Demographics of Timor-Leste

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Demographics of Timor-Leste
Timor-Leste single age population pyramid 2020.png
Population pyramid of Timor-Leste in 2020
Population1,445,006 (2022 est.)
Growth rate2.15% (2022 est.)
Birth rate30.94 births/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Death rate5.61 deaths/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Life expectancy69.92 years
  male68.25 years
  female71.7 years
Fertility rate4.21 children born/woman (2022 est.)
Infant mortality rate33.69 deaths/1,000 live births
Net migration rate-3.82 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Age structure
0–14 years38.29%
15–64 years56.38%
65 and over5.33%
Sex ratio
Total1 male(s)/female (2022 est.)
At birth1.07 male(s)/female
Under 151.06 male(s)/female
65 and over0.79 male(s)/female
Timor-Leste's population (1861-2011). East Timor demographic change.png
Timor-Leste's population (1861-2011).

This is a demography of the population of Timor-Leste including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.


Population size and structure

Population, fertility rate and net reproduction rate, United Nations estimates Timor-Leste (East Timor) Population 1950-2021 Forecast 2022-2032 UN World Population Prospects 2022.svg
Population, fertility rate and net reproduction rate, United Nations estimates

1,242,000 (2017)

Age groups

Population by Sex and Age Group (Census 11.VII.2015) [1]
Age groupMaleFemaleTotal%
Total601 112582 5311 183 643100
0-477 89672 410150 30612.70
5-980 37775 705156 08213.19
10-1480 72175 548156 26913.20
15-1969 83967 033136 87211.56
20-2452 75954 244107 0039.04
25-2945 48647 46492 9507.85
30-3435 93436 46172 3956.12
35-3924 24524 64548 8904.13
40-4429 09726 77955 8764.72
45-4925 04422 27447 3184.00
50-5418 66116 77635 4372.99
55-5914 43612 86727 3032.31
60-6413 86414 51628 3802.40
65-6914 61116 42731 0382.62
70-748 9499 20418 1531.53
75-794 8625 0099 9610.84
80-842 3992 7985 1970.44
85+1 9322 2814 2130.36
Age groupMaleFemaleTotalPercent
0-14238 994223 663462 65739.09
15-64329 365323 059652 33455.11
65+32 75335 80968 5625.79
Population Estimates by Sex and Age Group (01.VII.2018) (Data refer to national projections.): [2]
Age GroupMaleFemaleTotal%
Total642 639618 7681 261 407100
0–486 04278 681164 72313.06
5–984 95076 259161 20912.78
10–1482 08875 015157 10312.45
15–1975 60271 942147 54411.70
20–2460 51360 703121 2169.61
25–2946 77750 23997 0167.69
30–3440 34442 71883 0626.58
35–3928 90930 01358 9224.67
40–4424 22823 96548 1933.82
45–4927 71825 14652 8644.19
50–5421 62019 32540 9453.25
55–5916 67415 41932 0932.54
60–6414 58314 71229 2952.32
65-6911 76412 44124 2051.92
70-749 1879 38818 5751.47
75-796 4526 78913 2411.05
80+5 1886 01311 2010.89
Age groupMaleFemaleTotalPercent
0–14253 080229 955483 03538.29
15–64356 968354 182711 15056.38
65+32 59134 63167 2225.33

Median age

In 2015 the median age of the population was 19.6 years old. The population living in rural areas is slightly younger (19.0) compared to the population living in urban areas (20.6). Ainaro Municipality has the lowest median age with 17.3 years, while Dili Municipality has the highest median age with 21.2 years. [3]

Vital statistics

UN estimates

Registration of vital events is in Timor-Leste not complete. The Population Department of the United Nations prepared the following estimates. Population estimates account for under numeration in population censuses. [4]

Mid-year population (thousands)Live births (thousands)Deaths (thousands)Natural change (thousands)Crude birth rate (per 1000)Crude death rate (per 1000)Natural change (per 1000) Total fertility rate (TFR) Infant mortality (per 1000 live births) Life expectancy (in years)
1950  415  18  15  343.435.97.56.61274.229.05
1951  418  18  14  443.734.29.56.59271.829.30
1952  423  19  14  443.933.410.56.56268.529.62
1953  427  19  14  544.232.911.26.54265.829.89
1954  432  19  14  544.432.511.96.51262.830.20
1955  437  20  14  544.632.112.56.48259.730.52
1956  443  20  14  644.831.813.06.45256.730.83
1957  449  20  14  645.131.613.56.42254.031.12
1958  455  21  14  645.331.314.06.39251.331.40
1959  462  21  14  745.531.114.46.36248.631.70
1960  469  21  14  745.730.615.16.32244.332.20
1961  476  22  14  745.730.215.56.27241.132.57
1962  483  22  14  845.729.915.96.22237.932.95
1963  491  22  15  845.629.516.16.16235.433.26
1964  499  23  15  845.529.216.36.08232.533.60
1965  507  23  14  945.228.316.96.01226.434.36
1966  516  23  14  944.927.617.25.93221.235.00
1967  525  23  14  944.526.917.65.86215.335.73
1968  535  24  14  944.126.317.75.79211.536.23
1969  544  24  14  1043.625.817.85.72207.836.71
1970  554  24  14  1043.125.317.85.66204.337.17
1971  564  24  14  1042.424.617.75.58200.237.72
1972  574  24  14  1041.624.017.65.49195.838.32
1973  584  24  14  1040.723.217.55.39190.738.99
1974  592  24  15  939.825.014.85.29200.836.88
1975  600  23  24− 039.139.8−0.75.19241.224.83
1976  610  23  23  038.337.90.45.12229.825.96
1977  619  23  24−137.939.9−2.05.09242.624.43
1978  628  24  27− 437.943.8−5.95.09266.921.84
1979  635  24  27− 238.342.3−3.95.14258.822.53
1980  642  25  21  339.
1981  649  27  21  641.332.58.85.53193.529.57
1982  655  27  21  741.631.310.35.56183.430.82
1983  662  28  20  741.930.611.35.59177.031.64
1984  671  28  19  942.228.413.75.61161.533.75
1985  682  29  19  942.428.513.95.65161.433.80
1986  694  29  19  1042.528.114.55.67157.434.34
1987  708  30  19  1142.526.715.75.68148.735.64
1988  723  31  19  1142.526.615.85.72148.435.75
1989  740  31  14  1742.319.123.35.76144.444.55
1990  758  32  14  1842.218.723.55.81142.644.95
1991  773  32  14  1841.818.423.35.84140.844.99
1992  784  33  14  1941.617.524.15.87134.246.28
1993  795  33  13  2041.216.824.45.88128.547.25
1994  807  33  13  2040.916.124.85.91123.648.25
1995  819  33  13  2040.616.324.35.94123.548.02
1996  831  34  13  2040.215.824.45.94118.748.82
1997  843  34  13  2139.915.424.55.96114.249.52
1998  855  34  13  2139.615.723.95.96115.149.12
1999  867  34  16  1939.418.021.45.97118.045.70
2000  878  35  9  2639.
2001  893  35  9  2639.19.929.26.0173.359.36
2002  910  36  9  2739.09.629.46.0269.760.15
2003  927  36  9  2738.39.329.05.9566.560.87
2004  946  36  9  2737.
2005  969  35  9  2736.58.827.75.7159.862.33
2006  995  35  8  2735.48.526.95.5656.763.07
2007  1 019  35  8  2634.28.325.95.4053.963.72
2008  1 043  35  8  2633.
2009  1 066  35  9  2632.
2010  1 088  34  9  2631.
2011  1 113  34  9  2530.77.922.84.6645.765.70
2012  1 138  34  9  2529.87.722.14.4444.166.08
2013  1 162  34  9  2529.17.621.54.2742.666.44
2014  1 185  34  9  2528.47.620.94.0941.266.79
2015  1 206  33  9  2427.77.520.23.9039.867.14
2016  1 225  33  9  2427.07.319.73.7438.567.45
2017  1 243  33  9  2426.
2018  1 262  33  9  2425.
2019  1 280  33  9  2425.56.918.63.3435.268.27
2020  1 300  33  9  2425.36.818.43.2534.268.48
2021  1 321  33  10  2324.

Demographic and Health Surveys

Total Fertility Rate (TFR) and Crude Birth Rate (CBR): [5]

YearCBR (Total)TFR (Total)CBR (Urban)TFR (Urban)CBR (Rural)TFR (Rural)
2009–201033.25.7 (5.1)33.14.9 (4.2)33.26.0 (5.4)
201626.84.2 (3.5)28.43.5 (3.0)26.24.6 (3.8)

Fertility rate by municipality

Aileu Municipality and Ainaro Municipality have the highest fertility rate with 5.5 children per woman, followed by Ermera Municipality with 5.4 children per woman. [6]

MunicipalityFertility rate in 2004Fertility rate in 2010Fertility rate in 2015Decline between 2004 and 2015
Dili 2.8
Liquiçá 2.0
Covalima 2.3
Manufahi 2.4
Manatuto 2.1
Aileu 3.0
Lautém 2.5
Bobonaro 2.2
Baucau 2.2
Viqueque 1.7
Ermera 2.8
Ainaro 2.8
Oecusse (SAR) 2.7
Flag of East Timor.svg  Timor-Leste 2.5

Between 2014/15, around 43.5% of the births occurred in a health facility, up from 36.3% in 2010/11. This percentage varies widely from 77.5% in Dili Municipality to only 15.1% of all births in Ermera Municipality.

Life expectancy at birth

Average life expectancy at age 0 of the total population. [7]

PeriodLife expectancy
in Years
PeriodLife expectancy in

Ethnic groups

An East Timorese man partially dressed in traditional clothing Man in traditional dress, East Timor.jpg
An East Timorese man partially dressed in traditional clothing
Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), Papuan, small Chinese particularly Cantonese people and Europeans particularly Portuguese people descent.


Roman Catholic 97.6% (2015 est.)
Protestant/Evangelical 2% (2015 est.)
Islam 0.2% (2015 est.)
Other 0.2% (2015 est.)


Tetum (official), Portuguese (official), Indonesian (constitutionally defined as a 'working language') and English (constitutionally defined as a 'working language').
Note: There are a total of about 16 indigenous languages, of which Tetum, Galole, Mambae, and Kemak are spoken by significant numbers of people. The Tetum language is partially influenced by European languages, particularly Portuguese, a legacy of Portuguese rule.

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  1. "Population by Age & Sex". Statistics Timor-Leste General Directorate of Statistics. Statistics Timor-Leste. Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  2. "UNSD — Demographic and Social Statistics".
  3. 2015 Timor-Leste Population and Housing Census – Data Sheet
  4. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division (2022). "World Population Prospects 2022 Demographic indicators by region, subregion and country, annually for 1950-2100" (XLS (91MB)). United Nations Population Division . 27 (Online ed.). New York: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. rows 8789:8860,cols M,X,AE,S,AH,S,AA,AV,AI. Archived from the original on 2022-08-09.
  5. "MEASURE DHS: Demographic and Health Surveys".
  6. [ bare URL PDF ]
  7. "World Population Prospects - Population Division - United Nations". Retrieved 2018-08-26.