Reflexive pronoun

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A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that refers to another noun or pronoun (its antecedent) within the same sentence.


In the English language specifically, a reflexive pronoun will end in -self or -selves, and refer to a previously named noun or pronoun (myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves, etc.). English intensive pronouns, used for emphasis, take the same form.

In generative grammar, a reflexive pronoun is an anaphor that must be bound by its antecedent (see binding). In a general sense, it is a noun phrase that obligatorily gets its meaning from another noun phrase in the sentence. [1] Different languages have different binding domains for reflexive pronouns, according to their structure.

Origins and usage of Reflexive Pronoun

In Indo-European languages, the reflexive pronoun has its origins in Proto-Indo-European.[ dubious discuss ]

In some languages, some distinction exists between normal object and reflexive pronouns, mainly in the third person: whether one says "I like me" or "I like myself", there is no question that the object is the same person as the subject; but, in "They like them(selves)", there can be uncertainty about the identity of the object unless a distinction exists between the reflexive and the nonreflexive. In some languages, this distinction includes genitive forms: see, for instance, the Danish examples below. In languages with a distinct reflexive pronoun form, it is often gender-neutral.

A reflexive pronoun is normally used when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject. Each personal pronoun (such as I, you, he and she) has its own reflexive form:

These pronouns can also be used intensively, to emphasize the identity of whomever or whatever is being talked about:

Intensive pronouns usually appear near and/or before the subject of the sentence.

Usually after prepositions of locality it is preferred to use a personal object pronoun rather than a reflexive pronoun: [2]


Certain verbs have reflexive pronouns in some languages but not in English: [3]

Compare to French:

The list of such verbs:

Non-reflexive usage in English

Non-reflexive use of reflexive pronouns is rather common in English. Most of the time, reflexive pronouns function as emphatic pronouns that highlight or emphasize the individuality or particularity of the noun. Grammatically, the position of reflexive pronouns in this usage is either right after the noun the pronouns are emphasizing or, if the noun is subject, after-verb-or-object position is also possible. For example, "Why don't you yourself do the job?", "Why don't you do the job yourself?", or "I want to fix my phone itself; I will not fix your watch as well." [4]

Some speakers use reflexive pronouns without local linguistic antecedents to refer to discourse participants or people already referenced in a discourse: for example, "Please, forward the information to myself, Anything else for yourself today?". Within the linguistics literature, reflexives with discourse antecedents are often referred to as logophors. Standard English allows use of logophors in some contexts: for example, "John was angry. Embarrassing pictures of himself were on display." However, within Standard English, this logophoric use of reflexives is generally limited to positions where the reflexive does not have a coargument. [5] The newer non-standard usage does not respect this limitation. In some cases, reflexives without local antecedents may be better analyzed as emphatic pronouns without any true reflexive sense.

It is common in some dialects of English to use standard object pronouns to express reflexive relations, especially in the first and sometimes second persons, and especially for a recipient: for example, "I want to get me some supper." While this was seemingly standard in Old English through the Early Modern Period (with "self" constructs primarily used for emphatic purposes), it is held to be dialectal or nonstandard in Modern English. [6] [7]

It is also common in informal speech to use myself in a conjunctive phrase when 'me' would suffice: "She stood by Jane and myself." Also myself is used when 'I' would also be appropriate; for example, Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying, "Hamilton and myself were daily pitted in the cabinet like two cocks." [8]

In languages other than English


In Mandarin Chinese, the reflexive pronoun is ()(), meaning "self". [9] The antecedent it refers to can be inferred by context, which is generally the subject of the sentence:

The antecedent can be reiterated before the reflexive pronoun; this can be used to refer to an antecedent that's not the subject:

Like English, the reflexive can also be used to emphasize the antecedent: [9]

The reflexive can also be the subject of an embedded clause.

Also unlike English, the reflexive can refer to antecedents outside of the embedded clause. Because of this, it may be ambiguous whether the antecedent refers to the subject of the main clause or the embedded clause, in which case it may be necessary to reiterate the antecedent:

The reflexive pronoun in Cantonese Chinese, jihgéi, cognate to Mandarin zìjǐ (and thus also written as 自己), also follows the same rules. [10] This was also the case in Classical Chinese, which simply used [11] (Old Chinese: *kəʔ [12] ).


Danish uses the separate reflexive pronoun sig for third person pronouns, and 'selv' to mark intensive.

In Danish, there is also a difference between normal and reflexive genitives, the latter being used only in the singular:

In the latter case, sin is a case of a reflexive possessive pronoun, i.e. it reflects that the subject in the phrase (Anna) owns the object (the book).


The Esperanto third-person reflexive pronoun is si, or sia for the possessive (to which can be added -j for plural agreement and -n for direct object).[ citation needed ]


In French, the main reflexive pronoun is 'se', with its indefinite form soi.

There are also intensifying reflexive pronouns, such as moi-même, toi-même, lui-même/elle-même/soi-même, nous-mêmes, vous-mêmes and eux-mêmes/elles-mêmes, similar in meaning (but not often used) to myself, yourself, etc.

French also uses reflexive verbs to express actions that somebody is doing to themselves. Many of these are related to daily routine. For example,


In German, the reflexive case is not distinguishable from the accusative and dative cases except in the third person reflexive. [13] As discussed above, the reflexive case is most useful when handling third person because it is not always clear that pronouns refer to the same person, whereas in the first and second persons, it is clear: he hit him and he hit himself have different meanings, but I hit me and I hit myself mean the same thing although the former is nonstandard English.

Because the accusative and dative cases are different, the speaker must know whether the verb is reflexive accusative or reflexive dative. There are very few reflexive dative verbs, which must be memorised to ensure that the correct grammar is used. The most notable one is (sich) weh tun (to hurt oneself): Ich tue mir weh. (I hurt myself.) See also German pronouns.


In Hindi, there are two primary reflexive pronouns, the reflexive pronoun खुद (khud) [from PIE *swé] meaning "self" and pronoun अपना (apnā) [from PII *HáHtmā "self"] which is the possessive reflexive pronoun and both these pronouns are used with all the three, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, persons. [14] There is also the pronoun आपस (āpas) which is used with either the inessive case-marker में (mẽ) forming the reflexive pronoun आपस में (āpas mẽ) meaning "among ourselves" or the genitive postpostion का () forming the reflexing pronoun आपस का (āpas kā) meaning "of ourselves". The genitive reflexive pronoun can also be used to emphasise when used with the personal genitive pronouns, so e.g. मेरा (merā) "mine" becomes मेरा अपना (merā apnā) "my very own". [14] Alternatively, using the genitive postposition का () with खुद (khud) gives मेरे खुदका (mere khudkā) meaning the same as मेरा अपना (merā apnā). These reflexive pronouns can be used with case-marking postpositions as shown below in the table to the right.

Reflexive pronounsSingularPluralSingularPlural
Undeclinable Nominative
खुद (khud) — "self"

आपस (āpas) — "oneselves"

अपने आप (apne āp) — "by oneself", "automatically"

with noun
sans noun
Declinable Nominative






with nounअपने


sans nounअपने








case marker
Nominative खुद (khud)self
Ergative ने (ne)खुदने (khudne)self
Accusative को (ko)खुदको (khudko)self
Dative to self
Instrumental से (se)खुदसे (khudse)using, by, with self
Ablative from self
Genitive का ()खुदका (khudkā)of self
Inessive में (mẽ)खुदमें (khudmẽ)in self
Adessive पे (pe)खुदपे (khudpe)on self
Terminative तक (tak)खुदतक (khudtak)until, till self
Semblative सा ()खुदसा (khudsā)like self


Hungarian has two primary means of expressing reflexivity.


The most common is by means of the stem mag- which behaves much like standard postpositions and case endings in Hungarian in that it can take the six personal suffixes to form the following personal pronouns:

  • magam (myself)
  • magad (yourself)
  • maga (himself/herself)
  • magunk (ourselves)
  • magatok (yourselves)
  • maguk (themselves)

Thus formed, these reflexive pronouns are in the nominative (i.e. subject) case and can take any case ending or postposition: magamnak (for myself), magunk előtt (in front of ourselves), magát (himself/herself (acc.)). However the accusative case marking -t is often omitted in magamat (myself), and magadat (yourself) remaining magam and magad respectively. This is also the case with possessed nouns using the same personal endings e.g. házam (my house), and kocsid (your car) both of which can be interpreted in less formal language as either nominative or accusative depending on context. Nonetheless, using the accusative ending -t (as in házamat and kocsidat) is still considered formal and correct.

Relfexive pronouns in the nominative case exist but have no logical reflexive function. Rather they have an intensifying purpose and follow the subject (if given):

  • ő maga csinálta (He himself did it)
  • a kutya maga ásta a gödröt (the dog himself dug the hole)
  • magam is így gondoltam (I myself am also of this mind)

note the absence of non-reflexive subject pronoun in the latter case where the verb marking implies the subject. In order to intensify a relfexive pronoun in any other case, i.e. a reflexive pronoun with a genuine reflexive grammatical function the word saját (one's own) is added before the reflexive pronoun:

  • saját magának okoz gondot (he's making trouble for his own self).


The second reflexive mechanism in Hungarian is the word ön (self) which is most commonly used as a prefix with the meaning of (one)self-, For example öngyilkos (suicide victim, lit. "self-murderer") and önfeláldozni (to sacrifice oneself). This can be combined with the reflexive pronouns above to express intensity or formality:

  • önmagam (myself)
  • önmagad (yourself)
  • önmaga (himself/herself)
  • önmagunk (ourselves)
  • önmagatok (yourselves)
  • önmaguk (themselves)

The prefix ön can also be used in the manner of saját, above, but the sense is more formal than intensive.

Formal Pronouns

Hungarian does not have a T-V distinction as in many European languages, rather it uses third person reflexive pronouns and third person verbs to indicate politeness. The singular pronouns ön (self) and maga (himself/herself) and the plural pronouns önök (selves) and maguk (themselves) are used when addressing one or more people (respectively) in a formal context, whether written or spoken. Largely seen as interchangeable, ön and önök are less common and perceived as somewhat more formal than maga and maguk. The combined forms önmaga and önmaguk are only used to express intensity and genuine reflexivity as laid out above, but are not used as non-reflexive formal/polite pronouns.

Grammatically, when using ön, maga, önök, or maguk as subject pronouns, they will be treated as though they were non-reflexive third person pronouns. This means verbs agree with a third person subject (despite having a second person referent in reality) but unlike a true reflexive object pronoun (which requires a definite verb ending), verbs using formal/polite pronouns conjugate for definite or indefinite objects as that verb's actual object requires. Compare the following:

  • (ti) mostok (you (pl.) are washing [informal])

Here the verb uses the second person plural indefinite ending -tok indicating that the object of the verb is unclear or non-existent.

  • (ti) magatokat mossátok (you (pl.) are washing yourselves [informal])

Here the verb has changed from the second person plural indefinite ending to the definite ending -játok to indicate the reflexive object.

  • (ők) mosnak (they are washing [informal])

Here the verb uses the third person plural indefinite ending -nak

  • maguk mosnak or önök mosnak (you (pl.) are washing [formal])

Here the verb also uses the third person plural indefinite ending -nak as the formal pronoun is third person, but unlike true reflexives, it does not require a definite verb ending.

  • magukat mossák ("they are washing themselves" or "you (pl.) are washing yourselves" [formal])

Here the verb is conjugated with the third person plural definite ending -ják as the pronoun is a genuine reflexive. In this case, it is not possible to tell from the sentence alone whether the intention is third person informal, or second person formal. In reality however when clarity is required an explicit subject pronoun can be used to express informal third person (ők magukat mossák), or more formal language can be used to express formal second person usage (magukat tetszik mosni lit. "it pleases to wash oneselves").


There is only one reflexive pronoun in Icelandic and that is the word sig . It does not differ between genders nor number.

The reflexive pronouns are as such:

Singular and plural
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative (hann/hún/það/þeir/þær/þau) ("he/she/it/they")
Accusative sig
Dative sér
Genitive sín


The reflexive pronoun refers to the third person:

  • Hann talar um sig.(masc. sing.) (He talks about himself)


The reflexive pronouns in Italian are:

Reflexive pronouns are usually employed when the direct object in a sentence is also its subject, thus reflecting the action as expressed in the verb on the subject itself.

This pronoun allows the building of three kinds of reflexive verbal forms: proper, non-proper (or ostensible), and reciprocal.

Notice that the sentence I wash myself could also be translated in Italian as io lavo me stesso, stressing the reflexiveness much more than English.

The complete list of intensifying reflexive pronouns is:


In the Japanese language, jibun (自分) and jibunjishin (自分自身) are reflexive pronouns that correspond roughly to 'oneself'. They differ from English in some ways; for example, jibun and jibunjishin do not have to agree in gender or number where English reflexives do. Jibun can further be bound locally or long distance where English reflexives must always occur locally. Although both English and Japanese pronouns must be c-commanded by their antecedents, because of the syntactic structure of Japanese, long distance binding is allowed.


In Korean, jagi자기(自己) and jasin자신(自身) are used as reflexive pronouns that refer to 'myself', 'himself', 'herself', and 'ourselves'. Jagijasin자기자신(自己自身) is also a reflexive pronoun but it usually corresponds only to the first person (myself).


In the first and second persons, Latin uses the ordinary oblique forms of the personal pronouns as reflexive pronouns. In the third person, Latin uses the special reflexive pronoun se, which is the same for all genders and numbers, and declined in all cases except the nominative and the vocative.

Singular or Plural
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Accusative , sēsē
Genitive suī
Dative sibi
Ablative , sēsē
Locative , sēsē



Accusative Dative
Full Short Full Short

An alternative full form, себеси, is used for emphasis.


(Novial is a constructed language, mostly based on Romance languages.)



Genitive siebie
Dative sobie
Accusative się, siebie
Instrumental sobą
Locative sobie

In Polish the oblique reflexive pronouns is się and it declines as above. It is used with 1st, 2nd and 3rd person:

  • Myję się "I wash myself"
  • Myjesz się "You wash yourself"
  • Piotr się myje "Peter washes himself"

It has been grammaticalized to a high degree, becoming also a marker of medial and/or anti-causative voice:

  • Drzwi się otworzyły "Door opened", lit. "Door opened itself"
  • Przewróciliśmy się "We fell", lit. "We turned ourselves over"

Similarly, the dative sobie gained an additional, volitional/liberative meaning, usually used in informal speech:

  • Idę sobie ulicą, patrzę sobie, a tam leży sobie dziesięć złotych. "So, I'm casually walking down the street and suddenly I see 10 zloty just lying there.", lit. "I'm walking for myself, I'm looking for myself, and there lies for itself 10 zloty"
  • Jestem sobie przedszkolaczek... "I'm a kindergartner" (from children's song)

Moreover, the phrase iść sobie has been lexicalized and means "to leave" (cf. French s'en aller):

  • Nudna ta impreza, idę sobie. "This party's boring, I'm leaving"


Polish also has a possessive reflexive pronoun swój (swoja, swoje). It assumes the gender of the possessed object, not that of the possessor.

  • Zabrał swoje rzeczy i wyszedł. "He took his (own) things and went out."
  • Spojrzał na swój telefon. "He looked at his (own) phone."
  • Anna oddała Kasi swoją książkę. "Anna gave her (Anna's) book to Cathy."

Not using a reflexive pronoun might indicate the other party's possession of the object:

  • Anna oddała Kasi jej książkę "Anna returned Cathy's book"


The intensive meaning is done by the pronoun sam (inflecting for case, gender and number):

Nominative sam msamo nsama fsami v plsame nv pl
Genitive samegosamejsamych
Dative samemusamejsamym
Accusative samego, samsamosamąsamychsame
Instrumental samymsamąsamymi
Locative samymsamejsamych

Usually inflected się is added in obliques:

  • Słucham siebie samej (fem.) "I listen to myself"
  • Wierzę sobie samej (fem.) "I believe myself"

Emphatically the accusative can be replaced with dative:

  • Zrobiłem to sam (masc.) "I did it myself", "I did it alone"
  • Zrobiłem to samemu (masc.) "I did it myself", "I did it personally"


There are two ways to make a reflexive sentence in Portuguese. The first way is by attaching the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos - also vos) to the verb. The second way is by also attaching the words mesmo/a(s) or próprio/a(s), masc/fem. (plural) (="self"), immediately after the verb to add stress/intensity :



In Russian, the pronoun себяsebya universally means "oneself"/"myself"/"himself", etc. It is inflected depending on the case. [15]

When used to indicate that the person is the direct object of the verb, one uses the accusative form, sebya. [16] (It does not have a nominative form.)

Emphasized forms are "sam sebya" - masculine, "sama sebya" - feminine, "sami sebya" - plural. However, the word "sam" usually comes after the noun it is emphasizing. [17]

This sentence underlines that the subject inflicted the wounds while in the previous example, "sebya" merely indicates that the subject was wounded.

In addition, the reflexive pronoun sebya gave rise the reflexive affix -sya (-ся) used to generate reflexive verbs, but in this context the affix indicates that the action happened accidentally: [18]

There are certain stylistic differences between the three usages, despite being rendered in the same way in English.

When the person is not a direct object of the verb, other cases are used:


Russian has a reflexive possessive as well. [19]

Because of the existence of reflexive forms, the use of a non-reflexive pronoun indicates a subject that is different from the object. If it is impossible, the sentence is invalid or at least irregular:


Serbo-Croatian uses the reflexive pronoun sebe/se, which is the same for all persons, numbers and genders, and declined as follows: [20]

Genitive sebe
Dative sebi/si
Accusative sebe/se
Instrumental sobom
Locative sebi

The words that modify the reflexive pronoun do show gender and number: [20]

The enclitic form of the reflexive pronoun, se, has been grammaticalized to a high degree: [20]


In Spanish, the reflexive pronouns are: me/nos (first person singular/plural), te/os (second person) or se (third person). In Latin America, os is not used, being replaced by se for the pronoun ustedes. For clarity, there are optional intensifying adjuncts for reflexive pronouns, accompanied by mismo/a (masculine and feminine forms for "self"). They are not strictly adjuncts: sí mismo/a (instead of se), ti mismo/a (in the Río de la Plata region, it is replaced by vos mismo/a), mí mismo/a—they usually postpend the genitive.

Example with "wash oneself":

Note that the indirect object "le"/"les" does not override "se" in the reflexive.


The Slovene language has reflexive pronouns as well:


In Uzbek, the pronoun o'zi (IPA: [ɜzɪ] ), refers to oneself and, to create a person specific forms, it requires certain affixes: [21]

myself - o'zi + -mni => o'zimni (IPA: [ɜzɪmnɪ] ); to myself - o'zi + -mga => o'zimga (IPA: [ɜzɪmgʌ] ); from myself - o'zi + -mdan => o'zimdan (IPA: [ɜzɪmdʌn] );

yourself - o'zi + -ngni => o'zingni (IPA: [ɜzɪngnɪ] ); to yourself - o'zi + -ngga => o'zingga (IPA: [ɜzɪngʌ] ); from yourself - o'zi + -ngdan => o'zingdan (IPA: [ɜzɪngdʌn] );

himself/ herself/ itself - o'zi + -ni => o'zini (IPA: [ɜzɪnɪ] ); to himself/ herself/ itself- o'zi + -ga => o'ziga (IPA: [ɜzɪgʌ] ); from himself/ herself/ itself- o'zi + -dan => o'zidan (IPA: [ɜzɪdʌn] );

ourselves - o'zi + -mizni => o'zimizni (IPA: [ɜzɪmɪznɪ] ); to ourselves- o'zi + -mizga => o'zimizga (IPA: [ɜzɪmɪzgʌ] ); from ourselves - o'zi + -mizdan => o'zimizdan (IPA: [ɜzɪmɪzdʌn] );

yourselves - o'zi + -ngizni => o'zingizni (IPA: [ɜzɪngɪznɪ] ); to yourselves - o'zi + -ngizga => o'zingizga (IPA: [ɜzɪngɪzgʌ] ); from yourselves - o'zi + -ngizdan => o'zingizdan (IPA: [ɜzɪngɪzdʌn] );

themselves - o'z + -larini => o'zlarini (IPA: [ɜzlʌrɪnɪ] ); to themselves- o'z + -lariga => o'zlariga (IPA: [ɜzɪlʌrɪgʌ] ); from themselves- o'z + -laridan => o'zilaridan (IPA: [ɜzɪlʌrɪdʌn] );

Emphatic-pronoun use:

myself - o'zi + -m => o'zim (IPA: [ɜzɪm] )

yourself - o'zi + -ng => o'zing (IPA: [ɜzɪng] )

himself/ herself/ itself - o'zi + - => o'zi (IPA: [ɜzɪ] )

ourselves - o'zi + -miz => o'zimiz (IPA: [ɜzɪmɪz] )

yourselves - o'zi + -ngiz => o'zingiz (IPA: [ɜzɪngɪz] )

themselves - o'z + -lari => o'zlari (IPA: [ɜzlʌrɪ] )

Basically, the suffixes change based on the preposition used: [21]


In Vietnamese, the reflexive pronoun is mình whose meaning can be myself, herself, himself, themselves etc. depending on the number/gender of its antecedent.

Guugu Yimithirr

A Pama–Nyungan language, Guugu Yimithirr uses the suffix /-gu/ on pronouns—much like -self in English, to emphasize that the action of the verb is performed by the subject and not someone else. Take for example, the following exchange.








Ngadhu gudaa gunda-la!


Hit my dog!






Nyundu-ugu gunda-la!


Hit it yourself!


See also



Further reading

Janic K, Puddu N, Haspelmath M (2023). Janic K, Puddu N, Haspelmath M (eds.). Reflexive constructions in the world's languages (pdf). Berlin: Language Science Press. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7861660 . ISBN   9783961104116.

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An intensive pronoun adds emphasis to a statement; for example, "I did it myself." While English intensive pronouns use the same form as reflexive pronouns, an intensive pronoun is different from a reflexive pronoun because it functions as an adverbial or adnominal modifier, not as an argument of a verb. Both intensive and reflexive pronouns make reference to an antecedent. For example, compare "I will do it myself," where "myself" is a self-intensifier indicating that nobody else did it, to "I sold myself," where "myself" fills the argument role of direct object. This sentence may be extended, as in "I sold myself myself," where the second pronoun emphasizes the fact that nobody helped me to sell myself.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">English pronouns</span> Category of words in English that prototypically "stand in" for other noun phrases

The English pronouns form a relatively small category of words in Modern English whose primary semantic function is that of a pro-form for a noun phrase. Traditional grammars consider them to be a distinct part of speech, while most modern grammars see them as a subcategory of noun, contrasting with common and proper nouns. Still others see them as a subcategory of determiner. In this article, they are treated as a subtype of the noun category.

Icelandic grammar is the set of structural rules that describe the use of the Icelandic language.

Intal is an international auxiliary language, published in 1956 by the German linguist Erich Weferling. Its name is an acronym for INTernational Auxiliary Language. Intal was conceived to unite the most important features of existing international auxiliary languages, like Esperanto, Ido, Occidental-Interlingue, Neo, Novial and Interlingua, into a compromise system.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Spanish personal pronouns</span> Personal pronouns in Spanish

Spanish personal pronouns have distinct forms according to whether they stand for the subject (nominative) or object, and third-person pronouns make an additional distinction for direct object (accusative) or indirect object (dative), and for reflexivity as well. Several pronouns also have special forms used after prepositions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Spanish object pronouns</span> Category of pronouns in Spanish grammar

Spanish object pronouns are Spanish personal pronouns that take the function of the object in the sentence. Object pronouns may be both clitic and non-clitic, with non-clitic forms carrying greater emphasis. When used as clitics, object pronouns are generally proclitic, i.e. they appear before the verb of which they are the object; enclitic pronouns appear with positive imperatives, infinitives, and gerunds. Non-clitic forms, by contrast, can appear anywhere in the sentence but can only rarely be used without their clitic counterparts. When used together, clitic pronouns cluster in specific orders based primarily on person, and clitic doubling is often found as well. In many dialects in Central Spain, including that of Madrid, there exists the phenomenon of leísmo, which is using the indirect object pronoun le as the direct object pronoun where most other dialects would use lo (masculine) or la (feminine).


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