Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality

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Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality
Successor LGBT+ Conservatives
Founder Peter Walter Campbell
Founded at United Kingdom
Purpose LGBT conservatism
Affiliations Conservative Party

The Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality (TORCHE) was a British LGBT conservative organization.

In 1975, it was founded as the Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality (CGHE), also called GayCon, by Peter Walter Campbell. The CGHE was a voluntary organization that lobbied the Conservative Party opinion in favour of gay rights and to provide a political balance within the gay rights movement. The group was revived in 1980, and a constitution drawn up and adopted on 28 March 1981, establishing an elected Executive Committee to oversee the running of the group. In 1991, the CGHE reconstituted at the Conservative Party Conference and renamed the Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality. The organization would remain active until 2004, when it disbanded. [1] [2] [3]

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  1. "Record".
  2. Taylor, Yvette; Snowdon, Ria (18 February 2014). Queering Religion, Religious Queers. Routledge. ISBN   9781135013769 via Google Books.
  3. Koller, Veronika (19 February 2008). Lesbian Discourses: Images of a Community. Routledge. ISBN   9781135900502 via Google Books.