This is a list of Brazilians, people in some way notable that were either born in Brazil or immigrants to Brazil (citizens or permanent residents), grouped by their area of notability.
Louis de Loczy (Hungria, 1897–1980, born Brazil, Rio de Janeiro)
Orville Adalbert Derby (1851–1915, born Kellogsville, New York, died Rio de Janeiro), American geologist who worked in Brazil, particularly for the DNPM and CPRM[20]
Reinhard Maack (1892–1969, born in Herford-Germany, died in Curitiba-Brazil)
Walter K. Link (1902–1982), US geologist; controversial organizer of oil exploration in Brazil
Octávio Barbosa (1907–1997), Brazilian field geologist, prospector
Heinz Ebert (1907–1983), born in Saxony, Germany, died in Rio Claro, São Paulo
Aziz Ab'Saber (1924–2012, São Luiz do Paraitinga, São Paulo), Brazilian geoscientist
Cid Gomes (born 1963); senator by Ceará; ex-governor of the state of Ceará; ex-minister of Education; ex-mayor of he city of Sobral; ex-state deputy of Ceará
Djalma Bom (born 1939); founding member of the country's Workers' Party
Eduardo Bolsonaro (born 1984); federal deputy by São Paulo; son of president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro. He was the most voted federal deputy of the history of Brazil until today
Geraldo Alckmin (born 1952); ex-governor of the state of São Paulo; defeated presidential candidate for two times
Getúlio Vargas (1882–1954); ex-president of Brazil; ex-governor of the state of Rio Grande do Sul; ex-senator by Rio Grande do Sul; ex-minister of Exchequer
José Sarney (born 1930); ex-president of Brazil; ex-vice-president of Brazil; ex-president of the Federal Senate; ex-governor of the state of Maranhão; ex-senator by Maranhão; ex-senator by Amapá
Júlio Prestes (1882–1946); ex-president of Brazil, did not take office; ex-governor of the state of São Paulo
Marina Silva (born 1958); national president of Sustainability Network; ex-senator by Acre; ex-minister of the Environment; defeated presidencial candidate for three times
Marta Suplicy (born 1945); ex-vice-president of the Federal Senate; ex-senator by São Paulo; ex-minister of Culture; ex-minister of Turism; ex-mayor of the city of São Paulo
Max Rosenmann (1944–2008); politician, businessman, and attorney[23]
Princess Isabel (1846–1921), Princess Imperial of Brazil, later de jure Empress of Brazil, daughter of Emperor D. Pedro II, signed the abolition of slavery in the country
Tarso Genro (born 1947); ex-governor of the state of Rio Grande do Sul; ex-minister of Education; ex-minister of Justice; ex-minister of institutional relations
Manuel Augusto Pirajá da Silva (1873–1961), responsible for the identification and complete description of the pathogenic agent and the pathophysiological cycle of schistosomiasis disease
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