List of special economic zones

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This is a list of special economic zones by country. [1] [2]




Currently identified areas for SEZs are:

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo planned to build its first Special Economic Zone in the Kinshasa district of N'Sélé. The SEZ was intended be operative in 2012 and dedicated to agro-industries. [3]

As of April 2013 the DRC did not have any FTZs or free ports. [4]


The North West Suez Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) is located at the Red Sea, 45 km south of Suez. It is served by Sokhna harbour. It was the first SEZ set up under laws passed in 2002. [5] [6]

Additionally, in 2013 Egypt had nine FZs and thirteen Investment Zones. [5]


The Royal Science and Technology Park (RSTP) was designated as a Special Economic Zone through the Special Economic Zone Act of 2018. This was an initiative by His Majesty King Mswati III to attract foreign investment into the Kingdom of Eswatini, promote export-oriented growth, generate employment with the intention to ensure technology transfer to the Eswatini populace, subsequently boost economic growth. The Investor Management Services Unit is responsible for the operationalization and management of RSTP’s SEZ Industrial Plot and the One Stop Shop Service Centre (OSSSC).


Ethiopia has a SEZ named Oriental in Dukem (near Addis) that produces electrical machinery, construction materials, steel and metallurgy. The zone is wholly owned by China. [5] [7]


Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre (TRIFIC) is the first and only business services- focused Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Kenya, offering new and exciting prospects for global, African, regional and Kenyan service-oriented enterprises and investment-focused entities seeking a next-frontier gateway base to competitively access regional and international markets.


A Chinese owned SEZ has been created in Jinfei called the Mauritius Jinfei Economic Trade and Cooperation Zone. The zone manufacturers textiles, garments, machinery and high-tech. Additionally, it supports trade, tourism and finance. [7] [8]


Two Chinese SEZs have been constructed in Nigeria. [9]


Zambia is home to two SEZs developed in partnership with China Non-Ferrous Metal Mining corporation. One sitting just outside Lusaka focuses on garments, food, appliances, tobacco and electronics. The second is in the copper rich town of Chambishi and focuses on copper related industries. The zones combine expedited customs and administration procedures with tax incentives, to attract increased investment. [10] [11]


Cayman Islands

The Cayman Enterprise City SEZ officially launched on Friday, 3 February 2012. It specializes in knowledge based industries. The SEZ has a range of incentives to attract businesses including no corporate, income or capital gains tax. [12]


Mariel Special Development Zone is a special economic zone in Cuba exempt from normal economic legislation. [13] :159


Roatán contains a Zona de Empleo y de Desarrollo Económico (ZEDE) [14] or Zone for Economic Development and Employment, designated by Honduran constitutional provisions and legislation. The goal is to enable stable legal structures, physical environment, human rights, and taxation in order to encourage investment, migration, and economic development. [15] This is the location of the private charter city of Próspera.


The first of Jamaica's special economic zones was created in 1976 with the goal of industrializing the country, as well as increasing foreign exchange and access to technology. [16] :183 [17] This primary zone was in Kingston and was strategically attached to one of the country's main ports, to facilitate efficient transportation. Although it is no longer in use, during its years of operation, the zone consisted of 146 acres of warehouse land, which could be rented by foreign enterprises at very low rates. Private companies were invited to occupy the warehouses, but the government at that time, The People's National Party, remained tentative of relying on foreign capital as a means of industrializing. [18] :50

With the shift to the Seaga government in the 1980s, export led industrialization became key to Jamaica's economic development, and more effort was put into attracting foreign enterprises to the zone. [18] :51 One of the ways in which this was executed, was by transforming the warehouse land into a center for production of manufactured goods. [18] :51 While the Caribbean Development Bank and the World Bank funded the creation of the zone, the conversion into factories was initiated and paid for by the National Development Bank, a government-owned institution. [18] :51 [19] Due to the large job creation that accompanied the transformation, a second SEZ was opened in Montego Bay in 1988. The majority of the activity, however, remained at the Kingston location, with only ten percent of the factories at the new, smaller site. [16] :184 [18] :51 The factories were primarily occupied by foreign enterprises, and produced apparel items, fish products, fruit juice concentrates and animal feed. [18] :53 As a result of the special economic zones, Jamaica's export of manufactured goods increased ten-fold between 1980 and 1984, although the export of traditional goods, namely bauxite and alumina, stagnated. [18] :51

Foreign enterprises were attracted to the SEZs by the incentives they offered. [16] :183 The zones operated as separate entities that were not technically part of Jamaica, which allowed companies to bypass local import and exchange controls. [19] Additionally, under the Jamaica Free Zone Act, any enterprise with approval from the Port Authority could import certain items without any customs duties. [16] :183–184 Any remaining local labour controls were of little concern to foreign companies, since Jamaican workers were typically excluded from all steps except for manufacturing. The materials used for apparel manufacturing, for example, were all imported from the United States and simply assembled by the local workers. [19] The minimal role played by Jamaicans in the production also meant that there were very few backwards and forwards linkages. With the exception of fish products, which incorporated local resources, most of the companies imported their inputs from home or from Asia. [18] :56 Since these enterprises could execute their business with very little engagement with the country, there was no incentive for them to ameliorate Jamaican infrastructure or industry. [19] The Seaga government argued that despite this lack of success in industrializing the country, the zones were effective in providing much-needed employment for the locals. [19]

At its peak, the Kingston and Montego Bay Free Zones employed over 36,000 locals. However, they were criticized for issues of poor working conditions and low wages. [17] The jobs that the factories provided were high pressure, laborious, and provided few opportunities for workers to gain new skills. [17] [19] Jamaican women made up 95 percent of the workforce in the zones, the majority of whom were under 25 years old. [16] :183–184 These women typically worked twelve-hour days, six days a week, with significant overtime expected. [18] Throughout the mid-1980s, an average income in the zone was US$30 per two weeks, a wage that was comparable to other low-skill, entry-level jobs in Jamaica, but much less than the minimum wages of the countries that owned and operated the factories. [19] Although the creation of these jobs did lift some families out of dire economic situations, the wages were not high enough to stop the cycle of poverty for most. [17] In addition, the government taxed their incomes heavily for ‘health benefits’, yet no aid was provided when medical issues arose. This forced many locals to believe that the government was co-conspiring with foreign countries to exploit them, but without the adequate unionized backing, there was little they could do to fight these injustices. [19] This lack of unionization also meant that many enterprises were not forced to comply with the Factory Act: Occupational issues that arose from poor working conditions, such as overheating, carpel tunnel syndrome, strained eyesight, or back problems, went unnoticed. [16] :184 [18] :57

Although the workers had a fundamental right to create or join unions, the majority of the factories in the zones remained non-unionized. [16] :194 The International Labour Organization set out guidelines for ethical working conditions, but it was largely up to the Jamaican government to enforce them. Since low-wage female workers were not a priority, very little effort was made to support them. [16] Some women did try to improve the conditions of the factories and were met with mixed success. A few factories started to provide maternity leave and some medical benefits; however, the majority remained unchanged. [17] In response to strikes or labour movements, some companies dismissed their Jamaican workers and brought in workers from Asia who were less vocal about the injustices. [19] This not only took jobs from the locals, one of the key goals behind creating the special economic zones, but also had deleterious effects on future movements to unionize the factories.

The creation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994 had significant impacts on the SEZs of Jamaica and can be seen as one of the main reasons for the closure of the Kingston site. [17] Before this agreement, the United States had held a monopoly over the factory spaces, since the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act of 1983-1995, allowed for one-way free trade benefits on most products entering the U.S. from the Caribbean. [20] NAFTA gave its members (Canada, the United States and Mexico) similar trade privileges amongst each other that foreign countries received in Jamaica. The agreement made it more attractive for the United States to invest in Mexico than Jamaica and resulted in many of their companies moving to factories in there. [17] Aside from the lower transportation costs between Mexico and the United States, in 1997, Mexican workers were being paid much less than Jamaican workers. [17] In 1996, Jamaica's exports to the United States declined 12 percent, while Mexico's exports to the United States grew by 40 percent. [17] Similarly, by the mid 1990s, employment in the special economic zones had declined 64 percent since its peak in 1987. [16] :184 The loss of 16,000 jobs between the years 1995-1997 was severely detrimental to the workers, who claimed they had been ‘ruined’ by health issues attributed to factory work, and were therefore not fit to pursue any other work. [17] In response to the closure, the Jamaican government tried to promote export-oriented work like data processing and call centers, but neither venture was very successful and few jobs were created. [17] As of February 2013, there has been talk of opening another SEZ in the Caymanas. [21]


In May, 2016, President Enrique Peña Nieto signed a new law for the creation of special economic zones to attract investment into certain southern states of the country. The first of the zones are the port of Lázaro Cárdenas, including neighboring municipalities in Michoacán and Guerrero; a corridor in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec between Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, and Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, that includes both those cities; and the Pacific coast port of Puerto Chiapas. In 2017 another zone is to be created in the petroleum corridor of Tabasco-Campeche. [22]

According to Vázquez Tercero & Zepeda, the Mexican Special Economic Zones regime will provide tax benefits, customs, and business facilitation measures, and possibly financial support to investors. Moreover, the federal government, in coordination with State and local authorities, will also implement parallel policies in the region, such as education, security, health, and infrastructure, in order to boost the competitiveness of the geographic location as well as to attract investment. [23]


The Colon Free Zone (C.F.Z.) is located in the city of Colon at the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal dedicated to re-export of merchandise to Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Panama Pacifico Special Economic Area (PPSEA) was passed into law in 2004 in the Republic of Panama. It is located on the former Howard AFB, near Panama City, on the Pacific side of the isthmus.

Asia / Pacific


Several special economic zones (SEZs) have been established across Bangladesh since the 1980s.[ citation needed ]

Mandated by the Bangladesh Economic Zones Act, 2010, the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) was officially instituted by the government on 9 November 2010. BEZA aims to establish SEZs in all potential areas in Bangladesh including underdeveloped regions with a view to encouraging rapid economic development through increase and diversification of industry, employment, production and export. [24]

Bangladesh government has taken an initiative to introduce a hundred SEZ throughout the country. As of March 2016, thirty seven government SEZs have acquired land and are under development.

The following Eight EPZs are in operation:

BEPZA is currently working on Mirsharai Economic Zone project to expand the opportunities for the investors to invest and create employment in a business-friendly environment.


Formally introduced in 2005, there are 22 SEZs in Cambodia as of November 2014. They are listed below followed by the province in which they are located. [25]

  1. Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ), Sihanoukville
  2. Sihanoukville Port SEZ, Sihanoukville
  3. Neang Kok Koh Kong SEZ, Koh Kong
  4. Suoy Chheng SEZ, Koh Kong
  5. S.N.C. SEZ, Sihanoukville
  6. Stung Hav SEZ, Sihanoukville
  7. N.L.C. SEZ, Svay Rieng
  8. Manhattan (Svay Reing) SEZ, Svay Rieng
  9. Poipet O’Neang SEZ, Banteay Meanchey
  10. Doung Chhiv Phnom Den SEZ, Takeo
  11. Phnom Penh SEZ, Phnom Penh
  12. Kampot SEZ, Kampot
  13. Sihanoukville SEZ 1, Sihanoukville
  14. Tai Seng Bavet SEZ Svay Rieng
  15. Oknha Mong SEZ, Koh Kong
  16. Goldfame Pak Shun SEZ, Kandal
  17. Thary Kampong Cham SEZ, Kampong Cham
  18. Sihanoukville SEZ 2, Sihanoukville
  19. D&M Bavet SEZ, Svay Rieng
  20. Kiri Sakor Koh Kong SEZ, Koh Kong
  21. Kampong Saom SEZ, Sihanoukville
  22. Pacific SEZ, Svay Rieng


The Tencent Seafront Tower in Shenzhen, it is the Headquarters of the Tencent group. Tencent binghai building202012 (cropped).jpg
The Tencent Seafront Tower in Shenzhen, it is the Headquarters of the Tencent group.

The most prominent SEZs in the country are Hainan Province and the cities of Kashgar, Shantou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, and Zhuhai. It is notable that Shantou, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai are all in Guangdong Province, and all are on the southern coast of China where the sea is very accessible for transportation of goods.


A view of one of the IT blocks of Infosys Ltd in the Mahindra World City situated in Chennai. States such as Tamil Nadu and Haryana are housing a number of under construction SEZ projects. Infosys Mcity, Building number 5.jpg
A view of one of the IT blocks of Infosys Ltd in the Mahindra World City situated in Chennai. States such as Tamil Nadu and Haryana are housing a number of under construction SEZ projects.

India was one of the first countries in Asia to recognize the effectiveness of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) model in promoting exports, with Asia's first EPZ set up in Kandla in 1965. In order to overcome the shortcomings experienced on account of the multiplicity of controls and clearances; absence of world-class infrastructure, and an unstable fiscal regime and with a view to attract larger foreign investments in India, the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Policy was announced in April 2000.

A comprehensive draft SEZ Bill was prepared after extensive discussions with the stakeholders. A number of meetings were held in various parts of the country both by the Minister for Commerce and Industry as well as senior officials for this purpose. The draft SEZ Rules were widely discussed and put on the website of the Department of Commerce. Around 800 suggestions were received on the draft rules. [26]

SEZ Act provides for customs duty on services cleared into DTAIt was hoped that the bill would instill confidence in investors and signal the Government's commitment to a stable SEZ policy regime. Thereby generating greater economic activity and employment through their establishment.

The Special Economic Zones Act was passed by the Government of India in May 2005, it received Presidential assent on the 23rd of June, 2005. While introducing the act, then prime minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, said:“SEZs are here to stay”.

The bill came into effect on 10 February 2006, providing for drastic simplification of procedures and for single window clearance on matters relating to central as well as state governments. The remaining part of India, not covered by the SEZ Rules, is known as the Domestic tariff area. Exports from Indian SEZ totalled INR 2.2 Trillion in 2009-10 fiscal. It grew by 43% to reach INR 3.16 Trillion in 2010-11 fiscal. Indian SEZs have created over 840,000 jobs as of 2010-11.[ citation needed ] Exports through Indian SEZs grew further by 15.4% to reach INR 3.64 Trillion (roughly US$66 billion). As of 2011-12 fiscal, investments worth over US$36.5 billion (INR 2.02 Trillion) have been made in these tax-free enclaves. Exports of Indian SEZs have experienced a growth of 50.5% for the past eight fiscals from US$2.5 billion in 2003-04 to about US$65 billion in 2011-12 (accounting for 23% of India's total exports).[ citation needed ]

Special Economic Zone as per Central Sales Tax, 1956 --> A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a geographically bound zone where the economic laws relating to export and import are more liberal as compared to other parts of the country. These are like a separate island within the territory of India. SEZs are projected as duty-free area for the purpose of trade, operations, duty, and tariffs. SEZ is considered to be a place outside India for all tax purpose. Within SEZs, a unit may be set-up for the manufacture of goods and other activities including processing, assembling, trading, repairing, reconditioning, making of gold/silver, platinum jewellery etc. As per law, SEZ units are deemed to be outside the customs territory of India. Goods and services coming into SEZs from the domestic tariff area or DTA are treated as exports from India and goods and services rendered from the SEZ to the DTA are treated as imports into India.

The objectives of SEZs can be explained as: [27] [ citation needed ]

  1. Generation of additional economic activity;
  2. Promotion of exports of goods and services;
  3. Promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources;
  4. Creation of employment opportunities;
  5. Development of infrastructure facilities.

The incentives and facilities available to SEZ developers include: [28] [ citation needed ]

There were about 143 SEZs (as of June 2012) operating throughout India, by February 2016 this had risen to 187. [29] 634 SEZs have been approved for implementation by the Government of India (as of June 2012). [30]


There are 23 Special Economic Zones in Indonesia that have been approved.


Iran's interest in free trade and special economic zones can be traced back to the 1970s. According to SOAS's Hassan Hakimian, "the FTZs are more ambitious in their objective of acting as magnets for the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and ultimately for generating a diversified industrial base and promoting Iran's non-oil exports, the SEZ are conceived for goods transit and improving the supply and distribution networks in the country." [31]


Malaysia launched an East Coast Economic Region (SEZ) in August 2009. [34] The country's first Special Economic Zone is expected to contribute RM23 billion to the national GDP and create 220,000 new jobs in the ECER.


Special economic zones (Burmese : အထူးစီးပွားရေးဇုန်), which offer tax exemptions for different sectors (5 years for production, 8 years for high-tech, 2 years for agriculture, livestock breeding and forestry, and 1 year for banking) are undergoing preliminary construction in Sittwe Township and Kyaukpyu Township in Rakhine State. [35] An international standard airport is also to be constructed. The six free trade zones will be Thilawa Port in Yangon, Mawlamyine in Mon State, Myawaddy and Hpa-an in Kayin State, Kyaukphyu in Rakhine State and Pyin Oo Lwin in Mandalay Region. [36] According to the country's Special Economic Zone Law's [37] Act 7, Section 36, homes and farming properties located on a proposed SEZ must be duly relocated and reimbursed. [38]

The Myanmar Port Authority has been involved in facilitating contracts to develop Myanmar's Special Economic Zones, including a US$8.6 billion deal to develop a deep sea port at Dawei called the Dawei Port Project, by Italian-Thai Development). [39]


In Nepal SEZs laws were formulated in 2016 in the form of Special Economic Zone Act (2016). The laws were subsequently revised in 2019. [40] The industries inside the Special Economic Zones are given various facilities and in return they have to commit to export a minimum of 60% of their production to the foreign market. [41]

North Korea

The Rajin-Sonbong Economic Special Zone was established under a UN economic development programme in 1994. Located on the bank of the Tuman River, the zone borders on the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture (or, Yeonbyeon in Korean) of the People's Republic of China, as well as Russia. In 2000 the name of the area was shortened to Rason and became separate from the North Hamgyeong Province. In 2013 and 2014 a number of smaller special economic zones were announced covering export handling, mineral processing, high technology, gaming and tourism. [42]

North Korea also used to operate Kaesong Industrial Region in conjunction with South Korea from 2002 until 2016.

The State Academy of Sciences operates a special economic zone near Unjong Park in the northern suburbs of Pyongyang. [43]

North Korea designated over a dozen new special economic zones in 2013 and 2014. [44]


Taking the example of the Chinese success with their SEZs, China is helping Pakistan develop the RUBA SEZ on the outskirts of Lahore. RUBA SEZ PVT LTD is a subsidiary of RUBA Group of Companies and was expanded from existing Haier – RUBA Economic Zone.

Other economic zones include the China-Pakistan economic zone open only to Chinese investors in Gwadar, Pakistan.

There are talks of creating a Japanese city for investors from Japan only.

There has been new SEZ proposed on the under-construction Sialkot-Lahore motorway; Qatar has proposed an investment for $1 billion in a new SEZ along the motorway.

There is a new zone under construction in Faisalabad, which will be the biggest industrial estate of Pakistan when complete. It has sections for each country and the first phase is complete with a special Chinese zone in it.

Special economic zones in Pakistan:


Philippine economic zones (ecozones) are collections of industries, brought together geographically for the purpose of promoting economic development. These ecozones were established through Republic Act No. 7916, otherwise known as "The Special Economic Zone Act of 1995" as amended by Republic Act No. 8748. [45]

Philippine Ecozones are generally administered by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority through a board (PEZA Board), attached to the Department of Trade and Industry. The PEZA Board sets the general policies on the establishment and operations of the Ecozones, industrial estates, export processing zones, free trade zones, and the like. [46] They also review proposals for the establishment of Ecozones, which they subsequently endorse to the president of the Republic of the Philippines. In addition, the PEZA Board regulates and undertakes the establishment, operation and maintenance of utilities, other services and infrastructure in the Ecozone, such as heat, light and power, water supply, telecommunications, transport, toll roads and bridges, port services, and the like. [46]

Several incentives are granted to business establishments operating within Philippine Ecozones, particularly those found in the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987. [47] These incentives include income tax holidays; zero percent (0%) duty on importation of capital equipment, spare parts, and accessories; exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, impost or fees; and the simplification of customs procedures, among others. [48] In addition, The Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 exempts business establishments operating within Ecozones from all taxes. In lieu of paying all other taxes, business establishments are only required to pay five percent (5%) of their gross income to the national government. [49] [50]

Activities Eligible for PEZA Registration and Incentives include but are not limited to (1) Export Manufacturing; (2) Information Technology Service Export; (3) Tourism; (4) Medical Tourism; (5) Agro-industrial Export Manufacturing; (6) Agro-industrial Bio-Fuel Manufacturing; and (7) Logistics and Warehousing Services. [51]

Although designed to operate separately from the political and economic milieu of surrounding communities, Philippine economic zones do in fact interact with their neighbors. As of 31 May 2010, there were more than 200 Ecozones in the Philippines. Of these more than 200 Ecozones, seven (7) are Agro-Industrial Economic Zones, 134 are Information Technology Parks and Centers, 65 are Manufacturing Ecozones, two (2) are Medical Tourism Parks/Centers, and nine (9) are Tourism Economic Zones. Of the 41 private economic zones, the biggest exporter is Gateway Business Park in General Trias, Cavite and the second biggest private ecozone is Laguna Technopark Inc. The four governmentally owned are Cavite Economic Zone, Bataan Economic Zone, Mactan Economic Zone and Baguio Economic Zone. Some of the more well-known Economic zones are the Clark Special Economic Zone, and Subic Economic Zone, former military bases of the United States of America.

Some of the over 200 SEZs in the Philippines are as follows:

(16,119.56 hectares)

  • Cagayan Special Economic Zone
  • Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and Freeport Authority (APECO)
  • Light Industry & Science Park I, II, & III (272.22 hectares)
  • Laguna Technopark (289.95 hectares)
  • Laguna International Industrial Park (34.88 hectares)
  • Hermosa Ecozone Industrial Park (142.04 hectares)
  • Keppel Philippines Marine Special Economic Zone (22.92 hectares)
  • Filinvest Technology Park - Calamba (51.07 hectares) [52]
  • Carmelray Industrial Park I&II - Calamba (CIP I 60.86 hectares; CIP II 143.03 hectares) [52]


Russia currently has 16 federal economic zones and several regional projects.

As of March 2010 Russia's federal special economic zones host 207 investors from 18 countries. There are major MNCs among investors to Russia's SEZ, such as Yokohama, Cisco, Isuzu, Air Liquide, Bekaert, Rockwool and many others.

Russia's 15 existing and to-be federal special economic zones are managed by OJSC "Special Economic Zones".

OJSC "SEZ" was founded in 2006 to accumulate and implement world's best practices in developing and managing SEZ and promote Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Russian economy. It is fully owned and funded by the Russian state.

Federal economic zones in Russia are regulated by Federal Law # 116 FZ issued on July 22, 2005.

Technical/Innovational Zones

Industrial/developmental Zones

Tourist Zones

Saudi Arabia

The Red Sea Project, a luxury tourist destination currently under construction, will "operate as a Special Economic Zone with its own laws and regulatory framework, specially created to encourage investment opportunities and commercial activities". [53]

The Saudi government announced the creation of four new Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in various parts of the nation in 2023. [54]

List of SEZs in Saudi Arabia:

South Korea

Korean FEZs are designated by law [55] to facilitate foreign investment, and thereby to strengthen national competitiveness and seek balanced development among regions by improving the business environment for foreign-invested enterprises and living conditions for foreigners.

There are eight Free Economic Zones in South Korea. The first three zones were created in 2003 and three more were created in 2008. In 2013, the East Coast and Chungbuk Economic Zones were declared. [56]

  1. Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) in 2003
  2. Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone (BJFEZ) in 2004
  3. Gwangyang Free Economic Zone (GFEZ) in 2004
  4. Saemangeum Free Economic Zone (SGFEZ) in 2008
  5. Yellow Sea Free Economic Zone (YESFEZ) in 2008
  6. Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone (DGFEZ) in 2008
  7. East Coast Free Economic Zone (EFEZ) in 2013
  8. Chungbuk Free Economic Zone (CBFEZ) in 2013


Thailand has SEZs in the following provinces:

Thailand's Board of Investment (BOI) estimates that in 2015, 20-25 percent of Thailand's exports were accounted for by border trade. The BOI identifies 13 Thai industries that benefit from SEZs: agriculture; ceramics; autos; electronics; plastics; gems; furniture; textiles; medical equipment; pharmaceuticals; logistics; tourism; and industrial estates. Companies in target industries will receive an eight-year tax exemption; import duty exemptions on machinery and raw materials; double deductions on transportation costs; cheap electricity and water for 10 years; a 25 percent deduction for facilities construction; faster licensing and permit issuance; improved infrastructure and customs services within the SEZ, and other non-tax incentives. [57] Perhaps the biggest incentive is the exclusive right to use unskilled foreign labour as the Thai workforce is in decline. [58] Because of inadequate infrastructure in the SEZs, the government approved infrastructure development plans for SEZs that saw 2.6 billion baht expended on 45 projects in 2015 and another 79 projects, worth 7.9 billion baht, to be completed in 2016. [59]




Belarus has a SEZ called the China-Belarus Industrial Park.


Liepaja Special Economic Zone in Baltics consisting of sea-port, industrial area and international airport.

Rezekne Special Economic Zone in Baltics with crossroads of transport corridors in Latvia with direct access to international markets with more than 500 million consumers in the EU, Russia and CIS countries.


There are fourteen SEZs in Poland. [62]

Special economic zones (SSE is shortcut of Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna) in Poland:

  • Kamienna Góra SEZ for Small Business (Kamiennogórska SSE Małej Przedsiębiorczości)
  • Katowice SEZ (Katowicka SSE)
  • Kostrzyń-Słubice SEZ (Kostrzyńsko-Słubicka SSE)
  • Kraków Technology Park (Krakowski Park Technologiczny)
  • Legnica SEZ (Legnicka SSE)
  • Łódź SEZ (Łódzka SSE)
  • SEZ EURO-PARK MIELEC (SSE Euro-Park Mielec)
  • Pomeranian SEZ (Pomorska SSE)
  • Słupsk SEZ (Słupska SSE)
  • Starachowice SEZ (SSE Starachowice)
  • Suwałki SEZ (Suwalska SSE)
  • Tarnobrzeg SEZ (Tarnobrzeska SSE)
  • Wałbrzych SEZ "INVEST-PARK" (Wałbrzyska SSE)
  • Warmian-Masurian SEZ (Warmińsko-Mazurska SSE)


The Canary Islands Special Zone is a special tax regime included in the Canary Islands Economic and Tax Regime providing for a reduced 4% Corporate Income Tax, exemption on dividends, interests and capital gains, exemption on VAT and exemption on transfer duties. A large list of activities qualify for applying for the special regime (main exclusions are accommodation, food and beverage, construction (but repair is eligible), financial, insurance and pure holding (substance-based corporate activities are not excluded)). The regime is applicable to new activities to be developed in the Canary Islands provided the creation of a minimum of three jobs. The regime is authorized by the European Commission, supervised by the Code of Conduct, and fully compliant with EU and OECD substance rules. Is run and controlled by the Consorcio de la Zona Especial Canaria, an agency of the Ministry of Finance and Public Service of the Government of Spain.


Special Economic Zones existed in Ukraine until March 31, 2005. The first created was the Nouth-Crimean Experimental Economic Zone Syvash (since 1996). From 1998 to 2000 11 new zones were created.

NameLocationAreaEstablishedTime limit*
Slavutych Slavutych, Kyiv Oblast 2,000 ha30.06.1998until 01.01.2020
Azov Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast 315 ha21.07.199860 years
Donetsk Donetsk, Donetsk Oblast 466 ha21.07.199860 years
Zakarpattia Uzhhorodskyi Raion and Mukachivskyi Raion, Zakarpattia Oblast 737 ha09.01.199930 years
YavorivYavorivskyi Raion, Lviv Oblast 116,000 ha17.02.1999until 01.01.2020
Interport Kovel Kovel, Volyn Oblast 57 ha01.01.200020 years
Kurortopolis Truskavets Truskavets, Lviv Oblast 774 ha01.01.200020 years
Mykolaiv Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv Oblast, shipyard territory, and adjoining area865 ha01.01.200030 years
Porto-Franco Odesa, part of Odesa Trade Sea Port's territory32 ha01.01.200025 years
Reni Reni, Odesa Oblast 94 ha17.05.200030 years
* Initially planned time of operation given. All zones were shut down on March 31, 2005.

NCEEZ — Nouth-Crimean Experimental Economic Zone.

Sources: [63] [64] [65] and Пехник А.В., Іноземні інвестиції в економіку України. Навчальний посібник, Вид. «Знання», Київ 2007, pages: 49, 310–319

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A special economic zone (SEZ) is an area in which the business and trade laws are different from the rest of the country. SEZs are located within a country's national borders, and their aims include increasing trade balance, employment, increased investment, job creation and effective administration. To encourage businesses to set up in the zone, financial policies are introduced. These policies typically encompass investing, taxation, trading, quotas, customs and labour regulations. Additionally, companies may be offered tax holidays, where upon establishing themselves in a zone, they are granted a period of lower taxation.

A free-trade zone (FTZ) is a class of special economic zone. It is a geographic area where goods may be imported, stored, handled, manufactured, or reconfigured and re-exported under specific customs regulation and generally not subject to customs duty. Free trade zones are generally organized around major seaports, international airports, and national frontiers—areas with many geographic advantages for trade.

Xiamen Special Economic Zone, established in October 1980, is one of the five special economic zones in the People's Republic of China. Originally comprising a territory of 2.5 km2 in Xiamen City, it was expanded to 131 km2 in 1984, covering the entire Xiamen Island, which comprises Huli District and Siming District excluding Gulangyu.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Industrial park</span> Area for development of industry

An industrial park, also known as industrial estate or trading estate, is an area zoned and planned for the purpose of industrial development. An industrial park can be thought of as a more heavyweight version of a business park or office park, which has offices and light industry, rather than heavy industry. Industrial parks are notable for being relatively simple to build; they often feature speedily erected single-space steel sheds, occasionally in bright colours.

In justifying opening up and the series of economic reforms that ensued in China, Deng Xiaoping referred to Karl Marx and his theories, which predicted that nations need to undergo urbanization and a stage of capitalism for a natural socialist transition. One of the most renowned reforms under Deng was establishing four "special economic zones" along the Southeastern coast of China, with Shenzhen, Shantou, and Zhuhai located in Guangdong province and Xiamen located in Fujian province. The four aforementioned special economic zones were all established from 1980 to 1981. As of 2024, there have been 3 additional special economic zones. In 1988, Hainan became the fifth "SEZ". In 1990, Pudong district in Shanghai became the sixth "SEZ". In 2009, Binhai district in Tianjin became the seventh "SEZ". Special economic zones (SEZs) in mainland China are granted more free market-oriented economic policies and flexible governmental measures by the government of China, compared to the planned economy elsewhere.

An urban enterprise zone is an area in which policies to encourage economic growth and development are implemented. Urban enterprise zone policies generally offer tax concessions, infrastructure incentives, and reduced regulations to attract investments and private companies into the zones. They are a type of special economic zone where companies can locate free of certain local, state, and federal taxes and restrictions. Urban enterprise zones are intended to encourage development in deprived neighborhoods through tax and regulatory relief to entrepreneurs and investors who launch businesses in the area.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority</span>

The Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) is an agency of the Government of Bangladesh and is administered under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister's Office. Its objective is to manage the various export processing zones in Bangladesh. BEPZA currently oversees the operations of eight export processing zones (EPZ). A ninth zone is scheduled to open in the future. Recently government has announced that in 15 years 100 new EPZ and SEZ will be established. Major General Abul Kalam Mohammad Ziaur Rahman, ndc, psc is the current Executive Chairman of BEPZA. The Government provides numerous incentives for investors for opening factories in EPZs. For example, new factories enjoy tax holidays for 5 years. Also, labour unions and other activities that are often viewed detrimental to productivity, are banned inside the EPZs. In order to stimulate rapid economic growth of the country, particularly through industrialization, the government has adopted an 'Open Door Policy' to attract foreign investment to Bangladesh. The BEPZA is the official organ of the government to promote, attract and facilitate foreign investment in the EPZs. Besides, BEPZA as the competent Authority performs inspection & supervision of the compliances of the enterprises related to social & environmental issues, safety & security at work place in order to maintain harmonious labour-management & industrial relations in EPZs. The primary objective of an EPZ is to provide special areas where potential investors would find a congenial investment climate free from cumbersome procedures. Bangladesh's export revenue in FY23 is $55.55 billion, the highest amount ever.

The Rason Special Economic Zone, earlier called the Rajin-Sonbong Economic Special Zone, was established by the North Korean government at Rason, bordering China and Russia, in 1991 to promote economic growth through foreign investment. It is similar to the special economic zones of China and elsewhere, set up to pilot market economics in a designated controlled area. Foreign currency may be used in the zone. Chinese and Russian companies have invested in the special economic zone, and Mongolia joined in about 2013.

Taxation in Iran is levied and collected by the Iranian National Tax Administration under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs of the Government of Iran. In 2008, about 55% of the government's budget came from oil and natural gas revenues, the rest from taxes and fees. An estimated 50% of Iran's GDP was exempt from taxes in FY 2004. There are virtually millions of people who do not pay taxes in Iran and hence operate outside the formal economy. The fiscal year begins on March 21 and ends on March 20 of the next year.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Foreign direct investment in Iran</span> Investment in Iran

Foreign direct investment in Iran (FDI) has been hindered by unfavorable or complex operating requirements and by international sanctions, although in the early 2000s the Iranian government liberalized investment regulations. Iran ranks 62nd in the World Economic Forum's 2011 analysis of the global competitiveness of 142 countries. In 2010, Iran ranked sixth globally in attracting foreign investments.

Trade is a key factor of the economy of China. In the three decades following the dump of the Communist Chinese state in 1949, China's trade institutions at first developed into a partially modern but somewhat inefficient system. The drive to modernize the economy that began in 1978 required a sharp acceleration in commodity flows and greatly improved efficiency in economic transactions. In the ensuing years economic reforms were adopted by the government to develop a socialist market economy. This type of economy combined central planning with market mechanisms. The changes resulted in the decentralization and expansion of domestic and foreign trade institutions, as well as a greatly enlarged role for free market in the distribution of goods, and a prominent role for foreign trade and investment in economic development.

Between 1950 and 1960, the imperial government of Ethiopia enacted legislation and implemented a new policy to encourage foreign investment in the Ethiopian economy. This new policy provided investor benefits in the form of tax exemptions, remittances of foreign exchange, import and export duty relief, tax exemptions on dividends, and the provision of financing through the Ethiopian Investment Corporation and the Development Bank of Ethiopia. In addition, the government guaranteed protection to industrial enterprises by instituting high tariffs and by banning the importation of commodities that might adversely affect production of domestic goods. Protected items included sugar, textiles, furniture, and metal. The government also participated through direct investment in enterprises that had high capital costs, such as oil refineries and the paper and pulp, glass and bottle, tire, and cement industries. In 1963, with the Second Five-Year Plan under way, the government enacted Proclamation No. 51. The proclamation's objective was to consolidate other investment policies enacted up to that period, to extend benefits to Ethiopian investors, and to create an Investment Committee that would oversee investment programs. In 1966 the Ethiopian government enacted Proclamation No. 242, which elevated the Investment Committee's status as an advisory council to that of an authorized body empowered to make independent investment decisions. Thus, by the early 1970s, Ethiopia's industrialization policy included a range of fiscal incentives, direct government investment, and equity participation in private enterprises.

Santacruz Electronics Export Processing Zone (SEEPZ) is a Special Economic Zone in Mumbai, India. Situated in the Andheri East area, it is subjected to liberal economic laws as compared to the rest of India to promote rapid economic growth using tax and business incentives and attract foreign investment and technology. Seepz was created in 1973 and was seen as export processing zone. Since then many other SEZ's have been created in rest of India. SEEPZ mainly houses electronic hardware manufacturing companies, software companies, and jewelry exporters of India. More than 40 percent of India's total jewelry exports ($2,222.31 million) out of $5,210.69 million during year 2006-2007 came from units within SEEPZ.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">GIFT City</span> Business district under construction in Gujarat, India

Gujarat International Finance Tec-City, also called GIFT City, is a central business district under construction in the Ahmedabad district in Gujarat, India. It is India's first operational greenfield smart city and international financial services centre, which the Government of Gujarat promoted as a greenfield project. In 2020 GIFT IFSC bagged 10th place in Finance Industry and top rank in emerging financial centres in the Global Financial Centres Index. As of June 2023, it is home to 23 multi-national banks, including HSBC, JP Morgan, and Barclays. Furthermore, it includes 35 fintech entities, two international stock exchanges with average daily trading volumes of $30.6 billion, as well as India's first international bullion exchange with 75 onboarded jewellers.

This article describes the Philippine investment climate.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan</span>

The Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) is a government agency attached to the Office of the President of the Philippines that operates and manages the Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB) in Mariveles, Bataan, Philippines. It was created on October 23, 2009 through RA 9728 and took over the zone's operations and management from Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) on June 30, 2010.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Philippine Economic Zone Authority</span>

The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), formerly known as the Foreign Trade Zone Authority (FTZA) and Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA), is a Philippine government agency attached to the Department of Trade and Industry.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Special Economic Zones of Cambodia</span> Areas designated for special business and trade regulations

Special Economic Zones of Cambodia are geographical areas within Cambodia's borders that have been specially designated by the national government in which business and trade regulations differ from those that apply to the rest of the country. Special economic zones, in general, are common in various economies around the world and are established to meet the needs of the specific business environment of each host country, ranging from encouraging foreign investment to job creation to streamlined administration of multinational ventures.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Royal Science and Technology Park</span> Swazi state-owned research and development enterprise.

The Royal Science and Technology Park (RSTP) is a Swazi public enterprise and science park created to foster the conception of inventions and facilitate their patenting and help knit various elements of the R&D cluster together. It is intended to provide a focal point for research, facilitate the links between research and industrial communities and stimulate the development of knowledge-based businesses by incubating techno-partnership and high-tech enterprises.


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