Cultural depictions of lions

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The lion has been an important symbol to humans for tens of thousands of years. The earliest graphic representations feature lions as organized hunters with great strength, strategies, and skills. In later depictions of human cultural ceremonies, lions were often used symbolically and may have played significant roles in magic, as deities or close association with deities, and served as intermediaries and clan identities.


Nowruz Zoroastrian.jpg
An ancient relief at Persepolis for Nowruz: eternal combat between the bull, representing the Moon, and the lion, representing the Sun and spring.
Luxor Sekhmet New Kingdom.JPG
Granite statue of the lion-headed Egyptian deity Sekhmet from the temple of Mut at Luxor, dating to 1403–1365 BC, exhibited in the National Museum of Denmark

History and mythology

First depictions

Cave lions, Chamber of Felines, Lascaux caves Lascaux-diverticule-felins.jpg
Cave lions, Chamber of Felines, Lascaux caves

The earliest known cave paintings of lions (which are of the extinct species Panthera spelaea ) were found in the Chauvet Cave and in Lascaux in France's Ardèche region and represent some of the earliest paleolithic cave art, dating to between 32,000 and 15,000 years ago. [1] [2] The zoomorphic Löwenmensch figurine from Hohlenstein-Stadel and the ivory carving of a lion's head from Vogelherd Cave in the Swabian Jura in southwestern Germany were carbon-dated 39,000 years old, dating from the Aurignacian culture. [3]

Ancient Egypt

Part of a menat of Harsiesi, high priest of Amun of Thebes, circa 870 BC, 22nd Dynasty, gold, silver and copper inlays, from Thebes, Egypt, AM 23733, in the Agyptisches Museum Berlin.jpg
Detail of a ritual Menat necklace, exhibited at Altes Museum, Berlin, catalogue number 23733. It shows a ritual performed before a statue of Sekhmet sitting on her throne. Sekhmet is flanked by the goddess Wadjet as the cobra and the goddess Nekhbet as the white vulture, symbols of lower and upper Egypt, respectively. They were depicted on the crown of Egypt; this triad remained fundamental to ancient Egyptian religion throughout the rise and fall of other deities
Mycenae lion gate detail dsc06384.jpg
The Lion Gate of Mycenae; two confronted animals flank the central column
Lioness Bast cosmetic jar 83d40m tut burial artifact.jpg
An alabaster cosmetic jar topped with Bast, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1323 BCCairo Museum)

The earliest tomb paintings in Ancient Egypt, at Nekhen, c. 3500 BC, classified as Naqada, possibly Gerzeh, culture include images of lions, including an image of a human (or deity) flanked by two lions in an upright posture. Among ancient Egyptians, from prehistoric times through well documented records, the war goddess Sekhmet, a lioness, [4] later depicted as woman with a lioness head, was one of their major deities. She was a sun deity as well as a fierce warrior and protector. Usually she was assigned significant roles in the natural environment. The Egyptians held that this sacred lioness was responsible for the annual flooding of the Nile, [4] the most significant contributing factor to the success of the culture. Sometimes with regional differences in names, a lioness deity was the patron and protector of the people, the king, and the land. As the country united, a blending of those deities was assigned to Sekhmet.[ citation needed ]

Similar regional lioness deities assumed minor roles in the pantheon or, when so significant in a region, continued local religious observance in their own right, such as Bast. Offspring of these deities found niches in the expanding pantheon as well.[ citation needed ]

During the New Kingdom the Nubian gods Maahes (god of war and protection and the son of Bast) and Dedun (god of incense, hence luxury and wealth) were depicted as lions. Maahes was absorbed into the Egyptian pantheon, and had a temple at the city the invading Greeks called Leontopolis, "City of Lions", at the delta in Lower Egypt. His temple was attached to the major temple of his mother, Bast. Dedun was not absorbed into the Ancient Egyptian religion and remained a Nubian deity.[ citation needed ]

Bast, originally depicted as a lioness and the "eye of Ra" in the delta region, [4] was the parallel deity to Sekhmet in the southern region. Her nature gradually changed after the unification of the country and Sekhmet prevailed throughout. At that time Bast changed into the goddess of personal protection with different responsibilities, and often was depicted as a very tame lioness or a cat. She is shown to the left atop an alabaster jar that contained precious oils and lotions. The name of the stone probably bears her named because materials sacred to her usually were stored in it..[ citation needed ]

The sphinx of Ancient Egypt shows the head and shoulders of a human and the body of a lioness. The statues represents Sekhmet, who was the protector of the pharaohs. Later pharaohs were depicted as sphinxes, being thought as the offspring of the deity.[ citation needed ]


Jiroft tabriz museum 1.JPG
Lions on A Chlorite object from Jiroft, currently at the National Museum of Iran, 3rd mil. BC
Lion Darius Palace Louvre Sb3298.jpg
Lion on a decorative panel from Darius I the Great's palace at Susa
Amulet-pendant Louvre Sb3906.jpg
Lioness used as a pendant, late sixth–fourth centuries BC, from Susa, Louvre

Lions are depicted on vases dating to about 2600 before present that were excavated near Lake Urmia. [5] In Iranian mythology, the lion is a symbol of courage and monarchy. It is portrayed standing beside the kings in artifacts and sitting on the graves of knights. Imperial seals were also decorated with carved lions. The lion and sun motif is based largely on astronomical configurations, and the ancient zodiacal sign of the sun in the house of Leo. Lion and sun is a symbol of royalty in Iranian flag and coins. Goddess Anahita was sometimes shown standing on a lion. Lion is also title of the fourth grade of mithraism. [6]

The first symbol of the lion and Sun, which is related to the Achaemenid period. Mitra-Lion and Sun.jpg
The first symbol of the lion and Sun, which is related to the Achaemenid period.

Lions have been extensively used in ancient Persia as sculptures and on the walls of palaces, in fire temples, tombs, on dishes and jewellery; especially during the Achaemenid Empire. The gates were adorned with lions. [7]

Ancient Mesopotamia

Sumerian, Iraq, c. 2100 BC Sumerian, Iraq, c. 2100 BC - Lioness - 1989.253 - Cleveland Museum of Art.tif
Sumerian, Iraq, c. 2100 BC

In ancient Mesopotamia, the lion was regarded as a symbol of kingship. [8] Depictions of the Mesopotamian lion show that it was an important symbol of Ancient Iraq. It is depicted in Ninevan reliefs. [9] The lion of Babylon is a statue at the Ishtar Gate in Babylon [10] The lion has an important association with the figure Gilgamesh, as demonstrated in his epic. [11] The Babylonian goddess Ishtar was represented driving a chariot drawn by seven lions. [4]

The Iraqi national football team is nicknamed "Lions of Mesopotamia." [12]

The Lion of Babylon from a portion of the Processional Way leading to the Ishtar Gate. Processional Way, Babylon - Google Art Project.jpg
The Lion of Babylon from a portion of the Processional Way leading to the Ishtar Gate.

Sculptures and reliefs of the Neo-Assyrian Empire dating to the 6th and 7th centuries BC were rediscovered and excavated in the mid 19th century. Several reliefs feature lions, including the Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal, a famous group of Assyrian palace reliefs with numerous small narrative scenes, now in the British Museum. A well-known detail of this group of reliefs is The Dying Lioness depicting a half-paralyzed lioness pierced with arrows. They were originally in an Assyrian royal palace in Nineveh, in modern-day Iraq. [13]


West Pediment from the Temple of Artemis in Corfu.jpg
Lionesses flanking the Gorgon on the western pediment of the Artemis Temple of Corfu, exhibited by the Archaeological Museum of Corfu
Georgia (15).jpg
Golden figure from Colchis on display in the Georgian National Museum

A bronze statue of a lion from either southern Italy or southern Spain, from c. 1000–1200 years CE was put on display at the Louvre Abu Dhabi. [14]

Ancient sculptures

Lion of Menekrates at the Corfu Museum.JPG
Lion of Menekrates, seventh century BC
Chaironeia lion (cropped).JPG
The Lion of Chaeronea, Greek, after 338 BC

Lions have been widely used in sculpture to provide a sense of majesty and awe, especially on public buildings. Lions were bold creatures and many ancient cities would have an abundance of lion sculptures to show strength in numbers as well. [15] [16] This usage dates back to the origin of civilization. [17] There are lions at the entrances of cities and sacred sites from Mesopotamian cultures; notable examples include the Lion Gate of ancient Mycenae in Greece that has two lionesses flanking a column that represents a deity, [18] and the gates in the walls of the Hittite city of Bogazköy, Turkey. [16]

Classical period

Several discoveries of lion bones in Greece, Ukraine and the Balkans have confirmed that lions lived there certainly from 5th millennium BC until the 6th century BC, while according to the written sources they survived up to perhaps the 1st or even the 4th century AD, which was previously only a suspicion by some archaeologists. [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] Thus the strong emphasis on lions in the earliest figurative Greek art, especially that of Mycenaean Greece from around 1600–1400 BC, reflected the world in which Greeks lived, rather than being based on stories from further east, as once thought. [25]

Lionesses often flanked the Gorgon, a vestige of the earliest Greek protective deity that often was featured atop temples of later eras. The western pediment from the Artemis Temple of Corfu is a well preserved example. The most notable lion of Ancient Greek mythology was the Nemean lion, killed barehanded by Heracles, who subsequently bore the pelt as an invulnerable magic cloak. [26]

This lion is also said to be represented by the constellation of Leo, and also the sign of the Zodiac. Lions are known in many cultures as the king of animals, which can be traced to the Babylonian Talmud, [27] and to the classical book Physiologus . In his fables, the famed Greek story teller Aesop used the lion's symbolism of power and strength in The Lion and the Mouse and Lion's Share.[ citation needed ]

Since classical antiquity, a Gaetulian lion in literature is a lion of fierce reputation. Gaetulia, in ancient geography, was the land of the Gaetuli, a warlike tribe of ancient Libya that appears in Virgil's Aeneid (19 BC). [28] The Gaetulia lion appears in Odes of Horace (23 BC), [29] Pliny the Elder's Natural History (77 AD), [30] Philostratus's Life of Apollonius of Tyana (c. 215), [31] Robert Louis Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes (1879). [32]

In Socrates' model of the psyche (as described by Plato), the bestial, selfish nature of humanity is described metaphorically as a lion, the "leontomorphic principle". [33]

Biblical references and Jewish-Christian tradition

Daniel's Answer to the King by Briton Riviere, R.A. (1840-1920), 1890 (Manchester City Art Gallery) Daniel's Answer to the King, by Briton Riviere, GMIII MCAG 1937 123-001.jpg
Daniel's Answer to the King by Briton Rivière, R.A. (1840–1920), 1890 (Manchester City Art Gallery)

Several Biblical accounts document the presence of lions, and cultural perception of them in ancient Israel. The best known Biblical account featuring lions comes from the Book of Daniel (chapter 6), where Daniel is thrown into a den of lions and miraculously survives.[ citation needed ]

A lesser known Biblical account features Samson who kills a lion with his bare hands, later sees bees nesting in its carcass, and poses a riddle based on this unusual incident to test the faithfulness of his fiancée (Judges 14). The prophet Amos said (Amos, 3, 8): "The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy?", i.e., when the gift of prophecy comes upon a person, he has no choice but to speak out.[ citation needed ]

The lion is one of the living creatures in the Book of Ezekiel. They were represented in the tetramorph.

In 1 Peter 5:8, the Devil is compared to a roaring lion "seeking someone to devour." [34] [35]

Daniel in the Lions' Den, by Henry Ossawa Tanner Daniel in the Lions' Den LACMA 22.6.3.jpg
Daniel in the Lions' Den, by Henry Ossawa Tanner

The lion is the biblical emblem of the tribe of Judah and later the Kingdom of Judah. [36] It is contained within Jacob's blessing to his fourth son in the penultimate chapter of the Book of Genesis, "Judah is a lion's whelp; On prey, my son have you grown. He crouches, lies down like a lion, like the king of beasts—who dare rouse him?" (Genesis 49:9 [37] ). In the modern state of Israel, the lion remains the symbol of the capital city of Jerusalem, emblazoned on both the flag and coat of arms of the city.[ citation needed ]

The power and ferocity of the lion is invoked when describing the anger of God (Amos 3:4–8, Lam 3:10) and the menace of Israel's enemies (Psalm 17:12, Jer 2:30) and Satan (1 Pet 5:8). The book of Isaiah uses the imagery of a lion laying with a calf and child, and eating straw to portray the harmony of creation (Isa 11:6–7). In the Book of Revelation, a lion, an ox, a man and an eagle are seen on a heavenly throne in John's vision;(Rev 4:7). [38]

In Christian tradition, Mark the Evangelist, the author of the second gospel is symbolized by the lion of Saint Mark – a figure of courage and monarchy. It also represents Jesus' Resurrection (because lions were believed to sleep with open eyes, a comparison with Christ in the tomb), and Christ as king. Some Christian legends refer to Saint Mark as "Saint Mark the Lionhearted". Legends say that he was fed to the lions and the animals refused to attack or eat him. Instead the lions slept at his feet, while he petted them. When the Romans saw this, they released him, spooked by the sight.

Christian tradition has associated lions with Christ's resurrection. In the Christian text Physiologus , lion cubs are said to be born stillborn and the mothers cares for them until the father returns on the third day to breathe life into them. [39]

Late antiquity mysticism

In Gnostic traditions, the Demiurge is depicted as a lion-faced figure ("leontoeides"). The gnostic concept of the Demiurge is usually that of a malevolent, petty creator of the physical realm, a false deity responsible for human misery and the gross matter than traps the spiritual essence of the soul, and thus an "animal-like" nature. As a lion-headed figure, the Demiurge is associated with devouring flames, [40] destroying the souls of humans after they die, as well as with arrogance and callousness. [41]

A lion-faced figurine is usually associated with the Mithraic mysteries. Without any known parallel in classical, Egyptian, or middle-eastern art, [42] what this figure is meant to represent currently is unknown. Some have interpreted it to be a representation of Ahriman, [43] of the aforementioned gnostic Demiurge, [44] or of some similar malevolent, tyrannical entity, but it has also been interpreted as some sort of time or season deity, [45] or even a more positive symbol of enlightenment and spiritual transcendence. [46]

Arthurian legend

In a key scene of Yvain, the Knight of the Lion (French : Yvain, le Chevalier au Lion), a romance by Chrétien de Troyes, the hero is depicted as rescuing a lion from a serpent. Subsequently, the lion proves to be a loyal companion and a symbol of knightly virtue, and helps Yvain complete his altruistic ventures. In the happy end, the lion comes to dwell with Yvain and his wife Laudine at their castle.[ citation needed ]

Islamic traditions

A page from Kelileh va Demneh dated 1429, from Herat, a Persian translation of the Panchatantra - depicts the manipulative jackal-vizier, trying to lead his lion-king into war Kelileh va Demneh.jpg
A page from Kelileh va Demneh dated 1429, from Herat, a Persian translation of the Panchatantra – depicts the manipulative jackal-vizier, trying to lead his lion-king into war

In both Arab and Persian culture, the lion is regarded as a symbol of courage, bravery, royalty and chivalry. The depiction of lions is derived from earlier Mesopotamian arts. Islamic art commonly manifests its aesthetic elements predominantly in Islamic calligraphy, floral and geometric decorative patterns, since Islamic religious tradition discourages the depictions of humans and living creatures in sculptures. Through Persian arts miniatures and paintings, however, the depictions of humans and animals survives.[ citation needed ] In al-Andalus (Muslim Spain), lion statues as supporters and waterspouts of fountains were built around 10th-century Cordoba, such as in the palaces of Madinat al-Zahra and Munyat an-Na'ura, [47] [48] as well as in the Maristan of Granada and in the Court of the Lions of the Alhambra in the 14th century. [49] [50] Animal motifs were also commonly used in stone-carved decoration in Anatolian Seljuk architecture (12th–13th centuries) and images of lions were favoured in this context. [51] Examples include the lion reliefs on the Döner Kümbet tomb (c. 1275) and the lion-head carvings on the Sahabiye Madrasa (c. 1267), both in Kayseri, and two reliefs of a lion fighting a bull on the Great Mosque of Diyarbakir. [51] [52]

Dharmic traditions

Sikh contemporary or near-contemporary art depiction of Guru Gobind Singh hunting Asiatic lion Contemporary or near-contemporary depiction of Guru Gobind Singh hunting lion.jpg
Sikh contemporary or near-contemporary art depiction of Guru Gobind Singh hunting Asiatic lion

The lion symbolism and its cultural depictions can be found in Hindu and Buddhist art of India and Southeast Asia. The lion symbolism in India was based upon Asiatic lions that once spread in Indian subcontinent as far as the Middle East.

South Asia

Neolithic cave paintings of lions were found in Bhimbetka rock shelters in central India, which are at least 30,000 years old. [53]

Hindu Goddess Durga has a lion as her vahanam or divine mount Durga Mahishasura-mardini, the slayer of the buffalo demon.jpg
Hindu Goddess Durga has a lion as her vahanam or divine mount

Narasimha ("man-lion") is described as the fourth incarnation (avatara) of the Hindu deity Vishnu in the Puranic texts of Hinduism, an anthropomorphic form assumed to slay a daitya (demon) named Hiranyakashipu. [54] A goddess corresponding to the appearance of Narasimha is also featured, called Narasimhi. [55]

Lions are also found in Buddhist symbolism. Lion pillars erected during the reign of Emperor Ashoka show lions and the chakra emblem. The lions depicted in the Lion Capital of Ashoka inspired artists who designed the Emblem of India.

Singh is an ancient Indian name meaning "lion", dating more than 2,000 years ago to ancient India. It was originally only used by warriors in India. After the birth of the Khalsa brotherhood in 1699, the Sikhs also adopted the name "Singh" due to the wishes of Guru Gobind Singh. Singh is used by various communities today, it is also used by more than 20 million Sikhs worldwide. [56] The appellation of the name Singh was used by the Rajputs before being adopted by the Sikhs in 1699. [57] Therefore, all "Singh"s in Indian history before 1699 are Hindu and mainly Rajputs. The lion also features as the carrier or the vehicle of Durga, the Hindu goddess of war, worshipped in and around the Bengal region.

The lion is symbolic for the Sinhalese, Sri Lanka's ethnic majority; the term derived from the Indo-Aryan Sinhala, meaning the "lion people" or "people with lion blood", while a sword-wielding lion is the central figure on the modern national flag of Sri Lanka. The entrance to Sigiriya, the Lion-Rock of Sri Lanka, was through the Lion Gate, the mouth of a stone lion. The paws of the lion is one of seven World Heritage Sites in Sri Lanka.[ citation needed ]

Southeast Asia

Lion guardian of Borobudur Borobudur Lion Guardian.jpg
Lion guardian of Borobudur
Lion sculpture from Tra Kieu, Champa, 6th-8th century AD Champa Stone (9980801826).jpg
Lion sculpture from Tra Kieu, Champa, 6th–8th century AD

Lions were never native animals of Southeast Asia in recorded history. As the result, the depiction of lion in ancient Southeast Asian art, especially in ancient Java and Cambodia, is far from naturalistic style as depicted in Greek or Persian art counterparts, since the artist who carved the lion sculpture never saw the lion before, and all were based on perception and imagination. The cultural depictions and the reverence of lion as the noble and powerful beast in Southeast Asia was influenced by Indian culture.[ citation needed ]

Statues of a pair of lions are often found in temples in Southeast Asia as the gate guardian. In the Borobudur Buddhist monument Central Java, Indonesia andesite stone statues of lions guarding four main entrances of Borobudur. The thrones of Buddha and Boddhisattva found in Kalasan and Mendut buddhist temples of ancient Java depicted elephant, lion, and makara. The statue of a winged lion also is found in Penataran temple East Java, as well as in Balinese temples. The Balinese winged lion often served as the guardian statue or as the pedestal of wooden column.[ citation needed ]

Lion guardian of Bayon, Angkor Lion gardien et Garuda sur Naga (Bayon, Angkor Thom) (6775469688).jpg
Lion guardian of Bayon, Angkor

In Cambodia statues of lions flanking the temple gate or access roads are commonly found in temples of Angkor. Bakong, a stepped pyramid Hindu temple from earlier period also displays lion statues as guardians of each stage on each of the cardinal points. Khmer lion guardian statues are commonly found in Angkor Wat, Bayon, Pre Rup and Srah Srang. Just like ancient Java, the depiction of lion in ancient Khmer art is not in naturalistic style, more like a symbolic mythical animal derived from Indian Hindu-Buddhist art. The royal emblem of Cambodia depicting a pair of guardian animals; gajasingha (hybrid of elephant and lion) and singha (lion). In Thailand, a pair of lion statues are often placed in front of temple gate as guardian. The style of Thai lion is similar to those of Cambodian, since Thailand derived many of its aesthetics and arts elements from Cambodian Khmer art.[ citation needed ]

In Myanmar, the statue of lion called Chinthe guarding the stupas, pagodas, and Buddhist temples in Bagan, while pair of lions are also featured in the country's coat-of-arms.[ citation needed ]

The island nation of Singapore (Singapura) derives its name from the Malay words singa (lion) and pura (city), which in turn is from the Tamil-Sanskrit சிங்க singaसिंहsiṃha and पुर புர pura. [58] According to the Malay Annals, this name was given by a fourteenth-century Sumatran Malay prince named Sang Nila Utama, who, on alighting the island after a thunderstorm, spotted an auspicious beast on shore that his chief minister identified as a lion (Asiatic lion). [59] Recent studies of Singapore indicate that lions have never lived there.

In the modern era, the lion or Merlion became the icon of Singapore due to the island's name. The Merlion also figures heavily in the official symbols of the Philippines as it was once an overseas possession of Spain; it appears on the coat-of-arms of Manila, as well as the emblems of the president, vice-president, and its navy.[ citation needed ]

China and Tibet

A Qing-era guardian lion pair within the Forbidden City, China Forbidden City Imperial Guardian Lions.jpg
A Qing-era guardian lion pair within the Forbidden City, China

The common motif of the "majestic and powerful" lion was introduced to China by Buddhist missionaries from India, somewhere in the first century AD. [60] Lions themselves, however, are not native to China, yet appear in the art of China and the Chinese people believe that lions protect humans from evil spirits, hence the Chinese New Year lion dance to scare away demons and ghosts. Chinese guardian lions are frequently used in sculpture in traditional Chinese architecture. For instance, in the Forbidden City in Beijing, two lion statues are seen in almost every door entrance.

Lions feature prominently in the Tibetan culture with a pair of Snow Lions seen on the Tibetan flag. The Snow Lions are mythical creatures that are seen as protector entities. The Snow Lion symbolizes fearlessness, unconditional cheerfulness, east, and the Earth element. It is one of the Four Dignities. It ranges over the mountains, and is commonly pictured as being white with a turquoise mane.


The lion became popular in Japanese art from the 14th century onwards, under Chinese influence. The Chinese artistic form of the "dog-lion" (kara-shishi in Japanese) was almost always used, but was generally somewhat fatter, and with a shorter torso, than in China, with a short fan-like tail and a flattened face. [61] Hokusai had a "special cult of the Chinese lion, whose "spiritual form" he drew each morning". [62]

Lions (獅子, shishi ) feature prominently in many kabuki plays and other forms of Japanese legend and traditional tales.[ citation needed ]

In narration

The lion appears in several fairy and folk tale traditions all over the world. Some tale types, according to the Aarne-Thompson-Uther Index, show it as the hero's helper or a protagonist on its own right:

The lion also appears as a king's councillor in the German fairy tale The Twelve Huntsmen . [76]

The lion also appears as an obstacle in the hero's dangerous quest, such as a guardian of the water of life, of a garden or of a princess. [76] [77] [78]

Title of kings and political leaders

Various kings and political leaders in different cultures and times, famed for courage or fierceness, were entitled "the lion" – such as:

In fine art

During the Renaissance, animals, especially those close to man, were depicted with passion but also with scientific rigor. However, exotic animals, which were difficult to observe, were in part imagined by the painter: La Chaste au tigre (The Tiger Hunt), a Baroque painting by Rubens depicting a hunt for big cats, including lions, is a work that was partly imagined by the painter; the composition of the picture, however, allowed realism to be breathed into these invented felines. [83] For Théophile Gautier, it was essentially "lions with wigs" that were produced during Classicism. [84]

The Romantic painter worked as much on anatomical accuracy, notably by practicing the representation of real subjects held in zoos, as on the desire to depict a sentimental animal, which drew the ridicule of classical-style artists. Lion and tiger enjoy renewed interest. The Romantic period was marked by a number of great paintings, such as Eugène Delacroix's lions. [84]

In the 19th century, numerous zoological illustrations by naturalists show the lion in particular. From the same period onwards, humorous and often irreverent depictions of the "king of animals" proliferated, particularly in political cartoons and comics.[ citation needed ]




In heraldry

National flag of Bagratid Armenia in 885-1045 Bagratuni flag.svg
National flag of Bagratid Armenia in 885–1045
Coat of arms of England
with significantly inaccurate anatomy Royal Arms of England (1198-1340).svg
Coat of arms of England
with significantly inaccurate anatomy
Flag of Sri Lanka Flag of Sri Lanka.svg
Flag of Sri Lanka
Lion as a primary charge in the coat of arms of Finland (1978 design, based on the 16th-century coat of arms of the Grand Duke of Finland). Coat of arms of Finland.svg
Lion as a primary charge in the coat of arms of Finland (1978 design, based on the 16th-century coat of arms of the Grand Duke of Finland).

The lion is a common charge in heraldry, traditionally symbolizing courage. [89] The following positions of heraldic lions are recognized: [90]

The lion holds historical significance for English heraldry and symbolism. The Coat of arms of England was a symbol for Richard the Lionheart, and later, for England. For many centuries the lion had been a feature of the Armorial of Plantagenet of the House of Plantagenet, and is still worn by both the England national football team and England and Wales cricket team.[ citation needed ]

The Royal Banner of Scotland continues to be used widely today and has given rise to its use as the emblem for the Scotland national football team and Rangers F.C. and Dundee United F.C. of the Scottish Premier League, as well as English Premier League club Aston Villa F.C.; and not only sport but businesses such as the French car company Peugeot, the international beer company Lion Nathan, and Caledonian MacBrayne ferries. Arising from heraldic use, the Red Lion is also a popular pub name, with over 600 pubs bearing the name. [91] A rarer inn name is the White Lion, derived from Edward IV of England or the Duke of Norfolk. [91] Though the lion appears on the coats of arms and flags of Lyon and León, the cities' names have an unrelated derivation despite the similarity. Rampant lions are common charges in heraldry. For example, the arms of the Carter of Castle Martin family, Ireland (see Carter-Campbell of Possil) include a pair of rampant combatant lions.[ citation needed ]


Silver tanka of the Bengal Sultanate ruler Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah (1415-1433), showing a lion Passant, designed on the basis of coins issued by his father, the Hindu Raja Ganesha. Silver Coin of Jalaluddin.jpg
Silver tanka of the Bengal Sultanate ruler Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah (1415–1433), showing a lion Passant, designed on the basis of coins issued by his father, the Hindu Raja Ganesha.

National currencies of three countries in Europe are named after the lion: the Bulgarian lev (Bulgarian : лев, plural: лева, левове / leva, levove), and the Moldovan and Romanian leu (/leŭ/, plural: lei /lej/) all mean "lion".

A lion appears on the South African 50-rand banknotes.


Ship names

No fewer than 18 consecutive ships of the British Royal Navy bore the name HMS Lion. Various other navies have also used the name for their vessels,[ citation needed ] as have civil shipping companies.[ citation needed ]

Place names

Chinese lions art variety ChineseVarietyart HumanLion.jpg
Chinese lions art variety
Lion grass sculpture Longleat , Lion Topiary - - 1225442.jpg
Lion grass sculpture

Given names

Modern culture



Thai lion marble guardian in Wat Benchamabopit, Thailand Thai Marble Lion at Wat Benchamabopit Thailand.jpg
Thai lion marble guardian in Wat Benchamabopit, Thailand

The lion's role as "king of the beasts" has been utilized in a number of cartoons, from the Leonardo Lion of King Leonardo and His Short Subjects (1960–1963) series to the Disney animated feature film The Lion King (1994). Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios have used a lion as their logo since 1924. At least seven different lions have played Leo the Lion, the lion seen at the start of every MGM film. [95]

Modern symbolism

A WWI British enlistment poster depicting Britain as "The Old Lion" and Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India as "The Young Lions" The Empire Needs Men WWI.jpg
A WWI British enlistment poster depicting Britain as "The Old Lion" and Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India as "The Young Lions"

The lion is a popular mascot or symbol, for businesses, government entities, sports, and other uses; for example:

Automotive brands

Government entities

Political parties


See also

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According to Greek mythology, the Chimera, Chimaera, Chimæra, or Khimaira was a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature from Lycia, Asia Minor, composed of different animal parts. Typically, it is depicted as a lion with a goat's head protruding from its back and a tail ending with a snake's head. Some representations also include dragon's wings. It was an offspring of Typhon and Echidna and a sibling of monsters like Cerberus and the Lernaean Hydra.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bastet</span> Ancient Egyptian goddess

Bastet, also known as Ubasti, or Bubastis, is a goddess of ancient Egyptian religion possibly of Nubian origin, worshipped as early as the Second Dynasty. In ancient Greek religion, she was known as Ailuros.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Apis (deity)</span> Ancient Egyptian deity

In ancient Egyptian religion, Apis or Hapis, alternatively spelled Hapi-ankh, was a sacred bull or multiple sacred bulls worshiped in the Memphis region, identified as the son of Hathor, a primary deity in the pantheon of ancient Egypt. Initially, he was assigned a significant role in her worship, being sacrificed and reborn. Later, Apis also served as an intermediary between humans and other powerful deities.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Wadjet</span> Ancient Egyptian goddess, symbolizing Lower Egypt

Wadjet, known to the Greek world as Uto or Buto among other renderings including Wedjat, Uadjet, and Udjo, was originally the ancient Egyptian local goddess of the city of Dep or Buto in Lower Egypt, which was an important site in prehistoric Egypt. Wadjet's worship originally started in the Predynastic period, but evolved over time from a local goddess to a patron goddess.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Buddhist symbolism</span> Religious symbols in Buddhism

Buddhist symbolism is the use of symbols to represent certain aspects of the Buddha's Dharma (teaching). Early Buddhist symbols which remain important today include the Dharma wheel, the Indian lotus, the three jewels and the Bodhi tree.

<i>Lamassu</i> Tutelary spirit in Assyrian mythology

Lama, Lamma, or Lamassu is an Assyrian protective deity.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Zoomorphism</span> Type of art

The word zoomorphism derives from Ancient Greek: ζωον, romanized: zōon, lit. 'animal' and Ancient Greek: μορφη, romanized: morphē, lit. 'form; shape'. In the context of art, zoomorphism could describe art that imagines humans as non-human animals. It can also be defined as art that portrays one species of animal like another species of animal or art that uses animals as a visual motif, sometimes referred to as "animal style." Depicting deities in animal form (theriomorphism) is an example of zoomorphism in a religious context. It is also similar to the term therianthropy; which is the ability to shape shift into animal form, except that with zoomorphism the animal form is applied to a physical object. It means to attribute animal forms or animal characteristics to other animals, or things other than an animal; similar to but broader than anthropomorphism. Contrary to anthropomorphism, which views animal or non-animal behavior in human terms, zoomorphism is the tendency of viewing human behavior in terms of the behavior of animals. It is also used in literature to portray the act of humans or objects with animalistic behavior or features. The use of zoomorphism served as a decorative element to objects that are typically quite simple in shape and design.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Animal worship</span> Glorification of animal deities

Animal worship is an umbrella term designating religious or ritual practices involving animals. This includes the worship of animal deities or animal sacrifice. An animal 'cult' is formed when a species is taken to represent a religious figure. Animal cults can be classified according to their formal features or by their symbolic content.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Serpopard</span> Mythical animal known from ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian art

The serpopard is a mythical animal known from ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian art. The word "serpopard" is a modern coinage. It is a portmanteau of "serpent" and "leopard", derived from the interpretation that the creature represents an animal with the body of a leopard and the long neck and head of a serpent. However, they have also been interpreted as "serpent-necked lions". There is no known name for the creature in any ancient texts.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dharmachakra</span> Symbol in Dharmic religions

The dharmachakra or wheel of dharma is a symbol used in the Indian religions. It has a widespread use in Buddhism. In Hinduism, the symbol is particularly used in places that underwent religious transformation. The symbol also finds its usage in modern India.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lion (heraldry)</span> Element in heraldry

The lion is a common charge in heraldry. It traditionally symbolises courage, nobility, royalty, strength, stateliness and valour, because historically the lion has been regarded as the "king of beasts". The lion also carries Judeo-Christian symbolism. The Lion of Judah stands in the coat of arms of Jerusalem. Similar-looking lions can be found elsewhere, such as in the coat of arms of the Swedish royal House of Bjälbo, from there in turn derived into the coat of arms of Finland, formerly belonging to Sweden.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Makara</span> Hindu mythological creature

Makara is a legendary sea-creature in Hindu mythology. In Hindu astrology, Makara is equivalent to the Zodiac sign Capricorn.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sculpture in the Indian subcontinent</span>

Sculpture in the Indian subcontinent, partly because of the climate of the Indian subcontinent makes the long-term survival of organic materials difficult, essentially consists of sculpture of stone, metal or terracotta. It is clear there was a great deal of painting, and sculpture in wood and ivory, during these periods, but there are only a few survivals. The main Indian religions had all, after hesitant starts, developed the use of religious sculpture by around the start of the Common Era, and the use of stone was becoming increasingly widespread.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lion Gate</span> Main entrance of the Bronze Age citadel of Mycenae

The Lion Gate is the popular modern name for the main entrance of the Bronze Age citadel of Mycenae in Southern Greece. It was erected during the thirteenth century BC, around 1250 BC, in the northwestern side of the acropolis. In modern times, it was named after the relief sculpture of two lions or lionesses in a heraldic pose that stands above the entrance.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Snow Lion</span> Mythical Tibetan creature

The Snow Lion is a celestial animal of Tibet. It is the emblem of Tibet, representing the snowy mountain ranges and glaciers of Tibet, and may also symbolize power and strength, and fearlessness and joy, east and the earth element. It is one of the Four Dignities. It ranges over the mountains, and is commonly pictured as being white with a turquoise mane. In Journey to the West published in 1592, Snow Lion is depicted as one of monster-spirits.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Confronted animals</span> Decorative motif of two animals facing each other

Confronted animals, or confronted-animal as an adjective, where two animals face each other in a symmetrical pose, is an ancient bilateral motif in art and artifacts studied in archaeology and art history. The "anti-confronted animals" is the opposing motif, with the animals back to back.

<i>Komainu</i> Statues mainly found in Shinto shrines

Komainu (狛犬), often called lion-dogs in English, are statue pairs of lion-like creatures, which traditionally guard the entrance or gate of the shrine, or placed in front of or within the honden of Japanese Shinto shrines.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Horned deity</span> Deity depicted with horns or antlers

Deities depicted with horns or antlers are found in numerous religions across the world. Horned bulls, goats and rams may be worshiped as deities or serve as the inspiration for a deity's appearance in religions that venerate animal deities. Many pagan religions include horned gods in their pantheons, such as Pan in Greek mythology and Ikenga in Odinala. Some neopagan religions have constructed some of these deities as the Horned God, representing the male aspect of the Wiccan views of divinity.


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  28. Virgil. "Book V, Line 352". Aeneid . task to offer consolation to our friend for the downfall he did nothing to deserve." With these words he gave Salius the hide of a huge Gaetulian lion, weighed down with gilded claws and mane.
  29. Horace. "Book I, Ode XXIII". Odes of Horace . You shun me, Chloe, like a fawn that is seeking its timorous mother in the pathless mountains, not without a vain dread of the breezes and the thickets: for she trembles both in her heart and knees, whether the arrival of the spring has terrified by its rustling leaves, or the green lizards have stirred the bush. But I do not follow you, like a savage tigress, or a Gaetulian lion, to tear you to pieces. Therefore, quit your mother, now that you are mature for a husband.
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