2021 Italian local elections

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The 2021 Italian local elections were held on 3 and 4 October. Originally scheduled as usual between 15 April and 15 June with run-offs two weeks later, [1] the Government of Italy announced on 4 March that they were postponed to after the summer due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. [2] Elections took place in 1,293 out of 7,903 municipalities, 20 of which are provincial capitals. Mayors and city councils have been elected for the ordinary five-year terms, lasting till 2026.


Voting system

The voting system is used for all mayoral elections in Italy in the cities with a population higher than 15,000 inhabitants. Under this system, voters express a direct choice for the mayor or an indirect choice voting for the party of the candidate's coalition. If no candidate receives 50% of votes during the first round, the top two candidates go to a second round after two weeks. The winning candidate obtains a majority bonus equal to 60% of seats. During the first round, if no candidate gets more than 50% of votes but a coalition of lists gets the majority of 50% of votes or if the mayor is elected in the first round but its coalition gets less than 40% of the valid votes, the majority bonus cannot be assigned to the coalition of the winning mayor candidate.

The election of the City Council is based on a direct choice for the candidate with a maximum of two preferential votes, each for a different gender, belonging to the same party list: the candidate with the majority of the preferences is elected. The number of the seats for each party is determined proportionally, using D'Hondt seat allocation. Only coalitions with more than 3% of votes are eligible to get any seats. [3]

Municipal elections

Mayoral election results

RegionCityPopulationIncumbent mayorElected mayor1st round2nd roundSeatsSource
Votes %Votes %
Regione-Piemonte-Stemma.svg Piedmont Novara 101,916 Alessandro Canelli (Lega) Alessandro Canelli (Lega)28,20469.59
23 / 32
Turin 848,196 Chiara Appendino (M5S) Stefano Lo Russo (PD)140,20043.86168,99759.23
24 / 40
Flag of Lombardy square.svg Lombardy Milan 1,397,715 Giuseppe Sala (Ind.) Giuseppe Sala (Ind.)277,47857.73
31 / 48
Varese 79,712 Davide Galimberti (PD) Davide Galimberti (PD)15,69348.0016,74153.20
20 / 32
CoA of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.svg Friuli-Venezia Giulia Pordenone 51,719 Alessandro Ciriani (Ind.) Alessandro Ciriani (Ind.)14,75565.38
27 / 40
Trieste 199,773 Roberto Dipiazza (FI) Roberto Dipiazza (FI)38,84746.8938,81651.29
24 / 40
Coat of arms of Liguria.svg Liguria Savona 58,566 Ilaria Caprioglio (Ind.) Marco Russo (Ind.)11,97147.7913,88362.25
20 / 32
Regione-Emilia-Romagna-Stemma.svg Emilia-Romagna Bologna 394,463 Virginio Merola (PD) Matteo Lepore (PD)94,56561.90
25 / 36
Ravenna 157,422 Michele De Pascale (PD) Michele De Pascale (PD)39,03059.47
22 / 32
Rimini 148.688 Andrea Gnassi (PD) Jamil Sadegholvaad (PD)33,54251.32
20 / 32
Coat of arms of Tuscany.svg Tuscany Grosseto 81,488 Antonfrancesco Vivarelli Colonna (Ind.) Antonfrancesco Vivarelli Colonna (Ind.)21,23556.20
20 / 32
Lazio Coat of Arms.svg Lazio Latina 126,612 Damiano Coletta (IiC) Damiano Coletta (IiC)22,46935.6630,29354.90
12 / 32
Rome 2,783,809 Virginia Raggi (M5S) Roberto Gualtieri (PD)299,97627.03565,35260.15
29 / 48
Regione-Molise-Stemma.svg Molise Isernia 20,945 Giacomo D'Apollonio (FdI) Piero Castrataro (Ind.)5,27141.666,44258.72
20 / 32
Regione-Campania-Stemma.svg Campania Benevento 57,456 Clemente Mastella (NC) Clemente Mastella (NC)17,68449.3715,47452.68
20 / 32
Caserta 73,614 Carlo Marino (PD) Carlo Marino (PD)14,39435.3415,19653.65
20 / 32
Naples 940,940 Luigi de Magistris (DemA) Gaetano Manfredi (Ind.)218,07762.88
28 / 40
Salerno 130,240 Vincenzo Napoli (PD) Vincenzo Napoli (PD)39,32357.40
22 / 32
Coat of arms of Calabria.svg Calabria Cosenza 65,209 Mario Occhiuto (FI) Franz Caruso (PSI)8,43223.7814,41357.59
20 / 32
Sardegna-Stemma.svg Sardinia Carbonia 29,301 Paola Massidda (M5S) Pietro Morittu (PD)9,72165.75
17 / 24

See also

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  1. "Elezioni Amministrative 2021". Tuttitalia.it (in Italian). Retrieved 7 March 2021.
  2. "Elezioni rinviate in autunno: voto amministrative tra il 15 settembre e il 15 ottobre" (in Italian). Il Sole 24 Ore. 4 March 2021. Retrieved 7 March 2021.
  3. "Ministero dell'Interno – Approfondimento". Ministero dell'Interno (in Italian). Retrieved 7 March 2021.