Same-sex marriage in New Zealand

Last updated

Same-sex marriage has been legal in New Zealand since 19 August 2013. A bill for legalisation was passed by the House of Representatives on 17 April 2013 by 77 votes to 44 and received royal assent on 19 April. [1] It entered into force on 19 August, to allow time for the Department of Internal Affairs to make the necessary changes for marriage licensing and related documentation. New Zealand was the first country in Oceania, the fourth in the Southern Hemisphere, and the fifteenth overall to allow same-sex couples to marry. [2] Civil unions have also been available for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples since 2005. [3]


The New Zealand Parliament can enact marriage laws only in regard to New Zealand proper and the Ross Dependency in Antarctica. [4] The three other territories making up the Realm of New Zealand—the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau—do not recognise same-sex marriage or civil unions.

Civil unions

Civil unions (Māori : hononga ā-ture, [5] [6] pronounced [ˈhɔnɔŋaˈaːtʉɾɛ] ) were legalised for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples on 26 April 2005 following the passage of the Civil Union Act 2004 by the New Zealand Parliament. [7] Couples in civil unions are granted several of the rights and obligations of marriage, including immigration rights, next-of-kin status, social welfare and property rights, amongst others.

Same-sex marriage

[[File:Same-sex marriage map Oceania.svg|thumb|300px|right|1.5|Recognition of same-sex relationships in Oceania {{legend-shell|lang=en|title=Laws regarding same-sex sexuality in Oceania|

  Marriages performed elsewhere in the country recognized (American Samoa)
  No recognition of same-sex couples
  Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples (Palau, Tuvalu)
  Same-sex sexual activity illegal, but ban not enforced
  Same-sex sexual activity illegal

(Country names will appear with mouse-overs when map is viewed at full size. Encircling lines are the exclusive economic zones of each state.)


Quilter v Attorney-General

The case Quilter v Attorney-General had its origin in early 1996 when three female couples in long-term relationships, including Jenny Rowan and Juliet Joslin, [8] were denied marriage licences by the Registrar-General because marriage under common law was between "one man and one woman". The case against the New Zealand Government was taken to the High Court in May 1996. The applicants argued that the Marriage Act 1955 did not prohibit same-sex marriage and that under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Human Rights Act 1993 discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation was prohibited. [9]

Both parties agreed that at the time the Marriage Act 1955 was written in the 1950s, marriage according to common law was between "one man and one woman", which explained why the Act did not specifically outlaw same-sex marriage. The applicants argued, however, that under the Human Rights Act 1993, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, and sections 6 ("Interpretation consistent with Bill of Rights to be preferred") and 19 ("Freedom from discrimination") of the Bill of Rights, New Zealand prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and, therefore, the applicants should be allowed to marry. The government in response cited section 5 ("Justified limitations") of the Bill of Rights, which allows rights and freedoms in the Bill of Rights to "be subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society". In its decision, the High Court sided with the government and common law and reiterated that marriage was between "one man and one woman". [9] [10] The High Court decision was appealed to the Court of Appeal (then New Zealand's highest court) in December 1997, which upheld the ruling. [9]

Ms. Juliet Joslin et al. v. New Zealand

On 30 November 1998, two couples involved in Quilter v Attorney-General sued New Zealand before the United Nations Human Rights Committee claiming that the country's ban on same-sex marriage violated the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Committee rejected the case on 17 July 2002. [11]

2005 election

During the 2005 election, Prime Minister Helen Clark said she thought it was discriminatory to exclude same-sex couples from the Marriage Act 1955, but said her government would not change the law due to public opinion. Instead, she praised civil unions. [12]

Marriage (Gender Clarification) Amendment Bill 2005

In 2005, United Future MP Gordon Copeland sponsored the Marriage (Gender Clarification) Amendment Bill that would have amended New Zealand marriage law to define marriage as only between "a man and a woman", and amend anti-discrimination protections in the Bill of Rights related to marital and family status so that the bill could stand. This was criticised by opponents, including Attorney General Michael Cullen, as an overly "radical" attack on the Bill of Rights. The bill also would have prohibited the recognition of same-sex marriages from foreign countries as marriages in New Zealand. The bill received a Section 7 report for being inconsistent with the Bill of Rights, specifically freedom from discrimination relating to sexual orientation.

The bill had its first reading debate on 7 December 2005, and subsequently failed 47 votes in favour to 73 votes against. [13] [14] [15]

Marriage (Gender Clarification) Amendment Bill – First reading
PartyVotes forVotes against
  Labour Party (50)
  National Party (48)
  New Zealand First (7)
  Green Party (6)
  Māori Party (4)
  United Future (3)
  ACT New Zealand (2)
  Jim Anderton's Progressive Party (1)

Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013

On 14 May 2012, Labour Party MP Louisa Wall said she would introduce a member's bill, the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill, allowing same-sex couples to marry. [16] The bill was submitted to the members' bill ballot on 30 May 2012. [17] It was drawn from the ballot and passed its first and second readings on 29 August 2012 and 13 March 2013, respectively. [18] [19] The final reading passed on 17 April 2013 by 77 votes to 44. [20] [21] Despite being one of six openly gay MPs, Attorney-General Chris Finlayson voted against the bill, declaring his opposition to state involvement in the institution of marriage as the reason. [22] Supporters in the galleries greeted the bill's passage with applause and sang the traditional Māori love song "Pōkarekare Ana", with many MPs joining in. [23] Conservative lobby group Family First called its passage "an arrogant act of cultural vandalism". [24] The bill received royal assent from Governor-General Jerry Mateparae on 19 April and took effect on 19 August 2013. [25] [26]

The Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013 (Māori : Te Ture Mārena Takatāpui 2013) [27] amended the Marriage Act 1955 to include a definition of marriage explicitly allowing same-sex marriages, and amended other legislation as necessary. The definition reads: "marriage means the union of 2 people, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity". [28] Prior to the passage of the Act, there was no explicit definition of marriage in New Zealand legislation.

Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill – Third reading [29]
PartyVotes forVotes against
  National Party (59)
  Labour Party (34)
  Green Party (14)
  New Zealand First (7)
  Māori Party (3)
  Mana Party (1)
  ACT New Zealand (1)
  United Future (1)
  Independent (1)

31 same-sex couples married across New Zealand that Monday, 19 August 2013; 15 in Auckland, 6 in Wellington, 6 in Christchurch and 4 in Rotorua. [30] Among the first couples to marry were Natasha Vitali and Melissa Ray in Auckland, who had won a competition on a radio show for an all-expenses paid ceremony. Lynley Bendall and Ally Wanikau were married in an Air New Zealand flight between Auckland and Queenstown in a ceremony attended by U.S. actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson. [31]

In December 2016, in his first press conference after taking office, Prime Minister Bill English said he would vote in favour of same-sex marriage if another vote were to be held. He said, "I'd probably vote differently now on the gay marriage issue. I don't think that gay marriage is a threat to anyone else's marriage." English voted against the Civil Union Act 2004 and the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013, and in favour of the Marriage (Gender Clarification) Amendment Bill 2005. [32] [33] Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, in office between 2017 and 2022, supported same-sex marriage. [29]

Economic impact

New Zealand has long been a destination for international weddings. From 2013, due to same-sex marriage not being legal in Australia and other Asian and Pacific countries, many same-sex couples from these countries took advantage of New Zealand's marriage law and got married in New Zealand. This proved highly beneficial for the country's economy. A 2016 study by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group economists estimated that Australian same-sex marriages were worth A$550 million a year and noted that "Australia's loss was New Zealand's gain". [34] Australian couples comprised 29 per cent of same-sex marriages or civil unions performed in New Zealand in 2016. [35]

Marriage statistics

In the year after 19 August 2013 (when the law became operational), 926 same-sex marriages were registered in New Zealand, of which 520 were between female couples and 406 were between male couples. 532 marriages (57.5%) were between New Zealand citizens, and 237 marriages (25.6%) were between Australian citizens. [36] [37]

In 2016, 954 same-sex marriages and civil unions were performed in New Zealand. 483 of these unions were between couples living in New Zealand, while 471 were between couples who had travelled from overseas, of which 58% were from Australia, 17% from China, 4% from the United Kingdom, another 4% from the United States and the remainder from 25 other countries. [38] [39] Same-sex unions represented 4.1% of all unions performed in New Zealand that year.

Marriages in New Zealand by relationship type [40] [41] [42] [43]
YearNew Zealand residentsOverseas residents

Figures for 2020 and 2021 are lower than previous years because of the restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Religious performance

After years of consultations and debate, the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia voted in May 2018 to allow its ministers to bless same-sex civil marriages and unions. Ministers may offer their blessing to civil marriages but are not permitted to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies in the church. [44] Following the passage of the same-sex marriage legislation in Parliament, the Methodist Church of New Zealand responded that it would allow its parishes to perform same-sex marriages in its churches. A Methodist minister in Napier said, "If a parish is willing to have same-sex marriages happen in its church, but the incumbent minister is not comfortable, then it can invite a minister from another parish who is happy to perform the ceremony, and vice versa. If a minister is happy to perform and the parish is not, then the minister may seek to use another Methodist church that is accepting." [45]

In 2015, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was granted permission to officiate at marriages, including same-sex marriages. [46]

Public opinion

Opinion polls

DateConducted by Sample size In favourAgainstNeutral/UndecidedMargin of Error
September 2004 [47] Herald-DigiPoll75040%54%6% ?
6–9 July 2011 [48] Research New Zealand50060%34%6%±4.6%
26–30 May 2012 [49] ONE News Colmar Brunton Poll100563%31%6%±3.1%
18–28 June 2012 [50] [51] Herald-DigiPoll75053.5%40.5%6%±3.6%
11–17 September 2012 [52] Research New Zealand50049%32%19%±4.7%
December 2012 [51] Herald-DigiPoll50059%38%3%±4.4%
13–19 December 2012 [53] Key Research100054%38%8%±3.1%
11–17 March 2013 [54] Herald-DigiPoll75050%48%2%±3.6%

Per the December 2012 Herald-DigiPoll, support for same-sex marriage varied by age: young people overwhelmingly supported same-sex marriage, whereas people above 65 were mostly opposed. [55] A poll conducted by the Waikato Times in August 2012 found that 46% of Waikato residents supported same-sex marriage, while 39% were opposed. [55] Public opposition to same-sex marriage sharply increased during the time the same-sex marriage bill was being discussed by Parliament. LGBT groups attributed this increase to "scaremongering", while opponents claimed that "people are waking up to the negative social effects of changing the Marriage Act". [54] However, opposition to same-sex marriage has significantly decreased since the bill has become law, being under 25% according to a 2016 poll. [56]

A September–October 2016 survey by the Varkey Foundation found that 74% of 18–21-year-olds supported same-sex marriage in New Zealand. [57]

Public campaigns

Pride Parade in Auckland in February 2013 Pride Parade 56.jpg
Pride Parade in Auckland in February 2013
Support for same-sex marriage among 18-21-year-olds according to a 2016 survey from the Varkey Foundation Youths' Views on Same-sex Marriage (2016).png
Support for same-sex marriage among 18–21-year-olds according to a 2016 survey from the Varkey Foundation

The Legalise Love campaign was launched in August 2011 to promote legal marriage and adoption equality in New Zealand, and a protest was organised at the New Zealand Parliament Buildings in October that year. [58] [59] [60] In December 2012, former Governor-General Catherine Tizard starred in an online video campaign organised by the Campaign for Marriage Equality supporting same-sex marriage, alongside New Zealand singers Anika Moa, Boh Runga and Hollie Smith, as well as Olympian Danyon Loader. [61] The Human Rights Commission, which also supports same-sex marriage, said that if the marriage bill is passed churches will not be forced to perform marriages between same-sex couples. [62]

Public opposition to same-sex marriage has come from the Catholic Church in New Zealand, as well as from the Conservative Party and Family First. [63] In June 2012, Family First leader Bob McCoskrie announced the launch of a new website, "Protect Marriage NZ", which outlines reasons for opposing same-sex marriage in New Zealand, [64] which subsequently crashed on its first day after a large scale denial-of-service attack. [65] A petition with 50,000 signatures expressing opposition to same-sex marriage was presented to Parliament in August 2012, in the lead-up to the first reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. [66] During the last fortnight before the third reading debate, several conservative Christian organisations held "prayer rallies" in Auckland and Wellington (including outside the Beehive), against the enactment of same-sex marriage. [67] Anika Moa, who came out as a lesbian in 2007, was planning a free concert in Christchurch for the night of the third reading of the bill to "celebrate a historic milestone for same-sex couples". [68]

In March 2013, the youth wings of all eight parties represented in Parliament jointly announced their support for the bill, including the youth wing of New Zealand First, whose MPs had said that they were going to vote against it. [69] [70] After the third reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013, Conservative Party Leader Colin Craig called the legalisation of same-sex marriage a "failure of democracy", and warned "the day of reckoning" would come. [71] At the 2014 elections, the Conservative Party failed to enter Parliament because it polled below New Zealand's mixed member proportional electoral system's five percent threshold for party list-only representation. [72] No other New Zealand political party has shown any inclination to revisit the issue; however, Family First continues to operate its "Protect Marriage NZ" website. [73]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Civil union</span> Legal union similar to marriage

A civil union is a legally recognized arrangement similar to marriage, created primarily as a means to provide recognition in law for same-sex couples. Civil unions grant some or all of the rights of marriage.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Civil Partnership Act 2004</span> United Kingdom legislation

The Civil Partnership Act 2004 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, introduced by the Labour government, which grants civil partnerships in the United Kingdom the rights and responsibilities very similar to those in civil marriage. Initially the Act permitted only same-sex couples to form civil partnerships. This was altered to include opposite-sex couples in 2019. Civil partners are entitled to the same property rights as married couples, the same exemption as married couples regarding social security and pension benefits, and also the ability to exercise parental responsibility for a partner's children, as well as responsibility for reasonable maintenance of one's partner and their children, tenancy rights, full life insurance recognition, next-of-kin rights in hospitals, and others. There is a formal process for dissolving civil partnerships, akin to divorce.

Civil union has been legal in New Zealand since 26 April 2005. The Civil Union Act 2004 to establish the institution of civil union for same-sex and opposite-sex couples was passed by the Parliament on 9 December 2004. The Act has been described as very similar to the Marriage Act 1955 with references to "marriage" replaced by "civil union". A companion bill, the Relationships Act, was passed shortly thereafter on 15 March 2005, to remove discriminatory provisions on the basis of relationship status from a range of statutes and regulations. As a result of these bills, all couples in New Zealand, whether married, in a civil union, or in a de facto partnership, now generally enjoy the same rights and undertake the same obligations. These rights extend to immigration, next-of-kin status, social welfare, matrimonial property and other areas. Non-married couples are not however permitted to adopt children, although people in non-marital relationships can adopt as individuals.

This article contains a timeline of significant events regarding same-sex marriage and legal recognition of same-sex couples worldwide. It begins with the history of same-sex unions during ancient times, which consisted of unions ranging from informal and temporary relationships to highly ritualized unions, and continues to modern-day state-recognized same-sex marriage. Events concerning same-sex marriages becoming legal in a country or in a country's state are listed in bold.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">LGBT rights in New Zealand</span>

New Zealand lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights are some of the most extensive in the world. The protection of LGBT rights is advanced, relative to other countries in Oceania, and among the most liberal in the world, with the country being the first in the region to legalise same-sex marriage.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Homosexual Law Reform Act 1986</span> 1986 New Zealand law decriminalising consensual gay sex

The Homosexual Law Reform Act 1986 is a New Zealand Act of Parliament that broadly legalised consensual sexual practices between men as well as consensual anal sex regardless of partners' gender. It removed the provisions of the Crimes Act 1961 that criminalised this behaviour. The legislation established a uniform age of consent, setting it at 16 for both same-sex and opposite-sex partners.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Legal status of same-sex marriage</span>

The legal status of same-sex marriage has changed in recent years in numerous jurisdictions around the world. The current trends and consensus of political authorities and religions throughout the world are summarized in this article.

Same-sex marriage has been legal in Australia since 9 December 2017. Legislation to allow it, the Marriage Amendment Act 2017, passed the Parliament of Australia on 7 December 2017 and received royal assent from Governor-General Peter Cosgrove the following day. The law came into effect on 9 December, immediately recognising overseas same-sex marriages. The first same-sex wedding under Australian law was held on 15 December 2017. The passage of the law followed a voluntary postal survey of all Australians, in which 61.6% of respondents supported legalisation of same-sex marriage.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">LGBT rights in Europe</span>

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights are widely diverse in Europe per country. 22 of the 38 countries that have legalised same-sex marriage worldwide are situated in Europe. A further 11 European countries have legalised civil unions or other forms of recognition for same-sex couples.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">LGBT rights in Gibraltar</span>

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights have evolved significantly in the past decades in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. Same-sex sexual activity has been legal since 1993 and the age of consent was equalised to 16 in 2012. The Supreme Court of Gibraltar ruled in April 2013 that same-sex couples have the right to adopt. Civil partnerships have been available to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples since March 2014, and in October 2016, Gibraltar voted to legalise same-sex marriage with the Civil Marriage Amendment Act 2016 passing unanimously in Parliament. The law received royal assent on 1 November and took effect on 15 December 2016.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Recognition of same-sex unions in Europe</span>

Debate has occurred throughout Europe over proposals to legalise same-sex marriage as well as same-sex civil unions. Currently 33 of the 50 countries and the 8 dependent territories in Europe recognise some type of same-sex union, among them most members of the European Union (24/27). Nearly 43% of the European population lives in jurisdictions where same-sex marriage is legal.

Same-sex marriage has been legal in Malta since 1 September 2017 following the passage of legislation in the Parliament on 12 July 2017. The bill was signed into law by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca on 1 August 2017. On 25 August 2017, the Minister for Equality, Helena Dalli, issued a legal notice to commence the law on 1 September. Malta was the first European microstate, the 21st country in the world and the thirteenth in Europe to allow same-sex couples to marry nationwide. In 2024, Malta was named one of the best marriage destinations for same-sex couples by a British wedding planning website, and polling suggests that a majority of Maltese people support the legal recognition of same-sex marriage.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Same-sex union legislation</span>

Same-sex marriage is legal in the following countries: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Uruguay.

Same-sex marriage is legal in the Australian Capital Territory, and in the rest of Australia, after the Federal Parliament legalised same-sex marriage in December 2017.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">LGBT rights in South Australia</span>

The rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the Australian state of South Australia are advanced and well-established. South Australia has had a chequered history with respect to the rights of LGBT people. Initially, the state was a national pioneer of LGBT rights in Australia, being the first in the country to decriminalise homosexuality and to introduce a non-discriminatory age of consent for all sexual activity. Subsequently, the state fell behind other Australian jurisdictions in areas including relationship recognition and parenting, with the most recent law reforms regarding the recognition of same-sex relationships, LGBT adoption and strengthened anti-discrimination laws passed in 2016 and went into effect in 2017.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Polygamy in New Zealand</span>

Polygamous marriages may not be performed in New Zealand. A married person who enters into another marriage in New Zealand is guilty of the crime of bigamy. Similar rules apply for civil unions, which have been legal in New Zealand since 2005. However, polygamous marriages legally performed in another country have limited recognition in New Zealand law, provided that no person involved was living in New Zealand at the time of the union.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013</span> New Zealand law legalizing gay marriage

The Marriage Amendment Act 2013 is an Act of Parliament in New Zealand, which since 19 August 2013, allows same-sex couples to legally marry.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">LGBT rights in the Australian Capital Territory</span>

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is one of Australia's leading jurisdictions with respect to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The ACT has made a number of reforms to territory law designed to prevent discrimination of LGBT people; it was the only state or territory jurisdiction in Australia to pass a law for same-sex marriage, which was later overturned by the High Court of Australia. The Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland are the only jurisdictions within Australia to legally ban conversion therapy on children. The ACT's laws also apply to the smaller Jervis Bay Territory.

The history of same-sex marriage in Australia includes its express prohibition by the Howard government in 2004 and its eventual legalisation by the Parliament in December 2017. Although a same-sex marriage law was passed by the Australian Capital Territory in 2013, it was struck down by the High Court on the basis of inconsistency with federal law. The Court's decision closed the possibility of concurrent state or territory laws that would allow same-sex marriage where federal law did not. A law legalising same-sex marriage passed the Parliament on 7 December 2017 and received royal assent the following day.

The recognition of same-sex unions varies by country.


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