Military ranks of Brazil

Last updated

This article presents the insignia and ranks of the Brazilian military. The insignia and ranks of the Brazilian military are defined by Act no. 6880 of December 9, 1980. [1]


Air Force ranks date from 1941, when the Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira) was organized as a merger of the Navy's Aeronaval Force and the Army's Aviation Service. [2]

Commissioned officer ranks

The rank insignia of commissioned officers.

The shoulder epaulette pads from Navy and Air Force indicate both rank and specialty branch. The air force examples below are shown without branch designation marks on the epaulettes, with the exception of the ranks of Marshal of the Air Force and Air Chief Marshal, which can only be occupied by aviators. Army shoulder pads do not represent branch, as this is indicated elsewhere in the uniform like on the cuff and sleeves of the dress and everyday uniforms.

The Military Police alongside the Military Firefighters Corps are classed as an auxiliary and reserve forces of the Army and thus carry insignia similar to that service. Another important point to mention is that police forces are subordinate to the governors of their respective states. As a result, the structure of their insignias follows that of the Brazilian Army. However, each state has its own legislation, regulations regarding insignias, uniforms, historical uniforms, and teaching academies for both NCOs and COs.

Rank groupGeneral / flag officersSenior officersJunior officers
Flag of the Brazilian Army.svg  Brazilian Army [3]
Brazil-Army-OF-10.svg Brazil-Army-OF-9.svg Brazil-Army-OF-8.svg Brazil-Army-OF-7.svg Brazil-Army-OF-5.svg Brazil-Army-OF-4.svg Brazil-Army-OF-3.svg Brazil-Army-OF-2.svg Brazil-Army-OF-1b.svg Brazil-Army-OF-1a.svg
Marechal General de exército General de divisão General de brigada Coronel Tenente-coronel Major Capitão Primeiro tenente Segundo tenente
Bandeira do Cruzeiro.svg Brazilian Navy [4]
US Navy O11 shoulderboard.svg Generic-Navy-13.svg US Navy O10 shoulderboard.svg Generic-Navy-12.svg US Navy O9 shoulderboard.svg Generic-Navy-11.svg US Navy O8 shoulderboard.svg Generic-Navy-10.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-3.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg
Almirante Almirante de esquadra Vice-almirante Contra-almirante Capitão de mar e guerra Capitão de fragata Capitão de corveta Capitão-tenente Primeiro-tenente Segundo-tenente
Flag of the Brazilian Marine Corps.svg  Brazilian Marine Corps
US Navy O10 shoulderboard.svg Generic-Navy-12.svg US Navy O9 shoulderboard.svg Generic-Navy-11.svg US Navy O8 shoulderboard.svg Generic-Navy-10.svg Generic-Navy-8.svg Generic-Navy-6.svg Generic-Navy-5.svg Generic-Navy-4.svg Generic-Navy-3.svg Generic-Navy-2.svg
fuzileiro naval
fuzileiro naval
fuzileiro naval
fuzileiro naval
fuzileiro naval
fuzileiro naval
fuzileiro naval
fuzileiro naval
fuzileiro naval
Brazilian Air Force fin flash.svg  Brazilian Air Force [5]
Brazilian Air Force marshal of the air rank insignia.svg Brazilian Air Force Lieutenant-Brigadier rank insignia.svg Brazilian Air Force Major-Brigadier rank insignia.svg Brazilian Air Force Brigadier rank insignia.svg CoronelFAB-V.png Tenente-Coronel FAB.gif Major-vertical fab.gif Capitao FAB.png Primeiro-Tenente FAB.gif Segundo-TenenteFAB.gif
Marechal-do-ar Tenente-brigadeiro do ArMajor-brigadeiroBrigadeiroCoronelTenente-coronelMajorCapitãoPrimeiro-tenenteSegundo-tenente
Brasao Nacional PPMMsvg.svg Brazilian Military Police [6]
Comandante Geral PM.png
Chefe do Estado Maior PM - platina.PNG
Brazil-MP-OF-5.svg Brazil-MP-OF-4.svg Brazil-MP-OF-3.svg Barzil-MP-OF-2.svg Brazil-MP-OF-1b.svg Brazil-MP-OF-1a.svg
Comandante geralComandante adjuntoCoronelTenente-coronelMajorCapitãoPrimeiro tenenteSegundo tenente
Flag of Brazil.svg Military Firefighters Corps
Cmd Geral CBM AP.PNG Cmd Geral CBM ES.PNG Insignia Cel Bombeiro.png Insignia Ten-cel Bombeiro.png Insignia Maj Bombeiro.png Insignia Cap Bombeiro.png Insignia 1 Ten Bombeiro.png Insignia 2 Ten Bombeiro.png
Comandante GeralComandante segundoCoronelTenente-coronelMajorCapitãoPrimeiro tenenteSegundo tenente
Rank groupGeneral / flag officersSenior officersJunior officers

Police Force Commanders and Chiefs

As previously mentioned, the highest commander of the police force is the governor. Since it serves as an auxiliary force to the army, the highest rank attainable is that of colonel. However, there are special ranks designated for military commanders within the police. These positions are freely appointed by each governor and are exclusively assigned to senior officers, most of whom are colonels.

It is also worth noting that the design of insignias may vary from state to state, and in some states, certain positions may or may not include a distinction in rank design.

RankCommanders And Chiefs
Comandante Geral Policia.png
Subcomandante Geral Policia.png
Chefe do Estado Maior PM Coronel.png
General CommanderDeputy General Commander

or/and Chief of Staff

Chief of Staff

or Deputy Chief of Staff

Secretario Chefe Casa Militar.png
Governor Military Cabinet Chief
Juiz militar.png
Colonel in the role of Military Court Judge
RankCommanders And Chiefs
Lieutenant Colonel
Subcomandante Geral Policia Tenente.png
Chefe do Estado Maior PM Tenente Coronel.png
Governor Military Cabinet Chief Or Interim
Chefe do Estado Maior PM Major.png
Governor Military Cabinet Chief

Flags of the Brazil Armed Forces

Personal Flags

In Brazil, federal civilian cabinet organizations are called Ministries. Secretaries are used by state and city cabinets

Ministry of Defense
Flag of Minister of State (Brazil).svg
Flag of Minister of Defence of Brazil
Bandeira-Insignia do Chefe do Estado-Maior Conjunto das Forcas Armadas (Brasil).svg
Bandeira-Insignia do Comandante da Aeronautica.svg
Bandeira-Insignia do Comandante da Marinha.svg
Bandeira Comandante-Geral do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais (Brasil).gif
Flag of Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces Flag of the Commander of

The Brazilian Army

Flag of the Commander of

the Brazilian Air Force

Flag of the Commander of

the Brazilian Navy

Flag of the Commandant General of the Marine Corps

(Subordinate to the navy)

Officer Flags

RankFlag of Chief of the StaffGeneral / Flag OfficersSenior Officers
Flag of the Brazilian Army.svg  Brazilian Army [7]
Bandeira de Chefe do Estado-Maior exercito.png
Bandeira-Insignia do Exercito Quando General de Exercito.jpg
Bandeira-Insignia do Exercito Quando General de Divisao.svg
Bandeira-Insignia do Exercito Quando General de Brigada.svg
Flag of the Brazilian Navy.svg  Brazilian Navy [8]
Bandeira do Chefe do Estado-Maior da Armada.svg
Bandeira Almirante do Brasil.gif Bandeira AE-Almirante Comandante de Forca.gif Bandeira Vice-Almirante (senior a tona, comandando uma forca).gif Bandeira Contra-Almirante do Brasil.gif
Pavilhao de Capitao de Mar e Guerra, Pavilhao de Capitao de Fragata e Pavilhao de Capitao Corveta.png
Brazilian Air Force fin flash.svg  Brazilian Air Force [9]
Bandeira de Chefe do Estado-Maior da Aeronautica.svg
Rank flag of Air Marshal of Brazilian Air Force.svg Rank flag of Tenente-brigadeiro of Brazilian Air Force.svg Rank flag of Major-brigadeiro of Brazilian Air Force.svg Rank flag of Brigadeiro of Brazilian Air Force.svg
Bandeiras Oficiais Forca aerea.jpg

Students Commissioned Officers

Each branch of the Brazilian Armed Forces has its own institutions for training commissioned officers (COs) and non-commissioned officers (NCOs). The academies responsible for officer training in each branch are:

For police forces, each state has its own academies; however, the most famous is the Barro Branco Academy in the state of São Paulo.

It is worth noting that the Brazilian system includes a preparatory stage before entering the military academy. Known as preparatory schools, students who graduate from these institutions are guaranteed access to their respective academies, as follows:

Rank groupJunior officerStudent officer/CadetsCadets

(Preparatory Shools)

Flag of the Brazilian Army.svg  Brazilian Army Brazil-Army-OF-(D).svg CAD-AMAN4.png CAD-AMAN3.png CAD-AMAN2.png CAD-AMAN1.png Tempespcex.png
Cadete 4º ano


Cadete 3° Ano


Cadete 2º ano


Cadete 1º ano


Aluno EsPCEx
IME Cadet 5degyear Ime aluno 5degano.jpg
IME Cadet 5°year
Ime aluno 4degano.png
Ime aluno 3degano Ime aluno 3degano.png
Ime aluno 3°ano
Ime aluno 2degano Ime aluno 2degano.png
Ime aluno 2°ano
Ime aluno 1degano Ime aluno 1degano.png
Ime aluno 1°ano
Cadete 5° Ano

(IME) [10]

Cadete 4° Ano


Cadete 3° Ano


Cadete 2° Ano


Cadete 1° Ano


Aspirante a oficial
CPOR Cadet Aluno CPOR.png
CPOR Cadet

(CPOR) [10]

Bandeira do Cruzeiro.svg Brazilian Navy Generic-Navy-2.5.svg
4deg ano Escola Naval Brazil.png
3deg ano Escola Naval Brazil.png
2deg ano Escola Naval Brazil.png
1deg Escola Naval.png
Colegio naval platinas.jpg
Guarda-marinha Cadete 4° Ano

(EN) [11]

Cadete 3° Ano


Flag of the Brazilian Marine Corps.svg  Brazilian Marine Corps Generic-Navy-2.5.svg
4deg ano Escola Naval Fuzileiros Brazil.png
3deg ano Escola Naval Fuzileiros Brazil.png
Guarda-marinhaCadete 4° Ano [FN]

(EN) [11]

Cadete 4° Ano [FN]


Cadete 2° Ano


Cadete 1° Ano


Alunos CN [11]
Brazilian Air Force fin flash.svg  Brazilian Air Force AspiranteFABrasil.png
AFA 4.jpg
AFA 3.jpg
AFA 2.jpg
AFA 1.jpg
EPCAR Alunos.jpg
Cadete 4°ano

(AFA) [12]

Cadete 3°ano


Cadete 2°ano


Cadete 1°ano


Alunos EPCAR [12]
CPORaer 2.jpg
CPORaer 1.jpg
AspiranteAluno 2°Periodo

(CPORaer) [12]

Aluno 1°Periodo


Brasao Nacional PPMMsvg.svg Brazilian Military Police Brazil-MP-OF-(D).svg
Aluno Oficial PMSP 4degano.png
Aluno Oficial PMSP 3degano.png
Aluno Oficial PMSP 2degano.png
Aluno Oficial PMSP 1degano.png
Aspirante a oficialAluno-Oficial 4° anoAluno-Oficial 3° anoAluno-Oficial 2° anoAluno-Oficial 1° ano
Flag of Brazil.svg Military Firefighters Corps Insignia PM O7.PNG
Rank groupStudent officer

Non-commissioned Officers

The rank insignia of non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel.

Rank groupSenior NCOsJunior NCOsEnlisted
Flag of the Brazilian Army.svg  Brazilian Army [3]
Subtenente.png G05-EB Primeiro Sargento.svg G04-EB Segundo Sargento.svg G03-EB Terceiro Sargento.svg G02-EB Taifeiro-mor.svg G02-EB Cabo.svg G01-EB Taifeiro Primeira classe.svg G00-EB Taifeiro Segunda classe.svg G01-EB Soldado.svg
Subtenente Primeiro-sargento Segundo-sargento Terceiro-sargento Taifeiro-morCaboTaifeiro primeira classeTaifeiro segunda classeSoldado
Bandeira do Cruzeiro.svg Brazilian Navy [4]
Brazilian Navy OR-9.png G05-MB Primeiro Sargento.svg G04-MB Segundo Sargento.svg G03-MB Terceiro Sargento.svg G02-MB Cabo.svg G01-MB Marinheiro.svg
Flag of the Brazilian Marine Corps.svg  Brazilian Marine Corps
Brazilian Navy OR-9.png Primeiro-Sargento MB.png Segundo-Sargento MB.png Terceiro-Sargento MB.png Cabo MB.png Marinheiro MB.png
Suboficial fuzileiro navalPrimeiro-sargento fuzileiro navalSegundo-sargento fuzileiro navalTerceiro-sargento fuzileiro navalCabo fuzileiro navalSoldado fuzileiro naval
Brazilian Air Force fin flash.svg  Brazilian Air Force [5]
Suboficial fab.PNG G05-FAB Primeiro Sargento.svg G04-FAB Segundo Sargento.svg G03-FAB Terceiro Sargento.svg G02-FAB Cabo.svg G02-FAB Taifeiro-mor.svg G01-FAB Soldado.svg G01-FAB Taifeiro Primeira classe.svg G00-FAB Soldado Segunda classe.svg G00-FAB Taifeiro Segunda classe.svg
SuboficialPrimeiro-SargentoSegundo-SargentoTerceiro-SargentoCaboTaifeiro-morSoldadoTaifeiro primeira classeSoldado segunda classeTaifeiro segunda classe
Brasao Nacional PPMMsvg.svg Brazilian Military Police [6]
Insignia PM O8.PNG G05-PM Primeiro Sargento.svg G04-PM Segundo Sargento.svg G03-PM Terceiro Sargento.svg Aluno-sargento-pm.jpg G02-PM Cabo.svg G01-PM Soldado.svg G00-PM Soldado segunda classe.svg
SubtenentePrimeiro-sargentoSegundo-sargentoTerceiro-sargentoAluno sargentoCaboSoldado primeira classeSoldado segunda classe
Flag of Brazil.svg Military Firefighters Corps
Insignia PM O8.PNG G05-CBM Primeiro Sargento.svg G04-CBM Segundo Sargento.svg G03-CBM Terceiro Sargento.svg G02-CBM Cabo.svg G01-CBM Soldado.svg G00-CBM Soldado segunda classe.svg
SubtenentePrimeiro-sargentoSegundo-sargentoTerceiro-sargentoCaboBombeiro primeira classeBombeiro segunda classe
Rank groupSenior NCOsJunior NCOsEnlisted

Students Non-commissioned officers

Unlike officers, future NCOs are not classified as Cadets but rather as Students (Aluno in PT). Additionally, the term "Student" is followed by the rank for which they are being trained. For example, for corporals: Student-Corporal; and for sergeants: Student-Sergeant.

in other Portuguese-speaking countries, you can find the term "instruendo", which translates to "being instructed."

The academies responsible for NCO training in each branch are:

For police forces, each state has its own academies. In São Paulo State, the Escola Superior de Sargentos (ESSgt) can be translated as Sergeants' Advanced School or Higher School for Sergeants.

It is worth mentioning that there are other courses for training sergeants and corporals, as well as advanced training courses. One of these courses is the CFST (Temporary Sergeant Training Course), which allows the NCO to remain in an active military career for a maximum of 8 years.

Students who graduate from sergeant courses can attain the positions of Sub-Lieutenant (in the army or police) or Sub-Officer (in Navy, Air Force and Marines). However, depending on the NCO's performance and additional courses completed, they may rise to the rank of Captain.

Rank groupSargeants candidatesCorporal candidates
Flag of the Brazilian Army.svg  Brazilian Army Tempesa.png
Aluno-sargento 1 ESA.png
Sargento-Aluno (ESA)Aluno-Sargento (ESA) [13]
Curso de Formacao de Sargento Temporario 2.png
Curso de Formacao de Sargento Temporario 1.png
Curso de Formacao de Cabo 2.png Curso de Formacao de Cabo 1.png

(CFST) [10]


(CFST) [10]

Cabo-Aluno(CFC) [10] Cabo-Aluno

(CFC) [10]

Brazilian Air Force fin flash.svg  Brazilian Air Force
EEAR 4.png
EEAR 3.png
EEAR 2.png
EEAR 1.png
Taifeiro Aluno.png
Aluno 4° Período

(EEAR) [14]

Aluno 3° Período


Aluno 2° Período


Aluno 1° Período



Aluno-Taifeiro [14]

Brasao Nacional PPMMsvg.svg Brazilian Military Police
Aluno Sargento PMSP.png
Metal PIn Aluno Sargento PMSP Metal.png
Metal PIn
Aluno Sargento Espirito Santo.png
Aluno sargneto Paraiba.png
Aluno Sargento Santa Catarina.png
Aluno cabo Paraiba.png
Aluno Cabo Santa Catarina.png

(Essgt) (SP)

Aluno-Sargento [15]


Aluno-Sargento [16]


Aluno-Sargento [17]


Aluno-Cabo [16]


Aluno-Cabo [17]



On January 15, 1890, Deodoro da Fonseca was acclaimed by the troops as "Generalissimo de Terra e Mar" (Generalissimo of Land and Sea), thus becoming the only six-star general officer in Brazil. [18]

See also


  1. Act no. 6880 of December 9, 1980.
  2. Instituto Histórico e Cultural da Aeronáutica. História geral da aeronáutica brasileira[General history of Brazilian aeronautics] (in Brazilian Portuguese). Vol. 3.
  3. 1 2 "Postos e Graduações - Exército". (in Portuguese). Brazilian Army. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  4. 1 2 "Postos e Graduações". (in Portuguese). Brazilian Navy. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  5. 1 2 "Postos e Graduações". (in Portuguese). Brazilian Air Force. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  6. 1 2 "Insígnias". Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo (in Portuguese). Retrieved 6 February 2021.
  7. "Normas para a Feitura de Insígnias de Comando, Chefia ou Direção" (in Brazilian Portuguese). 4 July 1980.
  8. "Portaria No 368 /MB, de 30 de Novembro de 2016". Boletim da Marinha do Brasil. I (Administrativo) Nº 12/2016. 30 November 2026.
  9. "Símbolos Heráldicos da Aeronáutica". Publicada No BCA Nº 180, de 5 de Outubro de 2020. file:///D:/Downloads/180-BCA-ANEXO%201%20-%20ICA%20903-1.pdf. 2020-09-22.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Portaria Nº 1.424, de 8 de outubro de 2015". (in Brazilian Portuguese). Archived from the original on 2023-08-22. Retrieved 2025-01-19.
  11. 1 2 3 "Regulamento de Uniformes da Marinha do Brasil (RUMB) - Volume I - Normas Gerais e Básicas sobre os Uniformes da MB" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on April 24, 2024.
  12. 1 2 3 "Insígnias e Acessórios da Força Aérea Brasileira". SlideShare. 2015-03-03. Retrieved 2025-01-23.
  13. "Portaria – C Ex Nº 2.259, de 5 de junho de 2024". Diário da União. 5 June 2024.
  14. 1 2 "Regulamento De uniformes Para Militares da Aeronáutica (RUMAER) RCA35-2/2023" (PDF). Ministério da Defesa. Comando da Aeronáutica. Estado-Maior da Aeronáutica (RCA 35-2). 20 April 2023.
  15. "Regulamento de Uniformes e Insígnias da Policía Militar do Espíritu Santo" (PDF). PORTARIA Nº 707-R, de 21.06.2017. Comissão de elaboração do Regulamento de Uniformes da PMES: 35. 21 June 2017.
  16. 1 2 "Aprova o Regulamento de Uniformes do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar da Paraíba (RUCBM/PB)" (PDF). Diário oficial. Nº 14.621. João Pessoa - Domingo, 17 de Abril de 2011 (DECRETO Nº 32.101, de 15 de Abril de 2011): 9. 2011-04-17.
  17. 1 2 "Conheça a Hierarquia Na #PMSC". X (Twitter). 2020-10-27.
  18. "Os Atos do Governo Provisório". Prefeitura de Marechal Deodoro. Retrieved 17 January 2025.

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