Thomas More Law Center

Last updated
Thomas More Law Center
Headquarters Ann Arbor Charter Township, Michigan
Region served
United States
President and Chief Counsel
Richard Thompson
BudgetUS$1,378,329 (2012) [1]
Thomas More Law Center offices lobby, Domino's Farms Thomas More Law Center Domino Farms Ann Arbor Township Michigan.JPG
Thomas More Law Center offices lobby, Domino's Farms

The Thomas More Law Center is a Christian, conservative, nonprofit, public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor Charter Township, Michigan, and active throughout the United States. [2] According to the Thomas More Law Center website, its goals are to "preserve America's Judeo-Christian heritage, defend the religious freedom of Christians, restore time-honored moral and family values, protect the sanctity of human life, and promote a strong national defense and a free and sovereign United States of America". [3] [4]


The Thomas More Law Center is active in social issues such as opposing same-sex marriage, [5] abortion, [6] provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [7] and the HHS Mandate. [8] The Law Center has been involved, often unsuccessfully, in high-profile cases including the litigation of the Dover, Pennsylvania intelligent design case, [9] the defense of Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani against misconduct allegations stemming from the November 2005 Haditha incident, [10] and the Law Center's federal lawsuit against the US Government regarding the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Individual Mandate. [7] The Law Center also litigates cases related to the defense of Christians and anti-abortion activists. [11]

Founding and history

The center was founded in 1999 by Domino's Pizza founder Tom Monaghan [12] and the center's current President and Chief Counsel Richard Thompson, a former Oakland County, Michigan prosecutor known for his role in the prosecution of Jack Kevorkian. [13] Among those who have sat on the center's advisory board are former Senators Rick Santorum [14] and retired Rear Admiral Jeremiah Denton, [15] former Major League Baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn, [16] Catholic academic Charles Rice,[ citation needed ] Mary Cunningham Agee, and Ambassador Alan Keyes. [17] The center's Citizens' Advisory Board also includes Representative Michele Bachmann and Lieutenant Colonel Allen West. [18] [19] The center is primarily financed by contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations and is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. [20]


The center is named after Thomas More, an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman and Renaissance humanist. He was an important councilor to Henry VIII and was Lord Chancellor. [21] More opposed the Protestant Reformation, in particular, the theology of Martin Luther and William Tyndale, whose books he burned. More later opposed the King's separation from the Catholic Church and refused to accept him as Supreme Head of the Church of England because it disparaged papal authority. He was tried for treason, convicted, and beheaded. Thomas More is the patron saint of lawyers in the Catholic Church.

Notable cases

Intelligent design

In 2005, the Thomas More Law Center represented the defendants in one of the country's first intelligent design cases, Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District .

Prior to taking on this particular case, the lawyers of the Thomas More Law Center traveled the country seeking a school board willing to withstand a lawsuit as a test case for the teaching of intelligent design in public schools, forcing the first test case for intelligent design in the courts. [22]

In the summer of 2004, the Dover, Pennsylvania, school board, after receiving legal advice from the Discovery Institute, accepted the center's offer of advice and possible representation as they worked to change their science curriculum. [22] On November 19, 2004, the Dover Area School District announced that commencing in January 2005, teachers would be required to read a statement to students in the ninth-grade biology class at Dover High School: "The Pennsylvania Academic Standards require students to learn about Darwin's Theory of Evolution and eventually to take a standardized test of which evolution is a part. Because Darwin's Theory is a theory, it continues to be tested as new evidence is discovered. The Theory is not a fact. Gaps in the Theory exist for which there is no evidence. A theory is defined as a well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations. Intelligent Design is an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view. The reference book, Of Pandas and People, is available for students who might be interested in gaining an understanding of what Intelligent Design actually involves. With respect to any theory, students are encouraged to keep an open mind. The school leaves the discussion of the Origins of Life to individual students and their families. As a Standards-driven district, class instruction focuses upon preparing students to achieve proficiency on Standards-based assessments." [23]

A large number of copies of Of Pandas and People had been donated to the school by a member of the school board who purchased them using money he had given to his father, Donald Bonsell, and said they were donations solicited from his church. [24] A month later, on December 14, 2004, the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State filed suit on behalf of eleven Dover parents, claiming that the statement was a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

The Center defended the school district in the trial, which lasted from September 26 through November 4.

The case was decided on December 20, 2005. Judge John E. Jones III delivered a 139-page decision in favor of the plaintiffs, ruling that Intelligent Design is not science but essentially religious in nature and consequently inappropriate for a biology class. Members of the board that had originally enacted the policy were not re-elected, preventing an appeal.

The judge was scathing about the conduct of the defendants, saying, "It is ironic that several of these individuals, who so staunchly and proudly touted their religious convictions in public, would time and again lie to cover their tracks and disguise the real purpose behind the ID Policy" and "The students, parents, and teachers of the Dover Area School District deserved better than to be dragged into this legal maelstrom, with its resulting utter waste of monetary and personal resources." [25]

Christian religious freedom issues

Abortion & euthanasia issues

Sexual orientation and gender identity

Islam issues

Military and national security issues

On June 17, 2008, Military Judge Colonel Steven Folsom dismissed all charges against Chessani because General James Mattis, who approved the filing of charges against Chessani, was improperly influenced by an investigator probing the incident. The ruling was without prejudice, which allows the prosecution to refile. [67]

Free speech

In reference to the case, Richard Thompson, the Law Center's president and chief counsel said, "The purpose of our lawsuit was to protect students' constitutional rights to free speech, defend religious liberty and stop public schools from becoming indoctrination centers for the homosexual agenda." [83] In June 2013, the claims against Howell Schools were dismissed. However, the claims that the teacher involved violated the student's First Amendment right to free speech were granted, and the teacher was ordered to pay $1 for the violation. [83] [84]

Ten Commandments monuments


After receiving a complaint by the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, the Road Commission of Macomb County told Satawa to remove the holiday display, citing incomplete permits. Satawa's permit application was later denied because it "clearly displays a religious message" and violated "separation of church and state", according to Macomb County highway engineer Robert Hoepfner. [100] After a four year court battle, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled in favor of the display and the roads commission opted not to appeal the ruling, granting Satawa a permit for the display. [101] [102]



Charity evaluator Charity Navigator rated the center with three stars out of a possible four overall, based on their filings for the fiscal year ending December 2013. This overall rating reflects the combination of a three-star financial rating and a three-star accountability and transparency rating. [116] For the fiscal year ending December 2011, the organization had a one-star overall, reflecting one star each for financial and accountability and transparency. [117] Those same ratings repeated for the year ending December 2012. [118]

The Southern Poverty Law Center designated the center as an anti-Muslim hate group as of 2019. [119]


  1. "Thomas More Law Center". GuideStar . Retrieved 2017-08-09.
  2. "TEA Party Sues City of Coldwater, Michigan Over Free Speech Rights".
  3. "About the Thomas More Law Center - Thomas More Law Center". Thomas More Law Center.
  4. "Former Army ranger raises awareness, funds at Law Center - Washtenaw County Legal News".
  5. 1 2 "Conservative Christian groups join legal fight to keep Michigan's gay marriage ban". Detroit Free Press.
  6. "Anti-abortion protesters to push ahead with lawsuit, despite repeal of Portland buffer zone". Bangor Daily News. 8 July 2014.
  7. 1 2 "Thomas More Law Center v. Obama". SCOTUS Blog.
  8. "Organic Eden Foods' quiet right-wing agenda". Salon. 11 April 2013.
  9. Goodstein, Laurie (21 December 2005). "Judge Rejects Teaching Intelligent Design". The New York Times. Retrieved 2018-09-30.
  10. "Court upholds dismissal of charges in Haditha case". Los Angeles Times. 18 March 2009.
  11. "Pro-Life Group Denied Recognition By Johns Hopkins University Student Government Turns To The Thomas More Law Center". The Desert Review.
  12. "Domino's Pizza Founder Thomas Monaghan Sues: Obamacare's Birth Control A 'Grave Sin'".
  13. "Prosecutor of Kevorkian Loses Re-election Bid". New York Times. 8 August 1996.
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  21. Linder, Douglas O. The Trial of Sir Thomas More: A Chronology at University Of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School Of Law
  22. 1 2 Goodstein, Laurie (2005-11-04). "In Intelligent Design Case, a Cause in Search of a Lawsuit". The New York Times. Retrieved 2017-08-09.
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