CDC display code

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Display code is the six-bit character code used by many computer systems manufactured by Control Data Corporation, notably the CDC 6000 series in 1964, the 7600 in 1967 and the following Cyber series in 1971. The CDC 6000 series and their successors had 60 bit words. As such, typical usage packed 10 characters per word. It is a six-bit extension of the four-bit BCD encoding, and was referred to as BCDIC[ citation needed ] (BCD interchange code.)



There were several variations of display code, notably the 63-character character set, and the 64-character character set. There were also 'CDC graphic' and 'ASCII graphic' variants of both the 63- and 64-character sets. The choice between 63- or 64-character character set, and between CDC or ASCII graphic was site-selectable. Generally, early CDC customers started out with the 63-character character set, and CDC graphic print trains on their line printers. As time-sharing became prevalent, almost all sites used the ASCII variant - so that line printer output would match interactive usage. Later CDC customers were also more likely to use the 64-character character set.

A later variation, called 6/12 display code, was used in the Kronos and NOS timesharing systems in order to support full ASCII capabilities. In 6/12 mode, an escape character (the circumflex, octal 76) would indicate that the following letter was lower case. Thus, upper case and other characters were 6 bits in length, and lower case characters were 12 bits in length.

The PLATO system used a further variant of 6/12 display code. Noting that lower case letters were most common in typical PLATO usage, the roles were reversed. Lower case letters were the norm, and the escape character preceded upper case letters.

The typical text file format used a zero-byte terminator to signify the end of each record. The zero-byte terminator was indicated by, at least, the final twelve bits of a 60-bit word being set to zero. [1] The terminator could actually be anywhere from 12- to 66-bits long - depending on the length of the record. This caused an ambiguity in the 64-character character set, when a colon character needed to be the final character in a record. In such cases a blank character was typically appended to the record after the trailing colon.

Display code characters

64-character character set version

000 000000 : :colon [2]
000 001101AA
000 010202BB
000 011303CC
000 100404DD
000 101505EE
000 110606FF
000 111707GG
001 000810HH
001 001911II
001 0101012JJ
001 0111113KK
001 1001214LL
001 1011315MM
001 1101416NN
001 1111517OO
010 0001620PP
010 0011721QQ
010 0101822RR
010 0111923SS
010 1002024TT
010 1012125UU
010 1102226VV
010 1112327WW
011 0002430XX
011 0012531YY
011 0102632ZZ
011 011273300
011 100283411
011 101293522
011 110303633
011 111313744
100 000324055
100 001334166
100 010344277
100 011354388
100 100364499
100 1013745++
100 1103846--
100 1113947**
101 0004050//
101 0014151((
101 0104252))
101 0114353$$
101 1004454==
101 1014555  blank
101 1104656,,
101 1114757..
110 0004860#equiv
110 0014961[[
110 0105062]]
110 0115163 % % [3]
110 1005264"not eq
110 1015365_concat [4]
110 1105466 !log OR
110 1115567&log AND
111 0005670'super
111 0015771 ?sub [5]
111 0105872<<
111 0115973>>
111 1006074@
111 1016175\
111 1106276^¬NOT
111 1116377 ; ;
  1. CDC often used the term byte to refer to 12-bit quantities, even though characters were only 6-bits long.
  2. Display code 00 has no associated graphic in the 63-character set
  3. Display code 63 (octal) is a : (colon) in the 63-character set
  4. In CDC PASCAL, this is the left brace, {, character
  5. In CDC PASCAL, this is the right brace, }, character

6/12 display code

The NOS 6/12 display code is one of the character sets used on CDC Cyber NOS computers to represent all ASCII characters.

ASCIIdisplay code
000 NUL 62 3276 40^5
101 SOH 62 3376 41^6
202 STX 62 3476 42^7
303 ETX 62 3576 43^8
404 EOT 62 3676 44^9
505 ENQ 62 3776 45^+
606 ACK 62 3876 46^-
707 BEL 62 3976 47^*
808 BS 62 4076 50^/
909 HT 62 4176 51^(
100A LF 62 4276 52^)
110B VT 62 4376 53^$
120C FF 62 4476 54^=
130D CR 62 4576 55^ 
140E SO 62 4676 56^,
150F SI 62 4776 57^.
1610 DLE 62 4876 60^#
1711 DC1 62 4976 61^[
1812DC262 5076 62^]
1913DC362 5176 63^%
2014DC462 5276 64^"
2115 NAK 62 5376 65^_
2216 SYN 62 5476 66^!
2317 ETB 62 5576 67^&
2418 CAN 62 5676 70^'
2519 EM 62 5776 71^?
261A SUB 62 5876 72^<
271B ESC 62 5976 73^>
281C FS 62 6076 74^@
291D GS 62 6176 75^\
301E RS 62 6276 76^^
311F US 62 6376 77^;
ASCIIdisplay code
3321 ! 5466 !
3422 " 5264"
3523 # 4860#
3624 $ 4353$
3725 % 5163 %
3826 & 5567&
3927 ' 5670'
4028 ( 4151(
4129 ) 4252)
422A * 3947*
432B + 3745+
442C , 4656,
452D - 3846-
462E . 4757.
472F / 4050/
4830 0 27330
4931 1 28341
5032 2 29352
5133 3 30363
5234 4 31374
5335 5 32405
5436 6 33416
5537 7 34427
5638 8 35438
5739 9 36449
583A : 60 474 04@D
593B ; 6377 ;
603C < 5872<
613D = 4454=
623E > 5973>
633F ? 5771 ?
ASCIIdisplay code
6440 @ 60 174 01@A
6541 A 101A
6642 B 202B
6743 C 303C
6844 D 404D
6945 E 505E
7046 F 606F
7147 G 707G
7248 H 810H
7349 I 911I
744A J 1012J
754B K 1113K
764C L 1214L
774D M 1315M
784E N 1416N
794F O 1517O
8050 P 1620P
8151 Q 1721Q
8252 R 1822R
8353 S 1923S
8454 T 2024T
8555 U 2125U
8656 V 2226V
8757 W 2327W
8858 X 2430X
8959 Y 2531Y
905A Z 2632Z
915B [ 4961[
925C \ 6175\
935D ] 5062]
945E ^ 60 274 02@B
955F _ 5365_
ASCIIdisplay code
9660 ' 60 774 07@G
9761 a 62 176 01^A
9862 b 62 276 02^B
9963 c 62 376 03^C
10064 d 62 476 04^D
10165 e 62 576 05^E
10266 f 62 676 06^F
10367 g 62 776 07^G
10468 h 62 876 10^H
10569 i 62 976 11^I
1066A j 62 1076 12^J
1076B k 62 1176 13^K
1086C l 62 1276 14^L
1096D m 62 1376 15^M
1106E n 62 1476 16^N
1116F o 62 1576 17^O
11270 p 62 1676 20^P
11371 q 62 1776 21^Q
11472 r 62 1876 22^R
11573 s 62 1976 23^S
11674 t 62 2076 24^T
11775 u 62 2176 25^U
11876 v 62 2276 26^V
11977 w 62 2376 27^W
12078 x 62 2476 30^X
12179 y 62 2576 31^Y
1227A z 62 2676 32^Z
1237B { 62 2776 33^0
1247C | 62 2876 34^1
1257D } 62 2976 35^2
1267E ~ 62 3076 36^3
1277F DEL 62 3176 37^4

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