Agenda 47

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Logo of Agenda 47

Agenda 47 (styled by the Trump campaign as Agenda47) is a package of proposals that Republican candidate Donald Trump states he would implement if elected as the 47th president of the United States. [lower-alpha 1]


The platform has drawn criticism ranging from unfeasible to inflationary to authoritarian.


Agenda 47 is what Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign calls their formal policy plans. [1] According to the Trump campaign, it is "the only official comprehensive and detailed look at what President Trump will do if he returns to the White House". [2] It is presented on the campaign's website in a series of videos with Trump outlining each proposal. [3] According to Philip Bump, some Agenda 47 videos appeared scattershot and responsive to current events around early 2023. [4] [5] The proposals appeared to be aimed towards Republican primary voters and slowed down once his primary lead grew in April 2023, [4] to the point where Philip Bump wrote in the Washington Post in June 2024 that neither Trump nor his campaign regularly brings up the plan. [4]

In 2023, Trump campaign officials acknowledged the Project 2025 aligned well with Agenda 47. [6] Project 2025 has, as of June 2024, reportedly caused some annoyance in the Trump campaign which had historically preferred fewer and more vague policy proposals to limit opportunities for criticism and maintain flexibility. [4] Some commentators have argued that Project 2025 is the most detailed look at what a Trump administration would look like. [4] Agenda 47 and Project 2025 share many themes and policies, including expanding presidential power such as through reissuing Schedule F, [7] :min.00:14 [8] , cuts to the Department of Education, mass deportations, [9] death penalty for drug dealers, and using the national guard in liberal-led cities. [10]

The plans include constructing "freedom cities" on empty federal land, investing in flying car manufacturing, introducing baby bonuses to encourage a baby boom, implementing protectionist trade policies, and over forty others. Seventeen of the policies that Trump says he will implement if elected would require congressional approval. Some of his plans are legally controversial, such as ending birthright citizenship, and may require amending the U.S. Constitution. [11] [3]

Many of the proposals are contentious. One Agenda 47 proposal would impose the death penalty on drug dealers and human traffickers, as well as place Mexican cartels on the United States list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Trump also suggests deploying the National Guard to inner cities with high crime. [12]


These are summaries of the policies proposed by Donald Trump on his website that are categorized with policies that have a similar theme. As of July 8, 2024, there are 46 videos, the first one uploaded on December 15, 2022, and the last one on December 22, 2023. [13] [4] [lower-alpha 2]


Proposition of enacting restrictions on Chinese ownership of infrastructure in the United States, including energy, technology, telecommunications, farmland, natural resources, medical supplies, and other strategic national assets, preventing all future Chinese purchases, and forcing the Chinese to sell any current holdings. [16] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of ending "Joe Biden's war on American energy" and recovering energy independence by eliminating "every unnecessary regulation in the federal registry that hampers domestic production," getting out of the Paris Agreement, and issuing fast approvals to every oil infrastructure project presented to his administration. [17] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of universal baseline tariffs on most foreign products, which will increase incrementally if other countries manipulate their currency or otherwise engage in unfair trading practices; [11] lowering taxes for American workers, families, and businesses. Becoming economically independent from China by revoking its Most Favored Nation trade status, gradually stopping all Chinese imports of essential goods, stopping American companies from investing in China, and banning federal contracts for any company that outsources to China. [18] [ non-primary source needed ] Decreasing trade deficits, especially with China. [19] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of not bailing out failing banks, but "unleash energy production, slash regulations," and repealing "Biden's tax hikes," to reduce inflation. [20] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition to return jobs and wealth to the United States, launching an economic boom and eliminating dependence on China and other countries, by passing the "Trump Reciprocal Trade Act." If any country applies a certain percent tariff on American-made goods, the same tariff will be applied on theirs; the other countries "will have two choices—they’ll get rid of their tariffs on us, or they will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars, and the United States will make an absolute FORTUNE." This is meant to help the agricultural states and manufacturers. [21] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition to "save America’s auto industry from Joe Biden’s radical Green New Deal policies," by terminating all of Biden's policies regarding emission regulations, fossil fuels, and electric vehicles, specifically the "mandates designed to force Americans into expensive electric cars," subsidies for "electric cars for rich people," and "DOUBLED CAFÉ standards." Also, asking from Canada and Mexico for full compliance with the terms of USMCA regarding the amount of regional auto parts content in North American cars which reduction benefitted China and other countries, ending delays in federal drilling permits and leases, and restoring the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. [22] [ non-primary source needed ] [23] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition to "bring Americans the lowest-cost energy and electricity on Earth," by developing American oil and natural gas, nuclear power, clean coal, hydroelectricity, "and every other form of affordable energy." Cancelling "Biden's ruinous power plant rule, terminat[ing] his electric vehicle mandate." Modernizing the electric grid, implementing rapid approvals for energy projects, and greenlighting the construction of new power plants, which will cause that "[i]n the future, every manufacturing plant, every data center, every semiconductor facility and assembly line will want to be built in America." [24] [ non-primary source needed ]


Proposition of cutting federal funding for any school or program teaching Critical Race Theory and "gender ideology," directing the Departments of Justice and Education to open Civil Rights investigations into any school district that has engaged in race-based discrimination; also, "remov[ing] the radicals who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education" and "Keep[ing] men out of women’s sports." Creating a new way to certify teachers based on their patriotism, giving preferential funding and treatment to states and school districts that abolish teacher tenure for grades K through 12 and adopt Merit Pay, cutting the number of school administrators (specifically the ones in charge of DEI), and adopting direct election of school principals by the parents. [25] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of "reclaim[ing] our once great educational institutions from the radical Left," by using the college accreditation system. Firing the "radical Left accreditors" and substituting them with new ones "who will impose real standards on colleges." The standards will include "defending the American tradition and Western civilization," protecting free speech, eliminating "wasteful" administrative positions, specifically all the ones dealing with DEI, offering accelerated and low-cost degrees, providing job placement and career services, and implementing college entrance and exit exams to prove learning quality. Also, directing the Department of Justice to pursue federal civil rights cases against schools that "engage in racial discrimination;" the ones that persist in "discrimination under the guise of equity" will have their endowment taxed, and through budget reconciliation, "I will advance a measure to have them fined up to the entire amount of their endowment." Part of the seized funds will be used as restitution "for victims of these illegal and unjust policies." [14] [15] [ non-primary source needed ]
According to The Nation, "Many experts in higher education have begun to sound the alarm that such actions may infringe on academic freedom and institutional autonomy—two cornerstones of American higher education," whereas Trump’s National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt stated, "By increasing access to school choice, empowering parents to have a voice in their child’s education, and supporting good teachers, President Trump will improve academic excellence for all students." [26]

Proposition of "ten principles for achieving great schools that lead to great jobs," by ensuring that instead of "indoctrinating young people with inappropriate racial, sexual, and political material," schools must refocus on preparing "children to succeed in the world of work." The principles are:

  1. Restoring Parental Rights, to control the education of their children. This includes being made aware of academic standards, updating on acts of violence, inspecting "professional development materials," being notified about guest speakers, reviewing the school's budget, knowing about bullying, health and mental health concerns, "to have the right to opt out of school healthcare services." and be immediately notified if any school employee "has worked to change their children’s name, pronouns, or understanding of his or her gender."
  2. Great Principals and Great Teachers, i.e. empowering parents and local school boards to hire and fire principals and teachers.
  3. Knowledge and Skills, not Critical Race Theory and Gender Indoctrination, i.e. teaching "reading, writing, math, science, arithmetic, and other truly useful subjects." This includes getting "the left’s “equity” agenda out of our classrooms."
  4. Love of Country. This includes reinstating the 1776 Commission.
  5. Freedom to Pray, i.e. "we will support bringing back prayer to our schools."
  6. Safe, Secure, and Drug-Free, by "immediate expulsion for any student who harms a teacher or another student." This includes sending the "out-of-control troublemakers OUT of the classroom and INTO reform schools and corrections facilities," supporting "school districts that allow highly trained teachers to carry concealed weapons at school," and supporting federal funding to hire trained gun-owners as armed guards. Also, directing the "U.S. Food and Drug Administration to convene an independent outside panel to investigate whether transgender hormone treatments and ideology increase the risk of extreme depression, aggression, and violence", as well as "whether common psychiatric drugs, as well as genetically engineered cannabis and other narcotics, are causing psychotic breaks." And, immediate suspension or expulsion for illegal drug use or possession in school.
  7. Universal School Choice. This includes, "that parents can send their children to the public, private, or religious school that best suits" them.
  8. Project-Based Learning, "to help train [the students] for meaningful work outside the classroom."
  9. Internships and Work Experiences, for all students. This includes implementing "funding preferences for schools that actively work to help students secure internships, part-time work, and summer jobs."
  10. Jobs and Career Counseling, provided by all schools.

Also, closing the U.S. Department of Education, and sending all Education matters back to the States. [27] [28]

Proposition of supporting homeschooling, by allowing homeschool parents to use 529 education savings accounts to spend up to $10,000 a year per child, tax-free. Also, ensuring that every homeschooling family is "entitled to full access to the benefits available to non-homeschooled students—including participating in athletic programs, clubs, after school activities, educational trips, and more." [29] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of endowing the American Academy "with the billions we will collect by taxing the large endowments of private universities plagued by antisemitism." The American Academy's mission will be to make "a truly world-class education available to every American, free of charge, and do it without adding a single dime to the federal debt," covering all subjects and trades, online, for free, also "using study groups, mentors, industry partnerships, and the latest breakthrough in computing." The Academy will be strictly apolitical, it will compete directly with the university system by granting degree credentials recognized by the government and federal contractors, it will award the equivalent of a bachelor's degree, and it will allow people to complete an unfinished college education. [30] [4] [ non-primary source needed ]

According to Politico , "[u]sing the federal government to create an entirely new educational institution aimed at competing with the thousands of existing schools would drastically reshape American higher education," adding that this policy would likely need U.S. Congress approval, and that it targets the over "40 million Americans who have some college but never completed their degree," similarly to some of the student debt relief efforts by the Biden administration, but differing in the source for its financing. [31]

Expansion of presidential powers

Proposition of "dismantl[ing] the deep state and reclaim[ing] our democracy from Washington corruption," by firing government employees, reissuing Executive Order 13957, "restoring the president’s authority to fire rogue bureaucrats." Also, reforming FISA courts, declassifying and publishing "all documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and corruption," taking action against "government leakers," making every Inspector General's office independent and separated from the departments they oversee, establishing an independent auditing system to monitor the intelligence agencies, moving government positions out of Washington, D.C., banning federal employees from taking jobs at the companies they regulate, and "push[ing]" a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. [7] [32] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of cutting federal regulations by restoring Executive Order 13771 and asking Congress to make it permanent. Implementing a regulatory budget, aimed at reducing the federal government every year. Requiring all government regulations to be posted publicly in a central database, or they will be made null and void. Signing a law to "ban bureaucrats from taking any enforcement action based on informal guidance alone." Bringing the independent regulatory agencies, such as the FCC and the FTC, "back under Presidential authority." Creating "an ultra-streamlined federal regulatory framework specifically for Freedom Cities." Requiring federal employees to pass a new Civil Service test about the "Constitutional limited government," including command of due process rights, equal protection, free speech, religious liberty, federalism, the Fourth Amendment, and other constitutional limits on federal power. [33] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of stopping unnecessary government spending by restoring impoundment, challenging the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 in court, or getting Congress to overturn it. The consequent savings will be in the form of tax reductions, and this will stop inflation and reduce the deficit. Every federal agency will be ordered to identify the parts of their budgets that "can be saved through efficiencies and waste reduction using Impoundment." This will not include defense, Medicare, or Social Security; they will be strengthened with some of those funds. This "will also restore critical negotiating leverage with Congress to keep spending under control (...) will give us a crucial tool with which to obliterate the Deep State, Drain the Swamp, and starve the Warmongers (...) and [get] the Globalists out of our government." [34] [ non-primary source needed ]

The Washington Post has said that this policy "could upend the balance of power between the three branches of the federal government (...), could provoke a dramatic constitutional showdown, with vast consequences for how the government operates," and that "legal scholars" say it "could violate the Constitution and usurp congressional authority by consolidating more power in the executive branch." [35] Also, that "unilaterally zero[ing] out any program he doesn’t like, or whose recipient has angered him, regardless of Congress’s instructions" would be illegal, even if Trump gets the Impoundment Control Act repealed. [36] On its part, The Hill stated that, on the contrary, impounding is "common sense," and "a key tool for the president to pursue U.S. foreign policy and protect national security." [37]

Foreign affairs

Proposition of negotiating an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 24 hours. [38] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of preventing World War III and achieving peace by "clean[ing] house of all of the warmongers and America-Last globalists in the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the national security industrial complex." [39] [ non-primary source needed ] Also, "the defense bureaucracy, the intelligence services, and all the rest need to be completely overhauled and reconstituted to fire the Deep Staters and put America First,"[ non-primary source needed ] and, "reevaluating NATO's purpose and mission." [40] [41] Also, rebuilding military strength by providing "record funding," asking "Europe to reimburse us for the cost of rebuilding the stockpiles sent to Ukraine," and addressing the "military recruitment crisis" by restoring "the proud culture and honor traditions of America's armed forces." [42] [ non-primary source needed ]

Healthcare and social security

Proposition of keeping Medicare and Social Security intact, by cutting federal expenses, help to foreign countries, and eliminating "mass-releases of illegal aliens (...), left-wing gender programs from our military [and] climate extremism." [43] [4] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of reinstating the ban on Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments in 401Ks, pensions, and retirement accounts via executive order, and working with Congress to enact a permanent ban. [44] [4] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of addressing the rise in chronic illnesses and health problems, especially in children ("autism, auto-immune disorders, obesity, infertility, serious allergies, and respiratory challenges"), looking for their primary cause, by establishing "a special Presidential Commission of independent minds who are not bought and paid for by Big Pharma, and I will charge them with investigating what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic illnesses." [45] [4] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition to reducing drug costs, by signing an Executive Order telling "Big Pharma that we will only pay the best price they offer to foreign nations (...) this will force Big Pharma to RAISE prices on foreign countries and REDUCE prices very substantially for American Patients," as Trump's "original Executive Order (...) should have never ever [been] rescinded." [46] [ non-primary source needed ]

JAMA Health Forum commented on the possible outcome of the 2024 election, saying that it "will have momentous consequences for the future of health care." After comparing the records of Trump and Biden regarding the high price of prescription drugs and health care services, it said, "[h]ow Trump would approach drug price negotiations if elected is unclear. Trump supported federal negotiation of drug prices during his 2016 campaign, however, as president, he did not pursue drug price negotiation and opposed a Democratic price negotiation plan. Recently, Trump said he “will tell big pharma that we will only pay the best price they offer to foreign nations,” claiming that he was the “only president in modern times who ever took on big pharma.” Even though Trump has been inconsistent in his positions on drug prices, his public comments suggest the possibility of bipartisan cooperation." [47]

Proposition of ending "Joe Biden’s pharmaceutical shortages," returning the manufacture of essential drugs to the United States, and obtaining independence from China, by phasing in tariffs and import restrictions, which will "create countless new American jobs." [48] [ non-primary source needed ]

Immigration reforms

Proposition of "a total ban on Biden using taxpayer dollars to free illegal aliens—and criminal penalties for administrative noncompliance." [49] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of signing an executive order "making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship." The order will also end "birth tourism" and consequent "chain migration." At least one parent will have to be a citizen or a legal resident for the child to qualify for citizenship. This is based on the "clear meaning of the 14th Amendment, that U.S. Citizenship extends only to those both born in AND “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States." Therefore, children of illegal aliens "should not be issued passports, Social Security numbers, or be eligible for certain taxpayer funded welfare benefits," nor have the right to vote. This follows the "historical slate of hundreds of executive actions, proclamations, and presidential memorandums on border security and immigration that President Trump implemented while in office." [50] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of ending "welfare for illegal immigrants and shut down Joe Biden’s abuse of parole authority." This includes reinstating the "action making illegals ineligible for public housing" and terminating "all work permits for illegal aliens." Also, demanding Congress to send a bill "blocking any future President from abusing his power to distribute welfare benefits in this manner." [51] [ non-primary source needed ]

Commenting on these policies, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign said to CNN, “Stopping the invasion at our southern border is an urgent national security necessity and one of President Trump’s top priorities. For that reason, he has laid out – in his own speeches and Agenda 47 platform – by far the most detailed program for securing the border, stopping illegal immigration, and removing those who should never have been allowed into our country in the first place.” To this, CNN added, "[s]hould Congress refuse to fund the operation, Trump could turn to a tactic used in his first term to secure more funding for a border wall – redirecting funds from the Pentagon, the source confirmed." [5] After describing the record of Trump's Immigration policies from the standpoint of healthcare, JAMA Health Forum said, "[they] had a chilling effect on access to care and benefits among immigrants, including those lawfully present (...) Trump has continued these themes in his current campaign, saying that “welfare is a gigantic magnet drawing people from all over the world.”" [47]

Infrastructure and urban planning

Proposition of holding a contest to charter up to 10 new cities ("Freedom Cities") in undeveloped federal lands. [52] Revolutionizing transportation, by promoting the development of "vertical takeoff-and-landing vehicles." [52] Turning "forgotten communities into hives of industry." Lowering the cost of living for families, specifically, the cost of building a home and buying a new car. Helping young parents, by asking Congress to provide "baby bonuses." Challenging the governors of all 50 states to modernize and beautify cities and public spaces, and "building towering monuments to our true American heroes." [53] [ non-primary source needed ] Also, repealing Biden's 2021 reversal of Trump's 2020 reversal of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing provision. [54] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence by convening a task force called "Salute to America 250," in charge of coordinating with state and local governments to produce an entire year of festivities across the nation, starting on Memorial Day 2025 and continuing through July 4th, 2026. Working with all governors to create the "Great American State Fair," a one-year exhibition featuring pavilions from all states, to be built in the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Hosting "Patriot Games," major sporting contests for high school athletes. Signing an executive order to bring back the National Garden of American Heroes, commissioning artists for the first 100 statues. Inviting international leaders and citizens to visit the United States, favoring the tourism industry. Asking American religious communities to pray for the nation and the people. "As we chart a course toward the next 250 years, let us come together and rededicate ourselves as one nation under God." [55] [ non-primary source needed ]

Transgender and LGBT rights

  • Proposition of terminating all manner of gender affirming care, instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition "at any age," stopping their federal funding, and declaring that any hospital or healthcare provider participating in it will no longer meet federal health and safety standards for Medicaid and Medicare, terminating them from the program.
  • Creating ways to sue physicians who have performed those procedures, and directing the Department of Justice to investigate pharmaceutical companies and hospitals to determine whether they have covered "horrific long-term side-effects of “sex transitions” to get rich at the expense of vulnerable patients," and whether they have illegally marketed hormones and puberty blockers.
  • The Department of Education will inform states and school districts that if anybody suggests to a child that they could be transgender, they will face potential Civil Rights violations cases for sex discrimination, and the elimination from federal funding. Also, passing a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the US government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth. [56] [ non-primary source needed ]

Ryan Adamczeski, from The Advocate, called these policies "devastating for LGBTQ+ Americans and other marginalized communities," adding "that [they] threaten the LGBTQ+ community, spanning across education, health care, and the military." [57]

Journalism and information

Proposition of "shatter[ing] the left-wing censorship regime," i.e. labeling information as misinformation or disinformation, in the media or social networks, about subjects like the 2020 elections, Covid, and the "Biden Family’s criminality." This will be achieved by banning every federal agency from performing that action, firing federal officials who have done it (and depriving them of their vote), investigating and prosecuting all parties involved, and curtailing federal economic support to universities that have done it. [58] [59] [4] [ non-primary source needed ]

Law enforcement

Proposition of increasing investment in police personnel, increasing their liability protections, enforcing stop-and-frisk and existing gun laws, stopping the open use of illegal drugs, and cooperating with ICE to arrest and deport criminal aliens. Directing the DOJ to open civil rights investigations into "radical left prosecutor's offices" (Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California) to determine whether they have "engaged in race-based enforcement of the law," and giving "the victims of their Marxist policies the right to sue local officials for harm and suffering." Dismantling of all criminal organizations. Death penalty for drug dealers and human traffickers. Sending the National Guard to restore safety in cities "where there has been a complete breakdown of law and order." Ordering the Education and Justice Departments to "overhaul federal standards on disciplining minors." Protecting the right of self-defense, by legislating concealed carry reciprocity. Securing the border. [60] [ non-primary source needed ] Also, waging war on the cartels, using Title 42 to return trafficked children to their home countries, urging Congress to "ensure that anyone caught trafficking children [and women] across our border receives the death penalty immediately." And, a recommendation to watch Sound of Freedom . [61] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of appointing 100 U.S. Attorneys who "will be the polar opposite of the Soros District Attorneys." Overhauling the Department of Justice and the FBI. Launching civil rights investigations into "Marxist local district attorneys" in Chicago, Illinois, San Francisco, California, Los Angeles, California and other cities, including "federal subpoenas of their staff, their emails, and their records to determine whether they have blatantly violated federal Civil Rights law." Launching a federal inquiry into the prosecutor of the Garret Foster case, and ordering the Department of Justice "to establish a task force on protecting the right to self-defense." Investigating the "use of police state tactics by federal authorities to arrest conservatives and Christians." And, confronting the radicalization of law schools, reforming the Bar Associations, and stopping "the purge of Conservative lawyers from major law firms." [62] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of taking down the drug cartels "just as we took down ISIS and the ISIS caliphate." This includes deploying all necessary military assets to impose the full naval embargo on the cartels, ordering the "Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber warfare, and other overt and covert actions" against cartels, which will be designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, and cutting their access to global financial systems. Forging a partnership with neighboring governments, or exposing their corruption. And, asking "Congress to pass legislation ensuring that drug smugglers and human traffickers receive the Death Penalty." [63] [ non-primary source needed ]

National security

Proposition of building a state-of-the-art, next generation missile defense shield, similar to Israel's Iron Dome, as a deterrent of and protection from foreign missile attacks, in order to prevent World War Three. [64] [ non-primary source needed ] Trump has repeatedly mentioned this policy in his rallies, assuring it will create many jobs. [65] [66] Regarding this policy, Forbes commented that it would have "limited overall utility. At least 10 Iron Dome systems make up the lower tier of Israel’s multilayered air defense, designed to intercept rockets, mortars, and artillery shells at a maximum distance of under 50 miles." An American Iron Dome would require hundreds of systems to cover the continental United States and its major population centers, and it would be inadequate to intercept large intercontinental ballistic missiles. However, it could be useful for the defense of military bases (specifically the overseas ones), and critical infrastructure. [67] On its part, Haaretz called it a "fantasy," and after mentioning similar technical issues as Forbes, concluded with, "[b]eyond all this, the United States has already spent hundreds of billions in missile defense research-and-development, and any upgrades similar to the ones Trump is vowing would need congressional support – something he failed to obtain for his border wall." [68]

Proposition of reinstating the initiative at the Department of Justice to target Chinese espionage in the United States, terminated by the Biden administration at the request of faculty members from the University of Pennsylvania; requesting from Congress to investigate the University's finances, its Chinese donors, the Biden Center, and the Biden family. [69] [ non-primary source needed ] The China Initiative was launched in November 2018 to address Chinese economic espionage. Of the 28 prosecutions brought under it, four were against professors of Chinese descent, of whom none were convicted for espionage or theft.

On January 5, 2021, APA Justice, the Brennan Center for Justice and Asian Americans Advancing Justice, sent an open letter to then president-elect Joe Biden, stating that a "consequence of these mandates has been that the FBI and federal agencies have put pressure on grant makers, universities and research institutions to participate in racial, ethnic and national origin profiling, collectively leading to discriminatory and stigmatising investigations of people of Chinese descent." [70]

In September 2021, 177 Stanford University faculty members sent an open letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for the termination of the initiative, stating that "these actions do not just affect the prosecuted faculty but affect the many more university researchers who are targeted, investigated and feel threatened by inquiries initiated without prior evidence of significant wrongdoing." [71]

Bloomberg stated that by December 2021, "[m]ore than 1,600 scholars and administrators from more than 200 universities have petitioned Garland to end the China Initiative, saying it disproportionately targets researchers of Chinese origin." [72] In February 2022, more than 150 University of Pennsylvania faculty members addressed an open letter to Attorney General Garland, "urging the U.S. Department of Justice to overturn the “China Initiative” which they allege disproportionately targets researchers of Chinese descent." [73]

On February 23, 2022, Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen announced the initiative "was being cast aside largely because of perceptions that it unfairly painted Chinese Americans and U.S. residents of Chinese origin as disloyal," but he "insisted that the decision amounted to a reframing and recalibration—not an abandonment—of a muscular law enforcement response to the national security threat posed by the People’s Republic of China," and said that "department officials had concluded that the enforcement program singling out China was ill-advised and better reframed as part of a more wide-ranging effort to counter threats posed by Russia, Iran and other countries." [74]

Social issues

Proposition of revoking Biden's Executive Order 13985, to "eradicate any attempt to weaken America’s institutions through these harmful and discriminatory “equity” programs." Instructing the DOJ to investigate the "unlawful domination and discrimination and civil right abuses carried out by the Biden administration." Terminating all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to the equity policies, reviewing and reversing its actions, and requesting Congress to establish a restitution fund for those "discriminated against" by that policy. [75] [ non-primary source needed ]
Commenting on the possibility of a second Trump administration, Axios said, "close allies want to dramatically change the government's interpretation of Civil Rights-era laws to focus on "anti-white racism" rather than discrimination against people of color," and quoted Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung: "As President Trump has said, all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden's un-American policy will be immediately terminated." [76]

Proposition of using "every tool, lever, and authority to get the homeless off our streets," by using the resources otherwise spent upon Ukraine, and "by ending mass unskilled migration." Banning urban camping wherever possible, arresting the violators, but giving them the option of rehabilitation treatment. Creating "tent cities" where the homeless can be relocated, have their problems identified, and receive either help to reintegrate into a normal life or medical treatment, including the commitment to mental institutions, "with the goal of reintegrating them back into society once they are well enough to manage." [77] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition eradicating the drug addiction crisis, by imposing a "full naval embargo on the drug cartels and deploy military assets to inflict maximum damage on cartel operations," insisting on the cooperation of neighboring governments to dismantle the trafficking networks in the region, requiring Congress that drug dealers and human traffickers receive the death penalty. Directing federal law enforcement to take down the gangs and organized street crime that distribute drugs locally. Permanently designating Fentanyl as a federally controlled substance. Warning China that if they don't "clamp down" on the export of Fentanyl precursors "they will pay a steep price." Also, to combat local addiction, "strengthen the pillars that give life meaning and hope for those struggling with addiction, in particular work, faith and family." Making easier for addicts to seek treatment without losing their jobs. Forging public-private partnerships to provide job opportunities and skills training to former addicts. Expanding federal support for "faith-based counseling, treatment, and recovery programs." Ensuring that if someone needs to take time to care for a relative fighting to overcome addiction, they can use a family leave program. [78] [ non-primary source needed ]

Proposition of signing an Executive Order to cut off Biden's funding for shelter and transport of immigrants ("nearly $1 billion to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants in expensive luxury hotels"), and redirect a large portion of the savings to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American Veterans, totally eradicating Veteran's homelessness by the end of next term. [79] [ non-primary source needed ]


Frankie Taggart, writing for Barron's , argued that Trump's plans lack coherence and that some could exacerbate existing divisions in American society. He questioned the feasibility and practicality of some ideas, such as the promise to improve cities with classical architecture and create tent cities for the homeless. [12] Margaret Hartmann, writing in New York magazine, described some of the ideas as "unhinged". [80] Some columnists have described his plans as fascist. [81] [82] Anthony Zurcher of BBC News said "some of [Trump's] pronouncements border on the fantastical" and "others are controversial". [11] Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen described Agenda 47 as "hard-edged, authoritarian-sounding." [83]

Prominent economists and investors criticized the economic agenda of Trump as inflationary, especially noting his proposed 10% universal tariff. [84] [85] [86] [87] [88]

Larry Levitt, Executive Vice President for Health Policy of the Kaiser Family Foundation, writing for JAMA Health Forum, said that "Trump's record as president from 2017 to 2021, combined with recent comments on the campaign trail, suggest he would pursue policies to weaken the ACA, reduce federal spending on Medicaid, restrict access to abortion and family planning, and scale back benefits for immigrants if reelected as president in 2024." [47] [89]


  1. Trump was previously the 45th president, but the precedent set by Grover Cleveland is that a nonconsecutive second term means a new presidential number.
  2. The total number of videos is 46, but two of them, uploaded on different dates, are the same one. [14] [15]

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The Trump tariffs were protectionist trade initiatives during the Trump administration against Chinese imports. During the presidency of Donald Trump, a series of tariffs were imposed on China as part of his "America First" economic policy to reduce the United States trade deficit by shifting American trade policy from multilateral free trade agreements to bilateral trade deals. In January 2018, Trump imposed tariffs on solar panels and washing machines of 30 to 50 percent. In March 2018, he imposed tariffs on steel (25%) and aluminum (10%) from most countries, which, according to Morgan Stanley, covered an estimated 4.1 percent of U.S. imports. In June 2018, this was extended to the European Union, Canada, and Mexico. The Trump administration separately set and escalated tariffs on goods imported from China, leading to a trade war.

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An economic conflict between China and the United States has been ongoing since January 2018, when U.S. President Donald Trump began setting tariffs and other trade barriers on China with the goal of forcing it to make changes to what the U.S. says are longstanding unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft. The Trump administration stated that these practices may contribute to the U.S.–China trade deficit, and that the Chinese government requires transfer of American technology to China. In response to US trade measures, the Chinese government accused the Trump administration of engaging in nationalist protectionism and took retaliatory action. After the trade war escalated through 2019, in January 2020 the two sides reached a tense phase one agreement. By the end of the Trump presidency, the trade war was widely characterized as a failure for the United States. His successor, Joe Biden, however, has kept the tariffs in place. In early 2024, the Trump presidential campaign was mulling a 60 percent tariff on Chinese goods.

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From 2017 through 2021, Donald Trump was the 45th president of the United States; he is the only American president to have no political or military service prior to his presidency, as well as the first to be charged and convicted with a felony after leaving office. He is regarded by historians as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history.

This is a timeline of major events leading up to, during, and after the 2024 United States presidential election. This will be the first presidential election to be run with population data from the 2020 census. In addition to the dates mandated by the relevant federal laws such as those in the U.S. Constitution and the Electoral Count Act, several milestones have consistently been observed since the adoption of the conclusions of the 1971 McGovern–Fraser Commission.

A Schedule F appointment was a job classification in the excepted service of the United States federal civil service that existed briefly at the end of the Trump administration during 2020–2021. It would have contained policy-related positions, removing their civil service protections and making them easy to fire. It was never fully implemented, and no one was appointed to it before it was repealed at the beginning of the Biden administration.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Presidency of Joe Biden</span> U.S. presidential administration from 2021 to present

Joe Biden's tenure as the 46th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2021. Biden, a Democrat from Delaware who previously served as vice president for two terms under President Barack Obama, took office after his victory in the 2020 presidential election over Republican incumbent president Donald Trump. Upon his inauguration, he became the oldest president in American history, breaking the record set by Ronald Reagan.

Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, who served from 2017 to 2021, announced his campaign for a nonconsecutive second presidential term in the 2024 U.S. presidential election on November 15, 2022.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Donald Trump's farewell address</span> January 19, 2021 speech

Donald Trump's farewell address was the final official speech of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, delivered as a recorded, online video message on January 19, 2021. The farewell address was delivered the day before Joe Biden, who defeated him in the 2020 United States presidential election, was sworn in as his successor. Trump was the first president to not attend his successor's inauguration since Andrew Johnson in 1869.

The economic policy of the Joe Biden administration, dubbed Bidenomics, is characterized by relief measures and vaccination efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic, investments in infrastructure, and strengthening the social safety net, funded by tax increases on higher-income individuals and corporations. Other goals include increasing the national minimum wage and expanding worker training, narrowing income inequality, expanding access to affordable healthcare, and forgiveness of student loan debt. The March 2021 enactment of the American Rescue Plan to provide relief from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was the first major element of the policy. Biden's Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was signed into law in November 2021 and contains about $550 billion in additional investment. His Inflation Reduction Act was enacted in August 2022.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Joe Biden 2024 presidential campaign</span> American political campaign

Joe Biden, the 46th and current president of the United States, announced his candidacy for re-election for a second presidential term on April 25, 2023, with Vice President Kamala Harris as his running mate. If re-elected, he would be the oldest president inaugurated, breaking his own record, with his second term ending in 2029 at age 86. He would be the second two-term vice president to be elected president twice, after Richard Nixon in 1972.

The first 100 days of the Joe Biden presidency began on January 20, 2021, the day Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. The first 100 days of a presidential term took on symbolic significance during Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term in office, and the period is considered a benchmark to measure the early success of a president. The 100th day of his presidency ended on April 30.

Project 2025 promotes a collection of conservative and right-wing policy proposals published by the Heritage Foundation to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power should the Republican nominee, presumably Donald Trump, win the 2024 presidential election. The Project asserts that the entire executive branch is under the direct control of the president under Article II of the U.S. Constitution and unitary executive theory. It proposes reclassifying tens of thousands of federal civil service workers as political appointees in order to replace them with loyalists more willing to enable the next Republican president's policies. In doing so, proponents argue that the change would dismantle what they view as a vast, unaccountable, and mostly liberal government bureaucracy. The Project seeks to infuse the government and society with Christian values. Critics have characterized Project 2025 as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist plan to steer the U.S. toward autocracy. Many legal experts have said it would undermine the rule of law, the separation of powers, the separation of church and state, and civil liberties.


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