Alngith dialect

Last updated

Native to Australia
Region Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
Ethnicity Alngith, Winduwinda
Extinct 1980s [1] [2]
Language codes
ISO 639-3 aid
Glottolog alng1239
ELP Alngith

Alngith ([al-ngeeth]) is an extinct Paman language formerly spoken on the Cape York Peninsula of Queensland, Australia, by the Alngith people. The last known speakers survived into the 1980s. [2] Phonologically, this language variety is very similar to the related variety Linngithigh, the only difference being that this language has the process of metathesis whereas Linngithigh does not. [4]


Alngith is considered to be a dialect of Thaynakwith, a language spoken on Western Cape York in the Weipa area taking in Albatross Bay and Mission River. The traditional language area of Thaynakwith includes landscape within the local government boundaries of Weipa Town Council and the Shire of Cook. [5]

The word Nje 'alan means 'good day'.


The two dialects of Alngith and Linngithigh have the same sound inventory. [6]


Peripheral Laminal Apical Glottal
Bilabial Velar Palatal Dental Alveolar Retroflex
Plosives p k c t ʔ
Fricatives β ɣ ð
Nasals m ŋ ɲ n
Vibrant r
Approximants w j l ɻ


Front Back
High i u
Mid æ o
Low a

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  1. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2021). "Cultural diversity: Census" . Retrieved 13 October 2022.
  2. 1 2 Wurm, S. A. and S. Hattori (eds.). 1981. Language atlas of the Pacific area. Canberra: The Australian Academy of the Humanities in collaboration with the Japan Academy.
  3. Y32 Alngith at the Australian Indigenous Languages Database, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
  4. Kenneth Hale, 1976, Phonological Developments in Particular Northern Paman Languages, pp.12-13
  5. CC BY icon-80x15.png This Wikipedia article incorporates text from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages published by the State Library of Queensland under CC BY licence , accessed on 18 January 2023.
  6. Kenneth Hale, 1976, Phonological Developments in Particular Northern Paman Languages, pp.14