List of companies of Russia

Last updated

Russia has a high-income [1] mixed economy with state ownership in strategic areas of the economy. Market reforms in the 1990s privatized much of Russian industry and agriculture, with notable exceptions to this privatization occurring in the energy and defense-related sectors.


Gazprom's headquarters in the Lakhta Center in Saint Petersburg. Gazprom is the largest company in Russia Saint Petersburg Lakhta center 06.jpg
Gazprom's headquarters in the Lakhta Center in Saint Petersburg. Gazprom is the largest company in Russia

Russia's vast geography is an important determinant of its economic activity, with some sources estimating that Russia contains over 30 percent of the world's natural resources. [2] [3] [4] The World Bank estimates the total value of Russia's natural resources at US$75 trillion. [5] [6] Russia relies on energy revenues to drive most of its growth. Russia has an abundance of petroleum, natural gas and precious metals, which make up a major share of Russia's exports. As of 2012 the oil-and-gas sector accounted for 16% of the GDP, 52% of federal budget revenues and over 70% of total exports.[ needs update ] [7] [8]

Largest firms

  State-owned enterprise

(USD billions)
1 Gazprom Oil and gas112.2 St Petersburg [9]
2 Lukoil Oil and gas93.84 Moscow [9]
3 Rosneft Oil and gas86.21 Moscow [9]
4 Sberbank Finance53.7 Moscow [9]
5 Russian Railways Transport38.6 Moscow [9]
Rostec Investments27.24 Moscow [9]
6 VTB Bank Finance22.8 Moscow [9]
7 X5 Group Trade22.2 Moscow [9]
8 Surgutneftegas Oil and gas19.81 Surgut [9]
9 Magnit Trade19.59 Krasnodar [9]
10 Rosseti Power engineering16.25 Moscow [9]
11 Inter RAO Power engineering15.72 Moscow [9]
12 Transneft Oil and gas14.64 Moscow [9]
13 Rosatom Atomic industry19.65 Moscow [9]
Sistema Investments12.08 Moscow [9]
14 Tatneft Oil and gas11.67 Almetyevsk [9]
15 Megapolis Group  [ ru ]Distribution11.24 Moscow [9]
16 Gazprombank Finance10.92 Moscow [9]
17 Evraz Metals and mining10.83 Moscow [9]
18 Novolipetsk Steel Metals and mining10.06 Moscow [9]
19 Novatek Oil and gas9.99 Moscow [9]
20 Sibur Chemistry and petrochemistry9.99 Moscow [9]
21 Rusal Metals and mining9.98 Moscow [9]
22 Norilsk Nickel Metals and mining9.2 Moscow [9]
23 Aeroflot Transport9.14 Moscow [9]
24 Severstal Metals and mining7.85 Cherepovets [9]
25 United Aircraft Corporation Defense and machine building7.75 Moscow [9]
26 Mobile TeleSystems Telecommunications7.59 Moscow [9]
27 Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works Metals and mining7.54 Magnitogorsk [9]
28 Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company Metals and mining7.13 Verkhnyaya Pyshma [9]
29 RusHydro Power engineering6.53 Moscow [9]
30 MegaFon Telecommunications6.39 Moscow [9]
31 Lenta Trade6.26 St. Petersburg [9]
32 Metalloinvest Metals and mining6.24 Moscow [9]
33 Stroygazmontazh Construction of infrastructure6.2 Moscow [9]
34 T Plus Power engineering6.08 Krasnogorsk [9]
35 VimpelCom Telecommunications5.84 Moscow [9]
36 SUEK Metals and mining5.69 Moscow [9]
37 United Shipbuilding Corporation Defense and machine building5.59 Moscow [9]
38 Sakhalin Energy Oil and gas5.4 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk [9]
39 Rostelecom Telecommunications5.23 Moscow [9]
40 Alfa-Bank Finance5.12 Moscow [9]
41 Otkritie Holding Finance5.12 Moscow [9]
42 Mechel Metals and mining5.12 Moscow [9]
43 Vnesheconombank Finance5.12 Moscow [9]
Auchan RussiaTrade5.04 France [9]
Japan Tobacco International RussiaAlcohol and tobacco4.95 Japan [9]
44 EuroChem Chemistry and petrochemistry4.87 Moscow [9]
45 DIXY Trade4.85 Moscow [9]
Philip Morris Sales and Marketing RussiaAlcohol and tobacco4.73 United States [9]
46 Alrosa Metals and mining4.71 Moscow [9]
47 Rosselkhozbank Finance4.61 Moscow [9]
48 Protek Pharmaceuticals4.42 Moscow [9]
49 OAO TMK Metals and mining4.39 Moscow [9]
50 Russian Helicopters Defense and machine building4.25 Moscow [9]
51 TNS Energo  [ ru ]Power engineering4.18 Moscow [9]
52 Katren  [ ru ]Pharmaceuticals4.17 Khimki [9]
53 Slavneft Oil and gas4.13 Moscow [9]
54 United Engine Corporation Defense and machine building4.03 Moscow [9]
Metro Cash & Carry RussiaTrade3.98 Germany [9]
Leroy Merlin RussiaTrade3.89 France [9]
55 AvtoVAZ Cars3.87 Tolyatti [9]
56 New Stream Group  [ ru ]Oil and gas3.77 Moscow [9]
57 Merlion Distribution3.77 Krasnogorsk [9]
58 Avtotor Cars3.7 Moscow [9]
59 Tactical Missiles Corporation Defense and machine building3.62 Korolyov [9]
60 Red&White Trade3.6 Chelyabinsk [9]
61 Mostotrest Construction of infrastructure3.57 Moscow [9]
MUMT (British American Tobacco)Alcohol and tobacco3.45 United Kingdom [9]
62 Trade3.39 Moscow [9]
63 DNS Group  [ ru ]Trade3.39 Vladivostok [9]
64 PhosAgro Chemistry and petrochemistry3.1 Moscow [9]
65 Rolf Group Cars3.09 Moscow [9]
66 O'Key Group  [ ru ]Trade3.03 Moscow [9]
67 Independent Oil and Gas Company Oil and gas3.03 Moscow [9]
68 PIK Group Development and construction3 Moscow [9]
69 EuroSibEnergo  [ ru ]Power engineering2.97 Moscow [9]
70 Russian Post Postal services2.95 Moscow [9]
71 Nizhnekamskneftekhim Chemistry and petrochemistry2.88 Nizhnekamsk [9]
72 Rusenergosbyt  [ ru ]Power engineering2.85 Moscow [9]
73 United Metallurgical Company  [ ru ]Metals and mining2.85 Moscow [9]
74 GAZ Group Cars2.83 Nizhny Novgorod [9]
75 Tashir Development and construction2.81 Moscow [9]
76 SNS Holding  [ ru ]Distribution2.78 Moscow [9]
77 National Computer Corporation  [ ru ]Information Technology2.76 Moscow [9]
78 Uralkali Chemistry and petrochemistry2.76 Moscow [9]
79 TAIF-NK  [ ru ]Oil and gas2.73 Nizhnekamsk [9]
80 Polyus Metals and mining2.73 Moscow [9]
81 United Company Eurobusiness Euroset Trade2.71 Moscow [9]
82 Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant Metals and mining2.71 Chelyabinsk [9]
83 Sodrugestvo Agriculture and Food2.67 Svetly [9]
84 SOGAZ Finance2.67 Moscow [9]
85 KamAZ Cars2.67 Naberezhnye Chelny [9]
86 Transmashholding Defense and machine building2.67 Moscow [9]
87 StroyTransNefteGaz (formerly Stroytransgaz)Construction of infrastructure2.64 St. Petersburg [9]
88 FC Pulse  [ ru ]Pharmaceuticals2.57 Khimki [9]
89 Zarubezhneft Oil and gas2.54 Moscow [9]
90 Arktikgaz Oil and gas2.52 Novy Urengoy [9]
91 Tomskneft Oil and gas2.45 Strezhevoy [9]
92 UCL Holding Transport2.45 Moscow [9]
93 Credit Bank of Moscow Finance2.43 Moscow [9]
94 LSR Group Development and construction2.37 St. Petersburg [9]
95 Mosinzhproekt  [ ru ]Development and construction2.35 Moscow [9]
96 Major Group  [ ru ]Cars2.33 Moscow [9]
97 ForteInvest Oil and gas2.3 Moscow [9]
98 Irkutsk Oil Company Oil and gas2.26 Irkutsk [9]
99 Uralvagonzavod Defense and machine building2.23 Nizhny Tagil [9]
100 RussNeft Oil and gas2.21 Moscow [9]

Notable firms

This list includes notable companies with primary headquarters located in the country. The industry and sector follow the Industry Classification Benchmark taxonomy. Organizations which have ceased operations are included and noted as defunct.

  Active firms
  State-owned firms
  Defunct firms

Name Russian IndustrySectorHeadquartersFoundedNotes
1C Company Фирма "1С"TechnologySoftware Moscow 1991Education, video games, business software
Abrau-Durso Consumer goodsFood & beverage Abrau-Dyurso 1870Brewers, wines maker
Acron Group АкронBasic materialsChemicals Nizhny Novgorod 1961Fertilizers
Aeroflot АэрофлотConsumer servicesAirline Moscow 1923Flag-carrier airline
Ak Bars Bank FinancialsBanks Kazan 1993
Ak Bars Holding Conglomerate Kazan 1998Agriculture, banks, construction, entertainment, foods, retail, industrials
Akella АкеллаTechnologySoftware Moscow 1993Defunct 2012
Alawar Entertainment Компания Alawar EntertainmentTechnologySoftware Novosibirsk 1999Video games
Alfa-Bank FinancialsBanks Moscow 1990Owned by Alfa Group
Alfa Group Альфа-ГруппConglomerate Moscow 1989Banks, retail, insurance, water
Alkon Consumer goodsFood & beverage Veliky Novgorod 1897Brewers, vodka maker
All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK)Всероссийская государственная телевизионная и радиовещательная компания (ВГТРК)Consumer servicesMedia Moscow 1990State-owned media
Almaz-Antey Алмаз-АнтейIndustrialsAerospace & defense Moscow 2002Defense systems, missiles, artillery, electronics, military equipment
Alrosa АЛРОСАBasic materialsPrecious metals & minerals Mirny 1987Diamonds & gemstones mining
Arktikgaz Oil & gasOil & gas producers Novy Urengoy 1992Petroleum, owned by Gazprom Neft
Arnest Group Conglomerate Nevinnomyssk 1971Consumer goods , brewery, aluminium
ASCON АСКОНTechnologySoftware Saint Petersburg 1989CAD Software
AST АСТConsumer servicesPublishing Moscow 1993Books publishing
Atomenergoprom АтомэнергопромUtilitiesElectricity Moscow 2007Nuclear power generation
ATV АТВ ПродакшнConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 1988Broadcasting & entertainment
Aurora Consumer servicesAirline Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 2013
Aurus Motors Аурус МоторсConsumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Moscow 2008luxury and sports vehicles, owned by NAMI
Aviaconversiya АвиаконверсияIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow [10] 1991 [11] Defense electronic countermeasures, Jamming technology
Aviakor АвиакорIndustrialsAerospace Samara 1941Commercial aircraft & parts manufacturer, owned by Basic Element
Avtotor АвтоторConsumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Kaliningrad 1996
AvtoVAZ АвтоВАЗConsumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Tolyatti 1966Brand Lada , owned by Rostec
Baltika Breweries Пивоваренная компания БалтикаConsumer goodsFood & beverage Saint Petersburg 1990Brewers, part of Carlsberg Group (Denmark)
Bank Rossiya FinancialsBanks Saint Petersburg 1990
Bank Saint Petersburg Банк Санкт-ПетербургFinancialsBanks Saint Petersburg 1990
Barnaul Cartridge Plant IndustrialsDefense Barnaul 1941Ammunition
Basic Element Ба́зовый элеме́нтConglomerate Moscow 1997Aviation, construction, energy, financial Services, manufacturing
Bolshevichka БольшевичкаConsumer goodsClothing and accessories Moscow 1929Apparel & accessories
Bork Consumer goodsConsumer electronics Moscow 2001Home appliances, beauty & wellness products
Bryansk Automobile Plant Брянский автомоби́льный заво́дIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Bryansk 1958Military vehicles, defense, owned by Almaz-Antey
Central Bank of Russia FinancialsBanks Moscow 1990Central reserves bank
Channel One Первый каналConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 1938Broadcasting & entertainment
Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant Группа ЧТПЗBasic materialsIron & steel Moscow 1942Iron & steel, nonferrous metals
Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant Челябинский тракторный заводIndustrialsAgricultural machinery Chelyabinsk 1933Tractors, bulldozers, diesel engines, part of Uralvagonzavod
Cherkizovo Группа „Черки́зово“Consumer goodsFood & beverage Moscow 2005Meat products, poultry and pork
Concern Morinformsystem-Agat АО Концерн Моринсис-АгатIndustrialsAerospace & defense Moscow 1942Missile systems, electronic equipment
Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies Концерн Радиоэлектронные технологииIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow -Defense electronics & equipment, owned by Rostec
Concern Tractor Plants Тракторные заводыIndustrialsAgricultural machinery Cheboksary 2003Tractors, owned by Rostec
Credit Bank of Moscow FinancialsBanks Moscow 1992Commercial bank
CTC Media СТС МедиаConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 1989Broadcasting & entertainment
Dalsvyaz ДальсвязьTelecommunicationsFixed line telecommunications Vladivostok 1994Defunct 2013, acquired by Rostelecom
Detsky Mir Consumer servicesRetail Moscow 1990Children's retail store, owned by Sistema
Dixy Consumer goodsRetail Moscow 1992Supermarkets & hypermarkets chain
E4 Group Группа Е4IndustrialsConstruction & materials Moscow 2006Heavy construction
Eksmo ЭксмоConsumer servicespublishing Moscow 1991Publishing, specialty retailers
En+ Group En+ GroupUtilitiesElectricity Moscow 2002Owned by Basic Element
Enel Russia Энел РоссияUtilitiesElectricity Ekaterinburg 2004Formerly OGK-5. Owned by Enel (Italy)
Energia КоролёваIndustrialsAerospace & defense Korolyov, Moscow Oblast 1946Space industry, missiles systems, owned by Roscosmos
ER-Telecom ЭР-ТелекомTelecommunicationsFixed line telecommunications Perm 2001Broadband internet, cable
Eurocement group Евроцемент групIndustrialsConstruction & materials Moscow 2002Cement
Euroset ЕвросетьConsumer servicesRetail Moscow 1997Defunct 2018
Evalar ЭваларHealth carePharmaceuticals Biysk 1991Dietary supplements
Evraz ЕвразBasic materialsIron & steel Moscow 1992Steel & mining
GAZ Group Группа ГАЗIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Nizhny Novgorod 2005Trucks, buses, defense, owned by Basic Element
Gazprom ГазпромOil & gasOil & gas producers Moscow 1989Petroleum
Gazprom Media Газпром-МедиаConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 2000Broadcasting & entertainment, part of Gazprom
Gazprom Neft Газпром нефтьOil & gasOil & gas producers Moscow 1995Refining, part of Gazprom
Gazprom Space Systems Газпром космические системыIndustrialsAerospace, space industry Shchyolkovo 1992Communication satellites manufacturer, part of Gazprom
Gazprombank ГазпромбанкFinancialsBanks Moscow 1990Part of Gazprom
Gloria Jeans Consumer goodsClothing and accessories Moscow 1988Apparel & accessories
Gorky Film Studio Киностудия имени М. ГорькогоConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 1915Film studio
Gosbank FinancialsBanks Moscow 1921Central bank, defunct 1991
High Precision Systems Высокоточные комплексыIndustrialsAerospace & defense Moscow 2009Ammunition, defense equipment, owned by Rostec
Ikar Consumer servicesAirline Orenburg 1993
Inter RAO Интер РаоUtilitiesElectricity Moscow 1997Electrical power generation & distribution
International Industrial Bank Международный Промышленный БанкFinancialsBanks Moscow 1992
Ingosstrakh ИнгосстрахFinancialsInsurance Moscow 1947Full line insurance, life, reinsurance
Interfax ИнтерфаксConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 1989News agency
Intourist ИнтуристConsumer servicesTravel & tourism Moscow 1929Former state travel agency, defunct 2019, sold to Anex Tours (UK)
Irkutskenergo ИркутскэнергоUtilitiesElectricity Irkutsk 1992Hydroelectric power generation
Irmash ИрмашIndustrialsConstruction equipment Brynsk 1752Paver, road roller, grader, excavators, utility equipment
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Ижевский механический заводIndustrialsDefense Izhevsk 1942defunct 2013, merged with Kalashnikov Concern
Kalashnikov Concern АО Концерн КалашниковIndustrialsDefense Izhevsk 1807Firearms, owned by Rostec
Kamaz КамАЗIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Naberezhnye Chelny 1969Trucks, buses, diesel engines, defense, owned by Rostec
Kazanorgsintez КазаньоргсинтезBasic materialsChemicals Kazan 1959Polyethylene products
Kaspersky Lab Лаборатория КасперскогоTechnologySoftware Moscow 1997Cyber security software
Kirov Plant Кировский заводIndustrialsAgricultural machinery Saint Petersburg 1801Tractors, escalators, artillery
Klimovsk Specialized Ammunition Plant IndustrialsDefense Klimovsk 1936Ammunition
Kombat Armouring Consumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Saint Petersburg 1985Armorized vehicles
Komus КомусConsumer servicesRetail Moscow 1990Office & school items retailer
Krasnoe & Beloe Consumer servicesRetail Chelyabinsk 2006Alcoholic beverages retailer
Krasnogorsky Zavod Красногорский завод имIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow 2008Optical engineering, optoelectronics, cameras, Part of Shvabe Holding
KrioRus КриоРусTechnologyBiotechnology Moscow 2006Cryopreservation company
Kuzbassenergo КузбассэнергоUtilitiesElectricity Barnaul 1943Electric power distribution
Lavochkin ЛавочкинаIndustrialsAerospace & defense Moscow 1937Space industry, missiles systems, owned by Roscosmos
Lebedyansky ЛебедянскийConsumer goodsFood & beverage Lebedyan 1967Soft drinks, owned by PepsiCo (USA)
Lenfilm Киностудия «Ленфильм»Consumer servicesMedia Saint Petersburg 1914Film studio
Lenta МагнитConsumer goodsRetail Saint Petersburg 1993Supermarkets & hypermarkets chain
Lobaev Arms IndustrialsDefense Tarusa 2003Firearms
LOMO ЛОМОIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Saint Petersburg 1914Optical engineering, medical equipment, Cameras, lenses, video recorders
LSR Group IndustrialsConstruction & materials Saint Petersburg 1993Heavy construction, real estate developer
Lukoil ЛУКОЙЛOil & gasOil & gas producers Moscow 1991Petroleum
Magnit МагнитConsumer goodsRetail Krasnodar 1994Supermarkets & hypermarkets chain
Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works Магнитогорский металлургический комбинатBasic materialsIron & steel Magnitogorsk 1932Iron and steel
Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau Государственный ракетный центр имени академика В. П. МакееваIndustrialsAerospace & defense Miass 1947Missiles & rockets design, owned by Roscosmos
Marussia Motors МарусяConsumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Moscow 2007Sports car, defunct 2014
Maykor Consumer servicesBusiness support servicesMoscow2010Bankrupt in 2019 [12]
Mechel МечелBasic materialsDiversified metals & mining Moscow 2003Coal, iron and steel
MegaFon МегаФонTelecommunicationsMobile Telecommunications Moscow 2002Mobile network
Melodiya МелодияConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 1964Record label
Melon Fashion Group Consumer goodsRetail Saint Petersburg 2005Apparel & accessories
Metalloinvest МеталлоинвестBasic materialsIron & steel Moscow 1999Steel & mining
Mikron Group TechnologySemiconductors Zelenograd 1964Semiconductors, microelectronics
Military Industrial Company Военно-промышленная компанияIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Moscow 2006Military vehicles, defense, part of JSC Russian Machines
Mir МирFinancialsConsumer services Moscow 2015Card payment systems
Molodaya Gvardiya Молодая гвардияConsumer servicespublishing Moscow 1922Publishing
Moscow City Telephone Network Московская городская телефонная сетьTelecommunicationsFixed line telecommunications Moscow 1882Mobile network, owned by Sistema
Mosfilm Киноконце́рн «Мосфи́льм»Consumer servicesMedia Moscow 1920Film studio
Moskvitch МосквичConsumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Moscow 1930
Mostotrest IndustrialsConstruction & materials Moscow 1930Heavy construction
Mosvodokanal UtilitiesWater Moscow 1779Water supply & sanitation
Motovilikha Plants Мотовилихинские заводыIndustrialsDefense Perm 1736 [13] Artillery, howitzer armaments, owned by Rostec
MTS Мобильные ТелеСистемыTelecommunicationsMobile telecommunications Moscow 1993Mobile network, owned by Sistema М.ВидеоConsumer servicesRetail Moscow 1993Electronics retailer
NAMI НАМИConsumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Moscow 1918Automotive research institute
NEWSru NEWSru.comConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 2000News agency
Nitol Solar EnergyRenewable energy equipment Moscow 1998Solar energy product's materials manufacturer
Nizhnekamskneftekhim НижнекамскнефтехимBasic materialsChemicals Nizhnekamsk 1967Plastic & rubber products
NordStar Consumer servicesAirline Norilsk 2009
Norilsk Nickel Норильский никельBasic materialsDiversified metals & mining Moscow 1993Nickel, palladium & other metals
North-West Telecom Северо-Западный ТелекомTelecommunicationsFixed line telecommunications Saint Petersburg 2001Defunct 2011, acquired by Rostelecom
Novatek НоватэкOil & gasOil & gas producers Tarko-Sale 1944Petroleum
Novolipetsk Steel Новолипецкий металлургический комбинатBasic materialsIron & steel Lipetsk 1931Steel
Novoroscement НоворосцементIndustrialsConstruction & materials Novorossiysk 1922Cement
NVS Telematic Systems TelecommunicationsTelecommunications equipment Moscow 2011 GLONASS, GPS signaling equipment manufacturer
OAO Kondopoga ОАО «Ко́ндопога»Basic materialsPaper Kondopoga 1922Paper products
OAO TMK Трубная металлургическая компанияBasic materialsIron & steel Moscow 2001Steel pipes
Oboronprom Объединённая промышленная корпорация «Оборонпром»IndustrialsAerospace & defense Moscow 2002Defunct 2018, merged into Rostec
OGGI Consumer goodsClothing and accessories Saint Petersburg 1998Fashion chain retail
OGK-1 Оптовая генерирующая компания № 1UtilitiesElectricity Tyumen 2005Defunct 2012
OGK-2 Оптовая генерирующая компания № 2UtilitiesElectricity Moscow 2005Thermal power generation, part of Gazprom
OGK-3 Оптовая генерирующая компания № 3UtilitiesElectricity Ulan-Ude 2004Defunct 2012
OGK-6 Оптовая генерирующая компания № 6UtilitiesElectricity Rostov-on-Don 2005Defunct 2011
ORSIS IndustrialsDefense Moscow 2011Firearms
Otkritie Holding Conglomerate Moscow 1992Defunct 2024
United Heavy Machinery Объединённые машиностроительные заводыIndustrialsIndustrial engineering Moscow 1996Power plant engineering, owned by Gazprombank
Ozon TechnologyInternet Moscow 1991E-commerce, online retail, owned by Sistema
Permalco Consumer goodsFood & beverage Perm 1885Brewers, vodka maker
PC Transport Systems ПК Транспортные системыIndustrialsRail equipment Moscow 2002Trams, trolleybuses, electric buses
5TV Пятый каналConsumer servicesMedia Saint Petersburg 1938Broadcasting & entertainment
Petersburg Fuel Company Петербургская топливная компанияOil & gasOil & gas producers Saint Petersburg 1994Petroleum refining & marketing
Petrodvorets Watch Factory Петродворцовый часовой заводConsumer goodsPersonal goods Petergof 1721Watches, oldest factory in Russia.
Pharmstandard ФармстандартHealth carePharmaceuticals Dolgoprudny 2003
PhosAgro Basic materialsChemicals Moscow 2003Fertilizers
PIK Group Группа компаний ПИКFinancialsReal estate Moscow 1994
Polyus Полюс ЗолотоBasic materialsGold Moscow 2005Gold mining
Power Machines Силовые машиныIndustrialsIndustrial machinery Saint Petersburg 2000Generators, turbines, power machinery equipment
Progress Rocket Space Centre Ракетно-космический центр «Прогресс»IndustrialsAerospace & defense Samara 1996Space industry, missiles systems, owned by Roscosmos
PROMT PROMTTechnologySoftware Moscow 1991Translation software
Protek Pharmaceuticals Health carePharmaceuticals Moscow 1990
Proton-Electrotex TechnologySemiconductors Oryol 1996Semiconductors, microelectronics
Rambler Рамблер-Афиша-SUPTechnologyInternet Moscow 1996Internet search engine, e-commerce owned by Sberbank
Razgulay Разгуля́йConsumer goodsFood & beverage Moscow 1992Defunct 2017
RBK Group РБКConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 1993Media conglomerate
Red Wings Airlines Consumer servicesAirline Moscow 1999
REGNUM RegnumConsumer servicesMedia Moscow 2002News agency
Renova Group Альфа-ГруппConglomerate Moscow 1990Energy, oil, telecommunication
Rolf РольфConsumer servicesRetail Moscow 1991Automotive retailer
Rosatom РосатомIndustrialsAlternative energy Moscow 2007Nuclear energy, wind energy & hydrogen fuel
Roscosmos РоскосмосIndustrialsAerospace & defense, space agency Moscow 1992State-owned aerospace technology & space research agency
Rosenergomash РосэнергомашIndustrialsIndustrial engineering Moscow 2007 [14] Industrial generators, motors
Rosgosstrakh РосгосстрахFinancialsInsurance Moscow 1921Full line insurance
Rosoboronexport IndustrialsIndustrial suppliers Moscow 2000Defense & military products exporting service provider, part of Rostec
Rosneft РоснефтьOil & gasOil & gas producers Moscow 1993Petroleum
Rosseti РоссетиUtilitiesElectricity Moscow 2008Electric power distribution
Rossiya Airlines Consumer servicesAirline Saint Petersburg 1934Flag-carrier airline, part of Aeroflot
Rostec Conglomerate Moscow 1989Aerospace, commercial & military vehicles, defense products, electronics, industrial machinery
Rostelecom РостелекомTelecommunicationsFixed line telecommunications Moscow 1992Mobile network, broadband internet, cable, cloud network, cybersecurity solutions, digital services
Rostselmash РостсельмашIndustrialsAgricultural machinery Rostov-on-Don 1929Agricultural & road building machinery
Rosvodokanal UtilitiesWater Moscow 1949Water supply & sanitation, owned by Alfa Group
RTI Systems РТИ СистемыIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow -Defense electronics & equipment, owned by Sistema
RUSAL Российский алюминийBasic materialsAluminium Moscow 2007Aluminium
Ruselectronics РосэлектроникаIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow 1997Electronics, microelectronics & equipment, defense, owned by Rostec
RusHydro UtilitiesElectricity Surgut 2006Hydroelectric generation
Russneft Oil & gasOil & gas producers Moscow 2002Refining
Russian Agricultural Bank FinancialsBanks Moscow 2000Agribusiness support bank
Russian Helicopters Вертолёты РоссииIndustrialsAerospace & defense Moscow 2007Divided into Mil Moscow Helicopter, Kamov, Kazan Helicopters, Rostvertol, Ulan-Ude Aviation, Stupino Machine. Owned by Rostec
Russian Machines Русские машиныIndustrialsIndustrial machinery Moscow 2011Aircraft manufacturing, agricultural machinery, automotive components, railway engineering, road construction machinery, Owned by Basic Element
Russian Post Почта РоссииIndustrialsDelivery services Moscow 2002Postal service
Russian Railways Российские железные дорогиTransportationRailway services Moscow 1992
S7 Airlines Авиакомпания «Сибирь»Consumer servicesAirline Novosibirsk 1992Airline
Sakhalin Energy Oil & gasOil & gas producers Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 1994Petroleum, owned by Gazprom
Saratov Electrical Consumer goodsConsumer electronics Saratov 1951refrigration equipment
Sberbank СбербанкFinancialsBanks Moscow 1841
Severstal СеверстальBasic materialsIron & steel Cherepovets 1993Steel & mining
Shvabe Holding ШвабеIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow 2008Optics, defense, owned by Rostec
Siberian Coal Energy Company Сибирская угольная энергетическая компанияBasic materialsCoal Moscow 2001Coal
Sibirtelecom СибирьтелекомTelecommunicationsFixed line Telecommunications Novosibirsk 1992Defunct 2011, acquired by Rostelecom
Sibur Basic materialsChemicals Moscow 1995Plastic & rubber products
Silant Consumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Novgorod Oblast 2011Trucks
Sinar СинарConsumer goodsClothing and accessories Novosibirsk 1921Apparel & accessories
Sinara Group Группа СинараConglomerate Ekaterinburg 2001Railroad equipment, real estate, hotels
Sistema СистемаConglomerate Moscow 1993Telecommunications, banking, retail, media, tourism, healthcare, space, electronics
Sitronics СитрониксIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow 1997Microelectronics, part of Sistema
Slavneft Oil & gasOil & gas producers Moscow 1994Refining
Sollers JSC Северсталь-АвтоConsumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Cherepovets 2002
Sogaz СогазFinancialsInsurance Moscow 1993Full line insurance, owned by Gazprom
Southern Telecom Южная телекоммуникационная компанияTelecommunicationsFixed line Telecommunications Krasnodar 2001Mobile network, broadband internet, cable
Sovcomflot СовкомфлотTransportationMarine transportation Saint Petersburg 1995Maritime transportation & shipping
Sozvezdie Концерн «Созвездие»IndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Voronezh 1958Electronic Equipment, Defense, owned by Rostec
Speech Technology Center TechnologySoftware Moscow 1990Voice recognition, biometric information software
Spetsteh Consumer goodsAutomobiles & parts Nizhny Novgorod 1980All-terrain vehicles
Sportmaster Consumer goodsClothing and accessories Moscow 1992Sporting apparel & accessories
Stankoprom СтанкопромIndustrialsIndustrial engineering Moscow 2013Machine tools, owned by Rostec
State Bank of the Russian Empire FinancialsBanks Moscow 1860Central bank, defunct 1920
Start Consumer servicesMedia Moscow 2017Subscription-based media streaming service
Stroygazmontazh IndustrialsConstruction & materials Moscow 2008Heavy construction
Stroytransgaz IndustrialsIndustrial engineering Moscow 1990Petroleum industry engineering, storage facilities, heavy construction
SU-155 СУ-155Conglomerate Moscow 1993Defunct 2015
Surgutneftegas СургутнефтегазOil & gasOil & gas producers Surgut 1993Petroleum
Svyazinvest СвязьинвестTelecommunicationsFixed line Telecommunications Moscow 1994Defunct 2013, acquired by Rostelecom
Svyaznoy СвязнойConsumer servicesRetail Moscow 1997Defunct 2023
Synqera TechnologySoftware Saint Petersburg 2010Retail & shopping based software
T Plus UtilitiesElectricity Krasnogorsk 2002Electric power generation, owned by Renova Group
T-Platforms Т-платформыTechnologyComputer hardware Moscow 2002Supercomputer, defunct 2022
Tactical Missiles Corporation Корпорация „Тактическое ракетное вооружение“IndustrialsAerospace & defense Korolyov, Moscow Oblast 2002Missile systems
Tasma ТасмаBasic materialsChemicals Kazan 1933Photographic materials
Tatneft ТатнефтьOil & gasOil & gas producers Almetyevsk 1950Petroleum
Technodinamika ТехнодинамикаIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow 2009Aviation equipment, owned by Rostec
Tecmash ТехмашIndustrialsDefense Moscow 2011Firearms, owned by Rostec
TNK-BP ТНК-BPOil & gasOil & gas producers Moscow 2003Defunct 2013
TogliattiAzot ТольяттиазотBasic materialsChemicals Togliatti 1974Commodity chemicals, part of Uralchem
Tomskneft Oil & gasOil & gas producers Strezhevoy 1966Petroleum
Transmashholding ТрансмашхолдингIndustrialsRail equipment Moscow 2002Railway vehicles
Transneft ТранснефтьOil & gasOil & gas distribution Moscow 1992Gas pipelines
Trolza ТролзаIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Engels, Saratov Oblast 1868defunct 2020
TsUM Trading House Торговый дом ЦУМConsumer servicesRetail Moscow 1857Luxury items departmental store
Tver Carriage Works Тверской вагоностроительный заводIndustrialsRail equipment Tver 1898Railroad cars, part of Transmashholding
TV Tsentr Телекомпания „ТВ Центр“Consumer servicesMedia Moscow 1956Broadcasting & entertainment
Unipro Оптовая генерирующая компания № 4UtilitiesElectricity Surgut 2006Formerly OGK-4. Owned by Uniper (Germany)
United Aircraft Corporation Объединённая авиастроительная корпорацияIndustrialsAerospace & defense Moscow 2006Divided into Sukhoi, Mikoyan, Yakovlev, Ilyushin, Tupolev, Beriev, Myasishchev, Irkut, Aviastar, Voronezh Aircraft. Owned by Rostec
United Confectioners Объединённые кондитерыConsumer goodsFood & beverage Moscow 2000Confectionery & bakery products
United Engine Corporation Объединённая двигателестроительная корпорацияIndustrialsIndustrial Machinery Moscow 1933Civil & military aircraft engines, owned by Rostec
United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation IndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow 2014Defunct 2017, merged into Ruselectronics
United Shipbuilding Corporation Объединённая судостроительная корпорацияIndustrialsShipbuilding Saint Petersburg 2007Shipyards
Uralchem Basic materialsChemicals Moscow 2007Specialty chemicals
Uralkali УралкалийBasic materialsChemicals Berezniki 1930Fertilizers
Uralmash Машиностроительная корпорация „Уралмаш“, УЗТМIndustrialsIndustrial machinery Ekaterinburg 1933Excavators, drilling machinery, plant & rig machinery, owned by United Heavy Machinery
Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company Уральская горно-металлургическая компанияBasic materialsDiversified metals & mining Verkhnyaya Pyshma 1999Nickel, copper, coal, lead
Uralsib Страховая группа «Уралсиб»FinancialsBanks Moscow 1993 [15] Commercial bank
UAZ УАЗIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Ulyanovsk 1941Buses, trucks, SUVs, off-road vehicles, part of Sollers JSC
Ural Airlines Consumer servicesAirline Yekaterinburg 1943
UralAZ УралАЗIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Miass 1941Military vehicles, defense
Uralsvyazinform УралсвязьинформTelecommunicationsFixed line telecommunications Ekaterinburg 1992Defunct 2011, acquired by Rostelecom
Uralvagonzavod Научно-производственная корпорация „Уралвагонзавод“ имени Ф. Э. ДзержинскогоIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Nizhny Tagil 1936Agricultural machinery, military vehicles, defense, bulldozers, heavy equipment, railway vehicles, containers, owned by Rostec
UTair Авиакомпания «ЮТэйр»Consumer servicesAirline Khanty-Mansiysk 1967Airline
VEB.RF -FinancialsInvestment services Moscow 1922Investment management
Vega Radio Engineering Corporation Концерн радиостроенияIndustrialsElectronic & electrical equipment Moscow 1944Radars & surveillance equipment, defense, owned by Rostec
Vologda Mechanical Plant Вологодский механический заводIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Vologda 1994Buses, trolleybuses
VK ВКонтактеTechnologyInternet Moscow 1998Search engine, e-commerce, social networking
Voenizdat ВоениздатConsumer servicespublishing Moscow 1919Publishing
Volchok ВОЛЧОКConsumer goodsClothing and accessories Saint Petersburg 2014Streetwear manufacturer
VolgaTelecom ВолгаТелекомTelecommunicationsFixed line telecommunications Nizhny Novgorod 2002Mobile network, broadband internet, cable
VimpelCom TelecommunicationsMobile Telecommunications Moscow 1992Mobile network
Volgotanker ВолготанкерIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Samara 1938Defunct 2008
Volgabus ВолжанинIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Volzhsky, Volgograd Oblast 1993Buses
VSK Insurance Страховой Дом ВСКFinancialsInsurance Moscow 1992Full line insurance, reinsurance
VSMPO-AVISMA ВСМПО-АВИСМАBasic materialsDiversified metals & mining Verkhnyaya Salda 1933Titanium, aluminium, magnesium, owned by Rostec
VTB Bank Банк ВТБFinancialsBanks Moscow 1990
Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods Вимм-Билль-Данн Продукты питанияConsumer goodsFood & beverage Moscow 1992Dairy products, owned by PepsiCo (USA)
X5 Retail Group X5 Retail GroupConsumer servicesRetail Moscow 2006Supermarkets & hypermarkets chain, owned by Alfa Group
Yandex ЯндексTechnologyInternet Moscow 1997Internet search engine, e-commerce, online retail, IT services
Yakutia Airlines Consumer servicesAirline Yakutsk 2002
Yamal Airlines Consumer servicesAirline Salekhard 1997
Yuganskneftegaz ЮганскнефтегазOil & gasOil & gas producers Nefteyugansk 1964Petroleum, part of Rosneft
Zarubezhneft Oil & gasOil & gas producers Moscow 1967Petroleum
Zelenodolsk Shipyard IndustrialsShipbuilding Zelenodolsk 1895Shipyard, owned by Ak Bars Holding
Zerich -FinancialsInvestment services Moscow 1993Investment management, owned by Freedom Holding (USA)
ZiL ЗИЛIndustrialsCommercial vehicles & trucks Moscow 1916Defunct 2012

See also

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