Military ranks of Trinidad and Tobago

Last updated

The Military ranks of Trinidad and Tobago are the military insignia used by the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force. Being a former colony of the United Kingdom, Trinidad and Tobago shares a rank structure similar to that of the United Kingdom. [1]


Commissioned officer ranks

The rank insignia of commissioned officers.

Rank groupGeneral / flag officersSenior officersJunior officers
Flag of the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Regiment [2]
TaT-Army-OF-7.svg TaT-Army-OF-6.svg TaT-Army-OF-5.svg TaT-Army-OF-4.svg TaT-Army-OF-3.svg TaT-Army-OF-2.svg TaT-Army-OF-1b.svg TaT-Army-OF-1a.svg
Major general Brigadier general Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second lieutenant
Naval Ensign of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard [2]
Trinidad-&-Tobago-Navy-OF-7.svg Generic-Navy-10.svg Trinidad-&-Tobago-Navy-OF-6.svg Generic-Navy-9b.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg
Rear admiral Commodore Captain Commander Lieutenant commander Lieutenant Sub-lieutenant Acting sub-lieutenant
Flag of the Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard [2]
TaT-Air Guard-OF-7.png TaT-Air Guard-OF-6.png TaT-Air Guard-OF-5.png TaT-Air Guard-OF-4.png TaT-Air Guard-OF-3.png TaT-Air Guard-OF-2.png TaT-Air Guard-OF-1b.png TaT-Air Guard-OF-1a.png
Air vice marshal Air commodore Group captain Wing commander Squadron leader Flight lieutenant Flying officer Pilot officer
Rank groupGeneral / flag officersSenior officersJunior officers

Student officer ranks

Rank groupStudent officer
Flag of the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Regiment [2] TaT-Army-OF-(D).svg
Officer cadet
Naval Ensign of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard [2] 07.RNO-MIDN.svg Blank.svg
Midshipman Officer cadet
Flag of the Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard [2] TaT-Air Guard-OF-D.png
Officer cadet

Other ranks

The rank insignia of non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel.

Rank groupSenior NCOsJunior NCOsEnlisted
Flag of the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Regiment [3]
Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg TaT-Army-OR-06.png TaT-Army-OR-04.png TaT-Army-OR-03.png No insignia
Warrant officer class 1 Warrant officer class 2 Staff sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance corporal Private
Naval Ensign of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard [3]
Trinidad and Tobago-Navy-OR-9.svg Trinidad & Tobago-Navy-OR-7.svg Trinidad & Tobago-Navy-OR-6.svg British Royal Navy OR-4.svg No insigniaNo insignia
Fleet chief petty officer Chief petty officer Petty officer Leading seaman Able seaman Ordinary seaman
Flag of the Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard [3]
TaT-Air Guard-OR-09.svg Blank.svg TaT-Air Guard-OR-06.png TaT-Air Guard-OR-04.png TaT-Air Guard-OR-02b.png TaT-Air Guard-OR-02a.png TaT-Air Guard-OR-01.png
Warrant officer I Warrant officer II Sergeant Corporal Senior technician Senior aircraftman Junior aircraftman/
Junior technician
Rank groupSenior NCOsJunior NCOsEnlisted

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Trinidad and Tobago Regiment</span> Military unit

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  1. Mathews, L. L. (1979). "The West Indies" . In Keegan, John (ed.). World armies. Sandhurst: Royal Military Academy. p. 800. ISBN   9780871964076. LCCN   79-9217 . Retrieved 31 January 2022.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Rank Chart (Commissioned Officers)". Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force. Retrieved 27 May 2021.
  3. 1 2 3 "Rank Chart (Enlisted)". Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force. Retrieved 27 May 2021.