Early medieval literature

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This article presents a list of the historical events and publications of literature during the 6th through 9th Centuries.


The list is chronological, and does not include epigraphy or poetry. For poetry, see: 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th century in poetry. For early epigraphy, see List of languages by first written accounts.

During this period, a number of classical languages inherited from earlier epochs remain in active use (Chinese, Sanskrit, Latin, Greek, Persian, Hebrew). The same period also sees the rise of newly written vernaculars, partly replacing earlier literary languages (e.g. Old Hindi, Old French, Arabic, Germanic, Celtic, Turkic, etc.).


The bulk of literature in Classical Sanskrit dates to the Early Medieval period, but in most cases cannot be dated to a specific century.

The vocalized Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible developed during the 7th to 10th centuries.

The Old English Beowulf is dated to anywhere between the 8th and early 11th centuries.

Ecgbert, Archbishop of York c.732766, establishes a notable library in the Northumbrian city of York. [1]

6th century

7th century

8th century

9th century

See also


  1. Blair, Peter Hunter (1970). The World of Bede (1990 reprint ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN   0-521-39819-3.
  2. c. 872 According to the anonymous author of Tāriḵ-e Sistān (History of Sistan), the first Persian qaṣida is written by Moḥammad b. Waṣif in praise of Yaʿqub. iranicaonline.org
  3. http://www.iranicaonline.org/pages/chronology-1 iranicaonline.org

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