Biochar carbon removal

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Biochar carbon removal (BCR) (also called pyrogenic carbon capture and storage ) is a negative emissions technology. It involves the production of biochar through pyrolysis of residual biomass and the subsequent application of the biochar in soils or durable materials (e.g. cement, tar). The carbon dioxide sequestered by the plants used for the biochar production is therewith stored for several hundreds of years, which creates carbon sinks.



Biochar applied to the soil in research trials in Namibia Biochar Application.jpg
Biochar applied to the soil in research trials in Namibia

The term refers to the practice of producing biochar from sustainably sourced biomass and ensuring that it is stored for a long period of time. The concept makes use of the photosynthesis process, through which plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere during their growth. This carbon dioxide is stabilised within the biochar during the production process and can subsequently be stored for several hundreds or thousands of years.

Biochar Carbon Removal falls into the category of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. [1] It is considered to be a rapidly implemented and capital-efficient negative emissions technology ideal for smaller scale installations such as farmers, and also to help rural diversification in developing countries. [2] [3] [4] [5] This is, amongst others, reflected in the guidance documents of the Science Based Targets initiative. [6] [7]

Scientifically, this process is often referred to as Pyrogenic Carbon Capture and Storage (PyCCS). [8] [9] The term Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) was first introduced by the European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI) in 2023 [10] and has since been adopted by various institutions and experts.

Beyond carbon sequestration, biochar application has various other potential benefits, such as increased yield and root biomass, water use efficiency and microbial activity. [11]

Biochar production

Biochar is produced through the pyrolysis process. Biomass (e.g. residual plant material from landscaping or agricultural processes) is reduced to smaller pieces is heated to 350–900 °C (662–1,652 °F) under oxygen-deficient conditions. This results in solid biochar and by-products (bio-oil, pyrogas). [12] [9] In order to maximise the carbon storage potential, typically those biochar technologies are used that minimise combustion and avoid the loss of pyrogas into the atmosphere. [8]

In low-oxygen conditions, the thermal-chemical conversion of organic materials (including biomass) produces both volatiles, termed pyrolytic gases (pyrogases), as well as solid carbonaceous co-products, termed biochar. While the pyrogases mostly condense into liquid bio-oil, which may be used as an energy source, biochar has been proposed as a tool for sequestering carbon in soil. [13]

The global biochar market is expected to reach USD 368.85 million by 2028. [14]

Internationally there are several voluntary standards that regulate the biochar production process and product quality. These include the following (non-exhaustive list):

Carbon removal potential

Global scope

Three main carbonaceous products are generated during pyrolysis, which can be stored subsequently in different ways to produce negative emissions: a solid biochar for various applications, a pyrolytic liquid (bio-oil) pumped into depleted fossil oil repositories, and permanent-pyrogas (dominated by the combustible gases CO, H2 and CH4) that may be transferred as CO2 to geological storage after combustion. [1]

In 2022/2023, biochar carbon removal accounted for 87–92% of all delivered carbon removals. [16]

The potential extent of carbon removal with biochar is the subject of ongoing research. Using current waste from the farming and forestry industry worldwide, an estimated 6% of global emissions, equivalent to 3 billion tonnes of CO2, could be removed annually over a 100 year time frame. [17] More broadly, the potential is quantified to be between 0.3 and 4.9 billion tonnes of CO2 per year (GtCO2 yr−1). [18]


There is evidence that biochar, produced at pyrolysis temperature over 600 °C (1,112 °F), resembles inertinite and thus highly stable. [19] [20]

The level to which carbon dioxide is fixed and stored, depends both on the biochar production process and the subsequent application. If produced under certain conditions, 97% of the total organic carbon in biochar is highly refractory carbon, i.e. carbon that has near infinite stability. This implies that biochar can have a very high permanence in terms of carbon dioxide storage. [21]


There are several applications that are considered to store CO2 for long periods of time:

Biochar-based carbon credits

Biochar Carbon Removal is increasingly seen as a promising negative emissions technology suitable for offsetting and carbon markets.

Market size

Trade in BCR credits is still limited to a small number of suppliers and credit off-takers. In 2022, out of 592,969 carbon dioxide removal credits purchased on the voluntary carbon market, 40% were based on biochar carbon removal projects. [24]


For the purpose of generating carbon credits, there are several internationally recognised voluntary biochar standards and methodologies. These include the following (non-exhaustive list): [25]

Several biochar production and carbon credit standards define criteria for permissible biomass feedstocks for biochar carbon removal. For example, the European Biochar Certificate (EBC) features a positive list of permissible biomasses for the production of biochar. This list includes agricultural residues, cultivated biomass, residues from forestry operations and sawmills, residues from landscaping activities, recycled feedstock, kitchen waste, food processing residues, textiles, anaerobic digestion, sludges from wastewater treatment, and animal by-products. [26]

See also

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David Alan Laird is a professor at Iowa State University, Department of Agronomy, Ames, Iowa. Throughout his career as a soil scientist, he made many contributions to clay mineralogy, including developing a model describing the relationship between cation selectivity and the extent of crystalline swelling in expanding 2:1 phyllosilicates. Other work demonstrated the effects of ionic strength and cation charge on the breakup and formation of smectitic quasicrystals and the principle of cation demixing which lent great insight into understanding clay flocculation. Investigations in organic matter interactions with clay minerals led to the development of the idea of dual mode bonding in which amphipathic molecules interact with substrates by both hydrophobic-hydrophobic and hydrophilic-hydrophilic interactions. Laird et al. (2008) showed that smectites, a class of clay minerals found in soil, can adsorb tremendous amounts of organic materials and, hence, strongly influence the transport and bioavailability of organic materials including pesticides applied to the soil. In a study published in 2003, Gonzalez and Laird showed that new carbon derived from decomposing plant material tends to preferentially sorb to the fine clay subfraction of soil. Further work demonstrated that the coarse clay fraction had the greatest carbon to nitrogen ratio, greatest minimum residence time in the soil based on 14C radioisotope dating, and contained carbon most recalcitrant to microbial digestion. Collectively many of Dr. Laird's contributions to soil science have provided insight into understanding soil organic matter and clay interactions and, thus, the genesis of soil peds from the molecular viewpoint.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Carbon farming</span> Agricultural methods that capture carbon

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Carbon capture and utilization</span>

Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) is the process of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial processes and transporting it via pipelines to where one intends to use it in industrial processes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kenneth Möllersten</span> Swedish researcher

Kenneth Karl Mikael Möllersten is a Swedish researcher. He holds a PhD in chemical engineering and an MSc in mechanical engineering, both from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Möllersten is a consultant and researcher at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, was previously affiliated as a researcher with Mälardalen University and is currently affiliated with KTH.


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