Comparative air force officer ranks of the European Union

Last updated

Rank comparison chart of all air forces of the European Union member states.


Officers (OF 1–10)

Rank groupGeneral/flag officersSenior officersJunior officersOfficer cadet
Air Force Ensign of Belgium.svg  Belgian Air Component [1]
Belgium-AirForce-OF-9.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-8.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-7.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-6.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-5.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-4.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-3b.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-3a.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-2.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-1b.svg Belgium-AirForce-OF-1a.svg Belgium Air Component OF(D).png
Generaal Luitenant-generaal Generaal-majoor Brigadegeneraal Kolonel Luitenant-kolonel Majoor Kapitein-commandant Kapitein Luitenant Onderluitenant Aspirant
GénéralLieutenant généralGénéral-majorGénéral de BrigadeColonelLieutenant-colonelMajorCapitaine-commandantCapitaineLieutenantSous-lieutenantAspirant
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgarian Air Force [2]
Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-9.svg Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-8.svg Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-7.svg Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-6.svg Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-5.svg Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-4.svg Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-3.svg Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-2.svg Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-1b.svg Bulgaria-AirForce-OF-1a.svg
Бригаден генерал
Brigaden general
Старши лейтенант
Starshi leytenant
Flag of the Croatian Air Force.svg  Croatian Air Force [3]
Naramenica sluzbene odore stozernog generala HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore generala zbora HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore generala pukovnika HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore generala bojnika HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore brigadnog generala HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore brigadira HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore pukovnika HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore bojnika HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore satnika HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore natporucnika HRZ i PZO.svg Naramenica sluzbene odore porucnika HRZ i PZO.svg
Stožerni general General zbora General pukovnik General bojnik Brigadni general Brigadir Pukovnik Bojnik Satnik Natporučnik Poručnik
Flag of Cyprus.svg Cyprus Air Forces [4]
Hellenic Air Force OF-6.svg Hellenic Air Force OF-5.svg Hellenic Air Force OF-4.svg Hellenic Air Force OF-3.svg Hellenic Air Force OF-2.svg Hellenic Air Force OF-1A.svg Hellenic Air Force OF-1B.svg Cyprus-Air-Force-OR-D.svg
Δόκιμος Έφεδρος Αξιωματικός
Dókimos Éfedros Axiomatikós
Flag of the Czech Air Force.svg  Czech Air Force [5]
Czech-Airforce OF-9.svg Czech-Airforce OF-8.svg Czech-Airforce OF-7.svg Czech-Airforce OF-6.svg Czech-Airforce OF-5.svg Czech-Airforce OF-4.svg Czech-Airforce OF-3.svg Czech-Airforce OF-2.svg Czech-Airforce OF-1b.svg Czech-Airforce OF-1a.svg
Armádní generál Generálporučík Generálmajor Brigádní generál Plukovník Podplukovník Major Kapitán Nadporučík Poručík
Flag of Denmark (state).svg  Royal Danish Air Force [6]
RDAF-OF-9 Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-8 Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-7 Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-6 Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-5 Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-4 Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-3 Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-2 Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-1b Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-1a Sleeve.svg RDAF-OF-(D) Sleeve.svg Danish Airforce OR-5a Sleeve.svg
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstløjtnant Major Kaptajn Premierløjtnant Løjtnant Sekondløjtnant Sergent
Flag of the Estonia Air Force.png  Estonian Air Force [7]
Estonia-AirForce-OF-9.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-8.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-7.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-6.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-5.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-4.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-3.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-2.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-1b.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-1a.svg Estonia-AirForce-OF-(D).svg
Kindral KindralleitnantKindralmajorBrigaadikindralKolonelKolonelleitnantMajorKaptenLeitnantNooremleitnantLipnik
Flag of Finland.svg  Finnish Air Force [8]
Finland-AirForce-OF-9-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-8-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-7-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-6-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-5-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-4-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-3-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-2-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-1c-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-1b-sleeve.svg Finland-AirForce-OF-1a-sleeve.svg Finland AirForce Upseerikokelas kauluslaatta.svg Finland AirForce Upseerioppilas kauluslaatta.svg
Kenraali KenraaliluutnanttiKenraalimajuriPrikaatikenraaliEverstiEverstiluutnanttiMajuriKapteeniYliluutnanttiLuutnantti Vänrikki UpseerikokelasUpseerioppilas
General Generallöjtnant Generalmajor Brigadgeneral Överste Överstelöjtnant Major Kapten Premiärlöjtnant Löjtnant Fänrik OfficersaspirantOfficerselev
Rank groupGeneral/flag officersSenior officersJunior officersOfficer cadet
Flag of France.svg French Air and Space Force [9]
France-Airforce-OF-9 Sleeve.svg France-Airforce-OF-8 Sleeve.svg France-Airforce-OF-7 Sleeve.svg France-Airforce-OF-6 Sleeve.svg France-Airforce-OF-5 Sleeve.svg France-Airforce-OF-4 Sleeve.svg France-Airforce-OF-3 Sleeve.svg France-Airforce-OF-2 Sleeve.svg France-Airforce-OF-1b Sleeve.svg France-Airforce-OF-1a Sleeve.svg French Air Force-aspirant.svg French Air Force-aspirant eleve.svg French Air Force-eleve officier.svg French Air Force-aspirant EOPN.svg
Général d´armée aérienne Général de corps aérien Général de division aérienne Général de brigade aérienne Colonel Lieutenant-colonel Commandant Capitaine Lieutenant Sous-lieutenant Aspirant Élève-officier
Flag of Germany (state).svg  German Air Force [10]
LD B 64 General.svg LD B 63 Generalleutnant.svg LD B 62 Generalmajor.svg LD B 61 Brigadegeneral.svg LD B 53 Oberst.svg LD B 52 Oberstleutnant.svg LD B 51 Major.svg LD B 44 Stabshauptmann.svg LD B 43 Hauptmann.svg LD B 42 Oberleutnant.svg LD B 41 Leutnant.svg LD B 33a Oberfahnrich.svg LD B 31a Fahnrich.svg LD B 21a Fahnenjunker.svg Enlisted rank plus bottom thin silver
cord indicating cadet's career
General General­leutnant General­major Brigade­general Oberst Oberst­leutnant Major Stabs­haupt­mann Haupt­mann Ober­leut­nant Leut­nant Ober­fähn­rich Fähn­rich Fahnen­junker
Fin Flash of Greece.svg  Hellenic Air Force [11]
Greece-AirForce-OF-9.svg Greece-AirForce-OF-8.svg Greece-AirForce-OF-7.svg Greece-AirForce-OF-6.svg Greece-AirForce-OF-5.svg Greece-AirForce-OF-4.svg Greece-AirForce-OF-3.svg Greece-AirForce-OF-2.svg Greece-AirForce-OF-1b.svg Greece-AirForce-OF-1a.svg
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungarian Air Force [12]
Army-HUN-OF-09.svg Army-HUN-OF-08.svg Army-HUN-OF-07.svg Army-HUN-OF-06.svg Army-HUN-OF-05.svg Rank Army Hungary OF-04.svg Rank Army Hungary OF-03.svg Rank Army Hungary OF-02.svg Rank Army Hungary OF-01b.svg Rank Army Hungary OF-01a.svg No insignia
Flag of the Irish Air Corps.svg  Irish Air Corps [13]
Ireland-AirForce-OF-8.png Ireland-AirForce-OF-7.svg Ireland-AirForce-OF-6.svg Ireland-AirForce-OF-5.svg Ireland-AirForce-OF-4.svg Ireland-AirForce-OF-3.svg Ireland-AirForce-OF-2.svg Ireland-AirForce-OF-1b.svg Ireland-AirForce-OF-1a.svg Irish Air Corps OF-D.svg
Officer cadet
Dalta oifigeach
Flag of Italy.svg  Italian Air Force [14]
IT-Airforce-OF-10.png IT-Airforce-OF-9s.png IT-Airforce-OF-9.png IT-Airforce-OF-8.png IT-Airforce-OF-7.png IT-Airforce-OF-5.png IT-Airforce-OF-4.png IT-Airforce-OF-3.png IT-Airforce-OF3s.png IT-Airforce-OF3.png IT-Airforce-OF2.png IT-Airforce-OF1.png
GeneraleGenerale di squadra aerea con incarichi speciali Generale di squadra aerea Generale di divisione aereaGenerale di brigata aereaColonnelloTenente colonnelloMaggiorePrimo capitanoCapitanoTenenteSottotenente
Flag of Latvia.svg Latvian Air Force [15]
17.LVAF-LG.svg 16.LVAF-MG.svg 15-LVAF-BG.svg 14.LVAF-COL.svg 13.LVAF-LTC.svg 12.LVAF-MAJ.svg 11.LVAF-CPT.svg 10.LVAF-1LT.svg 9.LVAF-2LT.svg
ĢenerālleitnantsĢenerālmajorsBrigādes ģenerālisPulkvedisPulkvežleitnantsMajorsKapteinisVirsleitnantsLeitnants
Air Force Ensign of Lithuania.svg  Lithuanian Air Force [16]
21-Lithuania Air Force-LG.svg 20-Lithuania Air Force-MG.svg 19-Lithuania Air Force-BG.svg 18-Lithuania Air Force-COL.svg 17-Lithuania Air Force-LTC.svg 16-Lithuania Air Force-MAJ.svg 15-Lithuania Air Force-CPT.svg 14-Lithuania Air Force-1LT.svg 13-Lithuania Air Force-2LT.svg Lithuanian Air Force kariunas LKA.png
Generolas leitenantasGenerolas majorasBrigados generolasPulkininkasPulkininkas leitenantasMajorasKapitonasVyresnysis leitenantasLeitenantasKariūnas
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg No air force
Rank groupGeneral/flag officersSenior officersJunior officersOfficer cadet
Flag of the Royal Netherlands Air Force.svg  Royal Netherlands Air Force [17]
Netherlands-AirForce-OF-9.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-8.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-7.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-6.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-5.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-4.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-3.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-2.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-1b.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-1a.svg Netherlands-AirForce-OF-(D).svg
Generaal Luitenant-generaal Generaal-majoor Commodore Kolonel Luitenant-kolonel Majoor Kapitein Eerste luitenant Tweede luitenant Vaandrig
PL air force flag IIIRP.svg  Polish Air Force [18]
Blank.svg Rank insignia of general of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of general broni of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of general dywizji of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of general brygady of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of pulkownik of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of podpulkownik of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of major of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of kapitan of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of porucznik of the Air Force of Poland.svg Rank insignia of podporucznik of the Air Force of Poland.svg Various
Marszałek Polski Generał Generał broni Generał dywizji Generał brygady Pułkownik Podpułkownik Major Kapitan Porucznik Podporucznik Podchorąży
Portugal Air force fin flash.svg  Portuguese Air Force [19]
Portugal-AirForce-OF-10.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-9.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-8.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-7.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-6.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-5.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-4.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-3.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-2.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-1b.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-1a.svg Portugal-AirForce-OF-(D).svg Various
Marechal da força aérea General Tenente-general Major-general Brigadeiro-general Coronel Tenente-coronel Major Capitão Tenente Alferes Aspirante-a-oficialCadete aluno
Flag of the Romanian Air Force (obverse).svg  Romanian Air Force [20]
Romania-Army-OF-10.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-9.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-9 Sleeve.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-8.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-8 Sleeve.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-7.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-7 Sleeve.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-6.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-6 Sleeve.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-5 Sleeve.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-4 Sleeve.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-3 Sleeve.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-2 Sleeve.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-1b Sleeve.svg Romania-AirForce-OF-1a Sleeve.svg
Mareșal GeneralGeneral-locotenentGeneral-maiorGeneral de flotilă aerianăComandorCăpitan-comandorLocotenent-comandorCăpitanLocotenentSublocotenent
Flag of Slovakia.svg Slovak Air Force [21]
SVK-Air Force-OF-09.svg SVK-Air Force-OF-08.svg SVK-Air Force-OF-07.svg SVK-Air Force-OF-06.svg SVK-Air Force-OF-05.svg SVK-Air Force-OF-04.svg SVK-Air Force-OF-03.svg SVK-Air Force-OF-02.svg SVK-Air Force-OF-01b.svg SVK-Air Force-OF-01a.svg
GenerálGenerálporučík [lower-alpha 1] GenerálmajorBrigádny generál Plukovník Podplukovník MajorKapitán Nadporučík Poručík
Flag of Slovenia.svg Slovenian Air Force and Air Defence [22]
21-Slovenian Air Force-GEN.svg 20-Slovenian Air Force-LG.svg 19-Slovenian Air Force-MG.svg 18-Slovenian Air Force-BG.svg 17-Slovenian Air Force-COL.svg 16-Slovenian Air Force-LTC.svg 15-Slovenian Air Force-MAJ.svg 14-Slovenian Air Force-CPT.svg 13-Slovenian Air Force-1LT.svg 12-Slovenian Air Force-2LT.svg
General polkovnikGeneralpodpolkovnikGeneralmajorBrigadir general Polkovnik Podpolkovnik MajorStotnikNadporočnik Poročnik
Flag of Spain.svg  Spanish Air and Space Force [23]
Spain-AirForce-OF-10 (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-9 (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-8 (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-7 (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-6 (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-5 (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-4 (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-3 (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-2 (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-1b (Sleeve).svg Spain-AirForce-OF-1a (Sleeve).svg Alferez Alumno de Quinta EA.svg Alferez Alumno de Cuarta EA.svg Alferez Alumno de Tercera EA.svg Cadete de Tercera EA.png Cadete de Segunda EA.svg Cadete de Primera EA.svg
Capitán general General del aire Teniente general General de división General de brigada Coronel Teniente coronel Comandante Capitán Teniente Alférez Oficial cadete Alumno
Naval Ensign of Sweden.svg  Swedish Air Force [24]
Sweden-AirForce-OF-9.svg Sweden-AirForce-OF-8.svg Sweden-AirForce-OF-7.svg Sweden-AirForce-OF-6.svg OF-5 Overste FV hylsa.svg OF-4 Overstelojtnant FV hylsa.svg OF-3 Major FV hylsa.svg OF-2 Kapten FV hylsa.svg OF-1 Lojtnant FV hylsa.svg OF-1 Fanrik FV hylsa.svg OF-(D) Kadett FV hylsa.svg
General Generallöjtnant Generalmajor Brigadgeneral Överste Överstelöjtnant Major Kapten Löjtnant Fänrik Kadett
Rank groupGeneral/flag officersSenior officersJunior officersOfficer cadet

See also


  1. The appropriate branch of service badge is pinned just under the top button of the for all ranks excluding full General.

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The following are the ranks and insignia of NATO Air Forces Enlisted personnel for each member nation.

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