Military ranks and insignia of Norway

Last updated

Military ranks and rank insignia of Norway were changed June 1, 2016, with the reintroduction of the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps, and the abolishment of the one-tier officer system in place since 1975. [1]


New system of 2023

The Storting adopted in 2015 the new scheme for military personnel, Militærordningen. [1] From 2016, the Norwegian Defence Forces have two career ladders for the military personnel; one officer scheme for personnel with a degree from the military academy, or a university degree and qualification courses, and a non-commissioned officer scheme for personnel with non-commissioned officer school. [2] [3] In 2023 the ranks of Korporal 1. klasse, Ledende konstabel, and Seniorspesialist were removed and the navy adopted new enlisted rank insignia.

Commissioned officers

The rank insignia of commissioned officers.

NATO codeOF-10OF-9OF-8OF-7OF-6OF-5OF-4OF-3OF-2OF-1
Flag of the Norwegian Army.svg  Norwegian Army [4]
Norway-army-OF-9.svg Norway-army-OF-8.svg Norway-army-OF-7.svg Norway-army-OF-6.svg Norway-army-OF-5.svg Norway-army-OF-4.svg Norway-army-OF-3.svg Norway-army-OF-2.svg Norway-army-OF-1b.svg Norway-army-OF-1a.svg
General Generalløytnant Generalmajor Brigader Oberst Oberstløytnant Major Kaptein/
Løytnant Fenrik
Flag of Norway, state.svg  Royal Norwegian Navy [4]
Of9 sjo.png Generic-Navy-12.svg Of8 sjo.png Generic-Navy-11.svg Of7 sjo.png Generic-Navy-10.svg Of6 sjo.png Generic-Navy-9.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-7.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg
Admiral Viseadmiral Kontreadmiral Flaggkommandør Kommandør Kommandørkaptein Orlogskaptein Kapteinløytnant Løytnant Fenrik
Royal Norwegian Air Force Flag.svg  Royal Norwegian Air Force [4]
Norway-air force-OF-9.svg Norway-air force-OF-8.svg Norway-air force-OF-7.svg Norway-air force-OF-6.svg Norway-air force-OF-5.svg Norway-air force-OF-4.svg Norway-air force-OF-3.svg Norway-air force-OF-2.svg Norway-air force-OF-1b.svg Norway-air force-OF-1a.svg
NATO codeOF-10OF-9OF-8OF-7OF-6OF-5OF-4OF-3OF-2OF-1

Student officer ranks

NATO codeOF-1
Flag of the Norwegian Army.svg  Norwegian Army [5] Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg
Kadett i 3.avdelingKadett i 2. avdelingKadett i 1.avdelingKadett i KS Gjennomgående

Other ranks

The rank insignia of non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel.

NATO code OR-9OR-8OR-7OR-6OR-5OR-4OR-3OR-2OR-1
Flag of the Norwegian Army.svg  Norwegian Army [4]
Norway-Army-OR-9a.svg Norway-Army-OR-8.svg Norway-Army-OR-7.svg Norway-Army-OR-6.svg Norway-Army-OR-5b.svg Norway-Army-OR-5a.svg Norway-Army-OR-4a.svg Norway-Army-OR-3.svg Norway-Army-OR-2.svg Norway-army-OR-1b.svg Norway-army-OR-1a.svg
Sersjantmajor Kommandérsersjant Stabssersjant Oversersjant Sersjant 1. klasse Sersjant Korporal Visekorporal 1. klasse Visekorporal Ledende menigMenig
Flag of Norway, state.svg  Royal Norwegian Navy [4]
OR9 sjo stor.png OR8 sjo stor.png OR7 sjo stor.png OR6 sjo stor.png OR5+ sjo stor (1).png OR5 sjo stor (1).png OR4 sjo stor (1).png OR3 sjo stor (1).png OR2 sjo stor (1).png Norway-Navy-OR-1b.svg Norway-Navy-OR-1a.svg
FlaggmesterOrlogsmesterFlotiljemesterSkvadronmester Senior kvartermester Kvartermester Konstabel Senior visekonstabel Visekonstabel Ledende menigMenig
Royal Norwegian Air Force Flag.svg  Royal Norwegian Air Force [4]
Norway-AirForce-OR-9a.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-8.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-7.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-6.svg Norway-airforce-OR-5b.svg Norway-airforce-OR-5a.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-4a.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-3.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-2.svg Norway-airforce-OR-1b.svg Norway-airforce-OR-1a.svg
Sersjantmajor Kommandérsersjant Stabssersjant Oversersjant Vingsersjant Sersjant Ledende spesialist Spesialist Visespesialist Ledende flysoldat Flysoldat
NATO code OR-9OR-8OR-7OR-6OR-5OR-4OR-3OR-2OR-1

Chief NCOs

NATO codeOR-9OR-8OR-7OR-6
Flag of the Norwegian Army.svg  Norwegian Army [5] Or9-sjefsersjant-haeren-felt.jpg Or8-sjefsersjant-haeren-felt.jpg Or7-sjefsersjant-haeren-felt.jpg Or6-sjefsersjant-haeren-felt-forsvaret.jpg
Sersjantmajor Kommandérsersjant Stabssersjant Oversersjant
Flag of Norway, state.svg  Royal Norwegian Navy OR9 sjo sjefsmester stor.png OR8 sjo stor sjefsmester.png OR7 sjo stor sjefsmester.png OR6 sjo stor sjefsmester.png
Royal Norwegian Air Force Flag.svg  Royal Norwegian Air Force Norway-AirForce-OR-9b.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg
Sersjantmajor Kommandérsersjant Stabssersjant Oversersjant

Historic ranks

System 1916–1930


Rank groupGeneral / flag officersSenior officersJunior officers
Flag of the Norwegian Army.svg  Norwegian Army
Shoulder boards were only worn on the greatcoat. [6]
Norway-Army-OF-9 WW2.svg Norway-Army-OF-8 WW2.svg Norway-Army-OF-7 WW2.svg Norway-Army-OF-5 WW2.svg Norway-Army-OF-4 WW2.svg Norway-Army-OF-3 WW2.svg Norway-Army-OF-2 WW2.svg Norway-Army-OF-1b WW2.svg Norway-Army-OF-1a WW2.svg
Flag of Norway, state.svg  Royal Norwegian Navy [7] Norway-Navy-OF-9 WW2.svg Norway-Navy-OF-8 WW2.svg Norway-Navy-OF-7 WW2.svg Romania-Navy-OF-5-Sleeve.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg


Rank groupNon-commissioned officerEnlisted
Flag of the Norwegian Army.svg  Norwegian Army Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg No insignia
Flag of Norway, state.svg  Royal Norwegian Navy Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg
Underofficer 2den gradUnderofficer 3dje gradUnderofficer 4de gradUnderofficer 5te gradMenig I klasseMenig I klasseMenig III klasse

System ?–1975

Norwegian ranks 1962. 20150806 08-1739 Uniforms-Norway 1962 ENG-FRE HR.jpg
Norwegian ranks 1962.


Rank groupGeneral / flag officersSenior officersJunior officers
Flag of Norway.svg Army
Naval Jack of Norway.svg Navy Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg


System 1975–2016

Norway did not have a non-commissioned officer system and thus Sergeant and Petty officer are grouped with the officers under the common designation befal. The officers are divided into three groups: The befal (company officers, ranks Ensign to Captain inclusive), the staff officers (stabsoffiser, ranks Major to brigadier inclusive), and the generals (Major General to General inclusive).

Fenrik (Ensign) used to be referred to as Second Lieutenant (Norwegian : Fenrik), while the rank of lieutenant went by First Lieutenant. The rank of Brigadier is not an old tradition in the Norwegian armed forces and was instated as a replacement for Oberst I (First Colonel); what is now Oberst used to be Oberst II (Second Colonel). As shown, the Cavalry have two ranks which differ from the regular Army: Dragon (Dragoon) instead of Menig (Private), and Rittmester (Rittmeister) instead of Kaptein (Captain).

The ranks of Grenader and Matros were bestowed upon soldiers who have finished the 12 months compulsory service and had signed one or more three-year contracts to continue serving. The ranks of Visekorporal/Visekonstabel/Vingsoldat (Corporal/Leading Rate) were usually ascribed to soldiers with long and/or outstanding service, though may be bestowed on soldiers with extra responsibilities (e.g. the shift-commander among a group of soldiers on guard-duty). A UB-Korporal/Kvartermesteraspirant (Rate Corporal/Petty Officer-in-training) was a soldier who has finished the UB course (Utskrevet Befalskurs), a course intended to prepare conscripted soldiers for non-commissioned officer duties, but still under training in "the field". After one-year course and service these soldiers were qualified for the rank of Sersjant or Kvartermester.


NATO codeOF-10OF-9OF-8OF-7OF-6OF-5OF-4OF-3OF-2OF-1
Flag of Norway.svg Army &
Air force
Sweden-Navy-OF-9.svg Sweden-Navy-OF-8.svg Sweden-Navy-OF-7.svg Sweden-Navy-OF-6.svg NOR OF5.png NOR OF4.png NOR OF3.png NOR OF2.png NOR OF1.png FenrikOF1.png
Naval Jack of Norway.svg Navy Of9 sjo.png Of8 sjo.png Of7 sjo.png Of6 sjo.png Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-7.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg


The rank insignia for enlisted for the army, navy and air force respectively.

NATO code OR-9OR-8OR-7OR-6OR-5OR-4OR-3OR-2OR-1
Flag of the Norwegian Army.svg  Norwegian Army OR5.png GrenOR4.png OR3.png Gren OR2.png Visekorporal OR2.png Menig OR1.png
SersjantKorporalVisekorporal 1. klasseVisekorporalMenig
Flag of Norway, state.svg  Royal Norwegian Navy NOR NavyOR5.png NOR NavyOR4.png NOR NavyOR2.png NOR NavyOR1.png
Royal Norwegian Air Force Flag.svg  Royal Norwegian Air Force FlyOR5.png GrenKorp.png FlyOR4.png GrenVingsoldat1.png GrenVingsoldat.png FlyOR2.png FlyOR1.png
SersjantKorporalVisekorporal 1. klasseVisekorporalFlysoldat

System 2016–2023

NATO code OR-9OR-8OR-7OR-6OR-5OR-4OR-3OR-2OR-1
Flag of the Norwegian Army.svg  Norwegian Army [8] Norway-Army-OR-9a.svg Norway-Army-OR-8.svg Norway-Army-OR-7.svg Norway-Army-OR-6.svg Norway-Army-OR-5b.svg Norway-Army-OR-5a.svg Norway-Army-OR-4b.svg Norway-Army-OR-4a.svg Norway-Army-OR-3.svg Norway-Army-OR-2.svg Norway-army-OR-1b.svg Norway-army-OR-1a.svg
Sersjantmajor Kommandérsersjant Stabssersjant Oversersjant Sersjant 1. klasse Sersjant Korporal 1. klasse Korporal Visekorporal 1. klasse Visekorporal Ledende menigMenig
Flag of Norway, state.svg  Royal Norwegian Navy [8] OR9 sjo.png Or8 sjo.png Or7 sjo.png Or6 sjo.png Or5 2 sjo.png Or5 1 sjo.png OR4b NOR - Konstabel kl 1.png OR4b NOR - Konstabel.png OR3b NOR - Ledende visekonstabel.png OR2b NOR - Visekonstabel.png Norway-Navy-OR-1b.svg Norway-Navy-OR-1a.svg
FlaggmesterOrlogsmesterFlotiljemesterSkvadronmester Senior kvartermester Kvartermester Ledende konstabel Konstabel Senior visekonstabel Visekonstabel Ledende menigMenig
Royal Norwegian Air Force Flag.svg  Royal Norwegian Air Force [8] Norway-AirForce-OR-9a.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-8.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-7.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-6.svg Norway-airforce-OR-5b.svg Norway-airforce-OR-5a.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-4b.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-4a.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-3.svg Norway-AirForce-OR-2.svg Norway-airforce-OR-1b.svg Norway-airforce-OR-1a.svg
SersjantmajorKommandérsersjantStabssersjantOversersjantVingsersjantSersjantSeniorspesialistLedende spesialistSpesialistVisespesialistLedende flysoldatFlysoldat

Related Research Articles

Sergeant (Sgt) is a rank in use by the armed forces of many countries. It is also a police rank in some police services. The alternative spelling, serjeant, is used in The Rifles and other units that draw their heritage from the British light infantry. Its origin is the Latin serviens, 'one who serves', through the Old French term serjant.

Corporal is a military rank in use by the armed forces of many countries. It is also a police rank in some police services. The rank is usually the lowest ranking non-commissioned officer. In some militaries, the rank of corporal nominally corresponds to commanding a section or squad of soldiers.

Sergeant First Class (SFC) is typically a senior non-commissioned officer rank, used in many countries.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rittmaster</span> Military rank

Rittmaster is usually a commissioned officer military rank used in a few armies, usually equivalent to Captain. Historically it has been used Germany, Austria-Hungary, Scandinavia, and some other countries.

Commissioned officers' rank comparison chart of all land forces of NATO member states.

This page lists the enlisted ranks and insignia of NATO member armies. For the comparison chart of the commissioned officers, see Ranks and insignia of NATO armies officers.

The following are the ranks and insignia of NATO Air Forces Enlisted personnel for each member nation.

Each officer rank in the navy of a NATO country may be compared with the ranks used by any military service in other NATO countries, under a standardized NATO rank scale. This is useful, for instance, in establishing seniority amongst officers serving alongside each other within multinational command structures.

The following table lists the ranks and insignia of officers in NATO air forces.

This table shows the ranks and insignia of NCOs and Seaman in the navies of member countries of NATO. NATO maintains a "standard rank scale" in an attempt to match every member country's military rank to corresponding ranks used by the other members. The rank categories were established in the document STANAG 2116, formally titled NATO Codes for Grades of Military Personnel.

Fähnrich is an officer candidate rank in the Austrian Bundesheer and German Bundeswehr. The word Fähnrich comes from an older German military title, Fahnenträger, and first became a distinct military rank in Germany on 1 January 1899. However, Fähnrich ranks are often incorrectly compared with the rank of ensign, which shares a similar etymology but is a full-fledged commissioned officer rank.

The Royal Danish Air Force ranks follow the NATO system of ranks and insignia, as does the rest of the Danish Defence. The ranks used are based on the Royal Air Force, with some minor changes. For example, three strips in the RAF is an OF-4, while only an OF-3 in Denmark.

Korporal is the German and Danish spelling of the English corporal. Korporal is used in a number of armed forces as the lowest rank of the non-commissioned officers group. However, in the German Bundeswehr, it is considered a high enlisted personnel rank. In Switzerland the rank is used in the Fire Department as well.

The Ranks and insignia of Royal Danish Army follows the NATO system of ranks and insignia, as does the rest of the Danish Defence. The ranks are based around German and French military terms.

A Senior sergeant is a rank of non-commissioned officer used in the armed forces of many nations. It is usually placed above sergeant.

Rank comparison chart of all armies and land forces of European states.

Rank comparison chart of non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and enlisted personnel for all armies and land forces of European states.

Rank comparison chart of air forces non-commissioned officers and other personnel of European states.

Rank comparison chart of all navies of European states. Some European countries do not have naval forces, either because they are landlocked, such as Austria, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Moldova, Luxembourg, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Slovakia, San Marino and the Vatican, or naval duties provided by another state such as Monaco.

Rank comparison chart of non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and enlisted personnel for all armies and land forces of the European Union member states.


  1. 1 2 "Forsvaret innfører ny personellordning" [The armed forces are introducing a new personnel system] (in Norwegian). Regjeringen. 12 June 2015. Archived from the original on 31 October 2023. Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  2. "Her er de nye gradene" [Here are the new grades] (in Norwegian). Forsvaret. 11 December 2015. Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  3. "TJ 12-3-2 Bestemmelse for Hærens distinksjoner og andre uniformstegn, s. 10" [TJ 12-3-2 Provision for the Army's distinctions and other uniform insignia, p. 10](PDF) (in Norwegian). Forsvaret. 26 April 2016. Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Militære grader" [Military ranks]. (in Norwegian). Norwegian Armed Forces. 13 October 2023. Archived from the original on 26 November 2023. Retrieved 26 November 2023.
  5. 1 2 "TJ 12-3-2 Bestemmelse for Hærens distinksjoner og andre uniformstegn" [TJ 12-3-2 Provision for the Army's distinctions and other uniform insignia](PDF). (in Norwegian). 26 April 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 November 2016. Retrieved 22 November 2023.
  6. Rühl, Moritz. "The Army of Norway 1939". Uniformology. Retrieved 30 April 2019.
  7. Mollo, Andrew (1981). The Armed Forces of World War II. New York, p. 38.
  8. 1 2 3 "Militære grader". (in Norwegian). Norwegian Armed Forces. 4 February 2021. Archived from the original on 13 February 2023. Retrieved 26 May 2021.