June 1920

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June 4, 1920: Hungary signs treaty at Trianon, loses 2/3rds of its territory (in green) to four nations Magyarorszag 1920.png
June 4, 1920: Hungary signs treaty at Trianon, loses 2/3rds of its territory (in green) to four nations
June 22, 1920: The pop-up toaster is invented United States patent 1,394,450, "Bread-Toaster", 1921.pdf
June 22, 1920: The pop-up toaster is invented
June 12, 1920: "Dark horse" Warren G. Harding nominated for U.S. president after Republican Party deadlock Warren G. Harding LCCN2016828158.jpg
June 12, 1920: "Dark horse" Warren G. Harding nominated for U.S. president after Republican Party deadlock
June 15, 1920: White mob storms police station in Duluth, Minnesota, lynches three black inmates Duluth-lynching-postcard.jpg
June 15, 1920: White mob storms police station in Duluth, Minnesota, lynches three black inmates

June 1, 1920 (Tuesday)

June 2, 1920 (Wednesday)

June 3, 1920 (Thursday)

June 4, 1920 (Friday)

June 5, 1920 (Saturday)

June 6, 1920 (Sunday)


June 7, 1920 (Monday)

June 8, 1920 (Tuesday)

June 9, 1920 (Wednesday)

June 10, 1920 (Thursday)

June 11, 1920 (Friday)

Front runner Wood and eventual nominee Harding Gen. Wood and Harding LCCN2014711381.jpg
Front runner Wood and eventual nominee Harding
Governor Lowden Frank O Lowden portrait.jpg
Governor Lowden

June 12, 1920 (Saturday)

Senator Lenroot Irvine Luther Lenroot, half-length portrait, seated, facing front LCCN97511539 (cropped).jpg
Senator Lenroot

June 13, 1920 (Sunday)

Essad Pasha Essad Pasha Toptani.jpg
Essad Pasha
Crown Prince Bhuvanadh Chakrabongse Bhuvanadh.jpg
Crown Prince Bhuvanadh

June 14, 1920 (Monday)

June 15, 1920 (Tuesday)

Nellie Melba 15JUN1920 Melba radio broadcast.jpg
Nellie Melba

June 16, 1920 (Wednesday)

Giolitti Giolitti2.jpg

June 17, 1920 (Thursday)

June 18, 1920 (Friday)

June 19, 1920 (Saturday)

Commandant Lejeune John A. Lejeune c1920.jpg
Commandant Lejeune

June 20, 1920 (Sunday)

June 21, 1920 (Monday)

Chancellor Fehrenbach Bundesarchiv Bild 146-2007-0187, Constantin Fehrenbach.jpg
Chancellor Fehrenbach

June 22, 1920 (Tuesday)

June 23, 1920 (Wednesday)

June 24, 1920 (Thursday)

June 25, 1920 (Friday)

Alessandri Arturo Alessandri Palma.jpg
Kitty Gordon Kitty Gordon card.jpg
Kitty Gordon

June 26, 1920 (Saturday)

June 27, 1920 (Sunday)

June 28, 1920 (Monday)

June 29, 1920 (Tuesday)

June 30, 1920 (Wednesday)


  1. "Huerta Takes Reins and Sits Mexican Saddle— He Rules as Provisional President", Chicago Tribune, June 3, 1920, p6
  2. 1 2 3 4 "Record of Current Events", The American Review of Reviews Volume 62 (July, 1920), pp24-28
  3. "Wilson's Plea for Armenian Mandate Denied— Senate Opposes Act by a Heavy Vote, Chicago Tribune, June 2, 1920, p5
  4. "Dry Ruling Aids Suffrage—Referendum in Ohio Is Ruled Out", Chicago Tribune, June 2, 1920, p1
  5. "'Bad Grammar' of House Bill Draws a Veto from Wilson", The New York Times, June 3, 1920, p1
  6. 1 2 Presidential Vetoes: List of Bills Vetoed and Action Taken Thereon by the Senate or House of Representatives (1889 — 1956)
  7. "Dr. Gondra to Be New President of Paraguay", Washington Evening Star, June 3, 1920, p2
  8. "Delaware Vote Defeats Suffrage", The New York Times, June 3, 1920, p3
  9. "New U.S. Super-Dreadnought Has 'Fighting Brain' Enclosed in Steel", Ottawa Journal, June 3, 1920, p1
  10. "Hungary Signs Terms of Peace", Washington Evening Star, June 4, 1920, p1
  11. "Hungary Signs— How a Budapest Editor Viewed It", The Guardian (Manchester), June 5, 1920, p1
  12. "House Upholds Wilson's Veto of Budget Bill", Chicago Tribune, June 5, 1920, p1
  13. "Merchant Marine Act, 1920
  14. "Jones Act: Critical to Economic and National Security", U.S. Transportation Institute
  15. "The Jones Act: A Burden America Can No Longer Bear"
  16. "Our History", U.S. Women's Bureau website
  17. "Fall of German Government Is Seen in Election Returns", New York Tribune, June 8, 1920, p1
  18. "Mueller Tries Desperately to Form Ministry", Chicago Tribune, June 10, 1920, p13
  19. Craig Wade, The Fiery Cross: The Ku Klux Klan in America (Oxford University Press, 1998 pp154-155
  20. "On this day— June 7, 1920: Ku Klux Klan Mounts Publicity Campaign to Attract Members", Equal Justice Initiative
  21. "Supreme Court Ruling Makes U.S. Bone Dry— Amendment 18 and Volstead Law O.K.", Chicago Tribune, June 8, 1920, p1
  22. "National Prohibition Cases", 253 U.S. 350 (1920), Justia.com
  23. "Portugal Premier Dies Suddenly", Wilkes-Barre (PA) Times Leader, June 7, 1920, p12
  24. "Convention Opens with Nomination in Doubt", New York Evening World, June 8, 1920, p1
  25. "Platform Fight Starts as the Convention Opens", The New York Times, June 9, 1920, p1
  26. "Senate Rejects Suffrage Plea in Louisiana", Chicago Tribune, June 9, 1920, p1
  27. "Suffrage Near Senate Victory in Louisiana", Chicago Tribune, June 8, 1920, p1
  28. "Polish Cabinet Quits in Buffer State Dispute", New York Tribune, June 11, 1920, p12
  29. "Nitti Cabinet in Italy Quits Amid Disorder— Deputies Oppose High Bread Prices", Chicago Tribune, June 10, 1920, p15
  30. "Fourteen Killed in N.Y. Central Wreck Near Schenectady", Buffalo Express, June 10, 1920, p3
  31. "Blame Engineer for Wreck", Buffalo Express, June 10, 1920, p2
  32. "Cabinet Quits as Red Terror Sweeps Hungary", Chicago Tribune, June 11, 1920, p5
  33. "Wilson Approves Water Power Act", Washington Times, June 19, 1920, p3
  34. "Federal Water Power Act Expected to Remedy High Cost of Living Evil— Measure Just Signed Regarding Greatest Conservation Step", by Rome G. Brown, Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, June 20, 1920, p6
  35. Mark W. T. Harvey, A Symbol of Wilderness: Echo Park and the American Conservation Movement (University of Washington Press, 2011) p17
  36. "Germany Meets Terms on Reduction of the Army", Chicago Tribune, June 11, 1920, p1
  37. "4 BALLOTS TO A DEADLOCK— Wood Gets 314½; Lowden, 289; Johnson, 140½", Chicago Tribune, June 12, 1920, p1
  38. "Vienna Cabinet Resigns in Army Discipline Row", Chicago Tribune, June 12, 1920, p7
  39. "HARDING & COOLIDGE! Ohioan Wins on Tenth; Massachusetts Gets 2nd Place; Lowden Helps Senator Get 674 7-10 Votes", Chicago Tribune, June 13, 1920, p1
  40. "'Filled up on a Pair of Eights', Laughs Harding", Chicago Tribune, June 13, 1920, p1
  41. "Only Ballot on Vice President", Chicago Tribune, June 13, 1920, p2
  42. "Calvin Coolidge, 29th Vice President (1921-1923)", United States Senate website
  43. "Poles Admit Kiev Has Been Evacuated", Baltimore Sun, June 14, 1902, p1
  44. "Rules Mails Can't Carry Children— Assistant Postmaster General Decides They Are Not Harmless Animals", Washington Evening Star, June 12, 1920, p1
  45. "A Brief History of Children Sent Through the Mail", by Danny Lewis, Smithsonian magazine website, June 14, 2016
  46. "Parcel Post Baby Makes Trip Upon L. & E. Railroad", Louisville (KY) Courier-Journal, September 1, 1915, p2
  47. "Man O'War Sets New Record in Belmont Stake", Chicago Tribune, June 13, 1920
  48. "Albanian Envoy, Essad Pasha, Is Slain in Paris", Chicago Tribune, June 14, 1920, p1
  49. "Crown Prince of Siamese Dies of Pneumonia in India", Chicago Tribune, June 15, 1920, p3
  50. "New Governor General Appointed for Australia"", Chicago Tribune, June 15, 1920, p3
  51. CIS Index to Presidential Executive Orders & Proclamations, Part I: Apr. 30, 1789 to Mar. 4, 1921, George Washington to Woodrow Wilson (Congressional Information Service, 1986) p225
  52. "A Newspaper's Use of the Radio Phone", The Wireless Age magazine (November 1920) p.10-11
  53. "Mob Hangs 3 in Duluth— 5,000 Persons Lynch Negroes to Avenge Girl", Chicago Tribune, June 16, 1920, p1
  54. "Lynched in the North" Archived 2020-01-15 at the Wayback Machine , by Suzette Harrison, May 20, 2019
  55. "World Peace Court Opens at The Hague", The Pittsburgh Post, June 17, 1920, p5
  56. 1 2 3 "Record of Current Events", The American Review of Reviews Volume 62 (August, 1920), pp135-140
  57. "British Exile Germans— Force 292 to Board Vessel in Quarantine— Seize Homes, Land, in Samoa", Chicago Daily Tribune, September 19, 1920, p1
  58. "Giolitti's New Cabinet Takes Oath of Office", Chicago Daily Tribune, June 17, 1920, p1
  59. "Bride in Detroit, Sailor on Ocean, Wed by Wireless", Chicago Daily Tribune, June 17, 1920, p1
  60. "Celebrate Union of Towns", Spokane (WA) Spokesman-Review, June 14, 1920, p8
  61. "Camas Prairie Towns United— Mock Wedding Feature", Spokane (WA) Spokesman-Review, June 19, 1920, p10
  62. "St. Joseph College for Women"
  63. "Albanians Kill 330 Italians to Avenge Essad", Chicago Tribune, June 19, 1920, p1
  64. "M'ADOO OUT OF RACE; Says 'Can't Afford It'", Chicago Tribune, June 17, 1920, p1
  65. "Friend Hurls M'Adoo's Hat Back in Ring", Chicago Tribune, June 28, 1920, p1
  66. "Peace Not Yet, but 32 Generals Lose War Rank", Chicago Tribune, June 20, 1920, p2
  67. "Town of Glasgow— The best kept secret in West Virginia"
  68. "German Cabinet Finally Formed by Fehrenbach", Chicago Tribune, June 26, 1920, p5
  69. "Allies Demand Germany Pay $25,000,000,000", Chicago Tribune, June 23, 1920, p7
  70. "Italians Quit Montenegro; Serb Troops Take Places", Chicago Tribune, June 22, 1920, p2
  71. U.S. Patent #1394450
  72. "Prince Arthur to Rule South African Union", June 23, 1920, p6
  73. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Nnappropriated Fund Activities within the Department of Defense (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972) p15608
  74. "Lester Wunderman, Direct Marketing Pioneer and Original ‘Mad Man,’ Dies at 98"; in the Bronx, New York City (d. 2019)
  75. "Tammany Boss Murphy and Five Others Indicted for Conspiracy", The Pittsburgh Post, June 24, 1920, p1
  76. "Grabski Heads New Polish Ministry", Des Moines (IA) Tribune, June 25, 1920, p1
  77. "Toll of Dead and Injured in Irish Clash", Chicago Tribune, June 25, 1920, p1
  78. "Greeks Capture 8000 Turkish Nationalists", Philadelphia Inquirer, June 26, 1920, p5
  79. "Baptists Quit 'Interchurch'; May Be the End", Chicago Tribune, June 25, 1920, p5
  80. "Chile Election Today— South American Republic to Choose New President", Wilmington (DE) Morning News, June 25, 1920, p10
  81. "Chilean Vote Is Close— Complete Count Gives Alessandri Electors; Borgono 175", Washington Post, July 5, 1920, p12
  82. "10,000 Reds Captured by Wrangel in Crimea", Chicago Tribune, June 26, 1920, p3
  83. "Kitty Gordon Shoots Actor During Play", Chicago Tribune, June 26, 1920, p1
  84. "Actor, Honored by Kitty's Shot, Grins, Forgives— She Can Fire Again for All He Cares", Chicago Tribune, June 27, 1920, p5
  85. "British Fleet Kills 1,000 Turks", New York Times, June 27, 1920, p1
  86. "Portugal Has New Cabinet", New York Tribune, June 28, 1920, p7
  87. "'World Series' of High Schools on Here Today", Chicago Tribune, June 26, 1920, p9
  88. "New York Preps down Lane Tech in Hitfest, 12-6; Gherig Swats Homer with the Bases Loaded", by James Crusenberry, Chicago Sunday Tribune, June 27, 1920, p2-1
  89. "Gherrig Features New York", Baltimore Sun, June 27, 1920, p22
  90. "Rousing Reception Awaits Return of Victorious Commerce Players", Daily News (New York), June 28, 1920, p28
  91. "Soldiers Loot an Irish Town— Revenge for Kidnapping of Brigadier General Lucas", Manchester Guardian, June 29, 1920, p9
  92. "Kidnap General and 2 Colonels in County Cork", Chicago Tribune, June 28, 1920, p11
  93. "General Lucas Escapes", The Times (London), July 31, 1920, p12
  94. "Architect Is Picked— 'Freak Type' of Tower Building Wins Prize", Lincoln (NE) Daily Star, June 28, 1920, p7
  95. "Democrats Off to Riproaring Old Time Start", Chicago Tribune, June 29, 1920, p1
  96. "Tennessee To Vote On Woman Suffrage In Special Session", Tampa Times, June 28, 1920, p1
  97. "Blown for Miles as He Falls 20,000 Ft. from Plane", Chicago Tribune, June 29, 1920, p1
  98. "Harding Opens Campaign Today in Phonograph— Speech on 'Americanism' to Be Distributed", Chicago Tribune, June 29, 1920, p6
  99. "America First, Harding's Plea to U.S. Millions", Chicago Tribune, June 30, 1920, p5
  100. "One hundred years of price change: the Consumer Price Index and the American inflation experience", U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review (April 2014)
  101. "Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2020", US Inflation Calculator, Coin News Media Group LLC
  102. "Prices Hop 136 Pct. in Last Six Years", Akron (O.) Evening Times, August 12, 1920, p1
  103. "Turkish Delegations Recognize New States", Indianapolis Star, July 1, 1920, p3
  104. "Turkey Refuses to Yield Smyrna; Protests Against Allotment of Eastern Thrace to Greece by Allies; Rest of Treaty Accepted", The New York Times, July 1, 1920, p17