Army Infantry College of the PLA

Last updated
Army Infantry College of the PLA
TypeMilitary Academy
EstablishedAugust 1, 2017;7 years ago (2017-08-01)
Principal Xu Jinhua
No 2001 Changzhengxi Road, Xinjian District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China

28°40′24″N115°46′49″E / 28.673454°N 115.780230°E / 28.673454; 115.780230

The Army Infantry College of the PLA is a deputy corps grade military education institution directly under the PLAGF, located in Nanchang city in Jiangxi province. It is tasked with training new junior command officers, staff officers, graduate students of military science, and foreign command and staff officers. [1] It was formed in 2017 by merging two existing infantry academies. [2]



The Army Infantry Academy is the result of the 2017 merger between two institutions, the Nanchang Army Academy and the Shijiazhuang Mechanized Infantry Academy. A third entity, the Yuanzhi Branch of the Shijiazhuang Army Command Academy, had joined slightly before. The institutional lineage is as follows:

PLA Nanchang Army Academy (中国人民解放军南昌陆军学院)

PLA Shijiazhuang Mechanized Infantry Academy (中国人民解放军石家庄机械化步兵学院)

PLA Armored Forces Academy (中国人民解放军装甲兵学院)

Army Infantry College of the PLA (中国人民解放军陆军步兵学院)

Majors and Specialties

The school is responsible for the training of junior-level commanding officers, combined arms battalion staff officers, Military Science graduate students, as well as foreign company and platoon-level command and staff officers. As of 2017, the following degrees or specialties were offered. [2]

Associate Specialties

The College trains NCO in 2-3 year courses. [2]

Bachelor specialties

As of 2017, there were four undergraduate specialties, subdivided into "specialty directions": [1] [2]

Master's Specialties

There are two master’s degree majors: [2]


The main campus is in Nanchang. This campus is 19,600 mu -1,307 hectares (3,230 acres), plus 40 external training sites. [2]


PLA Nanchang Army College (中国人民解放军南昌陆军学院)

PLA Shijiazhuang Mechanized Infantry Academy

PLA Shijiazhuang Army Academy (中国人民解放军石家庄陆军学院)

Shijiazhuang Army Command Academy's Yuanshi Branch Campus 石家庄陆军指挥学院元氏分院

Shijiazhuang Mechanized Infantry Academy (中国人民解放军石家庄机械化步兵学院)

Army Infantry Academy of the PLA

Also see

Academic institutions of the armed forces of China


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