Political parties in Haiti

Last updated

This article includes current and historical political parties in Haiti. Haiti is a country on the western side of Hispaniola, an island in the Caribbean. Few political parties have a strong organizational base or command a national following.


List of parties represented in the National Assembly

In 2020 and 2021 all elected members of the National Assembly saw their terms expire since their election in 2015-2016 or 2016-2017. Due to the lack of new elections, this has left all seats in the National Assembly vacant. The following table lists the parties represented in the National Assembly prior to its vacancy:

Name(in French)(in Haitian Creole)Abbr Chamber of Deputies Senate Notes
Alternative AlternativeAltènatifAlternative
0 / 119
5 / 30
Alternative League for Haitian Progress and Emancipation Ligue Alternative pour le Progrès et L'Émancipation HaïtienneLig Altènatif pou Pwogrè ak Emansipasyon AyisyenLAPEH
3 / 119
0 / 30
Lavalas Family Famille LavalasFanmi LavalasFL
6 / 119
1 / 30
Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats Fusion des Sociaux-Démocrates HaïtiensFizyon Sosyodemokrat AyitiFSDH
3 / 119
0 / 30
Haiti in Action Haïti en actionAyiti an aksyonAAA
6 / 119
1 / 30
Haitian Tèt Kale Party Parti haïtien Tèt KalePati Ayisyen Tèt KalePHTK
31 / 119
2 / 30
Democratic Unity Convention Convention d'unité démocratiqueKonvansyon Inite DemokratikKID
7 / 119
3 / 30
Patriotic Unity Unité patriotiqueInite PatriyotikINITE
4 / 119
5 / 30
Struggling People's Organization Organization du peuple en lutteÒganizasyon Pèp K ap LiteOPL
9 / 119
1 / 30
Plateforme Vérité VéritéVeriteVERITE
13 / 119
3 / 30
National Shield Network Réseau du Bouclier nationalReseau National BouclierBOUCLIER
3 / 119
0 / 30
Love Haiti J'aime HaïtiRenmen AyitiRA
2 / 119
0 / 30
Tet Kole sources the Development Path for a united and renewed North West Tet Kole source Voie de développement pour un Nord-Ouest uni et renouveléTet Kole sous Chimen Devlopman pou un Nord'Ouest uni et RenonveMOSANO
2 / 119
0 / 30
National Consortium of Haitian Political Parties Consortium National des Partis Politiques HaïtiensConsortium National des Partis Politiques HaïtiensCONSORTIUM
2 / 119
0 / 30
Bridge PontPonPont
1 / 119
1 / 30
Child of Dessalines Platform Plate-forme Enfant de DessalinesPlatfòm Pitit DesalinPPD
1 / 119
1 / 30
Party for the Liberation of the Masses and Social Integration Parti pour la Libération des Masses et d'Intégration SocialePati pou liberasyon mas yo ak entegrasyon sosyalPALMIS
1 / 119
0 / 30
Peasant Workers Struggle to Free Haiti Les travailleurs paysans de Kombit pour libérer HaïtiKonbit Travaye Peyizan pou Libere AyitiKONTRA PEP LA
1 / 119
0 / 30
Haitian National Movement Mouvement National HaïtienMouvman Nasyonal AyisyenMONHA
1 / 119
0 / 30
Patriotic Consciousness Conscience patriotiqueKonsyans PatriotikKP
1 / 119
0 / 30
Federalist Party Parti fédéralistePati FederalisPF
1 / 119
0 / 30
Socialist Action Movement Mouvement Action SocialisteMouvman Aksyon SosyalisMAS
1 / 119
0 / 30
Dessalinian League Ligue DessalinienneDessalinian LeagueLIDE
0 / 119
1 / 30

List of parties not represented in the National Assembly

Name(in French)(in Haitian Creole)AbbrNotes
Live together Vivre ensembleViv AnsanmVA
The Haitian Brotherhood La Fraternité HaïtienneFratènite ayisyen anLFH
Socio-Political Organization of the West Organisation socio-politique de l'OccidentÒganizasyon sosyo-politik nan Lwès laOSPO
Respect RespèRespeRespè
People's Party for Haiti's Rebirth Parti Populaire Du Renouveau HaïtienPati Pèp Renouvèlman AyisyenPPRH
Political Party for Us All Parti politique pou nou toutpati politik pou nou toutPont [b]
Peasant Affair with the Haitian People Affaire paysanne avec le peuple haïtienZafè peyizan ak pèp ayisyen anAPPA
Peasant Response Réponse PaysanneRepons PeyizanRP
Rally of Progressive National Democrats Rassemblement des Démocrates Nationaux ProgressistesRasanbleman Demokrat Nasyonal Pwogresis yoRDNP
Rally of the Militant of the Town of Saint-Marc Rassemblement des Militants Conséquents de la Commune de St. MarcRasanbleman Militan Konsekan Komin St MarcRAMICOS
Conviction ConvictionKonviksyonKonviksyon
Democratic Liberation Movement of Haiti Mouvement Démocratique de Libération d'HaïtiMouvman Liberasyon Demokratik AyitiMODELH
Mobilization for National Development Mobilisation pour le développement nationalMobilizasyon pou devlopman nasyonalMDN
Movement for the Organization of the Country Mouvement d'Organisation du PaysMouvman Òganizasyon PeyiMOP
National Cooperative Action Movement Mouvement national d'action coopérativeMouvman Aksyon Koperativ NasyonalMAKN
National Front for Change and Democracy Front national pour le changement et la démocratieFwon Nasyonal pou Chanjman ak DemokrasiFNCD
National Reconstruction Front Front pour la reconstruction nationaleFwon pou Rekonstriksyon NasyonalFRN
New Haitian Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist) Nouveau Parti Communiste Haïtien (Marxiste–Léniniste)Nouvo Pati Kominis Ayisyen (Maksis-Leninis)NPCH(ML)
Open the Gate Party Parti Louvri BaryeLouvri Barye PartyPLB
Organization of Revolutionary Workers Organisation des travailleurs révolutionnairesÒganizasyon Travayè Revolisyonè yoOTR-UCI [c]
Organization for the Advancement of Haiti and Haitians Organisation Pour L'Avancement D'Haïti Et Des HaïtiensÒganizasyon pou Avansman Ayiti ak AyisyenOLAHH [2]
Haitian Democratic Party Parti Démocrate HaïtienPati Demokrat AyisyenPADEMH
Independent Movement for National Reconciliation Mouvement indépendant pour la réconciliation nationaleMouvman Endepandan pou Rekonsilyasyon NasyonalMIRN
Haitian Christian Democratic Party Parti chrétien-démocrate haïtienPati Kretyen Demokratik AyisyenPKDA
Haitian Democratic Party Parti Démocratique HaïtienPati Demokrat AyisyenPDA
Haitian Liberal and Social Party Parti libéral et social haïtienPati Liberal ak Sosyal AyisyenPLSA [d]
Bourad to put Haiti back on its feet  [ fr ]Bourad pour remettre Haïti deboutBourad pou remete Ayiti debouBourad
Christian Movement for a New Haiti Mouvement Chrétien pour une Nouvelle HaïtiMouvman Kretyen pou yon Nouvo AyitiMochrenha
Christian National Union for the Reconstruction of Haiti Mouvement Chrétien pour Bâtir une Nouvelle HaïtiMouvman Kretyen Pou Konstwi Yon Nouvo AyitiMKKNA
Cooperative Action to Build Haiti Action coopérative pour construire HaïtiAksyon koperativ pou konstwi AyitiKONBA
Democratic Alliance Party Alliance démocratiqueAlyansAlyans
Democratic Consultation Group coalition Coalition du Groupe de consultation démocratiqueKowalisyon Gwoup Konsiltasyon DemokratikKGKD
Alliance for the Liberation and Advancement of Haiti Alliance pour la libération et l'avancement d'HaïtiAlyans pou Liberasyon ak Avansman AyitiALAA
Party for the Integral Advancement of the Haitian People Parti Pour l'Avancement Intégral du Peuple HaïtienPati pou Avansman Entegral Pèp AyisyenPAIPH

Hypothetical polling

Defunct parties

See also

Notes and references

  1. Formerly known as Front of Hope
  2. see Jean Marie Chérestal [1]
  3. Affiliated with the Internationalist Communist Union
  4. later merged into People's Party for Haiti's Rebirth
  1. "Country Fact Sheet – Haiti". Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. June 2007. Archived from the original on 18 January 2017.
  2. Organisation Pour L'Avancement D'Haiti Et Des Haitiens Archived 20 December 2012 at the Wayback Machine

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