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Albanic, Adriatic Indo-European, Illyric, Illyrian complex, Western Paleo-Balkan
Western Balkans, Southern Italy
Linguistic classification Indo-European
  • Albanoid
  • Albanian
  • Messapic   (supported by the available fragmentary material, but still under research)
  • Illyrian   (?) (if defined as sibling or precursor of Albanian)
  • Pre-Eastern Romance   (?) (the non-Albanian, but Albanian-like features in Eastern Romance)
Linguasphere 55 (phylozone)

Albanoid or Albanic is a branch or subfamily of the Indo-European languages, of which Albanian language varieties are the only surviving representatives. In current classifications of the IE language family Albanian is grouped in the same IE branch with Messapic, an ancient extinct language of Balkan provenance that is preserved in about six hundred inscriptions from Iron Age Apulia. [1] This IE subfamily is alternatively referred to as Illyric, Illyrian complex, Western Paleo-Balkan, or Adriatic Indo-European. [2] Concerning "Illyrian" of classical antiquity, it is not clear whether the scantly documented evidence actually represents one language and not material from several languages, but if "Illyrian" is defined as the ancient precursor of Albanian or the sibling of Proto-Albanian it is automatically included in this IE branch. [3] Albanoid is also used to explain Albanian-like pre-Romance features found in Eastern Romance languages. [4]


Due to the relatively poor knowedge of Messapic, its belonging to the IE branch of Albanian has been described by some as currently speculative, [5] although it is supported by available fragmentary linguistic evidence that shows common characteristic innovations and a number of significant lexical correspondences between the two languages. [6]


The IE subfamily that gave rise to Albanian and Messapic is alternatively referred to as 'Albanoid', 'Illyric', 'Illyrian complex', 'Western Palaeo-Balkan', or 'Adriatic Indo-European'. [2] 'Albanoid' is considered more appropriate as it refers to a specific ethnolinguistically pertinent and historically compact language group. [7] Concerning "Illyrian" of classical antiquity, it is not clear whether the scantly documented evidence actually represents one language and not material from several languages. [8] However, if "Illyrian" is defined as the ancient precursor language to Albanian, for which there is some linguistic evidence, [9] and which is often supported for obvious geographic and historical reasons, [10] or the sister language of Proto-Albanian, it is automatically included in this IE branch. [3] 'Albanoid' is also used to explain Albanian-like pre-Romance features found in Eastern Romance languages. [4]

The term 'Albanoid' for the IE subfamily of Albanian was firstly introduced by Indo-European historical linguist Eric Pratt Hamp (1920 – 2019), [11] and thereafter adopted by a series of linguists. [12] A variant term is 'Albanic'. [13] The root ultimately originated from the name of the Illyrian tribe Albanoi , [14] early generalized to all the Illyrian tribes speaking the same idiom. [15] The process was similar to the spread of the name Illyrians from a small group of people on the Adriatic coast, the Illyrioi . [16]


Albanoid and other Paleo-Balkan languages had their formative core in the Balkans after the Indo-European migrations in the region. [17]

Indo-European diversification and dispersal

Indo-European phylogenetic tree where the IE dialect that gave rise to Albanian splits from Post-Tocharian Indo-European, that is the residual Indo-European unity ("Core Indo-European") which remained after Tocharian's splitting from Post-Anatolian Indo-European (by Chang et al. 2015). This tree model is also supported by Hyllested & Joseph 2022, with the difference that they consider the splitting of Armenian from Graeco-Albanian instead of Albanian from Graeco-Armenian. IndoEuropeanLanguageFamilyRelationsChart.jpg
Indo-European phylogenetic tree where the IE dialect that gave rise to Albanian splits from Post-Tocharian Indo-European, that is the residual Indo-European unity ("Core Indo-European") which remained after Tocharian's splitting from Post-Anatolian Indo-European (by Chang et al. 2015). This tree model is also supported by Hyllested & Joseph 2022, with the difference that they consider the splitting of Armenian from Graeco-Albanian instead of Albanian from Graeco-Armenian.

Although research is ongoing, in current phylogenetic tree models of the Indo-European language family, the IE dialect that gave rise to Albanian splits from "Post-Tocharian Indo-European", that is the residual Indo-European unity ("Core Indo-European") which remained after Tocharian's splitting from "Post-Anatolian Indo-European". [20] The transition between the Basal IE and Core IE speech communities appears to have been marked by an economic shift from a mainly non-agricultural economy to a mixed agro-pastoral economy. The lack of evidence for agricultural practices in early, eastern Yamnaya of the Don-Volga steppe does not offer a perfect archaeological proxy for the Core IE language community, rather western Yamnaya groups around or to the west of the Dnieper River better reflect that archaeological proxy. [21]

Yamnaya steppe pastoralists apparently migrated into the Balkans about 3000 to 2500 BCE, and they soon admixed with the local populations, which resulted in a tapestry of various ancestry from which speakers of the Albanian and other Paleo-Balkan languages emerged. [22] The Albanoid speech was among the Indo-European languages that replaced the pre-Indo-European languages of the Balkans, [23] which left traces of the Mediterranean-Balkan substratum. [24] On the other hand, Baltic and Slavic, together with Germanic, as well as possibly Celtic and Italic, apparently emerged on the territory of the Corded Ware archaeological horizon of the late 4th and the 3rd millennium BCE. The distinction between the southern European languages (in particular Albanian and Greek) and the northern and western European languages (Baltic, Slavic, Germanic, Celtic, and Italic) is further reflected by the frequently shared lexical items of northwest pre-Indo-European substratum among the latter languages. [25]

The Palaeo-Balkanic Indo-European branch based on the chapters "Albanian" (Hyllested & Joseph 2022) and "Armenian" (Olsen & Thorsø 2022) in Olander (ed.) The Indo-European Language Family


Recent IE phylogenetic studies group the Albanoid subfamily in the same IE branch with Graeco-Phrygian and Armenian, labelled '(Palaeo-)Balkanic Indo-European', [26] based on shared Indo-European morphological, lexical, and phonetic innovations, archaisms, as well as shared lexical proto-forms from a common pre-Indo-European substratum. [27] [note 1] Innovative creations of agricultural terms shared only between Albanian and Greek were formed from non-agricultural PIE roots through semantic changes to adapt them for agriculture. Since they are limited only to Albanian and Greek, they could be traced back with certainty only to their last common IE ancestor, and not projected back into Proto-Indo-European. [29]

Shortly after they had diverged from one another, Pre-Albanian, Pre-Greek, and Pre-Armenian undoubtedly also underwent a longer period of contact, as shown by common correspondences that are irregular for other IE languages. Furthermore, intense Greek–Albanian contacts certainly have occurred thereafter. [30]

Family tree

The various dialects of the Albanian language in Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Albanian language map en.svg
The various dialects of the Albanian language in Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.


  1. A remarkable common proto-form for "goat" of non-Indo-European origin is exclusively shared between Albanian, Armenian, and Greek. It could have been borrowed at a pre-stage that was common to these languages from a pre-Indo-European substrate language that in turn had loaned the word from a third source, from which the pre-IE substrate of the proto-form that is shared between Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian could also have borrowed it. Hence it can be viewed as an old cultural word, which was slowly transmitted to two different pre-Indo-European substrate languages, and then independently adopted by two groups of Indo-European speakers, reflecting a post-Proto-Indo-European linguistic and geographic separation between a Balkan group consisting of Albanian, Greek, and Armenian, and a group to the North of the Black Sea consisting of Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian. [28]
  2. The map does not imply that the Albanian language is the majority or the only spoken language in these areas.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shkumbin</span> River in Albania

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Proto-Albanian is the ancestral reconstructed language of Albanian, before the Gheg–Tosk dialectal diversification. Albanoid and other Paleo-Balkan languages had their formative core in the Balkans after the Indo-European migrations in the region. Whether descendants or sister languages of what was called Illyrian by classical sources, Albanian and Messapic, on the basis of shared features and innovations, are grouped together in a common branch in the current phylogenetic classification of the Indo-European language family. The precursor of Albanian can be considered a completely formed independent IE language since at least the first millennium BCE, with the beginning of the early Proto-Albanian phase.

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More, re, and bre are interjections and/or vocative particles common to Albanian, Greek, Romanian, South Slavic, Turkish, Venetian and Ukrainian. According to Eric Hamp, its "locus... [is] more in the Greek world than elsewhere". It is used in colloquial speech to gain someone's attention, add emphasis, insult, or express surprise or astonishment, similar to the Argentinian vocable of unknown origin, "Che."

The Illyrian language was an Indo-European language or group of languages spoken by the Illyrians in Southeast Europe during antiquity. The language is unattested with the exception of personal names and placenames. Just enough information can be drawn from these to allow the conclusion that it belonged to the Indo-European language family.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Albanian language</span> Indo-European language

Albanian is an Indo-European language and the only surviving representative of the Albanoid branch, which belongs to the Paleo-Balkan group. Standard Albanian is the official language of Albania and Kosovo, and a co-official language in North Macedonia and Montenegro, as well as a recognized minority language of Italy, Croatia, Romania and Serbia. It is also spoken in Greece and by the Albanian diaspora, which is generally concentrated in the Americas, Europe and Oceania. Albanian is estimated to have as many as 7.5 million native speakers.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Albanian dialects</span> Overview of dialects of Albanian

The Albanian language is composed of many dialects, divided into two major groups: Gheg and Tosk. The Shkumbin river is roughly the geographical dividing line, with Gheg spoken north of the Shkumbin and Tosk south of it.

The Albanians and their country Albania (Shqipëria) have been identified by many ethnonyms. The native endonym is Shqiptar. The name "Albanians" Latin: Albanenses/Arbanenses) was used in medieval Greek and Latin documents that gradually entered European languages from which other similar derivative names emerged. Linguists believe that the alb part in the root word originates from an Indo-European term for a type of mountainous topography, meaning "hill, mountain", also present in Alps. Through the root word alban and its rhotacized equivalents arban, albar, and arbar, the term in Albanian became rendered as Arbëreshë for the people and Arbëria for the country.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Albanian–Eastern Romance linguistic parallels</span> Study of the similarities of the Albanian and Eastern Romance languages

The Albanian–Eastern Romance linguistic parallels are subject of historical and contact linguistic research applied to the Albanian and Eastern Romance languages. It has also been studied to understand the history of Albanian and Eastern Romance speakers. The common phonological, morphological and syntactical features of the two language families have been studied for more than a century. Both are part of the Balkan sprachbund but there are certain elements shared only by Albanian and Eastern Romance languages that descended from Common Romanian. Aside from Latin, and from shared Greek, Slavic and Turkish elements, other characteristics and words are attributed to the Palaeo-Balkan linguistic base. Similarities between Eastern Romance and Albanian are not limited to their common Balkan features and the assumed common lexical items: the two language families share calques and proverbs, and display analogous phonetic changes, some of the latter especially shared between Tosk Albanian and Common Romanian.

This article contains information about Illyrian vocabulary. No Illyrian texts survive, so sources for identifying Illyrian words have been identified by Hans Krahe as being of four kinds: inscriptions, glosses of Illyrian words in classical texts, names—including proper names, toponyms and river names—and Illyrian loanwords in other languages. The last category has proven particularly contentious. The names occur in sources that range over more than a millennium, including numismatic evidence, as well as posited original forms of placenames. Messapic, an ancient language of Apulia which was of Balkan provenance and is grouped in the 'Illyric branch' of the Indo-European family, does have an epigraphic corpus, and some words have been recorded by ancient authors. Messapic words and relevant etymologies are listed in Messapic language#Lexicon.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vatër</span>

The vatër is the domestic hearth in Albanian folklore. The fire of the domestic hearth holds divine attributes in folk beliefs, being considered the sustainer of the continuity between the world of the living and that of the dead, and ensuring the continuity of the tribe from generation to generation.

Graeco-Albanian or Albano-Greek is a proposed Indo-European subfamily – in the broader linguistic family known as (Palaeo-)Balkanic Indo-European – of which the only surviving representatives are Albanian and Greek. This Indo-European subfamily encompasses the Albanoid (Illyric) subbranch, and the Graeco-Phrygian subbranch. Within the Palaeo-Balkan branch this IE subfamily is separated from Armenian.


  1. Hyllested & Joseph 2022 , p. 235; Friedman 2020 , p. 388; Majer 2019 , p. 258; Trumper 2018 , p. 385; Yntema 2017 , p. 337; Mërkuri 2015 , pp. 65–67; Ismajli 2015 , pp. 36–38, 44–45; Ismajli 2013 , p. 24; Hamp & Adams 2013 , p. 8; Demiraj 2004 , pp. 58–59; Hamp 1996 , pp. 89–90.
  2. 1 2 Crăciun 2023 , pp. 77–81; Friedman 2023 , p. 345; Hyllested & Joseph 2022 , p. 235; Friedman 2022 , pp.  189–231; Trumper 2020 , p. 101; Trumper 2018 , p. 385; Baldi & Savoia 2017 , p. 46; Yntema 2017 , p. 337; Ismajli 2015 , pp. 36–38, 44–45; Ismajli 2013 , p. 24; Hamp & Adams 2013 , p. 8; Schaller 2008 , p. 27; Demiraj 2004 , pp. 58–59; Hamp 2002 , p. 249; Ködderitzsch 1998 , p. 88; Ledesma 1996 , p. 38.
  3. 1 2 Friedman 2022 , pp.  189–231; Friedman 2020 , p. 388; Baldi & Savoia 2017 , p. 46; Hamp & Adams 2013 , p. 8; Holst 2009 , pp. 65–66
  4. 1 2 Hamp 1981 , p. 130; Joseph 1999 , p. 222; Hamp 2002 , p. 249; Joseph 2011 , p. 128; Ismajli 2015 , pp. 36–38, 44–45; Trumper 2018 , pp. 383–386; Friedman 2019 , p. 19.
  5. Hyllested & Joseph 2022, p. 240: "Technically speaking, from a genealogical standpoint, Messapic likely is the closest IE language to Albanian (Matzinger 2005). However, in the absence of sufficient evidence, that connection must remain speculative.
  6. Trumper 2018 , pp. 383–386; Friedman 2020 , p. 388; Friedman 2011 , pp. 275–291.
  7. Trumper 2018 , p. 385; Manzini 2018 , p. 15.
  8. Holst 2009, p. 65–66.
  9. Friedman 2022 , pp.  189–231; Holst 2009 , pp. 65–66.
  10. Friedman 2022 , pp.  189–231; Coretta et al. 2022 , p. 1122; Matasović 2019 , p. 5; Parpola 2012 , p. 131; Beekes 2011 , p. 25; Fortson 2010 , p. 446; Holst 2009 , pp. 65–66; Mallory & Adams 1997 , p. 11.
  11. Joseph 2011, p. 128.
  12. Huld 1984 , p. 158; Ledesma 1996 , p. 38; Joseph 1999 , p. 222; Trumper 2018 , p. 385; Friedman 2023 , p. 345; Crăciun 2023 , pp. 77–81.
  13. Friedman 2022 , pp.  189–231; Friedman & Joseph 2017 , pp.  55–87; Friedman 2000 , p. 1; "Albanic" in Linguasphere Observatory.
  14. Demiraj 2020 , p. 33; Campbell 2009 , p. 120.
  15. Demiraj 2020, p. 33.
  16. Campbell 2009, p. 120.
  17. Friedman 2022 , pp.  189–231; Lazaridis & Alpaslan-Roodenberg 2022 , pp. 1, 10.
  18. Chang, Chundra & Hall 2015, pp. 199–200.
  19. Hyllested & Joseph 2022, p. 241.
  20. Hyllested & Joseph 2022 , p. 241; Koch 2020 , pp. 24, 50, 54; Chang, Chundra & Hall 2015 , pp. 199–200.
  21. Kroonen et al. 2022 , pp. 1, 11, 26, 28.
  22. Lazaridis & Alpaslan-Roodenberg 2022, pp. 1, 10.
  23. Friedman 2023, p. 345.
  24. Demiraj 2013, pp. 32–33.
  25. Matasović 2013, p. 97.
  26. Hyllested & Joseph 2022 , p. 241; Olsen & Thorsø 2022 , p. 209; Thorsø 2019 , p. 258; Chang, Chundra & Hall 2015 , pp. 199–200; Holst 2009 , pp. 65–66.
  27. Hyllested & Joseph 2022 , p. 241; Olsen & Thorsø 2022 , p. 209; Thorsø 2019 , p. 258; Kroonen 2012 , p. 246; Holst 2009 , pp. 65–66.
  28. Thorsø 2019, p. 255; Kroonen 2012, p. 246.
  29. Kroonen et al. 2022 , pp. 11, 26, 28
  30. Thorsø 2019, p. 258.
