List of orogenies

Last updated
Geologic provinces of the world (USGS)
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Large igneous province
Extended crust
Oceanic crust:
0-20 Ma
20-65 Ma
>65 Ma World geologic provinces.jpg
Geologic provinces of the world (USGS)

The following is a list of known orogenies organised by continent, starting with the oldest in each. The headings are present-day continents, which may differ from the geography contemporary to the orogenies. Some orogenies encompass more than one continent and may have different names in each, and some very large orogenies include sub-orogenies. As with other geological phenomena, orogenies are often subject to revised interpretations of their age, type and associated paleogeography.


In some (especially older) literature, the term orogeny refers to a long episode of basin formation and deposition of sediments over hundreds of millions of years, ending with deformation (sometimes including metamorphism) of these deposits. However, some workers use the term only for the final mountain-building deformation event over tens of millions of years or shorter. [1] [2]

African orogenies

Antarctic orogenies

Orogenies affecting Antarctica include: [3]

Asian orogenies

Persia-Tibet-Burma orogeny in Eurasian Plate EurasianPlate.png
Persia–Tibet–Burma orogeny in Eurasian Plate

European orogenies

North American orogenies

Taconic orogeny Taconic orogeny.gif
Taconic orogeny

Oceania orogenies

Australian orogenies

New Zealand orogenies

South American orogenies


OrogenyEstimated start time(Ga)Estimated end time(Ga)Continent
Pan-African orogeny .55.55Africa
Damara orogeny .53.5Africa
Kibaran orogeny 1.41Africa
Eburnean orogeny 2.22Africa
East African Orogeny .75.55Africa
Mauritanide Orogeny .32.27Africa
Mozambique Orogeny 2.652.97Africa
Zambezi Orogeny .89.53Africa
Napier orogeny 4Antarctica
Rayner orogeny 3.5Antarctica
Humboldt orogeny 3Antarctica
Insel orogeny 2.65Antarctica
Early Ruker orogeny 21.7Antarctica
Late Ruker orogeny 1Antarctica
Beardmore orogeny .62Antarctica
Ross orogeny .55.48Antarctica
Borchgrevink orogeny .42.35Antarctica
Aravalli-Delhi Orogen 2.3Asia
Altaid Orogeny .54Asia
Cimmerian orogeny .22Asia
Dabie-Sulu orogeny .24Asia
Persia–Tibet–Burma orogeny.55Asia
Himalayan orogeny .29.16Asia
Saamian orogeny 3.12.9Europe
Lopian orogeny 2.92.6Europe
Svecofennian orogeny 2.01.75Europe
Gothian orogeny 1.751.5Europe
Sveconorwegian orogeny 1.14.96Europe
Timanide orogeny .62.55Europe
Cadomian orogeny .66.54Europe
Caledonian orogeny .49.39Europe
Variscan orogeny .44.35Europe
Uralian orogeny .32.25Europe
Alpine orogeny .15.25Europe
Mediterranean Ridge .15Europe
Algoman orogeny 2.72.5North America
Wopmay orogeny 2.11.9North America
Trans-Hudson orogeny 11.8North America
Nagssugtoqidian orogeny 1.91.8North America
Ketilidian orogeny 1.851.72North America
Penokean orogeny 1.851.84North America
Great Falls orogeny 1.77North America
Ivanpah orogeny 1.711.70North America
Yavapai orogeny 1.711.70North America
Mazatzal orogeny 1.671.65North America
Picuris orogeny 1.431.30North America
Grenville orogeny 1.25.98North America
Caledonian orogeny East Greenland Orogen .72.42North America
Appalachian orogeny .48North America
Taconic orogeny .44North America
Acadian orogeny .37North America
Alleghanian orogeny .35North America
Ouachita orogeny .29North America
Antler orogeny .35.32North America
Innuitian orogeny .45North America
Sonoma orogeny .27.24North America
Nevadan orogeny .2North America
Sevier orogeny .14.05North America
Laramide orogeny .07.04North America
Pasadena orogeny .03North America
Sleaford orogeny 2.442.42Oceania
Glenburgh orogeny 21.92Oceania
Barramundi orogeny 1.891.85Oceania
Kimban orogeny 1.841.70Oceania
Cornian orogeny 21.86Oceania
Miltalie orogeny 1.95Oceania
Yapungku orogeny 1.76Oceania
Albany-Fraser orogeny 1.711.02Oceania
Mangaroon orogeny 1.681.62Oceania
Isan orogeny 1.60Oceania
Kararan orogeny 1.571.55Oceania
Olarian orogeny 1.45Oceania
Capricorn orogeny 1.3Oceania
Musgrave orogeny 1.221.12Oceania
Edmundian orogeny 1.681.46Oceania
Petermann orogeny .55.53Oceania
Delamerian Orogeny .51Oceania
Lachlan Orogeny .54.44Oceania
Thomson Orogeny .51.49Oceania
Alice Springs Orogeny .45.30Oceania
Kanimblan Orogeny .32Oceania
Hunter-Bowen orogeny .26.22Oceania
Tuhua Orogeny .37.33Oceania
Rangitata Orogeny .14.09Oceania
Kaikoura Orogeny .03Oceania
Transamazonian orogeny 2.141.94South America
Guriense orogeny 2.82.7South America
Sunsás orogeny 1.41.1South America
Cariri Velhos orogeny .54South America
Brasiliano-Pan African orogeny .54South America
Pampean orogeny .53.48South America
Chonide orogeny .25.20South America
Terra Australis Orogen .54.23South America
Famatinian orogeny .49.46South America
San Rafael orogeny .29.25South America
Toco orogeny .33.30South America
Andean orogeny .200South America


  1. Sengör, A.M.C. (1990); Plate tectonics and orogenic research after 25 years: A Tethyan perspective. Earth Sci. Reviews, 277, 1-201.
  2. van Dijk, J.P. (1992); Late Neogene fore-arc basin evolution in the Calabrian Arc (Central Mediterranean). Tectonic sequence stratigraphy and dynamic geohistory. With special reference to the geology of Central Calabria. Geologica Ultrajectina, 92, 288 pp. ISBN 90-71577-46-5; pp. 251-264
  3. "Geochronology". Archived from the original on 2008-10-19. Retrieved 2010-11-26. Tectonics of the Transantarctic Mountains: Geochronology
  4. Strachan, R.A.; Smith, M.; Harris, A.L.; Fettes, D.J. (2002). "4: The Northern Highland and Grampian terranes". In Trewin N.H. (ed.). The Geology of Scotland. Geological Society, London. ISBN   978-1-86239-126-0.
  5. Sandiford, M.: Neotectonics of southeastern Australia: linking the Quaternary faulting record with seismicity and in situ stress In Hillis, R. R. & Müller, R. D. (Editors) 2003. Evolution and Dynamics of the Australian Plate, pp 2, 107-120. Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 22 and Geological Society of America Special Paper 372.
  6. Alkmima, Fernando F. and Stephen Marshak; Transamazonian Orogeny in the Southern São Francisco Craton Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil: evidence for Paleoproterozoic collision and collapse in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Precambrian Research, Volume 90, Issues 1–2, 30 June 1998, Pages 29–58
  7. The Geology of Chile Teresa Moreno, Wes Gibbons, Geological Society of London