Name Birth date Birthplace Region Death date Death place Region Notes Eva Aariak [ 1] [ 2] 10 January 1955 Arctic Bay NU politician, second Premier of Nunavut Acoutsina [ 3] 1697 Labrador NL Labrador NL interpreter Willie Adams [ 4] 22 June 1934 Fort Chimo QC politician who was a member of the Senate of Canada Johnny Ned Adams [ 5] [ 6] 1960 Fort Chimo QC pilot, a businessman and a former mayor of the village of Kuujjuaq Susan Aglukark [ 7] [ 8] 27 January 1967 Churchill MB musician Leona Aglukkaq [ 9] 28 June 1967 Inuvik NT politician, Minister of Health and Minister of Environment Olayuk Akesuk [ 10] 1965 Cape Dorset NU politician Atuat Akkitirq [ 11] Igloolik NU filmmaker and costume designer, cofounder of Arnait Video Productions Tony Akoak 1957 / 1958 Gjoa Haven NU politician Manasie Akpaliapik [ 12] 23 August 1955 Arctic Bay NU sculptor David Alagalak [ 13] 11 April 1944 Southampton Island NU politician Ovide Alakannuark [ 14] 25 December 1938 Pelly Bay NU politician Madeleine Allakariallak [ 15] Resolute NU musician and television journalist Titus Allooloo [ 16] 1953 Pond Inlet NU politician and business man Simeonie Amagoalik [ 17] 1 May 1933 Fort Chimo QC 2 March 2011 Resolute NU carver Jack Anawak [ 18] 26 September 1950 Repulse Bay NU politician William Andersen III [ 19] Okkak Bay NL politician Wally Andersen [ 20] 31 July 1951 Makkovik NL politician Margaret Dawn Anderson [ 21] 1966/1967 Tuktoyaktuk NT politician Paul Apak Angilirq [ 22] 1954 1998 film producer and screenwriter Michael Angottitauruq [ 23] 1951 Gjoa Haven NU politician Stephen Angulalik [ 24] 1898 Ellice River NU 1990 Cambridge Bay NU fur trader and trading post operator Irene Kataq Angutitok [ 25] 1914 Bathurst Inlet NU 1971 Repulse Bay NU sculptor Moses Appaqaq [ 26] 2 April 1946 Sanikiluaq NU carver, politician Joe Arlooktoo [ 27] 26 June 1939 Lake Harbour NU carver, politician Goo Arlooktoo [ 28] 28 November 1963 Lake Harbour NU 30 April 2002 Kimmirut NU politician Germaine Arnaktauyok [ 29] 1946 Igloolik NU printmaker, painter, and drawer Alethea Arnaquq-Baril [ 30] Iqaluit NU producer and director Silas Arngna'naaq [ 31] Baker Lake NU politician James Arreak [ 1] 6 October 1952 Clyde River NU politician James Arvaluk [ 32] April 1948 Coral Harbour NU politician Kenojuak Ashevak [ 33] 3 October 1927 Ikirasaqa NU 8 January 2013 Cape Dorset NU artist Shuvinai Ashoona [ 34] 1961 Cape Dorset NU artist Pitseolak Ashoona [ 35] 1904 or 1907 or 1908 Nottingham Island NU 1983 artist Andrew Atagotaaluk [ 36] Salluit QC first Inuk diocesan bishop, Bishop of the Arctic Aua [ 37] 1870 Igloolik NU after 1922 angakkuq (shaman) Moses Aupaluktuq [ 1] Baker Lake NU politician Susan Avingaq NU writer, filmmaker Levi Barnabas [ 10] 24 January 1964 Igloolik NU politician Ernie Bernhardt politician Paul-André Brasseur [ 38] 25 August 1994 Montreal QC actor Levinia Brown [ 39] 1947 Dawson Inlet NU politician Nicole Camphaug [ 40] Rankin Inlet NU fashion designer Caubvick [ 41] Labrador NL Labrador NL visited England, smallpox carrier Nellie Cournoyea [ 42] 4 March 1940 Aklavik NT politician, Premier of the Northwest Territories Charlie Crow [ 43] c. 1943 Richmond Gulf QC politician, disc jockey Tagak Curley [ 1] 1944 Coral Harbour NU politician, prominent figure in the negotiations that led to the creation of Nunavut Beatrice Deer [ 44] Quaqtaq QC singer Lisa Dempster [ 45] Charlottetown NL politician Ebierbing [ 46] c. 1837 Cumberland Sound NU c. 1881 guide, husband of Tookoolito Randy Edmunds [ 47] North West River NL politician Edna Elias [ 48] 1955 Coppermine NU politician, Commissioner of Nunavut Monica Ell-Kanayuk [ 1] 1954 / 1955 politician Joe Enook [ 1] c. 1950s Pond Inlet NU politician Tommy Enuaraq [ 49] Clyde River NU politician, author Elijah Erkloo [ 50] Pond Inlet NU politician Kingmeata Etidlooie [ 51] 1915 Itinik NU 1989 artist Tivi Etok [ 52] 1929 Qirnituartuq QC artist, illustrator, and printmaker Mark Evaloarjuk [ 53] 1937 3 July 2002 Igloolik NU business pioneer and politician Joe Allen Evyagotailak [ 54] 15 July 1953 Coppermine NU politician Alice Masak French [ 55] 29 June 1930 Baillie Island NT 5 July 2013 Souris MB Simon Gibbons [ 56] 21 June 1851 Forteau NL 14 December 1896 Parrsboro NS first Inuk priest Melissa Haney 1981 Inukjuak QC first female Inuk pilot to reach the rank of captain Glenna Hansen [ 57] 10 August 1956 Aklavik NT politician, Commissioners of the Northwest Territories Ann Meekitjuk Hanson [ 49] 22 May 1946 Qaktut NU politician, Commissioner of Nunavut Donald Havioyak [ 32] 1950 Napaktoktok NU politician Joshua Haulli Igloolik NU musician George Hickes Jr. [ 58] 1968 / 1969 Churchill MB politician George Hickes Sr. [ 58] 26 June 1946 Ports Point NU politician Joseph Idlout [ 59] Pond Inlet NU 2 June 1968 Resolute NU featured on the former Canadian two-dollar bill [ 60] Lucie Idlout [ 61] 1978 NU singer/songwriter Osuitok Ipeelee [ 62] 1922 Neeouleeutalik NU 2005 Cape Dorset NU sculptor Alootook Ipellie [ 49] 1951 Nuvuqquq NU 8 September 2007 Ottawa ON graphic artist, political and satirical cartoonist and writer, photographer, and Inuktitut translator David Iqaqrialu [ 63] 2 July 1954 Clyde River NU politician Peter Irniq [ 49] 22 August 1947 Lyon Inlet NU politician, Commissioner of Nunavut Enoki Irqittuq [ 64] 5 February 1955 Hall Beach NU politician Elisapie Isaac [ 65] 1977 Salluit QC pop singer, broadcaster, documentary filmmaker and activist Johnny Issaluk Chesterfield Inlet NU actor, athlete Peter Ittinuar [ 66] 19 January 1950 Chesterfield Inlet NU politician. first Inuk to be elected as an MP Madeline Ivalu [ 67] Igloolik NU filmmaker and actor, cofounder of Arnait Video Productions Paul-Dylan Ivalu [ 68] c. 1997 Igloolik NU actor, grandson of Madeline Ivalu Samisa Passauralu Ivilla [ 69] 1924 Puvirnituq 1995 artist David Joanasie [ 70] 22 June 1983 Frobisher Bay NU politician Yvonne Jones [ 71] 15 March 1968 Mary's Harbour NL politician, leader of the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador Juurini Kuujjuaq QC singer-songwriter Victoria Kakuktinniq [ 72] 1989 Rankin Inlet NU fashion designer Helen Kalvak [ 73] 1901 Tahiryuak Lake NT 7 May 1984 Holman NT graphic artist, angakkuq (shaman) Nancy Karetak-Lindell [ 74] 10 December 1957 Eskimo Point NU politician Peter Kattuk [ 75] 2 June 1950 Belcher Islands NU politician Simeonie Keenainak [ 76] Pangnirtung NU musician and RCMP Pauloosie Keyootak [ 77] Broughton Island NU politician Janet Kigusiuq [ 78] 1926 Putuqsuqniq NU 2005 Baker Lake NU artist, daughter of Jessie Oonark Kikkik [ 79] Ennadai Lake NU charged with, but acquitted of, murder, child neglect and causing the death of one of her children Ipeelee Kilabuk [ 80] 1932 Pangnirtung NU 2000 politician Peter Kilabuk [ 32] 27 September 1960 Pangnirtung NU politician Kiviaq [ 81] 23 January 1936 Chesterfield Inlet NU lawyer, politician, and former sportsman Adamee Komoartok Pangnirtung NU politician David Pisurayak Kootook [ 82] 13 August 1958 Spence Bay NU December 1972 Hottah Lake NT saved the life of Marten Hartwell after an aircraft crash Madeleine Isserkut Kringayak [ 83] 1928 Repulse Bay NU 1984 sculptor and jewelry artist Peter Kritaqliluk [ 84] 1951 Eskimo Point NU 27 August 2011 Arviat NU politician George Kuksuk c. 1954 Eskimo Point NU politician Carol Kunnuk Igloolik NU actress, filmmaker Zacharias Kunuk [ 67] 27 November 1957 Kapuivik NU producer and director Floyd Kuptana [ 85] 1964 Cape Parry NT artist, stone carvings Rosemarie Kuptana [ 86] 1954 Sachs Harbour NT Inuit rights activist, politician Nellie Kusugak [ 87] 1955 Rankin Inlet NU politician, Commissioner of Nunavut Lorne Kusugak [ 1] 1959 / 1960 Rankin Inlet NU politician Michael Kusugak [ 88] 27 April 1948 Repulse Bay NU children's writer Jose Kusugak [ 50] 2 May 1950 Repulse Bay NU 19 January 2011 Repulse Bay NU politician Anna Lambe Iqaluit NU actress Johannes Lampe [ 89] Nutak NL politician Sarah Leo [ 90] NL politician Bill Lyall [ 91] 1941 Fort Ross NU politician, business man Stacey Aglok MacDonald [ 92] Kugluktuk NU film and television producer Helen Maksagak [ 93] 15 April 1931 Bernard Harbour NU 23 January 2009 Cambridge Bay NU politician, Commissioner of Nunavut , Commissioner of the Northwest Territories Steve Mapsalak [ 94] 17 March 1957 Repulse Bay NU politician Johnny May [ 95] 1945 George River QC first Inuk bush pilot in eastern Canada Mosha Michael [ 96] c. 1948 17 November 2009 Toronto ON filmmaker, composer, carver Mikak [ 41] c.1740 Labrador NL 1 October 1795 Nain NL visited England, interpreter Johnny Mike [ 97] 1954 / 1955 Pangnirtung NU politician Nancy Mike Iqaluit NU musician Rebecca Mike [ 98] politician Rita "Riit" Mike-Murphy Igloolik NU musician, actress Andy Miki [ 99] 1918 Eskimo Point NU 1983 Eskimo Point NU artist Simeon Mikkungwak 1968 / 1969 Baker Lake NU politician Annie Mikpiga [ 100] 1900 Puvirnituq QC 1984 Puvirnituq QC artist Nakasuk [ 101] early 20th century Pangnirtung NU founder of Iqaluit Agnes Nanogak [ 102] 12 November 1925 Baillie Island NT 5 May 2001 Holman NT artist Mitiarjuk Nappaaluk Igloolik NU writer Patterk Netser [ 103] Coral Harbour NU politician John Ningark [ 1] 17 March 1957 Pelly Bay NU politician Johnny Ningeongan [ 1] Coral Harbour NU politician William Noah [ 104] 1944 Back River NU politician, artist, son of Jessie Oonark Samuel Nuqingaq Broughton Island NU politician Jobie Nutarak [ 105] 10 May 1947 Pond Inlet NU 22 April 2006 Pond Inlet NU politician Natan Obed [ 106] Nain NL politician Paul Okalik [ 32] 26 May 1964 Pangnirtung NU politician, Premier of Nunavut Abe Okpik [ 50] 12 January 1928 near Aklavik NT 10 July 1997 Frobisher Bay NU politician, community leader, head of Project Surname Jessie Oonark [ 107] 2 March 1906 Chantrey Inlet NU 7 March 1985 Churchill MB artist, mother of Janet Kigusiuq and William Noah Elisapee Ootoova [ 108] 6 January 1931 Devon Island NU May 2021 Pond Inlet NU Inuk elder Orpingalik [ 109] fl. 1921 angakkuq (shaman), poet Hezakiah Oshutapik [ 1] 1955 / 1956 Pangnirtung NU politician John Pangnark [ 110] 1920 Eskimo Point NU 1980 Eskimo Point NU sculptor Charlie Panigoniak [ 111] 7 March 1946 Chesterfield Inlet NU singer-songwriter and guitarist Pauloosie Paniloo [ 112] 1943 Clyde River NU 20 April 2007 200 km south of Clyde River NU politician Parr [ 113] 1893 Cape Dorset NU 3 November 1969 Cape Dorset NU artist Markoosie Patsauq Igloolik NU writer Enuk Pauloosie 1961 Spence Bay NU politician Lena Pedersen [ 114] 1940 Greenland first woman elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories Aaju Peter [ 115] 1960 Arkisserniaq Greenland lawyer and sealskin clothing designer Looty Pijamini [ 116] 14 November 1953 Clyde River NU artist David Ruben Piqtoukun [ 117] 1950 Paulatuk NT artist Peter Pitseolak [ 49] 2 September 1902 Nottingham Island NU 30 September 1973 Cape Dorset NU photographer, sculptor, artist and historian Annabella Piugattuk [ 118] 19 December 1982 Frobisher Bay NU actor Calvin Pokiak [ 119] 28 May 1955 Tuktoyaktuk NT politician Annie Pootoogook [ 120] 11 May 1969 Cape Dorset NU 19 September 2016 Ottawa ON artist Kananginak Pootoogook [ 121] 1 January 1935 Ikerasak NU 23 November 2010 Ottawa ON sculptor and printmaker Napachie Pootoogook [ 122] 26 June 1938 Sarruq Island NU 18 December 2002 Cape Dorset NU artist, daughter of Pitseolak Ashoona and mother of Annie Pootoogook Patty Pottle [ 123] NL politician Pudlo Pudlat [ 124] 4 February 1916 Kamadjuak NU 28 December 1992 Cape Dorset NU artist Kenoayoak Pudlat politician Ludy Pudluk [ 125] politician Uriash Puqiqnak [ 126] 15 April 1946 Chantrey Inlet NU politician, carver Andrew Qappik [ 127] 25 February 1964 Nunatak Island NU graphic artist Mumilaaq Qaqqaq Baker Lake NU politician Lucy Qinnuayuak [ 128] 1915 Salluit QC 1982 graphic artist and printmaker Emiliano Qirngnuq c. 1950 Pelly Bay NU politician Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley [ 129] late 1950s NU writer Paul Quassa [ 130] 12 January 1952 Igloolik NU politician Tumasi Quissa [ 131] 1948 near Akulivik QC singer-songwriter, carver George Qulaut c. 1954 Igloolik NU politician Taamusi Qumaq [ 132] 1 January 1914 near Inukjuak QC 13 July 1993 helped preserve Inuit language and traditional culture , wrote an Inuktitut dictionary and an encyclopedia on Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Madeleine Redfern [ 133] 1967 Frobisher Bay NU politician Keith Rusell [ 134] 24 May 1975 Happy Valley-Goose Bay NL politician Todd Russell 22 December 1966 William's Harbour NL politician Pitaloosie Saila [ 135] 1942 Cape Dorset NU artist Pauta Saila [ 136] 1916 / 1917 Kilaparutua NU 2009 artist Tom Sammurtok 1946 / 1947 politician Alexander Sammurtok politician Joe Savikataaq 8 December 1960 politician Eric Schweig [ 137] 19 June 1967 Inuvik NT actor Elisapee Sheutiapik [ 138] Frobisher Bay NU politician John Shiwak [ 139] 1889 Rigolet NL 20 November 1917 Masnières France sniper in the First World War Isaac Shooyook [ 140] 1939 Arctic Bay NU politician Nick Sikkuark [ 141] 21 May 1943 Garry Lake NU 19 December 2013 Kugaaruk NU artist Marika Sila [ 72] 1991 / 1992 Yellowknife NWT actress and entertainer David Simailak Baker Lake NU politician Mary Simon [ 142] 1947 Kangiqsualujjuaq QC politician, diplomat, Governor General-designate of Canada Vince Steen [ 143] 1941 Aklavik NT 3 February 2007 politician Donald Suluk [ 144] c. 1925 Chesterfield Inlet NU religious figure Thomas Suluk [ 145] 14 March 1950 Eskimo Point NU politician Tanya Tagaq [ 146] 5 May 1975 Cambridge Bay NU throat singer, artist Joe Talirunili [ 147] c. 1893 Qugaaluk River area or north of Puvirnituq QC 1976 printmaker and sculptor Louis Tapardjuk [ 1] 30 January 1953 northwest of Igloolik NU politician Peter Taptuna [ 1] 1956 Cambridge Bay NU politician, Premier of Nunavut Adam "Hyper-T" Tanuyak Chesterfield Inlet NU musician Ningeokuluk Teevee [ 49] 27 May 1963 Cape Dorset NU writer and artist Manitok Thompson [ 32] 1955 Coral Harbour NU politician Willie Thrasher [ 148] 1948 Aklavik NT musician Irene Avaalaaqiaq Tiktaalaaq [ 149] 1941 Princess Mary Lake NU artist John Tiktak [ 150] 1916 Kareak NU 1981 Rankin Inlet NU sculptor Kane Tologanak [ 151] politician Tookoolito [ 46] c. 1838 Cape Searle NU 31 December 1876 Groton CT guide, wife of Ebierbing Simon Tookoome 9 December 1934 Chantrey Inlet NU 7 November 2010 Baker Lake NU artist Jordin Tootoo [ 152] 2 February 1983 Churchill MB hockey player Hunter Tootoo [ 153] 18 August 1963 Rankin Inlet NU politician Lucy Tulugarjuk 28 February 1975 Igloolik NU actress, filmmaker Victor Tungilik [ 154] NU religious figure, both a Christian and a traditional angakkuq (shaman) Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok [ 155] 1934 Nunalla MB 2012 Arviat NU artist Marion Tuu'luq [ 156] 1910 Chantrey Inlet /Back River NU 2002 artist Jeannie Ugyuk [ 1] Spence Bay NU politician Abraham Ulrikab [ 157] 29 January 1845 Hebron NL 13 January 1881 Paris France human zoo exhibit Umik [ 158] fl. 1920 NU angakkuq (shaman) Natar Ungalaaq [ 159] 1959 Igloolik NU actor, filmmaker, and sculptor Terry Uyarak [ 160] Igloolik NU musician, circus performer Uvavnuk [ 161] 19th century Igloolik area NU angakkuq (shaman), oral poet Sheila Watt-Cloutier [ 162] 1 December 1953 Fort Chimo QC politician, activist Charlie Watt [ 163] 29 June 1944 Fort Chimo QC politician Rebekah Williams [ 164] 3 March 1950 politician Simonie Michael [ 165] 1933 Apex, Iqaluit NU November 2008 first elected Inuk legislator in Canada