List of rampage killers in Oceania and Maritime Southeast Asia

Last updated

This is a list of mass or spree killers in Oceania and Maritime Southeast Asia. A mass murderer is typically defined as someone who kills three or more people in one incident, with no "cooling off" period, not including themselves. [1] [2] A mass murder typically occurs in a single location where one or more persons kill several others. [3] [4] [5]


This list does not include serial killers, members of democidal governments, or major political figures who orchestrated such actions.

Rampage killers

PerpetratorDateYearLocationCountryKilledInjured W Additional notesRef.
Mangayanon Butaog [n 1] 9 Sept.1985 Sinasa Philippines
 MPCommitted suicide [6]
Tarrant, Brenton, 282019 Christchurch New Zealand
FLife imprisonment with no chance of parole
An arson attack was also planned, but foiled
Bryant, Martin John, 281996 Port Arthur, Tasmania Australia
FMASentenced to 35 concurrent life terms plus 1,035 years
Unknown [n 2] Siquijor Philippines
 MKilled by angry mob [8]
Unknown1903 Mindanao Philippines
 MKilled [9]
Wirjo, 42 [n 3] 1987 Banjarsari Indonesia
 MCommitted suicide
Formentera, Arsenio, 311968 Palompon Philippines
 M [10]
Hodeng1879 Kampong Tankulu Indonesia
Arrested [11]
Salazar, Domingo, 42 [n 3] 1956 San Nicolas Philippines
 MSentenced to death, later changed to life imprisonment
Terminated two pregnancies
Unknown1873 Ternate Indonesia
 MKilled [12]
Basobas, Florentino1977 Quezon, Palawan Philippines
 MKilled [13]
Antakin [n 3] 1897 Kaningow Malaysia
Long, Robert Paul, 382000 Childers, Queensland Australia
 MASentenced to life imprisonment [14]
Pusok Anak Ngaik, 281965 Kampong Bukit Merah Malaysia
 M [15]
Unknown1909 Borneo Indonesia
Unknown [n 3] 1935 Gondang Indonesia
Sentenced to life imprisonment [17]
Gray, David Malcolm, 331990 Aramoana New Zealand
F AKilled by police
Kalinga Boli [n 3] 1937 Abulug
FMArrested [18]
Two unknown men1952 Zamboanga Philippines
 MOne killed, the other arrested [19]
Unknown1933 Batoe-Radja Indonesia
FArrested [20]
Rebasien1856 Napal Malientang Indonesia
Killed [21]
Unknown1890 Bonthain Indonesia
 MKilled [22]
Rublico, Salvador1952 Banga, Aklan Philippines
 MKilled [23]
Unknown1887 Kupang Indonesia
 MArrested [24]
Mat Taram bin Sa'al, 301947BangiMalaysia
 MFound not guilty by reason of insanity [25]
Leman1933 Bakoen Indonesia
 MArrested [26]
Unknown soldier [n 4] 1967 Jakarta Indonesia
FArrested [27]
Guades, Danny, 39 [n 3] 2007 Calbayog Philippines
Terminated a pregnancy
Killed his brother in the 1980s
Hajula1932 Malita Philippines
FKilled [28]
Raden Prawiro Direjo [n 3] 1863 Salatiga Indonesia
 MKilled [29]
O. L., 30 [n 3] 1988 Cirumput Indonesia
 MArrested [30]
Unknown2007 Silangkan Philippines
FKilled by soldiers [31]
Unknown1881 Dai Indonesia
Killed [32]
Junak1960 Seriang Indonesia
Killed [33]
Two unknown Moros 1923 S.S. Van Linschoten Philippines
Both were killed [34]
Kulop Mas Daud1927 Kati Malaysia
FKilled by police [35]
Unknown1875 Kuala Kangsar Malaysia
 M [36]
Contaoe, Marciano, 32 [n 4] 1988 Manila Philippines
FSentenced to 300 years in prison [37]
Sunan1846 Penang Malaysia
 MSentenced to death and executed [38]
Governor, Jimmy, 251900 New South Wales Australia
FMSentenced to death and executed [39]
Foong Mok [n 3] 1946 Kampong Boyan Malaysia
 MArrested [40]
 MKilled [41]
Idrus Bin Hassan, 621973 Kampong Batu Titian Akar Malaysia
FMKilled by police [42]
Rotang1939 Jakarta Indonesia
 MKilled [43]
Unknown July1922 Watampone Indonesia
Arrested [44]
Mendoza, Rolando del Rosario, 552010 Manila Philippines
FKilled by police [45]
Unknown1876 Jabung Indonesia
 M [46]
Unknown 17 July1914 Barus Indonesia
Toling, Antonio, 47
Toling, Jose, 47
1965 Santa Rosa Philippines
 MBoth were sentenced to death
Four more died by jumping out of the train
de Fiesta, Bernabe, 382008 Calamba Philippines
FKilled by police
Killed a dog and two cows
Unknown1925 Steamboat "Klang"Malaysia
 MKilled by police [50]
Vitkovic, Frank, 221987 Melbourne Australia
FCommitted suicide
Unknown1881 Bunging Philippines
Killed [51]
Sacopla, Andres, 481972 Cabayugan Philippines
FKilled [52]
Gallo, Bemon, 20 [n 5] 2000 Bacolod Philippines
FMSentenced to 200 years in prison [53]
Unknown1929 Himatangi New Zealand
F AUnsolved [54]
Dugay, Carmelo, 36 [n 4] 1990 Bacarra Philippines
F [55]
6 Sept.1913 Banjarmasin Indonesia
 MArsat was arrested [56]
Two unknown Moros1933 Batubatu Philippines
Both were killed [57]
Sidin [n 4] [n 3] 1913 Banda Aceh Indonesia
 MSentenced to 20 years in prison [58]
Knight, Julian, 191987 Melbourne Australia
FSentenced to life imprisonment
Ahmat4 March1914 Kumasi Malaysia
FMKilled [59]
Bae, Ronald Baquiran, 412013 Tabon 1 Philippines
FKilled by police
Also killed a dog
Terminated a pregnancy
Killed a man in 2003
Abuloc, Ernesto H., 401977 Zamboanga City Philippines
FSentenced to death [61]
Unknown1935 Kwala Bangko Indonesia
 MArrested [62]
Negro, Jesus, 21 [n 4] 1988 Tiber Philippines
FArrested [63]
Herman Nov./Dec.1922 Kuala Kapuas & S.S. "Alting"Indonesia
 MFound not guilty by reason of insanity [64]
Unknown1878 Jolo Philippines
Frankum, Wade John, 331991SydneyAustralia
FMCommitted suicide
Tadena, Elpidio, 251964 Luzon Philippines
F [66]
Unknown1949 Sungai Dua Malaysia
 M [67]
Unknown1966 Leyte Philippines
F [68]
Ambulo, Marcial A.
Rubio, Jobe P., 40
2000 Victoria, Oriental Mindoro Philippines
FBoth were sentenced to 139 years in prison [69]
R., 141954 Astapa Indonesia
Arrested [70]
Unknown Oct.1932 Tilung Indonesia
 MArrested [71]
Suku [n 6] 1930 Nariara Fiji
 MASentenced to death [72]
Graham, Eric Stanley George, 401941 Koiterangi New Zealand
FKilled by police
Dumunlag, Mariano1989 Sumilao, Bukidnon Philippines
FCommitted suicide [73]
Unknown Mountain Province Philippines
Killed several other persons
Breta [n 3] 1885 Bawean Indonesia
 MArrested [75]
Unknown1860 Baru Indonesia
 MAKilled by angry mob [76]
Cabisada, Ramon [n 4] 1989 Upper Gusa & Lower Gusa Philippines
FCommitted suicide [77]
Unknown1922 Pasar Babaan Indonesia
 MKilled by police [78]
Gargasoulas, Dimitrious, 26 [n 3] 2017 Melbourne Australia
 MOSentenced to life imprisonment
Jafaar Patola, 32 [n 3] 1981 Kampung Parit Setan Malaysia
 MKilled by police [79]
Bagay, Eduardo [n 4] 1995 Gonzaga Philippines
F [80]
Blanac, Honorio, 201970 Luzon Philippines
 M [81]
Anang [n 3] 1899 Steamboat "Sri Pontianak"Indonesia
 MKilled [82]
Cauchi, Joel, 402024 Sydney Australia
 Mkilled by police
Unknown July1946 Keidjan Indonesia
de la Pena, Domingo [n 3] 1989 Catbalogan Philippines
 MKilled by police [84]
Benegrado, --- [n 4] 1927 Steamboat "San Antonio"Philippines
FMArrested [85]
Unknown [n 3] 1936 Pacitan Indonesia
 MKilled by police [86]
Anderson, Stephen Lawrence, 24 [n 3] 1997 Raurimu New Zealand
FFound not guilty by reason of insanity [87]
Unknown1892 Lahad Datu Malaysia
Arrested [88]
Unknown1967 Cagayan de Oro Philippines
 MArrested [89]
Two Unknown men1968Philippines
Unknown [n 3] 1873 Great Mandheling district Indonesia
 MAArrested [91]
Rajah Mansur, 201877 Sayong Malaysia
 M [92]
Molina, Ruel, 31 20 Dec.2014 Kimantong Philippines
 MAKilled by police [93]
Majka, Marian Ryszard, 35 [n 7] 1957 Brisbane, Queensland Australia
FMACommitted suicide [94]
Unknown1936 Manokwari Indonesia
Ramos, Teddy [n 4] 1981 Tayug Philippines
FArrested [96]
Chang Yee Loong, 32 [n 3] 2000 Miri Malaysia
 MFound not guilty by reason of insanity [97]
Baker, Malcolm George, 45 [n 8] 1992 Terrigal, Bateau Bay &

Wyong, New South Wales

FSentenced to life imprisonment

Terminated a pregnancy

Arnatis Otao, Renie2014 Labangon Philippines
 MKilled [98]
Posidio, Rufino B., 26 [n 9] 1960 Manila Philippines
FCommitted suicide [99]
Silva, George David, 27 [n 10] 1911 Mackay, Queensland Australia
FMSentenced to death and executed [100]
Layton, Philip Eric, 211982 Tweed Heads Australia
FCommitted suicide [101]
Grefaldia, Edgardo1988 De La Paz Philippines
FSentenced to life imprisonment [102]
Unknown1641 "Coster" Indonesia
One man accidentally shot himself dead
Unknown1881 Timor Indonesia
Killed by angry mob [104]
Unknown1971 Iligan City Philippines
 MKilled by police [105]
Perez, Eleazar [n 4] 1993Philippines
 M [106]
Unknown1891 Lower Perak Malaysia
Arrested [107]
Crabbe, Douglas John Edwin, 361983 Yulara, Northern Territory Flag of Australia (converted).svg Australia
VSentenced to life imprisonment
Unknown, 231981 Caloocan Philippines
 MArrested [108]
Unknown1920 Tanro Kassi Indonesia
Killed by his brother-in-law [109]
Unknown1875 Little Dewakan Indonesia
Killed [110]
Unknown1887 Probolinggo Indonesia
 MArrested [111]
Saleng Bin Sulemang [n 3] 22 March1956 Lajang Indonesia
 MKilled by angry mob [112]
Nyambeng Enturan, 352007 Ulu Engkabau Malaysia
FArrested [113]
Jaya1909 Tranum Malaysia
 MKilled by police [114]
Saidoong 27 July1862 Malayu Indonesia
 MKilled by angry mob [115]
Espora, Moises [n 4] 3 May1949 Manila Philippines
FArrested [116]
Bernable, Alfredo K., 471965 Mindoro Philippines
 MArrested [117]
Fajardo, Jose1976 Cebu City Philippines
 MCommitted suicide [118]
Bergonia, George [n 4] [n 3] 1994 Baggao Philippines
F [119]
Unknown1869 Padang Indonesia
 MArrested [120]
Unknown1967 Tinaguis Philippines
FMAArrested [121]
Unknown1964 Manado Indonesia
 MArrested [122]
Panggi [n 4] 1925 Kuching Malaysia
 MArrested [123]
Unknown1891 Segerie Indonesia
 MArrested [124]
Nantjo, 352004 Kalora Indonesia
 MKilled by angry mob [125]
Unknown 18 Sept.1856 Makassar Indonesia
Killed [126]
Dueh1883 Sungi Limtah Undup Malaysia
 MKilled [127]
Mamat Ayam [n 3] 1925 Kuala Terengganu Malaysia
 MAKilled by police [128]
Unknown1934 Larantuka Indonesia
Padang [n 3]
Luni [n 3]
1860 Negara Nabung Indonesia
 MBoth died [130]
Tirona, Andriano, 171948 Manila Philippines
F [131]
Li Zhongren, 422009 Saipan Northern Mariana Islands
FCommitted suicide [132]
Taotomo1876 Sumenep Indonesia
 MCommitted suicide while awaiting trial [133]
Valencia, Melecio [n 3] 1927 Dingras, Ilocos Norte Philippines
Killed by police [134]
Unknown1932 Galesong Indonesia
Killed [135]
Velasco, Olimpiades, 25 [n 3] 1955Philippines
 MArrested [136]
Tawar 25 Dec.1955 Surabaya Indonesia
 MArrested [137]
Tan Bon Soa1910 Asahan Sultanate Indonesia
Committed suicide while awaiting trial [138]
Unknown 7 Aug.1923 Bujungtangaya Indonesia
Killed [139]
Unknown1948 Balikpapan Indonesia
Arrested [140]
Zabala, Jose, 471955Philippines
Killed [141]
Ancheta, Conrado [n 4] 6 March1988 San Francisco Philippines
F [142]
Araojo, John Albert7 Feb.2019 Cagayan de Oro Philippines
FArrested [143]
Richard Forman, Colin, 235 Jan.1977 Alice Springs Airport Australia
VDied in the crash
Unknown 27 April1916 Panji Indonesia
Killed by angry mob [144]
Barizo, Fernando1987 Ragay Philippines
 MKilled by angry mob [145]
Carpin, Cirilo Loreto, 451960 Catbalogan Philippines
 MArrested [146]
Unknown 8 Oct.1881 Wonosobo Indonesia
 MAKilled [147]
Unknown Sept.1941 Kuala Enok Indonesia
Arrested [148]
Unknown, 141909 Binjey Indonesia
 MSentenced to 20 years in prison
Also stabbed three horses
Desoto, Chad Ryan, 212013 Tumon Guam
 MVArrested [150]
Gaygay, Francisco, 35 [n 3] Dec.1966Philippines
Killed by police [151]
Pelen, Mark Jonnie2013 Cantutang Philippines
 MAArrested [152]

Abbreviations and footnotes

  1. At least three of the victims were relatives of the assailant.
  2. Unconfirmed event.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 At least one of the victims was a relative of the assailant.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Assailant was a member of the military, police, or a comparable force at the time of the rampage.
  5. All the victims were killed in the same household.
  6. All the victims were killed in the same household.
  7. At least one of the victims was a relative of the assailant.
  8. At least one of the victims was a relative of the assailant.
  9. All the victims were killed in the same household.
  10. All the victims were members of the same family.

W – A basic description of the weapons used in the murders

F – Firearms and other ranged weapons, especially rifles and handguns, but also bows and crossbows, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, or slingshots
M – Melee weapons, like knives, swords, spears, machetes, axes, clubs, rods, stones, or bare hands
O – Any other weapons, such as bombs, hand grenades, Molotov cocktails, poison and poisonous gas, as well as vehicle and arson attacks
A – indicates that an arson attack was the only other weapon used
V – indicates that a vehicle was the only other weapon used
E – indicates that explosives of any sort were the only other weapon used
P – indicates that an anaesthetising or deadly substance of any kind was the only other weapon used (includes poisonous gas)

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  3. "Serial Murder – Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives for Investigators" (PDF). Federal Bureau of Investigation. 2005. Retrieved 17 March 2016.
  4. Krouse, William J.; Richardson, Daniel J. (30 July 2015). Mass Murder with Firearms: Incidents and Victims, 1999–2013 (PDF) (Report). Congressional Research Service. p. 26.
  5. Booty, Marisa; O’Dwyer, Jayne; Webster, Daniel; McCourt, Alex; Crifasi, Cassandra (2019). "Describing a "mass shooting": the role of databases in understanding burden". Injury Epidemiology. 6 (47): 47. doi: 10.1186/s40621-019-0226-7 . PMC   6889601 . PMID   31828004.
  6. "Gainesville Sun – Google News Archive Search". Google News . Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  7. "'A loner with a lot of money': A look into mosque gunman's past". The New Zealand Herald. Archived from the original on 11 April 2023. Retrieved 20 January 2024.
  8. A blissful isle – Neither want nor crime, The Straits Times (22 April 1905)
  9. [|Vojnich, Oscar: From Manila to Moro Land; in Ford, Alexander Hume: The Mid-Pacific Magazine, Vol. 8; 1914. (pp. 377)]
  10. Track Suspect Archived 13 March 2013 at the Wayback Machine , The Hartford Courant (1 February 1968)
    Mass killing, The Sydney Morning Herald (31 January 1968)
    Track suspect, Lodi News-Sentinel (2 February 1968)
    – Berserk Filipino Hacks 17 to Death, The Press-Courier (30 January 1968)
    – Manhunt continues, Pacific Stars and Stripes (3 February 1968)
  11. From the Daily Times, Straits Times Overland Journal (19 August 1879)
  12. Items from the Java papers, The Straits Times (21 February 1874)
    Short News, Straits Times Overland Journal (26 February 1874)
    Nieuwstijdingen – Indie Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode (14 March 1874)
  13. Filipino runs wild, kills 15, Pacific Stars and Stripes (13 May 1977)
    – Filipino farmer stabs 15 to death, Star-News (12 May 1977)
    Rampaging farmer slain by militiaman [ permanent dead link ], The Milwaukee Journal (12 May 1977)
    Asesina a quince personas a puñaladas, ABC (12 May 1977)
  14. "Childers danger known, say families". 20 June 2003.
  15. 14 dead in amok horror, The Straits Times (10 June 1965)
    Amok: Hunt goes on, The Straits Times (18 June 1965)
    Ran amok [ permanent dead link ], The Age (11 June 1965)
  16. Short News, The Straits Times (2 April 1909)
  17. Enraged Balinese, The Straits Times (7 December 1935)
    Amokmaaker doodt 13 menschen Archived 3 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode (25 November 1935)
    De amokpartij op Lombok Archived 3 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode (26 November 1935)
    Amokmaker veroordeeld Archived 17 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het Vaderland (24 January 1936)
  18. Trapped Filipino feared, The New York Times (10 June 1937)
    Filipino killer of 13 captured in cave, The New York Times (14 June 1937)
    – Amok Kills 15, Swears To Get Others, The Straits Times (9 June 1937)
    – Mystery Of Filipino Amok, The Straits Times (10 June 1937)
    15 are slain as result of jealousy fit, The Milwaukee Journal (27 May 1937)
    Tribal chief's frenzy – 13 people murdered, The Sydney Morning Herald (8 June 1937)
    Continue search for head-hunter, Spokane Daily Chronicle (9 June 1937)
  19. Amoklauf an Bord, Hamburger Abendblatt (23 June 1952)
    Six slain, 20 hurt in ship, The Straits Times (23 June 1952)
    Two Run Amok on Ship, Kill 12, The New York Times (23 June 1952)
    Two men ran amok and killed 12, Goulburn Evening Post (23 June 1952)
  20. "Facheux convive et triste noce". Journal de Gèneve (in Swiss French). No. 189 (1st ed.). 13 July 1922. p. 8. Retrieved 14 July 2024 via Le Temps Archives.
    Amokläufer tötet 12 Hochzeitsgäste, Die Neue Zeitung (12 July 1933)
    Een bloedige bruiloft, De Nieuwe Koerier (11 July 1933)
    Ghastly amok, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (27 July 1933)
  21. Oost-Indie Archived 7 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Leydse Courant (8 October 1856)
    Kolonien – Benkoelen, Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant (6 October 1856)
  22. Netherlands India, The Straits Times (9 July 1890)
    Cholera in Japan, The Deseret News (15 August 1890)
    Mad with jealousy, Manitoba Daily Free Press (16 August 1890)
    Verspreide Indische Berichten – Een amokpartij, De Locomotief (28 May 1890)
  23. Crazed Philippine killer slays 12, Rome News-Tribune (13 November 1952)
    Amok kills 11, The Straits Times (14 November 1952)
    Enters 5 Homes and Kills Dozen with Bolo Knife, Chicago Daily Tribune (14 November 1952)
  24. Netherlands India News – The Batavia Nieuwsblad..., Straits Times Weekly Issue (4 May 1887)
    Netherlands India News Fuller particulars..., Straits Times Weekly Issue (24 May 1887)
  25. Nine persons killed by Malay in a train, The Times (London) (11 October 1947)
    – The Lethbridge Herald (14 October 1947)
  26. Un loco mata a doce personas, Luz (31 January 1933)
    Entsetzliches Blutbad eines Amokläufers, Die Neue Zeitung (1 February 1933)
    Vierzehn Menschen abgeschlachtet, Das Kleine Blatt (1 February 1933)
    Kolonien – Kampong-drama, Leeuwarder Courant (31 January 1933)
    Verschrikkelijke amokpartij in Palembangsche kampong Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het Vaderland (31 January 1933)
    Amok Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Ierseksche en Thoolsche Courant (2 February 1933)
  27. Berserk Man Kills 11 On Indonesian Train, The Anderson Herald (26 July 1967)
    Slays 11 Passengers on Train in Indonesia, Chicago Tribune (26 July 1967)
    Corporal kills seven people on train, The Straits Times (26 July 1967)
    Amok in Indonesische trein Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode (27 July 1967)
  28. Moro amuck kills 10, The New York Times (24 February 1932)
    Moros run amok and slay ten, Los Angeles Times (24 February 1932)
    Slaughters ten, wounds others, The Spokesman-Review (25 February 1932)
    Moro killers put to death, Spokane Daily Chronicle (24 February 1932)
  29. Amoker Catchers, The New York Times (19 June 1887)
    – Running Amok in Java, Herts Guardian, Agricultural Journal, and General Advertiser (5 March 1864)
    – Balfour, Edward: The cyclopædia of India and of eastern and southern Asia; B. Quaritch, 1885.
  30. Wanita di bawah pengaruh ilmu hitam pijak mati 10 kanak2, Berita Harian (13 February 1988)
    Amoklauf in Indonesien Archived 14 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Neues Deutschland (12 February 1988)
  31. Sulu camp shootout instigated by civilian, military probe shows, Sun.Star Manila (27 April 2007)
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    Unidentified civilian blamed for Sulu carnage—military Archived 14 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Philippine Daily Inquirer (26 April 2007)
  32. Netherlands Indian News – The latest official report..., Straits Times Overland Journal (18 August 1881)
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  34. Moros run amuck and slay nine Archived 6 November 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Los Angeles Times (25 January 1924)
    In the Philippines – Tribesmen in revolt, The Argus (24 January 1924)
    54 fanatics slain in Philippine clash, The New York Times (28 January 1924)
    Een bloedbad op het s.s. Van Linschoten Archived 17 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Goessche Courant (22 December 1923)
  35. Shocking Amok – Eight Killed by Malay In Perak, The Straits Times (11 May 1927)
    Tragedy at Kuala Kangsar, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (10 May 1927)
    Perak amok tragedy, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (11 May 1927)
    Kuala Kangsar amok, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (17 May 1927)
  36. Swettenham, Frank Athelstane (1895). Malay sketches. University of Michigan. London : John Lane; New York : Macmillan & Co.
  37. Amok marine missing with family, New Straits Times (25 May 1988)
    Guard who killed 11 in amok attack surrenders, New Straits Times (26 May 1988)
    Back to stockade for guard, New Straits Times (27 May 1988)
    Philippine soldier convicted in 9 deaths Associated Press (22 March 1989)
    Aquino guard sentenced to 300 years, Merced Sun-Star (22 March 1989)
  38. Yule, Henry; Burnell, Arthur Coke & Crooke, William: Hobson-Jobson: The Anglo-Indian Dictionary; 1996
    Penang The Straits Times (25 July 1846)
    Why should an amok be hanged, The Straits Times (22 October 1960)
  39. Walsh, G.P. "Jimmy Governor (1875–1901)". Australian Dictionary of Biography. Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 20 August 2018.{{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)
  40. Amok: Nine Killed, The Straits Times (18 January 1946)
    Perak Amok Killed Nine Persons, The Straits Times (22 May 1946)
  41. Terrible case of amok, The Straits Times (4 June 1901)
    Short News, The Straits Times (5 June 1901)
    The Amok Case, The Straits Times (6 June 1901)
    Short News, The Straits Times (6 June 1901)
    Malay Doctor Kills Six Persons, The New York Times (5 June 1901)
  42. Man goes on rampage; 10 dead [ permanent dead link ] St. Petersburg Times (9 February 1973)
    Malayan goes wild, kills nine, The Montreal Gazette (9 February 1973)
    17 hours of terror in village, The Straits Times (9 February 1973)
    The "Tiger" stalked his quarry and coolly killed them, The Straits Times (12 February 1973)
  43. Vreeselijk Drama in Gang Kantjil, Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (26 October 1939)
    De Amokpartij in Gang Kantjil Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (26 October 1939)
    De Amokpartij Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (27 October 1939)
    De amokmaker overleden Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (28 October 1939)
    De Amok-Slachtoffers Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (30 October 1939)
    De Amokpartij Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (31 October 1939)
    De gevolgen van amok Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Vlissingse Courant (30 October 1939)
  44. "Gevonden in Delpher - Leeuwarder courant : Hoofdblad van Friesland". Leeuwarder Courant : Hoofdblad van Friesland. 16 November 1984.
  45. From decorated police officer to hostage-taker Archived 26 August 2010 at the Wayback Machine , Philippine Daily Inquirer (24 August 2010)
    No hostage killed by SWAT – PNP, Philippine Star (30 August 2010)
  46. Java items, Straits Times Overland Journal (29 April 1876)
    Java Items, The Straits Times (22 April 1876)
  47. [ dead link ]
  48. 14 Killed As Twin Brothers Go on Rampage, Oshkosh Daily Northwestern (9 January 1965)
    – Twins charged in slayings, Pacific Stars And Stripes (14 January 1965)
    – Court Dooms Twin Brothers, San Mateo Times (12 January 1967)
    The People of the Philippines vs. Antonio Toling y Rovero and Jose Toling y Rovero

  49. Klang Tragedy – Thirteen Stabbed on Local Steamer, The Straits Times (2 November 1925)
    The Klang tragedy, The Straits Times (3 November 1925)
    The Klang in Penang – Passengers' stories of the recent amok, The Straits Times (5 November 1925)
    The amok tragedy, The Straits Times (6 November 1925)
    The amok tragedy, The Straits Times (7 November 1925)
    The Amok Inquest, The Straits Times (9 November 1925)
  50. Netherlands India News, Straits Times Overland Journal (31 October 1881)
  51. Farmer Runs Amok After Losing Lunch Box, Albuquerque Journal (6 September 1972)
    – Missing lunch box leads to tragedy, The Albuquerque Tribune (5 September 1972)
    – Berserk Farmer Slays 8 in R.P., Pacific Stars and Stripes (6 September 1972)
    Finds no lunch – kills 8, St. Joseph Gazette (5 September 1972)
  52. "Unsolved murders: Eight people perish in 1929 Himatangi farmhouse fire". 30 August 2019.
  53. Filipino airman runs amok and kills nine at funeral, The Straits Times (28 May 1990)
    Filipino airman kills 7, wounds 12, The News (28 May 1990)
    Gunman kills 7, injures 12, Eugene Register-Guard (28 May 1990)

  55. 2 crazed Moros run amuck and kill 8 persons Archived 6 November 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Chicago Daily Tribune (21 February 1933)
    Eight murdered by crazy Moros, Spokane Daily Chronicle (20 February 1933)
  56. Indische Schetsen, Limburg's Belang (16 August 1913)
  57. East Coast News – The Kumasi faction troubles [ permanent dead link ], The Straits Times (18 June 1914)
    Malays and Chinese fight in Trengganu [ permanent dead link ], The Straits Times (31 March 1914)
    East Coast News [ permanent dead link ], The Straits Times (21 September 1914)
    East Coast News [ permanent dead link ], The Straits Times (11 March 1914)
  58. Gunman kills 9 in house-to-house rampage in Philippine town, CNN (4 January 2013)
    Seven dead, nine wounded in shooting rampage by lone gunman in Cavite, GMA News TV (4 January 2013)
    8 dead in Cavite shooting rampage, The Philippine Star (4 January 2013)
    Kawit rampage: Gunman kills 7, wounds 8, The Philippine Star (5 January 2013)
  59. While flying soldiers to the southern Philippines, pilot Ernesto Agdulos suddenly grabbed the M-16 in his cockpit and began shooting at his passengers. Six of the 34 soldiers aboard, as well as a stewardess were killed and a further nine wounded. Military investigators he told that he had a blackout after having breakfast and cannot remember anything of his deed, as he regained his senses only after landing in Zamboanga City.
    Filipino Pilot Claims Blackout in Killing of 7, The New York Times (1 April 1977)
    Pilot says he blacked out, can't recall shooting spree, Ellensburg Daily Record (1 April 1977)
    Filipino pilot kills 8 on military plane, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (1 April 1977)
    Berserk pilot kills seven, remembers none of it, The Gettysburg Times (2 April 1977)
    Pilot Reportedly Planned to Kill, Rob All on DC-3 Archived 6 November 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Los Angeles Times (3 April 1977)
    Firing squad for mass killer, The Straits Times (23 November 1978)
  60. Het bloedbad in Koela Bangko Archived 17 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Vlissingse Courant (26 September 1935)
    Amok Archived 12 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Het Vaderland (14 September 1935)
    Godsdienstwaanzin Archived 12 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Het Vaderland (16 September 1935)
    Nordlands Avis (24 September 1935) (p.2)
  61. Soldier goes amok; 7 dead, 9 wounded, Spokane Chronicle (1 December 1988)
    Amok slays 7 in Cebu, Manila Standard (2 December 1988)
    Soldier is charged in shooting spree, Akron Beacon Journal (9 February 1989)
    Filipino soldier charged in killing rampage, Spartanburg Herald-Journal (9 February 1989)
    – Soldier charged with murder of 7, Pacific Stars and Stripes (10 February 1989)
    [ permanent dead link ]

    [ permanent dead link ]
    [ permanent dead link ]
    [ permanent dead link ]
  63. Annual Report of the Secretary of War. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1903.
  64. Runs Amuck, Kills 6, Pacific Stars and Stripes (23 December 1964)
    He took it hard, Eugene Register-Guard (28 December 1964)
    Fury of a rejected suitor..., The Straits Times (23 December 1964)
  65. Malay runs amok and kills five, The Straits Times (6 November 1949)
    7th Death After Sungei Dua Attack, The Straits Times (8 November 1949)
    Fatalities in Johore clash with guerillas, The Canberra Times (7 November 1949)
  66. Amok kills seven, The Straits Times (11 March 1966)
  67. 2 soldiers go berserk, shoot 7 dead, Philippine Daily Inquirer (5 April 2000) (p. 14)
    Estrada visit pacifies anger over killing of 7, Philippine Daily Inquirer (6 April 2000) (p. 16)
    AFP chief admits, killings destroyed people's trust, Philippine Daily Inquirer (7 April 2000) (p. 16)
    Estrada: Death penalty for 2 soldiers in massacre, (6 April 2000)
    Mindoro massacre suspect falls, (9 April 2000)
    8–17 taong pagkabilanggo sa mga suspect sa ‘Mindoro massacre’, (1 August 2006)
    2 Army men get 139 years each for killing 7, (1 August 2006)
    Court finds 2 army soldiers guilty of killing 7 in Mindoro, Philippine Daily Inquirer (1 August 2006) (p. A5)
  68. Drama in Sampang, De Vrije Pers (May 11, 1954) Familievete kost negen mensen het leven, Algemeen Indisch dagblad (May 12, 1954) Negen doden als gevolg van twist tussen buren, Java-Bode (May 12, 1954) Drama kost aan negen mensen het leven, De Locomotief (May 12, 1954) Jongen van 14 jaar vermoordt zeven mensen, omdat zijn oom was vermoordt, De Nieuwsgier (May 13, 1954)
  69. Amok in Kampong op Celebes, Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (November 1, 1932) Amokpartij, Het Vaderland (November 1, 1932) Zeven personen gedood, De Sumatra Post (November 1, 1932) Amokpartjj, Goessche Courant (November 3, 1932) Amokpartjj, Middelburgsche Courant (November 3, 1932) Laatste Nieuws - De Amok-partij op Celebes, Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (November 1, 1932) Afschuwelijk drama, De Indische Courant (November 3, 1932) De amok-partij op Celebes, Soerabaijasch Handelsblad (November 3, 1932) Een verschrikkelijke Amokpartj, De Sumatra Post (November 5, 1932)
  70. A Fijian Tragedy, The West Australian (May 26, 1930) – Seven persons murdered, Geraldton Guardian and Express (May 27, 1930) – Ghastly crimes, The Sunday Times (June 1, 1930) – Murders in Fiji, The Central Queensland Herald (December 18, 1930)
  71. Guard runs amok and kills seven, The Straits Times (19 January 1989)
  72. 601)
  73. Netherlands Indian News, The Straits Times (18 February 1886)
    Kolonien Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Leidsch Dagblad (16 January 1886)
    Uit Bawean vermeldt de 'Pembrita Baroe' Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Middelburgsche Courant (12 March 1886)
  74. In den morgen van den 23 November..., Samarangsch Advertentie-Blad (January 4, 1861) Op den 25sten November..., Java-Bode (January 5, 1861) Op den 25sten November..., Bataviaasch Handelsblad (January 5, 1861) Batavia - Soerabaija, 28 Dec., Bataviaasch Handelsblad (January 9, 1861) Soerabaija, 28 Dec., Java-Bode (January 9, 1861) Op Makasser..., Java-Bode (January 16, 1861) Kolonien - Aan een particulier..., Middelburgsche Courant (March 21, 1861)
  75. Soldier kills 6, commits suicide, Spokane Chronicle (5 May 1989)
    Polonia Premier Polaco Exhorta Al Realismo, El Nuevo Herald (6 May 1989)
    Filipino cop kills 6 in shooting spree, The Straits Times (6 May 1989)
    Polis amuk lapan maut, Berita Harian (6 May 1989)
  76. Short News, The Straits Times (4 October 1922)
    Een amokmaker Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het Centrum (2 October 1922)
    Een morddadige amokpartij Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Nieuwe Tilburgsche Courant (13 November 1922)
  77. Amok holds village in terror, New Straits Times Malaysia (12 October 1981)
    Amok's right turn saved 100 children, New Straits Times Malaysia (13 October 1981)
    Mystery of parang that took 4 lives, New Straits Times Malaysia (14 October 1981)
  78. Shooting rampage, The Straits Times (17 August 1995)
  79. Bolo Wielding Man Kills 6, Wounds 15, Progress Bulletin (14 June 1970)
    Amok stabs six to death, The Straits Times (14 June 1970)
    Filipino runs wild on boat, kills 6, wounds 15, Chicago Tribune (14 June 1970)
  80. An Amok Runner – 5 Killed and 11 Wounded, The Straits Times (29 May 1899)
    The "Amok" inquest, The Straits Times (30 May 1899)
    The terrible amok off Singapore, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (30 May 1899)
    Brief notes – Lee Ah Lim, The Straits Times (1 June 1899)
    The "Sri Pontianak", The Straits Times (13 June 1899)
    News of the Week, Northern Territory Times and Gazette (30 June 1899)
    – Slain by fanatics, The Salt Lake Tribune (16 July 1899)
    Running amok – Horrible tragedy on a steamer, Nelson Evening Mail (29 July 1899)
    The "Amok" Case, The Straits Times (18 September 1899)
  81. [ dead link ]
  82. Farmer kills six in stabbing rampage, The Straits Times (7 June 1989)
  83. Filipino runs amok in steamer, The Times (2 February 1927)
    – Philippine sergeant runs amok, kills six, Manitoba Free Press (1 February 1927)
    Der Amokläufer auf dem Dampfer, Coburger Zeitung (9 February 1927)
    Murder of American Lieutenant, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (21 February 1927)
  84. Amok – Zes dooden Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het Vaderland (1 October 1936)
    Het Amok-Drama te Patijtan Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (3 October 1936)
    De Amok te Patjitan Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (19 October 1936)
  85. New Zealand massacre suspect charged with murder, CNN (9 February 1997)
    Raurimu killer let out on leave, The New Zealand Herald (4 October 1999)
  86. British North Borneo News, The Straits Times (30 August 1892)
  87. Philippine Farmer Kills 6 with Scythe, Chicago Tribune (19 January 1967)
    – Kills six with scythe, The Lowell Sun (18 January 1967)
  88. Two run amok, Toledo Blade (25 December 1968)
    Amoks kill six, The Straits Times (25 December 1968)
  89. Items from the Java papers, Straits Times Overland Journal (13 March 1873)
    – Running an amok, Staffordshire Sentinel (2 June 1873)
  90. Running Amuck, Deseret News (8 May 1878)
    Fortnight's Summary, Straits Times Overland Journal (21 July 1877)
    Monday, 9th July, The Straits Times (14 July 1877)
  91. Archived 21 April 2017 at the Wayback Machine

    Archived 1 November 2015 at the Wayback Machine

    [ permanent dead link ]

    Archived 21 April 2017 at the Wayback Machine
    Archived 1 November 2015 at the Wayback Machine

    Archived 1 November 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  92. Crazed migrant shoots six, then self, The Age (February 19, 1957) – Tragedy, St. Petersburg Times (February 21, 1957) – Amok kills 6: Mother's body saves a baby The Straits Times (February 19, 1957) – Mass murder by Marian Majka steals state's innocence, The Courier-Mail (April 30, 2009)
  93. Kolonien – Amok in een ziekenhuis, Leeuwarder Courant (21 January 1936)
    Aanvallen van Amokmakers Archived 17 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Vlissingse Courant (22 January 1936)
  94. Filipino cop kills 6, The Pittsburgh Press (26 August 1981)
    – Six die for dog, The Burlington Hawk Eye (26 August 1981)
    Sgt kills six over pet dog, The Straits Times (27 August 1981)
  95. Sword-wielding amok kills his mother and five others, New Straits Times (3 November 2000)
    Charged with murdering six, New Straits Times (17 November 2000)
    Malaysian man who killed six with sword acquitted due to insanity, but ordered confined, Associated Press (26 April 2002)
  96. Deranged man kills six people in Zamboanga Town, The Manila Times (March 20, 2014) Deranged man kills 6 people in Southern Philippines, Mindanao Examiner (March 20, 2014) Mentally deranged man kills 5 people, Sun.Star (March 20, 2014) 7 patay sa nag-amok sa Zambo; suspek napatay din, Bombo Radyo (March 20, 2014) Amok hacked dead after killing 6 people, Zamboanga Times (March 21, 2014) 6 hacked to death by deranged man, People's Journal (March 21, 2014) Baliw nag-amok: 6 kinatay, The Philippine Star (March 21, 2014)
  97. Policeman Kills 6 Then Shoots Self, The Independent (January 15, 1960) – Trooper Slays Six, Himself, Montana Standard (January 15, 1960)
  98. Tragedy at Mackay – Family annihilated, The Brisbane Courier (November 20, 1911) – A fearful tragedy – Mother and five children murdered, The West Australian (November 21, 1911) – Family murdered, The Argus (November 20, 1911) – The Alligator Creek murder, The West Australian (November 30, 1911) – The Alligator Creek tragedy, The Advertiser (March 22, 1912) – The Mackay Murderer, The Sydney Morning Herald (June 11, 1912) – A sermon from the scaffold, The Advertiser (June 11, 1912)
  99. Seven shot, The Age (March 4, 1982) Killer of family had passion for weapons, The Sydney Morning Herald (March 5, 1982) No link to 'Balaclava' in killings, The Canberra Times (March 5, 1982)
  100. The People of the Philippines vs. Edgardo Grefaldia (October 30, 1998)
  101. A Most execrable and barbarovs mvrder done by an East-Indian devil, or a native of Java-Major in the road of Bantam, aboard an English ship called the Coster, on the 22 of October last, 1641; London, 1642.
    The literary world, Vol. 30; 1884.
    – Jackson, Mason: The pictorial press, its origin and progress; London, 1885.
    – McMahon, Vanessa: Murder in Shakespeare's England; Hambledon Continuum, London, 2006.
  102. Oost-Indie Archived 7 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Leydse Courant (2 December 1881)
  103. Man Goes Berserk; Kills 6 in Philippines Archived 6 November 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Chicago Tribune (10 January 1971)
    Amok shot dead after killing six people, The Straits Times (10 January 1971)
    – Slays six, is shot to death, Cedar Rapids Gazette (9 January 1971)
  104. Jilted cop goes on rampage, The Malay Mail (24 April 1993)
  105. Short News, The Straits Times (25 February 1891)
    Miscellany, Northern Territory Times and Gazette (20 March 1891)
    Running "amok" in Perak, Daily Alta California (7 April 1891)
  106. Patient stabs 19 in sudden attack, Spokane Daily Chronicle (8 October 1981)
    Mental Patient in Philippines Kills 5 in Stabbing Rampage, The New York Times (9 October 1981)
  107. Amok Archived 12 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (16 June 1920)
    De amok-maker Archived 12 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië (17 June 1920)
  108. Items from the Java papers, The Straits Times (10 April 1875)
  109. The "Bentan" and "Fair Penang" Collision Case, Straits Times Weekly Issue (31 October 1887)
  110. [ dead link ]
  111. Carnage at wedding party, Borneo Post (8 June 2007)
    What could have caused the monstrosity? [ dead link ], Borneo Post (9 June 2007)
    Five bodies claimed for burial Archived 19 February 2008 at the Wayback Machine , Borneo Post (11 June 2007)
    Shooter faces 16 criminal charges, denies all [ permanent dead link ], Borneo Post (2 September 2009)
  112. Amok at Tranum, The Straits Times (25 March 1909)
    Amok in Pahang, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (24 March 1909)
    Amok at Tranum, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (26 March 1909)
    The Raub amok, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (29 March 1909)
  113. "Gevonden in Delpher - Java-bode : Nieuws, handels- en advertentieblad voor Nederlandsch-Indie". Java-Bode : Nieuws, Handels- en Advertentieblad voor Nederlandsch-Indie. 13 August 1862.
  114. [ dead link ]
  115. Amok with knife kills five, The Straits Times (27 December 1965)
  116. Killer Mixes Self to Death [ permanent dead link ], The Virgin Islands Daily News (28 June 1976)
    Bakery man kills 5, self, Spokane Daily Chronicle (29 June 1976)
    – Goes amok, The Times Reporter (26 June 1976)
  117. Philippine soldier kills five at wedding reception, Chicago Tribune (5 May 1994)
    Drunken militiaman kills 5 at wedding, Ocala Star-Banner (5 May 1994)
  118. Te Padang Archived 17 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Zierikzeesche Courant (17 February 1869)
  119. Berserk Filipino slays 5, Pacific Stars and Stripes (8 February 1967)
  120. Passenger slays four, wounds 50 in ship, The Straits Times (5 June 1964)
    Mata en un ataque de locura a cuatro pasajeros de un barque, ABC (5 June 1964)
    "Flitsen" uit het buitenland – Menado Archived 17 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode (5 June 1964)
  121. Amok in Kuching bazaar, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (24 October 1925)
  122. Netherlands India, The Straits Times (6 June 1891)
    Eastern News, The Brisbane Courier (30 July 1891)
    Amok in Idie Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Amersfoortsche Courant (25 June 1891)
  123. Five die as mentally ill man runs amok Archived 7 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine , The Jakarta Post (4 October 2004)
    Restraining mental patients worsens problems: Doctor Archived 18 August 2011 at the Wayback Machine , The Jakarta Post (5 October 2004)
    Bentrok di Kalora Sulteng, Korban Tewas Jadi 4 Orang Archived 15 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine , (4 October 2004)
    Pria Gila Mengamuk, Lima Tewas, Lampung Post (5 October 2004)
  124. "Gevonden in Delpher - de Oostpost : Letterkundig, wetenschappelijk en commercieel nieuws- en advertentieblad". De Oostpost : Letterkundig, Wetenschappelijk en Commercieel Nieuws- en Advertentieblad. 6 November 1856.
  125. Summary of the week, The Straits Times (6 September 1883)
    Sarawak News, Straits Times Weekly Issue (13 September 1883)
  126. Amok in Trengganu, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (28 January 1925)
  127. Amokmaaker doodt vier personen Archived 7 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Leidsch Dagblad (30 July 1934)
  128. "Gevonden in Delpher - Padangsch nieuws- en advertentie-blad". Padangsch Nieuws- en Advertentie-Blad. 16 June 1860.
  129. Lover (17) Kills 4, Wounds 8, The Straits Times (30 December 1948)
  130. Police identify gunman in deadly Saipan rampage [ dead link ], Associated Press (22 November. 2009)
    Authorities: Gunman kills 4, wounds 6 on Saipan, CNN (20 November 2009)
    Gunman Opens Fire on Saipan; 5 Dead, The New York Times (20 November 2009)
    Police ID Chinese man as Saipan gunman, China Daily (23 November 2009)
    Police probe motive of Northern Marianas gunman, AFP (24 November 2009)
  131. Singapore, Rockhampton Bulletin (21 June 1876)
    Java Items, The Straits Times (27 May 1876)
  132. Filipino kills four and wounds seven, Waterloo Evening Courier (28 November 1927)
    – Slayer of 4 killed in police battle, Oakland Tribune (28 November 1927)
    – Man is slain after killing four persons, The Daily Murphysboro Independent (28 November 1927)
  133. Oost-Indie – Amok Archived 24 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Amersfoortsch Dagblad / De Eemlander (24 September 1932)
  134. Filipino runs amok, kills four people, Sarasota Journal (6 April 1955)
    Filipino Kills 4, Wounds Seven With Bolo Knife Archived 6 November 2012 at the Wayback Machine , The Hartford Courant (6 April 1955)
  135. [ dead link ]
  136. Four murdered, six wounded – Chinaman Runs Amok on Hessa Estate, The Straits Times (30 September 1910)
    Fifty Years Ago – From the Straits Times of Oct. 27, 1910, The Straits Times (29 October 1960)
    A terrible amok, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (30 September 1910)
    Amok Archived 7 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Leidsch Dagblad (28 October 1910)
  137. [ dead link ]
  138. Amok kills 4, The Singapore Free Press (22 June 1948)
    Amokloper doodt vier personen, Het Nieuws (26 June 1948)
  139. Filipino Amok, Kills 4, Pacific Stars and Stripes (28 September 1955)
    – Filipino runs amok, Albuquerque Journal (28 September 1955)
  140. "Other-Articles-Mar-08-1988-25593 | NewspaperArchive®".
  141. "Disgruntled man run amok kills 4, hurts 6 in Rizal. - Free Online Library".
  142. [ dead link ]
  143. Amok kills 3, wounds 19 in train, Manila Standard (10 June 1987)
    Amokläufer im Zug Archived 14 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Neues Deutschland (11 June 1987)
  144. Knifer Runs Amok Kills 3, Injures 14, The Oakland Tribune (26 August 1960)
    – Boat Passenger Runs Amok Kills Three, Stabs 14, The Times-Record (26 August 1960), p. 22
  145. [ dead link ]
  146. [ dead link ]
  147. Boy runs amok, The Straits Times (22 July 1909)
    Strange Case of Amok, The Straits Times (30 August 1909)
  148. Police arrest man for mass stabbing of Japanese tourists in Guam Archived 13 February 2013 at the Wayback Machine , The Asahi Shimbun (13 February 2013)
    |defcon|text|Frontpage Tumon victims named, Pacific Daily News (13 February 2013)
    Guam man kills two Japanese, stabs baby in deadly attack, (13 February 2013)
    3rd Person Dies After Guam Crash-Stabbing Rampage, ABC News (14 February 2013)
  149. "Reinhart Brot Profile | NewspaperArchive®".
  150. 4 killed, 9 hurt by amok in S. Leyte town, Philippine Daily Inquirer (15 July 2013)
    Drunk man runs amok, kills 4, hacks 8 others in Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, Manila Channel (14 July 2013)
    PNP, guinklaro nga 3 la an namatay han mag-amok an hubog ha Leyte; suspek, napasakaan na kaso Archived 14 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Bombo Radyo Philippines (16 July 2013)
    Suspek sa pagpatay sa 3 at 9 sugatan, kinasuhan na sa Leyte Archived 14 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Bombo Radyo Philippines (16 July 2013)
    Nag-amok na pumatay sa 3 at nakasugat sa 9 pa, naka-drugs – PNP Archived 14 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Bombo Radyo Philippines (16 July 2013)
    Amok kills 3, wounds 9 in Padre Burgos town Archived 14 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Leyte Samar Daily Express (17 July 2013)