Military ranks of the Colombian Armed Forces

Last updated

The military ranks of the Colombian armed forces consist of the list and ordering of the different military ranks, for the Officers, Non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and soldiers, seamen and airmen ("other ranks") of the Military Forces of Colombia. The ranks are visually represented by insignias placed on the uniforms, usually at the shoulders, sleeves and shirt collars.


A literal translation from Spanish to English may be misleading as the rank names do not necessarily follow the customary order used in anglophone military ranks in all cases. Furthermore, Colombia is not a member of NATO, so there is not an official equivalence between the Colombian military ranks and those defined by NATO. The displayed parallel is approximate and for illustration purposes only.

Applicable law

The ranks in the Military Forces of Colombia are regulated through the following applicable legislation: the Decree-Law 1790 of 2000, [1] Law 1405 of 2010, [2] and Law 1792 of 2016 [3]

In terms of protocol, the established order for the forces is Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, as established by the Military Rules of Protocol (Reglamento de Protocolo Militar FFMM) [4]


Coat of arms of the Colombian National Army Escudo Ejercito Nacional de Colombia.svg
Coat of arms of the Colombian National Army

The Colombian Army is the largest of the three service branches of the Military Forces of Colombia, tasked with defending sovereignty and law and order across the national territory. The tables below display the rank structures and rank insignias for the Colombian Army personnel. [5] [6]


Rank groupGeneral / flag officersSenior officersJunior officersOfficer cadet
Flag of the Colombian Army.svg  Colombian National Army [7]
Colombia-Army-OF-9.svg Colombia-Army-OF-7.svg Colombia-Army-OF-6.svg Colombia-Army-OF-5.svg Colombia-Army-OF-4.svg Colombia-Army-OF-3.svg Colombia-Army-OF-2.svg Colombia-Army-OF-1b.svg Colombia-Army-OF-1a.svg
General de ejercitoMayor generalBrigadier generalCoronelTeniente coronelMayorCapitánTenienteSubteniente
'"3B" Uniform sample [7] Gr.5.svg Tg.5.svg Mg.5.svg Cr.5.svg Tc.5.svg My.5.svg Ct.5.svg Te.5.svg St.5.svg
Service branchCavalryInfantryEngineersCommunicationsCavalryArtillery
Camouflage Fatigues sample [7] Gr.c1.svg Tg.c1.svg Mg.c1.svg Cr.c..svg Tc.c..svg MY.c.svg Ct.c.svg Te.c.svg St.c.svg
Service branchCavalryInfantryEngineersArtilleryCommunicationsLogistics (Armory)


Rank groupSenior NCOsJunior NCOsEnlisted
Flag of the Colombian Army.svg  Colombian National Army [7]
Colombia-Army-OR-9c.svg Colombia-Army-OR-9b.svg Colombia-Army-OR-9a.svg Colombia-Army-OR-8.svg Colombia-Army-OR-7.svg Colombia-Army-OR-6.svg Colombia-Army-OR-5.svg Colombia-Army-OR-4.svg Colombia-Army-OR-3.svg Colombia-Army-OR-2.svg Rank insignia of soldado profesional of the Colombian Army.svg No insignia
Sargento mayor de comando conjuntoSargento mayor de ejército Sargento mayor de comando Sargento mayor Sargento primero Sargento vice primero Sargento segundo Cabo primero Cabo segundo Cabo terceroSoldado profesionalSoldado
'"3B" Uniform sample [7] Blank.svg Rank insignia of sargento mayor de comando of the Colombian Army.svg Blank.svg Rank insignia of sargento mayor of the Colombian Army.svg Rank insignia of sargento primero of the Colombian Army.svg Rank insignia of sargento viceprimero of the Colombian Army.svg Rank insignia of sargento segundo of the Colombian Army.svg Rank insignia of cabo primero of the Colombian Army.svg Rank insignia of cabo segundo of the Colombian Army.svg Rank insignia of cabo tercero of the Colombian Army.svg Rank insignia of soldado profesional of the Colombian Army.svg No Insignia
Soldier types

Additional ranks

Dragoneantes are soldiers who have gained recognition through their achievements and have special training. They have a certain degree of authority over regular soldiers.

Rank groupDragoneanteAlumno
Insignia [7] Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg Blank.svg
Dragoneante mayor de escuelaDragoneante mayor de batallónDragoneante mayor de compañíaDragoneanteAlumno tercer nivelAlumno segundo nivelAlumno primer nivel
Coat of arms of the Colombian Navy Escudo Armada Nacional de Colombia.svg
Coat of arms of the Colombian Navy

The Colombian Navy (Spanish : Armada de la República de Colombia) is the maritime service branch of the Military Forces of Colombia, responsible for security and defense in both the Atlantic (Caribbean) and Pacific seas of Colombia, the extensive network of rivers inside the country, and a few small land areas under its direct jurisdiction. The tables below display the rank structures and rank insignias for the Colombian Navy personnel. [5] [9]


Rank groupGeneral/flag officersSenior officersJunior officersOfficer cadet
Naval Ensign of Colombia.svg  Colombian National Navy [10]
Generic-Navy-12.svg Generic-Navy-11.svg Generic-Navy-10.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-3.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg
AlmiranteVicealmiranteContralmiranteCapitán de navíoCapitán de fragataCapitán de corbetaTeniente de navíoTeniente de fragataTeniente de corbeta


Rank groupSenior NCOsJunior NCOsEnlisted
Naval Ensign of Colombia.svg  Colombian National Navy [10]
Suboficial Jefe Tecnico de Comando Conjunto ARC.svg Suboficial Jefe Tecnico de Comando ARC.svg Suboficial jefe tecnico armada colombia.svg Suboficial jefe armada colombia.svg Suboficial primero armada colombia.svg Suboficial segundo armada colombia.svg Suboficial tercero armada colombia.svg Marinero primero armada colombia.svg Marinero segundo armada colombia.svg
Suboficial jefe técnico de comando conjuntoSuboficial jefe técnico de comandoSuboficial jefe técnicoSuboficial jefeSuboficial primeroSuboficial segundoSuboficial terceroMarinero primeroMarinero segundo

Marine Infantry

Coat of arms of the Colombian Marine Infantry Escudo Infanteria de Marina de Colombia.svg
Coat of arms of the Colombian Marine Infantry

In Colombia, the Marine Infantry is a Corps depending on the Colombian Navy and not a full service branch on its own. Being tasked with amphibious and riverine and littoral operations, the MI presents a combination of ranking names derived from the Army, combined with naval insignias. The tables below display the rank structures and rank insignias for the Colombian Marine Infantry personnel. [5]


Rank groupGeneral/flag officersSenior officersJunior officersOfficer cadet
Flag of the Colombian Naval Infantry.png  Colombian Naval Infantry [10]
Generic-Navy-12.svg Generic-Navy-11.svg Generic-Navy-10.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-3.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg
GeneralMayor generalBrigadier generalCoronelTeniente coronelMayorCapitánTenienteSubteniente


Rank groupSenior NCOsJunior NCOsEnlisted
Flag of the Colombian Naval Infantry.png  Colombian Naval Infantry [10]
Sargento Mayor de Comando Conjunto CIM.svg Sargento mayor de comando infanteria marina.svg Sargento mayor infanteria marina.svg Sargento primero infanteria marina.svg Sargento viceprimero infanteria marina.svg Sargento segundo infanteria marina.svg Cabo primero infanteria marina.svg Cabo segundo infanteria marina.svg Cabo tercero infanteria marina.svg No insignia
Sargento mayor de comando conjuntoSargento mayor de comandoSargento mayorSargento primeroSargento vice primeroSargento segundoCabo primeroCabo segundoCabo terceroInfante regular

Aerospace Force

Coat of arms of the Colombian Air Force Escudo Fuerza Aerea Colombiana.svg
Coat of arms of the Colombian Air Force

The Colombian Aerospace Force is the service branch of the Military Forces of Colombia tasked with the protection and defense of the Colombian sovereign airspace. The tables below display the rank structures and rank insignias for the Colombian Aerospace Force personnel. [5]


Rank groupGeneral/flag officersSenior officersJunior officersOfficer cadet
Flag of the Colombian Air Force.svg  Colombian Aerospace Force [11]
Colombia-AirForce-OF-9.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-7.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-6.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-5.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-4.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-3.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-2.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-1b.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-1a.svg
General del aireMayor general del aireBrigadier general del aireCoronelTeniente coronelMayorCapitánTenienteSubteniente
"3B" Uniform sample Gr.3.svg Mg.3.svg Bg.3.svg Cr.3.svg Tc.3.svg My.3.svg Ct.3.svg Te.3.svg St.3.svg


Rank groupSenior NCOsJunior NCOsEnlisted
Flag of the Colombian Air Force.svg  Colombian Aerospace Force [11]
Tecnico Jefe de Comando Conjunto.svg Tecnico Jefe de Comando FAC.svg Tecnico Jefe FAC.svg Tecnico Subjefe FAC.svg Tecnico Primero FAC.svg Tecnico Segundo FAC.svg Tecnico Tercero FAC.svg Tecnico Cuarto FAC.svg Aerotecnico FAC.svg
Técnico jefe de comando conjuntoTécnico jefe de comandoTécnico jefeTécnico subjefeTécnico primeroTécnico segundoTécnico terceroTécnico cuartoAerotécnico

Pre-2010 ranks

Rank groupGeneral / flag officersSenior officersJunior officersOfficer cadet
Flag of the Colombian Army.svg  Colombian National Army Colombia-Army-OF-9.svg Colombia-Army-OF-8.svg Colombia-Army-OF-7.svg Colombia-Army-OF-6.svg Colombia-Army-OF-5.svg Colombia-Army-OF-4.svg Colombia-Army-OF-3.svg Colombia-Army-OF-2.svg Colombia-Army-OF-1b.svg Colombia-Army-OF-1a.svg
General de Ejercito Teniente General Mayor General Brigadier General Coronel Teniente Coronel Mayor Capitán Teniente Subteniente
Flag of the Colombian Navy.png  Colombian National Navy Generic-Navy-13.svg Generic-Navy-12.svg Generic-Navy-11.svg Generic-Navy-10.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-3.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg
Almirante Almirante de Escuadra Vicealmirante Contralmirante Capitán de Navío Capitán de Fragata Capitán de Corbeta Teniente de Navío Teniente de Fragata Teniente de Corbeta
Flag of the Colombian Naval Infantry.png  Colombian Naval Infantry Generic-Navy-13.svg Generic-Navy-12.svg Generic-Navy-11.svg Generic-Navy-10.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-3.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg
General Teniente General Mayor General Brigadier Coronel Teniente Coronel Mayor Capitán Teniente Subteniente
Flag of the Colombian Air Force.svg  Colombian Aerospace Force Colombia-AirForce-OF-9.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-8.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-7.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-6.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-5.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-4.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-3.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-2.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-1b.svg Colombia-AirForce-OF-1a.svg
General del Aire Teniente General del Aire Mayor General del Aire Brigadier General del Aire Coronel Teniente Coronel Mayor Capitán Teniente Subteniente
Rank groupSenior NCOsJunior NCOsEnlisted
Flag of the Colombian Air Force.svg  Colombian Aerospace Force Tecnico jefe de comando fuerza aerea.svg Tecnico jefe de comando fuerza aerea.svg Tecnico jefe fuerza aerea.svg Tecnico subjefe fuerz aerea.svg Tecnico primero fuerza aerea.svg Tecnico segundo fuerza aerea.svg Tecnico tercero fuerza aerea.svg Tecnico cuarto fuerza aerea.svg Aerotecnico fuerza aerea.svg No equivalent
Técnico Jefe de Comando Conjunto Técnico Jefe de Comando Técnico Jefe Técnico Subjefe Técnico Primero Técnico Segundo Técnico Tercero Técnico Cuarto Aerotécnico

See also


  1. In 2010, the Constitutional Court (Spanish: Corte Constitucional) on grounds of discrimination and protection of equal rights, issued an order [8] to the Military Forces to stop the classification of conscripts into "regular", "peasant" and "baccalaureate" (Spanish: "regular", "campesino" y "bachiller"), and to standardize the terms and conditions for all conscripts to 22 months.

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This is the Marine Infantry section of the Military ranks of the Colombian Armed Forces.
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  1. Secretaría Senado de la República de Colombia (ed.). "Decreto 1790 de 2000 - Normas de carrera del personal de oficiales y suboficiales de las Fuerzas Militares" (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 2011-07-24. Retrieved 26 April 2011.
  2. Secretaría Senado de la República de Colombia (ed.). "Ley 1405 de 2010 - Nuevos Grados Militares" (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 2011-07-24. Retrieved 26 April 2011.
  3. "Ley 1792 de 2016" (PDF). Gobierno de Colombia. Retrieved 29 April 2020.
  4. Policía Nacional de Colombia (ed.). "Reglamento de Ceremonial y Protocolo Policial" (PDF) (in Spanish). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 26 April 2011.
  5. 1 2 3 4 Congreso de la República de Colombia (28 July 2010). "Ley 1405 de 2010 Nuevos Grados Militares" (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 2011-07-24. Retrieved 26 April 2011.
  6. Ejército de Colombia (15 March 2011). "Grados y distintivos del Ejército" (in Spanish). Retrieved 26 April 2011.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Capítulo V: Insignias militares". RGE 4-20.1: Reglamento de Uniformes, Insignias y Distinciones (in Spanish) (7th ed.). Colombia: National Army of Colombia. pp. 301–331. Retrieved 28 May 2021.
  8. Corte Constitucional de la República de Colombia. "Sentencia T-218/10,Orden a las Fuerzas Militares de modificar la modalidad de incorporación al servicio militar, de soldado regular a soldado bachiller, desacuartelamiento inmediato y expedición de la libreta militar" [Sentence T-218/10, Order to the Military Forces to modify the modality of incorporation into military service, from regular soldier to high school soldier, immediate disenfranchisement and issuance of the military booklet] (in Spanish). Retrieved 2 May 2011.
  9. Armada Republica de Colombia (2006). "Insignias de la Armada" (in Spanish). Retrieved 23 April 2011.
  10. 1 2 3 4 Congreso de la República de Colombia (28 July 2010). "Ley 1405 de 2010 Nuevos Grados Militares" [Law 1405 of 2010 New Military Ranks] (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 2011-07-24. Retrieved 26 April 2011.
  11. 1 2 "Grados Militares Fuerza Aérea Colombiana". (in Spanish). Colombian Air Force. Retrieved 28 May 2021.