List of museums in Paris

Last updated

There are around 130 museums in Paris, France, within city limits. This list also includes suburban museums within the "Grand Paris" area, such as the Air and Space Museum.


The sixteen museums of the City of Paris are annotated with "VP", as well as six other ones also accommodated in municipal premises and the Musées de France (fr) listed by the ministry of culture are annotated with "MF".



Arab World Institute Paris Pont de Sully IMA dsc04039.jpg 5thCulture(MF) History, ancient and medieval archeology, arts and crafts, ethnographic and contemporary art of the countries of the Arab world
Archaeological Crypt of the Paris Notre-Dame La crypte archeologique du Parvis de Notre-Dame (Paris) (8274683584).jpg 4thArchaeological(VP) Remains under Notre Dame de Paris of buildings dating back to the city's early days
Art Ludique Art Ludique - Le Musee (Vu de l'exterieur).JPG 13thArtExhibitions of contemporary art in comic books, manga, cinema, live animation and videogames
Bibliothèque-Musée de l'Opéra National de Paris 2011 Bibliotheque-Musee de l'Opera Paris 5336594777.jpg 9thOperaLibrary and museum about the Paris Opera, part of the Music Department of the National Library of France
Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris.JPG 4thBiographicalIncludes three small museums about Polish natives: Musée Adam Mickiewicz about the poet, Musée Boleslas Biegas with paintings and sculpture by the artist and other Polish artists, and Salon Frédéric Chopin about the composer
Cabinet des Médailles Cabinet des Medailles.jpg 1stNumismaticLocated in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, includes coins, medals, antiques from the ancient Near East, Greece, Rome, and national antiquities
Catacombes de Paris Catacombs-700px.jpg 14thHistory(VP) Underground ossuary with the remains of over six million people
Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine Cite de l'architecture 001.jpg 16thArchitectureLocated in the Palais de Chaillot, includes Musée national des Monuments Français with plaster casts of French architecture, gallery of reproduced wall paintings and stained-glass windows from historic monuments, French and international architecture from 1850 to the present
Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie @ Parc de La Villette @ Paris (28957992355).jpg 19thScienceHands-on science exhibits, includes the French submarine Argonaute (S636)
Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration L'exposition permanente de la CNHI.jpg 12thEthnic(MF) History and culture of immigration in France from the 19th century to the present, located in the Palais de la Porte Dorée
Espace Dalí Espace-dali-montmartre 1.jpg 18thArtLife of and sculptures, engravings and paintings of Salvador Dalí
Espace Fondation EDF Paris - Espace Fondation EDF - 28 April 2015.jpg Art New media exhibitions and exhibitions about society and culture
Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain.jpg 14thArtContemporary art
Fondation Custodia Fondation Custodia - 121 rue de Lille -1.JPG 7thArt Frits Lugt collection of European drawings, prints, paintings, books and artists' letters from the 15th to 19th century, focusing on Dutch and Flemish Old Masters, Italian and French artists
Fondation Jean Dubuffet N/A6thArtWorks by Jean Dubuffet, also main museum in Périgny, Val-de-Marne
Fondation Louis Vuitton Fondation Louis Vuitton - Paris (50569906682).jpg 16thArtContemporary art
Galerie des Gobelins Manufacture des Gobelins2.JPG 13thDecorative artsExhibitions of Gobelins tapestries
Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume.jpg 1stPhotography(MF) Modern and postmodern photography and media
Galeries nationales du Grand Palais Le Grand Palais depuis le pont Alexandre III a Paris.jpg 8thArtArt exhibits and cultural events programmed by the Réunion des musées nationaux et du Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées
Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation, Paris January 2011 01.jpg 14thPhotographyArchives and work of photographers Henri Cartier-Bresson and Martine Franck, exhibitions of other photographers, painters, sculptors, and illustrators
Institut Tessin Centre Culturel Suedois, Paris February 2011 001.jpg 3rdArtSwedish art and culture
Maison d'Auguste Comte MH 75006 PA00088596 Immeuble 10 rue Monsieur le Prince.jpg 6thHistoric houseRestored 19th-century period rooms of positivist philosopher Auguste Comte (1798–1857), one of the 32 Maisons des illustres (fr) in the region Île de France
Maison de Balzac Maison Balzac Paris.JPG 16thHistoric house(VP) Restored 19th-century rooms with mementos of author novelist Honoré de Balzac
Maison européenne de la photographie P1170441 Paris IV rue de Fourcy MEP rwk.jpg 4thPhotography(VP premises) Contemporary photography
Maison Gainsbourg La maison de Serge Gainsbourg (auteur-compositeur-interprete et cineaste francais mondialment connu).JPG 7thHistoric houseMuseum dedicated to Serge Gainsbourg, in his former home in Paris
Maison de Victor Hugo PARIS Place des Vosges, Maison de Victor Hugo.jpg 4thHistoric house(VP) Restored 19th-century house of author novelist Victor Hugo
Maison La Roche Maison La Roche 01.jpg 16thHistoric houseOperated by Fondation Le Corbusier, 1920s house designed by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, exhibits art collection and archives of Le Corbusier
Maxim's Art Nouveau "Collection 1900" Maxim's, Paris 9 November 2012.jpg 8thDecorative artArt Nouveau objects and decor, located above Maxim's restaurant
Mémorial de la Shoah Memorial de la Shoah @ Paris (32732899245).jpg 4thHistoryHistory of the Holocaust and French Jews in World War II
Minerals collection of Pierre and Marie Curie University N/A5thGeology1500 minerals on display in 24 display cases
Mundolingua Musee Mundolingua.JPG 6thScienceInformation, objects and documents relating to language, linguistic diversity and linguistics
Musée – Librairie du Compagnonnage Paris 2014 Musee-librairie du compagnonnage 02.jpg 6thHistoryHistory of French trade guilds, skilled craftsmen in fields such as cooking, pastry, plumbing, ironworks, masonry, cabinetmaking, carpentry
Musée Adzak Musee Adzak.jpg 14thArtExhibits paintings, sculpture, and photography by a wide range of artists
Musée "Bible et Terre Sainte" N/A6thArchaeologyArchaeological artifacts arranged to show everyday life in Palestine from 5000 BCE to 600 CE
Musée Baccarat Musee Baccarat 1.jpg 16thDecorative art Baccarat fine glass work, including vases, dishes and stemware, and limited-edition collections
Musée Bourdelle Courtyard @ Musee Bourdelle @ Montparnasse @ Paris (31366849902).jpg 15thArt(VP) Sculptures, art and studio of Antoine Bourdelle
Musée Carnavalet Musee Carnavalet dsc03735.jpg 3rdMultiple(VP) City of Paris' history, culture, art, archaeology, decorative arts
Musée Cernuschi Monceau Cernuschi.JPG 8thArt(VP) Asian art, specializing in works from China, Japan, and Korea
Musée Clemenceau Musee Clemenceau Paris 2.jpg 16thHistoric houseApartment and garden of Georges Clemenceau (1841–1929), French statesman and writer
Musée Cognacq-Jay Musee cognac jay paris 9g1008.jpg 3rdArt(VP) 18th-century French fine and decorative art
Musée Curie Entrance to Musee Curie, Paris.jpg 5thScienceHistory of radiology research and the work of Pierre and Marie Curie
Musée d'Art Dentaire Pierre Fauchard N/A16thMedicalDental history, tools and apparatus
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme Courtyard of the Musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme, Paris.jpg 3rdJewishJewish art and history, history of the Jews in France since the Middle Ages and in the communities of Europe and North Africa
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris File by Alexander Baranov - Netipichnaia parizhskaia arkhitektura (9522783370).jpg 16thArt(VP) Modern and Contemporary art of the 20th and 21st centuries
Musée d'Art Naïf – Max Fourny Musee d art naif de Paris.JPG 18thArt(VP premises) Exhibitions of folk art, naive art, and outsider art
Musée d'Ennery Musee d'Ennery (Paris) 01.jpg 16thArtAsian art with a focus on China and Japan
Musée d'Histoire Contemporaine Musee de l'Armee Les Invalides , Army Museum Paris 6.JPG 7thHistoryLocated in the Hôtel national des Invalides, exhibits of French and international history through its collections of art, photographs, posters, political cartoons and objects
Musée d’histoire de la médecine Paris, Musee d'Histoire de la Medecine.JPG 6thMedicalLocated at the second floor of the Paris Descartes University, features historic medical instruments and apparatus
Musée d'Orsay Musee d'Orsay, North-West view, Paris 7e 140402.jpg 7thArtMainly French art dating from 1848 to 1914, including paintings, sculptures, furniture, and photography; houses the largest collection of Impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces in the world
Musée de l'Armée Musee de l'Armee Les Invalides , Army Museum Paris 6.JPG 7thMilitaryLocated in the Hôtel national des Invalides, national military museum of France, includes Musée des Plans-Reliefs, weapons, uniforms, regalia, armor, artillery, Napoleon's Tomb
Musée de l'Éventail Musee Eventail Paris.jpg 10thFashionHand fans and fan-making
Musée des Archives Nationales Hotel de Soubise - exterior view.JPG 3rdHistoryExhibit of documents drawn from the Archives Nationales
Musée de l'Homme Musee de l'homme.jpg 16thAnthropologyHuman evolution and the history of human sciences
Musée de l'Orangerie L'orangeraie, Paris 2008.jpg 1stArtGallery of Impressionist and post-Impressionist paintings, features eight Water Lilies murals by Claude Monet
Musée de l'Ordre de la Libération Musee de l'Armee Les Invalides , Army Museum Paris 6.JPG 7thMilitaryLocated in the Hôtel national des Invalides, history of the Free French Forces in World War II
Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature Entree - Musee de la chasse et de la nature.jpg 3rdSportsSport of hunting, includes hunting weapons, accessories, trophies, art and decorative art, stuffed animal mounts
Musée de la Contrefaçon Paris musee Contrefacon.jpg 16thLaw enforcementHistory of counterfeiting objects
Musée de la Franc-Maçonnerie N/A9thMasonicHistory of Freemasonry in France, regalia, artifacts
Musée de la Magie N/A4thMagicItems relating to magic shows, including optical illusions, secret boxes, wind-up toys, magic mirrors, see-through glasses, posters, holds magic shows
Musée de la Cinémathèque N/A12thFilmPart of the Cinémathèque Française, history of film and pre-cinema in France and around the world
Musée du 11 Conti - Monnaie de Paris Paris 6 - Hotel de la Monnaie -186.JPG 6thNumismaticPart of the Monnaie de Paris. Heritage collections, workshops of excellence
Musée de la Musique Musee-de-la-musique.jpg 19thMusicPart of the Cité de la Musique, musical instruments, art
Musée de La Poste L Adresse musee de la Poste, facade.jpg 15thPhilatelic Postage stamps and postal history of France, currently closed for renovation
Musée de la Sculpture en Plein Air 5thArt(VP) Outdoor sculptures from the second half of the twentieth century on display along the banks of the Seine
Musée de la Vie Romantique Paris Musee vie romantique 2012.jpg 9thMultiple(VP) 19th house with Romantic-period art and decorative art, mementos of author George Sand
Musée de Minéralogie Paris - entree du musee de mineralogie.jpg 6thGeologyMinerals, rocks, ores, gems, artificial minerals
Musée de Montmartre Musee de Montmartre - maison du Bel Air.jpg 18thLocal(VP premises) Local history through paintings, photographs, posters and manuscripts
Musée des Arts Décoratifs ARtDeco55.jpg 1stDecorative artsIncludes decorative arts (furniture, glass, ceramics and more), interior design, fashion, textiles, advertising, graphic arts
Musée des Arts et Métiers Saint-Martin-des-Champs Chapelle 01.jpg 3rdTechnologyHistory of technology and industry, including advances in scientific instruments, materials, energy, mechanics, construction, communication and transport
Musée des Arts Forains Entree musee des Arts forains.JPG 12thAmusement Funfair objects including amusement rides, fair stalls and restored attractions, merry-go-rounds and carousels, German swings
Musée des Collections Historiques de la Préfecture de Police N/A5thLaw enforcementHistory of policing in France
Musée des Égouts de Paris Musee des Egouts de Paris FRA 002.JPG 7thHistory(VP) History of tours of the Paris sewer system, role of sewer workers and methods of water treatment
Musée des Lunettes et Lorgnettes Pierre Marly N/A1stMedicalHistory of eyewear, includes lorgnettes, glasses, telescopes, and binoculars
Musée des moulages dermatologiques de l'hôpital Saint-LouisN/A10thMedicalPart of the historic building of the Hôpital Saint-Louis, features 19th-century wax casts of dermatological problems
Musée des Plans-Reliefs 201608 Musee des Plans-Reliefs 01.jpg 7thMilitaryLocated in the Hôtel national des Invalides, military models of fortified cities created between 1668 and 1870
Musée du Barreau de Paris Musee du Barreau de Paris le 22 janvier 2015 - 01.jpg 1stLaw enforcementHistory of the Paris Bar and its lawyers
Musée du Fumeur N/A11thSmokingIncludes smoking pipes, Egyptian sheeshas, snuffboxes, cigars, tobacco samples, hemp-fiber clothing, etchings, portraits, photographs, videos, and scientific drawings of tobacco plants
Musée du Louvre Cour Napoleon du Palais du Louvre 007.JPG 1stArtworld's largest museum, includes paintings, prints and drawings, sculpture, decorative arts, Egyptian antiquities, Near Eastern antiquities, Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiquities, Islamic art
Musée du Général Leclerc de Hauteclocque et de la Libération de Paris – Musée Jean Moulin Memorial Leclerc-Moulin 02.jpg 15thHistory(VP) History of Maréchal Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque, Jean Moulin, a major figure of the French Resistance, and the liberation of Paris in World War II
Musée du Luxembourg Paris Musee Luxembourg facade.jpg 6thArtChanging exhibitions of art
Musée du Parfum Fragonard Musee du Parfum Fragonard Paris.jpg 9thFashionHistory and process of perfume, antique perfume bottles, containers, toiletry sets, 19th-century period rooms
Musée du quai Branly Musee du quai Branly.jpg 7thArtIndigenous art and cultures of Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas
Musée du Service de Santé des Armées  [ fr ] Musee du Service de Sante des Armees @ Val-de-Grace @ Paris (32578772172).jpg 5thMedicalHistory of medical care for armed services in France
Musée du Service des Objets Trouvés Musee du Service des Objets Trouves.jpg 15thItems that have ended up in the Lost and Found department of the Paris Police
Musée du Vin P1180770 Paris XVI musee du vin sq Ch-Dickens rwk.jpg 16thWineHistory of the French craft of winemaking, includes tools and objects used to work the grapevine and the wine, a wine cellar, cooperage
Musée Édith Piaf N/A11thBiographicalLife of singer Édith Piaf
Musée Edouard Branly Musee Edouard Branly plaque.jpg 6thBiographicalLife of radio pioneer Édouard Branly, includes his research laboratory and equipment, open by appointment
Musée en Herbe Musee en Herbe jardin dacclimatation exterieur.jpg 16thChildren'sArt museum for children
Musée Grévin Entree Musee Grevin Paris 2.jpg 9thWaxScenes from the history of France and modern life
Musée Jacquemart-André Musee Jacquemart Andre 2007 - Recoura.jpg 8thHistoric house19th-century period house with major art collection
Musée Maillol Musee Maillol Paris 7e 001.jpg 7thArtWorks by Aristide Maillol and art exhibitions
Musée Marmottan Monet Musee Marmottan Monet, Paris, March 2013.JPG 16thArtFeatures over three hundred Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works by Claude Monet, other Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art, illuminated manuscripts, Napoleonic era art and furniture, Italian and Flemish primitive paintings
Musée Moissan N/A6thBiographicalOpen by appointment, life of Henri Moissan (1852–1907), winner of the 1906 Nobel Prize in chemistry
Musée National d'Art Moderne 4thArtLocated at the Centre Georges-Pompidou, modern and contemporary art
Musée national de la Légion d'Honneur et des Ordres de Chevalerie National museum of the Legion of Honour and of orders of chivalry, Paris 5 October 2013 - panoramio.jpg 7thMilitaryHistory of France's honors, medals, decorations, and knightly orders from Louis XI to the present, including Napoleonic souvenirs and more than 300 portraits
Musée national de la Marine Paris Palais Chaillot Musee national de la Marine Entrance.jpg 16thMaritimeIncludes ship model, maritime art, artifacts, photos
Musée national des Arts asiatiques-Guimet Nuit des musees (Musee national des arts asiatiques - Guimet)) (7233495340).jpg 16thArtAsian art, also known as Musée Guimet
Musée national du Moyen Âge Hotel Cluny Cour.JPG 5thDecorative artsFormerly Musée de Cluny, Medieval art, houses six The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries, remnants of the third century Gallo-Roman baths
Musée national Eugène Delacroix Musee national Eugene Delacroix Entree.jpg 6thArtLife and works of Eugène Delacroix
Musée national Gustave Moreau Paris Musee Gustave-Moreau 4.jpg 9thArtHome and studio of Symbolist painter Gustave Moreau (1826-1898)
Musée national Jean-Jacques Henner Henner museum facade.jpg 17thArtHouse and works of painter Jean-Jacques Henner (1829–1905)
Musée Nissim de Camondo Musee Nissim de Camondo - exterior.jpg 8thHistoric houseMuseum of French decorative arts displayed as in a wealthy private home
Musée Pasteur Institut Pasteur, Paris 1.jpg 15thBiographicalLife of scientist Louis Pasteur
Musée Picasso Musee Picasso Paris cote jardin.jpg 3rdArtLife and work of artist Pablo Picasso, also works by Cézanne, Degas, Rousseau, Seurat, de Chirico and Matisse, Iberian bronzes, African art
Musée Pierre Cardin N/A4thFashionOver 250 Haute Couture designs from 1950 to 2000 designed by Pierre Cardin
Musée Rodin Le musee Rodin, Le Penseur, 2010.jpg 7thArtWorks of the French sculptors Auguste Rodin and Camille Claudel, located in the Hôtel Biron
Musée Valentin Haüy N/A7thMedicalHistory of the blind and of the methods that gave them access to culture
Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris Musee Yves Saint Laurent Avenue Marceau Paris 16 - Vue1.jpg 16thFashionOpening in 2017, operated by the Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent, works by fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent
Musée Zadkine Musee Zadkine.jpg 6thArt(VP) House and work of sculptor Ossip Zadkine (1890–1967)
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle Galerie d'Anatomie comparee - Museum national d'histoire naturelle.jpg 5thNatural historyIncludes galleries for minerals and gems, fossils and dinosaurs and comparative anatomy, and the Grand Gallery of Evolution
Palais de la Découverte Le grand hall du Palais de la Decouverte, Paris juin 2008.jpg 8thScienceIncludes interactive exhibits for mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology and biology
Palais de Tokyo Palais de Tokyo, January 19, 2013.jpg 16thArtModern and contemporary art
Palais Galliera Musee Galliera, Paris 21 July 2017.jpg 16thFashion(VP) Also known as Musée de la Mode et du Costume de la Ville de Paris, fashion and fashion history, includes exhibits of French fashion design and costume from the eighteenth century to the present; closed between exhibitions
Pavillon de l'Arsenal Bd Henri IV- Teilhard Chardin -Pavillon de l'ArsenalDSC00636.JPG 4thArchitecture(VP premises) Architecture and urban planning
Pavillon de l'eau Pavillon de l'eau3.JPG 16thTechnology(VP premises) History of the city's water supply
Petit Musée de l'Argenterie N/A12thDecorative artsDecorative arts made of silver
Petit Palais Paris - Petit Palais.jpg 8thArt(VP) Paintings, sculpture, Ancient Greek and Roman art, Renaissance art and artifacts, 17th, 18th and 19th century art and artifacts, art from the Western and Eastern Christian worlds, engravings and drawings, photography
Salle des Traditions de la Garde Républicaine Caserne des Celestins 2009.JPG 4thMilitaryHistory of the Garde Républicaine
Tenniseum N/A16thSportsPart of Roland Garros Stadium
Théâtre-Musée des Capucines N/A2ndFashionPerfume
Tour Jean-sans-Peur Tour Jean Sans Peur, Paris, France.jpg 2ndHistoryHistory of the medieval tower and medieval Paris
World Heritage Centre UNESCO Headquarter, Paris 7 September 2005.jpg 7thHistoric siteTours of the UNESCO headquarters

Grand Paris

Atelier Grognard Rueil-Malmaison Hauts-de-Seine ArtChanging exhibitions of art
Musée Adrien Mentienne Bry-sur-Marne Val-de-Marne LocalLocal history, house of Louis Daguerre
Château de Grosbois Boissy-Saint-Léger Val-de-MarneHistoric house17th century castle
Château de Vincennes Vincennes Val-de-MarneHistoric houseMassive 14th and 17th century French royal fortress
Écomusée du Val de Bièvres Fresnes Val-de-MarneLocalLocal history and ethnology in a medieval farm
Exploradôme Vitry-sur-Seine Val-de-MarneScienceInteractive exhibits about science including optical illusions, turbulent motion, structures and forms, and movement
Expo-Musée RenaultBoulogne-BillancourtHauts-de-SeineAutomotiveHistory of Renault automobiles
Fondation Arp Clamart Hauts-de-SeineArtStudio of Jean Arp and Sophie Taeuber
Fondation Jean Dubuffet Périgny-sur-Yerres Val-de-MarneArtWorks of Jean Dubuffet
Maison de la photographie Robert Doisneau Gentilly Val-de-MarnePhotography Humanist photography and works of Parisian photographer Robert Doisneau
Mémorial du Mont-Valérien Suresnes Hauts-de-SeineMilitaryPlace of execution of resistants and hostages during WWII
Musée Albert-Kahn Boulogne-Billancourt Hauts-de-SeinePhotographyHistoric photographs and film collected by the banker and philanthropist Albert Kahn
Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne Vitry-sur-SeineVal-de-MarneArtContemporary art
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Colombes Colombes Hauts-de-SeineLocalArt and local history
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Meudon Meudon Hauts-de-SeineLocalLandscape painting, contemporary art and postwar history of Meudon
Musée d'art et d'histoire de Saint-Denis Saint-Denis Seine-Saint-Denis LocalLocal art and history, in the former Carmel of Saint-Denis
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Saint-Ouen Saint-Ouen Seine-Saint-DenisLocalArt and history, in the castle of Saint-Ouen
Musée d'Histoire Locale de Rueil-Malmaison - Mémoire de la ville Rueil-Malmaison Hauts-de-SeineLocalLocal history, features a collection of toy soldiers, located in the former town hall
Musee d'Histoire Urbaine et Sociale de Suresnes (MUS)SuresnesHauts-de-SeineLocalLocal history, area urban planning
Musée de la ColombophilieSuresnesHauts-de-SeineMilitaryMilitary dovecote, in the Fort du Mont-Valérien
Musée de la Résistance Nationale  [ fr ] Champigny-sur-Marne Val-de-MarneHistoryHistory of the French Resistance from its inception up to the Liberation in World War II
Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace Le Bourget Seine-Saint-DenisAerospaceFeatures 400 aircraft, 150 of which are on display, history of aviation, ballooning and space exploration
Musée de l'histoire vivante Montreuil Seine-Saint-DenisLocal historyLocal history of the working class
Musée de Livry-Gargan - Château de la Forêt Livry-Gargan Seine-Saint-DenisLocalTemporary exhibitions of art, etc.
Musée de Nogent-sur-Marne Nogent-sur-Marne Val-de-MarneLocalInfluence of the River Marne on art, bridges, architecture, boating, sports
Musée de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés - Villa Médicis La Varenne-Saint-Hilaire Val-de-MarneLocalLocal history
Musée des Années Trente Boulogne-BillancourtHauts-de-SeineArtFine art, decorative art, and industrial arts of the 1930s
Musée des Automates Neuilly-sur-Seine Hauts-de-SeineAutomatesAutomates
Musée des Avelines Saint-Cloud Hauts-de-SeineLocal and artArt and local history, includes the former Château de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud porcelain, artist Eugène Carrière
Musée des Gardes SuissesRueil-MalmaisonHauts-de-SeineMilitaryHistory of the Swiss Guard, located in the former 18th-century barracks
Musée des TransmissionsSuresnesHauts-de-SeineMilitaryMilitary transmissions equipments, in the Fort du Mont-Valérien, visit on demand
Musée des transports urbains, interurbains et ruraux Colombes Hauts-de-SeineTransportMetro, tramways, bus, etc., visit on demand
Musée des travaux publics Courbevoie Hauts-de-SeineTechnology and industryScale models of road, rail, harbour, etc. infrastructures, visit on demand
Musée du Domaine départemental de Sceaux Sceaux Hauts-de-SeineHistoric houseTours of the 19th-century Château de Sceaux, includes fine art, furniture, and decorative art from former royal residences, park designed by Le Nôtre
Musée Émile Jean Villiers-sur-Marne Val-de-MarneLocalLocal history
Musée Fragonard d'Alfort Maisons-Alfort Val-de-MarneMedicalAnatomical oddities, mostly of animals, located within the École Nationale Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort
Musée Français de la Carte à Jouer Issy-les-Moulineaux Hauts-de-SeineDecorative artsHistoric playing cards and art and objects related to card games
Musée National de Malmaison et Bois-Préau Rueil-Malmaison Hauts-de-SeineHistoric houseCastle of Empress Joséphine
Musée Paul Belmondo Boulogne-BillancourtHauts-de-SeineArtWorks of sculptures Paul Belmondo
Musée Rodin Meudon Hauts-de-SeineArtVilla and studio of sculptor Auguste Rodin, also known as La Villa des Brillants
Musée Roybet Fould Courbevoie Hauts-de-SeineArtCollection of 19th works including Consuelo Fould, exhibitions of historic and contemporary art and photography
Musée-jardin Paul LandowskiBoulogne-BillancourtHauts-de-SeineArtWorks by sculptor Paul Landowski
Sèvres - Cité de la céramique Sèvres Hauts-de-SeineDecorative artsCeramics by the Manufacture nationale de Sèvres and contemporary ceramics by other artists
La Vallée-aux-Loups Châtenay-Malabry Hauts-de-SeineHistoric houseCountry house of Chateaubriand

Rest of Île de France

Centre Photographique d'Île-de-France Pontault-Combault Seine-et-Marne Photography
Château de Blandy-les-Tours Blandy-les-Tours Seine-et-MarneHistoric houseRestored remains of the 13th-century feudal fortress manor castle
Château de Breteuil Choisel Yvelines Historic house17th-century chateau with rare portraits of Kings, 18th-century furniture, rooms with wax figures of kings and important figures created by the Musée Grévin
Château de Brie-Comte-Robert Brie-Comte-Robert Seine-et-MarneHistoric houseRemains of the medieval fortress castle
Château de Champs-sur-Marne Champs-sur-Marne Seine-et-MarneHistoric house18th-century rococo house and gardens with links to many important figures
Château de Courances Courances Essonne Historic house Louis XIII style chateau and gardens
Château de Courson Courson-Monteloup EssonneHistoric houseChateau and park with gardens
Château de Dampierre Dampierre-en-Yvelines YvelinesHistoric houseRenaissance castle, gardens and park
Château de Dourdan Dourdan EssonneHistoric houseFortress castle, includes museum of local history
Château de Fontainebleau Fontainebleau Seine-et-MarneHistoric houseOne of the largest French royal châteaux, residence of French monarchs from Louis VII through Napoleon III
Château de la Madeleine Chevreuse YvelinesHistoric houseRemains of a medieval fortress castle
Château de La Roche-Guyon La Roche-Guyon Val-d'OiseHistoric houseMedieval manor house and fortress
Château de Maisons Maisons-Laffitte YvelinesHistoric house17th-century French baroque chateau
Château de Nemours Ferrières-en-Brie Seine-et-MarneArtMedieval castle that houses exhibitions from its art collection
Château de Rambouillet Rambouillet YvelinesHistoric houseFormer Royal, Imperial and Presidential residence with large 50,000 acres of woods
Château de Rentilly Bussy-Saint-Martin Seine et MarneContemporary art
Château de Thoiry Thoiry YvelinesHistoric house150-hectare (370-acre) castle, wildlife park and zoo, and botanical garden
Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte Maincy Seine-et-MarneHistoric house17th-century grand château and gardens
Domaine de Madame Élisabeth Versailles YvelinesHistoric houseHouse of Mme Elisabeth sister of king Louis XVI
Domaine départemental de Chamarande Chamarande EssonneContemporary artContemporary art exhibited in the 17th-18th c. castle and park
Domaine départemental de Méréville Méréville EssonneHistoric house16th-18th castle and park (in renovation)
Maison-atelier Foujita Villiers-le-Bâcle EssonneHistoric houseHouse of the painter Leonard Foujita
Maison Jean-Cocteau Milly-la-Forêt EssonneHistoric houseHouse of the writer and artist Jean Cocteau
Musée Aeronautique et Spatial SAFRAN Réau Seine-et-MarneAerospaceHistory of aviation and aerospace in France, includes historic airplanes, space engines, rockets, motorcycles
Musée archéologique départemental du Val-d'Oise Guiry-en-Vexin Val d'OiseArcheologyArcheology of the département, Gallo-Roman sculpture
Musée d'Argenteuil Argenteuil Val d'OiseLocalArcheology, local history
Musée Bossuet Meaux Seine-et-MarneArtArt and local history and art, located in a former episcopal palace
Musée d'Archéologie Nationale Saint-Germain-en-Laye YvelinesArchaeologyLocated in Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, include finds from Paleolithic to Merovingian times
Musée d'art et d'histoire de Melun Melun Seine-et-MarneLocalArt, local history, archaeological pieces, lapidary, works by sculptor Henri Chapu
Musée de la Faïence Vulaines-sur-Seine Seine-et-MarneLocalFeatures a collection of local ceramics, exhibits of local history
Musée de la Gendarmerie Nationale Melun Seine-et-MarneMilitaryHistory of the National Gendarmerie
Musée de la Grande Guerre Meaux Seine-et-MarneMilitaryHistory of World War I
Musée de la Seine et Marne Saint-Cyr-sur-Morin Seine-et-MarneLocalHistory of the département and writer Pierre Mac Orlan
Musée de la Toile de Jouy Jouy-en-Josas YvelinesTextileLocated in the Chateau de l'Églantine, Toile de Jouy fabric collection, printing equipment and old drawings, period display of Christophe-Philippe Oberkampf furniture
Musée de Préhistoire d’Île-de-France Nemours Seine-et-MarneArchaeologyArchaeological artifacts showing the prehistory of the area
Musée des Peintres de Barbizon Barbizon Seine-et-MarneArtWorks by the Barbizon school of painters
Musée des tramways à vapeur et des chemins de fer secondaires français Butry-sur-Oise Val-d'Oise RailwayHistoric railway vehicles
Musée national de la Renaissance Écouen Val-d'OiseDecorative artsLocated in the 16th-century Château d'Écouen, houses Renaissance decorative art from the Musée national du Moyen Âge
Musée départemental Maurice Denis "The Priory" Saint-Germain-en-Laye YvelinesArtFocus is Nabi art
Musée Espace Gaïa Vulaines-sur-Seine Seine-et-MarneNatural historyArea geology and paleontology, located in the Medieval Priory St. Martin
Musée Fournaise Chatou YvelinesArtRestaurant location on the Seine that inspired many Impressionist painters, includes art and writings inspired by the river
Musée Français de la Photographie Bièvres EssonnePhotographyPhotography
Musée Gatien-Bonnet Lagny-sur-Marne Seine-et-MarneLocalHistory of the town, archeology, neo-impressionnist paintings
Musée Henri Chapu Le Mée-sur-Seine Seine-et-MarneArtWorks by sculptor Henri Chapu
Musée Jardin Bourdelle Égreville Seine-et-MarneArtFeatures over 50 outdoor bronze sculptures by Antoine Bourdelle in a garden setting
Musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau Montmorency Val d'OiseHistoric houseHouse of the philosopher from 1757 to 1762, manuscripts and memorabilia
Musée Lambinet Versailles YvelinesLocalHistory of the town, includes some rooms with period decor and the town's collection of decorative arts from the 15th to 20th centuries, and paintings, sculptures and other works of art by artists from the town
Musée Louis Braille Coupvray Seine-et-MarneHistoric houseBirthplace home depicting life of Louis Braille, educator and inventor of a system of reading and writing for use by the blind or visually impaired
Musée Louis Senlecq L'Isle-Adam Seine et MarneArt and historyPaintings, sculptures, décorative arts, local history
Musée national de Port-Royal des Champs Magny-les-Hameaux YvelinesArt17th and 18th-century art and engravings, remains of the medieval abbey of Cistercian nuns
Museum of Provins Provins Seine-et-MarneLocalLocal history, located in a 13th-century house
Musée Robert-Dubois-Corneau Brunoy EssonneLocalHistory of the town, art of thé 18th c., actor Talma
Musée Stéphane Mallarmé Vulaines-sur-Seine Seine-et-MarneHistoric houseHouse of poet Stéphane Mallarmé, his works and those of his artist friends
Musée Utrillo-Valadon Sannois Val-d'OiseArtArt exhibitions, features works by Maurice Utrillo, Suzanne Valadon (his mother) and André Utter (his stepfather)
Palace of Versailles Versailles YvelinesHistoric houseRoyal palace of Louis XIV with many buildings, gardens, Museum of the History of France
Tour César (fr) Provins Seine-et-MarneHistoric siteMedieval fortress tower
Union Nationale des collectionneurs de Véhicules Militaires Versailles YvelinesMilitary

Collection of historic military vehicles, some of which were involved in the Liberation of Paris. Also includes prototype vehicles for the Aérotrain.

Villa Savoye Poissy YvelinesHistoric house1930s modernist villa designed by Le Corbusier and his cousin Pierre Jeanneret

Defunct museums


Centre de la Mer et des Eaux 2010
Musée Arménien de France 1995Closed until compliance to security norms
Musée Bouilhet-Christofle 2008
Musée Bouchard 2007Collections moved to the Musée de La Piscine in Roubaix
Musée Dapper 2017
Musée d'Anatomie Delmas-Orfila-Rouvière 2005Collections moved to the University of Montpellier
Musée d'Art Juif 1998Collections moved to the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme
Musée d'Ethnographie du Trocadéro 1935Collections moved to the Musée de l'Homme and the Musée national des Arts et Traditions Populaires
Musée de l'Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris 2012(VP premises), evaluating reopening at the Hôtel Dieu
Musée de l'Holographie 1996
Musée de la mode et du textile 1997Now a department of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs
Musée de la Poupée 2017
Musée de la Publicité 1999Now a department of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs
Musée de la Serrure 2003
Musée de Notre Dame de Paris 2008
Musée de Radio France 2007Collections stored
Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits 2014
Musée des Matériaux du Centre de Recherche sur les Monuments Historiques 2007 ?Now a department of the Centre de recherches sur les Monuments historiques reserved to the students of the School of Chaillot (fr) at the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine
Musée du Montparnasse 2015(VP premises), replaced by the Villa Vassilieff art center
Musée Dupuytren 2016Collections moved to the Pierre and Marie Curie University
Musée Grévin – Forum des Halles 1996Collections moved back to the Musée Grévin
Musée Lenine 2007
Musée national Hébert 2004Closed for renovation operated by the Musée d'Orsay
Musée National du Sport 2013Collections moved to Nice
Musée national des Arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie 2003Collections moved to the Musée du quai Branly
Musée national des Arts et Traditions Populaires (France) 2005Collections moved to the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations in Marseilles
Musée-Galerie de la Seita 2000Half of the collection given to the Musée du Tabac in Bergerac
Musée-Placard d'Erik Satie 2008
La Maison Rouge 2018
Pavillon des Arts 2006(VP premises)
Pinacothèque de Paris 2016
Revue virtuelle 1996

Paris région

See also

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