22, 1920, p1
  98. "Blast Tears Vessel Apart; Death List 29", Chicago Sunday Tribune, August 22, 1920, p3
  99. "Football Managers Make Plans", Akron (O.) Beacon Journal, August 21, 1920, p10
  100. "Happy Birthday NFL?", by P.F.R.A. Research, The Coffin Corner, Vol. 2, No. 8 (August 1980)
  101. "NFL Announces Plans to Celebrate 100th Season",, August 1, 2019
  102. "Senators Call Cox to Produce Fund Proofs— Give Nominee Until Monday to Show Facts", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 24, 1920, p1
  103. "America Loses Presidency of Nations' League", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 21, 1920, p1
  104. "New Slavic States Form Alliance for Defense", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 22, 1920, p2
  105. "First Radio to Circle World Is Received in U.S.— Gigantic French Station Is Tribute to Yankees", Chicago Sunday Tribune, August 22, 1920, p2
  106. "Syrian Premier Slain by Bandits in Holdup", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 23, 1920, p1
  107. "Assassins Slay 3 Members of Syrian Cabinet", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 25, 1920, p2
  108. "The Murder of Syrian Ministers", The Times (London), August 24, 1920, p9
  109. "12 Children Drown at American Mission Picnic", Chicago Sunday Tribune, August 22, 1920, p3
  110. "Ten Men Killed in Mine Accident at Wilburton, OK.", Tucson (AZ) Citizen, August 23, 1920, p1
  111. "Records of the United States Food Administration", The National Archives at Fort Worth, Texas
  112. "Wonderful Everyman— Marvelous performance of mystery play staged in Salzburg", Buffalo (NY) Morning Express, September 7, 1920, p9
  113. "Reinhardt 'Everyman'— Remarkable Production at Salzburg", The Observer (London), September 12, 1920, p6
  114. "'Jedermann' at the Salzburg Festival", This Is Salzburg,
  115. "A Short History of the Salzburg Festival",, SalzburgerLand Tourismus
  116. "Victim Killed in Sight of Congregation", San Francisco Chronicle, August 23, 1920, p1
  117. "Mobs Burn Belfast; 17 Dead", San Francisco Examiner, August 31, 1920, p1
  118. "Hannes Kolehmainen Victor in Marathon— Finland's Star Breaks Record", Boston Globe, August 23, 1920, p1
  119. "World Best Progressions- Road", Association of Road Racing Statisticians
  120. "Infuriated Bull Kills Six Toreadors", Washington Herald, August 24, 1920, p1
  121. Vancouver Sun, August 24, 1920, p4
  122. "Mineola Flyers Arrive at Nome", Washington Herald, August 25, 1920, p2
  123. "Flight of 8,690 Miles Starts in East Today", Chicago Daily Tribune, July 15, 1920, p1
  124. "New Online: Black Wolf Squadron Photographs", by Paul Adasiak, University of Alaska at Fairbanks Libraries, August 30, 2012.
  125. "Tennessee Has Certified Its O.K. on Equal Ballot", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 25, 1920, p5
  126. "Tennessee Governor's Proclamation on Suffrage", Women's Suffrage and the Media website
  127. William Sims Bainbridge, An Information Technology Surrogate for Religion: The Veneration of Deceased Family in Online Games (Springer, 2016) p32
  128. Pitney Bowles Mail Opener, Science
  129. "Stonington Inventor Gets Chart-Holder", Norwich (CT) Bulletin, July 22, 1920, p5
  130. "Reds Lose 4 Armies— Poles Sweep Soviet Armies From Country— 75,000 Captured in Great Retreat", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 25, 1920, p1
  131. "Poles Drive Last Invaders Into Marshes", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 26, 1920, p1
  132. "Navy Sends Gunboat to Watch Honduras; Central American Unrest Causes Concern", New York Times, August 26, 1920, p1
  133. "Colby Proclaims Woman Suffrage— Signs Certificate of Ratification at His Home Without Woman Witnesses", The New York Times, August 27, 1920, p1
  134. "Colby Tells How He Signed Certificate", Staunton (VA) News Leader, August 28, 1920, p4
  135. "Passengers Pay Increased Fare", Wisconsin State Journal (Madison WI), August 26, 1920, p2
  136. price equivalencies based on Consumer Price Index data
  137. "Radio in Selected Countries", by Mary E. Beadle, in Encyclopedia of Radio, ed. by Christopher H. Sterling (Fitzroy-Dearborn, 2003)
  138. "Early History of Radio Broadcasting in Argentina", by Carlos A. Altgelt
  139. "South St. Paul Girl First to Vote in U.S. Under Nineteenth Amendment— Typist Gets Up Early to Cast Ballot", Minnesota Daily Star, August 27, 1920, p1
  140. "Votes for Women!", Hennepin County (MN) Libraries
  141. "Centuries of Citizenship: A Constitutional Timeline" National Constitution Center
  142. "Carlos Herrera Elected President of Guatemala", Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1920, p1
  143. "Irish Tie Up Ships of British at New York", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 28, 1920, p1
  144. Presidential Library of Russia
  145. "Russia", in The New International Year Book: A Compendium of the World's Progress for the Year 1922, ed. by Frank Moore Colby (Dodd, Mead & Colby, 1923) p638
  146. "El Museo de La Roja en Las Rozas", Hotel Victoria website
  147. "Pope Poses for American Movie Men at Vatican", Chicago Daily Tribune, August 30, 1920, p3
  148. "Holy War in East", Los Angeles Times, August 31, 1920
  149. "Wilson Grants Miners Raise of $50,000,000", New York Tribune, August 31, 1920, p1
  150. "Metal Workers of Milan Seize the Factories", The Province, August 31, 1920, p1
  151. "Four Nations Unite in Pilgrim Festival", Boston Post, August 31, 1920, p1
  152. "The News Radiophone to Give Vote Results", Detroit News, August 31, 1920
  153. "Vote to Upset Suffrage in Tennessee", Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1920, p1
  154. "147 Women Vote in Hannibal", St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 1, 1920, p4
  155. "The First Woman to Vote", Hannibal Bicentennial Committee 2019
  156. Carroll Pursell, From Playgrounds to PlayStation: The Interaction of Technology and Play (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015)
  157. "Lincoln Logs Inventor John Lloyd Wright", Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation
  158. "Old Fighting Power Summoned by Phils to Lick Aleck, 3-0", Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1920, p19
  159. "Plot to Throw Game Charged Against Cubs", St. Louis Star, September 4, 1920, p1
  160. "Black Sox scandal: Little-known Philadelphian and meaningless Phillies game helped break open the World Series fix 100 years ago" by Frank Fitzpatrick, Philadelphia Inquirer, October 21, 2019
  161. Stuart Shea, Wrigley Field: The Long Life and Contentious Times of the Friendly Confines (University of Chicago Press, 2014) pp116-118
  162. "Poet of Fiume Heads New State in Adriatic", September 1, 1920, p4
  163. "Lebanon-Syria", by Gideon Biger, in Border Disputes: A Global Encyclopedia, ed. by Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (ABC-CLIO, 2015) p353